how hoyoverse writes the MEN in genshin (are they ACTUALLY BETTER?)

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no I'm not going to sit here and say that the male characters of genin impact are better written that's obviously Up For Debate and probably not true especially with the recent release of Fontaine but there's always been an ongoing notion that the male characters in genin just have a lot more depth and better writing they just somehow feel better written than the female cast at least some of them do and I'm here to discuss why that might be the case and the current state of male characters in genin Impact as always a couple of disclaimers this video is my personal opinion and I will only talk about playable characters mainly focusing on the five stars as I don't want the runtime of this video to be too crazy to give context to more recent players up until suu or patch 3.0 a lot of people including myself felt like the writing of the male characters was just better they had better story quests they have memorable events and they just feel like well-rounded characters in comparison to the female characters now I will try to focus only on the male characters and not make Fair comparisons to the female character since a lot of the problems that the female characters have are also very applicable to the male ones which is just a result of hu's often questionable writing decisions we also need to acknowledge that there's just a lot less male characters in the game this allows them to feel a lot more distinct from one another while some of the female characters can feel like they're different versions of the same Trope taking examples from priu the five star male characters available at the time were venty duuke child Jong Lee Aledo shiao kazua Ito and lastly ayato that's two archons one yaka one homonculus and one Harbinger five out of the nine male characters are already intriguing by having a plot relevant backstory and just a lot of floor in general but hold up G also has an interesting backstory and lore she's an adeptus just like shiao so why do a lot of people feel like she's inferior in terms of writing is it her story Quest her story Quest actually has an interesting premise ganu is unique as a character because she's half human half adeptas and thus she's never felt like she has belonged to the human world nor the world of the adep so then tell me why the hell did her story Quest decide to take a turn and focus on an irrelevant tax evasion subplot but I'm not going to sit here and pretend sh's character story Quest was much better it was me at Best in my opinion it focused way too much on Star natur an example of genin's Infamous NPC story Quest writing if you will G story Quest suffers from the exact same problem just a bit worse because of how bad it was in terms of execution the first half of G story Quest isn't really that bad I was invested when she was going through her Adept training it's the second half that's really the problem because the quest turns into yet another let the traveler help this character with her work storyline it had a nice idea behind it unfortunately the execution of sad idea was pretty bad I would say the one redeeming quality of Shell's Quest is the inclusion of Peres and the crumbs of yak shalour we managed to get through him which is again the most defining trait of Shia's character Shia also has a lot of appearances in the lantern right events we even get an emotional cut scene featuring Shia and later on we also got an interlude Quest focusing on Shia's development and yaka backstory but we'll get to that albo is also a good example of a character with very very unique and interesting lore that's highlighted really well even in the early days his story Quest sucked but his 1.2 CH print event did a good job in teasing his backstory and relations to kria and then Hoover flashed out albo even more in the 2.3 event one year later I think that's by far one of the most memorable and beloved events in genjin history outside of the annual summer events characters such as venty and Jang Lee follow a similar pattern and they're both archons so they will have an interesting lore by default duuke was handled similarly he has a big role in the archon quest and his story Quest is a glimpse into his complicated double life as monats Batman and protector so we have a lot of story quests and events focusing on the character's already interesting lore what's interesting is that they actually did the exact opposite with child sort of instead of focusing on what makes him interesting as a character which is his lore child has interesting lore he's the second Harbinger that we meet he's from sesa he's also the youngest out of all of the harbingers he's also the main villain and antagonist throughout the Leo AR Conquest yet Toyo decided to not focus on any of that they basically developed his character by making the players understand his motives hinting as to why he's choosing to work for the Serita and while child is unhinged and has a lot of blood lust he also wants to protect his family his family is just as important to him as serving the Serita and having a great time fighting focusing on this aspect of child was in my opinion a great decision because Hoovers was able to develop him without revealing too much of lore because at that point which was patch 1.1 there was no way hoers could have revealed any information about him or the harbingers it was simply too early so they had other ways to make child an even more interesting and intriguing character moving on to inauma the male characters felt like they were uh okay I guess definitely a lot of mixed opinions when it comes to inauma characters kazuha at one point felt like the protagonist of inauma which was weird I mean I didn't hate it personally I like kazuha he has the tragic backstory he has a ton of Great Moments in the AR conquests I think one of the most awesome cut scenes in the Inazuma AR Conquest has him at the center of it but most of his development and character growth happened off screen the AR Conquest only served as a resolution to his story similar to how venty and jongi are fully developed characters we do however get glimpses of kazua overcoming his struggles in an event they're only glimpses though but it's still nice to see all of the tragic backstory and that backstory is actually what I hope to be his story Quest but we'll get to his story Quest later itto is personally a breath of fresh air after multiple male characters having a tragic backstory after tragic backstory and being emo as hell it's really really nice to have this beloved and kind-hearted hmbo of a man and don't get me wrong he still comes with a sad backstory with being an Oni and being