Genesis 6

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[Music] God saw that human evil was out of control people thought even imagined evil evil from morning tonight God was sorry that he had made the human race in the first place it broke his heart God said I'll get rid of my ruined creation make a clean sweep animals snakes and bugs birds the works I'm sorry I made them but Noah was different God liked what he saw and no does God like what he sees in these let's prepare for our study in Genesis as we worship God together line on line our Father we thank you we thank you for the Word of God that is your family your children you brought us together these songs some familiar some new they reflect how we feel they include some great truths about you and some great decisions to worship to follow to obey you father I pray that you would draw us closer together as brothers and sisters as a family of God as a church that this would be more than just a giant feeding but it would be Lord a time where the family gathers together considers truth and we grow together over and in these same issues in Jesus name Amen Genesis chapter 6 now it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be 120 years there were giants on the earth in those days and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and they bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually and the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth he was grieved in his heart and so the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds of the air for I am sorry that I have made them but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord many many years ago Martin Luther made a startling announcement he said I am much afraid that our own universities may prove to be the very gates that lead to hell when I was a brand new Christian and I went to a local college in California I couldn't have been more than two months old as a believer I didn't know much I was about to be challenged on my first day of school I had a science teacher who asked if anybody in his class believed in God and believed in creation will I raise my hand I raised it up pretty high now I was naive I didn't know he had an agenda this was all new to me I thought higher education was fair I didn't know it would be slanted and skewed but I was about to get schooled in more ways than one well when I raised my hand and maybe there was a couple of other students that kind of did this you know it's like I'll move it up to like the shoulder clavicle and no more he then went on to berate the idea of special creation creationism and went on to tout what I could only describe as a form of uniformitarianism that history has continued uninterrupted the steady chain of events a long evolution over a long period of time steady as she goes well it's pretty obvious that the Bible would disagree with that stance the Apostle Peter would be one of them a Peter was not a uniformitarianism believer he was a catastrophist he believed that there were great catastrophes that interrupted the history of mankind upon the earth and he writes about it in and I'll read it to you or you can turn to it in second Peter chapter 3 and you might as well put a marker in 2nd Peter because we're going to refer to it twice tonight this is the first time Peter and 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 3 knowing this first that scoffers will come in the last days walking after their own lusts and saying where is the promise of his coming for since the father's fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation that in a nutshell in a first century phraseology is uniformitarianism for this they willingly forget that by the Word of God the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of water and in water by which the world that then existed perished being flooded with water there have been two massive cataclysmic events in our past one is the creation of the heavens and the earth that was performed by God in six literal 24-hour days it was created fully mature but the second event was the great flood great cataclysmic event the first creation took six days the flood lasted 371 days approximately creation gave us the first earth the flood gave us what we would call the Second Earth the earth we now see live in and enjoy now the flood and I believe it's a universal flood not a local flood there are certain things that are phenomena in our natural world that I believe can only be explained by a flood for instance the existence of great inland seas that are in different continents of the world China has them India has them we in America have them our Great Basin the shoreline is a parent it can be seen it was at one time a vast saltwater inland sea that got there somehow it has since receded there's hardly anything left of what was there originally you could probably give it the name Lake Bonneville because all that's left is a little body of water known as the Great Salt Lake and the Bonneville Salt Flats but at one time the Great Basin was covered in water difficult to explain that without a flood the fossil record is difficult to explain without the universal flood massive forests have been compressed by the pounding of the pressure of water that's pretty easily seen because there are water laid layers of sediment forming coal and coal is found all over the earth in every continent even near the North Pole and the South Pole and atop those layers and in between those layers are fossils interesting fossils see life fossils so in Michigan they have fossilized whales in Ohio they've discovered fossilized sharks in Wyoming they've discovered fossilized fish at over 7,000 feet above sea level fish 7,000 feet above sea level well how'd they get there there's a great sediment layer out in Nebraska agate Springs Nebraska that houses over 9,000 animal remains bones that have been pushed there by some enormous pressure the pressure of water mixed with dirt that have pushed these things into the sediment then you have the strata layer but in the fossil record you have certain fossils that are out of order even that