General Grievous Scenes (Clone Wars, Ep 3, Bad Batch)

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[Music] count dooku's droid army has seized control of the major hyperspace lanes separating the we're tracking three republic cruisers what should we do general grievous this will be a suitable their test are down all cannons fire another successful test wouldn't you say count perhaps some survivors are putting up a fight reduce speed and activate your scanners we will find who is responsible move us into attack position plasma rotors target range almost locked sir they're not going to make it now the republic will cannon [Music] my master so much for the jedi escort the jedi are never that harsh with their care clothes jedi show for their troops is a weakness it will be a pleasure my lord target those escape pods i have a reputation to uphold what's taking so long i want to get there before too many wounded clothes escaped they told me this ship was fast good we will maximize our casualties with this attack general there's an incoming transmission from count dooku general grievous i've received intelligence from lord sidious let the republic come our ship is unstoppable skywalker is leading the mission do not underestimate him i assure you count if anything it is skywalker who will underestimate this ship and its power skywalker launch fighters and bring the ship around target the transports first i want every single ship destroyed this is too easy charge the ion cannon and prepare the fire fire it might come out fire let them come prepare the ion cannon first we will destroy the medical station then we will finish off skywalker i have a bad feeling about this start the ion cannon acceleration hurry fire damage report impossible the forward engines are shutting down impossible sustained extensive damage i assure you that is unnecessary my lord they will never capture me or this as you wish my lord good our get the repair team up here continue working on the hyper drive i'm going down to the main hangar this ship must be returned there is no room for failure looks like the engines are set to destroy themselves [Music] stay here continue the search we just detected an unauthorized communication coming from within the ship what did it say monitor all internal communications i want that senator on this bridge we'll see about that jedi come with me hello there general kenobi did you really think i would leave the hyper drive unguarded kill him [Applause] jedi myself [Music] um should we retreat to friendly space engage the hyperdrive i'll meet you with our secret base and sector feedback there's something wrong with the hyperdrive i thought the hyperdrive was fixed fools reset the nav computer general we await the male evidence at the rendezvous point have you made your escape yet general [Music] the transmission has been cut off sir i think the general did it himself the outpost is secure general we shut down the alarm and turned on the all-clear signal excellent keep that signal advised i don't want the republic to find out we're coming all the preparations for your invasion are in order good our fleet is approaching the system we are almost at the rendezvous point the destruction of camino will stop their production of clothes for good but for some reason our commando droids are not responding we can leave nothing to chance that base cannot be allowed to alert the jedi that we're coming send down reinforcements to investigate is the status of the base uh we've run into some difficulties there seem to be a few clones left sir then wipe them out we can't let a few puny clues stop us i didn't tell them to blow up the station idiot the republic fleet were out guard get us out of here hands of general grievous so we will go through the rocks we have a clear shot at their cruisers concentrate fire on the closest republic cruisers let's finish them off [Music] general we've been out blank impossible get us out of here grievous miserable what is don't it me slime you bring that outer unit to me as fast as you can get here or else there's our jedi tracking beacon skywalker now you have fallen into my trap launch everything we have everything silence move the cruisers into attack shot destroy those ships don't let them get away uh [Music] i've arrived could you lower your shields what secrets do you carry my little friend so defiant no need for fear we're all droids rip this here rat apart and find out everything he knows general grievous what is it good work you certainly earned your fee this time more than my fee this droid is worth more i get paid more now i subject [Music] sound the alarm now we will transfer all your secrets to me don't worry i won't let anything happen to you keep this door secure i will deal with the jedi sense take the captured eye to unit to my sheep they sent the child to destroy my station the republic must be running out of jedi [Music] sorry to interrupt your playtime grumpy where is the fight you promised me youngling come here child i'm looking for you your friends will help you you're stuck with me r3 what have you to report so skywalker's comforters are two units oh and make certain they do not escape another lightsaber to add to my collection my spy droid r3 has trapped your precious master when i finished with you he's next not this time [Music] [Music] this place looks like a shrine to that strange warrior [Music] this is the lair of general grievous yes my lord lord sidious demands more dramatic results you expect victory over jedi but all you give me to fight them is battlegrounds [Music] who shall get no mercy cables [Music] don't let him cut the lines don't make me destroy you and get me [Music] doctor where are you what happened to my bodyguards [Music] it's time we were [Music] not treated anywhere you run out of time patience in the meantime please experience all my home has to offer it has been prepared for uninvited guests like you good jedi good you will provide some support for me yet time to entertain our guests goodbye jedi proceed with my repair sometimes i wonder why you submitted to the changes employments i submit to no one i chose them now get on with it there may be some discomfort [Music] your recent defeats at their hands have shaken my faith in your ability to lead the droid army you you deactivated my guards you lit the jedi in here so you would test me it's time for you oops all right count i'll play your little game i will rest with the jedi are dead master the jedi are about to enter the control room greetings young jedi you can defeat us all of course i can [Music] [Music] [Music] going somewhere ah that power will only consume you surrender and i promise you will die swiftly stop it count dooku the jedi have been defeated the jedi fisto escaped so there is in a separatist conspiracy it's general grievous the ever elusive general grievous stays one step ahead of his opponents [Music] should die isn't it i've been looking forward to meeting you is it murdered with the galaxy of you shall i film jedi council generally i do not care about your politics i do not care about your republic i only live to see you die i will make him suffer endlessly because are they republic or separatists republic free cruiser class or escort class you see your compassionate friends have come