Gemini Advanced For Google Workspace: Gmail, Docs, and other Google services

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Gemini Advanced is here y'all and now we have the ability to integrate it with our Google workspace as of now it currently only integrates with Gmail drive and Doc so we're just going to do a real quick video here checking it out see what it does give an opinion welcome back y'all in this video we're going to be checking out Gemini Advance when it comes to their integration feature Google Docs and Gmail I'm just going to summarize a real quick fake business plan we're going to see how it ciphers through Gmail this is kind of Google's version or Google competing with Microsoft's co-pilot if you're familiar with Microsoft co-pilot we did a whole playlist on this channel basically that one integrates within the actual software itself as you'll see this one up to this point from my understanding does it integrate into Google Docs and Gmail specifically but rather we call upon it within the chat interface as you'll see in today's video so let's going to jump in now to access this feature you can go ahead and click the link down below it's going to bring you to this page you get the first two months free no charge and then we get the standardized $20 a month as we see with a lot of these AI language models you're going to be able to start leveraging this right away once we're in Gemini advance in order to enable this feature we're going to come over here to to our settings click that we're going to hit extensions scroll down here and then make sure to click that little slide bar here this is going to give access to Gemini for everything in your Google workspace account one other thing I want to point out as well is that if you have a business Google workspace account it seems like this feature isn't enabled yet it seems like it's only enabled for personal accounts that's why you see the name Brown lick as I couldn't use my web Cafe account in this context let's go ahead and gut check it so I have a doc within my Google Drive here called business plan this is just some fake information about a potential business it's called team sync so we're going to gut check this a little bit I'm going to go and copy the name here come back to Gemini Advance not that page this page we're going to say find my business plan Doc and summarize it into a short paragraph about the specific name and value I don't want to spell everything correct enter here there we go it's accessing Google workspace as you see with that nice little user interface it gives us a Associated doc that it looks like we could probably click on okay we can click on it this is all the the information relevant to that document come back over to Gemini here it has found the business plan Doc and is giving us a small paragraph here this document outlines a business plan for a new company named innov Tech which is developing a project management tool called team sync for remote teams the product is designed to be user friendly and adaptable okay so it seems like it does know what's what information is in the dock so we got checked it in this use case you would probably want to use it to find certain documents within your Google Drive and start summarizing or getting bullet points on information that already exists there one thing I did notice comparative to co-pilot but I assume will probably be added in the future from Google is there doesn't seem to be like any type of chatbot that we can add within the actual Google doc user interface itself I assume longterm though they'll probably add that kind of what was we saw with copilot and Microsoft let's try out his Gmail feature here which seems to be more oriented towards finding emails we're going to say find the tube stamp welcome email and give me a one sentence summary hit enter here loading up with Google workspace assessing emails here we go we got two stamp welcom to you to their Community provides instructions on how to get started with their service we can go and click here and it will bring us to that email solid stuff I mean especially if you have really large inbox like I have a bunch of red messages that could be very useful when you're trying to Cipher through and find a specific email about a very specific context as a sign note as well Gemini Advance isn't available on Gmail's interface but I see this as a step in the right Direction being able to access sheets in the future presentations in the future we're getting more and more AI abilities within like basically ecosystems we've already used in the past so we're automatically creating presentation automatically creating a whole summary in a Google doc this is pretty prevalent and pretty obvious as coming so make sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos on those topics without further Ado I'll see you in the next video this playlist right here is going to be a Google Gemini Advanced playlist there's probably only one video in it right now but it's going to be in the future probably a lot more this is a random video this my face something may or may not happen when you click it who knows I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 5,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business, passive income
Id: 1Dy6BaCBCiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 5sec (245 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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