Kids React To Try Not To Get Scared Challenge (Poppy, Harry Potter, Five Nights At Freddy's)

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The fact that Lucas made it almost to the end but lost it at Poppy,lmao

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

Lol Madison, Gabe, Lucas, Sydney is my favorite.🤣

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2019 🗫︎ replies

I saw the thumbnail and thought they were gonna react to Time is Up lol

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PoppyIsAnObject 📅︎︎ Oct 26 2019 🗫︎ replies
- You guys are so mean. - (monster yelling) - I don't appreciate that. - (Poppy) Don't be afraid. - She's-- I'm so-- she's right behind me, isn't she? ♪ (playful intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we're gonna be doing a challenge that the kids tend to not like very much. - No! Please no! Not the Try Not to Laugh Challenge. - Oh. Is it a Try Not to Yawn? - (FBE) This is a Try Not to get Scared Challenge. - (squeaks) I'm always scared of these. - Oh, I'm gonna kill this! - (FBE) Do you know normally do well in these? - Yeah. This is actually my second one. And guess what? The last one, I killed it! I'm happy. My parents are proud. - (FBE) Now, as always, before we start, if you're too scared to do this challenge, that's completely fine. Just let us know now, and you'll simply lose this challenge. - I'ma give it a try, but I'ma look away a lot, 'cause I'm trying to have a nice day. - I don't wanna do it. I'm a scaredy cat. I don't wanna do it. (buzzer) - Can you close your eyes? - (FBE) No, you can't close your eyes. - I'm willing to not take it. I've been through lots of scary videos. (buzzer) - (FBE) Are you ready to do this? - I'm probably gonna get scared. - I'll probably just get out on all of them. ♪ (ominous music) ♪ - That face, though. Oh, it's Gremlins! - No. - (FBE) You lost already! - Yeah. That-- I don't know. I don't like that noise. It was like (makes static noises). (buzzer) - Can I laugh? - (FBE) Yeah, you can laugh. - I think I got this. - You fed them. You fed them at midnight. How dare ya? - They consider Gremlins as a scary movie? - (FBE) What is that? - A goblin. - My gosh. Ew! - I've seen worse. - Am I allowed to move? No, huh? Okay. - (FBE) You can move. You just can't be scared-- - No, it's fine. I'm doing really well so far. (loud splatter) - Um, he's got a lot of blood. (ding) - It's ready. (snickers) That one was actually funny. - (FBE) Was it scary at all? - No. Goblins aren't scary. - That was just kind of funny. I don't think there's gremlins watching this, but if you are a gremlin, make sure to subscribe and like. - (FBE) So, this next one's a jump scare. Do you wanna try it or-- - No, no, no, no, no. I'll skip. - Okay. (buzzer) - Oh my gosh. No. Nope, nope. I can't do that. I can't do the jump scares. (buzzer) - (whispers) Oh god. Oh god, oh god. Oh, I see it. Ooh, it's right there. - (FBE) Ah, you're out. You can't look away. (buzzer) - Oh, is this a-- oh, yeah! That's Five Nights at Freddy's. This is the VR one, right? - Oh, hi! Hiiii! - (monster yelling) - I flinched. (buzzer) - (monster yelling) - Did I do it? - (FBE) That was it. You made it. - (claps) - Hi, Marty. - Oh, FNAF, you try too hard. Too hard. Try too hard, but you can't break this face. - That one didn't scare me at all. I've seen that before a lot of times. - (FBE) This is from the new VR version of Five Nights at Freddy's. - VR? Oh my-- VR horror games... Bye. - (in "English" accent) Harry Potter? - I've seen Harry Potter before, so I know what's gonna happen. - Oh, no. I hate spiders so much. (buzzer) - What's the name of that spider again? Aragog or something? I forgot. - (Ron, panicked) Harry. - (Harry) What? - Me. - (Ron whimpers) - It's not scary. I've watched this. - That's a lot of spiders. - I have the biggest fear of spiders, and my back is shivering. - I get some people have a fear of spiders, but... you're bigger than them! - Oh my gosh. Ron is such a mood. He's such a mood. Ah! - (Aragog) I cannot deny them. - Run, sis! - (Ron) Know any spells? - Oh my god. - Oh, so you couldn't think of a charm that turns on the light. But no, the car has to help you. - It's not scary. - This one doesn't scare me as much. - Hey, look. It's the flying car. - Oh, jeez. - That's illegal driving. You don't have a driver's license. - Is that it? - (FBE) That was it. You made it! Are you usually scared of spiders? - No, never really, unless they are real and they are really poisonous. - (FBE) You're doing really well. You haven't gotten scared yet. - No, because I-- only the jump scares I might get scared of. - (FBE) All right. The next one's a jump scare, so look away. Are you sure you don't wanna do this one? - I'm sure. (buzzer) - Again. Hi, Mangle. - Hello. - Nope. Stop it. Stop. You guys are so mean. (buzzer) - Okay. - (monster yells) - That was scary. - (monster yells) - I flinched. (buzzer) - (monster yells) (buzzer) - (monster yells) - I don't appreciate that. - (monster yells) - (FBE) Okay. - (snapping) - (monster yells) (static hissing) - (FBE) I'm really impressed, Lucas. - Teehee. Those ones sort of get me sometimes, 'cause I hate Five Nights at Freddy's. But that one didn't get me for-- I'm gonna jinx it. Watch. It's gonna happen. I know it. - Oh, I hate cockroaches so much. - (voice-over) The Kerley family has learned that cockroaches are infesting the walls of their apartment. - If my mom was there, she would be screaming and