Hosea chapters 1 & 2 Bible Study

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] welcome to united body of christ church an online ministry where it is our mission to minister and feed the word of god to the body of christ visit our website at ubcchurch.org where we offer free full-length video and audio bible study lessons taught verse by verse select a speaker topic or series and click filter to view the bible lesson of your choice if you don't have a bible you can follow along with each verse by scrolling to the bottom of each bible study video if you are in need of prayer you can visit our website and fill out the prayer request form please be sure to indicate if you would like your name added to our online prayer list page and most importantly please indicate if you have accepted jesus christ as your lord and savior we also ask that you visit the prayer list and pray for our brothers and sisters in the body of christ last but not least the united body of christ app is available in the google play store and your iphone app store let us now join pastor clarence for today's bible study lesson well god bless you saints citizens and soldiers of the most high god my name is clarence and i'm pastor of the united body of christ church which is an online ministry so on behalf of my family and myself we'd like to take this opportunity to welcome back your families and yourselves to another broadcast to another bible study today we come into a whole new book and i'm looking forward to this this is a hosea we are coming into the prophecies of the book of hosea so i'm really excited about it and it's a interesting book to as we start out reading here it's an interesting read uh you know as always before we get started we love to go before uh the presence of the lord in prayer before we crack open the book amen our father thou art in heaven and halloweth be thy name thine kingdom comes thine will be done upon this earth as your will is done within heaven give us this day our daily bread forgive us of our sins forgive us of our trespasses lord god forgive us of our depths forgive us of our transgressions as we forgive those who are our adopters we ask also father that you would lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the hands of the evil one lead us not into temptation but deliver us from all evil for thine is the kingdom the power and the glory now and forevermore it's in jesus name that we pray sovereign king of the universe almighty god creator of the heavens and the earth maker of man giver of our faith deliverer restored strengthener way-making god father we come before you in the name of your only begotten son the lord jesus christ and jesus we thank you for allowing us to assemble before your father in prayer we thank you lord jesus for the sacrifices that you've made that allows us this pathway to salvation jesus we thank you for interceding for us while you're there in heaven that we would obtain grace and mercy while we are here on this earth jesus we also thank you for having our names written in the lamb's book of life for being that shepherd and the bishop over our souls thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus for giving us the keys to the kingdom and the kingdom being inside of us father thank you for this day which is at hand the strength to contend for our faith thank you for allowing us a seat at this table whereby we can learn the prophecies of your prophet whereby we can learn about the the way and the word of god whereby we can not only learn of it but live according to it oh god knowing and understanding that judgment begins at the house of god therefore father i pray in the name of jesus that you would give us understanding to this word that you would give us a desire to live according to its understanding that we would be strengthened from it oh god that we will learn to depend on you that in these days and times that we will be children of faith and children of great courage children of righteousness and holiness this is our desire this day oh god not for gold and silver but for that treasure that's there in heaven eternal life with you god pleasing you all the day long while we're here on this earth and drawing nearer to you every chance that we get speaking to you when we rise and even before we lay our head o god that you would help us oh god continually help us to be upright help us to hold on to this gift of salvation help us father to have courage to speak to those that are desperate to hear a word from you desperate to know how to get to thy throne desperate to know what thus says the lord concerning their own salvation father give us courage and a boldness to open up our mouths and declare your truths in the day of darkness and in the day of despair this is our desire that we would be there in that place at that time ready for your commandment for god we know that you love the world and all that is therein all the children of men oh god but that they would do right and be upright before you oh god so we thank you for loving us we thank you oh god for giving us an opportunity to love you in return giving us an opportunity to be obedient giving us an opportunity to live according to the councils of the lord god we thank you help us to take in this word according to these prophecies god that you would help us to receive it that is easy to entreat help us to declare it in its boldness and in the way in which it was meant to be spoken to us oh god that we can decipher its very meaning and that we can live and be instructed by it and tell others what thus said the lord our god this is our desire father have this part have this day and have this moment of our lives have all of us oh god for your use for your pleasure for your glory have your way in all of our hearts oh god for your glory i give thanks to you father for delivering for providing for protecting for leading and guiding for visiting us for giving us our joy and our peace and rest god i thank you for long suffering i thank you for every victory in every battle i thank you lord thank you for strength to even contend oh god thank you for the peace of mind and the rest that we have when we lay our heads at night oh god the sleep that falls upon our eyes and our body begins to heal and to recharge for the next day's contentions oh god father i thank you i thank you for looking towards our comings ends and our going doubts i thank you oh god that all we have to do is ask and believe and we receive of you o god in your ways and in your time father you are worthy you are worthy of our praises o god father you are he who lift up and tear down you are he who brings forth and put back father you dig up and you plant oh god you give and you allow that to be taken away you are the only wise true god and we say thank you thank you even for this word which we are about to receive i pray that the listeners would become doers of this word oh god i thank you for the platform that you give us to speak boldly your truths even in the day where where truth and light and righteousness is becoming unrecognizable and even detested by the world and its standards oh god yet you still allow the righteousness the and the light and truth of your word to shine bright and i thank you for the lord thank you for giving us a desire to want to know the word of god to want to teach it to declare it thank you god thank you for being so good to such an undeserving people but yes your mercy and your grace endureth this we give thanks for it's in jesus name that we pray amen again folks i'm excited about this lesson very powerful lesson if i might say so as well uh coming out of the book of hosea as always god is the chef the bread that god has prepared for all of us to break and to receive that's that bread of life the word of god the lord jesus christ it's the holy spirit that dwells inside of us it's that holy spirit that has invited your family and yourself my family and myself that we can come together even through this broadcast even through this recording that we can fellowship sup and commune one with another in the presence of the almighty god my wife and myself our job is to serve so that's what we do we teach that's our way of serving our we serve what god himself has prepared for all of us to receive without any further ado in jesus name let's eat so this is the book of hosea and and let me give you a bit of backdrop to help you to understand um as we read to help you to understand what what's going on here this is the last prophet that comes forth before the the northern tribe which rep the the northern tribes of israel which represents the 10 northern tribes the southern the southern tribe represents the two and then the there's 12 tribes of israel and they they're divided so at this time you've got the 10 northern and the two southern the assyrians come in and take into captivity of the ten southern tribes hosea is the last prophet that comes forth to to to speak before uh those 10 northern tribes uh are taken into captivity by by the assyrians now prior to hosea you had amos that would come forth and he would come with a hardness and a harshness about what was to become of israel and in his message in hosea's message he comes kind of with a plea from god if you will as a matter of fact god has him to get married and we're going to see it god has him to marry a lady that's a prostitute and to even have children by her and god takes his hardship hosea's hardship within his marriage god uses that to illustrate his feelings and and his contention with israel so the very problems that hosea has with his wife especially with her being a prostitute uh god has with israel in this place israel is the wife that becomes this prostitute that's out here going to you know under that's that's replacing god with everything that it can find right and so uh god uses this prophet hosea to appeal uh you're so you're going to see the tender side of god he begins to appeal to the children of israel and the things that happens to in the marriage of the prophet uh his wife is his wife is going to obviously she's going to be promiscuous he married her in that occupation right in the prostitute occupation and at and some point in time he she leaves he brings her back he doesn't share the bed with her she he kind of puts her away in a sense and this and but then ultimately he he brings her back in and and she's restored uh and and to to fully been his wife and that's kind of the the things that begin to happen with israel so it's real interesting that god uses prophets in the different ways some prophets he'll give them a vision or he gives them pictures to use for them to formulate the message uh with this particular prophet god gives him a life experience that and and and it is through his own experience in his marriage that the words are are crafted that and that the message is crafted to appeal to to those his audience which is the children of israel so with that backdrop let's get right into it this is the book of hosea chapter one and you'll see me drinking tea from time to time my wife has already threatened me if you will and told me don't be slurping on camera with that tea because you know it's hot but i actually need this tea here so forgive me ahead of time uh if you hear me slurping but i need this tea so this is hosea uh chapter one the book of hosea chapter one verse one the word of the lord that came unto hosea the son of beerui in the days of uh isaiah jotham ahaz and hezekiah the kings of judah and in the days of jeroboam the son of joash king of israel so you see that during the times of the kings of of of uh judah uh from the kings of of uzziah all the way through to hezekiah in the southern tribe and then in the northern tribe uh in the days of jeroboam uh uh those are that's the kings that that are currently uh active during the time that god was active in hosea's life amen uh the as far as god using hosea to minister to the people the beginning of the word of the lord by hosea and the lord said to hosea go and take unto thee a wife of whoredoms meaning a wife that's prose she's a prostitute the and the children of whoredoms for the land has commanded great whoredoms departing from the lord so he went and he took