Genshin Impact - Klee: Origins || Klee's early life and Alice details.

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in the city of monstat there exists a rather surprising legend which tells of the story of the red knight of the storm bearer mountains it goes something like this the acting grand master of the knights of fevonius jean enlisted the help of the knights under her command to quell a force of invading hilly charles pressing an attack against the city of freedom together with an explosive specialist often referred to among their ranks as the spark knight the knight's defense was successful in fact the rest of the knights didn't have to so much as lift a finger all which ended up being required of them was to stand in place in awe as enormous chunks of rock were blown loose from the mountainside crushing the invading force the face of the stormberry mountains was forever changed the explosions decisively ended the battle without a single injury to the knights of fevonius which in theory would be great if terraforming the mountainside had been the actual intent of the operation in reality the acting grand master had given a little bit too long of a leash to the spark knight who had recklessly placed too many charges along the route the hilly turtles were pressing their advantage along after this event the legend was born but the details remain somewhat foggy often overlooking the fact that this destructive force is wielded by a child favoring instead a tale which paints a picture of a powerful knight enshrouded by a red cloak and wielding the greatest treasure in the knights of fifonus arsenal as was just established the scale of the explosion at the stormberry mountains and its subsequent after effects were a surprise to the onlooking knights in the moment but it wasn't really much of a surprise since their explosives expert is the child of the eccentric writer of the tavot travel guide alice the child i'm speaking of is the one known to all in monstat as clee since clee's birth the renowned author alchemist inventor and adventurer alice spent much of her time with clee teaching her everything possible about the crafting of explosives everything from the construction and proper placement of destructive bombs to the creation of beautiful fireworks in this way clee came to idolize her mother and believes adamantly that there is nothing she cannot do alice even taught clee how to identify the load-bearing points of star snatch cliff so she could bring the whole thing down in one go if she pleased however that particular lesson may have been born out of her desire to vicariously experience the refacing of the cliffside since alice is on record as having the belief that monstat would be far more beautiful if the jagged edges and cliffs were destroyed producing a far flatter and more appealing landscape in her eyes and also because alice's request to do this herself was quickly dismissed by the knights of evonius she may have been hoping that her daughter's lack of consideration or accountability as a child would get the job done for her at some point it seems however inspirational alice is to her daughter she isn't really the best influence on her a sentiment that is agreed upon by many in the knights of evonius most of which have had some sort of run-in with alice orkley in one destructive way or another gene is frequently inundated with stacks of reports detailing damages caused by cleese bombs all throughout monstat carts blown sky-high in forest fires which test the very limits of the knights of evonius's abilities to contain are just the tip of the iceberg that represents clee's destructive tendencies gene often thinks to herself the apple doesn't fall far from the tree although albedo clee's adoptive brother is the first to remind gene as well as the rest of the knights that they should all be thankful that clee's current destructive efforts pale in comparison to the terrifying power and seriously questionable destructive thoughts which flow forth from clee's mother alice these thoughts don't only include the aforementioned destruction of star snatch cliff but also several failed attempts to launch hilly charles via explosives to celestia which only reached the outskirts of springfield much to the dismay of the residents there and let us not forget alice's suggestion of a perpetual motion power facility which could be constructed in dadauba gorge by tossing hilla turtles which reside there inside a spinning ball powered by their own movement oh and did i mention the part where she wanted to have the older and weaker hilly trolls ground up and fed to the younger stronger specimens to her credit at least the tower of the king of gales is a great deal easier to climb today after alice blew up several of the arches making each level much more accessible she even admired her work as noted in her writings stating that the ruins felt much more ancient afterwards despite all of her terrible ideas atlas isn't all chaos and destruction she loves her daughter and cares deeply for her in fact the doll clea carries with her at all times was carefully crafted by alice as a gift dangling from the four-leaf clover pendant on clee's oversized backpack alice knew that klee would bond closely to the doll as she has an affinity for all fuzzy things and right she