ostracized by Society but it's nice that despite all of that he manages to remain pure and unjaded is that a word I don't know but pure in a way that he retains this almost childlike innocence despite all of his hardships now you can interpret this as itto choosing to remain childish but I personally don't see it that way he's just one of those characters that wears his heart on his sleeve and honestly his English va's performance just makes him even more of a delight every time he appears on screen the last five star from inauma is none other than the man the myth the legend himself ayat like seriously he was a myth at one point now this man I have a lot of issues with and that's because I think he is the walking definition of a my potential male character Edition he suffers a lot of issues that koki suffered from as well he's sold as the scheming and Brilliant politician the same way kokomi was a brilliant strategist but we just never got to see much of it we do get moments of his scheming usually it's with Y Miko but it just ends up with aoto feeling like everything is going to kak Trope he he also shows up very late into the Ina Zuma patch you would think that being the commissioner of the yashiro commission he would have a bigger role or at least a cameo in the AR Conquest yes I get that he has to work from the Shadows but the same problem with Koko me it's never really shown and just because he pulls all of the strings doesn't mean that he's exempt from the telling but not showing problem that Kenshin has this is most evident with his story Quest now Ayo probably has the most disliked story quest in the game especially for a male character some people find it really boring especially if you're not a fan of political drama because it's mainly that plus with addition of everything that an NPC story Quest has to offer it's about an NPC that we don't really care about we don't get to see much of ayat except at the beginning and at the end and the story Quest itself doesn't add to ayat which is a problem because he's already a character that we don't know much about we already know that he works from the Shadows from all of the voice light about him and of his promotional materials and descriptions his story Quest was such a missed opportunity to show more about him as a leader of the yashiro commission the Shu matsan and as an older brother to one of the most important characters in inauma while it might be enjoyable for people who enjoy historical or political dramas it didn't develop ayato as much as they could have and honestly it would have just been more interesting if ay was just more present in his own Quest this man man has a lot of Rewritten lore to offer he also has interesting Dynamics with ya Miko another Sly character in the story and while they have their fun moments in events it's again usually just them giggling at the end of an event and surprising everyone that they are yet again behind most of the shenanigans that goes on in inauma kazua story Quest is probably another story Quest that hoyu managed to Fumble somehow now I don't dislike it as much as I disliked Ayo story Quest I feel like it has a few more things to offer ER that being the parallels between kagutub isan and The Wanderer now this isn't explicitly stated so I'm going to put on my the's hat for this one but it's theorized that kagutub isan's journey of that lust and Revenge from shisha and making it all the way back to its homeand inauma is a parallel to the wander story which I think is pretty damn cool with how The Wanderer is single-handedly responsible for the fall of the Kara Clan and various other members of the ryen Gaden now for the Last Story Quest that I think is more on the weaker side for the male characters is without a doubt albo it's honestly one of the most forgettable story quest in the game period it doesn't have any NPCs yet somehow the quest doesn't tell you anything about him as a character other than the fact that he's an alchemist which we already know it has the most boring execution out of all the story quests in the game including the female characters as well like even G story Quest was far more interesting than aledo's story Quest I personally always thought that the patch 1.2 CH Prince event was his story Quest it did so much for him as a character than his own story Quest ever did and yet that event is the one that most players will never experience because again that was way back in 1.2 literally at the end of 2020 aside from a few rough ones which were the ones we just discussed even in the early days of genin most of the male characters story quests have always been held as the better written story quests which is why I guess a lot of people just feel like the male characters are more well-rounded or just have a lot more layers to them venty jangi and child story Quest is I think the top three story Quest that's held in high regard in the earlier days of Kenshin but this story Quest probably caught a lot of people off guard with how emotional it was especially for a character that up until that point has always been portrayed as this Whimsical jokester of a man and up until that point we only know that he's an archon and that he fought for the freedom of monad alongside his people never really anything to too personal but his story Quest changed that his story Quest is about Hans who was stricken with grief after the death of his friend Stanley after Stanley's death Hans decided to take his identity and live as his friend in the quest we see ventti be one of the more gentler gods of tat as he gave Hans closure by reuniting him with Stanley's Spirit now we know that venty is kind and benevolent but we didn't know how personal Stanley's story was to him Hunt's and Stanley's story is a direct parallel to vent's Own Story with his friend the nameless B that died Fighting For monat's Freedom Fenty then only a wind spirit decided to take his friend's human form so that he will always be remembered the same way that he decided to become a b himself so that his people's experiences and his own memory can be carried out through generations through ballads and songs now yes it's tragic and people love tragic stories but the thing that struck me personally about venty Quest wasn't because of how sad his story was but because it showed the just Theos of his past and his current itself the story Quest helped in adding layers to ventti as a character Jung Le's Second Story Quest is also often regarded as one of the best story quest in genin's early days I thought it was good I mean it's one of the most low heavy story quests so that in itself is already a recipe for a good Quest similar to how a second story Quest was really good you get to learn more about this