gomer the daughter of diblin which conceived and bear him a son this becomes very interesting this is even the names that god is going to be the one to name the children that the prophet has so this it really is it does get get real uh uh powerful here so remember god gave the the prophet um marching orders i need you to go and to marry a lady that's a prostitute and then i want you to conceive children by this prostitute and so he did he married a lady that was a prostitute right so she gave him the first son and in verse 4 the lord said unto him call his name jezreel it says for yet a little while and i will avenge the blood of jezreel upon the house of jehu and will cause to cease the kingdoms of the house of israel now let's look at the name jezreel because it's real powerful it's it's it's this whole thing gets real powerful so the name jezreel means to sow that word so was sow to sow now god says that i need you to name this child because i'm going to visit israel for the bloodshed that was caused during the time of jehu and so when we go and read a little bit about jehu about jehu you kind of get a little confused there it's like god well why would you do it but we have to stick with it so hold your place there and let's see what god was talking about let's read verse let's reread verse 4 again the lord said unto him he's talking to hosea call your son's name call your first child by the name of jezreel and that name means to sow or god souls if you will god souls sows god souls okay he says for yet a little while and i will avenge the blood of jezreel upon the house of jehu and i will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of israel so he's going to revisit he's going not revisit or he's going to visit uh uh israel for what happened during jehu's term his term in office now let's go back and visit that because as you're doing the research you kind of get a little confused but then we have to stick with it to find out what happens so if you would go with me to second kings chapter 10 and let's take a look at verse 18. second kings chapter 10 uh looking starting at least with verse 18. very interesting here look at what this says jehu gathered all together the people gathered all the people together and said unto them now god had just appointed jehu to be king over israel so one of his first directives was to go throughout the land and to cleanse it from the deeds of ahab they were serving baal baal through through king ahab the the the ver the debacary and so much sin that prevailed in the land so god appointed jehu to go through throughout and and to cleanse israel from from the sins of of ahaz so look at this so jehu gathered to gather people together and said unto them ahab served bill a little but jehu shall serve him much and he was deceiving the people to make him think that don't be afraid of me you know don't you know i know y'all we all worship y'all worship balaam and and you think that i'm going to to you know not worship balaam but i want you to know that i got y'all back so if if y'all want to worship balaam and and i want to worship balaam we together on this here's what i need you to do anybody that you know that wants to worship balaam i need you to go get them because i want them to join me right now so it was a setup he was setting them up that was the way he was setting them up by he made it seem like he was colluding with them to keep them at ease to let them know that they can still worship balaam and he said go get those that are still willing to worship balaam because i got their back okay now therefore call upon them call upon me all the prophets of baal and his servants and his priests let none be wanting for i have a great sacrifice to do to baal whosoever shall be wanting he shall not live okay it gets real deep so whosoever uh uh is missing from here whosoever is not whosoever don't show up i'm going to get after it i'm going to kill them because they chose not to show up okay so that was his way of trying to make sure that all the priests all the servants all the common people that worship baal in the land that was his way of trying to get them all there to come out come out wherever you are you know i won't let's have a bail party is what he was trying to do we're gonna all be together on this right so he said whosoever be wanting or whosoever be missing he shall not live but jehu did it in subtlety or in secrecy uh cunning deceitful uh to the attempt that he might destroy the worshipers of baal so when you read this it's like wait a minute i why is god upset but hold on let's keep reading so and jehu said proclaim a solemn assembly for baal and they proclaimed it jehu sent through all israel and all the worshipers of baal came so that none so that there was not a man left that came not and they came into the house of baal and the house of baal was full from one end to another and he said unto him that was over the vestries bring forth vestments for all the worshipers of baal and he brought them forth vestments and jehu went and jonah dabbed the son of recap into the house of baal and they said unto the worshipers of baal search and look that there be here with you none of the servants of the lord but the worshipers of baal only and when they went into the when they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings jehu appears i'm sorry jehu appointed rather 80 men or four scored men without which is 80 men outside and said if any of the men whom i've brought into your hands escape he that letteth him go his life she'll um she'll his life shall be for the life of him so what's going on here is they had to make sure that they didn't confuse any of the worshipers of baal with the worshipers of god so what what jehu did is he took he appointed or deputized 80 men 80 deputies and then what his plan was i want you to grab hold of all the servants of baal and we're going to kill him and if you let any one of these jokers escape then you're trading your life for their life i'm going to have to take you out because you allow them loose okay so as you read this she was like well i don't understand why would the lord be upset what's going on here well let's continue to read so it came to pass that as soon as he made an end of the offering the burnt offering and jehu said to the guard and to the captains go in and slay them let none come forth so they smote them with the edge of the sword and the guard and the captains they cast them out and went into the cities of the house of baal and they brought forth the images out of the house of bell and they burned them so they cleansed the the satanic temple if you will and they break down the images of bill and they break down the house of bell and they made it a drought a a drought house uh uh unto this day or they made it uh a place a dump you know this uh a city's dump where you you know defecate and stuff that's that's what they they transformed it into that thus jehu destroyed bail thus jehu destroyed baal out of israel now here's where we see that the lord begins to take issue how be it from the sins of jeroboam the sons of nebat who made israel to sin jehu departed not after not from after them to with the golden calves that were in bethel and that were in dan and the lord said unto jehu because thou has done well in executing that which was right in mine eyes and has done unto the house of ahab according to all that was in my heart thy children of the fourth generation shall sit on the throne of israel but jehu took no heed to walk in the laws of god the god of israel which all his heart with all his heart for he departed not from the sins of jeroboam which made israel to sin and when we remember what jeroboam has done jeroboam was appointed a king and he was so afraid that people would have to go out of his kingdom to they would have to go into jerusalem to worship god or to go into bethel and he didn't want that he he thought that he would lose his people so he set up golden calves and and various things for them he basically created another religion another religion and an idol for them to worship god that way and this is kind of what jehu did as well the golden calves and things that were set up he didn't get rid of he allowed the people to go into worship right there so he only got he only supplanted one uh problem for another instead of him he did go throughout but he wasn't he was half-hearted in what he and what he did because even though he cleaned the temple out he replaced it with his with this false doctrine or false religion these golden calves that you see here it says uh the the the cavs that that were in uh the golden calves that were in bethel and that were in dan you know and so god took issue with them you know and and that was a problem so the sins of jeroboam is what what jehu reverted reverted the people back to and so god says that he is going to visit israel for what was happening when when jehu was in charge amen so jehu we can see when you do the research on him you're like wait a minute it looked like he did some things that was right but yes but the things that he did wrong kind of took you know took president over those things that he would have did right to glorify god and god remembers that because that was that set up a problem going forward for the children of israel as a matter of fact that brings us to the moment to where the assyrians are ready to come in and wipe out the 10 mo the 10 northern tribes of israel this is that point in which they were still going astray that that culminates into this decision to send in the assyrians so this is like a plea god is saying because of the things that happened even in jehu's time you know the things that he allowed i am going to visit the children of israel in my wrath because of that so he says to so to sow so that so he had host he had hosea uh his first child to name him god souls okay that's that's heavy keep hold this in your mind there lock that in because we're going to read about that in chapter two of these names so that's verse so let's get back into hosea and let's let's reread now we have that information let's reread verse 4 the lord said unto him call his name jezreel for for yet a little while and i will avenge the blood of jezreel upon the house of jehu and will cause to cease the kingdom of the house of israel he's going to send in the assyrians okay it shall come to pass that that day that i will break the bow of israel in the battle in the valley rather of jezreel so israel think they're dominant you know because of the battles that god has done for them and it gave them an opportunity to to um to uh mobilize uh uh a heavy and more and most skilled infantry infantry of soldiers if you will so god is saying that i'm going to come in and break down their military because you know they you know they they're known for having the most skilled soldier so god is going to come in and break them jokers down look what he says it shall come to pass that at that day that i will break the boat of israel in the in the valley of jezreel that they're i'm gonna break down their military they can't they won't be able to do anything right and and watch this verse six and she conceived again and bear a daughter and god said unto him call her name lo rouhama hama for i will have no mercy upon the house of israel that name lohu rama means no mercy the first child men named jezreel mean god souls the second child which was a daughter the first child was a son the second child is a daughter the name of that daughter is no mercy and look what god says for i will have no mercy upon the house of israel once the assyrians come in it's a wrap okay verse 7 but i will have mercy upon the house of judah and will save them by the lord their god and will not save them by bowl nor by sword nor by battle nor by horses nor by horsemen god is saying that i it's going to be by my power by the anointing by my power it's going to be by the anointing in which they're saved not military might and when she was weaned and when she had winged lohurama meaning no mercy she conceived and bear a son verse nine then said god call his name lo ami for you are not my people and i will not be your god this is the this is the child in which the prophet's wife was