Genesis Chapters 4 & 5 Bible Study

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good day to you my brothers and sisters I'm Clarence pastor of United body of Christ Church extremely excited today you know just going through God's Word here book of Genesis the Lord has allowed our Bible studies to come into the book of Genesis and I'm just excited we get an opportunity and it's fitting that God would have had a start in the Gospel of John you know and one of the things that I always say about the Gospel of John is unlike all the other Gospels the other three Gospels this particular gospel really identifies the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ and being able to take that knowledge and understanding and go back into the book of Genesis and apply it it's just phenomenal just phenomenal so I bless God to be able to come before you yet again today with another Bible study again I'm Pastor Hardin we will you know how we always do it those those of you that are new to this we review and you know last week of as we review chapters 1 & 2 I know they were bit lengthy there was a lot of information too you know as you're doing the review is almost like you're teaching the lesson from that last week again you're trying to take out the important parts that would be relevant to today but you know again it seems like everything because we're talking about the design of heaven and earth it seems like mostly everything was relevant you know so as we go forth today with chapter 3 again we're going to review the lesson from last week which was a chapter I'm sorry we're going to go forth on chapter 4 forgive me so we'll go back and review chapter 3 from last week and as always those of you that don't have a Bible to follow us with don't worry about it bless my wife I praise God to have a wife that's in my corner that you know she's for God's people she has a heart for God's people oftentimes she's up in the night beseeching God for the strength of his people amen anyway she made sure she acts she works behind the scenes she was able to make sure that the information is on our website if you need to follow us verse by verses go to WWDC church dot org and look on the look for the online Bible tab and all you have to do is type in the book of Genesis just type in Genesis and whatever chapter and it'll bring up that whole chapter we give honor to God who is powerful who was holy he is phenomenal if you're not walking with them start walking with them I don't care if you're and how do you walk with God you you you spend time talking with them understanding a first of all adhering to his Commandments being obedient and just walking that's how you walk with him you be obedient and you talk with them you learn his word so we're taking care of the part right here the learning of his word so your responsibility would be the camaraderie you talking back and forth with him and so at least that's your part our part is helping you understand him which is giving you a better understanding of his word that's how you understand your Creator is understanding his word so I don't want to keep talking again I'm so excited we also honor his son the Lord Jesus Christ if it wasn't for him being sacrificed and if it wasn't for him laying his life down we wouldn't have this opportunity to go before you this day so we bless our mighty king who was the author and the finisher of our faith without him there is no us so we bless we thank you God and we thank you for allowing your son to be revised and we thank you for giving your life for as Lord Jesus Christ without further ado we'll go ahead and review Genesis the third chapter and then we'll swing right into the fourth chapter I've already broke bread with prayer before we started the recording here so if you're with me let's go we start off the review with chapter 3 verse 1 it talks about the the serpent beguiling or beguiling or persuading Eve to go against God or to at least go against God's commandment which in turn is going against God he came to her and the scripture says that he was subtle you can actually look at that and say that he was cunning amen and then he tooks God he took God words and was like yay God said you should not eat of every tree of the garden you know so he actually took it and repeated it and if you go into the Gospels if you go into the the Gospel of Matthew or if you go into the the Gospel of John you see that when that when the enemy came onto Christ Jesus the enemy would also he would do the same thing he would say it is written that that that you know he would he would take this he would actually recite the scriptures to see if he can get Jesus now I'm just giving you a quick example that's why I'm not filling out the whole blank there I'll let you go back and get it but for the for the sake of the review he did the same thing in the New Testament with the Lord Jesus Christ he would quote scripture to see if Jesus would bite it you know and end up you know persuading Jesus and then the same way he's doing Eve like this you know he's coming at her he's using the serpent to speak with her and to see if he can get her to go against God in this manner by using Scripture which is using the Word of God yay hath God said you should not eat of every tree of the garden and of course she engages in conversation with him and he is going to subdue her we talked about this last week and God had given man dominion over all the earth which means we even had dominion over the enemy but the only way that man can fall was to forfeited we couldn't beat us so he had the forfeited we had we had to forfeit our Dominion or our rights to have authority over everything in the planet and that's what happened here as in verse 3 the fruit of the trees which is in the midst of the garden God said that we should not eat of neither should we touch it lest we die and one of the things we know about two trees being in a garden there was a tree of good and evil the tree of the knowledge I should say of good and evil and then a tree of life and he didn't come at them about the Tree of Life because God had already said that they can eat it he came at them about the tree that they were not supposed to eat or touch and all he had to do was this you know reason with her this is she supposed to subdue him but he end up so doing her versa chapter three and three it says at least you died the death was a physical and a spiritual death are men enough dying over the course of time that that spiritual death happened immediately that's the that's the separation from God and the abilities from his likeness that happened immediately you know as we'll be able to see here in the scripture in verse eight I'm wandering here and in my own opinion that said they heard the voice of the Lord walking in the garden of the cool of the day now this is after they have eaten of the fruit that they were bidden to eat from the tree itself and you wandering their eyes open it up as we see in verse seven it said the eyes of them both were open after they were disobedient to God so normally you probably would have been able to discern the lord coming by the sense of the of the Spirit you probably would have been able to even see him but if we see here at verse eight they heard the voice of the Lord coming and so in saying all that as the Lord told them that if they did eat it they would surely die you're talking about two deaths you're talking about a spiritual depth which is separation