very mysterious deity we get to see glimpses of their past in this case it's in the form of hdas jang's former friend a bishop who has succumbed to erosion I think the concept of erosion was introduced in this Quest erosion in gensin lore is how the oldest and most powerful beings in tat are basically a ticking Time Bomb they will forget who they are and in the worst case scenario become a danger to humanity just like asaha did this very concept that's so detrimental to the fate of archons and other Immortal deities was established in jang's Second Story Quest till as we got an emotional Quest about yet another friend that jangi has lost to time it adds yet another layer of this somber tone to his character he's the oldest of all archons and someone who understands grief more than anyone else in the game because of how much he had to endure over the years which is why seeing Jang Lee parting ways with his beloved friend someone from his past is always emotional and all of that combined made a very memorable story quest for the players to enjoy the last story Quest from the early days that's held in very high regard is obviously Talia no people who love Talia probably nothing bad to say about his story Quest while those who are indifferent to him or hate him might consider his story quest to be boring because we spent 80% of the time with his brother tuser instead of well child himself now I personally like talia's story Quest on paper his story Quest should suck it spends 80% of the time with an NPC it's not really about him nothing really happens there's no gamechanging lore heck there isn't any lore and yet it's regarded as one of the best story quest in the game especially in the early days and it's all because Hoovers used the central NPC of the story that being toer to add to child as a character instead of Shifting away the focus from the playable five star we already know from the archon quest that Talia is unhinged he's a Harbinger and he's not the most morally upstanding person you'll meet in the game the story Quest gives room for Hoover to show a side of Talia that we wouldn't get to see otherwise inserting child's backstory about how much he loves his family wouldn't have worked in the archon Conquest because one it would have just been weird to do that when we're trying to solve the mystery behind Rex lapis's death and somehow got roped into babysitting some guy's baby brother to with the addition of toer regardless of how annoying he can be he is a plot device that helps to add layers to child as a character the NPC actually serves a purpose if there were no toer there wouldn't be any plausible way for the players to see child in his role as an older brother a role that humanizes him a character who otherwise is just another villain built with extreme blood lust the addition of tuer humanizes child to The Traveler as well they even have a moment where they connect over their desire to protect their siblings in comparison if we take out star snatcher from Shia's story Quest it would have made the quest shorter but the impact that the story Quest has on Shia as a character still would have been the same Ito story Quest is also one that actually surprised me Ito is not a character with a complicated personality what you see is literally what you get he wears his heart on his sleeve yet his story Quest seemingly was able to place Ito and all of his Simplicity in the middle of very Nuance topics such as tolerance acceptance and complicated character Dynamics I think the one part of his quest that I didn't like was how they forced me to throw beans to trigger his allergies yes this is a niic but as someone with severe allergies I would rather someone punch me then have them trigger my allergies the same way the traveler did to Ito but all in all yeah it's a good story Quest it's an enjoyable Quest that does its job by adding layers to the featured character and it expands a bit on it to's pre-written lore which is all you could ask for in a story Quest really now with that out of the way let's talk about the male characters in suu for the female characters suir was a big turning point we got fantastic characters such as Di and kle so what about the male characters well in terms of story quests I would say there weren't a lot that stood out to me I'm not saying they're all bad there just weren't any exceptional ones for the male characters now before you come at me tiary is probably the sole exception to that because of how well they handled the quest slot the story Quest itself wasn't about him which is usually a detriment to a character story Quest because if done wrong they will literally bore you to hell and back so why does diar's Quest work while ayat and kazua didn't diar's Quest didn't reveal anything new about him we know the same things we did before we started the quest we learned essentially nothing new about him there's no expansion to his lore or backstory he's a part of this very unique race of fox people but that wasn't even mentioned in his quest and why am I emotionally invested in this robot yet I can't seem to care less about all of the other NPCs that's featured in character story quests is it because digar story Quest is sad you could say the same thing about m in Hut story Quest but I'm not emotionally attached to M the same way I'm attached to this thing and then it occurred to me kata softens th his personality and seeing that kindness is definitely what makes his story Quest special because it's not just to some random person he extends that compassion onto a mechanical object yes it's sentient but the fact that Kata is sentient is what makes it dangerous which is probably why the Academia baned Research into like this because they're potentially a danger to society and yet ignar broke the rules in order to let Kata live and they did a good job in showing how Kata being such a good boy with a scene that really just tugs on your heart strings it's definitely in the execution hoyo really nailed the execution on this one which is why a lot of players got so attached relatively quickly I personally think that's why it worked for me like I couldn't get behind a lot of NPC story quests but this one was able to build on Tik nar's character by emphasizing his kindness and compassion the same way Ain did in yia's Second Story Quest the other two suu story quests were in my opinion like they're enjoyable don't get me wrong but I guess it's the same issue that I have with kazua and ayat story quests I know using the day Focus too much on NPC's argument is like beating a dead horse at this point but that's really the main problem that I have with most of these story quests I guess for Sino though it's a bit different I didn't hate the story Quest