Genesis Chapter 10

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Shalom and welcome to via hafte yes Ryan a Hebrew phrase which means you shall love Israel we hope you'll stay with us for the next 30 minutes as our teacher dr. Baruch shares his expose Ettore teaching from the Bible dr. Baruch is the senior lecturer at the Zahra Avraham Institute based in Israel although all courses are taught in Hebrew at the Institute dr. Baruch is pleased to share this weekly address in English to find out more about our work in Israel please visit us on the web at love Israel you are G that's one word love Israel dot o-r-g now here's Beru with today's lesson in this week's edition of our study of the book of Genesis we're going to focus in on Genesis chapter 10 now this entire chapter is a genealogy and many times people when they come across a genealogy especially in the Old Covenant what do they do they skip it all together or read it very quickly now there's a danger with that because usually genealogies have sentences within them not just saying who beget who that is who was the father of this one and he was a father of who else and so forth but within them there are sentences that give us vital information and this is certainly going to be the case today so we're going to press on in to Genesis chapter 10 looking at this genealogy but at the end of our study there's going to be really an additional lesson because we're going to find what many people will say is an heir a discrepancy between what we're going to read in the Old Testament and what one reads in the New Testament and that would be if this was the case extremely problematic but is there an explanation can we understand why this apparent discrepancy is really no discrepancy at all so the last part of this message is very important because we're going to see something that frequently confuses people in regard to messiahs genealogy and what is written in the Book of Luke in chapter 3 so with that said take out your Bible and look with me the book of Genesis chapter 10 and let's begin in verse 1 we read here these are the generations or the genealogy or the lineage now the Hebrew word is a word toad oat it comes from the Hebrew root which means to give birth so that's why we can translate it in a variety of ways but we're dealing with a genealogy we're learning the limit of who well it says in verse 1 these are the generations or genealogies of the sons of Noah and then we had those three sons named Shem ham and japhet now we talked about them last week in fact they've been mentioned over and over throughout our study of Noah and we're going to see that they play a very important role in understanding our origin I've said to you that every human being has come from one of these three brothers and this is certainly going to be emphasized and revealed as we press on so look again at verse 1 these are the genealogies or the lineages of the sons of Noah Shem ham and japhet and then we read that they gave birth to sons so there was born to them literally there was born to them sons after the flood that shouldn't surprise us because we were taught that of the human beings that went onto the ark there was only Noah has three sons these who we mentioned and each one was married there was no one else you say well how can we be sure because when we look into the new covenant to first Peter it speaks about eight individuals so this is a fact not just a supposition but the new covenant confirms it well move on to verse two the sons of japhet now what's interesting here is you would think that we would go from oldest to the youngest but in this genealogy it does something the exact opposite it begins with the smallest child effet once again verse 2 the sons of Japheth and we're going to be given names and many of these names for the next several verses are also names of geographical areas so what do we learn we learned that these individuals they name the area that they lived in after themselves now some of them are still called by that name today others they have changed names because they have been conquered and their conquerors named them but these were all known areas so look again at verse 2 the sons of Japheth Gomer Magog Umi die and Yvon now Yvonne is in modern Hebrew Greece but it can also speak to simply a European area and we notice Magog Magog is mentioned in The Book of Ezekiel in regard to that last significant war the Battle of Gog and Magog we see Magog hair Medaille that is the ancient Medes we talk about the Persians and the Medes well this is the Hebrew word for the meats and then it says to bow and Messick and Tiras also we find that to Val and Messick are also mentioned as nations in the last days in the book of ezekiel now whether these nations will be called that in the last days is not the point it's saying that these were the names at least in the time of Noah afterwards and also in the time of Ezekiel what they're called now or in the future is of little consequence look now if you would to verse 3 and the sons of Gomer Ashkenazi Refaat and toe garma also - karma is mentioned in Ezekiel as a known place today we're not sure where that is the sons of Yvonne Elisha and Tarsus Tarsus of course that places mentioned many times in the Bible also katene and doe Dineen now verse 5 and from these meaning all the ones we talked about were separated the Isles of the nations now here when it says Isles were talked probably talking about two routes out our groups so what the scripture is saying is when we look at these individuals they separated themselves and in the end they became nations groups of of Nations that that were in their land a man - his tongue and to their families in the nations now what are we talking about here well