God The Father Of Light

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[Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] No [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jesus [Music] No Wow [Music] our struggle [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] you do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No [Music] so great you're so great largest [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] and I thank you [Music] Oh [Applause] to price yo thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah none like you Jesus none like you Lord hallelujah or we give you praise we give you glory for there is none like you none beside thee thou art God and beside that there is none else we praise you we praise you all just take a moment and give Him praise for what he is in your life glory hallelujah bless the name of Jesus yay somebody that's standing here now with a spirit of condemnation and the enemy is magnifying your fault hallelujah don't let the devil get you into that valley of depression low rent because he is able to see where you are and he'll lift you up where you belong but you got to give him breathe here's a little water bah ha ha thank you give it boring give him glory no matter what you're going through give him glory sickness in your body definite your family forgive him glory hallelujah thank you Jesus my soul magnifier bless your name Laura hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] thank you Jesus [Applause] clora tada Lord we give you praise we give you glory we magnify your name for you alone are worthy we ask that you will allot these lips of clay that we might speak a word to your people and that your people may be blessed hallelujah service is released into your hand you may accomplish whatsoever the Holy Spirit has designed and we give you praise and we give you glory thank you lord come on and give God a head the free Oh blessed name [Music] you may be seated thank you lord thank you thank you hallelujah on this Father's Day I want to revisit the passage of Scripture from the New Testament book of James chapter one and we would read verses 13 through 18 James chapter 1 if you have that same man let's read aloud together let no man say when he is tempted I am tempted of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither tempteth he any man but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust has conceived it bring it full sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death do not err my beloved brethren every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning of his own will begat he us with the word of truth that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures I want to talk to you from verse 17 every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights and as I said on this Father's Day I want to talk to you about the father of lights God the Father of lights we are in the vein of celebrating fathers day from a natural perspective but I want to take a look on the spiritual side I could go into an in-depth treatment on the subject on the natural side because I feel that I myself was blessed beyond so many young men to have had in my life even up until the time that I was in my fifties father who was a role model family is known as a family of preachers but he was the first preached in the family he started preaching even before his father before my grandfather and then later on now Holden then myself and my brother and my cousins and it just went on and on but I was blessed to have a father that showed love concern compassion and set a godly example of holiness before his family and when I think about my father I think about him with tremendous love and yet I don't become morbid and melancholy from the time when I was maybe four years old he started teaching me how to fish and I didn't really realize I enjoyed going with him but I didn't realize what a great treasure he was bestowing upon me until after he was gone because now I'll tell you people asked me Bishop do you take vacations no I don't but every time I and steal a day on the lake that's a little mini vacation and I won't guess I'm ever out there on the water especially down the tunica cut off trying to catch those crappy when I don't feel that I am accompanied and visited by the spirit of my father things that we talked about things that he taught me yes things that that we discussed in depth and that is if the fish weren't bang because we don't talk about nothing when they're biting except put it over here by this tree you understand so I have a beautiful history on the natural side but at the same time even what my father taught me was something he couldn't give me because nobody can give you an experience with God that you got to learn for yourself there is a personal relationship that many people miss because they are busy trying to walk in the tracks of mother and grandmother and and and what what and when I pray about this thing and what would grandma say and some folk even that come and sit here Sunday after Sunday tears in the eyes when the Spirit of God began to sweep through this place but they take the position that because that ancestral line did not bring them into a Pentecostal church they say I just don't know what my ancestors would say if I joined that sanctified Church well what would they say what you're sitting up here every Sunday you know the only thing we don't have is your name because your spirit is being ministered to and you're being refreshed and God is feeding you a man and it's better to eat and pay your way then the heat on credit and stack up a bill that you can never pay oh let me get off of that not the right of James is writing to us and writing Rilla to the believers of his day attempting to combat a sentiment that was very dangerous but commonly believed that God was not as we say today it has become a great statement throughout Christendom that God is good and people answer all the time all the time God is good and it is true that God is good all the time but that was a sediment in that day that God was like the fountain from which flow good and evil and many people today