nor the NPC I actually still found the whole exploration on how being a mattra is a thankless job and the NPC's involved to be fairly interesting so I'm not going to say that sinos story Quest is bad it's pretty okay it bothers me because there are more interesting things about Soo that could have been addressed in his story Quest and it's not like it's completely hidden behind a wall of text they teased it in the AR Conquest in that very same patch he has an entire backstory that we still don't know to this day and I guess they're saving the Temple of silence for another day maybe if we had the opportunity to get a sense of who Soo is as a character besides his job and his relationship with digar and Cole and uh his jokes I would be more invested in the EXP exporation of his role as the general bahamat I'm guessing that part of his lore is tied to something bigger like I don't know if that's copium or not or that it's going to be a massive floor bomb later on but yeah his quest isn't the best it's not incredibly boring like albos but it's not as emotionally charged as tharies as well so yeah it's pretty okay but not really impactful if I were to make comparisons in terms of execution it reminds me of fut story Quest like how her Quest highlights how important her role is as the wangang funeral parlor director but also at the same time I feel like it would have just been a lot more interesting if the focus W on the characters and not the NPCs given just how much lore they actually have for alham it's about a mad scholar and it was actually fine it's not the most memorable because alham got a lot of his character moments in the Aron Quest itself there wasn't really anything for his story quest to highlight however alham is an interesting character but he's not one with interesting lore or backstory which is kind of funny and fascinating outside of his prestigious job as the Scribe he's actually kind of normal he has a N9 of5 he has a house and is really just trying to do his job most of the time he's a scholar through and through greatly values the pursuit of knowledge and will get annoyed at meaningless distractions and he's Ultra pragmatic and super calculating and apparently a great actor all of which were already shown in the archon quest so his story Quest not being able to outshine all of his moments in the Aron Quest or reveal anything new about him is actually pretty expected okay before we move on to Fontaine let's talk about baiju baiju's story Quest is interesting I actually like it a lot more than I thought I would it also features utau which presents a very interesting character dynamic because as some of you might already know they're basically opposites of each other BYU is someone who is actively trying to achieve immortality that's why he does the things that he does and why he keeps Chi-Chi around well Hut is the funeral parlor director she believes that everyone should cross over to the other side when their time runs out as that is the natural Order of Things Hut respects the cycle of life and death while baiju is actively trying to find loopholes they are the antithesis of each other and seeing them interact in his story Quest was very entertaining to me it allows the player base to understand where baichu stands and his motivations and goals which in turn adds layers to him as a character okay moving on to Fontaine now Fontaine is just overall a step up in genin's writing both for female and male characters net is obviously one of the best friend characters in the game like his story Quest is about the death meline but it works and I'll talk about it more in a bit Lenny is also a solid character in my opinion he does his job really well as the introductory character in Fontaine he lives up to his potential as this playful cheeky magician and while I thought it was a bit fast for the traveler to care enough about Lenny to defend him in a murder trial it's pretty okay like it's still believable and I'm not going to nitpick that much I like how hoyu executed the reveal of his true identity as a member of the House of thear I mean most of the players probably could have said that there was something Shady with the twins but to The Traveler it does genuinely feel like they were blindsided and I've said before that I actually like how upset the traveler was at Linny was he harsh yes do I want to treat Linny like the traveler did no absolutely not but it's understandable given the Traveler's history with the fouille and why they were so distrusting of anything related to the organization and Linny did purposely ommit that he part of the foule and his connections with the Nave he never mentioned any of that so I personally think that the anger was justified given the full context of the situation and with all of that in mind I think it makes the placement of Lenny's story Quest a bit strange especially if you play his story quest in 4.0 which is the patch that it was released I found it a bit strange because of how friendly The Traveler was with the twins like given everything they were a bit too trusting of them I think his quest would have made more sense had it took place at the end of the Fontaine AR Conquest which is again just more of a structural problem with how hoyo forces the story quest to be released alongside of the character narrative wise it doesn't make sense but marketing wise it does but nevertheless I think Lenny's story Quest was pretty good I don't think it's the best that Fontaine has to offer but it's definitely on par with the other Quest that were released it has a mystery to grip you as soon as it starts and it definitely has a lot of emotional moments with the central NPC Caesar who is also directly linked to Linny and lynnette's childhood it also has a fun twist at the end with the reveal of who the real Phantom weasel was so to summarize the quest after Lenny and Lynette were taken in by the Nave early in their childhood they approached Caesar so they could learn to become magicians themselves and Caesar saw the potential in the twins hence why he took them in as apprentices during their time with Caesar ly and Lynette were treated well even though they've never been fully honest with Caesar about who they are and why they approached him in the first place Caesar's kindness towards the twins is the thing that kicks off the plot of the story Quest the twins wanted to clear his name after was falsely accused of being the Phantom weasel even long after his death the mystery and Quest itself was easy to follow we also learned that Caesar was actually killed by one of his own assistants Lorenzo who sabotaged his magic trick by tampering with the box that was used in a very dangerous act and then they added another Twist by revealing