you know in her in her current occupation being a prostitute uh ended up being pregnant by another man and this child that comes forth is not the prophet's child okay so god says name this child low army meaning not my people that and remember it was the problems that he would have had in his marriage that duplicated the problems that god had with the children of israel and so for this for for her messing around and she ends up having this child and that child is not don't belong to the prophet it becomes a problem right but the prophet still takes care of this child even though that this child was not his you know that this child had a different father meaning the children of israel serve other gods they you know it's a problem right so again the problems that he had in his in his marriage became the message that god wanted to put forth to the children of israel right so the one child is named luami meaning not my people that's the last child the middle child is named luharama lu lu lu rouhamat ruhama loruhama meaning no mercy and then the other one is god's souls those names come into play so they're not just names that god put out there there is meaning to those names that we're going to read about so bear with me and i know i'm stumbling over these names but bear with me we're going to put pieces all together yet the number of children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered and it shall come to pass that in the place where it was said unto them you are not my people there it shall be said unto them you are the sons of the living god now god is saying that you are not my people meaning that he is going to be so angry with him he is going to put them away because they put him away so therefore he is going to put them away but god is saying that there is going to come a time to where they will be restored because as he put them away it looks like he divorces them but he doesn't he separates himself from them because of what they've done but the time will come to where he is going to take them back and they'll no longer be known as you are not my people the time when god restores israel from the assyrians remember the assyrians are going to come and take them captive and then even after that they're they're not going to have their land they're they're not going to be known as a nation but the time is going to come where god will restore them they'll be looked at as the nation of israel and they'll be looked at as god the children of god but when he's when he separates them it looks like that they don't belong to him and for a while they'll belong they'll be known as those that used to belong to god but when he restores them they'll be known as those that belong to god and and so that's the prophecy that hosea gives that there's going to come that god is going to look at them and put them away because they put him away and in doing so they're going to be known as those that are not his yet the number of the children of israel shall be as the sand of the sea which cannot be measured nor numbered even though god is going to put them away they still multiply the time is going to come where they'll be multiplied even the more so that in the place and it shall come to pass that in the place where it is said unto them you are not my people there it shall be said unto them you are the sons of the living god so god is going to forgive them he is going to restore them and he is going to bring them back amen that's the thing about it it's i god it's a powerful thing so this is a prophecy that's going to happen some time down the road that hosea gives right verse 11 then shall the children of judah and the children of israel be gathered together and appoint themselves one head that's the lord jesus christ i hate god and they shall come up out of the land for great shall be the day of jezreel so that's a prophet in itself right there that's a prophet amen so that's going to take care of hosea chapter one now let's look at hosea chapter two uh hosea chapter two verse one say unto your brethren ami i and to your sisters ruhama and look at this god is saying say unto your brother remember what we said well lo ami mean not my people look at what this says and remember what we say what loruhami means no mercy god is saying now say say unto your brethren uh uh my people right because this before was not my people he says now you can say when the prophecy comes to pass you can say to your brethren my people and then when you look at your sisters instead of saying lo rami meaning no mercy you can say mercy see the children's names actually have meaning for what would vote for what was soon to happen and what would what what happened down the road as far as the restoration goes plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife neither am i her husband let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight and her adulteries from before her breasts so it's even talk to you the children takes issue with what the mother does just like the the generation should take issue to what what the what israel has done as a whole right god just as the children has problems with their mother's lifestyle god wants the the children of israel as a whole to have a problem with with that nation's lifestyle and whole right that's that's the message that god is bringing forth right plead with your mother plead for she is not my wife neither am i her husband let her therefore put away her whoredoms out of her sight and her adulteries from between her breasts lest i strip her naked and set her as in the day that she was born and make her as a will as as a wilderness and set her like a dry land and slay her with thirst and i will not have mercy upon her upon her children for they be the children of whoredoms for their mother has played the harlot she that conceived them has done shamefully for she said i will go after my lovers that give me my bread and my water my wool and my flax and mine oil and my drink therefore behold i will hedge up thy way with thorns and make a wall that she shall not find her past that is a heavy heavy thing and remember this the message that god brings forth to the children of israel mimics the the marriage problems that hosea has and there's going to come a time there's this time to where hosea puts his wife away meaning that they don't share the marriage bed and hosea has a problem with the lifestyle that she has because when you see what his wife does why she does it because of what she's able to get out of these men she's able to get look at the things that she's able to get from them uh she gets she gets bread she gets water she gets wool this is a form of currency that she receives from them for for yielding the services she gets flax which is which is some kind of a linen she gets oil and drink okay and so she she her she the harlotry or the prostitute role that she plays the things that she get that she should be getting that from her own husband god provided to her husband to get that to get out to her well it's the same with the children of israel god is the one that provides for them so that they don't have to go and prostitute themselves out to get those things that god himself is already providing now how does this apply to us today how does this apply to us today look at and and there are some people you know i'm i'ma be real with you there are some people that that need help that that are on the system you know you will have uh government benefits you would have food stamps and various things like that and and i'm all for that anybody that needs help i'm all for that but there are there are those that are on this system that they use the system they lie cheat and steal to remain on this system so that the system can continue to supply those things um even though it's done in dishonesty and deceitfulness you know and you can't be a worshiper of god and then using the system prostituting yourself out to the system so that you can keep bringing this stuff in for yourself it don't work like that when you look at certain jobs that you have and the job is coming in between your walk in your relationship with god you're faithful and dedicated to the job but god doesn't hear from you he doesn't see don't he don't hear from you in prayer he don't see you working on his behalf to glorify him yet that job is giving you all the money you can stand to get and all the promotions you can stand to be promoted you know but yet when it comes to your relationship with god you've prostituted yourself out to that job you know and god can't you you forgot about god right and the only time that you want to remember god is when something happens to where all that stuff is gone so i would call that the parts that happen to the world but judgment starts at the house of god and this is what we find in the body of christ god wants to be first in your life but those things that you replace them with you know you prostitute yourself out to get these things and the benefits that those things give you you don't understand god is the one that was allowing those things to fall to your hands you know he the one that was giving you things to begin with but what he was giving you wasn't quick enough and and he just needed to go get it quicker you know for some reason for whatever reason that you decide to lie cheat or to prostitute yourself out either to a job or to to to this to the the government benefits that they're trying to give there are some people that god can there are those again there are those that god does take care of that god will help you to get up off your feet but there are some people that have to lie that lies on these applications to get these things that they give but then they call themselves true worshipers of god but they're sitting over here lying and then the then they don't want to put on the application that they're married right so when when you get these inspections especially these the the mothers that may be on the section eight you don't want to put down that you got married so you you you try to make sure that your that your husband is not on this paperwork you even know when you you're not even trying to use your your your your married name you want to use your maiden name to try to trick the system so that you can get you you can get this financial aid from the government because you know if if you put his name down and you try to get recognized as being the wife of so and so you're going to disqualify yourself from receiving that so you have to put your husband away to make sure that you can get to continue to get this well you put in the way the ways of god you're prostituting yourself out so that you can get these things and that's no good those that that call themselves we're not looking at the world we're looking at the house of god see god has a higher standard when it comes to his people and his children and because judgment starts at the house of god those things that we allow to prostitute ourselves in they come between god and you got to understand he is a jealous god god is a jealous god and what was happening with israel they kept going after these other gods the blessings that god would give them they would take that and they would use that to dedicate to a satanic temple of baal and use those things as offering and sacrifices to their other gods and that became a problem that was a real problem so god pleaded through him with most with with his prophets and and with amos amos was bringing down uh uh the hammer to let them know what would happen to him but finally he he brings forth hoseas to appeal to them because god didn't want it he didn't want his wrath to fall upon them in the form of the assyrians so he pleaded with them to to try to show them that you're more than my children you're like a wife to me and look at what you're doing to me i'm watching you come in and out of my life i'm watching you hang out out there in the streets with your other gods laying down with them you know and and taking proceeds for them and and you're letting them deck you out with all these harlotry kind of things that you get and then every now and then you'll come to me just to check on me but you're spending all your time with them and this is how god was feeling so what