Genesis Chapters 9 & 10 Bible Study

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all praises beyond to God this day he is indeed my father I glorify my God and pray by my actions that my actions speak louder than my own words that God my father would find the love of my heart based on my steps it's not enough to say that we love God but we definitely need to have actions that shows and that tells louder than what our mouths will so I pray that my obedience through God I pray through through his ways that I try to mimic on a daily basis would show how much I love my father and then his son the Lord Jesus Christ who was indeed pastor of pastors king of kings and Lord of lords bless God for his son the Lord Jesus Christ the mighty sacrifice that the Lord Jesus did for us all that we can all come together and be up on the one umbrella you know to be up under one shepherd who is indeed the Lord Jesus Christ good day to you Saints my name is Clarence and I'm pastor of United body of Christ Church I was giving thanks and honor to my god and giving thanks and honor to his son the Lord Jesus Christ I bless my wife and I bless God that he has given me a wife that I can bless she is a beautiful wife she is indeed a great help she is my better half she's my other half she i bless her she was instrumental and preparing or less than today and also setting up the equipment behind the lines here anyway again I'm pastor of United body of Christ Church will be going forth this is our Bible study welcome back those of you that are frequently visit us welcome back those are you that are new today we'll be teaching Genesis the ninth chapter actually we'll be teaching a Genesis is it 10 yeah today we'll be teaching Genesis 9 and 10 and we'll we'll review chapter 8 those of you that don't have Bibles don't worry about it go to our website H all you do is type in the field the empty fields there whatever chapter or whatever book you wanted it to bring up that whole book of that Bible particularly for you I can't stress this enough if you need prayer bless God for those of you that prayed for me I pray for myself but the supplication of others that beseech God that besought God for my healing and and I've gotten out I tell you what I've been through it but the Lord has gotten me through it and your prayers help solidify the healing that was needed from God for me to make it through so we all need prayer those of you that need prayer if you need us to touch and agree go to our website you'll see a prayer request tab just click on that that tab there it'll bring up the page for you put in your confidential information and we'll touch and agree would take your information to God and prayer works amen anyway we've got somewhat of a lengthy message today so I'm not going to keep you at the beginning here would just go right into our review we'll be reviewing Genesis chapter 8 amen all right God was mindful of Noah 8 and 1 God was mindful of Noah and now that were upon the ark God calls the wind to pass over the whole earth and the waters receded so we're talking about events that transpired after the flood and of course we you know we we had an opportunity just to see how powerful the cleansing process was this is one of the terms that we called it last week was a cleansing process so as the waters be after it stopped raining we know it rained forty days and forty nights but the water prevailed the waters prevailed for approximately 150 days or 150 days now the waters are beginning to recede eight and two The Fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were simultaneously stopped remember we just we discuss so we talked about the last time that there were two sources of water it said the one in eight and two though the Fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven they stopped together remember the two sources of water one was two water coming from Heaven's it said that God opened up the windows of heaven and the and you know not only did it rain but this heavy rain came from above and also the The Fountains of the deep was broke up so whatever mechanism whether it was a spiritual mechanism or whatever God had put at the bottom to hold the water in it was allowed to break apart to release the waters that the water would have his way and accomplished that which God said the waters out to do so that the Fountains at the bottom was stopped and then he'd be the water or the window at the top Lord of spiritually speaking the windows at the scriptures called that was opened up that was closed so the water stopped together and says hey if you if you see here one of the things that I like that it highlighted is said that the waters of heaven was restrained it was forced to stop one of the things that we talked about last week is hotter waters prevailed you got to look at water we look at water in a natural sense but we brought forth scriptures to show that God set forth the decree which means he commanded two waters he commanded the waters to not pass a certain point so there is a none so water does have an understanding if you will and in this particular case as we see here in chapter 8 verse 2 at the end of it it says the rain from heaven was restrained the water was hailed back it was forced back if you will amen 8 and 3 150 days and the waters were abated aidan for the ark rested on the Mount of the Mount of error it the seventeenth day of the seventh month so you can look at July the month of July around the 17th day if you will so remember the when there was so much water God at it remember we already talked about the waters were like 22 feet higher 22 and a half 22 and a half feet if you will higher than the highest point on the planet if you will so therefore when the waters began to subside and then it begins to bring down the ark the ark is actually resting resting on the Mount on only actual mountain there because it was indeed elevated above the mountain amen the eight and five the top of the mountains were seen on the first day of the months of the month the tenth month if you will we're talking October so you can see the time lapse between July and October you can as the waters continually receipt of the arcus you can see the top of the mountains now seven through verse eight Noah sent a raven and a dove to see if the water's were abated 9 through 10 the Dove found no rest for his feet and the Dove returned after seven days and Noah sent the Dove out again and the Dove in 8:11 the Dove returned in the evening with an olive leaf that it had just plucked so therefore it it's