that the Phantom weasel mentioned earlier was in fact his own fiance Gemma she also partook in sabotaging Caesar's magic act that ultimately killed him in fact she used Lorenzo so that she didn't have to get her own hands dirty now I don't know how the twins figure out the link between Lorenzo and Gemma and also her being the Phantom weasel right from the start but they did somehow now while the quest itself didn't reveal a ton about Len and Lynette's lore or go in depth about their ties with the fouille it does highlight a very important trait that both Lenny and lyette have they always tend to omit the truth from The Traveler even if they claim that they are friends with the traveler and that they have enough trust in them they have a tendency to hide the full truth unless they're absolutely sure that it would benefit them this isn't a trait that surprises anyone because they were taught to only trust in each other in their family in the house of the heart this Behavior adds a layer of moral complexity to the twins because you know that they aren't inherently bad people but they also aren't necessarily the most trustworthy people either all in all solid Quest next up is Risley risle boy oh boy I have a bone to pick with this one I like his character I like that he turned out to be more than what I expected honestly at first glance I thought his character would be more of an edgelord type just based on his design but he's actually pretty chill now I didn't really enjoy his quest I didn't like that I had to run around the Fortress of marpit again after just doing that for 3 hours in the ronquest only to have his entire backstory dumped on me at the last minute I did not enjoy that yes I like that they at least showed risley's dark past and how he ended up in the Fortress of mbeat in the first place but hoyo really could have executed the entire thing better I know the whole point of the beray society and the villain is to show just how much Risley has grown as a person he chose to show Mercy instead of executing the main perpetrator which is something that he has done early in his childhood but again I think it would have been better had we understood risley's motivations from the beginning instead of it being the big surprise at the end I think risley's story Quest highlights one big problem that kenin has with the way it writes and structures its stories and it's still have a very slow buildup in hopes that we get a good payoff at the last 10 minutes of the quest which doesn't make a good experience for me personally I don't like going into story Quest already expecting to be bored for at least the first hour and hope that it will actually have a good cut scene or moment at the end it would actually be nice to have a story quest to grip you into an interesting plotline and then have this incredibly moving and emotional payoff at the end and they have done this several times there sent child's a second story Quest Dias and of course Net's nuet story Quest is about the melines and it still managed to grab me by the throat almost as soon as it started as soon as it starts it immediately tells you that nuet the udex of Fontaine is curiously adamant about taking on a Case himself which sadin points out as strange this doesn't seem like a case that the udex should be involved in at least not so directly and this particular case just so happens to center around a meline nalette then says that this case reminds him of the time that he just became the udex centuries ago and how he as the new chief justice initiated a series of institutional reforms it wastes no time in setting up the quest he even mentions the two Central NPCs in the next sentence this structure works because one I went into the quest knowing that it's going to be about Net's past two what whatever the case was it caused massive changes to Fontaine because well nlet said so three I knew that the NPCs involved were especially close to nlet and how they were the only two people that he could trust early on also how he wasn't able to protect them with one literally unal living herself and the other being exiled and then he just casually explains that melines used to be discriminated against with just this bit of information being presented at the beginning of the quest was enough to set up context on why the events that's about to transpire are important to nlet which is something that I wish rice Le's Quest had done also all of that setup was enough to Intrigue me and made me want to know more about the story and then we learned that Kiara also meloine has received a threatening letter which is why net is so concerned he's concerned that history is repeating itself it also has similar story beats as thar story Quest I mean it's not exactly the same but it's framed in a similar way nlet is a very low relev relevant character aside from the archons in genin yet his story Quest didn't include any significant lore bombs that a lot of players expected instead it uses two very prominent NPCs to soften nuet as a character the focus of the story was to show how nuet has a very tender heart and how despite being the hydro Sovereign he has a lot of humanity and empathy in his heart they've already shown how nlet is kindhearted and feels a lot of human emotions in the AR Conquest with the way he weeped for Navia pain during their meeting and in his story Quest they doubled down on this again while also showing why he is the way he is and we don't get a definitive answer why nuet is so empathetic because nuet himself doesn't know why he feels so deeply for other people he doesn't know why he's reborn as a human and why he lost his memories and all that so he thinks that if he spent enough time going through what must be thousands of Trials and observing humans as closely as he could he would understand his purpose and the meaning behind his existence better when net first became the Chief Justice he made a lot of reforms which includes the integration of melines a then unknown race into Fontaine society and it pissed a lot of people off so long story short people who are opposed to nuet used Carol as escapegoat and it resulted in the loss of her life Carol was a meloine who was full of hope she was brought to Fontaine by nalette because melines have unique abilities that could be useful for investigative work such as being able to spot theal blood blood stains Carol was more than happy to be in Fontaine she felt that this new job given by nuet gave her life meaning yes it's safer for her to stay in the village but she wanted to do more she wanted to understand the purpose of her own existence she wanted melines and humans to live peacefully alongside one another which at the time was seen as a far off dream at least vran