each man went according to his family with his family and settled within the nations but what's interesting is beforehand it says before family nations it says to his tongue or language now how do we understand that well some people will say well even at this time language was was broken in two different languages and they went to different areas and those who spoke the same language congregated together now that's simply unbiblical why do I say that well look now if you would to chapter 11 just for a moment and chapter 11 and we'll see this next week says and it came about all the earth was one language and they they words were were together that is to say here they had similar or familiar words the word for familiar here that I translated is a word khadeem which means comes from the Hebrew word one so there was a unity of their words in their language in Genesis chapter 11 so that means that this could not be the proper understanding back in our texts in in verse 5 at the end there and some have said among the rabbi's is that what it says each to his tongue that may be an idiom it may mean that each person went well what's the main thing that that the tongue is used for other than talking for eating and it's on the tongue that we have taste so it could mean each one according to his taste the Hebrew word would be Tom in ancient and in modern Hebrew but it could be a colloquium so each person according to his desire his taste his preference and some have said we're in modern Hebrew we had the word tar boot meaning culture that this could be a way of expressing the old way of thinking of culture what was pleasing or desirable or according to one's preference so that's all saying that people came together according to their tongue not necessarily language but to their liking to their tastes to their culture now move on to verse 6 and the sons we talked about the effect now we're going to talk about that middle child which was seen as a rebellious an evil son we read in verse six and the sons of calm were cush cush is modern-day Ethiopia who and mitzraim mitzrayim is the name to this day for Egypt and put which is Libya and Kanaan that is the land of Canaan so we have these names being spoken of and this simply supports what we saw last week that that um was the father of Canaan now moved to verse 7 and the sons of cush sois Havilah and SAFTA and Rama and SAFTA ha and the sons of brahma siva and they done so more individuals here again one of the names we encountered here was shiva shiva is how the queen of sheba that term shiva is this word so this has to do with Egypt and Libya and Ethiopia we're talking about northern Africa in that designation in these verses well look at verse 8 and cush gave birth to Nimrod now Nimrod is going to be emphasized here and Nimrod remember what I said that oftentimes when we read in genealogies there are sentences place there and if we don't read all the genealogy carefully we'll miss out there's a change here with Nimrod look again at verse 8 and cush he gave birth to Meany he begat in our way of saying he beget Nimrod and he was the beginning of gabor now in modern Hebrew a Gabor is a hero hero but that word simply comes from the same root in Hebrew like the angel Gavriel it strong or powerful and what it may be alluding to is that that Nimrod he was the first one because of his power they utilized it in this way not simply going and settling and having these little nation-states based upon clans and family but there may have been a change here why do I say that well look again he began to be mighty in the land different than everyone else for he was a Gabor Syed that is a mighty hunter and that's what it means but this word to hunt can be to pursue to to take to rule over to conquer and he did this before the Lord therefore it was said concerning Nimrod that he was a mighty hunter before the Lord so this is the second time we're told this what are we to glean from that what is it trying to communicate well the scripture is going to answer that in verse 10 and we read that that this one or this was the beginning of his kingdom so this one was mighty he went out hunting but he didn't hunt animals no he hunt other groups of people not to kill them but to rule over them because there's a very important word here Monica Monica is a kingdom so he changed simply groups of people living together into kind of a nation or kingdom and the beginning of his kingdom was with Babylon Bevelle and Erik and accad and calneh in the land of Shinar she nars in that general area of Babylon today or Iraq so all of this is showing us that from these children they went out in two different locations and nation-states and groups were were eventually formed now look if you would to verse 11 and from that land went forth assure and assure he built up nin vague or Nineveh in English and Rehovot ear now your Bible might say the city of Rehovot that may be a good translation some say it's simply the word ear can mean City but it simply may be a name here that that is the second part of rahova ear or the ear of Rehovot the city of Rehovot what else do we have and also Kalaa verse 12 and recen another place now this is a name of an individual but it says this was between Nineveh and between caliph hear this this geographical listing that one is between these two others let us realize that now cities nations are developing and it says he was a city was a large city verse 13 and mitzrayim that is Egypt and mitzrayim gave birth to Lou Deane and on a meme and they have theme and not talking now there's a change up until this time for the most part we've seen names that are in this singular now consistently there's a change to these names being in the Hebrew plural so now perhaps we're