CT-5555 "Fives" Scenes (Clone Wars)

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[Music] thanks ct 27 55 55 that was close it's five the name is fives yeah five pieces if you don't keep your head down well you shut up with instructions you're not in charge we protected anything from here no we have to i'm a better shot you go so sister baby you and me could really never even medicare quit joking around actually our way come on shut up we're better than these guys knock it off you play right [Music] hurry meet him come on [Music] how did you brother squad perhaps hey was ct 782 we all know what we have to do [Music] pipes on your left thanks caught up no problem brother [Music] they're not on our belts so this is it [Music] congratulations you've graduated today is your graduation you uh may not realize it yet fives but you landed on the most boring post in the outer rim so yes sir sir incoming media shower i don't see him down there sarge sage [Music] what do we do without the sarge the rake manual says the neck yeah what is that don't forget about those giant eels what the hell was that ah that was an eel ah poor cut up look it's commander cody it's the inspection team i'll signal him with this player uh sir [Music] sir yes sir my designation is trooper 27-5555 sir looks like we got ourselves a batch of shinies commander he's okay well buddy you always said you wanted to be in the front lines that's right when they stop receiving our beacon they'll get the message something's wrong so yes sir we could use a jedi about now hold back we've got to get up there back to the maintenance pipe come in come in heavy [Music] we've got those tinnies on the run [Music] your new unit is lucky to have you congratulations you're not shinies anymore you're exactly the kind of men i need in the 500 first sorry yes sir [Music] look around fives feels like yesterday we were here heading to target practice remember that fives you actually remember us oh i remember all my brothers is heavy here there was an incident on the rishi moon outpost heavy gave you his medal the generals received word of an impending attack here well how can i help sir you said for us yes sir we're on it is there a better spot than this a better defensive position [Music] look around we're one of the same same heart same blood your training is in your blood and my blood's boiling for a fight [Music] [Applause] [Music] you both really stepped up in the heat of battle what any clone would have done both of you showed valor out there real courage remind me of me actually vice you're both officially being made arc troopers good job men in an effort to rescue master peel isolated an impenetrable detention facility thank you pardon general but how do we know master peel is still alive my trust in those droids to get us into the citadel uh uh are we sure this thing is safe i don't want to end up a wall decoration [Music] i received orders i discussed it with master plo you were already in carbonite if there's one thing i've learned from you master ray shielded that wasn't the plan yeah take out their surveillance must appeal are you all right everybody in the advantage of old archive data leading an elite bit [Music] make sure your weapons are locked the slightest electronic pulse could ignite this whole tube [Music] [Music] this is our only chance we've got to stop him echo look out echo we have to go now [Music] this landscape is almost impossible to cross how are we going to get to the rendezvous point [Music] now we find them on the run desperate to escape the trap that is the citadel no doubt there's more on the way [Music] those creatures are gaining [Music] [Music] will be assisting my units on special assignment ready to do my part general skywalker just like old times rex [Music] it's all wet good we can use it as a staging area nice work fives hard case right [Music] it kind of reminds me of you the enemy circle behind us everybody we must defend our back glad we got off that ridge yeah that'll teach him something big must be going on and it's because i do things by the book the uh new general has a way with words by raising everyone's eye do you see that [Music] anyone else want to stop and play with the animals the general's new plant is reckless i know you think this is a bad idea what if he's wrong then what fine nobody move they're more over here looks like the whole road's been booby-trapped everyone watch your step still have any come up [Music] captain rex just saved this platoon surely you won't fail to recognize that ark 55 55 stand down sir yes sir sir if i may address your accusation i think he almost complimented you you think general prell still intends on taking the capital using this strategy i don't know i'll get back to you on that if we survive this battle justin take the right place we had to retreat from the capitol because the general pushed a flawed strategy now this yeah but general skywalker is usually leading his men up in the front not bringing up the rear like general crail a fall forward assault would leave us too exposed well you mean coax him into following another one of krell's suicide missions we lost a lot of men last time he may have had some victories but have you seen his casualty numbers more troopers have been killed under his