you're seeing here is god's heart being on display and remember god is a jealous god so he don't take these things lightly so he's looking at the way his children does him and it affects him over that and it's the same thing that we're seeing with hosea you know how his wife is affecting him and if he can be affected like that imagine god being affected right so this is real powerful here so going on with this therefore behold i will make a i will hedge up the way with thorns and make a wall that she shall not find her paths and she shall follow after her lovers but she shall not overtake them she shall seek them but she shall not find them then shall she say i will go and return to my first husband for then was it better with me than now once the excitement is over once she can't go out and do what she's been doing the way is not made the path is no longer there the the way is not easy for her to go and and lay now she want to look back at what she's been leaving all this time and she's like well i could go back home she's settling to go back home because now that she's bearing meaning that that she can't produce this this relationship with these husbands in that case you know not these husbands but these strangers that she's laying down because she can't do that now she looks at what she's been putting away all this time and said i'll go back home and make the best out of that that's no good that's no and that's what was happening to god when when when god came against those things that they was all for then they would come and come back to god and be like okay god you know we're going to serve you now and they would only do that until you know until the next thing popped up and then they would be out again because it wasn't really in them to turn from their ways you know god became when you when you're married and then you go out and be in it be involved in adult in adultery they say that that's the side person that you're with well now that the the plan to harlot is is so bad or being out there and putting others before god god the person that you're married to actually becomes the side person because you spend more time with the prostitutes or you spend more time with the person that you're cheating with that that that the person that you married to becomes the side person that that you only see you know every now and then that's how things is and god that god don't share the bed like that with nobody adult you either going to be with them or you're going to be against them that's just the bottom line so she says to herself based on what's happening to me let me just go back home because it's better for me to go home now than to deal with this state that i'm in for in verse 8 for she did not know that i gave her the grain i gave her the corn this is god speaking she didn't know that it was me that facilitated the wine she didn't know that it was me that facilitated the oil i multiplied her silver and her gold for which they prepared for bail the things that i gave her she used that to give to to other gods to baal okay therefore i will therefore will i return and take away my grain or my corn in the time thereof my wine in the season thereof and i will recover my will and my flax given to cover her nakedness i will also cause all of her mirth to cease her days her feast days her new moons these annual days her sabbats all of her solemn feasts i would destroy her vines and her fig trees where if she had said these are my rewards that my lovers have given me i will make them a forest and the beast of the of the fields shall eat them when i look at the days and times that we are living in now i look at where we're living in a time of of a virus and then they're saying that this virus is multiplying which i definitely believe it's it's it's uh evolving into other things into various forms this delta it's lambert and and when i look at all these things that are happening and i look at the things that are now happening with the economy um the things that men has taken um refuge in i think is the word that i'm looking for those things are not salvageable anymore we we even and we're guilty before we can look at the world we have to look at ourselves first we've put these jobs and our paychecks the overtimes the 401k all of these things that we gloried in and and we we would try to pencil god in from time to time we didn't worship him with a whole heart and a right mind we we would try to well let me come to church to write a check real quick you know to give that and then we would dip back out because i got to be back to work later you know we would look more towards the job then more towards our god as a matter of fact we begin to look at the job as a god and that's a problem um we didn't spend our time with him in this in a way and i'm not saying that there is the cause this is why the all of these things are happening i'm not trying to correspond that what i am saying is that now that these things are coming against our livelihood we have to really take a look at god because we're going to have to hold on to him because a shot and and the vaccine i'm not the the term that they gave is a the term that they have is a vaccine or an anti-vaxxer i'm not saying that those things is is a cure-all i'm saying that god is the cure-all for everything i'm not telling you not to get the shadow i'm not telling you to get the shot what i am saying is for everything that you try to do so that you can continue in the lifestyle that you had you know with with as less disruption as you can if you're not trying to turn towards god and make that relationship work with god all the shots in the world is not going to help you you know because what's going to happen is going to happen it's time out for you to start looking towards him first and and and ask him lord here's what's broken about me and i need you to help me to fix this but this covert thing has become somewhat of a has become a disruption for us and so we want to hurry up and be able to put a shot in the arm maybe a couple shots maybe three shots in the arm so that we can go back and do those things that we've been doing getting all the money and all the wealth we can get making all the money we can make sleeping around adulteries fornication sexual immoralities you know coming after the children and and then as folks us as god-fearing folk we're allowing them to minister to our kids in ungodly ways you know the disney's transgenders and various things trying to read to your children and teaching your children that it's okay and you know this is how you feel you feel like being a you're my son but if you feel like being a daughter today then i love you and you know we're allowing this this spirit and this mindset to come after our children as long as we can make all the money we can as long as we can get all the benefits we can get and the more we sell ourselves out to society the more that they give us in return to allow us to to to to continue to comply with their standards that light that's inside of you was dying more and more and more it's getting dim and getting them and getting them to where it finally is out and god how long are you going to allow that to happen before if you belong to god and you've made a an oath and a vow to him how long will he allow you to step back and allow those things to happen to him and you and not take not do anything about it before he just rise look at what he's willing to do to the children of israel what makes you think he won't come after you when you supposedly belong to him the same way he feels about the children of israel is the way he feel about you he's the one that opened your eyes to his existence and to his love and you think that if you got a shot in the wood let me get a couple shots three shots in my arm you know so i can keep going back and doing those things that are that was a close call i got i got past that now let me go back to doing what i want to do how long do you think he's going to set idly by and not do anything what we're reading about is how he refused to keep setting back and not doing anything how he is going to come after them because they they forsook him that's what we are as a society today that god is going to come after his house first for allowing the things that we see in the world to creep into our homes and to have its way within our homes god is going to come after you for that he's not going to sit idly by once you pledge your your once you married him once once you told god you do then he's just not going to let you go like that he's got something to say about what you've been doing and and you may think you've been getting away with it all this time lying on these applications so that you can get these government benefits and the government keep opening up your hand and putting it all in your hand just as long as you comply and you comply by lying you know and as long as you take that path you're rewarded with the government but you're prostituting yourself out you know and and and it's time out for that amen time out for that at some point in time you have to look at what's actually happening and i'm not saying that these things are happening because god is angry what i am saying it's time to look at these things which are happening and see where you stand with god and if you see that there has been some distance between him and you you need to put yourself back in this place and and and repent for that and ask him to break some things off for you because it's no good amen so i digress let me go on here because this the message is deep so god says he's going to come after her livelihood so that she can't keep going after these strangers he's not going to sit idly by and and watch her keep prostituting herself out eventually he's going to come after her and do something about it to make it so that she can't continue to do those things in a capacity in which she was doing them right so verse verse 84 she did not know that i was the one that gave her the grain and the wine and the oil and i multiplied her silver and the gold which she prepared for the enemy she sacrificed for that she offered it to the enemy imagine you give your wife some money and then she take it and give it to some dude that she's seeing on the side that's a problem and that's how god looked at that right uh verse nine therefore therefore will i return and take away my grain and in time thereof and my wine and the season thereof and i will recover my wool and the flax given to cover her nakedness i want her to look good so imagine your husband mind you all the finest clothes i don't know the name brand clothes out there maybe gucci or or i don't know liz taylor or something i don't know but your husband got you looking all good he didn't get you looking good for another man he got you looking good because you his husband you his wife right well imagine the children of israel god blesses them with the finest cotton and the linens and everything finest wool just so that they can be turned out by somebody else he dresses them up so that the enemy can dress them off ext and look at their their nakedness that god was used that god was using this fabric to cover them up only to let the enemy undress you that's the problem that's where we are that's even where we are as a society today that god blesses you with the currency to go to you know to to cover up your nakedness and and the enemy has taught has been teaching women that the less clothes is the best clothes right this is just crazy what's happening what you see nowadays right it's almost a sin to wear clothes it's crazy but i digress verse 10 now i will discover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers and none shall deliver her out of my hand i will also cause all of her mirth to cease her feast days we read this the new moons the sabbath and her solemn feasts those annual days that she wants to to have and to honor um she won't be around she won't be at liberty to observe these days right these holy days i would destroy her vines and her fig trees well she said these are my rewards that my lovers have given me and i will make them a forest and the beast of the field shall eat them i will visit upon her the days of balaam wherein she burned incense