transect the strata so you can find tree trunks or mammal fossils embedded vertically through supposedly long developing strata they say over millions of years they have difficulty explaining the presence of those fossils that transect that now in the history of mankind in over 270 nations or tribes you have flood stories it's not just a biblical story you have that record in virtually every part of the world from South America Brazil Bolivia different tribes different Indians the hottentots those in Africa the Aborigines in Australia all the way back to the Gilgamesh epic or the Babylonian Flood epic which is probably the most famous and the closest to the biblical narrative but there are 270 plus records of a worldwide flood that have existed through time now I wanted to read this to you 88% of those flood narratives 88% of those flood stories say that there was a favored family that was spared 70% say that survival was by means of a boat ninety-five percent say the sole cause of this great catastrophe was a flood sixty six percent of these flood narratives say that it was because of man's wickedness 77 percent declared that animals were also saved fifty-seven percent say the survivors ended up on a mountain many of them use the form of Noah's name like the Hawaiian legend about New instead of Noah that's the pronunciation many of these flood narratives speak of birds being sent out many of them speak about a rainbow and many of them say that eight people were saved so you get the point embedded in the history and the psyche of mankind this was such an impressive event that the story was told and retold from its source and we're about to read the source or we've read part of it and then it was garbled as it went out and it was retold and things were added to it or subtracted from it but you have pretty clear evidence of a worldwide flood both in the written record of nations as well as in the natural phenomena that is on the earth now back in Genesis chapter 6 we're going to go through and I read several verses but we're gonna go back over a few of them and I want you to keep something in mind I want you just as we go through this to tuck a New Testament verse one you'll remember Jesus said it in Matthew 24 he said as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man and we're gonna see no less than five worldwide conditions that existed at the time of Noah that I think fit in the modern era in which we live or will first of all an increase in population verse one it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born to them there's a book that I will recommend to you by John Whitcomb and Henry Morris it's simply called the Genesis flood it takes the first eleven chapters of Genesis and dissects them from a scientific creationist standpoint it's 500 pages all warned you would come and Morris took the genealogical record of Genesis 5 and the longevity that is written about in Genesis 5 the average number of kids recorded extrapolated that out now we're not surprised as a population increase because people lived so long and you as a couple could have lots of kids in 900 years and grandkids and great grandkids and great-great grandkids and you're just still getting started so Whitcomb and Morris took the genealogical tables of Genesis 5 average number of kids and said that within eighteen generations easily there could have been 774 million people on the earth and that by the time of the flood there certainly could have easily been 1 billion people on the earth and perhaps significantly more now just think about that you've got a couple of scientists in fact you have more that would say at the time of the flood there was a billion people do you know how long it took us to get to a billion people after that after everything was destroyed at the flood we didn't have a billion people till the lower to mid 1800s modern history some say 1804 the records are a bit skewed but eighteen something we had 1 billion people on planet Earth now at the time of Jesus there was no more than 250 million people on the earth in the 1800s now 1 billion people on the earth by 1927 we now had 2 billion people on the earth by 1960 we now had 3 billion by 1975 4 billion by 1988 5 billion by 1998-99 6 billion now there's 6.7 billion people on the earth you can see the exponential increase it's a shorter amount of time to produce that many people we have greatly multiplied on planet earth there's a lot of people on this little globe of dust floating in space the best estimates is that by the year 2050 1 there will be 11 billion plus people on the earth how will they be sustained so that's number one there was a huge population increase on the land that's significant because Noah stood alone against everybody else who wasn't following god Noah walked with God he found grace we read in God's sight second there was sexual depravity and an increase of it verse 2 the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were beautiful and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose and the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh yet his days shall be a hundred and twenty years now that doesn't refer to the lifespan of an individual being a hundred and twenty years because it didn't pan out that way immediately after the flood it took a while after that canopy was broken up to reduce the life span this is simply a statement that mankind has a hundred and twenty years before the judgment of the flood comes upon planet Earth that's the warning a hundred and twenty years of grace and then God said I'm gonna judge the earth and there were giants on the earth in those days the Hebrew word Nephilim some of you have heard that term Nephilim it means literally fallen ones and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and bore children to them those were the mighty men who were of old men of renown there are three views as to what this means it's a difficult text to unravel in fact whenever I have done question-and-answer programs on the radio no matter where it's been this is one of the questions that will inevitably come up who were the sons of