from from God Almighty and then you're also talking about the physical death which is you're supposed to live forever but now either disobedience the wages of sin is death and here we see that at least in my opinion an example of that is where they hear God coming and the first thing they do is they hide themselves but you would think that they would have been able to discern them coming through the faith you know from that camaraderie and then also you can see an element of fear present there is no faith now it's all fear because once they I once their eyes opened up the the spirit of their eyes if you will begin to close or they're no longer walking by faith though walking by sight which is walking in the natural so we forfeited our dominion um you know we were supposed to go through and and subdue the earth and of course the the serpent had tricked Eve or beguiled her however you look at it we end up forfeiting the the abilities or the likeness of our Father to subdue this to subdue the planet there if looking at verse 6 let's touch on that real quick when the woman saw that there was food good that there was that that the tree was good for food rather and that it was pleasant to the eyes which is it begin to begin to to appeal to her natural okay but watch watch here within this verse it says and a tree to be desired to make one wise her husband which was Adam wisdom was not the issue for him because he was made in God's image and his likeness she was put there to help him um so she began to process according she began to meditate on what the enemy said and and you know this is one of the things that we talked about last week she began and what the enemy said and she thought about the elevation within herself if you look at this make one wise her husband is already where he needs to be but this is her herself kind of coming up in the sense by the trickery of the enemy of course and and that's where this whole thing starts here so we wanted to make sure that we place emphasis on that verse 12 when when the Lord came upon them and they hid themselves and he called them out one of the things he acts Adam you know what's going on who told you that you were naked and and Adam and you can see the works of the flesh one of the things that the flesh takes no responsibility and the works of the flesh is present here in verse 12 and the man said the woman knew so he blames it on a woman and then he blames it on God the woman thou give us to be with me so he blamed it on the woman and he blamed it on God he didn't take any responsibility for it so you can see the works of the flesh you know and displayed here verse 13 and the Lord God said unto the woman what is time which thou has done and of course she blamed it on certain so we wanted to make sure we talked about that when the Lord God passed out reprimands when he passed out judgment or punishment he spoke to four and what I mean by four is he spoke to Adam he spoke to Eve he spoke to the serpent for allowing the six Eve and the serpent was used and so so he spoke to Adam he spoke to Eve he spoke to the serpent and he spoke to the enemy if we can see this right here in Genesis 3 and 15 and as the Lord beginning actually at Genesis 3 and 14 the Lord God said unto the serpent and he's saying because you allowed the enemy to use you because thou has done this thou art cursed above all cattle and then he goes on to say upon thy belly shalt thou go and the dust of the the dust thou she eat all the days of our lives now that's major because we learned back in I believe it was chicken either the end of chapter one going into chapter two that when God finished with all the creation he told you know no one was supposed to be carnivorous we were always supposed to eat herbs and and and and fruits of the trees and plants you know everything was good towards you know all men was supposed to have vegetation the flesh was not contaminated with disobedience at the time so it could have survived on the fruits and vegetables that God has planted and even though even all the creatures that God made that was supposed to be but God was saying what the ramifications is of this and he's telling the serpent that upon thy belly thou shalt go which means I'm under debt I'm under the impression that he actually had arms like a centipede or something and the Lord allowed him to bend on the stomach now it's going to take time for him to get to and from you know he ain't gonna be able to be deceptive or come up on them like you know in my own opinion but at least what the scripture says here is that the enemy have to now move about on his belly verse fifteen I will put enmity now this is he's talking to the enemy here I will put enmity between thy seed and the woman seed or I will you guys will be an adversary between thy seed and her seed and this shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel so one of the things if you allow me to read this verse one more time so that make sure that you'll have some understanding I will put enmity between thy seed and the woman which is animosity and between thy seed and her seed so basically when he's talking about the enemy he's talking about the children of Darkness verses to truth the children of light and please go with me real quick to the Gospel of st. John and we'll get an understanding here I got a verse here that's going to clarify not that it needs clarification but just to give you a better understanding of the seed of the enemy and and we actually went over this not too little too long ago we're talking about the Gospel of John chapter 8 verse 44 and you'll get a chance to see the Lord Jesus call out the seed of the enemy he again the Gospel of John chapter 8 verse 44 now then Jesus is talking to the Pharisees here he says here ye are of your father the devil and the lust of your father's you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth there you go because there is no truth in him when he speaketh the lie he speaketh of his own words and he speaking of his own for he is a liar and the father of it so as it starts out that ye are of your father the devil and this is what God is saying here in verse 15 I will put animosity between thee and the woman and between dicey which is the children of darkness and her seed which Jesus comes you know as Jesus come into the world and he produces the children of light and this is considered a woman seed and its end the conflict that's going to go back and forth it's going to bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel amen so we wanted to make sure that that that got covered as then as they began to recommend the woman conception the labor pains or the pain of during conception or childbirth here he says in 1716 until the woman he said I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children and and and that's the remember we talked about this last week during labor it was never supposed to be it was never meant to be as painful if you had a responsibility of being fruitful and multiply and cover the earth with people that experience was never supposed to been painful okay it wasn't painful for God to make the planet and all the things thereof and if he was making man in His image and likeness then surely there wasn't supposed to be any pain involved in that if anything it would be nothing but virtue coming out of man if man is made in the image and likeness of God but this being in the natural sense you know that was part of the punishment