to them and she decked herself with the earrings and her jewels and she went after her lovers and forgot me said the lord so he's saying i am not going to said idly by and watch what i've given you be used for the enemy to have his indulgences with you it's not gonna work not gonna step by and let it happen you belong to me and i'm going to do something about it right so that's a powerful thing now look at this prophecy so god is saying that he's going to use the assyrians to come in and put a stop to all of this and uh and that's what's and i believe as a nation we can look at these things happening that enough is enough we're supposed to be a god-fearing nation but we're not we've removed god out of the equation how long if if we as a nation supposed to belong to god how long before god says i'm i i've had enough and i'm going to put a stop to all of this that you're doing and no matter how you try to continue in those things that you were doing and and to prosper by them it all comes to an end and then you you say well there's no clear path for it and now you look back and what you've been putting away all this time he said well maybe i'll go back to that it don't work so god allows the enemy to come in his wrath to fall upon you and the assyrians come in and put them away and divide them take them take them into captivity so that's god puts an end to that now god is saying that their captivity don't last forever the prophet hosea begins to give a prophecy look at verse 14 therefore behold i will alert her and bring her into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto her i will give her her vine her vineyards from this the valley of acker the valley of acre for a door of hope and she shall sing there as in the days of her youth as in the days when she came up out of the land of egypt hold your place there unless he brings up god brings up the valley of acre so let's read a little bit about that go with me real quick if you will to to joshua chapter seven joshua chapter seven and let's let's start at verse five joshua chapter seven beginning at verse five look at what this says the men of ai this was the battle of a.i the with the children of israel the men of ai they smote them about thirty and six men for they chased from they chased uh them from before the gate even unto shebaran and they smote them into going down wherefore the hearts of the people melted and became his water now this is after moses death joshua's in is is in charge and they want to be able to to possess the land and various things and this this is some of the things that they still have to go through and this battle which was the battle at a.i they were supposed to had won this battle but they lost okay so joshua was their leader at this time so joshua taurus closed and he fell on the earth upon his face before the ark of the lord until the even tide he and the elders of israel and they put dust upon their heads joshua said at last o lord god wherefore hast thou uh wherefore hast thou all at all brought this people over to jordan to deliver us into the hands of the amorites to destroy us with the god we had been content and dwelt on the other side of jordan oh lord what shall i say when israel turneth their back before their enemies for the canaanites and all the inhabitants of the land shall hear of it and shall inver environ us around and cut up and cut off our name from the earth and what will thou do unto thy great name so when when the enemy began to surround them and cut them off uh cut off our name from the earth what will thou do unto thy great name when if you allow the enemy right now to do this to us what about the other enemies in greater numbers that we're going to have to contend with if you're not with us right now what's going to happen to the other enemies that we're going to have to contend with especially in the land of the cain in the land of canaan we're going to have to contend with the canaanites we can't even get through the amorites let alone deal with the canaanites and then what would they say about you let alone will they wipe our names off the face of the earth but what will they say about you god okay and the lord said unto joshua get thee up wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face israel has sinned and they have also transgressed my covenant which i commanded them for they have even taken of the accursed thing and have also stolen and dissembled also and they have put it even among their own stuff the reason why you lost the reason why you wasn't blessed but you were cursed the reason why you wasn't victorious but you were defeated is because one of y'all stole that which belonged to me it was mine and you you took it for yourself and hit it amongst your own stuff that which belonged to me that's why you couldn't be victorious that's why you had to be defeated look at your own lies that which belongs to god have you taken that from him and do you think he is going to watch you think that he is going to sit idly by and watch what belongs to him be plundered and looted and stolen from him by you and given to the enemy for your own it don't work like that god is going to have something to say i digress let's continue because we're talking about the valley of acker acre therefore the children of israel cannot stand before their enemies but they turned their backs before their enemies because they were accursed neither will i be with you anymore except ye destroyed the occurs from among you up sanctify the people and say sanctify yourselves against tomorrow for thus saith the lord god of israel there is an accursed thing in the midst of thee o israel thou cannot stand before thine enemies until you take away their curse thing from among you this all happened in the valley of acre and this was the event which happened let's continue to read on in the morning therefore you shall be brought according to your tribes and it shall be that the tribe which the lord taken shall shall come according to the families thereof and the family which the lord shall take shall come by the households and the household which the lord shall take shall come man by man and it shall be that he that is taken with the accursed things shall be burned with fire and he he and all that he has because he has transgressed the covenant of the lord and because he has wrought folly in israel so is so joshua rose up early in the morning and he brought israel by their tribes the tribe of judah was taken he brought the family of judah and he took the family of the zaire heights and brought the family of the zaire heights man by man and zabdy which zapdi was taken and he brought his household man by man and achan the son of karmi the son of zabday the son of zerah of the tribe of judah was taken joshua said unto achan my son give i pray thee glory to the lord god of israel and make confession unto him and tell me now what hast thou done hide and not from me aiken answered joshua and said indeed i've sinned against the lord god of israel and thus and thus have i done when i saw among the swords of goodly babylonious garments 200 shekels of silver a wedge of gold of 50 shekels weight then i coveted them and took them and behold they are head in the earth and in the midst of my tents and in the silver under it we look at the things that this life has to offer and we look at going the extra mile to get that even if it take us away from god even if it takes the time away that we're supposed to have between the lord and ourselves we look at what we can gain through those things even no matter what it cost us in the long run but in the short term the gold and how it glisten this whole babylonian thing the golden bull we're in this we're in a babylonian system now and we look at what we could possibly gain out of that but in the long run it is going to destroy us because you can't serve god and mammon you'll you you you'll hate one you can't have both so joshua sent messengers they ran into the tents and behold it was hid in his tents the silver under it they took them out of the midst of the tents and they brought them unto joshua and to all the children of israel and they laid it out before the lord joshua and all of israel with him took aiken the son of zera and the silver the garment and the wedge of gold his sons and his daughters his oxidant his asses his sheep his tents and all that he had and they brought them unto the valley of acor and joshua said why hast thou troubled us the lord shall trouble thee this day and all of israel stoned him with stones and burned them with fire after they had stoned them with the stones and they raised over him a great heap of stones until this day so that the lord turned from the fierceness of his anger wherefore he named that place and wherefore the name of that place was called the valley of uh acre unto this day so god brings that up into prophecy therefore behold i will back in 14 i will allure her and bring her into the wilderness and speak comfortably unto her i will give her vineyards from thence the valley of acre for a door of hope and she shall sing and she shall sing there as in the days of her youth and as in the days when she came up out of the land of egypt so god is talking about the restoration of israel and how he's going to turn remember god's anger was turned after israel did the right thing in the valley of acre so when israel does the right thing and repent his anger is going to be turned away from israel once they do what they're supposed to do right and so god uses that god gives us this is all written for a reason god gives us an opportunity to repent so that his wrath and his anger could be turned from us amen and he wants it to be like it was when we when we first discovered him when he called us and we answered and we were so in love with him and we made a pledge to be of servitude to him and to not let anything happen for better or for worse that we're not going to put nothing before god such as the prophet's wife when they made their verse their of their their uh marriage decree and and and he took his wife for better for worse and she took him for better for worse but yet she's out there sleeping around doing various things and and and he is going there's going to be a time where he puts away put her away but then he comes back and she comes back and even though they're separated ultimately he forgives her and he reunites with her and their marriage is as as it should have been at the beginning right it's that's what plays itself out and that's what god wants to play out with you he wants you to turn away from those things that you're doing those things you're deep in this babylonian system and you're deep into what this the government is offering for you and how you have to prostitute yourself out to get those things and you have to lie cheat and be who you're not so that you can get that what the government is offering and even if it's going to put distance between god and yourself you'll say well i'll go back to you if i can't get these things and that's not the way it's done amen it shall be verse 16 so it shall be at that day saith the lord that thou shalt call me ishii and thou and shall call me no more bali so you're going to call me my husband and should no more call me my master there's it's going to be a term of endearment it's it's like us and god versus father there's going to come a time to where we don't look at god as god in in that sense we look at him trying in that nurturing feeling father right so god is saying with the children of israel there's going to come a time to where they're going to see him as their husband and not look at them as just uh he's their master amen he says that and shall call me no more bali for i will take away my names i would take away rather the names of balaam out of her mouth and there should no more be remembered by their name and in that day i will make a covenant with him the beast of the field and in the files of heaven with the creeping things on the earth i will break the bow and the sword and the battle wall of the earth and i will make them to lie down safely god is saying that there is going to come a time and i believe that this prophecy here that we see here in verse 18 is going to be in the