command than anyone else you believe that or is that what you were engineered to think [Music] are you clear yeah everybody stay alert nigga's on the trigger blast it we need rocket launchers we need rocket launchers now that was close move it trooper you're safe for the moment they'll be coming around any second hurry up we only have a few seconds i used to think general krell was reckless but now i'm beginning to think he just hates clothes we can't take them head on we need to find another way [Music] what were you thinking yeah hardcase can't you take it easy for once stick to the plan instead of guns blazing shh there's the airbase some kind of sensor wall use the tree to get over the sensor wall figure it out [Music] [Music] wow i never actually thought that would work [Music] how should i know start pushing buttons oh [Music] captain all right he's the one who will never realize [Music] completely and shrouded in the squad successfully captures a dividing his men tricky piece of hardware i'm still waiting for krill to thank us for handing this base over to him those missiles have a hundred megaton yield we won't even make it to the delta he's out of control he is not acting like the other jedi he has no respect for us what about using these star fighters to destroy the supply ship but we've got their access codes and their own hardware we can sneak right past that blockade get where our ships can't if we take out that supply ship then we cut off arms to the capitol oh there's another option we go ahead with our plan and suffer the consequences not if we're in their fighters no one's gonna be shooting at us [Music] this is about more than just following orders where is the honor in marching blindly to our deaths i'm sorry i cannot just follow orders when i know they're wrong especially when lives are at stake i do support it i do but i am not just another number none of us are to round up some pilots all right okay there try that out it should be a little easier hardcase what are you doing great this can't get much worse hey i safety drills ah we are decrypting the alien hardware sir the standard operating procedure are you crazy you could have gotten us killed not to mention ruining our hopes of flying this mission uh yeah yes sir that is what happened no doubt nice work now we know how to fly them and we won't be able to get near them look i agree we should go through with this so you two volunteering to be my pilots or what already got one general skywalker blew up a droid control ship when he was just a kid and he told me the trick was hitting their main reactor from the inside i found my pilots we're going after that supply ship it's the right thing to do if you're going to try to stop us we need to know i understand sir [Music] [Music] well it's better than krell's plan there's reason enough [Music] wow what the try to fly steady we're going in easy hardcase don't get an empty trigger finger there's a support ship follow me prepare missiles fire missiles this may have been a bad idea after all podcasts get back in your hotcase now [Music] uh [Music] where's hardcase they didn't make it general sir captain rex is attempting to take the blame for actions that were clearly mine i request that his admission of guilt be denied and full blame placed upon me trooper 5555 [Music] under his watch fives and jesse disobey court marshall five strix you have to face it he's been using you he needs your loyalty to control the others i don't beat yourself up about it we made our choice well you know what the price was still got your sense of humor i see well [Music] i guess this is it i hope you can live with yourself dogma ready weapons wait this is wrong and we all know it the general is making a mistake and he needs to be cold on it no clone should have to go out this way we are loyal soldiers we follow orders but we are not a bunch of unthinking droids we are men we must be trusted to make the right decisions especially when the orders we are given are wrong [Music] you're committing mutiny captain [Music] you should have listened to the arc trooper from the beginning captain he was right i was using you republic will be ripped apart from the inside if the embarrassments get to him he'll turn over all our intel the defense codes everything he'll strike a crippling blow to the republic general kenobi's battalions have routed the last holdouts of embarrass and we've secured all sectors we did it we took kombara i don't know sir i don't think anybody knows but i do know that someday this war is gonna end thanks brother oh you won you owe me a lot more than one [Music] don't get too comfortable this battle hasn't been won yet fives you and tupp take ten of your best men and support master tiplar we're on it sir [Music] hey you all right come on this is a textbook battle we've run through this a million times before in training what do you mean tough what's the matter with you push forward hey this is not the time to freeze up all together we're almost to the finish line come on but i don't know what's going on you are responsible for tough now get him back to base i want answers the jedi have withdrawn their forces contact count dooku immediately good soldiers [Music] first you don't remember you murdered general tiplar tub you did i