3 Clone Battalions That Would Have Razed Worlds to the Ground if they Could

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The Clone Wars were one of the most brutal  conflicts in galactic history, and both the   Republic and the Confederacy of Independent  Systems contributed to that brutality. While   Separatists were responsible for the most gruesome  atrocities of the war, the Republic was far from   innocent when it came to war crimes. The Republic  Military was permeated by the cynical outlook   that any action taken to defeat the Confederacy  was justified. Many clones held this opinion,   and were perfectly willing to lay waste to entire  planets for the sake of victory. In this video,   we’re going to be talking about three such clone  units, the worst of the GAR’s psychopathic side. First things first, we have the Galactic  Marines, otherwise known as the 21st Nova Corps.   Led by our least-favorite Jedi Master and  the extraordinarily harsh Commander Bacara,   the Galactic Marines were among the best of  the best, known for their extreme dedication   and their exceptional skills. They were  well known for their refusal to back down   in fights against the Confederacy, even when  the odds were against them. On New Bornalex,   after their experimental weapons malfunctioned,  they engaged an army of Super Battle Droids in   hand-to-hand combat and won, while on Mygeeto,  during the longest battle of the war, they fought   for extended periods to maintain the siege of one  of the Confederacy’s most important strongholds. Needless to say, the Galactic Marines were willing  to do absolutely anything for the sake of victory.   The fact that they were able to maintain  the stalemate on Mygeeto speaks volumes   on its own. That planet was one of the most  well-defended worlds in the entire Confederacy,   and yet the Republic was able to keep up its  assault on the planet for nearly two years.   This was in no small part due to the Galactic  Marines, who fought hard for every sliver of   territory that Mygeeto’s droid defenders tried  to reclaim from them. It’s not much of a leap   alone to say that they would have been willing  to totally destroy the planet before they would   have retreated from it; hell, the battle had  already destroyed a lot of the planet anyway. This was, in no small part, due to Commander  Bacara, the leader of the Galactic Marines.   Bacara, also known as CC-1138, was an  absolute hardass, known for his efficient   leadership and his aggressiveness. He expected  nothing less than perfection from his men,   and never accepted anything short of victory  in a battle, no matter what the cost was.   If the cost of victory was slaughtering  the population of a whole planet, he would   have accepted it without as much as a second  thought. In this, he took after Alpha-17, who he   had retrained under as part of the ARC Trooper’s  first class of clone commanders. Alpha himself had   repeatedly expressed a willingness to do anything  from murder the entire civilian government of   Jabiim to blow up an entire generation of  infant clones, all for the sake of victory.   Clearly, he taught at least some of the commanders  that went through his program that same mindset. Bacara, in turn, would have impressed this  mindset on the Galactic Marines as a whole.   Taking inspiration from Alpha-17's program,  he put the Galactic Marines through his own   form of retraining during the war, shaping  them into an efficient, elite force that   thought and fought exactly as he  did. He micromanaged the unit,   transferring out clones that didn’t meet  his standards without a second thought.   Perfection was the only thing he accepted  from his troops, and a willingness to,   as he surely would have put it, “do what needs to  be done” certainly would have been part of that. The 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps was  another elite clone unit, one of the most   frequently deployed corps in Systems Army Alpha.  Originally, it was led by Commander Ponds,   but after Ponds’ death in 21 BBY, it  came under the command of Commander Neyo,   also known as CC-8826. The 91st served  with a number of Jedi Generals; Mace Windu,   the High General in charge of Systems Army  Alpha, took direct command of the unit at times,   while at other points it was led by  Jedi Masters Adi Gallia and Stass Allie. In terms of methods, the 91st Mobile  Reconnaissance Corps was a lot different from   the Galactic Marines. As their name implied, they  were largely scouts, skilled in the use of light   vehicles and hit-and-run tactics. They were also  known to be incredibly thorough, and, as a result,   they were often employed in mop-up campaigns,  in which they hunted down and wiped out small   pockets of Separatist resistance. Their most  well-known engagement was the Siege of Saleucami,   following which Commander Neyo and his men  scoured the planet for Separatist survivors. The 91st might not seem all that bad on the  surface, but don’t be fooled. After all, WAC-47,   the most annoying member of D-Squad,  was originally assigned to the 91st,   so there was clearly something sinister  going on behind the scenes over there.   