still do not understand how there is good in the world evil in the world and then we say that God is all-powerful he is an all-powerful God he permits evil but he does not send it evil flows from Satan evil comes from the devil when I was a little boy growing up there was another thing people had you know but devil Mia brought it but God show sent it God don't need to send anything by the devil he's got too many angels holy angels that he can send good to us and anything the devil brings I don't care how good it looks you better be suspicious of it because like the snake I mentioned a couple of Sundays ago it's gonna bite you sooner or later it may seem to be good at for a while but after a while it's gonna turn on you well preacher how then can there be a devil and how can evil flow from him and yet you say God is all-powerful you got to look at it from the beginning up until now that God created the heavens they're all things that are therein and among the Holy Angels one allowed himself to become tainted and Archangel Lucifer by name how did he become tainted the same way many people become tainted today he was the cherub the glorified cherub the one that to look at him God put the music down in his soul his very being was of such that music flowed from him he was arrayed like no other creature was arrayed God gave him a responsible place after the Godhead itself nobody surpassed Lucifer but one day something happened within him he decided that I'm not happy being under God I'm going to exalt myself even above the most high and you have to watch yourself when anything in you starts clamoring rather than serving way I am something in me is clamoring there is a way to excel there is a way to go up but the Bible says not unless a man strive lawfully is he crowned and then the devil not only wanted to be as big as God he wanted to be above God and that was where sin started and you'd have to read the whole panorama of the history of the Bible then get into the book of Revelation where the devil is depicted as a great red dragon that was cast out of heaven and his tail flipped up and drew away a third part of the stars of heaven which simply was talking about the devil taking a third of the heavenly host and these fallen angels became his demonic spirits but the thing about it Michael the Archangel fought against him and when he was cast out it's been going down ever since and when Jesus shed his blood on Calvary God said that the seed of the woman is going to bruise the Serpent's head and the devil received a skull fracture and he's been losing power ever since it's just like some lights have an afterglow you can flip the switch and when you flip the switch that still look like a globe before the light finally goes out Satan is living in the afterglow of all the power that he had when he brought the connection with God he's now just in the afterglow I'm trying to tell you he may seem like he's got power but he's in the afterglow Oh hallelujah he can't draw any more power and the Lord told me I whipped him God said now I whipped him and I'm giving you the victory and now you don't have to look at Satan there's some big wall of obstruction standing in front of you he's under your feet and you've just got to have enough grace and enough faith to lift up your lazy legs and step on his head and quit running from him there's somebody until him Sigmund doesn't help our he's in the afterglow and the light will soon be all the way out oh you don't hear what I'm saying glory to God if we would have a line who we are and learn the power that God has given us we wouldn't be so quick to succumb to Satan's threats he is as a roaring loud I wish you could get that Peter says Satan is as a roaring lion why is the emphasis on as a roaring loud because his growl is what scares you to death the big thing that Satan whips us with his propaganda I'm going to make you lose that job yeah what did the doctor find I'm gonna kill you in six months I'm gonna break up your marriage I'm gonna destroy he doing nothing but rolling and you can get scared of him and run off and kill yourself if you want to some people wonder why God never raises them to certain levels is because you haven't got deeply enough rooted in the faith that you're willing to look the devil and the demons of Hell in the face and tell them I'm God's child and there are some things that you cannot do to me God won't allow it and with the power he's given me I won't allow it there is a difference between the power of good the power of evil there is a difference in the power of God and that diminishing power of Satan and yet there were those who were teaching God is sometimes good God is sometimes bad but James wrote the church and said do not err don't make that mistake my beloved brethren no no when you attempt it don't say God is tempting me with this no you've drawn away with your own lust and enticed there are some things that human creatures just have a tendency to be tempted by unless you allow yourself to be rooted in God and in his word where you will not yield to that which tempts my mother said to me when I was a little boy saying you know Gilbert that's a saying that you can't keep birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building the nest in your hair you can't stop evil folks from coming to your mind but you don't have to entertain those thoughts when they come to your mind that's the bird flying over you here but when you sit down trying to map out your strategy on how I'm going to do this even though I know it's wrong then you letting them build the nests in your hat James said don't get confused God is not tempting you with evil that's not the way God works don't make that mistake when it's good give God things every good gift and when I think about good gifts it's talking about good gifts like the Gift of Health Oh say what you want to in this world that is so full of disease so many viruses and germs and whatever else maybe the proper term that's been released in the air we always talking about germ warfare sometimes I wonder if already some foreign nation might not have sent some stuff over here look like ants today