Try Not To Touch Challenge (React)

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- (FBE) We have Nelly, the baby goat. She's an actual 4-week-old baby. - What? No! ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) Y'all have an epic challenge in store for you today. You'll be playing the try not to touch challenge. - I've never done that before. - What is that? - I'm gonna lose. I already know I'm gonna lose. I love touching things. Watch. Loved it. - (FBE) We'll be putting multiple things in front of you, which you cannot touch or physically interact with in any way. If you do touch something, you will have a punishment at the end for everything you've done. - What?! - Oh, no. I swear, if you guys bring out a puppy-- - (chuckling) No! - Out of all of these challenges where it's try not to smile, try not to eat, I feel like maybe this is my best chance at success. That feels like an easy reflex to stop. - I feel like you have much more impulse control than I do, so I'm gonna do it on accident. - Hands under the table. - Ooh, a bowl! I've seen so many bowls. Oh, there's slime in it. - Ewww, no. - (FBE) First up, some very satisfying slime for you. It's ooey, and gooey, and delightful. - Wait... wait. I can't touch the bowl? Oh, sh--! I was so tempted to touch it already! - I think I want to pop the bubbles rather than touch it, but I can't touch it at all. - I want to but I also said that I have good impulse control. - I had a feeling there was going to be slime, too. - Why are people so obsessed with playing with slime? The slime is not worth it. It's not worth the touching. - Yeah, it's not worth it. - The only reason why I don't feel like I should touch it is because I feel like I played with slime before. - I think I'm good. I'd rather hold out until something more. - I'm with Sergio on this. - I don't want to touch it because I've got all, like, gross and sticky, but I love watching it jiggle. - I'm not touching it, no. - Not gonna touch it. Not today, slime. - (FBE) Fair enough. - It's too common-- oh, it's jiggling! (laughing) - He was as steady as possible. - I know! - (FBE) Next up, we have some bubble wrap and this is the most satisfying bubble wrapping pop ever. - Come on! - Our receptionist saves bubble wrap from packages and gives it to me in the office. - Yeet! - No! (bubbles popping) Thank you, Tom! Thank you! Now I can hold out. - (laughing gleefully) This is the best! (buzzer) - I want to so bad, like just one, just-- but I feel like I have to save it. - I have access to bubble wrap. I can overnight something on Amazon just for the bubble wrap. - This is a lot though. Imagine sitting on this or just giving it this elbow to the table. - That's hard. That's torture. - This is really torture. - Your parents are always like don't pop the bubble wrap. Now we can pop the bubble wrap. - Technically, we still can't. - Don't touch it, Chelsea. - It's not worth it. It's not worth it. - Girl, we can do this. - We can do this. - I have initial impulses to destroy bubble wrap. Every time I see it, I'm always pouncing on it and... ugh! So I'm restraining myself-- - I'm very tempted, but we just started. This is killing me, but I want to see what else you guys got. - I don't want to do it because I want to win, but having him do it for me is really nice. He took one for the team. You can have them. - Those are literally-- no, look it-- you can feel the little air pockets on each side. - Stop tempting me! - No! Fine. - I'm not gonna do it. - If it was a different color bubble wrap, maybe. If it's the big green one-- - Ooh! Industrial grade! - The big bubble wrap. Oh, that changes the game. - I can get behind that. - (FBE) Here is a piping hot pizza. For this one, if you touch it, you get to eat it. - OH-HO-HO-HO! You guys know me too well. - You get to eat it, but then you gotta do a punishment. - (mocking) "You gotta do a punishment." (nom nom nom) (buzzer) - What?! No! My mouth is watering. I-- (groaning). I might have to do this one. - I only ate toast for breakfast. Yeah, I'm getting a slice of pizza. Is punishment every round or just--? - (FBE) Every round. - Mmm, okay. - Let's do it. - It's free lunch. - (giggling) I feel like I'm gonna regret not eating than eating it. - Ooh, it is warm. - I mean, we touched it. - We already touched it. Now we have to take it. (buzzer) - If we both touch it, could we have the entire pizza? - (FBE) Yeah. - Do you want to do it together? Because we could have lunch. - Okay! I want this one. - Boop! This one. - It's pizza! This-- it's because you put food in front of us. (buzzer) - I mean, if she's gonna pass, I'm not gonna do it then. - Hmmm. The pizza's tempting, but I'm a very-- I love toppings on pizza. I'm good. - We're good. We're gonna pass. - Do I get the whole pizza now? Thanks! Sucks to suck, Brandon. - The punishment is gonna be horrible! - I will go through any punishment if there's a nice, hot pizza at the end of it. - Is it actually hot, though? - Mm-hmm. It actually is. Touch is. - No, don't lie. - No, I swear to God! - No, no, that's how you lose. - Damn! (laughing) - No! - (squealing) - No! - AAAH, A KITTY! - (FBE) This is my cat, Mia. - He's so fluffy! Hi, baby! (buzzer) - (FBE) She's a big fluff ball of sweetness who loves to purr when she is pet. - I love her. I have to. Come here, baby. (buzzer) - I'm gonna-- no, okay. - (laughing) I have a cat but it's so fluffy and it's right in front of me. - No, come here. - She already touched it. Hi there! Oh, you're so soft. (buzzer) - Oh, my god! That's