talking about groups of people that came from this patriarch the one who was born this is what is trying to tell us now things are developing more look if you would to verse 14 and the part pot gruesome and cuss lutein which they went out from there the Philistines that Palestine and the cafetorium now here once more we may be talking about groups that time has elapsed and we're speaking of different clans within these locations that come from obviously the patriarchy that's referred to look now to verse 15 and Kanaan now remember in chapter 9 the second part of chapter 9 Kanaan was emphasized the the Sun of calm and we know that that this one is not going to be pleasing to God look again at verse 15 and Kanaan beget seed own seed own a name of a person but it's also tire a in modern Hebrew his firstborn and also cut and the jibu see or EBU see and the ha emori and the garret garcy all of these that were really now are uniquely tied to Kanaan not just as individual but also they are the Canaanites that we read about keep reading and the could V and the are key and the Seany Seany may come from the word seen I that area or the word seen in modern Hebrew is for China so all of these words are of significance speaking about different geographical locations verse 18 and the our body and the smud brie and the comity and after meaning after all of this they spread forth they scattered the families of the Canaanites or Canaanites as it says here verse 19 and there came about a border of the Canaanites from Sedona which is in Lebanon as one comes to Guerard which is in the South furthermore unto Azza as one comes to Sodoma that is towards the dome as in Sodom and Gomorrah these two places that were destroyed by fire and then we have admah and civil civil unto Lycia all these places are where we talk about Sodom and Gomorrah in that area along the east so God is being very specific he begins with C dome goes further south to Guerrero and then finally into aza and then moves eastward so he's talking about a border of the land of the Canaanites now come to verse verse 20 please for these are the sons of calm according to their families according to their tongues which may be to their preferences in the lands of in their lands and in their nations now verse 21 now in verse 21 we're going to come to a very important part I mentioned to you that the second half the last part of our study tonight was really almost a message to itself because we want to be able to rightly and accurately defend our faith what we need to understand if we're going to be astute in the scripture is how the scripture came into be there were manuscripts written the original what we call autographs the original manuscripts or autographs these were the ones inspired perfectly by the Holy Spirit as we read in the scripture the Spirit of God moved men holy men to write down the Word of God and they did so and I want to emphasize this without any air but what happens do we have those original manuscripts no we do not and what happened is that they began to be copied and copied and copied in different locations and because of the human factor we find that seldom but here and there a person when they were copying them it was being read and sometimes words sound very similar and they would write down one that sounds the same but it would have a different meaning and it would be spelt differently sometimes letters sound the same so these are what's called scribal heirs and for the most part we recognize them and we can discern them in different manuscripts or traditions of manuscripts ones that work from a specific geographical area so what people like to do is today they go and they show differences in manuscripts and they want to attack the Word of God well the Word of God is perfect and the manuscripts that we have are awfully awfully awfully accurate very close there's just a few places where there are issues and usually if we look at it we can find and go back to what is accurate what was the original intent what was inspired by the Holy Spirit to be written down now we need to realize another point when we deal with the New Testament when they wrote down citations quotations from the Old Testament they use the Septuagint that is the Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible and here's what's important you've all heard about the Dead Sea Scrolls when we look at the Dead Sea Scrolls what was the most important thing that the Dead Sea Scrolls told us well here usually when talk about the Old Testament we speak about the Masoretic text in Judaism the Masoretic text is the preferred and really the only one within Judaism that is embrace now when was it finally put together and the answer is around 1300 years ago so around 700 AD but when we saw and found the Dead Sea Scrolls we have manuscripts from approximately at least 700 years earlier and guess what there are some slight differences between the Masoretic text and the Dead Sea Scrolls now what's the important discovery for the Dead Sea Scrolls when we compare these two traditions the Masoretic tradition and the Dead Sea Scrolls well there's differences we look at the subdue Junt the Greek translation and we find the Greek translation is much closer and we're only talking about a few points but in those places where there's differences it seems as though the Septuagint agrees with the Dead Sea Scrolls and not the Masoretic text so what happens is this and one of the favorite places for those who want to attack the authority of the New Testament to go is the book of Acts chapter 7 now they do that because stefanos or Stephen he's giving some history of the Jewish people and he perfectly recites it based upon the Septuagint which would be based upon what we find in the