G.E. Patterson... Prophet 401

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're only no sin to hide yet you have said [Music] him from your side to war upon this beauty side and to become old ah [Music] double love Dave Lucy fight they laughed and scorned him as he died your machina they named of wrong and then they sacrificed [Music] hi [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] watch me [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the Lord praise the name of Jesus [Applause] watch me and your precious blood until all of my haughtiness ill temper all of the traits of a goals have disappeared wash me until I become on Lamb of God oh come on and grieve the Lord hallelujah glory to Jesus [Applause] energy [Music] [Applause] praise the Lord now Lord let your word go forth with power that your people may be blessed thereby and will thank you in Jesus name a man and a man god bless you you may have your seats they were little long getting the message to put the chairs in the aisle here so we're gonna sing just a little bit of a congregational number and maybe they have 20 people downstairs that might want to come up and take these seats in the aisle a man because if there's gonna be people sitting he I want to bow before I open the Bible amen in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus we have the big in the name of Oh Oh tell me that brave name we have big [Music] [Applause] see the night command you in the name of the law from you baba [Music] Jesus in the name of Tila in the name of Jesus Francis mangels need come on and give a lot another hand of fries [Music] open your Bibles with me today I really want to just kind of talk in an expository manner first Kings chapter 22 we're going to read the first nine verses together and I want you to allow your Bibles to remain open we will go a little bit beyond that ninth verse in fact there are only fifty three verses in this chapter so I don't think we'll get through all of them I wish you could see the looks is he serious first Kings chapter 22 if you have a say man some weekend man's and maybe you better hold up your Bibles let me see how many Bibles they on the other day all right all right you still break them that's good first Kings chapter 22 let's read together beginning with verse 1 through verse 9 come on and they continued three years without war between Syria and Israel and it came to pass in the third year that Jehoshaphat the king of Judah came down to the king of Israel and the king of Israel said unto his servants know ye that ramoth-gilead is ours and we be still and take it not out of the hand of the king of Syria and he said unto Joseph I will thou go with me to battle to ramoth-gilead and Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel I am as thou art my people as that people my horses as thy horses and Jehoshaphat said unto the king of Israel inquire I pray thee at the word of the law today then the king of Israel gathered the prophets together about four hundred men and said unto them against ramoth-gilead to battle or shall I forbear and they said gula for the Lord shall deliver it into the hands of the king and Jehoshaphat said is there not here a prophet of the law besides that we might inquire of him and the king of israel said unto Jehoshaphat there is yet one man mkhaya the son of imlah by whom we may inquire of the lord but i hate him for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil and decosta fat said let not the king say so then the king of Israel called an officer and said hastened to the mkhaya the son of mlife let's stop right there one thing I want you to reflect back on is verse number six the king of Israel gathered the prophets plural together about four hundred men four hundred prophets were gathered together four hundred gave their blessings but Jehoshaphat asked the king of Israel who was Ahab is there not a prophet of the Lord beside that we might inquire of him and the king of israel said unto Jehoshaphat there is yet one man that will four hundred but he says that still one more I want to talk to you today about prophet number 401 profit number 401 all right now this man's name is Micaiah and he is a classic example of that profit that Saint that believer in God who because of his beliefs find his or her self standing alone now today we hear so much preaching on radio and television to the body of Christ that is only talking about God's ability and his willingness to prosper and bless us financially the entire body of Christ is involved in spreading healing salve upon those who are hurting but I want to say that even in this day when much of the preaching is on the hurts and the financial prosperity God still needs profit 401 that will preach the wages of sin is death don't men folk wanna hear about sin anymore that that words going out to dilla but God still wants profit for one to preach this holiness or hail profit number 401 is that child of God who refuses to join the alcohol-soaked Christmas party that oddball that will sit in the corner and say drinking and having a bowl is not what Jesus came from I may have one or two prophets for one in here I don't know but this message is dedicated to all those who fought conscience sake have found or you are finding it necessary to stand alone when you read the Bible God always has to have somebody who does not float and drift with the crowd God's always got him oddball somewhere that's gonna say it doesn't matter what anybody else do that's what Joshua was telling Israel he said now you can serve the gods of the AMA rights now on the