Genesis Chapter 3 Part 2

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Baruch with today's lesson when you hear the concept sin what do you think about now most people in the world makes no difference where they're from whether they're European or from South America whether they're American or from Asia it makes no difference the vast majority of people on the face of this planet they kind of scoff at sin they don't really believe that there's such a thing as an act which is going to bring them punishment from an Almighty God and the reason for that is that they simply don't believe in the concept of a holy God now what we're going to be talking about tonight is very controversial today because people want to believe that they are their own master that they can do whatever they want now course they will allow for certain restrictions that the society places upon all people but but setting aside that they believe that they have the authority to do whatever they want and that they're not going to suffer eternal consequences from those actions or even consequences in this world that are brought about because of an Almighty God they simply don't believe that God is active in this world and therefore they reject totally this this concept of sin now why are we talking about that because last week we began Genesis chapter 3 and we saw that first sin taking place in the world specifically in the Garden of Eden here's the biblical truth that we're going to encounter and that is this that sin has consequences there are far-reaching implications to every sin and these consequences these implications are most severe and not only that they also frequently extend these consequences they last a lot longer than we might imagine and not only that the consequences and the implications of one sin doesn't just affect them and those around them oftentimes sin in fact most frequently sin affects those who were innocent of that act they had nothing to do with it whatsoever but they suffer because of the consequences of someone else's sinful behavior and you know who loves that Satan Satan loves suffering he loves sadness and despair and pain and and troubles and God hates all these things God wants us to experience his blessings and the only way that we can do that is through and I realize this isn't popular only through obeying him are we going to know the very goodness of God personally that is that we are going to become a recipient of his blessings and realize this that his blessings also have implications and cons quinces and they also are far-reaching and they also last much longer than we may think and many times our blessings affect others that were not even aware of that we may not know that we had no intention to bless them but never less because of the fruitfulness of God that God can't harvest that which she did not so therefore living a life that's pleasing to him and there's an inherent relationship between pleasing God and living obediently to his word now we saw something very important last week we saw that sin is really the outcome of disobeying the Word of God and I want to say this the Word of God Scripture is so very very very important and if you do not esteem this book greatly if you do not bring your life under its authority if you do not study and learn this well you are going to be living a life that is not going to be satisfying you are not going to have that that joy you are not going to know contentment you are going to be frustrated no matter what your earthly situation might be i remember watching a television show a cartoon when i was very young and the character Charlie Brown he says I don't know what's wrong with me Linus what are you saying is you know there's really nothing wrong in my life there's nothing that I can put my finger on but but I'm not happy I don't have joy I don't know that satisfaction that contentment and let me say to you this without living in obedience to scriptural truth you are going to be experiencing that same frustration no matter what your earthly situation might be meaning you may have seemingly everything that a person could desire you may have from a natural standpoint a fullness of life you may not have anything that you're lacking physically materially but you will not be rejoicing you will not know that that inner peace and contentment that only comes through obedience to the Word of God now we have seen God spoke to both the man and the woman and they rejected his word and that's when sin manifests itself so every time that we reject a godly truth found in his word we are going to be birthing sin in our life and we're going to reap the far-reaching consequences of that sin now we left off after that sin and God was approaching Adam and what did he do the scripture says he hid himself why did he do that well what we talked about and emphasized at the end of last week's study is that Adam hid himself because he was naked and that word is so significant nakedness in the scripture relates to shame and it relates to being guilty and filling those things feeling ashamed not just being it but feeling it and knowing that guiltiness within you and what did he have well we saw it last week he ran and hid himself because of fear now learned something the Bible speaks a great deal about the fear of the Lord in a positive sense and that type of fear causes us to approach God in submissiveness in humility it causes us to want to submit to what pleases him now the other type of fear causes us to flee from him now that is a foolish thing to do why because God who is our Creator he loves us he if we looked at Genesis 2 we find that he placed humanity that is that first man and first woman in a paradise a paradise that had every provision that they needed but yet now they're fleeing hiding from the one who had demonstrated his