everywhere you look around somebody got something but but you can't fold up and die just because you got something you don't even know what it is the Center for Disease Control is working full time down in Atlanta just trying to isolate and and even name certain diseases and things that are happening they've got some things they don't know how to treat because now they have MS yet found out what it is but it doesn't matter what it is it doesn't have to kill you every good gift look at somebody and tell them if you got enough health to live a normal life it's a good gift from God oh yes oh yes if your body yet functions normal if you're able to sit down and eat and drink and it all passes through like it's supposed to and you can get up in the morning and put on your clothes and go to work or go to school or go wherever you got to go hey thank God that you've got a good gift of health yeah yeah yeah if you know if you know what you're supposed to put on and walk out the door and know which kids you know which which car is the one your key goes in you still got enough mental health it's a good gift from God you're living in a day when there are a whole lot of people so many people today are either mentally off-balanced downright insane until the few people that are saying are starting to think that they off a man if you've got help it's a good gift God has blessed you you have a family all the members may not be there but when you can look if there's nobody but the mother and the daughter you got a family that's a good gift if you've got a means of livelihood a job and this is a world now when nobody really wants the job just about everybody now won't see position and a title and a cheque almost anyway you go now you'll see signs yep won't it God said man would live by the sweat of his brow but don't nobody want to sweat no y'all know I'm telling you the truth everybody's looking for a better idea so that they can move into the upper mana level and I remember I mentioned fishing earlier I used to could drive down Highway 61 going down to the town of Tunica and back over to the lake we called Tunica cut off and you had to drive through cotton fields you don't see in the cotton fields between here and there now no no if if the casinos haven't already taken it over and if they haven't built some business to feed the casino business then they've just cleared the land and they're waiting on somebody to come and buy the property and you can see what you want to unless somebody continues to work you're gonna have to have more and more food import it from God knows where and and we keep on eating stuff that's we don't know what we but all of that is the result of the fact that nobody wants to work not I don't want to go that way that they let me stay so if you have a job if you have a means of supporting yourself and supporting your family that's a good gift James said that good gift came from the father of lights and you ought to thank him for your good that gift anybody in here know you got some good gifts you ought to just look up and said thank you Father for the good gifts that I enjoy Oh hallelujah but James not only says every good gifts but he adds good and perfect now now you'll help me not be perfect you marriage may not be perfect you family life may not be perfect the job you hold may not be perfect it's good but not perfect so when I think about perfect gifts my mind shifts and I think about God gave us the perfect gift of His only begotten Son yeah hallelujah in him there's no fault even Pilate had to say if you all want to kill him you go head on but I'm watching my hand because I find no fault in him he's the perfect son of God doesn't matter how many other people let you down if you take him to be a friend he's your perfect friend hallelujah no flaws in him no failure somebody wrote a song years ago the failure is not in God Jimmy and when we look at it even things we don't understand we have to recognize that if there's anything that is faulty the fault is you the fault is me the fault is certainly not him the perfect son of God then God also gave us another perfect gift which is the gift of his word Oh hallelujah a lot of people are trying to live by the various books of philosophy and the book that was written by this person and that person and the other but if you want the book that although it started being written hallelujah about 6000 years ago it says up today as the latest newspaper if you read it and understand Biblical prophecy you know that everything that's happening now God in His perfect word has already told us that it would come to be so when I take of perfect gifts I think about the son of God I think about the Word of God and the thing about God he is so perfect until even when you and I mess up the psalmist said like a father that pity at his children so the Lord pities them that fear Him oh I know that that coming along as a little boy we were taught pretty much God didn't endure our tolerate mistakes it was all like most like being saved was like being called to a tightrope walk that you walking across hell on a tightrope did not even smile too much they tried to make old folk out of children children got excessive energy and just just got to play but they made us believe that being safe meant you lived the stern life because I mean just the least deviation God was like an old grandfather with a stick in his hand that was gonna hit you in top of your head and you'd fall headlong in the hail the slightest little mess-up and you were doomed but one day we learn that God's got no invested in our salvation and we have we don't really have that much invested he's the one that paid at all God is the one that empted himself into the womb of a virgin by the name of Mary and sent his old son to live and to die for sin and now we know that although he does not want us to walk hypocritically he also wants us to know that he is a God of mercy that just because you mess up that means he's gonna throw you away because he's invested too much to let you go so easily yeah you may be running like a dog on a long leash and feel like there's no connection but every once in a while