God who were the daughters event there's three views you can take your pick number one that these were fallen angelic beings that cohabitated or copulated with human women and produce this freakish race of Nephilim Giants view number two it was the godly line of Seth marrying the ungodly line of Cain sons of God and daughters of men Seth i'ts and Cain i'ts not Canaanites K Knights view number three that these were rulers despotic rulers who married women and basically were enlarging their harem those are the three views that are postulated all three of them have merit before you discount any of them at least give them a hearing and then make your decision now what's interesting about the first view that they were fallen angels is that seems to have been the view of some of the ancient writers even biblical writers perhaps it would seem that Peter and 2nd Peter chapter 2 and Jude in that little book of Jude in the New Testament verse 6 and 7 allude to the judgment of the flood as something that least in part was because something that half when angels sinned I just want you to look so we we've already looked at second Peter let's let's turn back there second Peter this time chapter two just two verses verse four and five 2nd Peter 2:4 if God did not spare the angels who sinned but cast them down to hell and delivered them into chains of Darkness to be reserved for judgment and did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly that stopped there if you have a New Living Translation and you were with me when I read Genesis 6 it read very differently I'm gonna read it to you now this is a modern translation put out just a few years ago Genesis 6 in the New Living Translation when the human population began to grow rapidly on the earth the sons of God saw the beautiful women of the human race and took any that they wanted as their wives verse 4 in those days and afterwards ient lived on the earth for when the sons of God had intercourse with human women they gave birth to children who became the heroes mentioned in legends of old the differentiation leads us to believe that the translators of the New Living Translation see it as angels or fallen angels sons of God that is a direct creation of God intermingling with the human population now to complicate things even more did you know that the writers the translators of the Septuagint version the Hebrew text of the Old Testament written into the Greek text about 250 BC that the Septuagint authors translated sons of God as angels in their translation 250 BC they acknowledge that the sons of God meant angels and here's why every time you read in the Old Testament that little four sons of God in Hebrew B'nai Elohim it only refers to angelic beings and twice to fallen angelic means in the book of Job chapters 1 and 2 and Satan appears with the sons of God and they give an account to the Lord and God says where have you been and Satan goes going to and fro throughout the whole earth so the translators of the Septuagint said it was angels okay you still with me also there's a book that is called a pseudepigrapha book now a pseudepigrapha book is a book that is given a name of an author but that author didn't write it so if I said this is from the book of Sally but Sally never wrote it that's pseudepigrapha it's given a false name well there's a book called The Book of Enoch and though it's not a biblical book it says in those days the angels that is the children of heaven saw human women lusted after them and said let us marry wives and let us be get children and their cueing off Genesis chapter 6 that would mean nothing to us at all except that Jude quotes from the Book of Enoch so it adds some level of credibility now some people have a problem with this how could angels appear as human beings now we know that they did Genesis 18 and then Genesis 19 when they go to Sodom but people will say angels are non corporeal beings and even if they appear as having a human form they certainly couldn't cohabitate with a human and and and there are some problems with that and I can't quite unravel them the second is that the sons of Cain and/or the sons of Seth and the daughters of Cain got married sons of God and the only problem with that is in all of the usages as I mentioned in the Old Testament in the Bible of the term sons of God it only refers to angels not humans so you have a problem without one a refutation for that one the third one that it was rulers that cohabitated with women basically enlarging their harem is because some of the ancient Near East evidence manuscripts non biblical but other manuscripts referred to earthly rulers despotic rulers by giving them the name sons of the gods sons of the gods now I don't believe that that's the best interpretation of this text because the Bible never concedes to the secular language or seeing human beings as products of pagan gods that's just not consistent with any thing we read in the Old Testament so you've got three views and you could explore them further although them have difficulties but what's most important is this whatever it was it was sexual it was wicked it was against God's order and that was in part one of the reasons God judged the earth in the flood so let's go back to Genesis 6 and notice it says in verse 3 the Lord said my spirit shall not strive with man forever for he is indeed flesh this day shall be a hundred and twenty years here's what you gotta know the Holy Spirit was active evidently from this were very active on the earth before the flood wanting to bring people to righteousness and salvation how primarily through the preaching of Enoch and Noah they're called preachers of righteousness in the Bible Noah building a boat for a long period of years a plank upon plank telling of a coming flood Enoch before him walking with God and as the New Testament said proclaimed truth to them preach to them their God was very active trying to draw people to himself but he said I won't do it forever there comes a time when it's over and then there were giants Nephilim now the word means fallen one so it could refer to fallen people the all