other side of the flood of God's Obama rights rather the god of your father's on the other side of the flood or the gods of AMA rights in whose land you dwell he said but your decisions not gonna make me in a difference as for me and my house we will serve the Lord well we've read about those three fellas Shadrach Meshach and Abednego out in the plains of Dura when King Nebuchadnezzar had been deified in the eyes of his kingdom and they set up that great big image and said when you hear the music plan everybody bow and worship the image that's been set up and here everybody was standing and the way that everyone would pay homage would be at the sound of the music to go down on their knees and you know how the do kind of in the eastern way they go all the way down until their head touch the ground and here three fellas standing up there with hundreds of thousands bowing said it don't matter how you die we bow not to any God but the God of heaven and sometimes it is not comfortable to be a principled child of God because we live in a day when most folks say everybody else is doing it why don't you but regardless of what everybody else is doing you're going to have to have some conviction and you're gonna have to stand for God even if you have to stand alone do I have any profits for one in here today let's take a brief look at this story the beginning of this chapter is rather strange because actually it begins with a verse that seems to be totally irrelevant it says and they continue three years without war between Syria and Israel but that sentence does not really tie chapter 22 with chapter 21 it ties chapter 22 with chapter 20 because in chapter 20 Israel has defeated Syria in two great battles the first time the Syrians when the few of them that escaped the wrath of Israel won that way back home they were trying to analyze the battle and said why did we lose and somebody said well because Israel's God's gods of the heels and we made the mistake of fighting them in the mountain and I've told you that's what the devil always says about the people of God that as long as you keep us in the mountain keep us up that shout and keep us praising God and then we alright so but get them in the valley and we can defeat them and the Lord said I heard what you say and because you said that I'm a god of the mountain and not a god of the valley said I'm going to give Israel a greater victory in the valley and God had given them victory over Syria in the valley and then chapter 21 there is a story about Namath's vineyard and how that Ahab wanted the vineyard and that story is brought in in chapter 21 but actually chapter 22 comes directly behind chapter 20 now if you don't shout today I want you to go out of here and say well at least I learned something about God's Word now when you come to verse to chapter 22 verse 2 and it came to pass in the third year now this is talking about the third year of peace there had been peace between Syria and Israel for three years which seemingly the writer indicates that it was something abnormal that war is so customary in that portion of the world and what did we just have in the news last week but the Secretary of State over there trying to make peace between Israel and the Palestinians at least trying to get them to sit down again and resumed their peace conferences it's an area where there is war you have the descendants of Ishmael and the descendants of Isaac and Jacob and from the time that Ishmael 14 years old when Isaac was born and that was friction then and that has been friction ever since and that will continue to be friction in the Middle East until Jesus Christ Himself comes as the Prince of Peace and when he sets up his kingdom then you won't hear any more about war between Israel and Syria or any of its other Arab neighbors but until that time come you may as well keep reading your newspaper turning on your television because we do not have the power the United Nations doesn't have the power and no other man-made organization will ever be able to bring peace in that trouble part of the world so the king of Israel said that unto his servants in other words they've been they've been at peace for three years but there's some folk that can't stand peace you ever seen folk that's they got to fight felt already cut up got Scotland both sides his face on his neck bullet holes through his arm and yet wants to fight somebody else some folk Germany some folk just can't stand peace so Ahab after three years of peace he remembered that Under Armour I believe it was that the king of Syria had taken from them a village by the name of ramoth-gilead so he says the king of Israel said unto his servants know ye that ramoth in Gilead is ours and we be still and take it not out of the hands of the king of syria now verse 2 lets us know that the king of judah Jehoshaphat has just come to visit a hail and in the presence of the king of Judah here the king of Israel makes this declaration it's good that he recognized the presence of Jehoshaphat and I think that we can agree that Jehoshaphat had a sense of godliness about him that Ahab did not have if you don't believe it all you got to do is check second chronicles chapter 20 and you'll understand that when Jerusalem and Judah when they were troubled by free nations Moab Ammon and Mount Seir that came against Jerusalem under the leadership of Jehoshaphat Jehoshaphat first move was to call the people together in fasting and in prayer and you remember how that turned out young Levite by the name of Jesse the Spirit of God fell on him and he got up and said Jehoshaphat