God let some things happen in your life that's tugging at the line letting you know I've put too much into your salvation and I'm not gonna let you go to Rome that others will go some laughs he'll put a roadblock in the road and turn you back where you won't be happy anyway else I got a feeling that even the day there's some folk that didn't have no intention of coming the church you've been trying your best to get away from any influence of the Word of God and any influence of the church yeah but God let you have parents that kept on putting it down in you and the Bible said train up the child in the way he should go and when he's old he won't depart you can't run away from what's in you that's why I'm telling parents today I don't care how they hate the word church don't shout nothing to me about church but you keep putting it in them God don't let them run into a barricade one day and everything you put in gonna make them turn around and say I've tried this and it didn't work I tried that and it didn't work now just as I am without one plea but that thy blood was shed for me that thou pitted me come to the all Lamb of God I come hallelujah every perfect gift they have the gift of the Sun that's the gift of the word then that really the perfect gift of the Holy Ghost Oh bless His name Spirit of the Lord is perfect oh yeah oh you may see some people acting out of emotionalism that do some messy stuff that ain't the spirit that's emotion you may hear some people saying that the Lord said it doesn't soul and it don't come to pass and you thought they were prophesying and you think the spirit got off now what the spirit that was the person they were zeal whenever you see a mess-up people who are supposedly operating under the spirit is either zeal or something wrong in the human interpretation because the Spirit of God is perfect he doesn't make any mistakes no no the Spirit of God knows everything that God knows and God knows everything and he knew it before you even got here he knew what you were going to do before you even were born into the world he knew you were going to try to run and stop everything and not be saved but he also knew he had a work for you to do and he knew one day you were going to make the mistake of sitting under the gospel that was going to piss your heart and everything that was in your mind would go out the window and you have to say yes Lord I surrender to your wheel I'm almost finished do not air my beloved brother in every good gift and every perfect gift does anybody here have the perfect gift of the Son of God do you have and do you trust in the perfect gift of His Word have you been filled with the perfect gift of the Holy Ghost then you ought to look up and say thank you Father for your perfect gift it comes down from well from above from the Father of lights good God from on high and I want you to know that he is the god of light it may be mental light yeah we've had geniuses within the last hundred years the whole world has changed so many things men were yet traveling either walking on horseback or some kind of way until finally he allowed the afford a Henry Ford to come up and create the automobile yes every person that have contributed to the advancement of mankind many of them did not give God the glory but the mental light came from above every person that ever had a bright idea whether they gave him the credit or not that bright idea that light of intelligence came from the Father of lights and I don't care how you try to give yourself credit I got this job because I'm smarter than anybody else I got it because I prepared that myself honey all God had to do was snap his finger and I don't care how many degrees you got you wouldn't know your right hand from your left every degree of intellectual lights that you have it came from the Heavenly Father he's the father of lights he made all of the orbs of light the son my god that's supposed to be blistering hot today even up to 98 degrees the moon it came from him all of the stars and all of the planets were created by the father of lights when he spoke out and said let there be light and light came out of a wound of darkness and then on the fourth day he made the Sun and then he made the moon and somebody said from the light that was left on his hands he just kind of flicked his hand and from his fingertips 10 millions of stars planets and shining worlds yabbering light comes from above and he is the father of lights and then he goes on to say and in him there is no variableness he's not good in the morning and bad in the evening he's not a God of joy in the morning and a God of sorrow in the evening but in him there is no variableness neither is there a chatter of turning everything in this creation changes the tide comes in and the tide goes out blessed be the name of God the waters of the ocean the tide glory to God will beat against the ocean banks and then it will recede even the rocks will huawei with the coming of the years but I hear him say God is an unchangeable God change and decay is an all around that I see but thou who change is not abide with me and he's the same yesterday and the day and forever in him is no variableness he the gods that I can wake up in the morning and tell him help me through this day I got some problems I've got some trials I got some tribulations and then at the end of the day I can tell him thank you God you've been with me all day and now as I lay me down the sleep and I know that sleep is almost like death to an extent you don't have no power anything while you are sleep but God I'm trusting everything in your hands watch over me while I slumber watch over me while I sleep let me wake up in the morning able to put on clothes because I'll still have my right mind and he's the same God from on high it doesn't matter what I get into he's a father that kidiot his children sometimes he even has to spank us he even has to whip us but when he does that he does it with tender hands said I just had to correct you because you know you shouldn't have done that but I still love you and I'm gonna give you another chance thank God that heals my father and because of that realization