Hebrew Dead Sea Scrolls there's an agreement but the problem is in some of those things that Stephens spoke of there are differences between the Dead Sea scrolls and the Masoretic text so it's not that axe aired Stephen was confused he got it wrong and therefore the New Testaments not reliable no we're just dealing with two manuscripts and now based upon the Dead Sea Scrolls we give more preference to the citizen as a better rendering of the autographs then the Masoretic text for those places and why am I saying all of this because we're going to have a problem what is the problem well look with me now to that third section we've already dealt with japhet and now we're home coming to Shem and Shem is the firstborn of Noah remember this backward order from youngest to the eldest and look if you would to verse 21 now up until now it may not be very exciting to you you may have not learned any life principles but what we're dealing with now is vital it has great significance in defending our faith look at verse 21 and - Shem was born or he begot also he is the father of all the sons of ever now ever or Eber as in English this is important because Shem is the patriarch of this group called the sons of ever and guess who that is the Jewish people or the Hebrews this word ever means from the other side to pass over and that's what the term Hebrews or Ivry means so that's why it's emphasized and it wants us to know that that Shem is the patriarch of the Jewish people look again at verse 21 and who Shem was born also he was the father of all the sons of Eva he is the brother of Japheth the older brother of Japheth and the sons now verse 22 and this is where it gets significant the sons of Shem were a lamb a lamb is mentioned for example in the book of Esther and other places in the scripture and usher usher is Assyria and pay attention to this name arpachshad this is very important remember our pact shot not just he was born those three that we mentioned but also lewd and Haram Haram is Syria that Aryan mentioned in the Book of Isaiah then it says the sons verse 23 the sons of Aram was Oates thanked for a moment about yoke and hole and get there and mush now look at verse 24 now the two verses that you really need to to make a notice of is verse 22 and verse 24 let me go back when we look at verse 22 in the Masoretic text that is the traditional Hebrew Bible what most of the Old Testaments that you have in your hand are written from translated from we see that Shem was a father of elam ashur arpachshad lud and aram and then we read in verse 24 and arpachshad he began Salah now your Bible might say shayla now this is very important why well remember these two points because we're to come back to them in a moment but I want to finish up what the rest of chapter 10 speaks of and then I want to dedicate the last few minutes to verses 22 and 24 and the genealogy of Yeshua in the Book of Luke look now to verse 24 at the end it says and shayla or as I said in your Bible Shayla baguette ever so he is much after we seized a grandson but he's emphasized with Shen and whoever was born two sons the name of one Peleg for he for in his days were divided the earth and the word here for divided comes from his name Peleg and today I miffed lega is a political party so you have many divisions and what it's trying to tell us here is that the land became divided there was no longer unity within these these nations any longer these nation states and the name of the his brother so the second one was called yoked on a note on baguette ow more dad and Chaleff and SAR Moffitt and Yara and doe ROM and Zhao and Dikhhla an oval and a Vemma Al and Chava and Oh far and Havilah and Java all of these were the sons of joktan verse 30 and it came about their dwelling places from maisha so it's a name of location as one comes to sir safar on har ha padam that is that ancient mountain or simply the term Kadhim these are the sons of Shem according to their families according to their tongue meaning according to their culture or tastes in their land and for their Nations these are the families of the sons of Noah and their generations or genealogies or lineage in their nations and from these the nation of the world were separated after the flood now let's go back and see what the problem is we learned here according to the Masoretic text and the book of Genesis chapter 10 and verse 22 we learned this that Shem gave birth to a lamb ashur arpachshad lud and aram and then we find out our pack shod in verse 24 that he gave birth to to Shayla or Shayla and ever but when you look now look if you would to the book of Luke and chapter 3 for a moment the book of Luke and chapter 3 there is a problem and what is that problem well in the genealogy of Messiah we see a discrepancy because we just learned something we just learn that our pock shod gave birth to Shayla or Shayla but when we read in the New Covenant look if you would to Luke chapter 3 and verse 36 it says and your Bibles might say son of it's just lovely the word of we don't know literally what the relationship from Luke's Gospel but here obviously it's son so we see Canaan was the son of our pock shot and he was the son of Shem who was the son of Noah well the problem is this when we see that first person mention in verse 36 and here the the lineage is going from the youngest to the oldest we have a problem because our park shod according to what we just read in Genesis he gave birth to Shayla or Shayla and here we have a different name Canaan now we have to be careful because this has nothing to do with that one that we talked about last week and we mentioned this week Kanaan like the land of canaan it's spelled cough noon ein noon so feet this is spelled totally different it is spelled