Genesis Chapters 6 & 7 Bible Study

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praise God Saint - my father we give honor to God in heaven I always called him the unseen King and I also honor his majestic son the Lord Jesus Christ I called him Your Majesty it is an honor to come before you this day my name is Clarence I'm a pastor of United body of Christ Church and we welcome you back to another Bible study with us today we'll be reviewing Genesis four and five which is what we covered last week and then a Lord willing we'll go forth in Genesis 6 and 7 if you don't have Bibles to follow with don't worry about it simply go to our website WWE you'll see at the top the online Bible tab just click on that and you'll see a page open up just type in the fields of the Bible that you want to follow us follow with today and other to pull up that whole chapter for you also for those of you that that require prayer limit let me take that let me let me say something um no one can walk and be successful in life without having camaraderie with God and also in saying that we also need prayer to establish us and every good work we need prayer just to make a day today of you are struggling with something if you know someone that's struggling with something we are commanded to pray ye one for another that's a resource that God gives us of that that we render our services to our brothers in their time of need not only through monetary resources if needed but also through our spiritual resources which is prayer and that's that's a tool so I can't help but reiterate enough if you desire prayer we need prayer whatever you're struggling with don't hesitate go to our website you'll see the online you'll not excuse me not the online file but you'll see the prayer request tab click that tab fill out the confidential information and then I do stress confidential hit the submit button my wife or myself will get that information and we go right to God with your information there whatever it is that you're requesting prayer in consider it done at least through our hands there and so we take that seriously and I want to make sure that you're aware of that resource that's available to you without further ado we'll go into the review of chart of Genesis chapter 4 and 5 and then we'll go right into the lessons I've already prayed before the before the recording started so those things that wonder where's your prayers it's been we've already broke bread as far as the prayer goes so where else said Genesis a fourth chapter we'll don't here with the review of course this is right after the fall that took place in Genesis 3 the disobedience of that man men 460 the commandment of God as to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and so we end up losing our somewhat of our heavenly estate here on earth if you will and so Genesis 4 picks up after the fall in in Genesis 3 here verse 1 we talked had an opportunity to talk about last week even Adam or Adam and Eve and of having one of their first children which was Cain and you'll notice what she says here in Genesis 4 and 1 I've gotten a man from the Lord and and I can relate to what she's Hank what she's saying here we talked about this last week it's the gratitude the appreciation that she didn't die in her sin somewhat the sin of disobeying God and obeying a serpent which was being controlled by the devil himself that could bring on a death sentence if you will and and the fact that God still allowed her in the midst of all that we've done wrong all that she done wrong at that point in time her and Adam all that was done wrong by them nevertheless the mercies of God would still allow her to walk into her purpose which was populating the planet and and here as you can see the appreciation that she has when she says I've gotten a man from the Lord and an honor of having a man did this you know it's one thing to have a daughter man we look at our daughters but for the mother it's that man and not only did the Lord bless her with the child but also gave her a man not you know a man-child so we wanted to bring that up as we talked about last week and and I know some of you can relate to what what she's talking about at least the appreciation of God using you in the midst of your mess amen you know that he's forgiven you and still establish you according to the purpose that he's placed on you you know he's forgiven you and then established you so this is what she's saying and I'm I can't be the only one that that can relate to that so I wanted to make sure that we brought that back up again she end up having a second child the first one was named Cain the second one was named Abel Abel the name Abel means keeper I think we talked about that last week their occupations Cain was a king was a farmer and and Abel was a shepherd you know he was a keeper of the Sheep somewhat as we see here in verse three and four and three four and three actually reflects four and three we see the institution of something that was started in Genesis 3 and 21 Genesis 3 and 21 says unto Adam also until his wife did the Lord God made coats of skin and clothed them those coats of skin came from animals that were sacrificed and used to - their skins were used to cover Adam and Eve some in their nakedness or to cover somewhat of their sin because they were never really considered naked until they sinned so the coats of skin was used to cover their nakedness or somewhat cover their sin to atone for what they've done in a sense Amen so that institution of offerings had have already started here it started in Genesis 3 and 21 and we see it happening here in Genesis 4 and 3 in the process of time they came to pass that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground and offering so you can see that offering right there so we had an opportunity to talk about it last week the kind of offering that he submitted to God was just anything you know it wasn't it he didn't take time to select the best for God he felt that he you know he was already had an attitude about the way things was going between God and his brother and he knew that there came time for offerings and he just all forgotten anything whereas you can see the difference here in Genesis 4 and 4 and Abril had also bought the firstlings which is the first of of the the first of the animals that were born not only did he bring the first but he bought the factor of he bought the the abundance the best that he can find of his fleet is what he submitted to God not only was it the first but it was the best and that's illustrated here in chapter 4 by saying of his flock and the fat