I want you to hear me and you men of Judah you don't have to worry about Ammon Moab and Mount Seir for the battle in your battle the battle is the laws you shall not need to fight in this battle so tomorrow when they come over the cliff of ziz have the army hidden behind the choir and let the choir move out singing praise the Lord and blessing the beauty of holiness and God set up ambush mints on the enemy so Joshua had I'm rather Jehoshaphat had a sense of the importance of God even when it came to the battles between nations so Jehoshaphat says in verse 4 I hope y'all are watching with me I told you this is expository today he said unto Jehoshaphat wilt thou go with me to battle against there to ramoth-gilead and Jehoshaphat said to the king of Israel I am as die wacht my people as thy people my horses as thy horses in other words we are ready to go with you but there's one thing I want to know Jehoshaphat continues in verse five I pray thee at the word of the Lord today before we run up to ramoth-gilead to take our little city away from the Syrians let's see what God has to say now instead of they have reaching over and grabbing the hand of Jehoshaphat they're both sitting on that thrones in the gate of the city of Samaria all he had to do was join hands with him and have all of the rest of the children of Israel and Judah to spend a little time in prayer and let's see what God has to say about this thing but instead of that the king of Israel gathered the prophets together in other words he gathered his prophets he gathered the men that he knew would always say what he wanted them the same hello somebody it's dangerous to have folk around you that all they're gonna ever do is pat you on the back and tell you that you're right in other words you want to know what the Lord has to say get the board tell them all to come in here the board of prophets bring them in about 400 of them and look at verse 6 and he said unto them shall I go up against ramoth-gilead battle ash Ally forbear and they said the Lord shall deliver it into thy hand O king in other words we saw what happened back in chapter 20 we saw how the Lord whipped those Syrians when we win the mountains then when they challenged us in the valley we beat them again you're mighty King Ahab go ahead on you don't have to wear it God is on your side and Jehoshaphat looked around and saw those four hundred fellows these guys ain't concentrated they haven't been praying I've been reading their Bible they just gone on with politics as usual so Jehoshaphat wanted to know is that I'm in verse seven are you looking with me is there not here a prophet of the Lord beside that we might inquire of him now I've heard what you you know all the oh yes men have to say but I want to know is that somebody that's been spending some time with God you better watch it when you're making important decisions in your life and you call your buddy you you better call somebody that's got contact with God you don't you don't need to know from your friends that always patting you on the back and telling you you're right when you're making serious decisions you need a real prayer partner Chuck somebody said not a gossip partner is that not a prophet of the law that we might inquire him verse eight come on read it with me and the king of Israel said unto Jehoshaphat there's yet one man mkhaya the son of imlah by whom we may inquire of the Lord but I hate that fella I'll admit that he's a prophet of the Lord and I'll admit that he's been in touch with God and God's been in touch with him I'll admit that he's got a lifestyle that's different to these other guys but I just don't like him why for he does not prophesy good concerning me but evil now when you said that a man of God is saying nothing but evil against you and if you admit he's a man of God and he's going one way in you going another God can't be going both ways he said I hate this fellow because of the fact that he prophesized not good concerning me but evil and Jehoshaphat said the King Ahab all King don't don't say that don't don't stone don't put the guy down before you hear what he got to say read then the king of Israel called an officer and said hasten hither Micaiah the son of imlah and the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah sat each on his throne having put on that rolls in a void place in the entrance of the gate of Samaria and all the prophets prophesied before them in other words they lined up the prophets just like lining up entertainers all right fella come on let me hear what you got to say and all of them knew they had to say it good just like the children only stir with the east of the speeches come on let me hear what you got to say and one of them was named Zedekiah and look verse 11 read and Zedekiah the son of Janina made him horns of iron and said thus saith the Lord with ds shalt thou push the Syrians until thou have consumed them he got dramatic you know you were living out a day now when people love the dramatic I mean when you are dramatic enough anybody oh he's got to be got to be the Lord but sensationalism doesn't always mean that it is the Lord I find out that a lot of times God doesn't even work in the sensational sometimes God waits until your sensationalism is over and after all of the year I say under the end thus saith the Lord then God will speak through somebody who will just get him said well you know Saints I believe that the Lord would have such and such a thing God doesn't always do it the way you want it I was sitting down in the office this morning and I heard a certain profit