was the doll became her daughter's first real friend clee named it dodoco which she says means clee's best friend although clee does often bestow the title of best to just about everyone she likes taya is the best amber is the best master gene is the best lisa is the best bennett is the best diana is the best mona is best too close is the best he's one of the weird grown-ups he's so grumpy all the time why does he never smile clee and dodico became inseparable best friends much to alice's delight providing valuable peace of mind for what was to come next for alice and her husband three years ago they entrusted their young daughter to the care of the knights of favonius prior to departing monstat clee doesn't really know much seemingly regarding the circumstances of their departure simply stating that they're on an adventure far away alice had crafted the little fuzzy doll with the intent that cli always have a friend and confidant when she was alone likely knowing that she and her husband would depart the city of freedom leaving clee to grow up without parents for many years for what it's worth with albedo jean and the rest of the knights looking out for clee she is in good hands albedo spends much of his time daily using his alchemical prowess to repair clee's handiwork which is usually the damaged or destroyed possessions of the citizens of monstat but when he isn't available klee often winds up placed in solitary confinement by gene which wouldn't be so bad in theory if the room gene contained clean actually existed i mean what this isn't even a room it's maybe a broom closet at best the door looks like it goes nowhere there's supposed to be a room there what the hell i digress jean generally banishes clee for a day or two to provide her with the time to consider her actions whenever she stirs up trouble which often times is just within a day or so of the previous infraction clee doesn't really seem to learn much from her time in solitary confinement but that's likely due to the fact that she uses much of her time there to dream up new gunpowder formulas to try out upon her release or thinking about which pond has the most fish available to blast in it currently and sometimes she even considers simply blowing out the walls of her confinement room and escaping back to the lush fields of monstat but the sometimes scary nature of jean prevents such actions regardless clee time and time again despite full well knowing what the resulting punishment of using her bombs for purposes other than aiding the knights to protect the city will be continues to scurry off into the lands and lets her bombs fly she's even gotten other knights into trouble in one such instance noel mistakenly interpreted clee's intent to play with bombs as some kind of combat training the knights of fevonius use because of her dutiful nature and deep desire to prove to jean and the knights that she is capable enough to become a fully-fledged knight herself she took clee up on the offer achieving quite the opposite when gene arrived to see what sort of damages clingy had caused this time she discovered noel was right there with her fearlessly tossing bombs all about as if there was no inherent danger at all landing her in solitary confinement right there alongside clee everything up until now makes it seem as if clee is a real handful which is yeah okay it's true she is a handful come on look at what happened to this guy he ended up very dead but who cares he's one of the bad guys they don't count they are the bad guys right at least we think they are let's just move on where was i okay so yeah clee is a handful but she means well that is to say that clee doesn't really grasp the scope of danger that comes with her bombs even after receiving the somewhat clear instructions from kaia which at least state that explosions can hurt people clee's ignorance to the intent and nature of her bombs might have something to do with the fact that even as a baby khloe was never afraid of explosions or even the sound of explosions which are reasonably and understandably off-putting to everybody honestly it seems probable that clee will indeed grow up to be very much like her mother even in the absence of her presence and continued tutelage as jean said the apple doesn't fall far from the tree so it would seem that by clee's very nature at birth she was tempered to work with bombs in fact her passion for bombs is quite innocent overall even after this guy exploded she was understandably distraught over the thought of having killed somebody even if accidentally no but but mr fluffball was only a thief he didn't deserve to blow up often times whenever clee accidentally destroys something she usually tries in her own way to make up for the damages or attempt to repair any damaged goods but as she is a child she often ends up just making things worse in one such attempt to make up for her reckless tendencies she attempted to apologize by making some barbecued fish which we can be certain she blasted herself as fish blasting is among klee's favorite pastimes but without thinking she attempted to light the stove using what else her bombs destroying the stove entirely and causing much more damage for the knights of fevonius in the process this wasn't even the only time she'd destroyed a portion of a standing structure