Who or what is Albedo || The Origins of Albedo - Genshin Impact Lore and Theory

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alchemy at one time in the city of monstat was commonly misconstrued to be nothing more than a simplistic skill it seemed to many just a substitute for fixing an object after the kind of mishap which would normally just require glue to repair but to the alchemists of tavat it's much more than that this is particularly true with regard to the knights of evonius chief alchemist and captain of the investigation team albedo to him it is a science through which the secrets of all things will one day be understood from the day albedo was born he was immediately busy diving into the deepest depths of tavot's domains alongside his master the alchemist rhein daughter in fact albedo had no memories of any actual family at all or even a time before his adventures with rhein daughter began being of a cold and strict nature she raised him to uphold her standards teaching albedo everything he now knows about alchemy this early time in albedo's life means a lot to him still and as a result he thinks of his master as his only true kin when rhein daughter began albedo's alchemical instruction she prepared a container of soil and chalk and explained to him their meaning the universe is a dark essence of the true starry sky and the earth is the accumulated memories of time and lives the chalk that is you the earth is where alchemy gets its name in the basis of all life and this this is new birth and with those words in a shower of fragments from the container holding the chalk and earth before them she transformed the materials into an enormous new form of life albedo would from this point dedicate all of his energy to understanding the aspects of life and alchemy which made that transformation possible that is except for the energy and passion he would find for sketching what started for him is a way to simply illustrate his alchemical notes would become his foremost hobby he regards his sketching as a tool which helps him to enter a state of clarity and through it he channels his thoughts into only the task before him if something unknown to him catches his eye he rarely passes on the opportunity to explore it by sketching the parts of the scene which interests him most in fact those who have the opportunity to see his sketches can quickly tell which part of the object or scene sketched truly contained his interest as the rest of the sketch will often remain in an unfinished state albedo simply cannot be bothered to waste his time sketching something he believes he understands well but the sketches are regardless and valuable to him allowing him to examine the physical makeup of an object or location and thus understand it better albedo for much of his early life with his master cared not for the usual happenings of the world serving as an apprentice to rhine daughter he remained focused on the completion of whatever objectives his master brought for him to complete no matter how meaningful the tasks were to his master they were often somewhat dull and uninteresting to albedo but he remained content to see them done nonetheless this was always his life he had never known anything else when assigning these tasks rhein daughter would regularly make it clear to albedo that if he should happen to fail at completing the task to her precise specifications she would abandon him and continue her research on her own without further need of his aid while on the surface it may seem as if this were simply the words a stern instructor may use to extract the best from their student albedo always knew in his heart that she truly would leave him behind without a second thought if he failed to meet the high bar she set for him time passed and albedo continued to grow as an alchemist meeting all of rhein daughter's expectations until the day run daughter and albedo discovered an artifact known as the heart of nebarius without warning following this discovery rhein daughter disappeared leaving only a note a recommendation letter and one final assignment for albedo show me the truth and meaning of this world albedo was in this moment filled with dread his analytical mind raced with thoughts in an attempt to bring order to the chaos his life had just erupted into hmm master must have known this was the task i would be fated to fail and thus she has made good on her threats to leave but in reality rhein daughter had come to the realization that albedo had learned everything she was capable of teaching she knew albedo would require access to laboratories far greater than those a civilian and tavot would have access to along with the final assignment she bestowed upon albedo the title of kryta prince meaning chalk prince acknowledging that he was not a failure as she indeed knew that this would be his conclusion without clarification but indeed he was a great success in her eyes the note she left him contained instructions to travel to monstab and there he was to deliver her recommendation letter to her old friend monstat's famed adventurer alice when albedo first arrived in monstat he delivered that letter to alice and she knew immediately from the letter's contents that reindotter intended for albedo to become a knight of thevonius and this way he would have access to the kind of resources he would need in order to complete his final assignment and so it would be done [Music] quick was the pace which albedo elevated the status of alchemy in monstat unlike the more basic alchemists in the city he was able to use alchemy to influence life itself word of his alchemical genius spread across tivat rumors spread that his knowledge was only bested by the alchemists from sumeru when questioned about alchemy albedo's words are often beyond comprehension of the average person making statements such as the universe is heaven reversed and the earth is a dream lost to time this is dust the most basic form of complex life leaving those in his presence feeling as if they had just attempted to have a conversation with fishel fortunately what he lacks in the ability to describe these complex ideas to those without alchemical training he makes up for it in his ability to demonstrate these concepts taking a handful of burnt ash which was once the flower that rested on top of a dendro dendroslime's head he transformed it into a living healthy cecilia