it's starting the waters starting to come down things are starting to be restored the the planet itself of the earth it started to be restored here 15 through 17 God spake unto Noah concerning the live seed that was within the ark remember we said that there was I've see Noah his family all those all the animals that were aboard the ark we called it live seed or we called it seed if you will because that was going to be someone planted within the earth to repopulate the planet so this was seed and if you those of you that have been with us through our earlier chapters of the book of Genesis God never made whatever he made he made one of that kind and within the one of that kind that he produced he allowed that kind to be able to multiply if you will you know a man of men a woman of that kind is what I'm saying he allowed it to be able to multiply you know and so here this see there is he didn't read it and remake man he didn't remake the animals because he already had the template established for the animals he already gave them the ability to to repopulate the planet so that's one of the things that we talked about that you know they were live seed it said God spoke to the live seed in the yard to go forth from New York and to be planted in an earth that they may repopulate the planet that's what they were supposed to do verse 20 through 21 Noah built an altar remember there were extra there were seven pairs of clean bees and then two pairs of the of the beasts that were not clean and the there were the the Noah built an ark or I'm sorry Noah built an altar if you will and the altar will find that between here and Eden 20 and 21 Noah took every clean beast and it says of every clean beast and files and offered burnt offerings on the altar now remember we're back remember Cain and Abel the problem that came and Abel got into was not able so much as it was Cain there was still a system set up to where we give to God and that system will set Cain was offering the fruit of the ground just anything and we're able was offering the the firstlings of the flock and not only the first link but the fat thereof so we are currently in the system and even then there is a system set up to where we give to our Father you know offerings we do that today with the talents that we have with our time with our with our firstfruits of whatever we you know the firstfruits of our increase we make sure we give that on to God so anyway Noah took the clean beast and he began to offer it to God and and and this is significant here as we see I'll read 21 and 22 but 22 8 and 22 actually cover some of the things that's going to happen here later in the Bible actually 22 sets up the rest of the Bible if you will but here 1828 and 21 and the Lord smelt the sweet Savior this is what would the aroma of the sacrifice that had came up to him from the offering of what no will have you know offered and it says and the Lord said in his heart I would not again curse the ground any more for man's sake we talked about this last week for the imagination of man's heart is wicked from his youth and so the Lord realized that even as he has Noah and his family that he spared and that he would use it was actually Noah sons that were used to replenish the planet replenish the planet even though it's Noah's sons he still realized that there would still be an element of darkness even within his II and some of the sons and as they began to repopulate the planet there would still be an element of darkness and men and unfortunately that darkness will be noticeable as a child when man is actually just a kid it says the imagination of man heart is evil from his youth so the Lord will even as he realized that the way that I did it there were some things that needed to be eradicated you know he did it he eradicated some things but as far as the potential of mankind he knew thieves he said once again I won't cleanse the planet with water as I did before you know trying to kill man off you know in a sense you know he says that I won't do I in his own words here neither will I again smite anymore every living thing as I have done now 22 I want you to see here he said that in 21 here's 22 while the earth remaineth seedtime that harvest cold and heat summer in winter and day and night shall not cease but as I was saying earlier one of the things that sets up the rest of the Bible or the tone of the rest of the Bible is what he said here in 8 and 21 for the imagination of man's heart it's wicked at his youth that means as he is born into sin as that child get older nobody needs to teach him how to sin he's actually born into it you know that is it's a given amen so that's going to conclude I know we kind of went through there a little a little fast there we know that there one more thing we know that the cleansing process lasted about 370 days you figure Noah Noah was 600 years old when it started and it started in the second month in the 17th day of the second month and it lasted all the way through to the 600 and first year of Noah which was the second month on a twenty seventh day so it lasted pretty much about 370 days altogether and one more thing before we get into the before we get into the lesson for today I want you to go with me real quick - 102 Psalms 104 verse 9 because this is the as I said earlier that water we look at the natural substance of water but there is a spiritual composition of water that our eyes are now not able to behold but water understands just like the the the story of the fig tree that I told you about last week when Jesus cursed a tree because the tree didn't produce the figs and only produce the leaves but for some reason they didn't want to bring forth this fruit which was needed to edify Jesus at the time and because the tree chose not to adhere to that the Lord the Lord Jesus Christ cursed the tree and it withered away it dried up if you will water has an understanding and will see here this is kind of referencing what we talked about earlier how the waters had to be restrained but we'll see here this is also referencing the scripture here what God says here in 8 and 8 and 21 that never again will he smite every living thing as he had just did he's talking about that particular method so Psalms I said Psalms 104 verse 9 and then we'll go right into the lesson for today Psalms 104 verse nine now watch this this is this is what the psalmist is saying here this is David he said thou has set a bound that they may not pass over it's talking a wall is talking about the water that they turn not again to cover the earth