thereof so he you know you can think about the weight how selective he was as far as making sure that this offering was substantial to God I mean you can actually say that Abel looked and saw that it was good before he gave it to God he was just like God was and preparing the planet for man God kept looking back to see that it was good because he didn't want to submit nothing in the spirit of what Cain was doing amen so God when God made this planet for man I mean he actually examined it and judged it to make sure that it was substantial for mankind there you can see Abel in his giving no his offerings to God he's making sure that it is substantial that he looks and see that it's good a man able looks and be like without a suffice you know so that's the difference there and of course as we went on that we talked about last week in in verse 6 verse 5 and 6 rather Cain has an attitude because he can see the camaraderie that God has or the fellowship God has with his brother Abel and Cain and somewhat envious of that and and I guess maybe in a sense he feels forsaken whatever the case he he he bestows some animosity between the relationship between you know of God and his brother and the Lord took notice of the animosity that Cain had you know we talked about that last week the Lord spoke to him to toccata you know the two of you can see the Spirit of God is kind of reaching out to him you know to give them some guidance here you know it's telling him if they'll do well in verse in verse seven if they'll do well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door so he's saying you have an opportunity to correct your behavior because you're meditating on what you see and it's eating you up and sin is at the door it's trying to get you to allow this this this negativity to evolve into tangible actions that you're going to regret you don't have to take that path God is trying to tell them that you will be you you and I can have a fellowship that's what being accepted of God is having that fellowship and God is trying to tell King we can have we don't have to have exactly what you and your brother have we can have something that's different but that's just as good but you got to change your behavior man you got to stop looking at it you know in the sense that you're looking at if not there's going to be some ramifications that's not going to be well so we come with that last week and of course Kane didn't take you no Kane had an attitude the Lord addressed the attitude Kane didn't shape up his attitude he took it a step further which is what the what the Lord was trying to warn them of and he ended up killing his brother Abel in verse 10 God asked him you know what's going on gave him an opportunity to answer for himself where's our brother of course he had an attitude but look at verse 10 because as you as we read verse 10 is not being metaphorical it's not talking metaphors it's actually being literal as God says this it says and he said what has thou done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from from the ground so you could imagine if if the blood of Abel was crying up to God at that time it's telling god what when his brother Cain did to him the blood is actually testifying against Cain and the Lord is the Lord is actually telling God is actually telling your brother's blood has told me what you did to him so we had an opportunity to talk about that last week and he did give Abel or excuse me did get Cain an opportunity to to address what he did but it was what it was the repercussions of what he did is from killing his brother the Lord removed him from that land abeita he kind of um named him as a as a bag of balm you know which is a wanderer no set dwelling we had an opportunity to talk about that the Lord also took away his occupation from him his occupation as I said he was a farmer and the Lord actually commanded the earth to not bring for or to not recognize the labor of the hands of Cain I mean if you will if you look at this verse 12 when thou tillest the ground it should not henceforth yield unto thee her strength so basically it doesn't matter if he went to China there was China there was no China back then but you know it didn't matter where he traveled to the earth was not to recognize the labor of his hands as he was a farmer to plant seeds into the ground and get the vegetation the earth was not to recognize him and he went on to say here in 13 verse 13 that the punishment doesn't fit the crime and he was concerned not only did he felt that God was too hard on him but he wouldn't fall fast to say that there are others that will take revenge on me when they heard about those things that I've done you know to my brother what I've done to my brother and the Lord decided to show mercy on him by putting a mark on him and the Scriptures didn't it wasn't precise about where the mark was which I think is somewhat it's not relevant but the fact that the Lord did put a mark on him as to say that if anybody and it had to be a visible mark - you know for folks to understand at the time that if they did come across Cain that that mark was he was marked it was a mark man by God if you will and that they knew not to slay him but however if anybody did slay him then the Lord would take vengeance on them which would be seven times worse than what Cain did to Abel so that's where we get the Sevenfold from so we had an opportunity to talk about the curse of Cain of and the mark he end up establishing a city that he dwelled in a Land of Nod and built the city that he named after son and son was called Enoch and he built the city and called the city after that for the name of his son and we another thing that we had an opportunity to see last week if you go to the four and twenty three it talks about the bloodline of Cain how sin had contaminated that bloodline 4 and 23 some of the descendants of Cain which is that bloodline there one of them was called Lamech and watch here in 4 and 23 we talked about this last week this is still our review and Lamech said unto his wives Adah and Zillah hear my voice you wise olymic hearken unto my speech for I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt if Cain shall be Avenged Sevenfold truly Lamech seventy and Sevenfold or seventy seven fold so this was the pride and arrogance which the root of that was the sin that that contaminated this bloodline of Cain you got somebody that went out and killed somebody because he took vengeance on them hurting his feelings more or less and he bragged about taking the life and even called him a young man he bragged about taking the life and then said