FINALLY RAISING BEIDOU! The Most Requested Hero! (Genshin Impact)

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hi moglets so i did a poll a little while ago i was planning to have it run for at least an hour but after like 30 minutes it became very apparent who the winner was gonna be so i was like well that's that with five different characters to choose from beto secured more than half of the total votes so that is what we're doing today which is why we are fighting the electro uh hippo man it's been a while since i fought this dude let's see what our first drop entails here uh we're basically just going for the lightning prisms but if we get a nice conductor's top hat for example with healing bonus man those subs look pretty awesome that's just healing bonus is unfortunate but um uh dps barbara perhaps beto is way back here she is one of my lowest level characters currently at level 40. um besides that we only have aloy at level 20. first ascension here we go i think the only other thing we would need to farm is jade but uh yikes yeah that's going to be a bit of a problem i don't think there's a ton of jade around i mean i did have a hunch beta would win but i i wasn't totally sure like i was thinking sucrose had a decent chance but uh apparently not so i wasn't specifically preparing for beto in advance but first of all we're gonna send her as much as we can next conductor's top hat is worse even so and two more lightning prisms that should be enough to get her to the next ascension beta's crawling on up there we also have been farming quite a bit of xp books lately just for the next character here so we're definitely good in that department i believe more as well so all the basic stuff is covered for the level 70 ascension we're already gonna need a noctulus jade i looked on the interactive map they are just spread out everywhere over leo there aren't any really big clumps anywhere just like maybe three or four at most there are a couple decent spots like over here i believe there's one over here in this little cave crevice we got like three would prefer to get her to 80 but i'm not sure if that's gonna work and then in the same area a little bit south of the domain we got a few more chunks here i forgot you can get like multiple jades from from one so i'm already a bit more hopeful here like here we got four five and each of those might drop multiple okay yeah this is not as bad as i thought already oh yes and then we have this cave over here as well anyway back to the cube we have uh yin fei to help take care of the crystals and then ito will be our dps and yeah that worked pretty well attack sands with pretty bad subs unfortunately got a couple more here in this cave ooh nice big clump down there it's all like hiding inside of caves and stuff no stamina all right we're good nice bundle of them down here also well i stand corrected we already have double the amount for level 70 so i think we can get her up to 80. these are just going to take forever farming the jades was way less painful than i thought it would be wait what achievement did i just get got another three thing fully i think we've only been getting threes here which is awesome and another conductor's top hat which is crit rate this time an attack an injury charge well it depends on the fourth saw but has some potential i'm curious what achievements i'm accidentally getting in 2022 have one character get hit by all three parts okay yeah that's never happened before or it might be a new achievement i don't know but i was being careless with ito as i usually am just doing his stuff um but alright oh yeah but in this area was the vast majority of it uh so the rest is more just spread out and small amounts oh yeah here where all the crystal flies are as well i believe i actually farm crystal flies here often but uh either i never really noticed or i was too lazy to farm the jade because i figured they wouldn't need it but here we are another three thankfully because we're actually running pretty low on resin by now uh attack gladiator um damn it looked good at first but then it hit me with a triple flat we should be able to ascend here at least once now yeah there we go so we went ahead and got her to 70 but yeah another problem is at least four more runs here more likely five up to six anyway back to the cube let's see another three thankfully and a wonder string kettle cryo damage one of these days i can say something besides meh to an artifact drop maybe we have farmed just about all of them in leo looks like there's one over in this area oh yes this area as far as i remember there is a hole somewhere yep there it is and the last jade we need another three i don't think we've gotten under three did they change that for like these old bosses or something because i never get that lucky but we did get an hp goblet uh subs yeah but hp goblet uh yeah i could have just gotten the three noculus jades here because the last three were actually the hardest i had to go way out of my way oh and three more for yin fei let's see how far off we still are well two more runs if we keep getting three and we only need to get three once i think i've already gotten the transient from serenity but we'll see because that would be like the exact amount of resin we need ah yeah we did dang it i don't want to use a fragile i'm so close to 100 i want to just hit 100 and then use them all at once guess we're just gonna have to use 150 primos i've only done this like once or twice but desperate times call for desperate measures come on now we really need three okay three we're safe even if for some reason we get two on the next run it's fine uh hydro goblet actually you know all right final run here finally that took quite a while plume of death with uh bad subs yeah we got three everyone i have to think they changed something with that oh yeah d luke uh friendship tindy luke almost purely serena teapot friendship tin but friendship tin oh we gotta craft these real quick alrighty here we go level 80. glad we could do it although it took uh an extraordinary amount of farming and there we go let's go ahead and grab our little doodad as well next of course the thing i'm also a little worried about is that we don't have enough books for her yeah it's already not looking great uh nine of these besides that these books were open may we have a lot of silvers well i know her e is really cool for like the perfect counter stuff but i'd probably mostly be using beta as like an off-field support so i think we're going to start with her burst uh and just kind of hope we have enough to raise them both you have 33 silvers which isn't enough but it's enough to get them to a decent level like maybe at least eight oh yeah she's a little ways up there now had a bit of a hard time finding her then we're gonna get that to seven maybe storm breaker to nine i think tide color can still go to eight yeah now we're totally out of books so that's gonna have to do for now in terms of artifacts i guess we can start with electro damage bonus here on the goblet because yeah off feel she's throwing her lightning bolts everywhere i guess for now i'm just gonna build her like a general dps we should decide on her weapon as well we could go red horn the passive would be basically a complete waste on her but 88 crit damage though wolf's gravestone increasing everyone's attack by 60 yeah i'm actually leaning more on gravestone i guess especially because it's r3 actually i'm thinking about giving her like raiden set because raiden said has a lot of energy recharge which i think she would like as