agree we've been through a lot together he doesn't seem to remember what happened it's like he's sick or drugged [Music] wait wait time it's gonna be fine i promise they'll fix you up real good we'll be having a drink together in no time eh father orders good soldiers [Music] strategically this attack doesn't make any sense top [Music] they must be responsible for whatever's happening to him we have got to get him back i've got a faint signal but it's hard to track it's moving i've got a better signal top is heading this way [Music] are your scopes jedi issue sir stay focused fives there he is sir i've got an idea get ready to hold on that's why he's the arcture not well not well at all i think he's dying sir permission to come with you sir he's my best friend you may need help understood sir yes sir [Music] a flaw in the plan clone trooper topping to have no awareness health began to rapidly anakin skywalker has dispatched captain rex an arc trooper 5555 [Music] yes doctor fives am i correct yes general yes with with all due respect general i can't just abandon him now me there's nothing wrong with me general i'm perfectly fine all right general if it'll help top it's fine sir fighting a virus is a nice change of pace from all those clankers are they doing to top out of my way oh please return to the examination table his reactions aren't what's going on general general let's return to the examination table come on remain calm please return to the exact look is tuck gonna be all right have they found anything out sorry why ow hey i said i was sorry well everything seems normal oh great well that means they can let me out look i am not a threat and neither is top you're just a droid you don't know about real duty about what it's like to have a brother [Music] what's going on tup his name is top top is my friend he's not a number wrong he has a name no clone uses a number not anymore no i am fives call me fives no not five fives not to me and not to any club now there's too much procedure and protocol here top is a soldier he risks his life every day and i know he would risk it now if it meant finding a cure for what's wrong with him then we have to get the results of that brain scan ourselves think about it it's your duty to save the patient right and you recommended this atomic brain scan as the best way to save the patient right so by not performing this scan you're letting the patient die willingly that's not the way it looks to me check your programming i thought saving the patient at all costs was fundamentally your highest order right then let's get to it [Music] okay let's get to work [Music] what what is this is that even possible then what is it you're gonna take it out of him [Music] do you think anybody heard that [Music] scan without my authorization as i stated i was following my programming [Music] i can't believe it i gotta kill it no no we were not created to be disposed of this way there aren't others like him tap doesn't have to die you found a tumor i'm sure that's the cause of all this that's the only thing that makes sense do your biopsy i'm sure what you find will prove top does not have to die we're not going to not say with whatever you find we'll go to the general to shakti she helped me once as a cadet i know she values the life of a clone yep for the second time today can you hack into the medical center's mainframe all right well here's what you need to do hurry you got it are you in good work ac you better get started before they figure out it's a false alarm [Music] is it done we've saved my friend's life this tumor is the cause of his illness you can't be trusted general i have evidence it's right here mission free time free brother what mission [Music] no no i thought i saved him pause of death unknown a desperate attempt to save his friend's life immediately following the procedure top died and fives was placed under arrest [Music] general what did the chancellor say so then i'll be going to coruscant as well listen i was trying to save my friend what do you care you are gonna kill him anyway and dissect him too he's a soldier he deserves better [Music] thank you general [Music] is he three yeah me too ah izzy i'm going back to the front i heard your mind was going to be wiped and that you would be reassigned here and placed on sanitation [Music] i am not getting my mind erased and neither are you get out of here i knew it now let's say switch the cases she's trying to hide something yeah the research that's it now come on oh what about that one [Music] sorry brother can you float ah survive away nope this is a diversion i need them to chase this part while we go back and investigate the cause of top's death any more questions doctor we're going back to figure out why top dog you're just full of surprises aren't you i am equipped droids [Music] once we're inside i need you to get me a change of clothes we need to get the tumor analyzed what an implant you mean this isn't an accident someone did this to top is there another way out of here besides the door we came in good let's get moving [Music] did you get all the information you need why what someone put it in top reports for [Music] ah thanks i need to find out if what was in top's head is in mine but it was missed in top and it could have been