humans are fallen people or it could refer to some special class of being again you'll have to interpret that and also afterward when the sons of God came into the daughters of men and bore children to them those were the mighty men men of old men of renown now what was happening back then is certainly happening right now as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man just as in the days of Noah there was this newly found sexual freedom there was this transgressing of the traditional family no matter how what you want to interpret that with one of those three interpretations that was going on there was a chief sociologists Harvard University who made an interesting statement about this generation he said this generation this culture is preoccupied with sex it's now a preoccupation it's everywhere it's everywhere and it certainly has captured the hearts and minds of many it's been estimated that in the average year the average American will view on primetime television over nine thousand sexual acts or implied sexual acts eighty one percent of those are outside the bonds of marriage that's what we're being inundated with a very similar situation to what was going on during the days of Noah let's go to the next one in verse five then the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually third mark third situation an increase in wickedness now we're getting into the very mind of people before the flood the antediluvian mind the thought life and that's where sin begins in the fought life the heart and it says the wickedness of man was great the word wickedness in Hebrew was raw and it's saying the badness got really bad or they went from bad to worse and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually the Berkeley translation puts it human wickedness was growing out of bounds now if you want a little bit of New Testament insight into the thought life Paul describes it in Romans chapter 1 it says their their foolish minds or foolish hearts were darkened there were futile in their thoughts that are foolish hearts were darkened they did not want to retain God in their thinking so God gave them over to a debased mind to do whatever they wanted to do with themselves a description of what was going on before the flood a description of what is going on now an increase in wickedness for sex and the Lord was sorry that he had made man on the earth and he was grieved in his heart and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping things and birds of the air for I am sorry that I made them it's a precious verse God was grieved you know what that tells me it tells me that the deist is absolutely wrong God is not some aloof God that wound up the universe and then step back to see what would happen and learns as life goes on that God is almighty and transcendent but somehow desires in interaction and intimacy with his creation to walk with them to fellowship with them so that God can feel emotion God can be grieved it says he was grieved God can be hurt the Holy Spirit can be quenched the Lord can be blessed and made happy now it's difficult to describe exact act exactly what this emotion is like theologians have a term for it you're interested they call it anthro Papa thism an anthro Papa theism is describing God using human emotion and to what level you can make that correlation is difficult and for our purposes we don't need to get into that just know that God feels deeply when his creation goes the opposite direction than what he intended them to go and so he was sorry that he made man and the Lord said I will destroy the earth to be a turn of the 19th century there was a book it's still published but it was a book that was published the beginning of the 1800s 19th century by Fredrick Farrar called seekers of God now listen to this little story seekers of God at that time was a very popular book so there was a bookseller on the west coast that ran out of copies everybody was buying up the book seekers of God so he telegraphed to the East Coast New York and said would you please send as many as you have on the shelves to us the Telegraph came back the telegram came back from New York to California and this would have said no seekers of God in New York try Philadelphia well in Noah's time Noah could have Telegraph no seekers of God on earth Noah was the exception and that's why verse 8 is so beautiful but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord now my English teacher told me never start a sentence with the word but it's a negative conjunction you never begin a sentence actually that's the best way to begin a sentence right about here with all of that wickedness and all of that perversion and all of that etc etc to have something that says but in contrast to that there was a person who walked with God and who was upright and just it's a it's a welcome transition at this point Noah found grace see the word grace that's the first time it's mentioned in in scripture and this is the genealogy of Noah Noah was a just man number one perfect the Hebrew word Tamim which means filled with moral integrity in other words what you see is what you get he was on the inside what you see on the outside he was true true and true that's the idea of the word Tamim complete perfect he was a just man or righteous perfect complete moral integrity in his generations and Noah walked with God one of my favorite scriptures is 2nd chronicles 16 the eyes of the Lord go to and fro throughout the entire earth that he might show himself strong on behalf of those whose hearts are perfect toward him or loyal toward him he was complete loyal perfect in his generations and he walked with God there is a difference between reputation and character with Noah they were the same reputation is what people think you are and see you to be on the outside it's what you are in public that's your reputation your characters who you are when nobody's looking with Noah they were the same there was a man who died he was a scoundrel when he died they found a preacher to do the funeral preacher never met the guy before but the preacher got carried away in his sermon