that if you know because of what Cain did to his brother God told Cain that he would be Avenged Sevenfold and somebody took vengeance on Cain huh what I did is far worse and if that's the case the Lord should take vengeance on somebody that slays me 77 fold I mean the pride and the arrogance from and it's contaminated the bloodline of Cain and this is layman but nevertheless in our review we had an opportunity to to discover when the Lord put musical instruments right here at the beginning if you look at four and twenty-one Jubal he was the father of all such as handle the harp and the organs we also had a chance to see crafts of coming in to mankind in the next verse Zillah bore or bear a tubal Cain and he was an instructor or artifice ER in brass or iron or he was a craftsmen in brass and and iron so we had a chance to see that last week verse 25 Adam knew his wife and again she bare a son and called his name Seth the name Seth means appointed the appointed okay and if you read verse 26 this is during the time that men finally start calling on the on the name of the Lord or this is when men finally start walking with god amen one Seth was born so that'll wrap up at least chapter four of the review going in a chapter five of the of the review here we had an opportunity to to look at the generation of Adam and one of the things that that I it's profound even to this day if you think about the relationship of God and his son the Lord Jesus Christ the Lord Jesus Christ how they were as one and as those of you that I've been following our Bible studies in the Gospel of John that's what Jesus kept talking that's what Jesus was consistently trying to convey is the oneness between him and God he wasn't trying to be the father he was conveying the fact that he was a part of the father that him and the father were one and and that's perception carried even here at the beginning if we look at the verse chapter five verse two male and female created he them and blessed them and called them or called their name Adam so it's that male and female he didn't say call their name Adam and Eve he said called their name Adam because he ki intended even to this day in marriage he intended for men and woman to be asked one even from the beginning of time the Lord had fashioned woman out of the rib of Adam and made that union reciprocal she has life from him in turn she gives him life through children that's reciprocal which means they are asked one amen and so we see that here at the beginning and that holds true today you know that that marriage is is one is actually one person we look at a man and woman but we look at the men and women coming together as one so I wanted to I believe the Lord would had us to make mention and that I know we talked about that last week another thing that we spoke about last week was was I to me it was very interesting is where the people came from we've already seen that Kane took unto him a wife and he had a son his first son was named Enoch and so we had an opportunity to see that there was a woman for him to marry where did all the women come from where did whether all the people I would say come from and we we actually answered that question last week but for the for the sake of the review a chapter 5 verse 3 and 4 Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begot a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name Seth remember Seth means the appointed verse four and the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years and he begot sons and daughters and not saying that Seth begot sons and daughters it said that Adam begot sons of daughters now understanding that Adam lived to be a total of 930 years old okay and understanding that if we look at the genealogy here or the generation of Adam it mentions Seth has being somewhat of a first child in a sense it just it don't even define how who was the first child it just only mentioned Seth but we know that there was also Cain and Abel so as we look at the genealogy here as it says that they that Adam begotten sons and daughters it didn't specify how many but we didn't know that he did have daughters and it takes daughters to populate the planet of the earth a man so that's that we had an opportunity to answer whether people came from and I know some people would be like well are you saying that Cain took his sister we look at it today as a sister that he took back then it was looked at as the system somewhat because it was used to populate the planet back then amen so another thing that we spoke about last week was in my own term millennium man millennium meaning thousand years if you look at the the genealogy here as we see one here Adam being 930 years old most people were between eight hundred nine hundred and fifty years old some cases 969 years old as far as the longevity of man or the lifespan of men and that was necessary to action to adequately populate the planet amen so we wanted to make sure that that we brought that back up here Genesis five and 20 we want to talk about Enoch before we wrap up Genesis 5 here Genesis 5 and 20 it says and all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years and he died and then it says in verse 21 enoch lived sixty and five years and begot Methuselah and Enoch walked with God after he begat Methuselah three hundred years and begat sons and daughters now watch this in verse 23 and all the days of Enoch were 365 years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him now we know the longevity of man you know being nine hundred nine hundred and sixty God was not waiting not long for his man you know there was something about Enoch that the Lord that God Almighty loved and he took him you know he didn't wait for him to die he took him while he was yet alive but he not started out walking with God and God took him while he was yet alive took him right on up into heaven so that's what the scripture is saying here when it says he was not for God took him God didn't wait for him to expire if you will he he took him as he is so we blessed God and and we'll wrap up Genesis five and thirty two up and Noah had Noor was five hundred years old and Noah begat Shem ham and japheth and that's what we're start for chapter six of the book of Genesis mainly chapters six and seven and eight of Genesis is pretty much depicted about the flood and about Noah so we'll go into chapter six here I watch this and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose the sons of God are angels and and it's saying that the daughters when you see fair it's saying that the daughters of men were beautiful and the angels have