Wookiees vs Brutes (1v1 and Squad Battle) - Who Would Win? | Halo vs Star Wars

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hey guys Eckhart slaughter here hello and welcome to another episode of Star Wars vs. I hope you guys didn't miss me too much yesterday was my first date without uploading in quite some time if you did I hope you took the time to go back and check out some of my older videos regardless we're back at it today and we're back at halo vs. Star Wars tomorrow I think I would like to do a big galactic versus episode so if you haven't ideas that you'd like to see made make sure to leave them in the comments everyone else make sure that you give thumbs up to the good ideas and leave supporting comments before I get too far into things for this video I just want to talk about something really quickly for my last video the UNSC Marines vs stormtroopers you guys disagreed with my result not only in the poll results but also pretty vocally in the comment you know what that is totally okay I like when you guys disagree or when we can at least have a conversation I'm doing my best with a ton of often contradicting information and trying to compare to make-believe universes sometimes you guys will disagree with me sometimes you won't agree with my logic but I'm not trying to be biased in any sort of way sometimes Star Wars wins sometimes Star Wars loses that's just the way it is regardless of how things turn out though and whether you're talking to me or someone else in the comments try to remember that there is someone else on the other side of the keyboard and you're talking to a real person someone with feelings there's no need to be kind of mean or nasty anything like that I also just want to say that 99.9% of you guys never have this problem and the vast majority of my comments are really enjoyable to read but sometimes it's hard to not get emotionally invested I mean I do the same things too but let's all try to keep a pretty cool head and remember that this is all supposed to be fun alright so onto today's video we're looking at two very strong very hairy very beefy species the Wookiee and the brute from Star Wars and halo respectively we do have a few rules we're assuming average warriors of each race so not Chewbacca on the wookie side and not achieved in on the brute side we're also gonna be doing two rounds like we did with last video the first will be a one-on-one hand-to-hand battle between the wookie and the brute and the second will be a squad battle where five rookies and five brutes go head-to-head each side having full equipment and weapons so as I've been doing it recently we're gonna start this video with an overview of each so their biology things like their intelligence and their behavior also things like their technology and the weapons they would have used then we'll do the two rounds of battle let's start with wookies and wookiees were very lovable very large ape-like humanoids from the jungle planet of Kashyyyk as exemplified by Chewbacca wookies are an interesting combination of intelligence kindness and kind of brutal physicality rookies are quite large coming in at around or just under 7 feet tall they aren't however as heavy as you might expect they have a very wiry strength to them the average male will Kea weight in and around 250 to 275 pounds compare this with a real-life Siller back gorilla which typically weighs about 350 to 400 pounds despite being quite a bit shorter as I mentioned though the Wookiees have a very sinewy kind of wiry lean strength to them that's largely due their origin as tree climbers you can't be super heavy while climbing a tree you need to be lean and quick it's hard to say exactly how strong the average Wookiee would be but they were as a species known for ripping limbs off and could probably even decapitate people with not too much effort in addition to their strength wookies also had extremely powerful teeth and jaws elsewhat claws which could extend from their hands though it was seen as uncivilized to use them in combat along with their biological gifts wookies were also very brave warriors Kashyyyk itself their home planet was very dangerous and what he's young will he's even would often challenge themselves in the shadow lands which work as we saw at night sealed Republic a very dangerous place among other terrors were dark side beasts and just a whole lot of really nasty stuff in combat wookies were prone to fits of Rage would often charge at enemies and just use brute strength to destroy them however despite their somewhat animalistic nature or their appearance and the fact that they live in trees bookies were actually very intelligent in the book hair to the Empire Princess Leia is blown away by Wicky intelligence and probably most notably despite the fact that they have the total ability to rely on or even incorporate modern technology into their style of living they typically chose not to much of Wilke sophistication likely comes from their long lifespans Chewbacca for example is over 200 years old during the events of the original trilogy well he's also had a culture of community based amazing so young monkeys would have received a very thorough education probably learning directly from the elders within their community who themselves have again given their long lifespan surely seen a lot as for weapons for this battle I'm gonna give the Wookiee two things a bow caster and a right blade both of these weapons are very dear and very important to the Wookiees and they would form a sort of bond with them the Reich is obviously a very large blade and it's not even wheel double by most lesser species just because of its sheer size the bow caster is a very large explosive based projectile launcher I think the force awakens is a pretty good representation of the power of this weapon however it's notable that it could also be fired in a spread formation to summarize I guess bookies are a very dangerous species who despite being very intelligent and very kind of sophisticated in their own way are still animalistic warriors who at times even give into fits of rage and rely on pure strength all that being said the species is also very competent in using weapons and I think the blade and the bow caster are quite dangerous in most battles going up against the Wookiees today is the giro lani also known more commonly as the Brutes from the Halo franchise I can't see the brutes as a more extreme version of the wookie so I'll get to that in just a minute though brutes were members of the covenant Empire often used as powerful foot soldiers because of their very large size and of course their strained because in the Halo franchise you play as Master Chief who himself is of course very massive it may not be immediately obvious just how monstrous these creatures are they come in at around nine feet in height and are easily over 1,200 pounds and that's again for an average brute larger ones did of course exist and because of how brute society worked would often move into positions of power brutes did not at least in my opinion have a mix of strength and intelligence to