desire to bless them in the fullest sense of that that concept of blessing now notice how God responds and this is where we want to begin our study of the text look with me if you would to verse 11 Adama is hiding and God speaks to him look at verse 11 he said who has said to you that you are naked now notice there is no waiting for a response because God knows the answer to all these questions so he says who said to you that you are naked and those what he says have you from the tree which I commanded you that that you should not eat from it any food have you eaten now pay attention to this because there's a very important word he says here have you eaten from the tree which I have commanded you and that phrase I have commanded you although four words in English is just one word in the Hebrew texts now in that word is a word command let's let's learn something the commandments of God are good fact Paul says they're good they're their holy they have a positive purpose behind them so if you don't believe that God's commandments are good all of them then you should just stop listening and just take some other path with your life because you're never going to grow and mature spiritually you're not going to hear from God he is not going to guide you and move you where where you need to be unless you affirm that the good God gives good Commandments and it's only through obedience to his word that you're going to know the richness of his blessing now I'm not talking here about salvation the commandments of God have nothing to do with a salvation experience but here's the key having already been saved by God's grace through his free gift of messiahs blood poured out in our behalf for the remission of sin having received that the commandments of God become vital in the believers life in order that we might submit obey to the truth of God see scripturally there is a relationship between the commandments and the truth of God the rabbi's know this the ancient ones and that's why when one blesses the Torah before reading it and after reading it there is a statement saying that the Torah is toraat emmett that is it's the Torah of truth so if we don't understand the true nature of God's commands we're gonna miss out on all the blessings that he wants us to receive so he says here have you eaten the food from the tree which I've commanded you not to eat now there's something very very important here when you look at this God calls this this fruit here food it uses that same route where we get the word Oakhill or food and what we need to realize is that just because it's edible doesn't mean we should partake of it and learning this discipline is one of the purposes of cache root the dietary laws that we find in the Old Covenant we find here that God says yes this may be food but I forbid it see one of the aspects of cache root the dietary laws is that it teaches us discipline that we order our life and what do we do constantly three times a day we eat and the primary purpose of cache root is not health but spirituality or we could say it's not physical health but it's spiritual health that we learned that there are certain things which are forbidden and there certain things which are permissible and therefore at the very foundation of kashrut is teaching the person about obedience to the Word of God so this couple Adan Bahasa they did not obey the commandment of God now look at verse verse 12 notice how the man responds he says and the man said the woman which you and it's a word 'not on in Hebrew different form here the woman which and literally have to say that you set her with me so notice what Adam is doing he's saying you know God you know he's going to admit that he ate that fruit but he emits it at the end of that verse his statement closes with the statement yes I ate initially he says you know God this woman would you set with me she gave to me this fruit and I ate now there's something that is so important in the Hebrew text the word for setting her and her giving to him this setting and this giving is the same Hebrew word latet in the infinitive and why is that important Adam is trying to say and the Hebrew text screams this out that this all came about I ate because she gave it to me and you gave her to me so in actuality Adam is kind of hinting towards the fact you know this sin really initiated with God now I hope you when you hear that know how theologically offensive that is God does not sin God will not tempt anyone to sin and when sin takes place God has nothing to do with it but there is a theology and it's not new and it is a distortion of the sovereignty of God is God's sovereign yes yes but what does that mean see the enemy and we see that in this chapter chapter 3 Satan took the truth of God and he distorted it is God's sovereign yes that's truth but people can't distort the sovereignty of God and this scripture is an excellent example why do I say that well there's people teach about the sovereignty of God and I believe in the sovereignty but they distort this good doctrine and make it to say that everything that happens really God is the architect and the cause behind it that's what Adam is saying here and this is not the case it is wrong Adama is speaking here that which is not pleasing to God see this is Adam stone I only send God because you gave to me this woman and she gave to me the fruit in other words God is the source of sin and we know that is a heretical statement but this is what the man initially says well look at how God responds verse 13 and God is speaking and he says the Lord God said to the woman so he goes to the woman from the man to the woman he's gonna end though with his conversation to the man he's not out of the picture yet look again verse 13 and the Lord God said to the woman what is this that you have done and she said the woman that