and then he went on to say for the woman not only do you have problems during childbirth but now instead of your desire to to to be there for your husband to help them you would always someone have a competitive competitive spirit towards them if you will you always have a desire for him you know you'll be if you think about a relationship she'll always look to please them you know and then it's the sense that she would always look to be competitive you know from the fear of that she don't want it she'd be afraid of that if he leave her leaving her in the situation so it's a lot that end up coming from this particular verse here as we go one down this is the rep you know this is him casting judgment on that and what his punishment would be if you remember before we're supposed to have fruits off the trees herbs and then there was never any labor as a matter of fact if we were to go through and subdue the world to have dominion over it you know we were made just like our dad you know which was God Almighty but now because we lost the power because we lost the authority over the planet now we're subject to the planet and and God said here in verse 17 a curse sister ground for thy sake in sorrow thou shalt eat of it it says thorns and also threats all shall it bring forth to thee that was never supposed to happen we had dominion over the planet now you're seeing that that the planet has somewhat some form of dominion over us the fact that in our labor now we have to work to eat we didn't have to work to eat we snapped all the day long if you will he walked through the forest to pull a fruit off the tree and be filled all day long it didn't take much to fill the natural man because we were more spirit do you we looked at feeding our spirit our spirit was walking with God that was food the natural man came secondary but now because the the focus is on the natural man and we lost our camaraderie with God in a sense we're no longer you know majority spirit you know now we're more natural you know now because of that we have to go out and labor sweat on the face trying to work for some bread that's not going to sustain the natural you're always looking to feed the natural man and it's going to always cost you some time and some energy and that's what we see here and then also God said you know before you wouldn't had to worry about dying now until he said now you're going to have to return to the ground till thou return unto the ground for out of it was thou taken for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return but this is the mercies of God he's not going to Allah see the flesh has come between him and man and so he's not going to allow the flesh to live forever knowing that that had that is what came between man so he's gonna make a way to get rid of the flesh and allow that spirit of man you know he'll be able to have that spirit of man once again get the flesh out of the way once of all because the flesh is contaminated ok so that's what we're seeing here he's going to allow the flesh to die you know but as far as the man once that flesh is out of the way there is that camaraderie again having the man accept the Lord Jesus Christ as God prophesized somewhat in verse 3 and 15 let me make sure I covered everything here before we move on now one of the things that we didn't talk about much last week was the sacrifice those of you that are familiar with your Bibles if you read on you know about the law and from you know from Moses that God has given Moses to give to the people this is in the book X is also Leviticus these are certain things to be sacrificed you know as an offering or as atonement for man's sins there were certain animals that were to be sacrificed so one other thing and that's later on as we get into the to the scriptures but we can see the start of it actually right here if you look at the three Genesis 3 and 21 on tonight I'm also into his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin when you here's coats of skin he's talking about the the animals this the sacrifice and other animals and taken their taking their coats and covering up the nekkid miss of Adam and his wife so that's a sacrifice to atone somewhat from the sin of the disobedience of God that's the sacrifice if you will and so you can see that's the start of that actually right here you know one of the things when they begin to cater to the flesh body you know when their eyes open up and they seemed that they were naked they knew their bodies and once you have evil in you and you know your body from that comes all kind of perversions if you will and and that's why you know they try to cover up their bodies because they knew that they were naked and I know what going back a little bit but it's important that this is on my heart to tell you once you have a sense of your body and how it works you know and the devil gets into that and make all kind of less lust and stuff come from it and all kind of perversions come from that so that when you see them trying to cover their body that's the start you know of things to happen you know things get worse so I think oh the last thing we needed to cover and as far as to review goes first three and 22 God is talking to Jesus here he says and the Lord God said Behold the man is become as one of us you know Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God himself to know good and evil now less he less he put forth his hand and take up the tree of life and eat and live forever we need to give him up out of his garden because over in the garden there are still some things there that was meant to satisfy him he would be able to take things in the fruit of the trees he would be able to as the natural man eat that but give him life remember the Lord didn't tell him that he couldn't eat of that tree the Lord only told him that I don't need you knowing what sin is I don't need you discovering sin by eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil I don't need you knowing that you don't even know what good is because I am good the only form of good you need to know it's me God Almighty this is what God is saying and so therefore when they begin as they have now sinned and now they have an understanding of all kind of perversions because that's what's in the knowledge of evil you got sin and you got perversions you got all kind of stuff God don't want to let them because they were disobedient he couldn't trust them innocence to not eat of the tree of the Tree of Life which is life eternal even in the natural flesh he couldn't he didn't want that to happen so he put him out and not only did he put him out but he put uh he put a soldiers at the gate if you will here if you read here it says verse 24 he drove them out he drove a man out of the garden in place and placed Shara beams which are angels of a particular kind of angel with the flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the Tree of Life so he put a soldier at the gate if you will to make sure that that out of disobedience they don't come and try to you don't get within the Tree of Life there so you know so I think that it pretty much conclude our review and I know that was kind of a lot to cover but we're talking about the establishment of the the earth and people you know and so the views the reviews might be somewhat lengthy but but I think you know this is information that the Lord would see see fit that we would have for ourselves hey man okay we start chapter four today and