message and started talking about this guy whom he never met saying what a wonderful husband he was and what a great dad he was and what an awesome boss he was well his wife was sitting in the front row and had this perplexed look on her face and finally she said to her son go up and look in the casket make sure it's your father not with Noah he was true all the way true complete he walked with God and what what saves Noah and his family from the flood is the same thing that saved Enoch from the judgment and why he was taken off the earth because he walked with God and thus Noah walked with God and Noah begot three sons now mark who they are they'll be important in chapters to come Shem ham Japheth you'll need those names because they will be divided up genealogically in chapter 10 and so I can abridge chapter 10 when I get to it it's a love another longest list of names the table of Nations know this Shem became the father and the descendants were the Semitic races the shemites were the Semites you've heard of anti-semitic the idea comes from Shem they settled in the land of they were the Hebrews they also settled in a lot of the lands around the Near East they were the sons of Shem and daughters of Shem ham were the Canaanites then inhabited the land of Israel before Israel got there they were the Canaanites the original occupants parts of Egypt and Africa is where the ham i'ts settled now ham you'll discover when after the flood Noah gets drunk and he's lying in the cave exposed he goes in and sees it and broadcast that to everybody saying yeah you wouldn't believe what I just saw I just saw my dad drunk in the cave without any clothes on because of that embarrassing moment when he wakes up Noah will curse Canaan the son of ham and make the Canaanites to be the servant of the shemites because of that event which has been the case historically and then Japheth Japheth was the father of those in media Persia Germany Russia the Gauls the Greeks some of the Roman tribes etc you just keep that in mind when you get to chapter 10 the earth was also corrupt before God and the earth was filled verse 11 with violence there's the fourth mark violence increased in the land and we've seen how it started Cain killed Abel it's the first human murder then Lamech killed a young man for hurting him we read that in chapter 4 him by this time has now become an epidemic we talked about this film shattered before the Bible study when we were filming for that it was interesting I did an interview of man who was the father of one of the young boys that was killed at Columbine High School and we did the interview upon a hill overlooking the library of Columbine where his son was killed I'll never forget what he told me he said I feel responsible for my son's death I placed him in the environment of a secular school that taught him survival of the fittest the evolutionary theory the secular theories of man and survival of the fittest that this stronger will get rid of the weaker and these two boys who killed all of those children simply took the teaching that was taught to them by their teachers to its logical extreme in fact in the basement tapes that he went through in the documents that's what they kept saying evolution survival of the fittest were the fittest we will destroy the weaker ones they took the theory to its logical conclusion and killed whom they deemed to be the weakest there is an epidemic of violence in our culture it's evident by what people watched by what people will let themselves be entertained by it's evident in the statistics 20,000 people a year in our country a murder every 24 minutes in America that's what we're dealing with it's rampant like in the days of Noah so the Lord looked upon the earth indeed it was corrupt all flesh verse 12 had corrupted their way on the earth and the Lord said to Noah the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth make yourself an ark of gopher wood make rooms or literally nests in the Ark cover it inside and outside with pitch something that would resist water and seal it and this is how you shall make how you shall make it the length of the ark shall be three cubits a hundred cubits shall be 300 cubits its width fifty cubits its height thirty cubits you shall make a window for the ark you shall finish it to a cubit from above and set the door of the ark in its side you shall make it with a lower second and third decks so God gives sort of a blueprint to know and it's obvious why Noah didn't know anything about building boats this was a huge undertaking nothing like this had ever been built Noah didn't understand the displacement of solid objects in water that if you have something solid and it weighs slightly more than the same amount of water that is going to sink unless you displace the water by by moving its weight around hollowing it out so to speak he didn't understand that God of course knew it and just gave him the directions how how big it's supposed to be okay this is how big it was in our vernacular four hundred and fifty feet long that's one and a half football fields long 75 feet wide that's seven parking spaces wide 45 feet tall that's three or four stories four ancient stories probably three modern stories so there were three decks it says three decks space 15 feet apart again dr. Henry Morris and John would come in their fabulous book the Genesis flood calculated that there would be 100,000 square feet of deck space in the arc there would be 1.4 million cubic feet of storage space in that boat or the equivalent of 522 normal size train cars 522 and it could easily accommodate 125,000 animals or a hundred twenty-five thousand animals the size of sheep no some were bigger some were smaller according to what command Morris at the time of the flood there were less than seventeen thousand six hundred species of mammals birds and amphibians that were on the earth so you need to double that because you have two of each male and female for procreation and reproduction so you need space for 35,000 but they had to have five of the clean animals because 371 days after the flood started it would