thought so and at the time considering how people literally threw rocks at her things weren't looking great for Carol while Tren the other a nuet mentioned at the start of the quest was also very close to Carol she reminded him of his own late sister that passed away at a young age obviously enraged by Carol's death he became consumed with Revenge net then sentenced votan to The Fortress of mped as he felt he needed to enact Justice despite understanding the complexity behind his motives regardless of Net's own feelings he decided that he needed to follow the law for Tren still abused his authority and was still at the of the day a killer later on in the quest nlet soon comes to the realization that the people of Fontaine have changed they no longer view the melines as an outsider they have also grown to trust Net's judgment and through his role as chief justice he has also proven himself to the people of Fontaine and in turn the people of Fontaine have also come to trust his judgment no one is rallying against the melines instead it's quite the opposite the people of Fontaine were enraged once they found out that someone is out to harm a meloine and this realization and change is such a big character moment for nuet he comes to an understanding that humans are capable of change it took 400 years but something that seemed so impossible and was considered an absurd dream is now a reality humans are capable of growth and acceptance they've accepted melin as a part of Fontaine the same way they have accepted him as their udex and chief justice as Risley points out he's no longer an outsider he has proven himself in the 400 years that he has served as chief justice even in vran's own trial people expected him to go out on a limb and bail his friend out but instead net was able to distance himself from the situation and send his own trusted companion into the Fortress of mirit and through countless trials nalet became the symbol of the law in Fontaine a good four or five months after playing the quest and I'm still pretty confident in saying that this is probably the best story Quest that genin currently has to offer it managed to make me feel angry sad and happy in the span of what like an hour the execution of nlet story Quest was incredible the contrast between how the humans interacted with Carol 400 years ago and the way the people wanted to protect melines now just tugged my heartstrings it showed just how far Fontaine has come and also just how much nette has changed all of the trials that he took part in left an impression on him he may not realize it himself but in time nlet becomes closer and closer and holds a much deeper understanding of humans now I don't know what it is but the male characters in genin tend to have a lot of Great Moments and events either they get full character introductions lower exploration and just fun interactions overall which just doesn't happen for a lot of the female five stars and four stars at least up until this point when discussing events a few male characters come to mind for me the first being The Wanderer mostly because he was initially introduced in an event that being the first ever story major event way back in 1.1 the unreconciled Stars event I already have a 1hour video on the wander if you're interested but I will say hyo's introduction of him in unreconciled stars is much more interesting than what you would have gotten in Ina Zuma which unfortunately is what most newer players will experience with how early unreconciled Stars was in unreconciled Stars you get to see him as this two-faced backstabbing B that tries to kill you after being fake for a good half of the event which which is what made his initial introduction really fun in my opinion but his introduction in Ina Zuma we just get him being well it's still fun but it's not really the same another character that's mostly memorable in events is obviously albo if not for the dragon spine events albo would have have probably been forgotten by most of the player base because let's face it even though he is one of the most low relevant characters in the game that being he's literally the creation of gold The Alchemist and person respons responsible for the downfall of kria as mentioned earlier he also has one of the most boring story quests imaginable it does nothing for his character and most of the development that he has is through the chalk Prince event which introduced the players to other creations of gold that being durin and in turn reveals a lot about albo as a homonculus and then we also have the second dragon spine event Shadows admit snowstorms which I think Still Remains as one of the most memorable events in genshin for just how good it is that event has an interesting cast which makes for fun character interactions and character Dynamics it has a ton of th bombs and it was the birthplace of many fun theories like you could not escape the ditas boo replace albo at the end theories back in December 20121 which thinking about it now I think the open ending of that event was the only thing that I didn't really like I wasn't really a fan of how they just made it seem that his evil twin was still running around only to not have a followup to that event even if they did have a follow-up on it now it would have made no sense for newer players which is again is the issue with time limited events another example of an interesting plot line that was just dropped completely after an event is the child is in inauma to hunt down the ballader plotline like what happened to that he mentioned that he was looking for the ballader and then I guess he just gave up and went shopping for souvenirs under than that I think most of the character Centric events were pretty fun and I still think the events do a lot more for the m male characters than it does for the female characters like even in the events where it's not as low heavy or serious we get so much of ETO I know it's because Ito is just a character that can easily fit into an event he's so wacky that you don't really think much of him appearing in random places kind of like CLE if you're looking for comparisons I've honestly lost count of how many events EO has been in but for the most part they're usually light-hearted and just there for a good time no l bombs no big emotional moments and I've always felt like it works because itto was allowed to have his character defining moment in his own story Quest now I can't talk about events without talking about the annual Lantern right the lantern right focuses on different characters or sometimes a group of characters each year the first year it was Shia second it was kaching and the third it was on a lot of characters but most of the story Focus were on two very important