so it had already covered the earth and the Lord he had set a bound or he made a covenant with the water that I can't use you like I did before God is bound by his word and we see here but it's talking about when God God is real particular about what he's saying here never again what i smite anymore every living thing as I have done remember when you see tsunamis coming and things like that I'm not saying that God is responsible for that but a lot of people count the judgment of God out and say well God said he wouldn't wipe out the cities no more water well he said he wouldn't Troi everything on a planet with water again as he just did that's what that's what he said so you gonna quote God you got to be right about it amen anyway we'll leave that alone that concludes the review of Genesis chapter 8 and we'll go right into the lesson we have an interesting lesson today and between chapters we're gonna try to knock out chapter 10 as well we have an interesting lesson there's a lot of genealogies you got to bear with me as I go through all the names here as we'd be at once we get to there but the lesson is really interesting because we'll get a chance to see remember it's Noah's sons who bear the responsibility of repopulating the planet now just because God wiped the planet out remember what he just what we just ran that he spoke earlier is that you know within a eight and twenty one he says man's imagination is wicked from his youth so just because the Lord had cleansed the planet of the previous unrighteousness it's not that there is not going to be any more unrighteousness there will actually get a chance to see some of that here and in Genesis the ninth chapter I've already prayed over everything so we'll just go forth if you will beginning at chapter 9 verse 1 of the book of Genesis and God blessed Noah and his sons and said unto them be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth so there you see that that the Noah sons have the responsibility of replenishing here self-explanatory verse 2 and the fear of view that this is really interesting because uh remember even with the fall even with the fall of Adam and Eve where that whole problem happened - were disobedience and and man lost somewhat of his Dominion if you will on the planet he lost the spiritual rights as the spiritual inheritance the power but you have to believe according to this verse here that remember when God told man what he would be allowed to eat he never told him that he would be carnivorous he all he always told him that he would eat fruits and vegetables and herbs that's all changed look at the verse here in Chapter 9 verse 2 and the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every fowl of the air upon all that moveth upon the earth and upon all the fishes of the sea into your hands are they delivered so now the Lord has this sanctioned the eatin of meat amen so when people talk about we should be we should be eating meats and we should be vegetarians I don't know what man did with the meat today but back in the day the meat was good and and look the Lord word is forever his word evident earth passes away but the Word of God will always remain it okay so there's the Lord begins to sanction meat and he says in verse 3 every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you even as the green herb have I given you all the things but back up to verse 2 it said the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth that killed the harmony between man and beast remember that was harmony present for know what to be able to transport all those animals you know as the Lord went forth with the cleansing process there was harmony that was established even from the beginning that was present upon the ark the Lord just killed that harmony you know he just just let them know that there shall be dread or they they the animals are going to fear you because they know now that you are on the top hook that mankind is on the top of the fuel the food chain and the animal ain't gonna just let you run up on them now and you don't know if he's gonna be the meal for the day so that's what the Lord is saying there in verse 2 and verse 3 he ends up telling you that every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you verse 4 but watch this watch what he says here so those of you that be out here eating hamburgers that's kind of raw you know still got the blood dripping from it if you will in a sense watch what he says here but flesh with the life thereof which is the blood thereof she'll you not eat anything that's wrong don't be picking up no snake and taking a bite out of it you know what I figure said alive and it's still got his blood you know you eating it the Lord didn't want that happening ain't man he goes on in verse five and surely your blood of the lives will I require of your lives a lot required basically it's some it's it's he he's basically saying that it's it's uh it will cause you can get a death sentence from God it's what I'm trying to say here he's saying that that that offense is so grievous that it could cost you your life if you take a life well let's let's continue to read here so he's saying surely your blood the blood of your lives will I require and not the hand of the beast will not required and not the hand of man at the hand of every man's brother will I require that life of the man and so he said that those are you that go out and and you kill these animals and you eat them raw and you said earlier drinking a blood whether it's ritual whether it's done from a ritual or whether you're hungry that you don't kill the animal you just eat it raw with all the blood thereof he said that you can catch a case you could catch death sentence off that he even goes on to say that that if you go out and kill a man now he's setting up somewhat of a government here if you will the Lord is setting up a government he goes forth that's to say that those of you that go out and kill a man remember he's the Lord has already conceded the fact you know I won't want to say conceded that's kind of harsh you know but the Lord has come into the understanding I always had the understanding that man's the evil of man's or man's thoughts are wicked from from his youth so he's already saying he already knows that there is still going to be elements of sin and he said that look those of anybody that killed one another he's setting up that the the the law here that you're going to automatically be dealt with you know if you kill somebody I'm gonna take your life too now the only time that we seen