to rescue you just as i knew they would put him through general i knew one day i'd catch up to you kenobi what a surprise i assume you are here to bring me to justice indeed prepare the fire all cannons and be alert but if there is kenobi you will always find skywalker not far behind draw them in i want to board that vessel i shall kill kenobi face to face [Music] kenobi so kenobi is everything going as planned you wouldn't come here without a plan and you wouldn't come alone tell me do you think skywalker has rescued mrs your plans have come to ruination jedi i know eric i am the leader of the most powerful droid army the galaxy has ever seen the future a future where there are no jedi the story of obi-wan kenobi ends here your friends shall die and you shall soon follow surrender general [Music] olympic ship target their engines it doesn't matter that there are all troops were on landing on salute um until we meet again [Music] [Applause] [Music] the elusive general grievous after specifically targeting members of the jedi council following a fierce confrontation look at my mop we must find a way off this planet before they find us we need to hurry and find an escape pod instead of scattering our troops looking for all the escape pods we shall head towards the wreckage of the landing transport first contact the fleet we must get there as quickly as possible let's hope the transmitter is still intact now find me some transportation [Music] we need to get our power recharged not this again how could your power cells be so depleted any more complaints that's what i thought now let's find that god [Music] we're almost there sir one click out straight ahead i'm losing is your transmitter working i don't know i haven't used it stupid battle droids get back in the pod and send out a distress signal to what's left of our fleet we need to get a shuttle down here immediately battle positions where is that ship [Music] finally forget trying to land [Music] fire the engines should i general grievous examine an intercepted message from general grievous just make sure you hold up your half of the mission we must stop the production of new clones city first both shall be annihilated under my hand but of course assassin i look forward to meeting you attack formation nickel three comets attack kill them all keep firing no mercy your skills are impressive perhaps a match for my own assassin count dooku may have taught you how to swing a lightsaber general but that hardly makes you my equal and yet i am the general in charge of this assault remember assassin you are to recover the clone dna because the dna could unlock new possibilities for us keep playing with your droids i'll handle breaking into the dna room shall i provide you with a droid escort my dear general there's nothing you have that i could want get those doors open and scare the remaining clones out of hiding all too easy [Music] kenobi kenobi kamino has fallen your army is doomed [Applause] ah [Music] uh there is a problematic situation brewing in the senate my representatives in the republic are relying on you general but of course count they will not fail i am about to deploy the infiltrators i don't take orders from you only count dooku [Music] you have been designed for this mission to be the ultimate infiltration units some of you may not return actually none of you will return but don't let that get in your way is that clear get them to coruscant game leaders come in commence phase two proceed with high security infiltration general grievous korean minister leonie let's sit down and have a talk so i've decided not to aid our attack on the naboo it was a great effort and cost for me to bring my armies here if you won't attack the naboo i will what did you just say what are we waiting for you man [Music] [Music] you can't be serious how does it feel to die not die sacrifice [Music] [Applause] [Music] general we've come across what appears to be a pirate ship use that ship for target practice open fire you summoned me my lord mother thousand go there yes master the symbol the fleet the time to exact vengeance against the traitor of interest has arrived we go to davao establish a perimeter and get the droids in attack formation will burn a path through the forest right to their fortress sending the defoliator tank we'll burn those witches to the ground hardly you are the one i was sent here for i have always been greater than you you foreign you can defeat me [Music] [Applause] [Music] it appears as a green mist follow it to its source and eliminate tarzan quickly [Music] our new target is fire [Music] i can sense him grievous that creature savage oppress is growing stronger and stronger as each day passes a threat he is a threat to all of us even the jedi with the night sisters eradicated there's no one left to control him something is rising uh [Music] uh excellent waste no time and give me every last piece of information from the data banks general grievous you have defeated me and taken control of my ship shall soon be safely away from the ship which is about to self-destruct general grievous [Music] oh no you can dispense with the pleasantries pirate this planet is now under separate control and what do you suppose that means it means you have a new master pirate scout we meet again name the price i'm sure we can reach there will be payments but no deals only demands hold on we can make a deal witness this is not good business what you weren't making any sense what should i the little ones half the size of normal jedi they're freeing the prisoners prepare to open fire we will bring the building down on their heads they run quickly after this uh [Music] so many lightsabers to add to my collection [Music] [Music] um i wouldn't be so sure intercepted an encoded transmission of general grievous however republic intelligence officers have failed to crack the new encryption code being used by the droid led by the evil droid general grievous rubble droid general grievous were treated to the outer rim [Music] what's the situation captain just ask him predicted prepare for attack fire the emergency booster engines general i found the jedi they're in hallway three two eight activate ratios ah yes the negotiator general kenobi we've been waiting for you that wasn't much of a rescue election skywalker i was expecting someone with your reputation to be a little older jedi scum your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection crush them make them [Music] don't bother with it keep the sheep in orbit you [Music] lose time to abandon ship [Music] uh [Music] yes lord sidious general grievous it will be done my lord but the loss of doubt don't go it won't be long before the armies of the republic track us here i am sending you to the mustifier system in the outer rim it is a volcanic planet you will be safe be thankful [Music] hello there you fool i've been trained in your jedi acts by count goku [Music] so [Music] um oh i don't think so football oh [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Journal of the Whills
Views: 554,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars
Id: _4E6Hp2YfO4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 6sec (2826 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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