Why Sidious Absolutely Fell In LOVE with General Grievous - Star Wars Explained

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what was the secret reason that Palpatine adored General Grievous welcome back to the archives acolytes of the force cyas was a man who respected power in any form while still valuing the power of the dark side above any as a Sith Lord he would use many things to accomplish his goals from rituals to technological Terrors but the one project that sadas seemed to be the most pleased with above all of his work was General Grievous while Dooku looked down upon the cyborg Warrior cyas loved him and would use foundations laid by Grievous for many more Endeavors to come one of those of course being Darth Vader whose suit was based heavily on the components of Grievous's body unlike Dooku cyas didn't look at Grievous as a burdensome monster and in fact he seems to have enjoyed watching Grievous run a Muk during the Clone Wars era so what was it about the cyborg that caught cyas his eye and why did he repeatedly try to replicate the Grievous experiment in many other areas of the Empire while join us today my friends as we break down exactly why Palpatine adored Grievous but before we breach the consciousness of the dark lord we must inform you of some breaches within our own archives many of you who are watching have not yet subscribed so if you want to be notified when we upload new holocrons every single day smash that subscribe button and become an acolyte now let us begin CID is's fascination with Grievous can be traced all the way back to the moment of his creation a kalich War General who was badly damaged and nearing death from his Starship exploding was found and recovered by Dooku he was brought back to a facility on Geonosis where Grievous was then put under the care of a sand hill scientist and a chairman of the IBC the same species as pleus San hill was a moon who was obsessed with scientific Creations specifically cybernetics as he would perfectly preserve the Kish General in a backat tank before making him an offer that he could not refuse at First General Grievous was Furious that he had been recovered and was safe from death based upon his people's moral and religious code of honor he should have died with his troops who fell on the Starship but now missing his arms and the lower half of his body and much of his skin tissue Grievous had been forced to remain alive and weak but soon his mind would be altered when sanhill proposed an offer to him become one whose strength and power rivaled that of a Jedi master should he do as they wished and led the separatist Army The Intergalactic banking Clan would personally end the famine happen on KH the home world of Grievous in honor of his people and his ancestors the general agreed to become a cyborg however what he didn't know was that Dooku would do to him during the transformation against his will against the General's wishes his brain was altered Dooku removed any trace of Honor or nobility replacing it with cold Vengeance in unparalleled rage he would have the now General Grievous trained in his new body and the cyborg exceeded all of Dooku's expectations ations in His official report to cyas cyas said that he could actually feel Grievous's icy hatred through the force as he had this to say I feel it beneath the very indestructible shell lies the Strategic Mind of a general one who has embraced the way of the Sith he feels No Remorse and fears no consequence including death one might even say that he is no longer alive cidus concedes to the fact that Grievous has embraced the way of a Sith Lord Palpatine doesn't consider Grievous to be a Sith but he loves the fact that this lesser being has risen above his weaknesses embrac the way of Fury and the dark side despite not being able to feel the force to this end Grievous earned cyas his respect and his admiration at least a small modom of it one doesn't exactly need to feel the force to embrace the Sith many have done this before to know their way is to feel nothing but hatred and anger to use pain as strength and to strive for greatness to subjugate one's enemies to rule and to Crave power above everything on the last note one must be willing to do anything to gain power even if that means betraying and Exterminating allies Grievous was both incredibly powerful ambitious and had enough cowardice to make him smart enough to survive just about any encounter his honor was completely gone he cared little for his people now he played dirty using the multiple limbs to trick or deceive enemies in order to take them down quickly even Darth Bane himself would approve of this an example when Lord Bane held another sit Lord by the throat with the force itself as the sit Lord begged to let him go and allow them to settle it with a proper duel but Bane was disgusted by what the Sith had become they didn't battle for Glory they fought to kill and to achieve power needless to say Bane did not let the Sith Lord down but instead snapped his neck it is this willingness to deceive to never play fair to never give your enemy an advantage that embodies what it means to be a Sith on the subject of grievous' cowardice it doesn't seem as though Palpatine minded this very much at all like everyone else Grievous was meant to play a role he needed to be slimy the Fall Guy for the separatist horrific