something even close come up is when when a cane was trying to plead his case and cane had killed his brother the Lord didn't kill cane he what he did is he vanished him from that particular community if you will Kane was afraid that that somebody would take his life and that's when God decided to intervene at that time as to say that if you know somebody avenge you then I'll avenge if somebody kill you denial avenge you by Sevenfold now we see an office being established to where God is saying that there will now be a punishment for crimes crimes against man crimes against the ordinance of God that he's actually going to get involved and and it initiates someone of a death penalty if you will amen so we got an opportunity to see this here verse 6 who shed this man blood by man shall his blood be shed for in the image of God made He Man and God don't go God it's not all here just killing people cuz he ain't got nothing better to do the Lord is saying that any image of in the image of him may he man he still has an act he still had an adoration for man if he didn't the man wouldn't have been in that vessel that ark at the time of the flood he still has an adoration for man and he don't want to see men killing one another and so you know he's saying here well like will he require he was said if you go kill somebody I'll send somebody to take you out in in a sense if you will they men anyway verse 7 and ye it says and you be fruitful and multiply and bring forth abundantly in New York and multiply therein so the sons got a major task verse 8 and God spake unto Noah and unto Suns with him saying and I behold I establish my covenant with you and with your seed after you now we first caught wind of the Covenant here that God I think we first caught wind of the Covenant if I'm not mistaken Bight of Benin in verse seven or so nevertheless yeah yeah it verse verse and I'm sorry in Genesis 6 and 18 it says but of but with thee will I establish my covenant and thou shalt come into the ark thou and thy sons and my wives and the sons wives with thee he never elaborated at the time of what his covenant would be now we come back up to the covenant and he's about to elaborate on the covenant amen so he said in here in verse 10 about his covenant he says and with every living creature that is with you of the fowl of the cattle of the fowl of the cattle of every beast of the earth with you from all that goeth out of the ark to every beast of the earth and I will establish my covenant with you neither shall all flesh be cut off any more from the waters of the flood you know now again take this into consideration neither will all flesh Amen if you're gonna quote God quote him right he goes on to hear to say that neither shall all flesh be cut off any more by the waters of the flood neither should they be anymore a flood to destroy the earth and God said this is the token of the Covenant which I make between me and you and never and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generation so as he say this is the token or this is a symbol he's talking about the symbol that that's going to be established to represent the to represent the Covenant and and as we get a chance to see here in verse 13 what it is I do set my bow in the cloud and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and between me and the earth so not only did he make the covenant between a mankind but also with the animals of the earth because they got dealt with to man so he said anytime you see a boat and we have an opportunity to see a boat from time to time you know we call it a rainbow as but God called it a boat he said every time you see that boat he said that is a reminder about the Covenant that I got between me which is God got to send between himself mankind and the animals of this planet amen verse 14 and it shall come to pass when I bring a cloud over the earth that the bow shall be seen in the cloud amen and I will remember my covenant which is between me and you and every living creature of all flesh and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh and the bow shall be in the cloud and I will look upon it that I may remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is upon the earth he goes on to say here in verse 17 and God said unto Noah that this is the token of the Covenant which I've established between me and all the flesh that is upon the earth and the sons of Noah that went forth of the ark were shem ham and japheth and hammers the father of Canaan and these are the these are the three sons of Noah and and of them was the whole earth overspread so it didn't talk about no I haven't any more children some what it just talks about the three sons and and from the three sons of Noah came all life you know after the flood a man so and I can tell you now that that deed it mentions a Shem ham and Japheth but the the order of the children were Japheth being the oldest Shem was the second and ham was the third child and then as we see it's talking about Canaan which is the son of ham now we're going to to get into some things there that's pretty profound and we're going to need as information you know this is this information becomes concrete for some things that's going to happen later amen verse 9 verse 20 in chapter 9 of Genesis here and Noah began to be a husbandman and he planted a vineyard now a husband man just means mill of the soil you can call him somewhat of a farmer that's his job he knows how to plant you know he's got that gift that was the ability that God has given him and he drank of the wine and was drunken and he was uncovered within his tent so he knows grapes you know he's you know he began to take in some of some of the greats you know make the wine off of it whatever and he laid and you know folks for some reason of another he was uncovered now to his nile to nudity within his tent you know but he was in his tent he was in the privacy of his own tent and he was asleep and him the father of Canaan saw the nakedness of his father and told his two brothers without and Shem and Japheth took a garment and laid it upon both their shoulders and they walked backwards and covered the nakedness of their father and their faces were backwards and they saw not their fathers nakedness so their father exposed it and this is kind of symbolic too this is kind of reminiscent if you will to what God did with the with a even Adam how he took some skins and covered their nakedness and God was righteous in doing so and here we see that one son actually gazes out his father's naked it goes into