Generations React To Try Not To Look Away Challenge (Biggest Fears Game)

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- Oh, my god. Aaah! Aaah! Aah! Aah! Aah-ha-ha. - No! (shrieking) Oh... no, no, no, no, no. ♪ (industrial intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today we're doing a challenge that we get the feeling you might not necessarily enjoy. - Oh, no. - (FBE) You'll be participating in a try not to look away challenge. - Oh, no! Heck no. - You're gonna show me my deepest, darkest fears. It's gonna be problematic. I'm gonna be really afraid. - (FBE) This time, we've added a little twist. - Oh, no. Okay. - (FBE) We reached out to the cast and asked what their biggest fears are are we've incorporated some of those fears right into this episode. - I knew this was gonna come back and haunt me! - (FBE) So after each video, we're gonna have you guess which generation the fear belongs to. - Okay. - (groaning) Why? You guys are terrible. - Oh, bees. - Bees don't bother me. - (narrator) The bees are being summoned by a secret signal. - Bees are so nice. Oh, wait, sorry. Sorry. (buzzer) - (narrator) One that causes them to act with a single mind. - Is this the guy who's voicing the guy who-- Oh, I was talking to you. Crap! No! (buzzer) - That is amazing. - Oh, that dude's being covered in bees. - How's this guy covered in bees? - That's cool. - I wrote that I'm scared of bees because I'm deathly allergic to them. - (narrator) As he brings a swarm into our world, people are forced to confront it every night. - Oh, it's so close to his nose! It's so close! - What if it goes in his eyeball or his nose? - Girl, same! - Yeah, girl, same. - (anxiously) Aaah, the nose. Aaaaaaah! - It's a good thing he has a lot of nose hairs. The bees can't get in. - He doesn't even have a bee keepers costume on. - (FBE) Which generation do you think the fear belongs to? - Probably adults. Kids show no fear. - Kids. - Teens. - Kids. - Elders. - I'm gonna say kids. I remember when I was teaching in elementary school and there was one bee. - Kids are more afraid of bees. - Kids just because I feel like when you get a little bit older maybe you're less scared of it. - I was always most afraid of bees when I was a teen. - Here's the tea. I'm deathly allergic to bees. Being in the same room as one, I'm like (whimpering)... because I could die. - (FBE) All right, so the answer actually is a teen. - Ooh! Dang it. - Awww, dude. Well, I mean, listen, rational-- it's a rational fear. - Nice! - I was just putting my own life experience-- I'm old enough now. I got all that wisdom to draw upon. - Oh, [bleep] that! - Oh, no. I really don't like spiders. - I saw this on YouTube and it was hilarious. - No, don't squish it! - (cameraman) There are babies coming out! - Ooooh, what?! - Whoaaaa! That was a spider and its babies! - Oh, my god! - You idiot. - Oh, my god. Aaah! Aaah! Aaah! Aaah-ha-ha. - Aaaah! (moaning) (whimpering) - (cameraman) Jesus! They're little babies. - It's gonna be all over his house. - Interesting. It was like a science class. - That's horrifying! Oh, my god. - I'm gonna say adult. - That is a kid. - Adults. - Kids. - Kids React. - Kids. - Kids. That's a living nightmare. - I want to say elders because they're the ones that have to take the responsibility if there's a spider in their house. They gotta kill it themselves. - Kids because kids are afraid off spiders. - I don't like things crawling on me. I can't even handle one little rolly polly. - (FBE) This is kids. - I feel like the older you get, the less fearful you are of spiders. - It's about the age where they're kind of afraid of creepy crawlies. - That is a nightmare, even now, that's a nightmare. - Hey! I feel like kids are always scared of bugs. - Yeah! Kid fear. I don't have arachnophobia. I think spiders are actually kind of cool looking, but having them in the house is scary. - (vomiting) - Ew! - Nope! No, no. (buzzer) - (man vomiting) - Why is he doing this on camera though? You don't gotta do that. - Oh, [bleep] no! No! I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't, I can't. (buzzer) - That is so much! Oh, my god! Are you okay? - Nooooooo! (gritting teeth) It's that sound! - Ewwww! Why is he recording himself? That's nasty. - (man vomiting) - (feigned gagging) (buzzer) - (man vomiting) - (scoffing) - (queasily) Aaah! I'm so competitive. Why do you guys do this to me? Aaah! (exclaiming) - I would say probably a teen. - A teen. - Adults. - Definitely an adults thing. - Elders. - This is an adult. - I'm just gonna say kid. - I'm gonna guess teens. - Adults. As an adult, you don't want anyone to see you throwing up. - That was me. That's adults. - (FBE) This is an adult. It comes from Scott. - Damn! - Oh, my god. How are all of these wrong? - No one likes that. - Scott has a fear of throwing up? Oh! Okay. - Vomit, dude. The grossest thing. - I'm pretty fine with it but that was right there. (approaching footsteps) - Oh, no! It's Slenderman! No, no, no, no, no. - [Bleep] this! [Bleep] this! I'm not. No! (buzzer) - Oh, this is so scary. (silence) - Ugh, I just know its coming. I just can't. I can't. (buzzer) - I hate the dark. - Oh, I feel like I'm playing one of those video games. Something's gonna pop out at me. (approaching footsteps) - Okay, happen already. - When's it gonna happen? Stay looking. (static) Okay... - No... (shrieking) Oh! No. (buzzer) - Is it gonna come-- AAAH! (laughing) I hate it! (buzzer) - I know what's going to happen! I've played this game a bajillion times. He's gonna turn the light on and then the scary