is the woman said the Nahash now usually we translate the word Nakash as serpent or snake but but realize just because that same word is used in regard to what we call a snake today this is not a snake this Nakash here is a totally different entity bean creature so the woman says this Nakash that that he has deceived me or another word led me astray now the word here is word nasha nasha means to deceive but in this form the hill it is related to causing one to be deceived so here it's saying this snake caused me to be deceived now even though the Masoretic s-- they point this for the word nasha but in the biblical text ancient speaking before the Masoretic s-- there were no pointing so we don't know if it's the word nasa or the word nasa and what's the significant well the significance of this is as follows the word nasa means to lift up it is oftentimes related to taking away or being lifted up in a prideful way and so what this text could be saying is that satan lifted me up he gave me pride and therefore i did the outcome of pride and what's that sin but once again she's saying it's this serpent that's really the one to be blamed here look again and the woman said the serpent he has deceived me and finally she says the same thing i ate but here's the source of it so you have adam saying the source is god she's saying no the source is is hasatan the serpent look at verse 14 now god is speaking and he says the lord god spoke to the Nahash the serpent because you have done this curse it are you now one thing we do know Satan is the root of every sin and what's the outcome of sin that is what can we say find foundationally about sin it brings a curse what does god want he wants to bless what does Satan want to do he wants to curse and blessing comes from obedience and cursing come from disobedience that's a simple principle and it cannot be denied if you rely upon the truth of Scripture so God says to the serpent because you have done this I just asked him anything does he because God knows already because you have done this cursed are you more than all the other beasts or animals more than all the other animals of the field and notice we had the first consequences it says here a pawn your and most Bibles translates it belly that's fine but but the root of this word means to bend down now what the scripture is trying to say is this through obedience and Paul makes this to be a factual statement Paul says that when you walk with God in obedience you are on a upward call an upward path but when we are disobeying when our life is based in the seat when we don't love another but we want to bring death to another we are going to be cast down and that's what he says so when he says you're on your belly you're going to be bent over you're not going to want be lifted up by God but you're going to be cast down and furthermore he says upon your belly you shall go and afar now why do I give the Hebrew hear the word afar which is dust well this words gonna appear several times in the next few verses and it's not a new Hebrew word for us when God formed man earlier on in Genesis chapter two he formed man from the afar and we're going to learn that that man is going to return back to afar back to dust now here's what we find before God breathed the spirit of life into the man which he formed from from the dust from afar what was he then and when man ultimately dies and that spirit departs from his body he's going to return and we'll see this in this chapter back to dust so this word afar relates to death it is that which is separated from the spirit of life so the curse that that has the time Satan is going to be receiving is this he is going to walk notice what the scripture says you are going to walk upon your belly and afar that is we might say the residue of death is what's going to be your I don't want to say nourishment but your food what you're going to eat all the days of your life now Satan here has a finality to him he is not going to be eternal because he said all the days of your life so Satan is being linked to the the outcome the the the results of death now move on verse 15 still talking to to Satan and M&E I will put between you that is between Satan and between the woman now isn't it interesting here that he says between you and the woman why not the men that fact has significant theological implications now I want to pause for a moment because in this study we are going to begin to touch on something which is not really appreciated by most people even within the the body of believers today in fact more and more we find that that such a position is is being attacked and the problem is this that we don't want God to be God that is this we don't want to accept God's judgment God stated outcomes for our behavior God is going to speak here very clearly and it might not be politically correct it may not be what we want to hear so what we should want to hear God's truth just because it's not pleasing to our flesh because it doesn't agree with with our intellect that doesn't mean that it's wrong and should be rejected and more and more I receive emails in regard to this question more and more we're seeing this violated in society when I say society I mean by the believing community and the results well the results are going to be an apostate Church now what am I talking about well we're coming to it look once more he says here God is speaking and Amity I will put between you Satan and between the woman and between your seat now who does he mean here seed well we might translate that as as demons or we can say those who are followers of Satan now learn another principle that's not not politically correct and that is this if you are not followers of Yeshua you are being influenced by the enemy and you are following his plans for your life and not guts want to state another