his tent gazes out his father's nakedness and then go back and go get his other brothers someone has to get them to come in and just somewhat to expose the dead Nicholas is just humiliating okay but he gazes and then after what he sees he go get his brother but what his brothers did is they went and they took a garment and then they they brought it into his tent and then what they did is they walked backwards they didn't want to gaze at his father's nakedness they walked backwards and laid a blanket over him and even to the point that as they walk backwards they made sure that their faces were not to even look at him with in his nakedness why as whereas the other son was very disrespectful to them to the point that his actions humiliated his dad okay so watch here in verse 23 and Shem and Japheth took a garment as we see they they laid it on their father's digging to verse 24 and no awoke from his wine and knew what his younger son had done unto him now this goes back as to what we said about men's and madge ination is waked from his youth he the Lord didn't eradicate the sin but I think the planet would have been destroyed had God not did what he did mankind might have Noah might have been killed all of them might have been killed so the Lord cleanse the planet but sin is still present to the point that his son dishonored his father verse 25 and and this is significant watch this and he said cursed be Canaan a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren now watch this it wasn't canaan that did that remember canaan is the son of him so so basically noah is cursing the the descendants of you will of his grandchildren you know which him was the one that that somewhat exposed noah they basically noah is referring to that bloodline of his son that humiliated them noah's actually calling now not only is noah cursing them but no is actually saying that they will be a curse generate because of how even how their dad is which is him and he said that a servant of servants shall he be unto his brother and that that's that's gonna be true as we get more into the scriptures they end up becoming somewhat of the Canaanites and and we do know that it was the land of Canaan that the children of Israel was able to inherit and they had to get some of the some of the children off the land but from from this bloodline and we'll get a chance to see that in chapter 10 Oh what the descendants of Canaan you know we get a chance to see because obviously there was some emeralda tea here if you will and we get a chance to see from that bloodline two different things that go on especially and as we cover the rest of the Bible here nevertheless let's go on with the lesson so he's talking about Canaan he says he said blessed be the Lord God of Shem in 26 and Canaan shall be his servant and then verse 27 God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in attempts of Shem and Canaan shall be his servants now now I can tell you right now that Shem comes from the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ and as we get into Genesis 10 here this sets up what's going on cuz in Genesis 10 is going to talk about Japheth being the race of the Jim of the Gentiles Shem has been the race of the Israelites and then Canaan being more the race of the heathens those that would never accept God and and what his father here is almost his father seems like his father Noah's prophesying he's saying here blessed is the Lord God of Shem which is going to be the Israelites as we'll see later on they'll be the end Israelites and Canaan shall be a servant but as we get into 27 God shall enlarge Japheth and then the name Japheth actually means to enlarge God shall enlarge Japheth a he shall dwell in the tents of Shem now if God if the Lord Jesus Christ from the bloodline of shem and it's and then we're going to see in chapter 10 that Japheth is of the Gentiles then we'll Suika we have an understanding of what's going on here in 27 God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem he's prophesying you know what's to come and he ends up saying and Canaan shall be his servant hold your place there let me show you real quick that Shem is of the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ but with me real quick you want to go to Luke 3 and 36 loop 3 and 36 I just want to show you real quick that that you know Shem is actually of the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ Luke 3 and 36 I don't want to hold you over too long cuz we got the genealogies to get to hear Luke 3 and 36 here alright and it says which the son of cainan and it's talking about the genealogy of the Lord Jesus Christ as you can see here I'll start here at least to give you a three and 23 and Jesus himself begot began to be about thirty years of age being was supposed to son of Jaffa which is the son of he'll I so it begins to talk about the genealogy but then once you get to three and 36 it says which is the son of cainan which is the son of air effects air facts had rather effects at and which is the son of sim that sim is actually sim but it's actually pronounced sim which is the son of Noah okay so that you get a chance to see that Noah's son is actually from the bloodline of Christ or Christ is actually from the bloodline of Lloyd if you will and then it goes on here in 27 has to say that Jim and and that Japheth shall dwell in the tents of Shem Japheth as we're going to see in chapter 10 he represents the Gentiles to jazz will see that in tents so if you're talking about Jeff have been able to dwell in the tents of Shem which is the year's relax we're talking about the Jews and the Gentiles coming together that's what the scripture is referring to Noah's almost seeming here to prophesy about it anyway to go on with the lesson here 9 and 28 and Noah left nor lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years and all the days of nor were 950 years and he died we will go into chapter 10 and and then we'll get a chance to see about the Gentiles there so remember Noah had three sons the older one was chafing the the middle one was Shem and the younger one we actually young we learned in a 9 and 24 no awoke from the wine and knew what his younger son the younger son was ham and it was hams son that Noah began to curse or you could say hams bloodline that Noah began to curse because of what the father had done those things that the father father for some reason is in there in Noah's tent gazing at him in the midst of his privacy while he is asleep gazing at his nakedness and then he goes and run and get