Adam knew his wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I've gotten a man from the Lord and you can tell that that she says I've gotten a man from the Lord and that's up not only is that humility but that is that's gratefulness because their sins that disobedience and especially her being the one the enemy came after her and and you know especially Adam listen to his wife and he listened to God but all that came about from the enemy coming to her so you can see how grateful she is you know to be able to say man I got it I got a a man from the Lord you know that's that's that's Thanksgiving amen and again she bear his brother Abel and Abel was a keeper of the sheep or Shepherd but Cain was a tiller of the ground or a farmer if you will and in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought out of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord now then we just go back and talk about sacrifices and offering and God offered uh some coats the skin to atone for men's nakedness and we kind of look at necklaces sin being exposed and so God decided to cover men's nicodemus with an offering if you will and that's what we're seeing right here so you already have the start of offerings okay now verse four and Abel he let me look at verse three again uh Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering and it is almost like he just took anything you know remember he's somewhat of a farmer so whatever he's coming up from the ground he's just getting anything you know in a sense but watch the offer from Abel his brother and Abel who also brought the firstlings of his flock and the fat thereof I mean the very first thing that came up that was good to god that that was good he wanted to make sure that God had the best and then the the factor of that need you say more he's going to make sure that God has the best and the biggest you know make sure that there's some substance to what God is getting and the Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering but unto Cain and and to his offering he had no respect and Cain was very wroth and his countenance fell or basically he had an attitude now let's pause right there for a minute when we give tithes and offerings when we offer things to God of course we want to be obedient but you want to make sure that you're nuts that you want to make sure that when you offer even those gifts of your own and it doesn't have to be monetary but it can be it can be your service to God you want to make sure that you ain't kind of just giving God anything you want to make sure that when you offer God something what he's waiting to receive from you you want to make sure that that is top-notch top-of-the-line when you go shopping for yourself and maybe you get clothes maybe you get certain shoes you make sure that you put a lot of emphasis on the things that you get for yourself isn't God much more than that you know I mean so when you all forgot something make sure that you give him you offer him your best if it's something that you're doing for the church and the service of God don't do it with no attitude don't do it because somebody else do it and you're trying to show them up you can see the consent the competitive spirit between that cane actually have against his brother don't do don't don't be like that in church to where you know again you're looking at your brothers and sisters and saying how they do it and you want to show them up god is not getting anything out of that that's between as you and your your little motives that's he's not getting anything from that you want to make sure that he has respect uh on to your offerings amen otherwise it seems to be pretty much rejected here amen uh and God is unchanging amen so we the same God that we serve now is the guy that we serve it's God that we serve now is that God that's back here it's the same guy that he's unchanging but under Cain verse 5 to his offering he had not respect and Cain was wroth he had an attitude his countenance failed and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth or why do you have an attitude and why is thy countenance fallen you know if thou do as well and and this is what I love about God even when he questioned Adam and Eve he didn't he gave them an opportunity to answer for themselves he already knew what the deal was he already knew what they did wrong he already knew what happened he knew it he gave them an opportunity to to answer for themselves and the same thing here as he's addressing the Cain you know he sees you know what is the attitude about and and he cares enough to - he see that Cain is angry but God cares enough to come in and try to pacify him and let him know why he don't have respect upon his his offering or why he looked at Abel the way he looks Amen if thou doest well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door he says and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shalt have rule over him so whatever things you ponder on in your heart that's negative sin is going to bring that bad boy to fruition it's going to make it tangible if you have in this particular instant he has a problem instance he has a problem with his brother Abel he has a problem with the relationship that Abel and God has and he wants the same thing but instead of him doing right and instead of him um you know given God honoring God for who he is he think the easier route is to take his brother out which we'll soon find out here and God is coming at him God is not going to take away your choices God is coming at them and telling them how he could make things right between God and Cain how you could make it right all you got to do is do well but the way you're going right now sin is already at the door and it's trying to take your thoughts and make em manifest what you're thinking don't let it take you because you'll always be a servant to seeing if you give it ground right now don't give it ground use your ground for the fruits and vegetables that I established not not to be grown harvest of sin amen but verse 8 and Cain talked with Abel his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him and the Lord said unto Cain remember he's getting an opportunity to answer the Lord just by checking Lord said unto Cain where is Abel thy brother and he said I know not am I my brother's keeper nothing but attitude and he said what has done what has God done the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground and now our thoughts from the earth which has opened her mouth to receive thy brother's blood and thy hand at that brother's blood at thy hands rather and and this is amazing because I actually look at this in the literal sense I look at this you can look at this as God speaking metaphorically but I don't look at it like that I look at this in the literal sense that God his death has told the earth the earth had took in something that it wasn't supposed to ever take in it was not it was never supposed to take blood in and the fact that it took blood and you can imagine their earth taking this thing again probably regurgitating off of it and crying up to God talking about what going on and then this blood is flying up you know this week because we're talking about a spiritual sentence they just got set into a natural sense but prior to them men and the natural they were spirit that's why you're able to have a conversation with a serpent that's why you're able to subdue the planet because things were of a spiritual sense