Gemini Advanced is Better Than Perplexity AI? Google's most capable state-of-the-art AI model

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Gemini Advance got released earlier this month and supposedly it's better than Chad gbt 4 and it's one of the most advanced models provided by Google to truly test this what we're going to do in today's video is we're going to compare Gemini advance to perplexity AI both of these are competing as the new models for the new age of search engines let's actually see which one wins furthermore let me know in the comments which ones you prefer when it comes to search or are you like I don't even like these models I want to do search engin still whatever it may be let's see in today's video Welcome Back y'all in today's video we're just going to do a side by side comparison here we're going to do the same type or same exact search in both of these different language models Gemini and perplexity AI we're going to see which one performs better couple things I want to know first thing I want to know Gemini itself when you get a part of this Advanced plan I'll actually leave a link down below first two months are free on top of that they plan on calling they're making like a new thing called like Google one or something like that where basically they'll integrate this AI into Google Docs Google Sheets so I'm going to jump into that in the future when it becomes available so make sure to subscribe for that this is kind of like their version when we saw with co-pilot and how that integrated with Microsoft's 365 Suite so you can check out that playlist if that's your interest if not it's all good replex AI is like a new the new kid on the Block is the new kid any good we don't know we're going to go ahead and see in today's video and compare the two I got co- pilot enabled for my understanding to get both of these at the pro level it's $20 USD each I'm going hit why is the moon why does the moon change shape this is perplexities output coming over to Advanced let me go and shink myself down put in here boom so also the we'll actually come to that real quick but here we go so we got the images we get the answer as we know if you actually want to see more about perplexity AI you can check out that playlist right there we could do more intuitive stuff and then we see the related here okay the ai's result Gemini's result Gemini's result is very much text based but here's one thing I do like about Gemini I do like this UI when it comes to how it's coloring and associating data with sources obviously it does it here as well but sometimes as you see here it's all compiled here so you don't really know where each data Point's coming from Google does it well in the sense that you actually know that sentence is specifically coming from NASA and it actually takes you exactly where that sentence is located that is super cool scrolling down here a little bit further here this is because of the fact that we use double check Google responses I want to point out though as you'll notice comparative to what we saw for plexity AI this one seems to be more text oriented in the sense that we got search related topics as we know from traditional search engines we don't necessarily have a nice little image side whether you want that or not that's up to your preference also we don't have stuff like you know YouTube videos we could click which is actually kind of interesting you would expect Gemini to be more integrated with YouTube since Gemini is a Google product which I could probably expect in the future we're going to go ahead and create a new chat here and what I was saying or mentioning earlier is bronick if you know you know or maybe in the future you'll definitely know but sooner or later that's coming out we're going to go ahead and try a new prompt here before we try out that new prompt here I actually just discovered something pretty cool here of how they compartmentalized their what they call what we would call plugins and chbt they call them extensions super cool we have basically all Google Suite right now Google flights Google hotels and sooner or later I believe Google dots actually it looks like we can enable that it seems like it's out I might need to start making videos on that let me know in the comments if you want to see that I definitely probably will do that that is super cool knowing this though this basically gives us access to the API underlying for each of these services within Google comparative to this one which is probably more surface level when it comes to accessing that kind of data so for example to prove whether these extensions have value or not we're going to go ahead and try this one show me a flight to visit my aunt in Madrid the week of January 2020 or 2020 22 give me gift ideas of for what to bring she loves dolphins and playing cards and then we're going to try the same thing with reflex AI hit enter as you'll see it's actually using the Google flights extension I like that user interface Google flights was not able to find flights okay well actually is that kind of make sense oh I see okay so it can only max out 330 days in the future let me go ahead and change that to something closer like June and try this inquiry again we're to hit update with replex the AI response here you have a nice little map here you got some related stuff and I'm assuming if I click this will go find cheap flight to Madrid I like that even though San Francisco holy smokes chill out you don't need to know my exact location chill out I do like that that is a nice little like preb built-in feature there where it does actually have it's smart enough to understand uh the the question and give me pre-filled data like that let me see what Gemini does Gemini doesn't always get it right be sure to check flights details o oh okay I like this you I definitely like this user interface let's try Google flights I think we've all used Google flights in our past so we definitely like this user interface or ax travel that's always nice as well pretty pretty solid here Q successfully try again without extension interesting as a side note they probably are going to release some type of extension store where you're going to be able to put and build out extensions for Google Gemini Advance which is pretty cool because as we know of chrome with the Chrome plug-in store and the Chrome Store people actually like people actually make plugins on that that make money and are very successful businesses EG honey now that being said I think the one thing missing from Gemini which would probably be a very simple addition is some type of like visual element right I do like how there's a map here on perplexity and and like even though like they're kind of corny some images of it it does just kind of give you a nice like user interface feeling when we do search engine anyways where basically Gemini Advance right now is very much more text based let's go ahead and try another feature here where basically we are at home and at home we are at YouTube let's do help me solve a problem not in the same chat I usually typically like changing chats because then we don't go down different weird rabbit holes find videos of how to quickly get grape juice out of a wool rug let's try perplexity AI with the same thing co-pilot I want to point out as as well if you ever scratch wood flooring and it's not deep you can use apple CER vinegar and olive oil let it mix a little bit let it mix and then use a paper towel rub it down let it sit for five minutes use water a water paper towel rub it down and it actually goes away don't ask me how I know that okay so you got a ton of videos over here wow these are some OG thumbnails look at these thumbnails y'all if this doesn't scream like 2011 I don't know what does I mean they're getting obviously they're getting clicks so you know maybe I need to do my thumbnails like that okay coming over here o interesting I will say out of both of these responses Gemini definitely wins which is to be expected though because this is a Google product it's clean it's concise it gives you one video this feels a little overwhelming of like uh do I read it do I click this so it actually just seems like the use case what your underlying search is is pretty pertinent on the kind of outputs you're looking for that concludes today's video on comparing Gemini Advanced and perplexity AI which one do you prefer when it comes to search engine is there some type of search that I missed here that was like pretty big deal and showing like how much value each one has for my personal opinion what it seems like is if you want more visual elements go flexity AI if you want more like native features like if you're really comfortable with the Google and ecosystem like I've been using Google since I was probably like six or seven because of a Gmail or something like that so go with that one whatever it may be these models are competing these models are getting better we're getting cooler and cooler stuff especially if you've seen that Sora which is absolutely crazy um this might have been made this was made with Sora now but I'm probably going to do a whole playlist on the YouTube feature here the Google or not the YouTube the Google one thing where basically we can integrate um Gemini Advanced with Google workspace extremely powerful that's about it make sure to leave a like it's completely free I'll see you in the next video this playlist right here is either going to be the Gemini Advanced one or the perplexity AI one whichever one I put there that's a random video based off your clicks so are your clicks treating you well like is what you're clicking good and then that's my face I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 4,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business, passive income
Id: qK5x63-cF2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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