been watching them the Angels have been watching the daughters of men and they end up coming down and taking them as wives now I know you like what but hold on let go with me real quick keep your place you know I guess always things that we have to show you in the scriptures keep your place here and go with me into the new testament to the book of Jude the book of Jude we're going to go that's only one chapter there we'll go check one chapter one verse six Jude one and six let's see here what do we have it yet I thought that was real interesting here that that you know to show you this I watch this this is the book of Jude as I said chapter one verse six and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation had he had reserved and he have reserved them in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so Jude is actually talking it's talking a little bit about what happened here the angel some of the angels not all of them apparently some of the angels were looking upon the daughters of men and and seeing how beautiful they were again I know I'm just repeating myself seeing how beautiful they were and we're enticed by them and they end up leaving their heavenly habitation to come down and mate with the women of men and and of course as we talked about before you see here it took them all of all which they chose God doesn't take away a person's choice he doesn't do that when we saw the creation of when we saw the foundation of the world being created in the beginning of Genesis it said the Lord saw that it was good org I kept looking back and he's seen that it was good it had an opportunity to not be good amen and that's what God was looking at and it shows to be good just like Adam and Eve in the garden they had an opportunity to obey or disobey and unfortunately they chose to disobey it's no different with the Angels they're not made to when we're all not made as zombies we're all made with what the choice to serve or to rebuild and this is the this is the ramifications of the choice that we're seeing here so we wanted to make sure we covered that here so going to verse 3 and the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man for he is also flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years so two things are going on here God is as I said when we look at Cain's bloodline to see how contaminated it was from the sin sin had become prevalent in the earth and things were starting to get out of place when you see the angels coming down and beginning to mate with the women of men uh-uh that's that things are really out of place and the Lord is saying that my spirit trying to strive with men are trying to convict man to move him to righteousness it's not working you know because the flesh of man is in the way so therefore what I need to do is to get this flesh back to the grave as soon as possible and men went from what I call the Millennium man which is almost living to a thousand years the Lord has broken down to 120 years because sin was so prevalent and this and sin is part of the the appeasing of the flesh amen so the Lord is sanctioned that so that was the two things that's going on there in that particular verse I watch this verse 4 there were giants in the earth in those days and also that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old and men of renown and so was saying that the offspring of the of the angels having made it with the with the daughters of men or with women the offspring their children were massive uh superhuman children something you see in a science-fiction movie a superhuman children uh and and somewhat rebellious and out of control you know they were and you see men of old men of renown they were warriors they were brute beasts uh you know with with the with an appetite of destruction a man be it was out of place and especially that you got sin sin led them down here in the first place so that's that's what descriptions is talking about him verse five and God saw the wickedness of man that it was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually it says and it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man beast and the creeping things and the fowls of the air for repenteth me that I have made them and of course you know when you look at how things were out of order and all this was due in part to what happened in the garden because that allowed there was an order that was set and and when man men were the one because we were the inheritors of the of the earth itself or we were the overseers of the earth once we forfeited our position then we put the you know we get you end up giving it over to darkness then darkness abound you know we end up that's how things get out of order here so once you allow and let that be a lesson even for us today that once we are disobedient in one area that sin will actually begin to permeate permeate I should say in all areas of our lives and things will be out of bounds in our lives chaotic so but verse a but Noah found favor or found grace in the eyes of the Lord verse 9 these are the generations of Noah nor was a just man or a righteous man and perfect and that in his generations and Noah walk with God God and Noah this walking with God is the fellowship of God he commune with God how do we walk with God we digest his word were mindful of our actions towards them those things that we say those things that we do were careful not to offend him we know that he wouldn't like that and not only are we like this for ourselves but we're always telling others you know about about our Father you know we're always preaching righteousness to someone else or trying to lead them to the God that we know that has spared us and saved us that's walking with God and this is how Noah was verse 10 6 and 10 and Noah begot three sons Shem ham and Japheth and the earth also was corrupt before God and the earth was filled with violence so it's talking about the the things are out of order it's talking about the permeation of sin in all the four corners of the earth how bad us and it was it got pretty bad there verse 12 and God looked upon the earth and behold it was corrupt for all the flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth and God said to Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them from the earth um it's major and as we about to get into the flood here how the method that God is going to use to cleanse the earth if you remember when we talked at the beginning in the earlier Bible studies about the firmaments the walk the earth was full of water and so when God formed the heaven and the earth it was void darkness covered