disgusted. - (voice-over) The family must leave while exterminators do a thorough treatment of the apartment. - Yeah, if I see a cockroach on the floor, I scream and run. But, I mean, watching it, I'm good. - (voice-over) When they return, they're shocked by what they find. - Oh my god. - Well, those exterminators are really bad at their job. - (Janie) We are literally horrified. - Why, though? But why? Why-- They're dead. - That is so nasty. - (voice-over) With so many dead cockroaches, Ronnie and Janie believe their problem is over. - Eww, they have to broom 'em up? - There's something called a vacuum that you could clean that with. - (Ronnie) ...thinking that we finally got rid of 'em. - Aw, you didn't get rid of 'em. I'm sorry. - Yeah, that's me when I see a cockroach. - I'd just be like, "I'm moving out. Bye!" - (voice-over) ...roaches have been nesting deep within the coach itself. - Oh, no! I'm about to check my couch when I get home. - I couldn't do that. I would throw that-- I'd burn that couch. Bye, Felicia. Like, no. - That was the most nasty thing. Ew! That's gonna make me scared not to sit on my own couch. - (voice-over) In the bottom right, for a second, a light appears. - (FBE) You're looking away already. - Yeah. (buzzer) - (voice-over) In the bottom right, for a second, a light appears. - No. No. No. No. Nope. (buzzer) - (voice-over) ...a light appears. - Maybe it's a ghost. ♪ (eerie music) ♪ - This music. - Oh my gosh. What the heck?! - Don't go into the elevator. Oh, jeez. - You know... people might just have a magic power, the power of editing. (bells tinkle) - It's a ghost. We get it. - I hope I don't have any nightmares tonight. - I'm not scared! I'm like, "What the heck?!" How did that girl even get in there?! - Dude. That... just an old woman appears out of nowhere. Oh, look. There's Grandma. - (FBE chuckles) - Make me some cookies. - (whispers) It was WEIRD! And freaky. - I personally don't believe in ghosts, but my friends do. - (sighs) Another FNAF one. - Oh, boy. These ones get me sometimes. - I'm out. I don't like those! (buzzer) - Stop! You guys. You guys are just mean. This is just plain rude. (buzzer) - Four, three, two-- - (FBE) You lost. - (monster yelling) (buzzer) - I'm just holding onto the chair. - (monster yelling) - Hi, Freddy. - (monster yelling) - Ay, ay. - (monster yelling) - Why are all these clips from Five Nights at Freddy's? To get the real scares, you should've brought in a real Oculus Rift. You just have to play the game. - I'm so excited to tell my dad that I won. Oh, wait. I'm not done yet. We're not done. - (FBE) You're not quite done yet. - I thought that was the one. - (FBE) So, we do have one more video for you. And some of you guys might recognize the person in this video. - (whispers) Selena Gomez. - I swear to god, if it's Chucky... ♪ (eerie music) ♪ - Hi, I'm Poppy. I heard you're trying not to be scared. - (FBE) You looked away. (buzzer) - Hi, I'm Poppy. I heard you're trying not to be scared. - So... she's talking to me. Kind of looking around. - (Poppy) Don't be afraid. - She's like-- I'm so-- she's right behind me, isn't she? (exhales shakily) (buzzer) - (Poppy) Don't be afraid. - Poppy isn't scary. It's just weird when she talks to the plant. - (Poppy) There's nothing to be afraid of. - I'm not. I'm trying. I don't know you. - (Poppy) I'm telling you. - I like her hair. - (Poppy) There's nothing to be afraid of. - Of course there isn't, Poppy. What would you expect? - (Poppy) I'm telling you. - No, you're a clone from a multi-universe. - (Poppy) There's nothing to be scared of. - Thanks, Poppy. That really helps me. She's actually kinda nice. Like, thanks, sis. - (FBE) So, Poppy actually made that video just for you guys. - Oh, thank you, but no thank you. - Is she stalking me? I don't like it. - You guys know that we just had an encounter with Poppy. She was in a glass box... - (FBE) Hmm. - ...sealed away. - I was walking in, and there was this glass thing, right? In the glass box, I had pulled the thing down, and Poppy was inside of it. It freaked me out a lot. Oh my god! Oh my god. - Oh, crap. (chuckles) I knew this was gonna happen one day or another! - It's not scary, because she's in the screen. But if she was actually here I would probably be very, very scared. - (FBE) You just won the challenge. (ding) - (snapping) Second time in a row. (ding) - I did it. (clapping) (ding) - (FBE) You won. How do you feel? - (chuckles) I feel fine. - Poppy one was really scary. - I'm not good with the jump scare stuff. That stuff is scary. - (FBE) So overall, what did you think about this challenge? - Not fun. Not good at all! Scary. Scary. Very scary. Just no FNAF, no jump scares. No thank you. - Thanks for watching this spooky episode of Kids React. - Don't be too scared. Make sure to hit that Subscribe button. - Hey, everyone. Lauren, producer here at FBE. Thank you so much for watching this scary episode of Kids React. Make sure you follow us on Twitter, @fbe, for staff and reactor Q&As, company news, and so much more. Bye, everyone!
Channel: REACT
Views: 5,047,445
Rating: 4.8993492 out of 5
Keywords: try not to get scared, scary videos, jump scare, Kids React To Try Not To Get Scared Challenge #3, kids react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, teens react, adults react, parents react, harry potter, fnaf, gremlins, poppy, OGKR1924
Id: VlNekO3R8oU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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