on a certain program and he said a whole lot of things that sounded good and the only thing about it is that one of the things he said he said God was going to and you know when God's gonna do such-and-such here and one thing he's gonna do he's going in racism and my mind jumped to what Jesus said in Matthew 24 he said one of the characteristics of the last days is that nation shall rise against nation and that word nation comes from the Greek word ethnos saying ethnos ethnicity ethnic groups shall be against ethnic groups that's one of the signs I believe that God is going to he's gonna have to do something so that across racial lines those of us who love the Lord can come together worshiped together hello somebody and act like brothers and sisters but in this world God's not about to end racism you haven't seen the worst it's gonna get worse and worse and I don't care how many prophets said just say if the Lord you'll just say if the Lord does not rewrite this book hallelujah I've mentioned it to you before that when we were still in that old building and when this was just a parking lot one night Sunday night our Tuesday night I don't remember which now believe it was a Tuesday night the presence of God was so great and we had a bunch of young ladies that left out of the church yet praising God speaking in tongues and one of the sisters that lived across the river a couple of them got in the car with her and they were talking in tongues and they told her that the Lord said you better leave your husband because he's gonna kill you if you don't leave him and all they went on and they prophesied and the sister was kind of upset and so the next day she called me pastor I don't know what to do these women said the Lord said I better leave my husband I know he's not saved but they say he don't kill me if I don't leave him and I just took a right into the book of first Corinthians chapter 7 while the Word of God says that if a believing wife has an unbelieving husband and if he be dread pleased to dwell with you let not the believer put the unbeliever away so if God said in his word that as long as that unbeliever is pleased to dwell with you as a believer don't depart then God's not gonna send a holy go special that rewrites the Bible oh I know I know all y'all can't get with that cuz some of y'all got that funny style Holy Ghost that writes the book every step of the way but God is not giving you a brand new book what God is doing is giving you the Holy Ghost that this book might be properly interpreted somebody ought to give God another hand of free hallelujah glory to God hallelujah now Lord let your Healing Touch go with us sister here in the name of Jesus Christ touch and heal even now for we know you've got the power rebuked the hand of the enemy let the devil be cast it out let the disease and let the pain and whatever the misery is let it be rebuked in the name of Jesus and we thank you for it now come on and give the Lord some free hallelujah Loree to God hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord hallelujah with freesia we praise you we praise you hallelujah I was in Waco Texas last month and while preaching and got right near the end of a message and that was a lady that was stricken there in the service and we just began to pray we just stopped the message and went in the prayer and God touched that woman and delivered her body and the next day when somebody called the check on it she was the wife of one of the district superintendents and they asked how's your wife today he's oh she's alright last time I saw this morning she's got in the car and took off and I just believed that God bless us we've got we've got something we've got some good skilled medical people here in this church and yet the fact remains that unless the Lord oh you don't hear what I'm saying the power of life and death is in the hands of God if we just want to praise God right now Lord we thank you right now thank you for your presence that's in the building now hallelujah your healing presence your glory that's been revealed now hallelujah a rebuke death rebuke the hand of the enemy under your shadow come on yes thank you hallelujah hallelujah oh thank you that's our time hallelujah held askew says she's gonna be fine so she was hyperventilating but she's gonna be all right I think we oughta praise God [Applause] now let me go back to this message praise the Lord and the Lord is that spirit where the Spirit of the Lord is there is what Liberty we left off in verse eleven Zedekiah the son of Chianina made him horns of iron and thus if the Lord with ds shall bow push the syrians till thou hath consumed them first way of reed and all the prophets prophesied so saying go up to ramoth-gilead and prosper for the Lord shall deliver it into the Kings hand and the messenger that was gone to call macaƩ speak unto him saying behold now the words of the prophets declared good unto the king with one mouth in other words now let me tell you micaiah before you go in there where they are the other four hundred have prophesied good four hundred men have United together with one voice we know you you a killjoy you're not a team player you are your alona and we want to tell you before you go in there what everybody has said they've declared good under the king with one mouth when verse 13 read let thy word I pray thee be like the word of one of them and speak that which is good in other words I don't care what you see don't see it hello somebody Oh hallelujah now you can expect that in the world but it is sad that the enemy can let that same spirit