the face of the deep but there was water and the Lord God spoke and said let there be a firmament to divide the waters and so half of the waters went down and the other half went up into the heavens so you got half of the waters that stay down which in turn became the Seas of the earth and then that what the other water just went up into heaven this has to be the water that he he uses to cleanse the earth if you will amen so we'll get into that as we begin to see here verse verse 13 and God said unto Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I would destroy them with the earth make thee an ark of gopher wood and I looked up gopher wood and so there was a definition there of possibly or translation not to say of it possibly being a cypress wood Cypress nevertheless oh he also says in verse 14 make it with rooms and rooms shalt thou make in the Ark and shalt thou pitch pitch it in and with thin and then without with pitch so let me read that verse again if you will make thee an ark of gopher wood rooms shalt thou make in the Ark and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch so you're going to fashion it or you're going to build it with tar inside and now to hold it to keep it together that's when you see pitch it means the torque and then also it said make room so you're talking about chambers you're talking about the somewhat cages chambers something to to uh add division between because you know he's going to bring in animals there so they have to have certain places that they reside in and that's what the rooms are for verse 15 and this is the fashion which thou shalt make make of it or this is the schematics if you will and this is what it is the length of the ark shall be three cubits 300 cubits the breadth fifty cubits and the height thirty cubic so you're talking the length the width and the height and a cubic is 18 inches so I actually did some math on here I actually looked it up here you're talking that this is the arced this is the schematics of the Ark it was meant to be 450 feet long 75 feet wide and 45 feet high and I looked up it actually gave me some illustrations of the capabilities of the storage of the ark itself it said the Ark was the size of an oil tanker and its carrying capacity was equal to 522 standard stock cars or the railroad stock cars those little cars the cars from the from a train it said that it was equivalent as far as the carrying capacity to 520 two of those it was also because we're talking three stories we haven't gotten there yet but the Ark was three stories basically ninety five thousand seven hundred square feet when you add in all three stories to the Ark so we'll get a chance to see the stories here anyway verse sixteen and a window shalt thou make to the ark and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above it's talking about a roof here let's read that again a window shalt thou make to the ark and then a cubit shalt thou finish finish it above so it's actually talking about the roof or opening at the top there um goes on to say the door of the Ark and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof so there the Lord is warning there to be a entry point to get in and to get out of the ark with lower second and third stories shalt thou make it so there's your tri-level art care and behold I even I do bring a flood of waters upon the earth to destroy all flesh wherein is the breath of life from under heaven and everything that is in the earth shall die it says but with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the ark thou thy sons and thy wife and thy sons wives with thee and of every living thing of all flesh two of every sort shall thou bring into the ark to keep them alive with thee and they shall be male and female so that's why we see these chambers or the rooms that he were to make because you got to have a place of dwelling for each of what he's bringing in there and the Lord is asking him to bring in two of everything both male and female so that they can procreate after the flood was over with verse 20 of files after their kind and of Cado after their kind of every creeping thing on the earth after the after his kind and two of every sort shall come unto thee to keep them alive so he wants two of everything both male and female as it's self-explanatory here bring into the ark because the Lord even though the Lord is about to wipe the earth he's about the cleanse the earth of all unrighteousness he still wants to repopulate the earth after after this is all over and on wit he wants to repopulate it with with righteousness and he found a righteous family to repopulate the earth amen so verse 21 and thou should take up to the all food that is eaten and thou shall gather it to thee and it should be for food for thee and for them thus did Noah do according to all that God commanded him so he did or so did he so again we see that God is looking to cleanse the earth of all unrighteousness and so not only was know what to take in animals of all kind to buy you know a male and female but he was also to gather food for the extended state during the cleansing of the earth will actually move on chapter 7 is another short chapter so we'll go ahead and squeeze that in to to our review here um and the Lord said unto chapter 7 verse 1 and the Lord said unto Noah come thou and all thy house into the ark for thee have I seen righteous before me in this generation and there you go he's wanting to establish righteousness through the one family on the earth here and have them repopulate the planet of every clean beast thou should make thou shalt take to thee by sevens or seven pairs now he's asking our before we already read two of every every - of every beast male and female or two of every living thing that creepeth upon the earth male and female but as we see here in chapter 7 verse 2 it says of every clean beast thou shalt take to thee by sevens or by pairs of pairs of seven here the male and female and the beasts that are not clean by twos so seven pairs of the clean beasts and two pairs of the beasts that are not clean and I know you're like what is that about but this is this is supposed to be used at least part of this is supposed to be used for the sacrifice because remember we the sacrifice or the sacrifice things have been institutionalized as we had an opportunity to see in chapter 4 and verse 3 Abel and Cain were both offering things to God just because God is cleansing the planet that institution of offerings or sacrifices are still there it's still it's still in effect and therefore you need not only do you need something to repopulate the planet