NPCs that being Madame ping and gu Jong the fourth and latest Lantern ride focused on Sha Yun as the featured five star and we also spent a lot of time with guming this comment that I got on my last video stood out to me because it really did feel like hoo just took enia story which if you don't remember who that is she was the NPC from Neu story Quest and upgraded it they took her story added interesting and fun character moments and made the entire thing about an actual playable character that we care about and what do you know it was a very enjoyable event Quest not only did it establish gaming as a relatable character with all of his daddy issues it allows him to feel like a person that lives in leeway and has real problems and not just the newest character that's going to be added to the roster which in a gacha game is basically the bare minimum that you could ask for now the first Lantern ride really did a lot for Shia most of the interesting character interactions that we had with him was during the Lantern ride and other leeway Centric events like for example the moon chase Festival as we have established his story Quest didn't really do anything for him the plot of the first Lantern R was basically let's see if we can drag Shia to the harbor and enjoy Lantern R and for him to have one night off to just enjoy life and feel all of the appreciation that the people of the way have for him because you know being a yaka is basically to live a secluded life full of nothing but pain and suffering until you inevitably succumb to Darkness and die which is actually a good storyline outside of that sh got a lot of character development in an inter Quest that was also the flagship event of patch 2.7 which dealt with the yakas and ghosts of his past after the interlude Quest Shia is much more receptive with social interactions and while he has occasionally shown up for the traveler he's not really one to interact with anyone else but now he lets himself get dragged to a lantern R dinner by Hut and even considers feeding her when he sees her kite in the latest Lantern right he really has softened a lot with each event and each Lantern right and it's sad that not a lot of players especially the ones who love Shia can can witness it firsthand probably except for the interlude Quest because again most of it takes place in a limited time event which begs the question should events have less character and plot relevance I don't think so I'm not going to lie to you guys all right it's really hard for me to be interested in an event unless it heavily revolves around a character and their story or lore so hoyo has two options here keep doing what they're doing and potentially ruining character experiences for a lot of the newer players or do what honai has done and just make the flagship event story available for people who want to experience them I hate making comparisons and yes storage is probably the biggest issue that's hindering them from making these changes but until then a lot of characters will feel different to a lot of players especially newer players why is this important if someone likes a character's design they'll pull for them regardless of their lore backstory and writing so who cares right well I'm sure that statement can be applied for some of the the player base like to an extent I can apply that statement to myself I myself have vot for characters purely because I find their design appealing but 90% of the time I find myself pulling for characters that I find appealing in terms of story or personality now I actually have this story about how I skipped albo's first Banner because I'm not going to lie to you his design isn't particularly interesting to me initially so I skipped him because I was saving for Shia at the time and then the more I got into genin Flore and character backstory that mother grew on me and I begged hoyo for his rerun almost every day I quite literally could not stop screaming to my friends about how much I regret not pulling on his release Banner this also happened to me for takar like design-wise I didn't find his design the most appealing plus he was going to be in the standard Banner anyway so I figure I'd get him eventually did he grow on me yes with each our conquest and event digar grew on me as a character did I eventually get him yeah only a full year later after his release which also almost drove me insane while we're here I would like to tackle the question do the male characters actually have more distinct personalities or are they well for lack of a better word still cardboard boxes I personally lean towards that I do think they actually have more distinct personalities or at least hoyo does a better job at showcasing their different personalities to the players obviously some of them have interesting lore and personalities that are fully explored in the main Quest like The Wanderer I think he's the best example of a character that has had development not only from the main quest but also limited time events it also helps that hoyu allowed him to be evil and even in his Redemption storyline if you want to call it that he's still allowed to be an to The Traveler which makes him feel very distinct and unique and there I say refreshing when compared to all of the other characters in the game he's definitely not everyone's cup of tea but he's definitely different and people especially OG scar Moosh fans lost their marbles when they thought he was going to get a personality reset I don't think we've had a female playable character that's as evil as caram was I mean we all thought it was going to be Senora but I guess we'll have to wait until the Nave is released I'm also anticipating if they will make the Tor playable he is without question the most irredeemable character in the game like not even a tragic backstory will save his ass in the Traveler's eyes kind of evil but still I personally want him to to be playable because I like villain characters we also have characters that have interesting lore and intriguing personality yet the execution and showcasing that character has been pretty bad case and point ayat he has the potential to become a very morally gr character like he's implied to be yet they don't really show it and yet we also have characters like Al haam who's supposed to be this normal guy just trying to do his job as the Academia scribe yet somehow man got the development and Spotlight to shine as the group's genius strategist in the main quest it was a really nice way of showing that Al haam who's actually supposed to be this very stoic and almost robotic man has a lot of layers it's also really good that hoyo made his motives quite clear he just wants to do his job and live a good life he has no interest in