thing that is so important currently I am listening to an individual going through a series and and basically this series is on and this is how he titles it basically how to get what you want and his premises really really what you want is what God wants well that is not a true statement because at the core an unregenerate person does not want the purposes of God in fact a person who has been who's not been regenerated that is an unsafe person will not stumble upon the will of God he will not desire the will of God and I realize what this individuals saying is this you know God's will is what's really best for a person and in the end you would want what's really best for you the promises that persons in darkness and there's a major Fault in this theory and that is this he will say you know if you're not a follower of Yeshua that's that's okay for right now but what I want you to do see the scripture he'll say has you know some good principles in it and therefore why don't you just don't realize it that there's some wisdom in this book there's wisdom in several books why can't there be wisdom here and he's almost apologising for saying this is the Word of God is that you know I know that many of you don't say that so we won't say it well that's a wrong statement and furthermore what he says is you know begin to apply these principles to your life and you're gonna be so impressed with the outcome that that you know later on you may very well become his follower here's the problem a person can not put biblical truth into their life in the flesh here's the biblical fact unless someone has experienced regeneration by the grace of God through faith in that gospel message that person cannot implement the principles of God in their life you can't serve God in the flesh it's only Yeshua through his spirit that causes you that gives you the potential to apply spiritual truth the principles of God to your life and that's why and I am very committed to this statement God when he begins to work in a person's life that work that he does will always bring us first and foremost at the beginning a consciousness of our sin we in other words will understand our need for salvation our need for forgiveness that's what God begins God does not say you know do this and do this and do this and find out that that you're gonna be blessed by these things and then you're going to want to come to faith in me I don't see that God's work in a person's life begins with a salvation experience and if we move away from that we are moving away from a foundational truth of Scripture and that's why it's so dangerous to say you know just just put these principles if you don't like the Bible if you don't like God if you don't like all this religious stuff you know that's okay but just just accept these principles you don't have to know where they come from just accept them and and things will go well in your life that's not true you have to become a believer first that's where spirituality begins so look again he says here where in verse verse 15 and I will put enmity between you and between the woman in between your seed that is Satan seed so either demons or those who are following Satan that is those who are not believers and between her seed now what he's saying here is this that Satan is against the people of God Satan is against humanity we can say just because just because someone is not a follower of Messiah doesn't mean that Satan is going to treat that person well no Satan may give seemingly his rewards physical things in order to move you further and further away from God but in the end what does he want he wants adversity what does it work hasatan mean the adversary what does he bring into people's life what does he want us to experience eternity for eternity adversity so so it's not that we find here that Satan is friends with with half of of the world meaning those who are not followers of Messiah and I'm certainly not saying half the world are followers of him but just bringing it into two groups so he says I will put enmity between your seed and her seed what else does he say well he also says in this passage and he will bruise your head now most of the commentators means interpret this to mean that you're going to be defeated in the end the the seed of woman which is Messiah Messiah who came into this world from a woman he is going to bruise that is he's going to defeat the head of Satan and what do we find but you Satan you are going to bruise him where he'll in the hill now what is that saying very very profound truth we're going to encounter and that is this the word at keV now here in this form it is the word ah keV and it's the hill of a person that is that back portion of the foot and what we find here is that in the book of Genesis we see a relationship between that word I goof Veit and the the reward that God wants us to have and this is what Satan's doing if you are believer he cannot have you eternally you are going to be in the kingdom of God but what this is expressing here is that Satan what he does to the believer is that he chips away at our reward now why is the word ah keV related to to reward well you might recall that there's an account later on in the book of Genesis and we'll come to that and a few months where a woman by the name of Tamar has twins and we remember that one of those twins began to exit the womb and the Midwife she puts a scarlet thread on the wrist of this so-called firstborn but he goes back he withdrawals and the second child bursts forth that's why he's called Peretz which means to burst forth and he what he takes the right of the first board that reward he has victory now what do we learn from that well just because it arm goes out or some other part of the body the the firstborn reward that right is only given when the hill comes out now we're