creep in and take over the church I've lived to see the day that in this great church in which I was born that Bishop Mason was a word teacher when folk talk about the word church we were the original word church mission Mason would keep you praying three hours and then teach you another to the Word of God was in and now I see us so reading politics and custom and tradition and in our convocation last year I preached from the New Testament about the man who the Lord opened his ears and went to revelations where he said there you know he that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit says and I kind of reprove that church nationally for us getting up with these emotionalism acrobatics and not using the Word of God and now even in the church folk don't even want to hear you talking about the Word of God the one crying us alone we doing alright we the biggest and the best and the fastest growing but when you're not drawing according to God's Word you're not growing right they take children and they put braces on that teeth see don't happen now doesn't have to happen now like it used to with the old fool they had crooked teeth with nothing to do about it but now they catch them growing a certain way they put braces on on the street in the out you all don't hear what I'm saying and I'm here to tell you that the world is in trouble we don't have anything to offer the world but the Word of God and if we do not take this book as outstanding and then also let the world know that you will never be what God wants you to be until you give your life to Jesus and line up with this that's nothing else that's right I'm not talking about denominations and organizations it's not the organization that's right it's the Word of God that's right and anybody that gets off course with this book you are off course I don't care how you look at the television and you see the priest with his logical collar on talking about homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle he's just a priest gone to hell I don't care who try to make it right if God's Word says it's wrong the first chapter of Romans says that God gave them up gave them over the vile affections but this is the day where because everybody's got a friend this one [Music] don't be so hard on them they were born like that I don't care how you were born you can't be born again that's not only for the fellows that's trying to be women but it's for them dainty little women who underneath the trying to be mean [Applause] if you don't like it at least smile so the folk around you won't know you that [Applause] messenger that was gone I'm still in verse 13 to call Micaiah spake unto him saying behold now the words of the Prophet declare good under the king with one voice so let thy word I pray thee be like the word of one of them and speak that which is good you with me verse 14 read and Micaiah said as the Lord liveth what the Lord saith unto me that will I speak now he's bold here I don't care what you all say I'm not gonna say anything but what the Lord says but for a minute even the stern prophet allowed himself to get weak read verse 15 so he came to the king and the king said unto Him micaiah shall we go against ramoth-gilead to battle a shall we forbad and he answered him going prosper for the Lord shall deliver it unto the hand of the king you know sometimes even the strongest people will allow public opinion to cause you to join in with the crowd but even though he tried to talk like the rest of them look at verse 16 and the king said unto Him how many time shall I Jerzy that I'll tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord he said now he already told Jehoshaphat I hate him because he doesn't say good things and when the man said something good he's a nod and who you need telling me the truth I know he's not telling me - how many times have I got to warn you macaƩ that when I asked you to come and the prophesied of me in the name of the Lord I don't want you acting like the rest of them you tell me truth some folk God has designated you to not float with the crowd other folk make an actor hypocrite and get away with it but God is saying to you I want you to be real oh you don't hear what I'm saying you ought to look at somebody and tell them others might act a hypocrite but God wants you to be real hallelujah that's what the world is suffering father day churches are filled all around the world but you got a lot of folks filling up the church that's got all kind of motives they're here right now you come every Sunday because you want to hear this music department we got some great singers Island new you listening it's just the call of the day they just the song of the death and even though her voice was hoarse today and cracked a little trying to make one or two of those notes but she determined I'm going and singing anyhow that beautiful courage we've got some of the best singers and musicians you ever want to hear and you got something for that only come because they embrace the art of gospel music but when they get through listening to gospel music they are not about to let the gospel or about steps you got some folk that well you know the church is grown it's one of the largest churches in the area and I just want to identify but I'm here to tell you that God is not pleased with those that just want to hear the music those that just want to be in the number the Lord is looking at the congregation saying I want somebody that's willing to be real hallelujah I don't care how preacher mkhaya how I lock you away from everybody else but when you come I want you