his brother to put his father's nakedness on displayed well that that actual bloodline which is from him which is the father and then Canaan which is the son that old bloodline as we go on with with with our Bible studies you'll get a chance to see Sodom and Gomorrah that all is is attached to that particular bloodline of Canaan which his father is him and but it all started with his father anyway I'm actually in advance here we got a lot of names to cover and some of them um you may find me stumbling over but you know just if you got your Bibles just just stick with it with me if you will amen chapter 10 verse 1 now these are the generations of the sons of Noah and Japheth and unto them were the Sun we're sons born after the flood and the sons of Japheth Gomer Magog matin and Javan and tubal and Meshach and Tyrus and the sons of gold mark as keen as an Dreyfus and - garma and the sons of Jaden Elijah and tortious and kill them and doden them and by now here you go here's the Gentiles by these were the islands or by these were the Owls of the coast if you will of the Gentiles divided in their land every one after his tongue after their families and their nations so now these are the Gentiles so now you get an understanding if you see that Shem as part of the ears relights which which is through the bloodline the Lord Jesus went through that bloodline and then you get a chance to see the Gentiles then you see those of you that have been following our Bible studies in a New Testament how God will bring the Gentiles with the Jews and and you can see that right here so we can see that the son of Japheth the Gentiles originated from them anyway the sons of ham starts out verse 6 here and the sons of ham cush Mizraim and Phut and Canaan and the sons of cush Seba and half Allah and Sapta and Rama Rama and us I got that written down a sentence optica asset iike and the sons of Rama Sheba and Eden and the cush and cush begat Nimrod and Nimrod as a whole nother character here but all of this Nimrod is here those of you know about the the will end up getting into the Tower of Babel in our next Bible study but the Tower of Babel how condescending and rebellious that Nimrod is that all comes from the the bloodline of Canaan or the bloodline of ham you know which is the one that exposed as father's nakedness Nicholas if you will anyway and verse 8 and cush begat Nimrod and he began to me a mighty one in the earth and he was a mighty hunter hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord so they're saying that they're trying to uphold Nimrod has to be equal with God in a sense in the land you know the Lord for the Lord to somewhat fear Nimrod if you will even as nimrod the mighty hunter of the land you know won't folk to recognize who he is you know even god above and the lord it says i verse 10 and the beginning of his kingdom was babel and and that name came afterwards but we'll get a chance to see it but and then Eric and and a CAD and County in the land of Shinar and the land of Shinar is actually somewhat a region in Babylon so at this time is pronounced a shiner again it's it's a region within the babylon itself amen and and verse 11 and out of that land went forth Asher and builded Nineveh will find and all of this is from the bloodline of him and Nineveh is where the Lord sent the prophet Jonah because of all the the stuff that Nineveh was doing the the immoralities the abominations that was going on in the city of Nineveh that we'll find out later with in a Bible all of that came from him the disobedient one did the one that that that gazed over his father all that come from him come from his bloodline and it says out of the land it says out of that land went forth asher and built that Nineveh and the city real both and cow lot and reason between nineveh and calah the same as a great city and misery um begot Ludum and animam and Lulabelle enough taught him enough to him if you will and then Pat's Pat's rusyn and calcium and now that them came to fill stems and cafetorium verse 15 in Canaan begot his firstborn and Heath and the Jetta sites and the hammerites and the girgashites and the Hittites and there are kites and the sea knights and the RV Deitz and the Zima rights and the hatha hammerites and afterwards were the family of the Canaanites spread abroad so these this is a bloodline of the evening students were those that never except the guy they always had their own gods that they worshipped a man especially you'll find out more as we get more into the to the Bible study especially within the book of Genesis here and the borders of the Canada of the Canaanites were from Sidon and thou cometh thou comest to gira unto Gaza as thought Boston to Sodom and Gomorrah there you go Sodom and Gomorrah that's all comes down from Noah's on him so sodom and gomorrah and admah and sabor one even unto a last lay Shaw and these are the sons verse 20 these are the sons of ham after their families after their tongues and in their countries and in their nations so from 6 through 20 it talks about all that came from ham the Canaanites and the America the Amorite Scindia all those that came sodom and gomorrah those lands that were established Nineveh all that Xterra junaid it from him amen now the sons of Shem onto shyam also the father of all the children of Eber the brother of Japheth the elder so we see here that Japheth is the elder so by process of elimination we know that she'll miss the middle we know that him from from 9 and 24 is the youngest and Japheth is the oldest here Japheth the over even unto him was born of the children of Shem Elam and Asher and our facts facts ad and and blood and arum and the children of Arum oz and whole and Geetha and mash and our facts that begets see la se la and say la begat Eber verse 25 and unto Eber were born two sons the name of the one was P lack for in the days for in his days was the Earth divided and his brother was named jock 10 now when it talks about the the earth being divided it's not talked about somewhat of a continental divide it's not really talking about that it's kind of jumping ahead just like it did with with the dislike the scriptures do when they talked about Adam and Eve during the creation it's talking about what happened during the the building of the Tower of Babel and how the Lord had to divide them it actually jumps ahead but but it's telling you that within that within that timeframe happening P lack for when his days the earth was divided because the Lord confounded their language would talk about that in the next Bible study