saying to them this is new birth mirroring the demonstration his master made for him leaving all of his onlookers in awe the work that alberto does for the knights of evonius is terribly unchallenging to him and as such takes up almost none of his time daily which is good because there is a certain individual in monstat who does take up a considerable amount of his time the knight of favonius known as the spark knight daughter of the adventurer and travel guide writer alice the one and only clee alice has always encouraged albedo to think of her and clee as family the social connection this relationship provides is good for albedo and gives him the kind of human connection he isn't really accustomed to however it has come with its own share of drawbacks clee is something of a fireball while her intent is never to make trouble her bombs do have a tendency of causing destruction regardless of that intent because of this unfortunate commonality albedo is usually expected to be the first in line to repair the damages using his alchemy thus taking up a significant portion of his time and energy daily that is of course if gene hasn't already placed clee in solitary confinement as a result of whatever she destroyed days earlier fortunately albedo can take some level of solace in the fact that clee's current level of destructiveness doesn't come close to matching that of her mother alice despite the trouble that klee makes for albedo he has come to look at clee as his little sister just as alice had hoped clee's nature has come to function as something of a social grounding point for albedo frequently placing him in contact with the citizens of the city of freedom more than he would like but as a result albedo uses his alchemy around the city often and this is likely what has caused the rumors which spread throughout all of tevat his peers and others he interacts with no matter the circumstances generally adopt the opinion that albedo embodies the very definition of a genius however albedo doesn't see himself as such the experience he gained while adventuring with his master simply taught him to approach every line of inquiry with objectivity and his unique way of thinking allows him to cut to the core of every problem with haste in fact as skilled an alchemist as he is possibly his most potent skill is his refined ability to ask the right question this allows albedo to explore each of his experiments with efficiency saving him a great deal of time although he admits that despite his best efforts with regard to efficacy his biggest day-to-day problem is still the feeling that there is never enough time considering his younger sister's favorite pastime generally results in the destruction of other people's personal effects or the blasting of every fish in monstat's local ponds this is not a surprise albedo even attributes the general lack of organization in both his notes as well as his laboratories to the lack of time with which to see organization done this is only partially true however as albedo is also notorious for his short attention span like with his sketches if something doesn't catch his interest it's an easy bet that he won't waste his time thinking about it beyond a passing glance he's known to even not properly converse with individuals who haven't piqued his interest often appearing distracted to the point that he hardly bothers to take the time to formulate a proper response to the words spoken to him this is because his passion is solely for transforming the unknown into the known while interacting with someone that is not known to him however he is more likely to engage in some form of a proper conversation that is until the thoughts and questions he has for a given individual have naturally concluded in something decisive about their nature this is his way of transforming an unknown person into the known as well obviously this is not a great way of forging friendships of which albedo is only too aware as such to those who aren't his peers he is usually perceived as somewhat cold although in truth that is not the reality of his personality albedo actually is quite self-aware and so his tactic for maintaining friendships is to avoid socializing where possible thus reducing the chances of having a less than ideal social interaction with the individuals he does consider friends with that said he derives great enjoyment instructing his assistants sucrose and timaeus as well as sketching the people of monstat particularly when he is able to depict them in moments of joy which he then gives to his models because he feels strongly that moments such as those should never be forgotten often those who attain powerful abilities and veneration like that of albedo would let it go to their heads but this isn't the case for him at all the day albedo's geo vision came to him he barely even broke stride from what he was working on paying it not but a moment's worth of attention before returning his focus onto the task at hand that is because gaining a vision in no way surprised albedo he had always been the sort of person to work impossibly hard to achieve his goals and would sacrifice his own basic needs or opportunities for momentary happiness to see that done when necessary however it is interesting to note that since albedo admittedly still doesn't fully understand the nature of visions you would think that he would have relished in his great fortune for receiving it but as experimentations upon visions have never yielded any answers and his only real source of joy is as mentioned understanding that which is currently unknown to him albedo sees his vision as nothing more than a tool which helps him to conduct his research more easily at times despite his skill with alchemy and a structure-oriented nature making it appear as if he takes his vision for granted albedo completely understands the deep responsibility that comes with that power and the knowledge that he's gained that is because the origin of the alchemical skills he possesses comes from the once great nation of kenria an art once known to its users as kemia the nation of kenrea and its eclipse dynasty is said to have been destroyed 500 years ago by the alchemist gold who supposedly was driven mad by the alchemical power they had attained albedo seems to carry with him at least some fear for the madness that may yet be in his future in hopes that there are some in this