and when God is saying hey the earth and the blood is crying up to me a foreign substance has spilled within the earth the earth the earth actually had to open up and take this blood that it wasn't supposed to take you know so the earth I believe the Lord sent forth and told the earth don't you know that this blood came from the hands of Cain don't honor him you know I know that you had an obligation to bring forth fruit according to his tilling no longer do you do that you know reject him so I believe that's what's going on there verse 12 when thousands the ground it should not henceforth yield unto her unto thee her strength there you go a fugitive and a vagabond or wonderer you know a person without a home when you will be in the earth okay it's hard to make a home out of somewhere where you can't produce food where you know in order to make home you know you you're able to sustain yourself at that place that you call home but if you if the earth won't recognize your labor any longer then you have to go place the place to get food you know the best way you can in a sense and that's what's going on here and Cain said in verse 13 unto the Lord my punishment is greater than I can bear or the crime the punishment is too harsh for the crime it's what he's saying behold thou has driven the house driven me out this day from the face of the earth which is true in a sense and from thy face shall I be hid and I should be a fugitive and a bat and a vagabond on the earth and it shall come to pass that everyone that findeth me shall slay so he was concerned because he knew that retribution would carry forth that folk was gonna find out now you're talking about everybody I don't want to say it's if we look at things in the literal sense and called them all brothers and sisters back then you know you would be thinking somewhat of incest but that's not the case but in this particular instance they know everybody is coming somewhat at least from this point in time from Adam and Eve and I know what you're saying wait a minute Cain and Abel and then I know about Seth what are you talking about but stay with me and we'll piece all this together so he's right now he's he's upset because once word get out from what I did that I you know I did the first murder of humanity I killed the first human I think somebody gonna take revenge on me and I'm afraid for my life now you know and that's what he's saying verse 15 and the Lord said unto him therefore whosoever slayeth Cain vengeance shall be taken on him Sevenfold and the Lord set forth the mark upon Cain lest then he find him should kill him so the mercies of God tender sweet Cain killed his brother Lord said I can't even have you stay there no more you just need to go just like he put out him and Eve out of the garden he also put Cain away from there as well told him you need to go Cain's whole problem is I'm afraid that somebody gonna kill me when they find out what I did and then you telling me that the earth won't recognize my labor anymore you know he's concerned about that but outside of him being concerned about the labor between him and the earth he's worried about his life that another man may take it when they get wind of what he did but the Lord said a mark on him as an identifier as to say don't touch him you know so that's where we are with that verse 16 and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod on the East of Eden Cain knew his wife and she conceived in Bear Enoch and he built the city and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch again you might be asking wife what a wife come from you know who will touch that we'll get into that but you see that caning of having a son and built the city a name and called a son Enoch and name the city as well after him verse 18 and unto Enoch was born irad and irad begat me hill Jewell and me excuse me Mayhew jewelle begat Methuselah and Methuselah begot lamech and Lamech took unto him two wives and the name of the one was Adah and the name of the other was illa and adder or a dove rather a barrage of all and he was the fault and he was father of such as dwell in tents and such as half cattle and his brother's name was Jubal Jubal and he was the father of all such as handled the harps and the organs so the Lord began to make um to make abilities for man and as as the as man began to somewhat multiply they began to multiply with at least some forms of gift you know to make the best out of their natural estate they would still be able to to render for praises on to God in a sense you know as time goes forward but it's good to see the mercies of God that he wouldn't you know in man's immense rebellion or man's disobedience that God was still merciful and give him those things that would help him suffice here on this planet so we blessed God for that verse 22 and Zillah she also bared tubal-cain and instructor of every artists of our artifice err in brass and an iron and the sister of tubal-cain was Naamah so you up artificer in brass you would think that maybe he was some kind of um when he caught up some kind of a blacksmith if you will in a sense you know verse verse 23 and watch this this is the this's sin you know that it's manifesting the more men you got now that you got sin now that there is an awareness of sin based on the opening of man's eyes from the eating of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you're as man began to multiply so does to sin amen and watch this here verse 23 Lamech said unto his wives Adah and Zillah hear my voice she wives of Lamech hearken unto my speech for I have slain a man to my wounding and a young man to my hurt basically for no reason at all he just killed he talking about a killed I didn't went out and killed a couple people today he said if Cain shall be Avenged Sevenfold truly Lamech seventy and Sevenfold and so basically Cain kills his brother kills one person and the Lord said to mark on him and said that I'll take vengeance on a man Sevenfold if you do anything to Cain Lamech said what Cain there ain't nothing look what I did today if if Cain only killed one person in the Lord would take vengeance on came by Sevenfold the stuff that I did today the Lord shall take vengeance only seventy and seventy fold if somebody come up come at me and try to take me out for what I did so it's just real not only do you have sin but you got this pride and this is just arrogance you know and and you know it's and it was really all that originated from the disobedience in a garden there you can see you can see exactly where things are right now verse 25 and Adam knew his wife again and she bare a son and called his name Seth for God's said she has appointed me another seed instead of Abel whom Cain slew and to Seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name in us then began men to call upon the name of the Lord so now man starts to call upon the name of the Lord in verse 26 we see that but you can see like when you look at the the organs as we seen earlier on verse 21 his brother name was Jubal and he was the father of all such as handle the harp and the organs now they began and call on the name of the Lord now they're able to start worshipping God you know but you got to assume that probably things have gotten so bad you know that you got to start looking to God you know for answers you know for relief out of what's been going on so let's move on to a chapter five and we'll get through ten assists five and wrap it up because we want to answer where the people came from we actually want to talk about this here so and I believe you know and we already seen that that Cain has a wife and sons and we got to see these other people here but where they can get away from and what was he talking about far as people taking them out and we want to actually cover that today so Genesis 5 now this is the the generations of Adam some what if you will starting at Genesis 5 verse 1 this is the book of the generations of Adam and the day that God created man in the likeness of God made he him it says male and female created he them and blessed them and called their name Adam in the day when they were created and Adam lived now this answers the question of where the people came from verse 3 and Adam lived a hundred and thirty years and begot a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name Seth so first of all let me go back let me kind of step away from here for a minute if you haven't listened to to a sermon that that the Lord allowed me to do and I know sound like I was venting in a sermon but it was actually inspirational into the the sermon was called a man down and one of the things that that it talked about is as fathers have son runs just as God was conformed in the image and likeness this as we are conformed somewhat in the image of likeness of God and and once Jesus died we begin to I mean I Jesus once Jesus was sacrifice and he rose up forgive me for my words there once he was resurrected and have life eternally now we are made in the image and likeness of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ now our own children are conformed in our image who is conformed into the image of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we see here that has always been the case even from the beginning man was conformed in the image and likeness of God and then now we're seeing here that as men have kids in verse in verse three Adam here has a child born in his likeness and in His image that's important and I think it was important to bring that up because this is still the mercies of God and this is still man multiplying but but just the that father son that God has with Jesus he's given man that same thing with his sons right here no matter what has happened God is still allowing man to be somewhat like him and his son is that's the image and the likeness of God true enough we don't have that power that we would have had had we not forfeit our rights but we still have that that element of God that image of God that we were able to take and then but stow that upon our own sons but you know I feel I was moved to say that I wanted to say that but watched as Adam left one hundred and thirty years and begot a son in his own image and after his after in his own likeness and after his image and called his name Seth and the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth was eight hundred years here you go watch this and he begot sons and daughters so there is the people that's where your people come from Adam see the Bible talks about Cain and Abel and Seth which is the three sons but there are other children that Adam and his wife had Eve that the Scriptures don't talk about and even right here as far as the generations of Adam descriptions not even mentioning Cain and Abel but the scriptures are letting you know that after that that even as even as Adam had Seth they also had other sons and daughters it takes daughters to populate now know you'll be like little in the natural sense if you look at this thing if you're not looking at it from faith than you're looking at it from from the natural man and the natural man a call it incest and I want to tell you no not so not at least then the reason why is because you got to understand woman was taken out of man and that's how she was made an intern man is coming out of woman and if their job was to populate the planet that same process men coming out of woman and woman coming on a man has to keep continuing until the until the the world is populated so therefore as Eve and Adam more Adam and Eve begin to have children and daughters those those kids the more kids that the more daughters they have and more sons they have eventually they take them that they go on to them and they end up having kids and and as their kids have kids that's how you begin to multiply on the face of the planet and so this is where the people comes in at and you know we wanted to take take a timeout to answer this today because this is this is really profound if you think about it in chapter five because you know no you never hear about the sons and daughters that that that Adam and Eve had all you hear about are the three which is Cain Abel and Seth and even in Chapter five is I may mention it again or reiterate it again chapter five is not even mentioning Cain and Abel they just start off talking about Seth so you would have to think that either either before Seth or after self that they had sons and daughter they had other sons and daughters and I believe that really the reason why the Scriptures talk about Cain and Abel because they want to give way to the first murder of mankind amen but Seth was the one good child that they actually had and actually Abel was a good job but he was slew and he felt like you know the Lord has replaced my son Abel with another good son which is which is a Seth so we wanted to take time answer that so this is all the genealogy and I'm going to go through and pronounce these names as you know by now I'm not good at that so bear with me and we'll get through this here verse 4 of chapter 5 and the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years and he begat sons and daughters and it didn't say that he begot sons and daughters after Seth it just says that his days were after he begotten Seth were over eight hundred years but it says that he had sons and daughters it didn't put him after Seth it could have put him before but know this that he had he actually had sons and daughters outside of Cain and Abel and Seth a man and all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years and he died so they lived almost a millennium in this case he lived almost a millennium but he died because of the what God said that flesh is going to have to return to the earth and that's what died that natural man died that that flesh the dust you know dust from the grounding came and dusted return verse six and Seth left a hundred and five years and he begat enos and Seth lived after he begat enos eight hundred and seven years and he begat sons and daughters and the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years there you go almost another millennium in eNOS and he died and eNOS lived ninety years and begot Kanan and eNOS lived after he begat Cainan 815 years and begot sons and daughters so as you see the Lord is blessing them not only with sons but he's blessing them with daughters because that's relevant towards the pop towards populating the planet so in the natural sense today you look at it and say this incest and I'm not an advocate evinces I'm not saying that I'm saying that today that's not right whereas it is back then it was necessary in order to populate the planet amen so I want to make sure I want to body saying you know pastor you know these we want to make sure that this gets put out here according to as its told here in the scriptures here verse verse 12 and Canaan lived seven years and begot may hell allele and Canaan lived after