In seriousness, the 91st wasn’t all that  bad originally. It was the influence of   Commander Neyo that led to them taking a turn  for the worst. As with the Galactic Marines,   the 91st was heavily influenced by its commanding  officer, and Commander Neyo had a heart of stone. Neyo was close friends with Commander Bacara,  and took after him in several respects.   He wasn’t nearly as much of a hardass as  Bacara was, but he was just as cold-hearted,   to the point where even his fellow clones  considered him frighteningly emotionless. He spoke   little and felt little, and was known mostly for  his rather morbid personality. He was generally   apathetic when it came to the lives of others,  and he would not have hesitated to turn a planet   to glass if his higher-ups ordered it. If the need  arose, he could undoubtedly have turned the 91st   Reconnaissance Corps’ trademark thoroughness at  hunting down Separatists against civilian targets,   and there’s nothing to suggest that he  or his men would have hesitated to do so. But by far, the most brutal unit in the Grand Army  of the Republic was Commander Faie’s. We don’t   know the exact name for this unit or much of its  history, but we can assume from its role in the   Siege of Saleucami that it was a corps. Faie, the  unit’s brutal commanding officer, was extremely   by-the-book, something that was originally  tempered by the Jedi General he served with, the   legendary tactician Oppo Rancisis. Under Rancisis,  Faie and his men had done a lot of good work   over the course of the Clone Wars. However, after  Rancisis’ death in the Siege of Saleucami, Faie’s   unit was put under the command of Quinlan Vos, and  from that point forward, things started to sour. Vos hated Faie, and for good reason. Faie only  cared about one thing, and one thing only:   following his orders. He didn’t care  about his fellow clones or even himself,   much less the lives of civilians. If he  was ordered to kill all the children in   the galaxy with his bare hands, he not only  would’ve done it, but he also would’ve become   angry and indignant at anyone who tried  to tell him he shouldn’t be doing it.   The rest of his unit wasn’t quite as extreme,  but they were all by-the-book and dedicated   to their orders as well, and they would  have done anything Faie ordered them to. Vos led Commander Faie’s unit in the Battle of  Kashyyyk, alongside Luminara Unduli and the 41st   Elite Corps. Faie’s men were responsible  for reconnaissance before the battle,   and for leading an attack on the droid  army’s flank during the battle proper.   During the reconnaissance mission, Faie discovered  that the Confederacy had set its sights on   Kashyyyk because the Wookiees had astrographical  charts that would give them an edge in the war.   The Wookiees had kept these charts secret from  the Republic as well. When he learned this,   Faie nearly started a shootout in the  Republic command center, first by insisting   that the Wookiees hand over the charts and then by  threatening to arrest Wookiee leaders for treason. When Order 66 came through,   Faie shot Luminara Unduli at point-blank range  and then ordered one of his tanks to fire on Vos.   Vos, however, survived. Faie was enraged when he  learned this, as it meant that he hadn’t actually   carried out his orders, and he sent whole platoons  of his men into Kashyyyk’s deadly jungles to hunt   for him. When his men failed, Faie resorted  to more desperate measures to lure Vos out.   He lured Vos to his location, and then  threatened to call an airstrike on his location   if Vos didn’t surrender, which would have killed  him, Vos, and an entire Wookiee village nearby. We don’t just think that Faie and his  men would have been willing to slaughter   civilians - we know that they were. They came  incredibly close to blowing up a whole village,   and that wasn’t even to win a battle - it was  to kill one man. If Vos hadn’t leapt out of the   trees and carved out Faie’s sad excuse for a heart  with his lightsaber, a whole lot of Wookiees would   have died. Faie and the troops under his command  were examples of the absolute worst of the Grand   Army of the Republic, living proof that following  orders doesn’t necessarily put you in the right. So, those were the three most psychopathic  clone corps in the Grand Army of the Republic.   But what do you think? Are there  other clone units you’d like us   to take a look at? Feel free to post  your thoughts in the comments below.
Channel: Geetsly's
Views: 329,967
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Keywords: Star, Wars, Star Wars, Clone Wars, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of Independent Systems, Grand Army of the Republic, 91st Mobile Reconnaissance Corps, Commander Neyo, Commander Faie, Galactic Marines, Commander Bacara, 21st Nova Corps, clone wars, worst clone units, worst clone battalions, worst clone troopers, clone commander profiles, clone legion profiles
Id: GkC4Uf2yPpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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