end and he would be out sacrificing to the Lord of those cadre of animals so according to Wickham and Morris there were no more than 79 thousand animals on that ark and given its size there was plenty of room because they could accommodate 125 thousand animals the size of sheep so it was big enough and it was stable enough though it doesn't look like much as you can see from some of the drawings that were put up it's basically a large box but it was stable in fact it's the same dimensions as many a modern either aircraft carrier or cargo boat in fact there's a British ship called the dread-nots that is almost identical in proportion identical there's an American cargo ship that was called the USS New Mexico that it's not far from those dimensions 624 feet long 103 feet wide and 30 feet tall it's not dimensionally too far off that track I wish I had a scale ma we used to have one around us one 287 like an H o train scale that you could come up and look inside and touching and see it but we we can't find it it must have been destroyed in a smaller flood we don't know okay verse 16 you shall make a window for the Ark praise God for the window can you imagine the stink of that many animals of floating zoo for a year and you would need a clerestory window that would go it's 18 inches all the way around something to collect rainwater for survival and something to get rid of the smell so praise God for the window you shall set a door on the side you shall make it with a lower second and third decks and behold I am bringing flood waters on the earth to destroy from under heaven all flesh in which is the breath of life and anything that is on the earth shall die but I will establish my covenant with you and you shall go into the ark you your sons your wife and your sons wives with you so a total of eight people went under the ark and were saved and what we see here is the eight from which the Redeemer would come the earth was destroyed and all of the things that happened to the human race that brought the judgment was all because of genesis 3:15 remember that God said I'm gonna bring a redeemer who's gonna crush the head of Satan so you know if the whole Cain and Abel thing doesn't work out and it didn't because Seth became the favorite child now let's just destroy everybody and everybody was destroyed except Noah because he walked with the Lord and these eight and the whole race starts because of that verse 18 is important I will establish my covenant with you this is the first mention of the word covenant and we're gonna point this out in the scripture when you get first mentions of something it's important you're gonna find the word covenant is an important concept throughout scripture it's the Hebrew word Betty and it simply is an agreement it's a plan by which God can interact with man there were two types of covenants in the ancient world one was called a parity covenant parity parity simply means equal and so this was an agreement between two people who were equal so abraham makes a covenant with Abimelech of Egypt that's a parity agreement they were equal one was the king of a local area and Abraham was a shake or a notable gentleman they made a covenant that was equal because they were on the same par the second form of ancient covenant was the suzerainty covenant suzerain is a word that means a superior over an inferior so if you have a king that reigns over a vassal state that's that kind of a covenant the covenant that God makes with man is that kind of a covenant God is superior and makes covenant with people and you'll find different forms of covenant throughout the Bible until we get to this covenant the new covenant which is an unconditional covenant and I'll describe more of what those different kinds of covenants are don't want to overwhelm you in one night we'll just leave it there and go on of every living thing of all flesh you shall bring two of every sort into the ark to keep them alive with you they shall be male and female of the birds after their kind of the animals after their kind of every creeping thing of the earth after its kind two of every kind will come to you and keep them alive now this answer is another question that people have that is the problem of getting all those animals there it's not like God said okay now Noah you're gonna have to do a lot of walking dude you got to find all those animals no they're gonna come to you just like God could could put some little wire some GPS chip sort of just send a signal for them to come to him now understand that if there was a canopy around the earth that brought the levelling of temperatures worldwide like we have talked about in suggested in previous studies then the animals on the earth would not have been as widely dispersed as they are in our day they would all since the relative temperature of the earth would be the same everywhere you'd find those species that he brought on the ark close by and so those close by could come on the earth and the rest would be destroyed those would be saved and regenerate the earth but they will come to you verse 20 verse 21 and you shall take for yourself of all food that is eaten you shall gather it to yourself and it shall be food for you and for them thus Noah did according to all that God commanded him so he did in Hebrews 11 we have a little bit of a comment on this says by faith Noah built an ark to the saving of his household he was moved the Bible says in Hebrews 11 with godly fear the fear of the Lord to build an ark to the saving of his household now in building the ark he demonstrated his faith he says he did it by faith I suppose to get out there and nail one plank to another to another to another day after day month after month year after year and say there's a flood coming on the earth would be quite a demonstration of faith because as he hammers the first nail I'm sure he's thinking what am i doing this is nuts but then when his neighbors would say Noah what are you building I'm building a boat yes we can see that now we want to know why and why it's gonna be so big well God told me he's gonna send a flood Oh so God speaks