talking about a normal delivery and the last thing that comes out is the hill so the hill is synonymous with the reward or with the victory so what it's saying here is that Satan is going to chip away chip away chip away at our rewards now how can we understand this practically speaking well in a practical way what we find is this that if you are a believer you are going to spend eternity in the kingdom of God and there is going to be a day of rewards and you are going to go before Messiah and you are going to receive the rewards what does the scripture say it says Messiah is coming quickly to render to each man according to his deeds so it's a judgment of works not talking about salvation this judgment of rewards is only for believers and what's gonna happen well our life's are gonna be looked at and he is going to to put fire upon all of our works and the works which are done properly in faith for the right reasons they are going to be refined by that fire but the words the works that we're not done properly in the right attitude in the right faith whatever they are going to be consumed and we're gonna suffer loss and all of that loss is attributed to whose work in our life to Satan and that's why I said you really can't put principles of God into action in a way that's he's gonna be pleased with in a way that he's gonna respond positively to if you're not a believer because you can't serve God in the flesh only through the spirit can you obey so that's why the principles of God are not for the Unruh generated the loss but only for those who are believers so so Satan ultimately is going to be defeated by the Messiah the seed of the woman but Satan is going to chip away he's gonna bruise our reward move on he says in verse 16 and to the woman I say that I will multiply greatly her and its pain now this word that I translated pain is good to appear several time in the next verses this is important because there's consistency but many of the English translators they translated a variety of ways and I'm going to share with you and translating each time the same way so you know it's the same Hebrew word but in simple simply in different forms so God says as a punishment and what this is is proof it is a documentation of the Word of God see originally a woman could have given birth without any what any suffering but because of her sin one of the consequences and Satan had consequences he's going to be defeated he is going to experience death all the days of his life the residue the effects the outcome of death and the woman he is going to have her her pains of delivery she is going to multiply the birth the birth pangs it says and you are going to give pain in conception you're going to have pain and in birth you're going to in the bearing children you're going to have pain so we find those two things and they are reality today furthermore she says he says and to your husband is your passion or your your want your desire now it's interesting because the ESV translation and so many people like that translation it's so popular today I am NOT a big fan of the ESV translation it's just ah that all of a sudden this is like the in translation you'll find that it does something it says and your desire will be contrary to your husband now that's pretty serious but the word contrary is not there why do I say that well and I've heard some some very very well-known teachers they read that and they don't do the research if you look at it it says the L the word L in Hebrew and this form is - and then this word is chef a chef is the old Hebrew for your husband today we say by Allah but he chef your man or your husband so - your man and it's a word - shuka the work - cyka cyka is the word for passion so it says - your husband will be your passion or your desire now why is that a a curse well he's saying here what the outcome is going to be that instead of freely choosing you aren't naturally going to be under him rather than choosing to be it's just going to be what you are not going to choose it's going to be the outcome and he says furthermore and he will rule over you now this is important this word Michelle is the same word that we get the word mum shala government so that's why it's rule so it doesn't mean that the man exploits abuses mistreats no it's saying here I'm putting together something that you are going to have a desire for a man and that man is going to rule over you he's going to be the authority over you and I realized today that's not popular to hear but this is a outcome of sin and Paul takes this and he says here's the foundational reason why Paul says is that a woman should not teach over a man that a woman should not have certain positions in a local congregation here again this is violated greatly today but if we throw this out and say well you know what I don't believe that I believe in maasai this is all done away with really then then you have a problem you have a prompting because if you say this is done away with what about the other things we have to have a consistency of interpreting the scripture so don't ask does this sound right to me is this what I want to hear is this pleasing to me so much of Scripture in our natural thought process won't be but this is the truth of God and this statement to shook-up is to show cos so important because it's a passion and desire she's gonna want a man to rule over her and it's only when he does so properly righteously under the authority of God is true love going to be the outcome of that it's not a bad thing that she desires a husband what he's saying here is that I'm putting into an order that in the flesh well people won't like but this is my order and it's only when it is embrace see God is putting other things into order as a consequence of this sin and what else does he say here well look at verse 17 finally he