missed in me too you have to take it out i know it's there look you got it out of top you can get it out of me it's a chance i have to take i trust you you do know what you're doing right all right all right let's do this [Music] [Music] well was it was it there are you sure his breakdown was isolated so then i could snap too i need to know if more clones than just top and i have these and when we were implanted with them then we have to start there how great they try to act normal [Music] for uaz yeah [Music] [Music] i try not i can't believe it they all have one don't move i know what you've done [Applause] how do you explain this the jedi the jedi had this done to us well you have got a big problem now master jedi i know what's going on i have the evidence the jedi instructed that inhibited chips be implanted in us at birth but tops malfunctioned that's what made him lose control it doesn't matter the fact is top's chip malfunctioned and it drove him insane these chips have to be removed otherwise the entire republic army could be compromised well that's not gonna happen to the rest of us because i removed mine i am not a piece of hardware i'm a living being [Music] thank you for believing in me general thanks to you i'll see you on the other side [Music] after the mysterious death of his friend top arc trooper fives embarked on an investigation which led to the discovery of a hidden ship and is meant to restrain the clones from violent unpredictable action fives claims otherwise to allow him to plead his case [Music] [Music] our own good this thing they put in us malfunctioned in clone trooper tupp i removed his and analyzed it there were signs of rapid decay i'm not at risk sir they're covering something up i know it if it's not them then it's a separatist plot they use this chip against us to make us more violent than less that's why tub killed general tiplar where were we oh [Music] [Music] just shut up and drive there's a lot you don't know about clubs no one knows yeah you ever hear the one about the people engineered to kill and you need to kill their best friends they're leaders and they don't even know it ah villa to the republic corporal that's a nice hatch you got there mind if i see it [Music] [Music] so i guess the 501st is back on coruscant yeah i know i don't have time to explain right now all i can tell you is is that i'm being framed all of us even the jedi are in grave danger i need to talk to rex or general skywalker no no i'll never get to them you don't understand what i'm mixed up in it goes all the way to the top the highest levels are involved in the conspiracy i have to talk to general skywalker and rex directly alone good good thanks kix i appreciate it hear the coordinates make sure he meets me there [Music] [Music] uh [Music] just want to talk to you general skywalker thank you thank you for trusting me have you come without troops put down your weapons then i don't think so fives please sir please i'm on up i need your help i'm not crazy please please just hear what i have to say temple i just need you to listen to me please i was framed because i know the truth the truth about a plot a massive deception well there's a sinister plot in the works against the jedi i have proof of it i can prove that everything that i know is true beyond the shadow of a doubt evidence in here it's it's in here it's in all of us every clone organic chips built into our genetic code to make us do whatever someone wants even kill the jedi it's all in here oh you don't believe me how do i know you're not tricking me how do i know it won't be a trap the chancellor tried to kill me i promise you that he's in on it i don't know what extent but i know he orchestrated much of this he told me in the medical day he is i swear to you you have no idea stay back get away from me [Music] guys call for help we need a medic rex it's bigger than any of us than anything i could have imagined i never meant to i only wanted to do my duty permission the nightmares there finally over [Music] fires echo before that heavy there's so many troopers gone find him find him find him bring up every secure file on clone trooper ct 5555 okay rex what am i looking for an independent investigation confirmed that the clown trooper ct5555 experienced a malfunction with his inhibitorship both the senate committee and the jedi council have accepted these findings however a grievance report was filed by ct 7567 r7 bring up that report it's sealed try anakin's passcode 8108 i already know this report's going to fall on devious but i owe it to fives to record what i saw i'm not sure i believe it myself but there's a possibility that the inhibitor chips the camera now has put inside of us have a purpose that we don't yet fully understand i saw your report on fives it isn't your fault you were programmed your mind was altered to do this when you were very young i can help you where are you fives tried to warn me about the chips but i didn't understand at the time it's still hard to believe now
Channel: Journal of the Whills
Views: 162,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Sm2rUZbnZmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 55sec (2935 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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