to tell me the truth Alleluia I'll accept your piper say from these four hundred paid prophets but I want the truth out of you hallelujah God is trying to say that to some of you maybe you're on a job where compromise is the order of the day but God is saying to you that I want you to be a shining light I don't care however folk act a fool I want you to be real I don't care how other folk turn colors with everything they get next to I want you to be real you ought to just tell somebody around your God wants you to be real [Music] hallelujah I'm gonna have to close this here but he said now I want you to speak and tell me nothing but the truth and then verse 16 you got your Bible yet open look at verse 16 read the King said unto him how many times shall I assure thee that thou tell me nothing but that which is true in the name of the Lord now after the King rebuked him then the prophet for one returned to his true nature his dedication his unyielding spirit of truth and he says what I saw all this room scattered up on the hills as sheep that have not a shepherd and the Lord said these have no master let them return every man to his house in peace and the king of Israel said under Jehoshaphat that I not tell thee that he would prophesied no good concerning me but evil and look at what he goes on the said and he that's micaiah said here thou therefore the word of the Lord I saw the Lord sitting on his throne and all the host of heaven standing by him on his right hand and on his left and the Lord said who shall persuade a ham that he may go up and fall at ramoth gilead and one said on this manner and another said on that manner and I understand you got to you got to go back and see the history of Ahab Ahab is that prophet that married Jezebel the daughter of King evil eats Bell is the king of the sidonians and he is the prophet of the worship of bale so Jezebel was not only a princess in but she is the priestess of the idol god of bail and god had told the children of israel don't you marry these fools that serve other gods because they'll turn your heart away from me but a happy marriage as a bail and became known as probably the second most wicked king after Manasseh a hell probably was the second most evil King in Israel and God had it in for him and God's design was that after all that he's done coming down to chapter 21 where his wife Jezebel killed neighbors for his vineyard hello somebody he had was a bit of a coward he didn't do it but his wife used his seal and she was the one that had him killed as soon as the woman got the man I'd the way then ahab goes down to retrieve the vineyard and the prophet elijah told him God's gonna get you he's gonna cut off your posterity and then right where the dogs lick the blood of neighbors they gonna lick your blood so even though we have had a chance to repent Micaiah told him if you go you're not gonna help victory but to keep him from repenting Micaiah said I looked up in heaven and I saw God sitting on his throne and I saw the hosts of heaven on the right and on the left and the Lord said I shall I persuade they have to go on up there in the ramoth-gilead way you can get yourself killed and different spirits before the presence of God said one thing and another said another and then another spirit stepped up before God and said how persuade him the law said well what are you gonna do he said I'm gonna put a lying spirit in the mouth of his false prophets it's sad when you're proceeding because somebody with a lying spirit you got folk out there preaching God ain't bit moe call them and nothin they don't even feel cold but somebody wanting to be wonderful call them out said now the Lord told me to tell you that if you don't start preaching by the end of this month he's going to destroy you now don't get me wrong prophecy goes forth but God when he speaks concerning something as vital as you carrying the gospel the Prophet isn't doing anything but verifying what God has already told you in the time of young man come to me so Michael Lord called him the preacher one of the latest talk about the Lord us call them to be an evangelist our missionary and I want to know from them how did you come to this did God deal with you and so many of them know somebody told me since the so-and-so laid hands on me and told me that the Lord said it you better quit believing every spirit you better quit letting everybody tell you what to do God knows you he knows why you live he knows your name he can tell you what he want you to do himself oh let me hurt him get through with this hallelujah well I said it come on down read verse 21 I want you to read it that came forth the spirit and stood before the Lord and said I will persuade him and the Lord said unto Him where will and he said I'll go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets and he said thou shalt persuade him and prevail also go forth and do so now therefore behold the Lord had put a lying spirit in the mouth of all these thy prophets and the Lord has spoken evil concerning thee now one of those line prophets named Zedekiah he decided he'd made fun of it he walked up and slapped mkhaya now which way did the spirit go you can always have somebody relevant here what the Lord has to say they don't make a joke out of it y'all don't hear what I'm saying but in times like these and let me close my Bible and get ready to sit down in time like these we don't need to be guessing we don't need to be listening to lying spirits but we need to know what God's plan is with our life oh they have a song that they sing about I'm gonna just be