millennial kingdom when jesus christ rules to where you're going to have peace on the earth to where even the lions get along their meat won't be that of living prey if you will they'll they'll all be able to get along the the the lion and the the antler the everything which are at odds or at war there's going to come a time of peace to where it'll be in the heavens it'll be on earth and it'd be the creepy things on the earth there won't be any any longer any bloodshed there is going to come a time of peace amen look at that and in that day i will make a covenant for them with the beast of the field with the files of heaven with the creeping things on the ground and i will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the earth and will make them to lie down safely nothing will be at odds again if there will be there will no longer be any bloodshed between man and man or man and animal and animal and animal there won't be any bloodshed any longer i will betroth thee unto me forever and this is a peace that you look forward to i can't say you this is a piece that i look forward to i see such brutality in the world i see such anger and such devalue of life and it saddens me it really it really saddens me to see the aggression and the brutality it's it's a lot sometimes a lot of it is hard to stomach but i look not to justify or condone me looking i see these headlines and i read it or the video snippets of what the news is putting out there as far as what happened and i see the sign of times in which we live in and i look at those things and and it it saddens me but it also lets me know where we are how close we are to our salvation verse 19 i will be truthy forever yea i will betroth thee unto me in righteousness and in judgment and in lovingkindness and in mercies i will even betroth thee unto me in faithfulness thou shall know the lord and it shall come to pass that in that day i will hear saith the lord and i will hear the heavens and they shall hear the earth and the earth shall hear the corn and the wine the oil and they shall hear jezreel so what god is saying that there's going to come a time to where he is going to answer the prayers of the earth through the heavens so for example the earth may need you will never have to worry about drought that the answer will be there the rain will come and bring forth these things it will never have to the answer will always be there you'll never have to worry about the drought so when you when you look at the answer look at what it says here again if you if you understand that it shall come to pass that in that day i will answer saith the lord i will hear the heavens and they shall answer the earth and the earth shall and the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oil so the prayer of the earth is that it can bring forth these things heaven hears that and therefore water comes so that these things can come forth you won't have to worry about drought ever again when this time of peace come all of these things will be in abundance i will so her unto the and look look at this word soul it comes up remember the name of jezreel mean god souls look at these names come up in verse 23 we'll be getting at verse 22 the earth shall hear the corn and the wine and the oil and shall hear jezreel remember the word jezreel mean god souls okay so keep that in mind god will sow okay so god will allow these things to come to pass right i will sow her unto me in the earth i will have mercy remember the name lo rouhami means no mercy god sends i will remember the one child was named jezreel god says i will so jezreel mean i will so the next child was named lohu rami meaning that no mercy god is saying i will have mercy upon her that had not obtained mercy and then look at this last one here and i will say to them which are not my people thou art my people and they shall say thou art my god remember god is saying that the name of the other child the name of the last child was no mercy or uh low army meaning no mercy god is saying you shall have mercy when the time comes so that's going to end uh chapters one of and chapter two of hosea and i hope you understand that the the their the way that they were in uh how they how israel at this time was seeking other gods and and prostituting themselves out that's no different than what we see what's happening in the church we take the message we don't we know even we no longer read from the bible in order to get the people and to bring the people in we we prostitute ourselves out when we start ministering and teaching the people we become uh entertainers rather than preachers and ministers we put away the word so that we can so that the people don't put us away you know we want their money so much so that we as ministers will start to prostitute ourselves out so that we don't really offend the people because we want their money we need them to continue to pay these bills up just to give you an example of of where things are how it happens all over you know and so people don't want to preach the way they're supposed to preach they don't want to teach what they're supposed to teach they don't want to declare what's meant to be declared once meant to be spoken because you're afraid of offending the people and then you won't be able to get in their donations or their monies to help you do these things that you're doing rather than depending on god you know we begin to depend on the people and we end up prostituting ourselves out because we're offend to we're afraid to offend the people that's one example of of what's happening with the church and then the church because these jobs use our personal desires uh we've these jobs are ready for us to obtain and they're requiring us to be gone more and to do more you know take on more responsibility and and there's taking us away from god right and and and we and god is looking at these things and watching you and his walk together begin to separate in part and that's a problem and god wants you to see what he sees so that you can understand how he feels once you unders once you see what he sees but sometimes we're blinded by our desire and so god tries to get our attention what about those that are like i said public your own public benefits that the government sponsors and you know there are some people that really need to be on there because they really need to help but there are some people that don't want to get off and they don't want to depend on god because this comes too easy and they have to lie cheat and still to remain on there not to mention what the world sees the world sees that they see what you're doing and they hope you can continue doing those things because you allow them to continue to do what it's doing without we're the conscience of society when people see the light of christ in us they should feel offended by having certain conversations with you or watching certain things on tv or even recommending certain things they shall feel they shouldn't have a problem with that they should want to get there but because you've been indoctrinated with the ways of the world they feel like they can talk to you about anything and you're going to be okay with that because they know that you really not who you claim to be so judgment starts at the house amen eternal god i bless you for this word i hope that i haven't taken it out of context i believe that i have not taken it out of context i spoke it that those that you would allow me to minister to that they would hear it that it would that they would receive it that they would understand it and that they would live according to with the instruction of it father we're all broken in some way but i thank you for showing us what's broken about us and that you long suffer enough that we would come to repentance and have you fix that which is out of balance and out of sync with you god i would pray that you would continue to have your way in our lives individually and collectively i give thanks to you for this word oh god continue to build up this word and continue to give us understanding of that which we read have your way and draw what's near unto you perfect us for the sake of your glory that we would be true worshipers of god worshiping you in spirit and in truth thank you for this word and thank you for this platform to declare your truths it's in jesus name that we pray amen if you would quickly go with me to matthew chapter 11 verses 28 through 30 matthew chapter 11 verses 28 through 30. jesus says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laid and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you and learn of me from i am meek and lowly and hurt and you shall find rest unto your souls for my yoke is easy and my burden is like he sees what we've been burdened down with how we've prostituted ourselves out to certain for to receive certain benefits or certain favors from men and what comes there's always strings attached when men say oh we'll give you this we'll give you that there's always strings attached and then you come to find out what the attachments were and you didn't plan for that and now all of a sudden you've been called up and jesus sees the burdens that the world has placed upon you and what you end up having to agree with and he wants to offload those burdens and bring you back because he wants to restore you he wants to make you whole he wants you to become a child of god and want god to become your father and not just your god but your father as well but out of all jesus desires for you [Music] what do you desire of god and that's what he's trying to get here's what god offers is it substantial enough to keep you there with them and if it is if if god is enough now and eternally then repent of your sins and call upon jesus that he can save you from the wrath of god which is to come because god is not going to sit idly by and let and let you get away with doing these things amen and if god is enough then you have to repent and turn to him because he is not going to sit idly by and watch you hurt his children you know by becoming a stumbling block or by allowing yourself uh to be drawn away from god if you are a child of god he wants you to repent so that you can make room for him and love him and have this special relationship with him so remember jesus wants to make you a son or daughter of god and in order to do that you have to let him offload those burdens that you've been carrying that's been weighing you down and the process of that is to first repent for having been done having put this burden between god and yourself to sin or what the world has done to you god wants you to repent of that and then have a relationship with him through jesus christ so again he says come unto me how do you come to him by first repenting of your sins and then calling upon the lord jesus christ whereas in your heart you believe that jesus is lord the only begotten of the father and that through him you can have a relationship with god so go with me to romans chapter 10 romans chapter 10 and we want to look at verses 9 through 13 romans 10 verses 9 through 13 and here's what the word of the lord says that if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the lord jesus and shall believe in thine heart that god has raised him from the dead thou shall be saved and what are you being saved from this is what you're being saved from hold your place there and go with me to john the gospel of john chapter 3 verse 36 the gospel of john chapter 3 verse 36 this is what you're being saved from he that believeth on the son has everlasting life and he that believeth not the son shall not see life but the wrath of god abideth upon him so that's what you're being saved from you're being saved from the wrath of god just as we're reading in hosea god is not going to set by idly and let the world continue to do what it's to do what it's doing to its children and let the children keep fragmenizing with the world god is not going to i set idly by and allow these things to happen and he don't respond just as god comes after his children for what they've done god is also going to come after the world for what they've done to the children and what they've done to him and it comes in the form of his wrath amen so that's