regularly to you huh well I do walk with the Lord and the Lord did tell me he's gonna judge the earth No what have you been smoking lately or what are you into lately it would be quite a demonstration of faith to build that and to bring that message year after year 120 years until the flood did come on the earth in those first second and third days of rainfall would change their minds so thus Noah did according to all that God commanded him and so he did I'm gonna throw this in this is the fifth condition worldwide that was going on at the time of Noah that I think is going on now and we'll bring that into the prophetic picture as it was in the days of Noah so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man unheeded preaching unheeded preaching Noah preached year after year and yet only his family entered the ark nobody else listened to him there's not even a record that when the rain came and the water started filling up the local areas that somebody banged on the door of the boat and said please let us in we believe I'm sure God would have spared them if they would have there's no record of that unheeded preaching preaching year after year nobody listens nobody wants to apply nobody wants to also demonstrate that faith as he did now I have a question I want to throw this in as we bring to a close I think we're gonna close on time praise God do you think that Noah theologically was conservative or theologically liberal and please understand and not talking politics here talking theology Athea a liberal theologian is somebody who says I don't believe in the literal interpretation of the Bible I think it's all figurative and it's all really just sort of you know it meant to mean something else it's all an analogy it's all a myth it's all an allegory somebody who's conservative theologically believes that the Bible is the Word of God is inspired by God all of it and it's to be taken literally do you think no was literal in his theology when God gave him the exact dimensions of the Ark or do you think Noah said well actually that could be an allegorical number that could mean so many things I think he was believing the Word of God literally I think it was very very conservative in his theology and he was going to make it exactly the dimensions God told him to and thus Hebrews 11 is fulfilled by faith he was moved with godly fear and he built an ark and so as God commanded it underscores that so he did now there's a Salvation element in the Ark that is the Ark is a symbol of salvation and I close with this the ark was invented by God not by man Noah didn't come up with the idea it was God's idea was God's blueprint it's completely by God it's God's design number two the only way to be saved from the judgment there weren't three or four different paths or ways there was only one way and that was get on the boat or die if you're outside the boat saying well I don't believe there's only one Ark I believe there are many arks go ahead and believe that there only is one though and only eight made it number three there was only one door to the Ark and jesus said I am the door I am the only way I am the way the truth and the life no one comes to the Father but through me if I were to give a type or an analogy I would say that if I'm to take now that judgment and move ahead to the Great Tribulation judgment I see a parallel okay I mentioned that there were two great catastrophes in pass history one is the creation the second is the flood there will be a third the tribulation that will then assure in the Millennium that will usher in the destruction of the earth and a new heaven and a new earth there's more Cataclysm to come in the tribulation when God again judges the earth there's going to be a believing remnant of Jewish people 144,000 they will be spared through the Tribulation Period sealed by God the Bible says on their foreheads and protected during the Great Tribulation Period the final three and a half years that believing Jewish remnant 144,000 believers according to the way I read the Bible won't be here for the Great Tribulation some of you believe they will be and that we will go through the tribulation and I believe that you have the right to be wrong you can believe whatever you want doesn't happen to be right but that believers will be raptured before the Tribulation Period off the earth just like Noah I see him representing the Jewish remnant preserved during the time of the flood but there was someone who was raptured before that and his name was Enoch he walked with God and he was not for the Lord took him and what the Lord did in the past I believe the Lord will do in the future and take those who walk with Him who are his children saved by grace by the blood of Christ so salvation is is up to us now he says there is the way judgment is coming it can be escaped but you got to get on board and you can only come through one door and that's through Jesus Heavenly Father we thank you that we can consider these things read through them consider different options especially when we are uncertain as to its meaning but the rest we are certain as to its meaning there were things that were going on on the earth that caused your grace your love your patience at that time on earth to be exhausted and forced your hand of judgment that will come again you are so patient you are so gracious but your time of judgment as it came will come and father I pray that even as Noah got that message out through his actions and through his words a preacher of righteousness I pray Lord that our words our witness would not go unheeded I pray that you'd give us a heart for the lost I pray Lord that we would reach out engage in conversations and by our words and by our lifestyles bring many into the Ark of the salvation that comes through Christ we ask it in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Calvary Church with Skip Heitzig
Views: 22,750
Rating: 4.6579924 out of 5
Keywords: Calvary, Albuquerque, Skip, Heitzig, Jesus, Genesis, Sermon
Id: xsnC_r-1uYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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