Complete AI Gmail Tutorial - [Become A Gemini Advanced User in 7 Minutes]

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Google Gemini is here and we're able to do a lot of stuff in today's video we're going to be checking out its ability to integrate with Gmail to the right of me you see it's enabled in my Gmail so we're going to see everything we could possibly do within Gmail's interface furthermore everything we can do within Gemini's interface with drafting into email and a lot more so let's go and jump into today's video Welcome Back y'all in this video we're going to be focusing on Gmail as we know this extension with Gemini Advance is now in our Gmail emails which is super cool this allows this so we don't necessarily have to copy and paste from like Chad gbt or complexity AI when it comes to this context so we're going to see how we can leverage that in today's video everything we need to go over in that if you want to see how it can be leveraged in Google Docs check out that video up there there's also a whole playlist on my Channel showing you how to enable this so you can go Ahad and check that as well it's very simple just enabling extensions but without further Ado let's jump into today's video and see how we can you know make our sick emails a lot better let's start the chat bot interface we are able to do a ton of stuff when it comes to Gemini but one cool feature that integrates pretty flawlessly with Gmail is the ability to export conversations so for example if I wanted to put I am emailing a friend about a hike I am going on in Colorado Denver help me find a hike first if you been watching my videos and you're like Corin why you talking about hike so much I'm actually going to go on a hike pretty soon here coming this weekend plus like in my surrounding area because the fact that I'm leaving San Francisco pretty soon and heading somewhere else let's go and see we got we got different parameters when it comes to what we're looking for let's just go ahead and proceed here we're going to go ahead and say you know I like this red rock park one copy this and say okay let's do the email for Red Rock Park my friend's name is James can enter here now this could be whatever context this is just a hiking context this could be for a work email this could be a personal email to for XYZ reason what we can do from here we got our get your get ready for Colorado adventure hey James I'm pumped to be heading to Denver soon well here is the cool part we share and Export we say draft in Gmail click that and then right below right to the left of me now you can say open in Gmail click it and holy smokes this is huge uh wait hold on hold hold up me oh shoot okay so it actually has a different user interface when you do that that is super cool I didn't realize that so comparative to seeing it like this we just got the whole screen the whole screen's here whoa okay this is this is this is different y'all let me go ahead and zoom out just a tad and jump over here and let's proceed it does provide probably not the right one Let's do an email let's go we can go and copy this copy C copy V delete this we can delete kind of like the extra texture right that and we got the body of our email that we have we have our name cheers say C Brown and let's see what else we can play with on the side here zoom in one more we got a couple things here so we got formalize so let's say I'm pumped to be heading to Denver soon let's formalize it so instead of actually taking the selected data that select the text it will actually do the entire email over again different verbiage like I think we should definitely hit up and I was wondering if you would be interested in joining me so formalizing seems to be like basically make it more professional which makes sense like if you're dealing with a business context and you don't want to sound too casual that's kind of how you would restructure that and it seems like it actually adds a little inent here so I command C delete that I could command via here there we go please let me know if You' be available or interested and we can discuss a date and time you come over here not hit formalize again that's how you cancel let's see if we can just grab this and say shorten grammarly is shaking in their boots right now yes okay this tells me you can't actually edit by specific section like we saw with Google Docs it seems like it's actually just an overarching like the entire email the data found with an email gets restructured so keep that in mind it seems like we can also just kind of proceed we have three major options here now here is one draw box that I'm noticing so far is that the we don't have the ability to nextly give context EG this is my my name this is what I do here is I here is here is how I go I assume in the future with Gemini Advance we're going to have the ability to add like kind of like custom instructions that we solved J gbt that allow us for better outputs right now it's very simplified and very minimalized although when we do have the ability to add that context my name my job what I like to do writing these emails are going to become a lot more effective let's go and delete that command see this let's delete it help me write a email that sounds better than this add humor this might be where we add like our custom stuff so I'm going to put the same email here I'm going to hit enter here we go there we go so that might be a way to actually play around with it a little bit right we can go ahead and say insert which I am covering y'all insert that's a quick workaround therefore if you have like a good email let's say like 80% of it's really good like this last part you're like I don't know I don't really like how that sounds like let me know if you're free we can go ahead and use this and say rephrase this to sound cooler is that a word I think so if you're down for it let's chat about it a time and meet up just let me know when you're free and let's make it happen Okay grab that and then I can say no no I don't like that we're just goad and insert that one part not bad y'all this is kind of the limitations of what we can see right now if I come over here we have the same type of you user interface I'll go and zoom in one more we have the same options help me write formalize elaborate so they're really like compressing it to have limited amount of opt option as of now I think the biggest Advantage is when this Google one workspace and this new AI workspace gives us the ability to add that personalization that we look for in AI as this can be helpful for very general task but if you can't give context of who you are and what you do the outputs aren't going to be as reliable and like there's going to be more basically labor associated with drafting an email comparative to you just writing it out yourself that covers everything we can do with Gmail up to this point are you going to start using this in your workflow are you sticking with your mic Microsoft 365 system honestly I think depending on which whichever one you grew up with whichever one you use at work you probably lean towards co-pilot or Gemini Advance like off that kind of preference me personally been using Google always been using Google so I'll probably be with Gemini Advance long term in this specific context now I hope that they basically Advance the features of it so we can add personalization also we probably are definitely going to see like presentations be done sheets be done I still got to look into that so make sure you stay tuned here there's going to be a playlist dedicated Gemini Advance showing you its capabilities up to this point at the end here without further Ado make sure you leave a like it's completely free and I'll see you in the next video that's the playlist I was talking about going over the different features of Gemini Advance if you want to see how to enable it it's in there want to see how it does with Google Docs pretty cool stuff there that's a random video that I chose or the algorithm chose that's my face something may or may not happen when you click it I don't know I do not know
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 5,025
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business, passive income
Id: AKsGLkhUQgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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