the details of exactly when this occurred aren't known but during clee's first solo bomb creation she was attempting to make a bomb which she described as even bigger than super big but it didn't exactly go as planned resulting in the complete destruction of her personal workshop it wasn't all bad though at least not from her point of view looking out over the cinders of her former workshop a flaming pyro vision emerged and presented itself to clee she feels as if this was a gift from barbados for a job well done but really clee doesn't understand how or why the vision came to her at all but still she treasures it greatly she would never dream of giving it up or taking it for granted despite her childish and carefree nature much to the dismay of the knights of fevonius who now have to worry about how much more potential for destruction clee gained after the acquisition of her vision regardless of clee's propensity for getting into trouble her unyielding positivity and innocent enthusiasm allowed her to forge a tight bond with each and every member of the knights of fevonius clee frequently uses the knights laboratories to create new bomb fuses and gunpowders under the supervision of lisa she's helped amber improve the explosiveness of her barren bunny dolls and has even collaborated with sucrose in several failed attempts to transmute her jumpy dumpies into harmless versions with legs which would enable them to dance for the entertainment of all even the more mysterious knights like kaya do their best to help keep cli out of solitary confinement although he might actually be trying to help her make trouble who knows with that guy clee seems she has failed to elude the acting grand master's investigative skills despite the pointers i gave her [Music] i'm kidding no need to go reporting me or anything in truth the efforts made by the knights to shield both clee and the city of monstat from the power of her destructive forces may work a bit too well the legend of the red knight who altered the face of the stormberry mountains has painted a picture to some among the general populace that clee is the strongest fighter in all of monstat the tale is often told in the angels share and the talk of the strongest fighter is fiercely debated amongst those in the ranks of the adventurers guild often they cite the legend as evidence of the red knight's strength when comparing them to gene or deluxe it should be noted though that most have no clue that the title belongs to clee as a result of gene and albedo's growing capabilities in the arena of damage control but to be fair the legend might not exist at all if the residents of the city of freedom weren't often intoxicated a fact which prevented the civilian bystanders who witnessed the explosions from properly interpreting what they witnessed the night of the hilly churro raid with even a remote degree of clarity strongest fighter in monsted or not cli is not a burden when it comes to her duties as a knight of fevonius her talents are valued and utilized when appropriate to help protect the city as was seen during the events of the aforementioned legend clee for all her desire to have fun and play with bombs just wants the word of her powerful bombs and beautiful fireworks to reach her mother's ears so that she may be proud of her in whatever far-off corner of tevant she's currently adventuring in klee's origins like so many others in tavat leave a lot to the imagination for instance the fact that she and alice are both likely elves of some kind and are there more like them out there also who even is clee's father exactly for now we don't have answers to these questions but with time all shall be made clear [Music] what do you think of the spark knight clay do you think by the lore of gentian impact depicted thus far that she is the strongest fighter in monstat or do you believe that that title should be held by another in the city of freedom also where do you think clee's parents might have gone and what events may have transpired which have kept them away from their energetic fireball of a child for so long are they out protecting monstat by fighting threats originating in other regions are there other elves in tevod other than just clee and her family i'd love to hear your thoughts on klee as well as her parents in the comments below if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and don't forget to click the bell icon so that you are notified when my next video goes live lastly join the tavot historia discord server to discuss gentian impact's lore mechanics or even exchange your theories with the community members thanks for watching tavot historia may the seven guide you travelers [Music] [Music]
Channel: Teyvat Historia
Views: 199,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Story, Teyvat Historia, Genshin Impact Mona, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Sustainer of Heavenly Principals, Genshin Impact Unknown God, Genshin Impact God of Time, The Gnostic Chorus, Theory Genshin Impact, Klee, Origins of Klee, Who is Klee, Genshin Impact Klee, Klee Story, Alice, Genshin Impact Alice, Genshin Impact Pyro, Genshin Impact Bomber, Klee Bombs, Jumpy Dumpty, Klee Jumpy Dumpty
Id: F2CGp4Y-Aq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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