actions his lack of Honor meant that he played this role perfectly he killed plenty of Jedi in the process which was always an upside for Palpatine the only minor issue that he ran into was the fact that he couldn't control gri as finally as he could Dooku Dooku was smart smart enough to know when to pull back allowing cyas to use the test of Anakin's power at various moments but Grievous did not have this restrain and he could not control himself he truly was a rabid dog one that was a threat if he was ever let off of his leash while this limited his versatility and function in the scheme of things using Grievous like an animal had many uses but now we've reached a very fascinating part of our analysis what was Palpatine's thoughts on grievous' use of multiple lightsabers well this is another factor that Palpatine never really cared about while Dooku absolutely hated the Grievous used four lightsabers and viewed it as bad sport Palpatine cared little for honorability of a duel he had mastered the seven forms of combat just to prove that he could to prove his superiority but to say that Palpatine truly cared for lightsaber combat would be completely and utterly untrue he only viewed it as an exercise to grow better than the Jedi to insult them further the Sith had philosophically grown Beyond lightsabers in his mind they didn't need to prove themselves in direct battle to the Jedi when it came to it Palpatine was more than willing to display his powers and the force to defeat his foes on that notion he cared very little whether a Sith used one two or four weapons four lightsabers and again unlike Dooku he didn't have a distaste for cyborgs when Anakin lost his arm Dooku said that he should have learned to fight with one arm whereas Palpatine said that it put him aside as a war hero a physical representation of what he had sacrificed for the Republic and Palpatine loved the fact that Anakin had a cybernetic arm he also didn't hesitate to place Anakin within a cybernetic body Palpatine never truly looked down at cybernetics in any regard whereas Dooku did because Dooku was far more pompous Dooku respected power in a refined form a beautiful form but palpa respected power for the sake of power this is why in many respects Palpatine represents the perfect Sith where Dooku's ideologies clash with them Palpatine is on record for saying that he does not care about the process he cares for the result this is why even though pleus had reservations at first Palpatine actively encouraged Darth Maul to use a saber staff Dooku was a traditionalist when it came to Dueling and cyas saw such things as trivial in his mind Grievous understood what it meant to be a Sith even more than Dooku did at times using whatever they could to gain an advantage the four lightsabers didn't even bother him a modom when he eventually became the emperor cidus would continue to chase the hide that he got watching Grievous in the 2015 Darth Vader comic run he would recruit a certain Scientist by the name of Silo one who had been the designer for Darth Vader's Prosthetics using Grievous as his largest inspiration he created a team of cybernetically enhanced individuals all of them who were allegedly meant to threaten or replace Vader Silo saw the force as Obsolete and wanted to prove to the emperor that he could create a better servant for him than Darth Vader one of these creations was a cybernetically modified mon calamari named commander carbin who was a literal one forone ripoff of General Grievous his body was modified to be able to hold four lightsabers but to replace the fact that he didn't have proper training like Grievous did he was also fitted with propellers in his back in order to Aid him in combat cyas of course though knew that this was a pale imitation of what Grievous had been yet he wanted to use it for his technological advancements especially on living creatures cyas held special interest in watching Vader dismantle each and every one of these Abominations especially when he embarrassed Commander carbon in the end cyas was not a purist when it came to cybernetics and modifications versus organic flesh Dooku complained about Anakin's arm but cyas enjoyed it Dooku called Grievous a monster cyas called him a masterpiece Dooku despised how deplorably Grievous fought in battle but cyas believed that he had embraced the way of the Sith all in all cyas was more pleased by Grievous than he led on most of the time which is likely why he rarely ever asked Dooku to do anything to test or betray the Droid General he cared for him a great deal because to him he literally was a horrific Masterpiece but anyway my friends what are your thoughts on this what are your thoughts on Palpatine's insights into General Grievous and how he actually liked him a great deal and how Grievous had embraced the path of the Sith brutality lacking all honor respecting power in all of its forms when Dooku saw a master Palpatine saw a useful and a powerful tool as always my friends thank you so much for visiting the channel today May the force be with you and I hope you're having an amazing one
Channel: The Stupendous Wave
Views: 60,293
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Id: 5dy8AoQB2kw
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Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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