well has a good amount of energy recharge and offensive stats obviously a little less energy recharge because she doesn't have an energy recharge weapon but uh okay stats i would say i mean for the raised mode anyway as far as i remember there's not much to pay attention to when it comes to her constellations uh everything is just a little bit better an electro res decrease to surrounding enemies on her burst as well but yeah i guess we're gonna go ahead and uh give her a try here i've never actually really tried betto so i'm not sure exactly what to expect like i said i did kind of want to start trying her with kokomi just for some like crazy electrocharged stuff i guess you may as well get johnny in there because i'm not sure who the fourth one should be actually at the moment i mean i guess we could throw yomya in there as well yoimiyan beto might work i've heard that doesn't work out that well but i want to try it anyway guess we should try a perfect counter here it's a little hard with slimes because i'm not sure when they're actually going to attack nope that wasn't it ah dude i thought that was kind of not bad timing but i guess she is a lot more precise than like yunjin so we can go ahead and try her burst uh and then i don't know try some kokomi yeah you can see oh wow that was pretty insane you can see all the lightning uh it's a shame they're already dead but yeah that was pretty cool and i know it was just hillary's but they died so fast come on come get some boom what what am i doing wrong oh do you actually have to release the button because i know with yunjin it just happens automatically if you are you know in good timing enough i'll have to try that out some more yeah i guess let's go fight some real enemies like in the abyss for example wow the abyss buff this week sounds pretty insane 15 stacks of five percent normal charge and plunging damage i guess the character needs to stay on the field most of the time though all right so i was doing a little research apparently beta's uh electrical discharges when she is in burst mode uh can snapshot so i think what we're gonna do is pair her with binny but we still do the main dps as she is still a sub i haven't seen enough with kokomi so she's gonna be our main dps i suppose um besides that i think we're gonna have water due just for some more off-field damage i know she pairs with fishel too but my facial isn't really uh built right now for the other team doesn't really matter i'm probably gonna do my geo stuff all right so we're gonna start with the bini boost here well these guys are water which is a little unfortunate let's just go ahead and do beto and then uh see what's going on oh wow 14k 14k discharges holy hell why are they so strong that's actually insane her uh burst is gone unfortunately um but that was pretty dang crazy this wasn't the best one to start with because uh okay just it'll take me a little bit to get used to uh the rotation here but i guess we're just going to go ahead and try it and just i don't know do all the off-field stuff here and then be uh switch to kokomi and uh yeah unfortunately the they aren't close enough to get uh hit by the chain reaction i guess all right let's try that again now we do have some guy oh well now he has an electro shield that's super annoying um still going through him decently fast considering he had that shield and yeah i guess a single enemy isn't going to be the best for this comp as it mostly relies on aoe we do have beto to get rid of the shield a little bit faster at least well let's see taking a look at his damage from all that passive stuff now and yeah once everything got set up he was getting killed very fast let's try that again here and uh just basic attacking with uh yeah i mean it's hard to see like once everything gets set up and all the support attacks are hit you know they're already pretty hurt yeah like i said i do still want to try yoimia uh yeah kinda needs zhang li though yeah but i also need benny no actually no water dude because i'm trying to focus on the uh overloaded reaction just to see how that goes um yeah nothing special came out of that run we're gonna have to try on the next one here we go let's give this a try uh are they close enough for the chain reactions oh well they're all dead almost i think there's one over there that was really quick oh yeah it's just the pyro dude left i don't know what happened but they all died really quick so i know yonya isn't the best to take care of this guy but uh she's kind of our dps here let's go ahead and take this opportunity to try a perfect counter yeah yeah i think i think was that it i'm just pressing it now because i kind of got used to yunjin's perfect counter where you can continue to hold it but you'll automatically like slice and finally yeah we have another basically single target situation here so i don't think it's going to go that well and i'm not sure if we can even get and yeah by the time we could get benny's uh burst it really is a single target situation we're gonna see if this uh goes any good yeah i mean it's still doing 16k and so like even in single target it's not that bad obviously the fact her discharges can go to multiple enemies though is like a perk of it but it's still quite good even without i don't know if this team has enough energy recharge or i'm probably just not good at oh i know what's happening he is draining it because he is an electro well whatever i only need yoyo's e really to kill him and that'll do it for floor 10 and i suppose the little showcase here well we can do like a ley line or something because that's the only place i can think of where i can just get like a group of enemies most of the time anyway all right let's go ahead and give it a try i suppose uh gonna do her try and gather them up a little bit um okay there they are over there yeah um if i wasn't frozen maybe i mean that is doing like i i see some big numbers over there one of the frost mages died nothing went very well but even so the outcome was not was not unimpressive all right let's do one more i'd actually like to do bini burst and beta burst before i even open the thing so so that alone doesn't kill everyone so let's go ahead and try that all right now we can open it try and gather everyone a little bit close and then uh start hitting with yoymia or um coco me unfortunately a lot of them seem to be electro slime so that is a little bit hard i can't see anything that's going on i mean it's a lei line it's obviously not difficult but i also went in abyss and it's just really hard to see because there's so many numbers everywhere i did see some massive ones from beta though like 15k i guess she's kind of like a electro singtro in a way you know off-field damage especially powerful in multiple enemy situations uh for obvious reasons but yeah i mean i don't know what else to say make sure to leave your own thoughts in the comments down below maybe i'll have fishel built and raised and everything for the next time i do a better showcase uh that would probably be when i get her to 90 and all but yeah if you have any other tips or thoughts or you know team comps you would like to see drop them in the comments below also leaving a like or subscribing to the channel if you enjoyed is always greatly appreciated as well thanks as always for watching and until next time
Channel: Moga
Views: 563,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, genshin, beidou, beidou genshin, beidou build, beidou gameplay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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