deals with the man and he says and to the man I say that because you have listened to the voice of the woman now here again we see something this also has implications for why a woman should not teach over a man because you have listened to the voice of your woman you shall eat from the tree and because you ate from the tree which I've commanded you saying you shall not eat from it he says curse it is the ground now remember this is so important the word for man is a dung the word for ground is edema God curse Satan but what god curse man he doesn't curse man personally he curses the ground which man came from and what's the outcome of that he says cursed is the ground for you now that's odd it doesn't say on account of you it says for you in the same way that a woman she is going to have pain in the the delivery process what he says so every time a woman gets pregnant and in her conception oftentimes she doesn't feel good she has morning sickness so conception that whole pregnancy is not an easy thing and also the delivery when the delivery starts it's painful so what does that say it says this is true it says what God has said should be a reminder to a woman every time that she's pregnant and delivers a child it reminds me reminds her that this is true and men because he is going to work the field and the fields going to be cursed it's not going to be like the Garden of Eden that just naturally produced things that just grew things on its own and we just took an eighth of it no it's very different so he says curse it is the ground for you that when you see this ground not doing what you wanted to do you were to realize all these things that I've said is true and he says in pain same word in pain you are going to eat from it all the days of your life meaning you're going to have to work you're gonna have to toil in order to have food to eat that work is not going to be a source of joy for you it's oftentimes going to be frustrating it's going to be hard it's gonna be full of pressure anxiety and whatnot so this is what he's trying to say and in regard to the ground he says and in thorns and some Bibles will say thistles shall spring up to to you and you shall eat from the grass of the field now two things that are important here we see that that the grass excuse me that the ground is going to not be producing just good things but there's going to be what and opposition these thorns and thistles the Garden of Eden didn't have any of that so when we look and we say you know what there are good plants and there's bad plants in the Garden of Eden there were no bad plants so when we look at creation and it says here the word for thistle there's a play on word because this word for thistle in the verbal form it means to deteriorate so it tells us that this world is going to deteriorate now we hear a lot about climate change you know what I do believe the climate is changing I do believe that this world in a agricultural sense in a geological sense I believe it's deteriorating but I don't believe that the primary cause is as man in the sense of what we're doing we may have a small role in that but biblically God is telling us that this world is going to go through a process of decay it's going to deteriorate it's going to get worse that is a consequence of sin so I don't see any of the people saying oh I believe in climate changes because of the sinfulness of man inherently not because of capitalism but because of man's inherent quality evil so in in thorns or thorns and thistles are gonna spring forth to you and you shall eat from the grass of the field and with the sweat of your well some will say face or some will say brow it's a word for for off which is nose or nostrils and what it means here is that you're gonna you have to breathe very hard you're gonna do work and you're gonna perspire in order to eat bread and until the day that you return literature says until you return to the ground from which you have been taken because afar that is dusts you are and to dust you are going to return so once again we see that death is when he says on the day that you eat of it you will certainly die man's going to die it's a process but he's going to go right back to the dust of the field but look now to verse 20 and the man called the name of his wife hava because she was the mother of all life now why is that verse there just to tell us her name no it says what we're talking about now and the woman's role in this state of humanity in the state of this world all came by the woman so we look at this world and remember the woman which was the one who brought sin into this world because she was deceived by Satan secondly we see something else look at verse 21 and the Lord God made for man and his wife and the word here is a kind of like a tunic some Bibles will say apron but it's more of a tunic a tunic of or that is of skin and he dressed them what did we see here well we're seeing here the concept of Atonement God made this God provided a covering over the shame the nakedness the shame of of men and here we see a hint of salvation we see a hint of the work of redemption that God is going to provide that which covers up our shame our guiltiness we can't do it it's what he does well we're concluding that until next week when we finished chapter 3 and press on into chapter 4 until that time may God richly bless you and may you be reading over and over what we've studied and my hope is that you might encourage others to watch and to study with us until next week Shalom well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow RG there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel
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Length: 54min 40sec (3280 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 19 2017
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