face is gonna come up! (babbling) I don't like spooky video games! - I do not like getting jump scared. That was not easy. - (FBE) Which generation do you thinks fear belongs to? - I think kids. - I would have to say that's an adult. - I would say teens. - Gosh, that would be kids. - I'm gonna say elders only because we've done some gaming with them. - Adults. - I'm gonna go adults again. - Teens. - Kid's fear. Like me, I'm just really scared of jump scares. - Mine because I put literally "all horror games LOL." It's so scary! - (FBE) This fear is from a teen. - A teen. Of course, of course, of course, of course, because they love playing those spooky games. You know? Why is Five Nights at Freddy's a thing? - I am not good at guessing this. - Well, I didn't ever know I was such a good judge of people. This is amazing me. - Are we going running? - Yes. Yes, we are. I just have to go pee. I'll be right back. - What is this? What film is this? ♪ (tense music) ♪ - What's gonna happen? It's so dramatic. - What's wrong? - Is she forgetting? - Oh. Oh, is this like Alzheimer's or something, like she's forgetting where the bathroom is? - Oh, this is sad. Is she losing her mind? - Oh. She's forgetting. - Oh, I think this is Alzheimer's, like forgetting where you are. (approaching footsteps) - (man) Allie? - Oh, that's so sad. - (Allie) I couldn't find the bathroom. - Aww, this is sad. - (man) Let's get you cleaned up. - (Allie sobbing) I don't know where I am. - Oh, that's so sad. That's so sad. - My grandma on my dad's side has Alzheimer's and I remember growing up, stuff like this would happen. - (FBE) Which generation do you think that fear belongs to? - Elders. - Elders. - Elders. - Elders. - Elders. Just the idea of not being able to remember simple things like how to even eat or use a spoon. - Is that elders? - Adults. - Adults because I think we're all, as we're getting older, afraid of getting dementia or Alzheimer's. - Maybe this is the elders because that seems like a pretty justified fear. That's scary. - That's my biggest fear. The one thing you have or comfort you have when you're older is your memories, and to lose all that, I can't think of anything more terrifying. - (FBE) This is a fear by an elder, by Catherine. - Yeah, I definitely think as I grow older that will become a bigger fear of mine. - That's tough. Yeah, I have a family member who passed away from Alzheimer's. Yeah, that one's difficult. - That was depressing! I've been tense, numb, almost in tears. This is a rollercoaster of emotions. - See, elders have more realistic fears and then you look at us and we're like "BEES." - That's a disgusting shot. - Ugh! Where does the tongue begin? - Why are they chewing like that? - What is this? EW! She's swallowing it whole! (gagging) (buzzer) (chewing loudly) - OH! - Ugh, no! Aaah, stop! - I'm very sensitive to mouth noises, so this is killing me. - That's disgusting but I don't fear that. - This is so-- no! Absolutely-- this is so gross! (buzzer) - What is going through people's minds if they film this [bleep]? What the hell's wrong with you people? - That was easy. Just because they're chewing food, nothing's gonna happen. - (FBE) Which generation do you think this fear belongs to, kids, teens, adults, or elders? - Adults. - Adults. - Adults. - Adults. They might see kids doing it a lot, just chewing with their mouth open. - I would say a kid. - Kids? - I'm gonna assume an adult. - Adults just because I think they would get grossed out. - Elders. As a generalization, I feel elders have a lot of manners and proper etiquette. - This is a personal fear of mine, so I know this video is for me. - (FBE) So the generation that's scared of this is an adult. It's Tori. - Yes! Something I got correct. - Oh. I'm not doing too well with this, am I? - Yeah, baby! I know people. I know their thoughts! - Oh! Yeah, no, she's told me that she hates people that eat with their mouths open. - Good job, Tori. See, that's why we get along. - It's not a real fear that could kill you or hurt you in any way. It's just something that has always brought a shiver down my spine or has grossed me out completely. - I wasn't as scared as either really sad or just disgusted, honestly. The horror one got me. There was no way I was gonna not look away. - I don't know, man. Other people's fears are not always necessarily yours. If my video would have been in here, it would have been a balloon popping video and I'm sure people would have looked at that like, okay, so? But for me, it matters. It's scary. - Thank you for watching this disgusting episode of React. Shout-out to Rosaline Rose. - Subscribe and hit the bell so you don't miss an episode and shout-out to Forever Happiness. - Thanks for watching. I gotta go watch some cute things. Bye! - Hi, guys, JC here, a producer here at FBE. Make sure to check us out on Instagram to get a behind-the-scenes look at how we put all these episodes together. Check us out at FBE. Bye.
Channel: REACT
Views: 10,787,222
Rating: 4.862586 out of 5
Keywords: greatest fears, try not to look away, biggest fears, Generations React To Try Not To Look Away Challenge (Biggest Fears Game), generations react, kids react, teens react, adults react, college kids react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, parents react, teenagers react, spiders, slenderman, fear, face your fears, my greatest fears
Id: i7pbcMPfxrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 27sec (687 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 01 2018
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