he begat Mahalaleel 840 years and begot sons and daughters the Lord is blessing him with daughters and all the days of cain and were 910 years and he died and the hail allele lived sixty and five years and begot jet chariot and Mahalalel lived after he took after he begat chariot eight hundred and thirty years and begat sons and daughters this is how you populate the planet and all the days of mahalia 190 and five years and he died so one of the things that you're seeing is somewhat the times are starting to come down somewhat and my wife and I was talking about this you figure if a Adam lived 930 years it's it's you got to think about it this is how my wife and I was talking about it today that before the fall before men forfeited his rights to Dominion of this planet and when we talk about Dominion we talk about even if the enemy was here the men had dominion over the enemy - because God said had dominion over all the planet but you got to think about even even with the fall here prior to the fall as women were supposed to conceive how fast with that process have been because she didn't come into pain of childbirth until after until after commune oh the fall so and my wife says you know if he's living over 930 years you got to think about it is a feasible as it's plausible to assume that they would have had a kid every year in a sense if you think about it so you could say that one you could say that one family that's living 930 years can have nine hundred and thirty kids somewhat in a sense you know ain't no telling when did childbearing years were stricken but if they had a mandate to populate the planet then if they're living that long then it ain't no telling that the childbearing years could have carried on quite a bit you know quite and you know at least for us what is 40 50 years or some you know maybe even 35 or 40 years whatever the the the statistic is you know to where a woman is no longer able to bear children but you got to think about people living this long this is the case to be able to bear children so just something to think about there well nevertheless verse verse 18 a Jared lived 160 and two years and begat Enoch and Jared lived after he begat Enoch eight hundred years and begot sons and daughters and all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty and two gears and he died and eaten up lived 65 years in begot Methuselah and Enoch walked with God after he begot Methuselah three hundred years and he begat sons and daughters now when it says that he walked with God not notice that if you read uh if you read verse 20 at the the end of verse 20 it says and he died and if we go on through this you know if you back up even more with verses all you know they're saying that they died but uh Enoch is the only one that we're reading that says daddy and he walked with God and watch what it says so let me finish what it says here Enoch walked with God after he begat methuselah 300 years in he begot sons and daughters and all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty and five years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him and what it said is he didn't die like all other men did the lower actually literally came in and took them on and and this is here is something for you if you get an opportunity to go to the library get the Book of Enoch and and because in this as the scripture is alluding to that there was something about Enoch that God wanted to have that God had to show him in a sense and so God took him and you know Lord's favor was upon but Enoch supposedly have written about some things that he had seen as he I walk with God and and and so you some of this kind of alludes to that so you know you get an opportunity there's not anything that we teach because it's not in the Bible but it's at least good to know that he he actually walked with God and God took him took him somewhere you know so we wanted to make sure that there was emphasis on that verse 25 the Methuselah lived a hundred and eighty and seven years and begot lamech and Methuselah lived after he begot lamech 780 in two years and begot sons and daughters and all the days of Methuselah were 960 and nine years and and he died so he lived 969 years and Lamech lived a hundred and eighty and two years and begot a son and he called his name Noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands because of the ground which the Lord had cursed and leymah cleft after he begot know of five hundred and ninety-five years and begot sons and daughters and all the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy and seven years and he died and Noah was five hundred years old and Noah begat Shem ham and japheth so we can stop right there we had an opportunity to knock out two chapters and it was fantastic to see because when I was growing up no one can actually answer for me where do these people come from you know and it was a lot of things that pastors didn't want to teach you know they didn't know enough about it and so coming into the understanding of where the people came from it's extraordinary how God worked and how God does and things and when Tanton speaking of God how extraordinary he is even though that we forfeited our rights that the Lord had given unto us he gave us some what the deeds of the planet the deed to the planet the Lord I gave to us at the beginning however we forfeited by by listening to the enemy rather than listening to God in a sense worshiping the enemy instead of worshiping God and and of course we end up out of disobedience giving the enemy the papers to the planet but God had a plan you know to get the papers back you just want gonna come down here and just take it right back out of the enemy's hand just like that you know that's you know there are certain protocol that needed to be done in order to get it back because man was made flesh you know and you know to be able to live in this world and subdue it therefore the God had to bring Jesus in that Jesus can be born flesh and to the world in order to get the papers back from the enemy and the Lord Jesus is the Son of God the only begotten means the only and the only uh the only child of God that came out of woman but was from the Holy Ghost himself a man it was just like we begot our children to Lord actually begot Jesus through woman there that was done so that he can get the papers back from the enemy the inheritance of the world the enemy not only the world but he also had the keys to to death and hell and Jesus had to come in remember we controlled everything there there was no death man knew not death until he fell therefore there was established sin which also went hand-in-hand with death and when Jesus came and maybe I'll alternate sacrifice and the Lord talked about this in the book of Genesis that we've already covered he didn't want to have to leave man in the state that man was in even though he was angry with men for being disobedient he did understand that man was deceived through the serpent the serpent didn't warp us not physically he beat us through deception and the Lord the love of God is awesome because he wasn't going to just stand back and let that happen you know he said you know you got over on this one you know against my man but I'm not going to allow this thing to stand I'm going to let my son come forth and y'all you you and a woman I'm going to be bitter because you're going to know that I got a son coming and you're going to try to attack her to keep my son from