that's going to take place in chapter 11 of the book of Genesis so we'll get to that but that division that happens in chapter 11 of Genesis is kind of referencing that right now amen verse 26 and Jotham begot Alma dad and she left and Heiser here's a mammoth and Jared and verse 27 and had and had a room and you Zell and Dikhhla an Obol and a my meal and Sheba and Oh fer and a have a lie and Jo bed and all these were the sons of joktan and this is all from shams bloodline and their dwelling their dwelling was from Missha as thou goest on to see for a mouth of a mount of the east or a mountain with in the east and these are the sons of shem after their families and after their tongues and their lands after their Nations and these are the families of the sons of Noah after their generation and their Nations and by these were the nation's divided in the earth after the flood so we'll stop right there we had some some information to go by we had an opportunity to see that Noah had that been or three sons the people that begin we're seeing that their pocket lady now so we praise God at this time I want you to go with me if you would you want to open up the door to the kingdom of God this lot of things have been happening so I want you to go with me and give me a chance to talk with you about it but if you will go with me to the 23rd chapter of Luke the 23rd chapter of Luke starting at verse 39 and if you will just give me a moment to talk with you some of you that that have not given yourselves and maybe you have given your lives to Christ but you're not living for him right now maybe there are those of you that haven't because maybe you don't think you can live up to the part but I'm here to tell you that it's not about what you can do it's about what you will let him do through you his love is not in question God loves us he loved us from from the moment that he created us he was even grieved at his heart we learned in the earlier chapter there in in Genesis there after the flood that it it grieved him in his heart what he had did to man but he knew that that needed to be done but he even put a covenant a covenant that weakens the token of the Covenant that we can still see today a rainbow that was established during during the planet back in the floods with Noah that same rainbow that's that's purposed back then we still see that today and that's the Covenant of his law that's a covenant or token of his covenant it's symbolic it's his love towards us it's how He loves us it's how He loves you now no way you may be feeling I got time this thing isn't as serious as you think you know you you do your thing and let me let me live my life but the problem that I got with that whole statement is if you're not living for God you're living for the devil and if you think that the devil is going to let you go you say that I got time you're you're gambling with the devil every time you're playing a game of Russian roulette you don't know how much time you got but you think the devil is gonna let you wake up one day when when the doors to the gate of God opened up the Lord is sending his spirit to strengthen you and what happens when his spirit begins to strengthen you for you to make a decision it keeps the enemy at bay so that you can make your decision you can say well today I'll go out and I'll go partying tomorrow I'll live for God you don't know what's going to happen but right now there's a spirit going forth to keep the enemy at bay to keep them back to give you some room so you can decide if you want to keep living for the enemy or if you want to live for God but can't no one make the decision for you the devil can take you up into a high mountain and show you all the good things of this world just like he did the Lord Jesus Christ took Jesus up and showed them all the cities of this world and told Jesus I'll give you this if you live for me basically told Jesus if you worship me which means if you live for me if you do what I have you obey me all this can be yours when the devil knows that you may be on the verge of going to live for the Lord Jesus Christ so he's trying to show you all the things that he will put right in your life and it's all lies why he is at bay make the intelligent decision to live for Christ Jesus because it's getting darker I don't care how much light you got out here today we're not talking about this light from the Sun we're talking about the difference between the light of Christ and the darkness of this world I need you to decide he needs you to decide whose side you want to be on because if you're not for Jesus then you were against him and you can't say well I'm not out there doing what they doing so I'm not that bad but you're if you're not for him which means if you're not living for him then you're living against him so I implore you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ all it take is a confession by you to switch sides to switch teams to get your life to get not even get your life back to get a better life through the Lord Jesus Christ I implore you all it take is a confession watch this go with me and it doesn't matter what you've done it doesn't matter how bad you have been it doesn't matter if if you took a life if you've stole something if you've been in the midst of adultery if you've been in fornications if you've been a drug addict it doesn't matter where you come from what matters is where you're going watch this I told you Luke 230 the 23rd chapter beginning at verse 39 remember it doesn't matter where you come from watch this now these there was three people there was three people on the cross that day that Jesus was crucified there was Jesus Christ himself and there was two criminals that was their descriptions refer to him as male factors but male factors mean criminals now watch this this is the day that Jesus was on the cross it doesn't matter where you came from it matters where you're going and all the tickets for you to confess the Lord Jesus Christ watch this and that verse 39 Luke 23 verse 39 and one of the male factors remember male factors mean criminal one of the male factors which were hanged railed on him saying if thou be Christ saved thyself this is somebody that what they just trying to tempt Christ they're not even living from there already at the point of death because they're on a cross and instead of accepting the Lord Jesus Christ all they're trying to do was tempt him they're trying to get what they can out of him so that they can get up off the cross and mockup basically they're mocking him while he's