but you also need something to after after everything is finished that you can be able to offer to God amen so verse 3 the fowls also of the air by sevens or seven pairs and the male and the female to keep their kind I know it's a seed alive you can also look at their kind of live on the face of all the earth for yet seven days and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth and it's saying you've got seven days to handle all this basically he's given he's giving a Noah a manifesto you know and he's like this is your checklist you know I need you to get get this on there check this make sure this make sure that that's taken care of and here's their name should be here on his ark I need you to get every bird every creeping thing that he's given in a manifesto to follow and he says after that after the completion of the ark you got seven days to get all these things on here and after the seven days well I caused it to rain forty days and forty nights and I dare trying to do some research on exactly how long it took to create our ark to finish to build and finish the ark and its really inconclusive there is no real clear data out there to everything that's an estimate or an approximate but there is no precise or exact data that will detail well how long it took them everything is really approximate you know 55 to 75 years I come up on one another when I came up on 98 years so let's just say from 55 to 98 years it took them to build the ark and then from the terminal completion of the ark they had seven days to fill the ark with his passengers or with those that were going to those that were going to live you know in the midst of the death or the cleansing that was going on a ban verse seven I'm sorry versa verse six rather and nor was six hundred years old when the flood of the waters were upon the earth and Noah went in and his sons and his wife and his sons wives with him into the ark because of the waters because of the waters of the flood of clean beasts of these stars are not clean of the files and of everything that creepeth upon the earth there went in two and two unto Noah into the ark the male and the female as God has commanded Noah and verse 10 and it came to pass that after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth just as the Lord said you got seven days to get the passengers on board and then I'll send forth my rain and I believe again this is the sentence he said it's going to rain forty days and forty nights I believe that that rain was the actual storehouse of rain from when the Lord fashioned the heaven and the earth he had set the firmament or the sky in between the waters so once he divided the waters you had waters going up into the heavens and then the other waters as I said earlier became the Seas and the waters that went up and you can imagine how much water rest on the planet as it stands right now now half of that that that amount of water is is what went up into the sky because half went down then the other half goes up that water that went up is coming down at this point in time here amen verse 11 and in 600 year of Noah's life in the second month in the seventeenth day of the month the same day were all the Fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven open now I said The Fountains of the great deep broken up so you can imagine I watch this watch this The Fountains of the deep you're talking about the Seas you're talking about what do you lanta ocean the all the Seas all the bodies of waters that you got everything that you can imagine as far as the bodies of water you got land to divide separate bodies of waters once the waters start to come down then there is no more division of the waters that's all broken up now there is no more that whatever was whatever was dividing the waters from the waters at least on the land that's broken up and now all the waters are unified there you can't distinguish one body of water from the next body of water anymore and that's what the Scriptures is saying the force of the water that's when it said the Lord opened up the windows of heaven and pour it out this this water it was extremely a lot of water coming out here verse 12 and the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights thirteen and it's a saying in the self-same day entered Noah Shem ham and Japheth and the sons of Noah and Noah's wife and their three wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark and they every beast after his kind all the cattle after their kind every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind and every fowl after his kind every beast of every sort and they went into they went onto the ark with Noah two and two of all flesh were in the breath of life wherein there was the breath of life so it's talking about the passengers or the manifesto that was completed as far as the commandment of God who was to come into the ark with Noah verse 16 and they that were in went in male and female of all flesh and God asked God has commanded him and the Lord shut him in so who once they got in Lord shut shut it in you know let that water let the water you know push them where they may be but the Lord wants the Lord seemed seeing to it that they was up in there he sent it out full for verse 17 and the float was forty days upon the earth and the waters increased and bear up the ark and it was lifted above the earth watch this verse verse 18 and the waters prevailed and were increased greatly upon the earth and the ark went up went upon the face of the waters and the waters prevailed exceedingly upon the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered so if you can think of mountains the ark is actually as that as the waters begin to increase so as the waters begin to rise that Ark is actually beginning to rise as well and so you can imagine that if you're looking at a mountain if you're at the base of the mountains and then all of a sudden the water is beginning to rise and it's beginning to lift the ark up your ass almost like you're in an elevator as the water is beginning to rise you're actually uh uh you're actually elevating to the top of the mountain in a sense to the point that you're even above the top of the mountain you're actually in the sky now if the Lord is saying I need you to take in so many birds into the ark with you the rest of the birds will perish I mean you got to think that there are there are Eagles that fly as high as mountains now the Lord intended for them to drown in a sense I mean it's not funny but it's saying that this was part of the cleansing process of the earth they fly as high as the mountains but even