what we're talking about god's wrath amen now if you confess with your mouth the lord jesus meaning you're making jesus lord of your life so you confess jesus you are you're the only begotten of the father i can't have a relationship with god unless it goes through you therefore i make you my lord and i make you my savior i i'll obey you i'll obey you i need you to come in my heart and i'll and i pledge to live with you i pledge to live through you i pledge to be obedient unto you that i may receive eternal life and god as my father amen you're calling upon jesus to save you from god's wrath amen so you confess with your mouth that jesus is lord you're pledging to obey jesus amen just as the prostitute wife was away from her husband and and now she has to come back home to her husband you're coming back home to god and you're pledging to obey him amen if you think about you have children that that said i don't want to live under your rules no more and they closed the door and stumped out of your house and then they they understood that once they went on out outside and they realized that life wasn't what they thought it could be and they failed at every corner now they have to come back home and and they left being high-minded and then they come back home being a little humble and ask you if they can come back in and pledge to obey your rules it's kind of the same scenario you know don't look at me because you have no other place to turn to you have to look at this and be like i messed up and i need to go home and honor my parents and i need to go home and be humble because out here is no place for me to be you're going back to god and you're pledging to obey through jesus christ amen for with the heart man believeth unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation for the scripture saith whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed so if you take a chance on god and if you hang in there with him and do it his way what jesus says that take my yoke upon you and learn of me for i am meek and lowly in heart he says learn of them meaning that if you do it god's way and you hang in there he won't disappoint you he won't let you down for there is no difference between the jew and the greek for the same lord over all is rich until all that call upon him just as god is what he's offering we're reading in hosea what he's offering uh the children of israel he's offering mercy he's offering restoration right he's he's offering his blessings he's offering that to the gentiles as well just as he's offered it to the jews he's offering that to us we have to be willing to accept that but he's doing his part by offering we have to do our part by allowing him to get us ready to receive what he's offering amen and lastly in this verse in uh romans chapter 10 lastly for whosoever in verse 13 for whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved whosoever shall call upon the name of the lord it's for you individually to i can't call upon the name of the lord for you you have to do it for yourself and and remember in order to do so you have to repent of your sins and then call upon the name of the lord so that he can save you from the wrath of god and jesus is going to make you sons and daughters of the most high god you repent and you confess that jesus is your lord so that you can have your relationship with god amen go with me quickly to first john 1st john chapter 1 verses 8 through 10 first john chapter 1 verses 8 through 10. and here's what the word of the lord says if we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us when you go to minister to people about what's broken about them we're living in a generation to where people do not want to hear the truth they don't want to hear about moralities they don't want to hear about what you got a problem with that which they do they don't want to hear about that they want to tell you what's wrong with you all day long but they don't want to hear you tell them what's wrong with them they don't want you getting in their way they don't want you making them feel bad about what they're doing they want to silence you because because freedom of speech don't apply to it don't fit their narrative if you're coming against them but the thing about it is you can't be silent when you come to god you have to be willing to open your mouth and and to declare what's broken about yourself because if you keep trying to hide it and you you won't let it come out you keep trying to hide it then it's hard for you to be healed from it and it's going to keep a stronghold over you it's going to continue to blast you in to rob you and to keep you on the path of damnation so you want to be able to confess you want to repent and confess what's broken about you hiding it is not working confessing it does work if we say that we have no sins we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness he is going to cleanse you he'll he will first forgive you and we're reading about that in hosea how he has forgiven the children of israel when the time come he is going to forgive them all of those on the earth he is going to forgive once they come to repentance right and then as he forgives them look at what he says the prayer it's not just forgiving you but it's cleansing you from the unrighteousness amen so that's twofold i'm going to forgive and cleanse you're going to repent and ask for forgiveness okay you'll repent of your sins and ask for forgiveness god will forgive you and cleanse you you repent and confess god will forgive and cleanse but if we say that we have not sinned we make him a liar and his word is not in us so don't be deceived and you won't be just because you deceived you won't be able to deceive god amen lastly go with me to acts chapter 2 verses 36 through 47 acts chapter 2 verses 36 through 47. the holy ghost came upon the disciples of jesus christ after jesus ascension into heaven so some years after jesus ascended into heaven the children of the the disciples of jesus christ gather themselves at a at a place uh this this upper room so to speak and what happened is they they gathered on this day of pentecost this particular day of pentacles and when they've gathered together the holy ghost fell upon the disciples and not only did the spirit of god fall upon them but the spirit of god came inside of them so it the baptism is the when the spirit falls upon you and then it comes inside of you and that happened on that day of pentacles and that represented the start of god placing his spirit inside the believers of jesus christ amen now let's read here because peter after peter was filled with the spirit of god he begins to to minister to his audience and we come in towards the end of his sermon so beginning at verse 36 peter tells his audience therefore let all the house of israel know assurely that god had made that same jesus whom you've crucified look at what peter says whom you've crucified god had made that same jesus both lord and christ meaning that being lord we have to obey him being christ we understand his identity and his deity that he is the the anointed one the holy one from the from the lord god our father now peter says that whom you've crucified surely those that were present were not the ones to drive the nails through the hands of the lord jesus christ but their lifestyle make them just as guilty as those that have driven the nails through the hands of jesus christ as he was crucified on the cross all lifestyles being in rebellion to god makes us just as guilty because we're disobedient we know these things are wrong god is ready to forgive us but we have to be ready to repent and that's peter begin to let them know where they were where they were out of step with god at he let them know that god is not he's not happy with your actions because your lifestyle make you just as bad as those that did that to jesus verse 37 now when they heard this his audience peter's audience when they heard his sermon they were convicted they were pricked in their heart and so they said to peter and to the rest of the apostles men and brethren what shall we do when you hear the word come forth and you get convicted god is showing you what's broken about yourself you have to be willing to take action that's why he's showing you so that you can do something about it amen so the disciples once they had that conviction they just didn't say amen and go back to doing what they were doing they they wanted to be fixed they wanted to be forgiven but they wanted to know what they needed to do to be forgiven and this is what peter tells them in verse 38 peter says repent we know what repentance is turning away from the sins once and for all and in order to turn away from something you first have to acknowledge that it's no good that's why you're letting it go and a lot of us convince ourselves that it's it's fine what's that song if loving you was wrong i don't want to be right a lot of you have convinced yourself that it's okay that's just who i am or god intended for me to be in this situation no god does not tempt you with sin it don't work like that so in order to repent the mindset has got to change well we're just living together we're not doing anything we're just living together but you're living in fornication you're living in sin and you can't do that you know and you have to turn you have to you have to stop telling yourself that nothing is wrong with it that's why you're never forgiving for it and that's why you're constantly living according to the curse of this blatant sin because you're not turning away from it so in order for there to be true repentance there have to be a true change in your mind in the way you look at it and then you turn away from it once and for all after you turn away from that sin look at what peter says be baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the repentant for the remission remittance of sin or remission i should say of sin now let's talk about the ceremony of baptism jesus excuse me sorry about that jesus was on the cross and he died on the cross he was taken down from the cross and he was laid to rest in the tomb for three days and three nights after three days and three nights he was resurrected from the dead he fully died on the cross these are real accounts this is a real event he fully died on the cross he was taken down from the cross his body was transported to a tomb and he was laid to rest in the tomb and the tomb was sealed up after three days and three days after three days and three nights god brought his spirit back into the lord jesus christ and he rose from the dead in that same body that he died with god brought that body back to life amen so he was bit so he was buried when he's placed in the tomb we look at that as being buried and then when he came back to life we look at that as him being resurrected he came back to life when we go through the ceremony of baptism when we go down into the water we are being buried in jesus christ when we come up out of the water we are being resurrected in him we go down into the water we're being buried in jesus we come up out of the water we're being resurrected in jesus when we come up out of the water all of our sins are being washed away amen that's why we want to have it done the same the same instruction that peter gave to his people to to his audience those instructions carry forth with us to this day that repent of your sins you want to know how can i get my life together repent of your sins call upon jesus christ and make him lord amen uh repent of your sins call upon jesus and make him lord and then get baptized every one of you in the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins so you need to ask god to send you to someone who can perform this ceremony of baptism or send someone to you who can perform the ceremony of baptism they can do it in a tub it does not matter we always think we need to be in a place of worship to have the ceremony done but it's not like that you know that's that's the that's a doctrine of of of pharisees you know that's this this is now how it goes god is not about religion he's about relationship that's religion to believe that you have to have it done in a place of worship crisis did not die