on the cross but let's go on here verse 40 but the other answering rebuked him saying do not fear God or have some respect for God he said now he already know let me finish sin that though are in the same condemnation you about to die you in the same condemnation as the Lord Jesus Christ remember Jesus is on the cross and then you know the he's about ready to give his life he's saying you're in the same situation you are at the point of death and now instead of you appealing to God all you're doing is mocking him do you not respect God that's what the malefactor of the criminal was saying but watch this verse 41 we indeed he says and we indeed justly we receive the due reward of our deeds but this man has done nothing so what the other criminal that was on a cross with the Lord Jesus Christ he says what's happening to me it's right because of the things that I've done wrong I'm paying for crimes that I've committed so he admitted his faults he goes on to say this dog verse 42 and he said unto Jesus Lord remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom now what it takes from the Lord what it takes for you to come in to Jesus Christ his kingdom it's for you to believe that the Lord Jesus that God did send Jesus and for you to believe that he is the son of God he confessed what he key confessed look here verse 42 and he said unto Jesus Lord this is a confession of his faith that he believed Jesus is the Son of God he said remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom he's asking the Lord Jesus to remember him or to bring him or to accept me Lord Jesus I know that I've done wrong this is a confession on the cross from a criminal when he said we just Lee deserved what we did he said I know that I've done wrong but I believe that you are the son of God come in to me or let me come into your kingdom I accept you as the Son of God and that's all it that's all it takes it don't matter what you've done wrong or where you come from and watch what Jesus said to him in verse 43 jesus says unto them verily I say unto thee today today thou shalt be with me in paradise and what he's saying is that the self explanitory by the confession of your faith because you believe that I am the Christ the Messiah the child of God I'll accept you and you should live forever this is what Jesus said to the guy on the cross and the criminal that huh it don't matter where you came from what matters is where are you going Romans 10 and 9 says if thou if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus Christ and now believe in 9 heart that God has raised him from the dead thou shalt be saved so you know how to get there and you know that it don't take a resume of things that you've accomplished you can be the lowest you can you could be on death row you could be a drug addict you could be a prostitute or you could be somebody that's never done anything wrong but you still don't have Jesus we know how to get Jesus we I just showed you how to get them how how to have them you have to call on Jesus Christ but you got to be willing to do it and if you're willing to do it this is all you need to do you say God I'll come to you just as I am remember the guy on the cross that we did what we did and we knew that we was wrong when we were doing it so I'm coming to you just as I am you know my sins Lord I believe that you sent the Lord Jesus Christ down to this planet I believe that he was crucified I believe that he was buried and I believe that he was resurrected on the third day and I believe soon after he ascended up into heaven and he now resides on your right-hand side and I believe all this was done that I could have life eternally now father I call on your son Jesus Christ to come into my heart to come into my life Jesus take me as I am your life with my life in my life with your life lead me and guide me from this day forth and if you said that my brother or my sister praise God you have been saved now we want to get you baptized we don't want to waste time with that this guy didn't be back he couldn't be baptized he's on the cross he about to die when Jesus Christ ascended up into heaven God sent to us his spirit which is the comforter the Holy Ghost and what the comforter does is it cultivates our relationship with God and His Son Jesus and those things that those habits that we couldn't break those things that we couldn't stop doing or the understanding of God Word even the Spirit of God rests within us we receive the the Spirit of God and an openness our it opened up our understanding and it gives us power it gives us understanding it gives us power over the things that that used to subdue us cigarette smoking drugs on that once you bring once you allow the Lord Jesus to come and clean you up and bring a spirit into you you have power over those things that used to have power over you but you need to be baptized that you need to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ once you've accepted the Lord Jesus and praise God that you did pick up the phone call the man of God call any man of God and let him know I just received the Lord Jesus Christ and I want to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ if that man of God tell you that you don't need to be baptized hang up that phone pick up the phone again call somebody else go through the phonebook cause somebody else telling you need to be baptized a man of God will come on out to your house where he will bring you to his church and he will baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen praise God I love you I bless God for you my brothers out there that are on the road they live on a road they drive trucks they drive buses whatever you do that keeps you away from home we are praying for you as you're out in the labor fields we pray for you we love you those are you that just gave your life we love you contact me if you have any questions I'm pastor Hardin at ubc Church org that's o RG dot o-r-g until we meet again I love you my brother my sister peace be unto you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen and amen
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 18,339
Rating: 4.8472223 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, LORD, JESUS, CHRIST, bible study, Genesis 9, Genesis 10, Noah, post flood, sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, Japheth, Nimrod, Babel, sons of Shem, sons of Ham, sons of Japheth, Canaanites, Philistines
Id: mk7xhOn7yqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 14 2012
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