they were not spared he only had so many that was spared they weren't spared out that mean there was so much water that it even drowned the Eagles that are able to fly higher than the top of the mountains so that's how much water was upon the face of the earth verse 20 15 cubits upward that the waters prevailed and the mountains were covered and all the fish died that moved upon the face that are moved upon the earth both fowl cattle beasts of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of life and all that was in dry land died verse 23 and every living substance was destroyed which was on the was upon the face of the ground both Man cattle and the creeping things and the fowls of the heaven and they that were destroyed from the earth and Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark and the waters prevailed upon the upon the earth a hundred and fifty days so we can stop right there this is why I'm always excited because you get an opportunity to learn some things and you get an opportunity to see and this seems to be hard but nobody's could see what God seen I mean if you can think about how how perfect things were at the beginning remember before he even assured man in he made sure that he fashioned everything that it was perfect that man wouldn't had to want or care for anything he took time out to make sure that everything was perfect and so when you see things out of his eyes at the time where he's seen the corruption of man how the corruption of the planet through flesh you know what what happened through flesh you can you could see that he was devastated in this I mean because this was this was a dramatic move but no one knows what God seen out of his own eyes that to really cause this to happen here amen so in saying that I want you to go with me real quick to revelations 20 and 11 revelations 20 and 11 this is our time to open up the doors to the to the kingdom of God we had an opportunity to just learn about you know the the calamity the chaos that was here on the planet and God you know in search and only found one righteous family and you know god never attended for sin to prevail so on the earth he never attended for for sin to even be present on the earth but you know even now there is sin but then there is his son the Lord Jesus Christ and we want to kind of talk a little bit about this real quick again we're opening up the the what I believe is to be the gates to the kingdom I know a lot of us believe that I'm not so bad or I got you know there are people that are doing things worse than myself so you know I should be okay and I know that there is others that believe that I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ they may you know those that believe they may say I know I believe in Jesus and I'm not that bad but I believe also got time and I'm just not ready you know they'll say that but I want to tell you about a couple books that the Bible talks about one of the books of the book of life that means your names when you are born your name is written in the book of life and it's possible to have your name blotted out of the book of life let's let's talk a little bit about this real quick as I said revelations chapter 20 verse 11 watch this and I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heavens fled away and there was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and the books were opened which is the book of life and another book was opened which is the book of life and the dead that were judged out of those things which were written in the books according to their works and the Seawatch verse 13 the sea gave up the Dead which were in it and the dead and he'll delivered up all the day which were in them and they were judged every man according to their works so you got two books right here you got the book of Deeds you know talking about your works again you got the book of life and when it came time to judge where you had to stand before God to give an account he's going to bring the case that was written in the book concerning you there's going to be a book about the deeds that you did you know that we're bad um and then you can imagine some it said some of the death that came before him the see the seed that those that were dead in the sea came came up from the sea and stood before God how many people were on cruise ships how many people were partying out and seas and and thought that they had time only to have their vessels capsized to where they never survived and they thought that they had time and when Judgment Day came that they stood before God and had to give an account it was not pretty because they thought that they had time now as I said your name is written in a book of your name is written in the book of life but you only got so much time to accept the Lord Jesus Christ which there is another book called the Lamb's Book of Life and if your name is not written in there if you didn't accept the Lord Jesus Christ and your name is not written in his book and that go with me to two of the revelations 21 and 24 revelations 21 and 24 and again we're talking about the the books of life we just got done seeing the book of life and then there was a book opened up about the deeds that you did and according to your deeds your name wasn't in the book of life but another thing to get your name out of the book of life is you not accepting the Lamb or the son of God which is the Lord Jesus Christ if your name is not in his book then your name is not in the book of life and watch this revelations 21 verse 24 and the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it and the kings of the earth do bring the glory and honor unto it and the gates of it shall not be shut all its at all by day for there sure no night be you know and then that they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations unto it watch verse 27 and there shall in no wise enter into it anything that is defileth neither whatsoever worketh abomination or maketh a lie it says but they which are written in the Lamb's Book of Life and it's talking about those that would dwell with the Lord Jesus Christ and it's saying that everybody that has sinned or is of a sinful nature you won't be able to get into this kingdom of Jesus you know especially if your name is not in this Lamb's Book of Life now the lesson that we just learned was about unrighteousness in the earth and how the earth needed to be cleansed and we can look at Noah now I'm not saying nor was Jesus but I'm saying look at that platform God was getting the righteous family that was there the righteous ones that was left and he was saving him he was