coming but there's nothing you can do to stop its arrival and when he gets here he's going to take those papers back from you and that's what he did now guess what him taking the papers back from the enemy the inheritance of this world the the keys from death and hell he took all that from the enemy so now guess what you know it would have been before that no matter how you try to live with God you know ultimately you'll die you know in protocol I possibly go to hell you know but the Lord took the keys of death and hell from the enemy that means those that are living righteously those that that love God those that accepted his son the Lord Jesus Christ you don't have to die and be tormented in hell and hell is just the first part until the day we have judgment once we stand before God and access why didn't you accept my son and if you did accept my son why didn't you live like you did accept my son do you understand what I'm saying he's going to want to know and if there ain't nothing you can really say he's going to give you an opportunity to speak but the sentence has already been imposed upon those that chose not to accept the Lord Jesus Christ and accepting the Lord Jesus Christ is first believing God that it was his son that he was his only begotten his only begotten child the Lord Jesus Christ and that he came came into this world born into this world was crucified was buried was resurrected on a third day soon after ascended up into heaven that he's now sits on the right side of God you know and all this was done so that men would actually have the fellowship that God has established at the beginning that we can come into it in the end but guess what all that means nothing if you don't take advantage of it and you can't let the enemy keep trying to get you to forfeit you know he he doesn't hold it he doesn't have it Jesus has it but here's what Jesus did with it I'm not conforting saying on you this is how God is I'm not going to force it on you you're going to have to accept it you're going to have to choose to have it and to choose to have life eternal eternally you're choosing the Lord Jesus Christ you're believing that he came that he was born into this world that he was crucified he was slain for us he was buried resurrected on the third day and soon after ascended up into heaven and all that was done so that those that believed that that happened could have life eternally so you have to believe with your heart and confess with your mouth that he is the Lord Jesus Christ the son of though the only true and living God once you believe then you receive so high so this is what you do you say god you know my sins I come to you just as I am I believe Jesus Christ is indeed the only begotten child of God and I believe he was born into this planet and I believe that he was crucified I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was slain buried and resurrected on the third day and I believe Lord God I believe God that he ascended up into heaven and now rest on your right hand side he sets on your right hand side and I believe that was done that I may have life eternally now if you said that if you said that then all all that Christ went through you just became a recipient of the sacrifice amen god bless you my brother or my sister you just retained you just became a recipient of the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ that gift that we had at the beginning to be able to subdue the planet to be able to have life eternally you just got that back openness it's for real and praise God because the angels are rejoicing the Scriptures talk about the Angels rejoice and if one come back the angels are rejoicing God himself because his son is getting a chance to see the fruit you're part of the fruit of Christ you are part of the fruit now watch this we got to finalize this because the devil is you know you're making him angry so he wants to be able to try to try to change your mind how the devil is a liar watch this the last thing that you got to do you got to do this because your old man has to go down it takes baptism because you're going to receive the Holy Ghost Christ as Christ has ascended up into heaven but the Lord did not leave us alone he gave us the Spirit of God that same spirit I was there at the beginning of creation it's the same spirit that Christ had soon as he ascended God sent what's called the comforter or the Holy Ghost and watch this you have to be submerged into the water which we call baptism and you'll be you'll be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be baptized and submerged into that water your old man goes down as though you're being buried but praise God that knew you with a new name comes up amen and then Joran down with the gift of the Holy Ghost it's just that simple and it's just that easy so how do I get baptized who baptized me call a church grab a phone book call your relatives let them know look go to the church down the street from me find out who baptizes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ that's important find out who baptizes in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let them know that you need to be baptized you Dixon you just accepted the Lord Jesus Christ and you want to be baptized and if they tell you you don't need to be baptized run as fast as you can from that place go to somewhere go find a church and tell them you need to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and that man of God will come pick you up he'll come to your house hit come to wherever you are to make sure that you get baptized because that's your citizenship into the kingdom of God okay you just had a temporary step on a Visa card okay but this is a permanent citizenship when you do this okay praise God and that man of God you heard me say this before he will be able to come out to your place and baptize you in your tub remember it's not about seeing the natural would be like my tub no but the spirit will rejoice because your spirit knows that this process can be done anywhere it can be done at the river down the street from your house it can be done in your bathtub it can be done on churches grounds it can be done anywhere that there's a body of water that you're able to be submerged in not the sprinkle that's not that that's this you know that ain't nothing but to your faces go whatever that is we're talking about actual submersion submerging submerging putting you into the water and bringing you back up that can't get no plane in that my name is Clarence if you have any questions feel free to email me at pastor hearten h AR di n pastor Hardin at ubc Church data word hopefully you enjoyed this message praise God for the new Saints today praise God for the for the new citizens of the kingdom of God I'm excited about the lesson I'm excited about the next lesson in the book of Genesis make sure you come back and join us for the next lesson praise God god bless you until we meet again
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 35,691
Rating: 4.8080616 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, LORD, JESUS, CHRIST, Genesis 4, Genesis 5, Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel, Seth, Genesis, bible study, sin, tithes, offering, sacrifice, first murder, vagabond, fruitful, multiply, Enoch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 41sec (4301 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2012
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