gaining power or moving up the ranks man is really out here just trying to do his 9 to5 now the fan Serv his characters I criticized aaka as a character with excessive pending to The Traveler and the male version of that is definitely Shia I mean it's a fun fan service for the ones who like it but I personally think it's unnecessary and yeah I do think it's kind of unfair that aaka gets a lot of the Flack for being the traveler simp while shiao is basically on scathed because of his tragic backstory aaka has a tragic backstory too so what gives and no it's not because genin players hate women it's again because Shia was given so much time for moments outside of the traveler pandering a lot of his lore is shown in multiple events and even in an entire interlude Quest surrounding the chasm so it's easier for a lot of people to ignore his more fan service moments because he's able to offer a lot in terms of Laura as a character aaka can too but in my personal opinion hoyo just didn't utilize her lore and backstory as much as they could have I personally don't enjoy any fan service moments like I don't think it ruins the game or anything but I do find it unnecessary and it sometimes takes me out of the story that's really the main reason why I don't like them Lenny is probably what you would call a fan service character too like he actually actively flirts with the traveler in his voice lines and yes that's also a form of fan service the same way the female characters having voice lines that has romantic undertones in them but why don't players give the same amount of fla to Lenny the same way they do to shiao or aaka I think it just comes down to how believable it is you can absolutely believe that Linny can say these flirtatious lines to The Traveler even when they basically just met because we know he's charismatic it's believable that he will flirt with strangers not just a traveler to to get his way or well just because he can he's a showman he has that RIS I think is what young people call a these days well sha and aaka at least in my opinion it feels like pandoric well yes it can work because you can argue that they've developed a friendship over the course of the game through the Aron Quest the story Quest and events but but again in my opinion the connection or Bond that's established with a traveler isn't really enough to Warrant these types of interactions from characters like Shia or ayaka who are extremely reserved to feel organic what's interesting to me is that the male four stars never really got the spotlight the same way the female four stars have like we never got a big scene or story pot involving a male fourstar especially in the early days I would say this changed with Toma because he was the first person that we met in inauma he introduced The Traveler to aaka he was the one the traveler save during The Vision Hunt decree but that's really it the next veale fourstar to have a prettyy big Spotlight on them is Cav and that's in an event this is obviously not the case now because we just got a entire Lantern ride focusing so much on gaming and his complicated relationship with his father now I am only bringing this up because it's a shame that a lot of the earlier four stars never really got a chance to shine because some of them have really interesting backstories like I was wrong okay I guess people do want a 5H hour Quest about Bennett's backstory because my God apparently there's some deep lore and theory in his back story and how he was born that we really don't have the time to get into but I'll link to some interesting theories below if you're interested and also I completely forgot that we even have a razor story Quest teasing about how he was raised by wolves but hoyu never really explored any of it again Tong Yun and sing Cho never really got the spotlight as well like sing Cho has been featured in several events because he is a writer but it never really delve deep into his lore or anything else about his character the Hangouts that feature Toma and Chong Yun aren't also particularly groundbreaking like you'll enjoy them if you like these characters but I still didn't really learn much you know I've always wondered what happened to tomas's parents like he went from Mona to inauma to find his dad so he left his mom back in monad and then he also never found his dad in inauma yet he just chose to stay and work for the kamisato family because of reasons I guess I think ayat helped him at one point don't quote me on that I might be wrong like why didn't he go back to monad what happened to his dad what happened to his mom and Mon's that I'm guessing she's okay with her son never coming back from his trip to Inazuma does he write to his mother so many questions and seemingly no answers or maybe I just missed them please let me know if I've somehow missed this much of thas lore I just find it hilarious like they could have addressed this in his hangout but I guess Hangouts are more for the fun service interactions but since he's a four star there's no hope for a story Quest so I guess maybe it will be addressed in an event sometime in the future same with Bennett's backstory and all of the other four stars that we have haven't seen before and Kay like he is probably one of the most low relevant male characters that we have right now considering that he's literally a descendant of kria and I love that we've gotten some interactions between him and d slea and I genuinely cannot wait for more I get that we can't get the full extent of chos lore until quite literally the end of the game probably because of obvious reasons but it's also definitely something that I look forward to seeing in the future so yeah that's pretty much all I have to say for the male characters in genin I still think they suffer a lot of similar problems as the female characters basically hoyo just needs to have a more balanced execution for the story Quest so it focuses on the feature character and also have these goddamn lore heavy events be playable for everyone I don't know how but I hope hoyo a multi-million doll company can figure that out thanks for sticking around this long let me know if you want me to talk about something specific it doesn't have to be genin specific if I'm interested in it and if I have something to say I'll probably talk about it we're here to have fun after all but yeah anyway I'll stop yapping now and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: otsuucurry
Views: 31,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin impact, character analysis, otsuucurry
Id: 71TEltAsZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 36sec (3036 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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