literally the fluffiest thing ever! - We can't not pet the kitty. You can not put a kitty and say don't pet it. - You literally can't. (buzzer) - Mia is a big ball of love. Here, Sergio. Here's Mia. It's Mia. She's a big cat! She's a big baby! (buzzer) - Oh, my god! You're just one love. You're just one love. You're so soft! - Okay, I-- - Yeah! (laughing) - (cooing) You're so soft. Hi! (buzzer) - You can't put live fluffy animals in front of me and not expect me to hold myself back from this. - Okay, where are the puppies? You bringing a puppy or something? - (FBE) Okay. - AAAH! - Oh, my god! You actually brought a puppy! You actually brought a puppy! - (FBE) She is a very cute puppy who just wants your love and affection. Can't you give her that? - Oh, yes, we can. (buzzer) - You didn't! - (FBE) So? - This is not fair! - (FBE) Meet Ziggy. - (both cooing) - Hey, baby. (clicking tongue) Awww, you're so scared. It's okay. (buzzer) - Ziggy, Ziggy! Come to me. Come to-- Hi. Hi, can I have a kiss? (buzzer) - I'm a dog person. Come on. Hi. - Okay, but also... this is somebody in the office's dog and we've definitely played with it 100 times and we've seen Ziggy before. - Yes, but you're not-- - I'm gonna get to play with Ziggy again. This isn't a one-time offer. - Eric doesn't want you. - She's so cute! Ziggy! (buzzer) - How precious. How precious! Look at that face. - I think for me just for being right here-- I'm good enough. I'll just look at the dog. - Nah! - Just look it. Ziggy wants love. - This is the most emotionally conflicted I've ever felt. No, I'm not gonna touch-- I'm not gonna touch it. I'm sorry. Puppy, I love you. - You are so worth it! - We're gonna get punished because we pet you. - It's okay. It's okay. - Totally worth it. - (FBE) So the grand finale, we have Nelly, the baby goat. She's an actual 4-week-old baby and is the cutest thing I have ever seen. - She's slipping! - You're a goat! Excuse me, are you a goat? - He's a baby goat! - You're a-- are you a billy goat? He licked you! (buzzer) - I'm touching the goat. Are you kidding me? I've never met a goat! - Oh, he's going to fall! Are you okay? Oh, I've got your little hoof. Oh, no! - Hey, are you okay? How are you doing? - It's a-- - Are you serious? (buzzer) - Hi! - Oh, my god! She's so tiny. - (squealing) - Oh, my god. (buzzer) - I haven't touched a goat since I was a little kid and I'm so happy. It's worth it. It's really worth it. - She's so soft. (buzzer) - We've completely given up on the challenge. We will pet any animal that comes through here because when in your life can you say that you've pet a baby goat named Nelly? - (FBE) Lauren, do you mind grabbing Nelly? - Oh, no! No, don't take Nelly! Please, no! Goodbye, Nelly! - I'll be back. - (FBE) Okay, so you both lost, so I will need you to prod each other with an electric kinky shocker for each thing you touched. - What? - I'm mad. - The fourth time I've been shocked on this show. - [Bleep] kidding me! - Oh, my god. I'm so scared. (electricity crackles) - AAAH! - Why is this a weird fancy toothbrush? - What the fudge is that? - Whoa! No, no, no. I don't like that! - Are we at the dentist? - Do you want to do it to me first? - Yes. - Okay. I get to get... AAAH! It's just the noise. (electricity buzzing) Okay, okay. (hyperventilating) - Okay. Oh, my god. Oh, my god. - I just don't like when it's cold. - Oh, my god! That was such a weird feeling. I can't! - Here I come. - (shaky breathing) Stop! - Come on! - Don't! (laughing) - Listen, it's gonna go-- - (laughing) - It's gonna go ten times scarier if you keep playin' with me, boy. - I remember golf rules, the closest person gets to go next. AAH! - (laughing) Okay, that's one. How does it feel? - It's not-- it's like a bee landing on you and it's just giving you a little kiss. - Oh, I got stung by a bee once. Come here! - I'm allergic to pain! - You're not allergic. - Sorry, you're the first one. One-- - That was not bad. - It wasn't that bad? I'm shaking. Aaah! (giggling anxiously) That was fun. - It's not that bad. - Get it over with! Come on, big boy! This is for Nelly! AAAAH! - (cackling) What? Let me get the other arm. - (overlapping speech) - Ready? - (grunting) AAAH! (laughing) - Hey, babe, happy anniversary. - (shrieking) I hate it. I hate it. - You said you wanted to spice things up. - (laughing) No! Okay, that's more! That's more! That's so-- - AAH, NO! NO! - Come here! - Thanks for watching the try not to touch challenge on the React channel. - Subscribe for lots of new shows every week. - Hit that like button if you liked this episode. - If you want to see more cute animals, let us know in the comments. - Bye! - Hey, guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer. Thank you so much for watching the try not to touch challenge. Be sure to check out our newsletter. The link is in the description and you can know before anyone else when we have casting and merch. Bye, guys!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 13,734,123
Rating: 4.9328704 out of 5
Keywords: try not to touch, try not to touch challenge, Try Not To Touch Challenge (React), reaction, react, reactions, reacts, Try not to laugh, laugh challenge, laughing challenge, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, fbe, people vs food, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that, laugh or grin while watching this, try to watch this, viral, funny, comedy
Id: CTTqpls77yY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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