College Kids React To Try Not To Sing Along Challenge (Disney Edition)

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- This is just my childhood! This is all my VHS tapes coming to life right now. - (singing along) ♪ That's So Raven ♪ ♪ (singing Spanish) ♪ I remember this in Spanish. ♪ (industrial intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today we have a challenge for you. - A challenge? Oh, no. - (FBE) You're going to take part in a try not to sing along challenge. - Oh! (laughing) I love these. - Oh, this is gonna be easy for me. I hate singing in front of people. (laughing) - (FBE) But there's a theme. These are all going to be Disney songs. - YES! I just went to Disneyland. Wait, this is a try not-- (growling) - I'm just gonna leave now then. This is impossible to do. - (FBE) All right, are you ready? - Yeah. I just gotta keep my resting bitch face and I'll be fine. - ♪ I'm gonna be a mighty king ♪ - I love this movie. - Aaaah! I love The Lion King. - I watched all of these in Spanish. Not in English. - ♪ Well, I've never seen a king of beasts ♪ ♪ With quite so little hair ♪ - Nope. Nope. - ♪ ...the main event ♪ - No. - I can dance, right? - (FBE) No. - I cannot dance?! (buzzer) - ♪ I'm brushing up on looking down ♪ ♪ I'm working on... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ roar ♪ (buzzer) - ♪ Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing ♪ - (FBE) You tapped to the beat. - Oh! (laughing) (buzzer) - ♪ Oh, I just can't wait to be king ♪ - Oh, I want to dance so bad. - I feel like I'm pretty good. It is a groovy song though, you know? - ♪ Oh, I just can't wait ♪ - It's so hard! - ♪ To be king ♪ - Okay, I'll take that X. (buzzer) - ♪ (vocalizing to song) ♪ I already lost. (buzzer) - Okay, look, I did it. - Even though I didn't know the song, I was like, oh, this is catchy. - ♪ Let's get down to... ♪ - Ooh, Mulan. - NO! God. - (singing along) ♪ ...down to... ♪ My family! ♪ defeat... ♪ (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ defeat the Huns ♪ (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ defeat the Huns ♪ Oh, [bleep], I forgot. We're doing a challenge. (laughing) I was just singing Mulan! (buzzer) - I was in the Mulan musical in my high school! I played Mushu! - ♪ You're the saddest bunch I ever met ♪ - This movie was my everything. - This was a great movie. - ♪ Mister, I'll... ♪ - Never seen Mulan. - ♪ ...make a man... ♪ - That's hard. That's hard. - ♪ ...out of you ♪ - Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! I probably would have cracked with that next verse. Mulan's just a fantastic film. - I love Mulan. It's such a good movie. She's not a Disney princess, you know? She tough. She a bad bitch. - ♪ I can show you the world ♪ - Oh, I love Aladdin. - This is one my favorite karaoke songs. - Wait. Nah, forget it. (singing along) ♪ Shining, shimmering, splendid ♪ (buzzer) - ♪ Tell me, princess... ♪ - Aah! - This is just my childhood! This is all my VHS tapes coming to life right now. - ♪ A whole new world ♪ - I want to sing so bad! - I'm so determined to win. - ♪ A new fantastic... ♪ - I don't want to look at it. It's gonna make me want to sing. - ♪ No one to tell us no ♪ - ♪ (singing along in Spanish) ♪ It says "whole new world" and in Spanish it's like "a perfect world." The translation was different. (buzzer) - ♪ A whole new world ♪ - I love the duet of this. It's so pretty. - I mean, if I could hit the high notes, trust me, I'd be singing. - ♪ But when I'm way up here ♪ - (singing along) ♪ It's crystal clear ♪ (buzzer) - ♪ That now I'm in... ♪ - Make it end! - ♪ ...a whole new world with you ♪ - I felt it welling up, too. Oh, man! - That one was really difficult. I love Aladdin so much. I love that scene. It's such a nice song. - This is when Disney was in its prime. This is the early '90s to late '90s, that's Disney's-- that was the best Disney. - ♪ Look at this stuff ♪ - Pulling out all the classics right now. - It's my favorite Disney movie of all time. - (singing along) ♪ Isn't it neat? ♪ ♪ Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? ♪ (buzzer) - You can't do this to me. (whispering) ♪ Wouldn't you think my collection's complete ♪ (buzzer) - ♪ Wouldn't you think I'm the girl ♪ ♪ The girl who has everything? ♪ - Disney, gosh dang it! - ♪ I want to be where the people are ♪ - No, you don't. People are bad. - ♪ ...want to see 'em dancin' ♪ ♪ Walkin' around on those... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ What do you call them? ♪ ♪ Oh, feet ♪ (laughing) (buzzer) - ♪ Oh, feet ♪ - (Flounder laughing) - (mocking laugh) Classic. - I would have for sure broke if it was Sebastian singing "Under the Sea." - You know, it's weird. Their voices are so different. I've never seen this in English before. It's always been in Spanish. - Don't do it, Chelsea. - ♪ Wish I could be part of that world ♪ - This world's not that great, Ariel. You can stay your ass there. - I was a weird kid. I used to wrap my legs in blankets to pretend that I was a mermaid. - I'm almost there. I can't give up now. Even though it's very, very difficult. I can't give up. - ♪ You've got a friend... ♪ - OH, SHOOT! - Dang. - (singing along) ♪ You've got a... ♪ (choking up) I'm so emotional! (buzzer) - Awww. - ♪ When the road looks rough ahead ♪ ♪ And you're miles and miles... ♪ - (singing along) ♪ ...from your nice, warm bed ♪ (buzzer) - It's so cute but so sad if you know what happens. - (singing along) ♪ a friend in me ♪ TOM, GODDAMN IT, MAN! (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ You've got a friend in me ♪ ♪ (vocalizing) ♪ (giggling) I know how to play that on piano. (buzzer) - The nostalgia almost makes me too sad to want to sing. Thinking about being young and watching these movies is just... it's a trip. - Oh, I love me some Randy Newman. (laughing) (gruffly) ♪ You've got a friend in me ♪ - It's weird. My heart hurts a little bit. It's just killing me inside not to just dance. - ♪ If you could gaze into... ♪ - ARGH! - OOH-HO-HO-HO-HO! - Oh, god. - ♪ would be a breeze ♪ (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ Life is a breeze ♪ (laughing) (buzzer) - I'm gonna leave. - (FBE) You gotta keep watching. - NO! - ♪ ...trouble from a distance, yeah ♪ - (chiming in) ♪ Go Rae ♪ (laughing) (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ Go Rae ♪ (laughing) It's just so nostalgic. (buzzer) - I thought you guys were gonna stick with Disney movies. (laughing) This one was a bop though. - This is a bop. - (laughing) That's my favorite. (buzzer) - ♪ That's So Raven ♪ ♪ It's the future I can see ♪ - (laughing) This is actually really hard. - (singing along) ♪ That's So Raven ♪ ♪ (singing in Spanish) ♪ I remember this in Spanish. (buzzer) - ♪ It's so mysterious to me, yeah ♪ Yep, that's me. - I know it's you, Raven. I know it is. - That theme song is so iconic, when she's like, "Yup, that's me." (laughing) Like, yes, it is you, Raven. That is SO Raven! - ♪ But I have this dream ♪ - (gasping) How dare you?! - Awww, Camp Rock. - I wasn't that into Camp Rock. - Demi Lovato before she blew up. (singing along) ♪ I'm gonna let it show ♪ (buzzer) - Oh, this gives me feels for Demi right now, though. - Demi Lovato's a baddie, but, sorry, nah. I'm not a fan of this song. - I have to lose. (singing along) ♪ This is real ♪ ♪ This is me ♪ I'm not even mad. That's just such a good song. (buzzer) - (singing along) ♪ I'm exactly where I... ♪ I have a playlist on my Spotify and these are all on it! (buzzer) - ♪ ...supposed to be ♪ - (singing along) ♪ Gonna let the light ♪ ♪ Shine on me ♪ (buzzer) - ♪ Now I've found who I am ♪ - (laughing) - Summer camp was never that fun. I don't understand. - Camp Rock really wanted to be High School Musical, let me just say. - ♪ This is me ♪ - Oh, thank God Joe Jonas did not sing. I made it through that one. I made it through one video. - Camp Rock was the stuff. Camp Rock was so amazing. The Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, together, are you kidding me? That was some of the best television at the time. - I'm gonna say thank you to you guys because I got to walk down memory lane. That's So Raven, Camp Rock, some Disney movies, good stuff. - (FBE) You won! Congrats. - I am a winner! - I feel so heartless when I go through the try not to laugh videos and I just keep a straight face, and when I go through these, I act like I had a terrible childhood of no singing or anything like that. It makes me feel a little dark inside. - (FBE) Overall, do you think the fact these were all Disney songs made the challenge harder or easier? - It was so hard. I literally sing Disney songs all the time. - Definitely harder because it's something we grew up with. - This was the hardest one I think I've ever had to do. I gave up immediately. It was like I didn't even have the willpower to do this challenge. - Thanks for watching this magical episode of College Kids React. Shoot-out to Ultra Gamer. - You've got a friend in me, so make sure to subscribe. - What's your favorite Disney song? Let us know in the comments. - Thanks for watching. Bye! - Hi, guys, JC here, a producer here at FBE. Make sure to check out all our other episodes across all generations. All the links are down below. Thanks for supporting us. Bye, guys.
Channel: REACT
Views: 4,852,964
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Keywords: Disney sing along, Disney, try not to sing, College Kids Try Not To Sing Along Challenge (Disney Edition), college kids react, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, watch, review, for the first time, reviews, responds, respond, youtubers react, elders react, teens react, kids react, adults react, parents react, teenagers react, the little mermaid, camp rock, the lion king, mulan, Aladdin, whole new world, Toy Story, OGCK1845
Id: b7QxOnr4t5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 08 2018
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