putting them in this art okay and then all the unrighteousness that was there on the planet he sent the water to consume them in their unrighteousness guess what Jesus your name is that meant your name being in that book of life that's the same as what God had given Noah a checklist to make sure that this this and that these two those two those seven this seven was on that Ark well guess what this book of life that Jesus would have there is a manifesto to see if your name is in there and you got so much time to have your name on there he's asking you you know I know your works I'm willing to forgive you but I need you to accept me because I've made room for you I have I have my engineer make a particular place for you remember Noah had to make rooms of the ark that's what God is saying to you I've already made a place for you you know all you have to do was come on just come on you have to accept me you have to live you have to let me live through you and you have to live for me but I've already got a place for you if you'll accept me but you can't say that I got time watch this go with me real quick to Matthew 24 Matthew 24 verse 36 Matthew 24 verse 36 you can't say that I got time because just like the people where the sea brought up those that were dead that we're in the sea and they had to stand before God how many people was partying at that time how many people was living life to the fullest at that time watch this Matthew 24 verse 36 here we go but of the day but of that day and hour knoweth no man no not the angels of heaven but my father only but as the days of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of man be now watch what he says about the days of Noah with the ark he says for as in the days that there were before the flood they were eating and drinking and marrying and given in marriage until the day that Noah entered into the ark so imagine is taken as we said between 55 and 98 years to build this Ark they think that Noah is crazy but because Noah is righteous he's telling the people there is going to be a flood y'all got to get your acts together you got to get it right because once the day that I go into this ark the rain is going to start and it's going to consume you it's going to kill you you're going to die in your sins don't let it come down to that and Noah was telling them but they didn't listen look at 39 and knew not until the flood came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be I'm here trying to prepare you to come aboard an ark you know God has given his son a manifesto and Jesus got a here say about who can get in it whoever his father had given to the son their name is on that their name is on that list but guess what once your name is on Jesus list it can never be blotted out but if it's in the book of life it can be blotted out and maybe you were born in and you were born into this world and your name the Lord had your name in the book of life but your actions end up getting it blotted out it can get back on there right now by you accepting the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that you're accepting the Sun the the Sun the the heavenly Messiah he came down here we're talking about the Lord Jesus Christ and he was crucified he was buried he was resurrected after the third day and he has sended up into heaven that you could be part of those that live forever with him but you got to make a choice just like we've seen the angel somebody some of the Angels making bad choices we've got an opportunity to see Adam and me make bad choices you can't continue in a way of making bad choices this for once make a great choice that's going to pay off for you as far as the afterlife you'll see the effects of your good choice now by accepting the Lord Jesus Christ and then you'll definitely get a chance to live in it forever but please just like we've seen with Noah you have a decision to make and you can't say you got time the Lord Jesus said that as Noah was building the ark and trying to tell these folks that they still just did what they wanted to do because they felt that they had time but once he entered into the ark it was too late so how did you get there you confess that you believed in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you can't just lie you have to believe that God had a son or God has a son the name of the note the Lord Jesus Christ that's his name and that you believe that he did come down to this earth and that he was crucified he was he was killed that he gave His life that he was killed buried resurrected on a third day and soon after send it up into heaven that you may have life and as you confess that you tell God I need your son to live through me I need him to take me to live enemy I surrender and I submit and if you're saying these things if you mean it and you said it then you're saved you're your name just appeared in the Lamb's Book of Life the only thing that you need to do is to be baptized now that you have to do and it's only for the remission of sins that you get the Holy Ghost because see once you accept the Lord Jesus Christ we can't have the enemy coming at you now he's going to always come at you but we don't need him trying to trick you out of this thing so what happens is the Lord God to give you his spirit and then the cultivate the relationship between you God the Father and the son between the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost that Holy Ghost which is with an you begins to cultivate the spirit between you and his son and the father forgive me I get excited about this but that's what the Holy Spirit does it's responsible for leading you and guiding you and cultivating their relationship between you the father and the son amen so if you don't have a church call a man and God grab a phone book call a man and God tell them you need to be baptized and you need to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that's because there is no other name under heaven switch men must be saved by the name of the Lord Jesus Christ I love you had a great time with you until we meet again my brothers and sisters peace be unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ amen and amen
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 27,194
Rating: 4.8411913 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, LORD, JESUS, CHRIST, Genesis 6, bible study, giants, sons of GOD, Noah, flood, ark, Genesis 7, forty days and forty nights
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 12sec (3972 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 31 2012
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