the same degree as bookies they were however unbelievably strong even a standard brute was stronger than not only as saying Healy but a fully armored Spartan - I really don't think I can overstate the strength of this species they can easily lift over a thousand pounds with each one of their arms and can destroy most enemies or even vehicles with a single blow in addition to their strength and considerable size brutes like wiki's also had powerful things and were known to eat their enemies after defeating them I think however that the most interesting and most impressive thing about the species is they're very impressive durability takes a very very good deal of small-arms fire to fall even a single brute a large caliber weapon from even point-blank range might not be effective as john found out during Halo 4 a strike an entire clip into a brutes chest is not always enough to take one down and I'm not talking about a clip from a sidearm I'm talking about thirty two bullets from an assault rifle that is some impressive stopping power in addition to their strength and durability brutes are also very strong and in broken circle John estimates that they're as fast as he is that is some crazy speed they're also agile even when wielding gravity hammers behaviorally the brutes were extraordinarily brutal and had absolutely no problem destroying their enemies or anyone who got in the way they were also extremely fanatical in comfortable in battle their brutish nature did somewhat hold them back as a species they were actually pretty intelligence and were actually able to achieve spaceflight as a species before joining the Covenant however often society would regress due to infighting unsurprisingly like rookies brutes would often devolve into pure fits of berserker rage during battles this was especially common should one of their brethren die during a battle brutes had a variety of weapons which were almost in a way utilitarian they were kind of purposed only for death they often had spikes on them as we saw with for example the Spiker good name for it or just very deadly as we see in the gravity hammer because as we'll see in a minute I don't think weapons are gonna be super important in this battle I'm just gonna give each one of the brutes to Spikers alright so now it's time for round one and I think at this point it's pretty clear that one of these species is pretty outmatched the Wookiees themselves are very powerful fighters but I don't think that they have any sort of chance of taking on a brute in a one-on-one battle arguably and this is again especially without weapons brutes are stronger faster and more durable than what he's in there - quite a high degree in my opinion I think the one-on-one battle will start and end fairly quickly the two species and the two fighters will see each other probably each go into a fit of rage and the brew will most likely rep the Wookiee in half he's just too strong I think even if the Wookiee used his claws or perhaps even if we gave him one of his swords I just don't think that he's gonna be able to do any serious damage to the brute from up close with that said what about the squad battle I think that the Wookiees do have some advantage here they're most likely more sophisticated that are able to coordinate with each other and kind of exasperating that situation for the brutes is that they would typically be led by a chieftain or at least some sort of captain so equal Brutes on the same level might struggle to coordinate during battle I think the bow caster may be somewhat effective against individual brutes but I don't think it's gonna kill them in one shot I mean again they're exceptionally durable and although they won't have energy shielding in this case because it would be lower level brutes I think they will be able to shrug off at least the initial shot still I do think it's likely that with weapons the more intelligent Wilkie's will realize that their best option is to stay away from the much larger creatures fighting them and if they employ that strategy they might even be able to take a single one out however I think once the first brute falls the rest will go into a rage they'll drop their weapons and really just chase down the Wookiees I think this is a pretty bad situation for the fairly hairy but very proud Wookiee Warriors they'll probably Stern to fight the brutes and again I think that like the individual one did they will get ripped limb from limb and I mean this is giving the brutes their least effective weapon if we give them single gravity hammer or perhaps like a brute shot I think this just becomes more and more of a slaughter but even with this somewhat of a handicap and even given the Wookiees increased intelligence I just think that the brutes take this one and they take it quite easily specifically I'm gonna give it to them probably nine times out of ten the only chance that the Wookiees has is if they can somehow coordinate expertly take down the brutes individually while also surviving but I don't think that that's likely I think just given their massive build one brute is probably equal to two bookies perhaps even two and a half when you're looking at something like a chieftain who would also have an energy shield then it just gets crazy but yes that's how I decide this battle a win for Halo and the brutes in both rounds but still a good effort by the very proud very mighty wookie I'm not gonna lie I am a little sad to see the Wookiees lose because Chewbacca is one of my favorite Star Wars characters and I really just love bookies in general but there's no denying it here or I should say there's no denying it from my point of view I'd love to hear your guys's point of view and what you guys thought down in the comments did you like this magic did you think I handled it well you think it kind of under estimating Wookiees or overestimating brutes let me know all of that anything else down in the comments of course don't forget to also suggest matchups I'm looking specifically for a galactic versus episode for tomorrow but just any ideas that you have whether it's feature vs. episodes top 5 lists what-have-you leave it down in the comments as always guys thank you so much for watching this episode I really appreciate this and your guys's continual support thanks one more time guys again as always may the force be with you ever wonder what's up there my god maybe someone up there was wondering what it's like here I guess do you think we'll ever meet them I hope so don't you [Music]
Channel: EckhartsLadder
Views: 285,898
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars, halo, star wars vs halo, halo vs star wars, star wars who would win, halo vs star wars who would win, wookiee, brute, Jiralhanae, halo brute, brute halo, wookiee vs brute, vs, versus, wookie, wookie vs brute, halo who would win, who would win, eckhartsladder, covenant, covenant vs rebels, rebels, rebel alliance, kashyyyk, chewbacca, star wars wookiee, kashyyk, covenant races
Id: v3KR2hqHAlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 23 2017
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