hoof not tough but kouf you'd noon and noon so feet so even though it sounds similar there's no relationship we need to remember Kanaan is a descendant of um we're not talking about Kanaan as in the land of canaan we're talking about someone else entirely and this is Canaan sound similar but written differently but here's the problem when we look at the New Testament it tells us that our park shod was a father of Canaan but when we look in the Torah in the book of Genesis we find that's not the case so what do we do well when we look at the Septuagint we see something different if you were to go and you can do this on your computers your smartphones just simply put the Septuagint in English and you'll come up with some places it'll have a PDF and you can read this and check this out because that's exactly what I recommend for you to do and I looked at both the English and the Greek and what do we find there in the book of Genesis that same same twenty second verse of this chapter chapter 10 it says in the Greek that Shem that he beget a lamb then asure then arpachshad and then we have two additional names lute and aram and then we have Canaan this individual that's mentioned in the New Testament so we have here a difference we have in Chapter ten in the Masoretic text Shem Elam ashur arpachshad lud and aram we had that same here in the septuagint but we have that additional name K'naan and that's very important when you get to verse 24 in the Masoretic text it says that our park shod beget Shayla or Shayla and ever now when we look at the subdue Junt it says the same thing but after our park shot we have that name Canaan then Shayla and ever so the difference is this in the Septuagint and also by the way the Masoretic sees me the Dead Sea Scrolls we have an extra generation listed that's all one that apparently was not copied into the Masoretic text but it predates the Masoretic text in the Dead Sea Scrolls and the sub to G so in Luke's genealogy he didn't err he was just following an older a more accurate tradition that was reflected in the Septuagint and also in the Dead Sea Scrolls now go to another place if you look for example in chapter 11 go there now chapter 11 of the book of Genesis we see something let's look at the Masoretic text what you have in your hand that's been translated into English and arpachshad lived 35 years and was born Shayla or Shayla so this says in the Masoretic text exactly what you would expect it to say because it supports what's written earlier that our puck shot is the father of Shayla but when we go to both the Dead Sea scrolls and the sub tuition for that same versus Scripture we find something different it wasn't 35 years but they have a hundred and thirty five years and then it says arpachshad that he gave birth or beget canaan and then shayla so what we find is this the New Testament is simply following the tradition the tradition of the Septuagint which is based upon a better older manuscript which is supported by the Dead Sea Scrolls so is there really a discrepancy between the old and new Testament there is not when you look at the oldest and the best manuscripts that we have it's only when you limit oneself to the Masoretic text and not looking at other manuscripts that predate it and have a more accurate or more what I would say a more certified tradition a tradition that is supported by the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Septuagint so there's no problem here and most of the time when you go to a college or a Seminary there first thing that the professor likes to do is to show you these discrepancies which are not discrepancies between the old and the new testament see what we could say is this if we just threw out the New Testament we'd still have those same discrepancies because the discrepancies are found in various manuscripts in Hebrew so it's not an issue between the old and the new testament it's an issue between different manuscripts of the Old Testament and obviously the New Testament when it quoted something it would have to choose one of these traditions and it chose an ancient one now we didn't know that 50 years ago but we knew it approximately 70 years ago when the Dead Sea scrolls were found that the tradition of the Septuagint is better than the Masoretic text because it's based upon and older a preferred Hebrew you script that's older so we can't be assured that the New Testament is indeed inspired by God an arrant which means without heirs all you have to do is to look long enough and you'll find the solution because God does not give us his word with any airs this scripture what it says by Timothy or actually in Timothy it says that all Scripture is inspired you know what that literally means that all Scripture is god-breathed he breathed it and what does that mean well when you breathe out it's speaking and what we find is that this word is really as we know the Word of God well we'll close with that until next week and we enter into chapter 11 thank you for staying with me and may God richly bless you well we hope you will benefit from today's message and share it with others please plan to join us each week at this time and on this channel for our broadcast of love Israel org again to find out more about us please visit our website love Israel not bow our G there you will find articles in numerous other lectures by Baruch these teachings are in video form may download them or watch them in streaming video until next week may the Lord bless you in our Messiah Yeshua that is Jesus as you walk with Him Shalom from Israel
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Length: 43min 50sec (2630 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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