for the building he died for the body he didn't die for the temple he died for the people amen you got to understand that it wasn't about the sanctuary it was about the people amen so us being the body of christ jesus again it's not about you having to be in the building to get it done just as long as you're able to get a body of water to where you can be so you can be fully submerged in this is why we don't sprinkle take some water and sprinkle you and call you baptized you're not being buried in christ by being sprinkled with water that's it don't work like that so you definitely want to get that done amen and i know we're living in a time of the covet and and people are are afraid to to um to have the ceremony performed or there are those that are afraid to perform the ceremony but we can't be fearful and unbelieving there's no room in the kingdom for the fearful and the unbelieving we use wisdom but there is no room in the kingdom for the fearful and the unbelieving and we can't be that kind of people amen so we want to make sure that we get that done god promises that you shall receive the gift of the holy ghost we see that here at the end of verse 38 for the promise is unto you and to your children and to all that are far off even as many as the lord god shall call he's talking about the jews and the gentiles no matter what you've done where you've been how far you are from god you may not think i i'll never i don't think i can ever get to know god he'll never accept me for everything that i've done wrong god will because you have that blood that you got to understand who jesus is not only is he the only begotten son of god he was also a sacrificial lamb of god meaning that once we come up under his blood his blood is powerful enough to to cleanse you of every unrighteousness every act for every deed of sin that you've committed that blood is enough to cleanse you from all that there is nothing that the blood can't cleanse you of amen you just got to come up under the blood of jesus so that his blood can cleanse you from it you can only get that that atonement through jesus christ and once that happens you can have the relationship with the father but that is nothing that you've done that can't that that that you can't be redeemed from because god is using the blood of his son to cleanse you from all of your sins so there's nothing that you can be redeemed from you just got to repent of it once and for all amen with many other words that he testify and exhort saying save yourselves from this godless or this lawless generation here is where we are today you're being encouraged to turn away from the wickedness of this generation that the people are godless when i say godless they don't want to adhere to any authority they don't want they want to keep living their lives as they will and say that god needs to come down to their level god needs to come down to their standard god need to accept them for who they are and society needs to as well and that's not how this thing works and you're going to perish if you don't separate yourselves from people that put themselves and their desires before god you're going to perish with him amen their god they don't want to believe in a god if they can't continue to do those things that they want to do and god has their approval they're not looking for god's approval they want god to have their approval god i'll let you come in my life if you let me live my life the way i want you the way i want to live it and it don't work that way so that spirit that mindset that has engulfed mankind you have to separate yourself from it because you don't want the wrath of god to fall upon you as well when the children of israel were in egypt god would sending god was sending the destroyer into egypt to take out all the firstborn of the egyptians men women cattle beasts whatever was the firstborn of any family of any inheritance out in egypt god was sending in the destroyer to take out the firstborn okay now follow me in order for the children of israel to be to to have mercy and not be counted up amongst those that were who who were uh uh appointed to god's wrath they had to allow the blood of a lamb to to be smeared upon their doorpost they had to allow the blood of a lamb to be smeared upon the doorpost okay and when that happened when the destroyer came that night the the destroyer would come up to a house and it would see and the destroyer is is in the form of god's wrath it was called the destroyer the destroyer would see that the house was painted by the blood the doorpost was smeared on with the blood of the lamb you know what the wrath the wrath of god chose to do it passed over that house so that because wrath was not appointed to those that had the blood of the lamb upon the doorpost they were not appointed to the wrath of god so that destroyer went out throughout egypt and those that had not the blood of the lamb upon the doorpost they were destroyed amen that message applies to us too in order to keep the wrath of god from from seeking us out and finding us we have to allow the blood of the lamb to be smeared upon our our vessel the doorpost of our vessels this is us we're the door now and we have to allow the blood of the lamb to cover us so that god's wrath don't fall upon us otherwise we're going if we don't do that we're going to get caught in the crossfire of those who god's wrath was appointed for that's why the scripture tells you to separate yourselves from the godless generation because they're going to be dealt with after god deals with his own children first he's coming after the world for what they've done so we have to make sure that we're not caught up in the crossfire of god's wrath that's being directed towards those who's actually appointed to it they that gladly received the word were baptized in the same day they were added unto them about three thousand souls so god started adding to the size of our family they continued steadfastly in apostles doctrine and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers whatever god has done through his anointing through his spirit through the blood of jesus to get you to this place to where you're on this path of salvation don't slow down don't stop don't go back but keep marching forward because the dangers of slowing down is actually stopping the dangers of stopping is actually falling back you don't want to do that you always want to keep going ahead to do so you what if you've been praying you continue to pray you've been fellowshipping you continue to fellowship you break bread with them you continue to break bread you you you pray you continue to pray you study the word of god you continue in the word of god those things that got you where you are is those things that you continue to keep you moving forward amen and it's not easy but it's faithfulness god is going to reward you're being no matter how hard it gets the fact that you still make time and you press forward god is going to reward you through your faithfulness and that's what the scripture is saying and they continue steadfastly they were faithful in those things that got them to where they were they were faithful in the continuation of those things fear came upon every soul that's what we all that that's a barometer nowadays in your walk with god do you fear him do you have a healthy fear for him do you reverence him that's uh that that's kind of a a barometer to see where you are do you think about him do you think about how he would feel about what you do do you be like oh and i died don't play i don't i don't he don't play so i that's a healthy fear that you have of god fear came upon every soul many wonders and signs were done by the apostles all that believed were together and they had all things common they all sold their possessions and goods and they parted them to all to all men as every man had need and they continuing daily with one accord in the temple they were breaking bread from house to house they did eat their food with gladness and singleness of heart pray they were praising god and having favor with all people and and the lord added to the church daily such as should be saved god we just take this opportunity to tell you thank you thank you for the gift of salvation thank you for the lamb and the blood of the lamb that being your only begotten son the lord jesus christ thank you for our names being found written in the lamb's book of life thank you for grace and mercies and restoration thank you for a place of peace and the promise of eternal life now god those whom you have called out of darkness into the light of jesus i pray that you give them strength to continue the journey with you after they have accepted after they have received the calling and have accepted jesus as lord that they may call you father and abba now lord strengthen them that they may bring your great glory and then fathers move them place them in places that they can draw other men out of the world into the light of christ jesus father fill them with your word and your spirit and use them for your glory father we praise you and we thank you for this gift of salvation and the gift of faith and then father place them those whom you've called out of darkness and they've answered the call i ask that you would place them in places where they can grow where their gifts and callings can be found out and strengthened and revealed and used to edify the saints of god give them places to where they can be filled with your spirit father and and in the name of jesus christ god that they can be used to draw others out of darkness let them know no bound into to the gift that you place in them the ability of the gift have your way in their lives even in their family's lives give them a testimony and the strength and a resilience for you to never go back into the world and to leave you but to always be there with you depending on you always fill them with word restore their hope and let them know no bounds according to their gifts and calling fill them with the measure of the spirit that you've appointed to them and have your way in their lives this we ask in prayer in the name of the lord jesus christ your only begotten son in his name we pray amen i thank you for allowing my family and i to break bread with you especially in the new book today and uh for hanging in there with us um this no matter how hard it gets no matter how hard things seem to be stay in the word stay in god's ear stay in his face stay in his presence because that's going to get you through these times that are upon us and god will take away the fear and replace it with wisdom and faith and praise of him amen but you have to stay with him and don't be trying to hold on to these things that we're not meant to hold on to when the time comes be willing to open up your hands and let go of those things and hold on to the lord's hands real tight you have to be willing to do that now was the time to learn that to learn how to do that amen as always our benediction is going to come from numbers chapter 6 um verses 24 through 26 numbers chapter 6 verses 24-26 as always please repent of any unrepented sin that you have in your life because we want you to receive these blessings that the lord is so generously giving not only to the jews but also the gentiles if you would receive it amen the lord bless thee and keep thee the lord to make his face to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee the lord lift up his countenance upon thee and give thee peace i loose this on you even in these days and times i lose this on you that you would receive it and that you would give thanks to him that's that has made it so that you could be blessed the lord jesus christ bless his name for he is worthy be in obedience unto him so that you can receive everything that the father is giving in jesus name receive it we love you god bless you and we look forward to our next broadcast [Music] you
Channel: Clarence Hardin
Views: 321
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: GOD, CREATOR, LORD JESUS CHRIST, bible study
Id: Atue8XXKTy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 58sec (7318 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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