still I'm gonna wait right here ain't going nowhere until God's will it's clear to me don't be going off half-cocked know what God's will is and if you don't know what is will is stay here stay on your knees stay in the word stay under the teaching until God tells you what he wants you to do this thing is too important to be guessing I don't care how many folk you see that have made great evangelist I don't care how many singles have made hit records that doesn't mean that God has called you to duplicate what somebody else has done hallelujah but if you want to claim your possession in the law and that's what a hell was saying ramoth-gilead is ours and such as ours let's go and take it but when you get ready to take your possession make sure first of all that is yours make sure second of all that your time is right [Music] [Applause] it's too important to make a mistake nothing is as important as your soul for what would it profit a man if he would gain the whole world and lose his own soul I'm not gonna finish that story but when you keep on reading it you'll see that a half decided that I'm going to keep myself out of danger and he put Jehoshaphat in his room thinking that if anybody was going to be shooting arrows they would shoot the arrow at Jehoshaphat and miss him but somebody indiscriminately fired an arrow but the hour that seemingly was headed for Jehoshaphat it kind of fear over and hit a half and a half died on the battlefield near ramoth-gilead but his blood was soaking the floor of the chariot and when they brought him home the chariot was still filled with his blood and they took the chariot down to a certain place and started washing the blood out of the chariot and just like the Word of God said the dogs gathered around and they lit up the blood of Ahab somewhere just outside of nabel's vineyard I'm here to tell you that if God said it it's going to happen and you need to know where is God not what your buddy have to say where is God not what your cronies have to say where is God hallelujah yes [Music] yes yes hallelujah yeah yes can you ring it out yes yes hallelujah yes yeah [Music] my song says yes my song says yes can you tell them out of your heart my soul said yes my soul says yeah my soul says yeah [Music] my so Jose yeah [Applause] halleluyah halleluyah oh I know this wasn't the typical message but this is what the Lord gave me for you today mmm I just want to tell you that if you're standing for Jesus standing on principle standing on his word stand if you have to stand by yourself Paul wrote the church's emphasis and said when you've done all the stand do what stand that forward but the only way you gonna stand you're gonna have to have your lawns girded about with truth tell somebody when you put on the girdle of truths line spirits can't hurt you Oh [Music] if you're gonna stand put on the helmet of salvation tell somebody else if you put on the helmet of salvation the devil can flood your mind with evil folks if you're gonna stand you got the ham old the breastplate of salvation tell somebody that when you got on the breastplate of salvation evil folks can get in your heart [Music] if you can find somebody else telling me if you gonna stand have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace so that wherever you walk you won't spread confusion if you gonna stand you got to have the shield of faith that no matter how the devil shoot knocks of doubt trying to make you doubt God's Word you'll keep on having faith you'll keep on moving on if you wanna stand [Music] thirty-eight small help yeah nine millimeters won't help you but if you gonna stand you got to have the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God if you got you can stand if you have to stand by yourself without a mama without a father without a sister without a brother without a spouse without children you can stand [Applause] I got the quit but I sealed my helper bot now profit 401 said I don't care what the others do I'm gonna stand for truth I'm gonna for God's Word come on and praise God somebody [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you long I'm no clothes [Applause] [Music] everybody standing lock Jesus I want to thank you today I want to thank you for your word as you have presented to us mkhaya prophet number 401 that stood against the odds many of your people who are standing here now and their home nobody's saved with them and yet they're standing on that job forces around trying to make them bow how the dishonesty bow to the seat but there the term understand some Oh God in the classroom studies a heart close friends trying to get them to cheat hallelujah but they are determined that I'm gonna stand up hallelujah I don't know every situation some of God that's standing in spite of what the doctor have said about their health but in the midst of ill health they are standing saying the Lord is my healer is an emotion here that above shot all of us I thank you I thank you I thank you thank you lord thank you for these you're standing now Lord refute the hand of the enemy break the power of Satan and then Lord some that are standing here who have not received you as that Lord and Savior I pray this day that you will forgive their sins that you'll plot out their transgression in Jesus name now listen why you get standing in just a moment in just a moment I'm gonna have everybody to sit but don't sit yet those of you who know you're lost in sin and you're ready to give your life to Jesus when others sit I want you to keep standing some of you who in a backslidden condition you want to receive Christ as Savior but you're straight away from the Lord you're straight away from the church but the day you feel a need in your spirit to come back to Jesus when others sit I don't want you to sit I want you to keep standing and then there at least seven of you here today that the Lord have been dealing with you about making this your church home you've delayed you've procrastinated but you keep getting your spiritual strength from the radio and from the television broadcast and you know this is why God wants you to be when others sit I don't want you to sit I want you to keep standing if your Center don't sit down if your backslider don't sit down if you're one that the Lord has sent in this direction and you know you need to make this your church home don't sit down but everybody else I want you to be seated at this time but if your Center backslider a one that needs a church home you keep right on standing don't you worry about anybody else and step to the nearest aisle and come now step into the nearest aisle and come here now if you end about and they go to the elevator push one come on down hallelujah if you're in the basement on the lower level have somebody to show you to the nearest stab way and come right now hallelujah st. you ought to praise God for these Souls come on and give Him glory come on and give Him praise ha ha ha ha ha oh my soul love you Jesus hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah oh I thank you Jesus I thank you I thank you lord I thank you hallelujah I thank you hallelujah there five more of you that God speaking to where are you hallelujah obey God step in the nearest aisle come now hallelujah as I said if you're in the balcony go to the elevator push one come on down if you're in the wing come on god bless you my sister therefore more of you come on the Lord is speaking to you here thank you Saints keep freezing God these yolks will break that's right but sister come on that yet three more come on come on come on I'm video.i bossy thank you hallelujah hallelujah one of you missionary sisters standing behind each one of these ladies one of you brothers standing behind the brothers hallelujah thank you Jesus ha ha oh I so love you Jesus thank the Lord come on and give Him praise I think over to this end would be better hallelujah that's right take her over to that end that would be better hallelujah thank you Jesus thank you Jesus there yet two more where are you hallelujah Saints if you keep praising God these yolks are don't break thank you thank you thank you hallelujah thank you lord lord I want to thank you I want to thank you for these Souls I want to thank you for these that you have snatched as a brand from the burning thank you Lord hallelujah forgive the sin blot out the transgression heal the backsliding and give them strength pray in the name of Jesus hallelujah all saints if you just pray within a few minutes God would bring some yokes in here oh my soul love you hallelujah hallelujah I rebuke the spirit of chemical dependence I rebuke the power of drugs I cast you out here right now I command you to come out in the name of Jesus yes shondo how do shine hallelujah hallelujah I rebuke every foul and evil spirit yay and the pot is upon you now give him glory and give him praise give him glory and give him praise come on and give him praise today give him glory in the name of Jesus we bless your name we bless your name we bless your name hallelujah you call Omaha we bless your name thank you Jesus come on and praise God come on and praise God the Holy Ghost is here he'll heal your body while you praise him he'll fill you with the Holy Ghost while you praise Him thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you Jesus thank you I thank you lord I thank you for your touch I thank you for your power [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelu hallelu hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you Jesus my sole delight in your 9 my soul glorify your right now bless the Lord O my soul and all that is within me bless His Holy Name bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord for glory thank you hallelujah everybody out there in the audience you touch somebody in the name of Jesus command them to be healed be delivered he set free in the name of Jesus receive your miracle in the name of Jesus knock solve that legal problem in the name of Jesus whatever that domestic problem is God touch her right now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah aaaa lists the Lord bless the Lord bless the Lord bless the lower-left a lot less the law thank you thank you Jesus thank you pop thank you hi Bougherra Jesus [Applause] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah my God my God thank you thank you thank you hallelujah hallelujah I'm gonna shake hands with each one of you and I want you to follow them freeman file the freeman god bless you I want you to find out the free [Music] let's make sure they follow the man god bless you hallelujah I wanna train did some body [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah now one more time before you sit down I want you to tell three people one by one tell them three people now be healed be delivered and be set free now be healed be the leaven and be set free now be here [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Gordon Palmer
Views: 167,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -JH7PJqXPjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 50sec (5270 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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