world who would be able to stop him before his own reign of destruction consumes the city of freedom it's these known aspects of albedo's personality ironically which bring us to the aspects of albedo which yet remain unknown but let's explore a few details and theorize for a few moments we'll begin with this chalk is known to albedo to represent the substance from which primal life is molded and his master rhine daughter referred to albedo as the chalk in her early alchemical demonstrations was she trying to say that he would be destined to create some meaningful new form of life or was albedo her own alchemical creation a perfect chalk homunculus born of the soil the same way she created the giant subject before him in her initial lesson but how could such a thing be true and what evidence do we really have to support this well aside from being referred to as the chalk as i just mentioned albedo has no memories of blood kin and remembers nothing before the time he began adventuring with his master details such as this aren't typically included in a character's identity without purpose additionally the name albedo itself is a word which finds its origin in the alchemical magnum opus this is a real world text but is also mentioned as a text which is said to have been carried by run daughter at all times albedo's meaning is the whitening or the washing away of all impurities a stark contrast to the idea of beings transmuted by the alchemist gold 500 years ago which are said to have been born with tainted impure blood blood which was potent enough to poison the dragon devolen and blood which still poisons the mountain of dragon spine 500 years later is albedo then rhind daughter's first and only perfect creation her first perfect homunculus if so what exactly was her template for this creation when looking at albedo you can see a few symbols which rest on his coat and bracers as well as an unusual gold four-pointed star on his neck currently only two other characters in tavat share similar symbology ether and lumine two characters whose designs carefully adorn four-point stars and the same unusual four-point figures with rounded edges even their elemental icons are contained within these same shapes it may then be possible that rhein daughter was trying to create an artificial outlander possibly one capable of controlling the elements without the use of a vision albedo himself suspects that worlds exist where all beings dwelling within it are capable of controlling the elements as opposed to just the chosen few as it is within tevat our own travelers of course have the ability to wield all elements in tandem without the use of a vision lastly albedo's constellation is the image of a light contained within a four-point star which leads from one star to the next along the constellation finally reaching the end star depicting a child born of that originating light other questions which then must be asked include what was so significant about the heart of niberius that gave ryan daughter such clarity as she would seemingly abandon her pure creation immediately it also bears significance to mention that albedo was curious after recognizing his own essence surprisingly resonates with the essence of durin asking himself if the dragon was something that was created by his own master i should mention however that since we know durin was brought into existence by gold sometime around the calamity of 500 years ago that should in theory be impossible due to the fact that albedo claims to be about the same age as sucrose unless of course albedo is lying or simply isn't aware of his true age or it could be that gold is an immortal being and after some time regained sanity and took on the name rhein daughter to avoid suspicions of her true identity the name gold also has significant alchemical meaning as well with its relation to the final stage of alchemy cintrinitas a stage in which it is said that a transmuted object reveals its true value but gold's last known action was to be consumed by greed bringing about the destruction of kenrea was the name gold chosen simply by the developers because they were trying to convey that alchemy's true value is its potential to serve as a weapon of significant destruction finally it is worth noting that the philosopher's stone the magical ultimate creation of an alchemist is said to be capable of achieving two things one it can turn any metal into pure gold and two it is able to create the elixir of life making any who drink it immortal for now these are all questions and concepts we do not have proper answers to but you can be certain that i will continue to dive further into these lines of thought and further theorize when new evidence makes itself known what we do know is that while albedo knows his master was not his biological birth mother he has no doubts that his life originates from her somehow why he knows this to be true he's also uncertain as he hasn't been fully clear on the topic but albedo claims to have found his own meaning possibly implying that he understands he is a homunculus himself and that his knowledge of alchemy and existence in tavat will always represent a threat to those around him what do you think of albedo's origins as well as the theory that he may be an artificial human created by alchemy known as a homunculus i'd love to hear your thoughts on it in the comments below if you enjoyed the video be sure to leave a like subscribe and don't forget to click the bell icon so that you are notified when my next video goes live lastly join the tavot historia discord server to discuss gentian impact's lore mechanics or even exchange your theories with the community members thanks for watching tavot historia may the seven guide you travelers
Channel: Teyvat Historia
Views: 227,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Lore, Genshin Impact Story, Teyvat Historia, Genshin Impact Keqing, Genshin Impact Theory, Genshin Impact Sustainer of Heavenly Principals, Genshin Impact Unknown God, Genshin Impact God of Time, Genshin Impact Cubes, Theory Genshin Impact, Genshin Impact Albedo, Genshin Impact Albedo Theory, Genshin Impact Homunculus, Genshin Impact Alchemy, Genshin Impact Geo, Genshin Impact Rhindottir, Albedo, Genshin Impact Story and Theory
Id: X4JxWdZEleg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 26 2021
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