jesus said when you pray don't think about him being an unapproachable being somewhere out beyond the strattice the eye on us the troupis and all of the other spheres somewhere beyond in a planetary space but when you pray you bring him near recognize he's your daddy and see our father I know that you live in heaven but hallowed be a name and because I know who you are let your kingdom come I don't need to go to the kingdom let the kingdom come to me you will be done in the earth as in heaven huh you'll meet this state when you get through praising him for being the god of the universe bring him close as your father and he said what father in it that if his son would ask him for fish would that father give him a snake if he asked him for an egg would he give him a scorpion if he asked for bread would he give him a stone if you being evil know how to give good gifts to your children don't you know your heavenly Father will give good gifts unto you you ought to tell somebody aren't you glad that God is our Father [Applause] I got the gullible seats but I'm glad they healed my father and whenever I'm in trouble he told me son I'm gonna give you something you called it prayer but it works like a telephone in your bosom and you can ring me up whenever you get ready I've got a telephone I've got a telephone in my booze open I can ring him up from my heart and when I need him the whole Eagles axles are Jesus you got to tell me what you are [Applause] thank you Father thank you thank you samba [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Shanda Navajo sign huh hey thank you : but I'm glad he's my father mmm look at somebody and say God isn't my father Jesus is my big brother and the devil ain't no king at all one of the Vogelsong thank you come on and give it blowing come on give it right [Applause] [Applause] another look shot here's Shanda lovable son Thank You Lama [Applause] I'm no close look at somebody else and tell them I know we talk about I'm a member of the church but today I'm more conscious of the fact that I'm a member of the family of God [Applause] don't worry I know we got to have communion don't worry about the bills that are stacked up don't worry about the fact that the bills outnumber the money that you got in the bank you may be temporarily embarrassed temporarily inconvenienced but it can't stay that way always [Applause] why do you sad preach it can't stay that way if the commerce of who I am my father is rich he's got houses and land hold it the wealth of the world and in hand rubies diamonds silver go his for the fool he got riches untold little somebody and ask him do you know the king [Applause] and even you who haven't been faithful you that's been throwing away your money at the casino instead of giving God his portion you who have been out there like you don't know what God is all about let me tell you you'll steal the child but your prodigal hmm and I hear telling the prodigal son I am telling the prodigal daughter come home I still love you you wasted your life with riotous living but I still love you you've been down in the hot pan wallowing in slop but I still love you you don't even look like you're used to you don't have like your Euston you don't smell like your Euston come on home I still love you [Applause] just right for your back I got a ring just right for your finger you got to do inset father I've sinned against heaven I'm not worthy to be called your child Wow give me another chance you ought to be running down here now telling God give me another chance the doors open before we even get into communion you that no you need to give your life to Jesus come here now no no no I'm not talking I'm open I'm not talking about dragon but I mean get out of that seat and run down here as fast as you can he's shy of a hunter [Applause] [Music] come on come out come out the Holy Ghost is calling you come out to your heavenly Father [Music] Hey [Music] [Applause] I don't know what kind of appointment that you've got but you better take care of this business first you better get your soul right first [Applause] [Music] halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah that you know heaven is already rejoicing heaven starts shouting win the first sister came because God said it don't take the one to set us off up here now y'all get excited after we get about fifty up here but heaven is already shouting more exhausting in heaven over just one sinner that repenteth hallelujah the Lord is yet calling somebody else [Applause] that's right don't stop praising God Hey [Applause] bless your name Jesus the shanaine Hey hallelujah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah halleluyah hallelujah hallelujah oho hallelujah [Music] whoo [Music] I heard the voice of Jesus say come on to me hey yes la that we reward ah [Music] my bread I came to Jesus just as weary and one inside [Music] but I found in Hill a red steel plate [Music] me me I'll lift up tall the hands those of you who lift up those hands surrender all to the Lord glory to God don't go down and just lay hands on these bless the name of Jesus thank you Lord I'm not going to keep pushing this but I do know that at least 15 or more souls that the Lord is speaking to now telling you that this is your day that you need to give your life to Jesus for oh my Sunday a convolution my soul delighteth in you Jesus thank you Lord hallelujah yes yes [Music] yes [Music] yes depends [Applause] elders yeah yes I need someone but the minister yes [Music] Thank You Lord hallelujah the name of Jesus haha [Music] yes Lord both sigh thank you thank you give it brain hallelujah thank you someone take charge of four children as well I want the rest of you to come home around the communion table hallelujah I want you to just do what the elders and they will talk to you just a little more god bless your heart hallelujah yes Lord [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] yes Lord yeah thank you Jesus - husband thank ya thank you Jesus [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] or to Jesus thank you lord thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] well we're getting ready now to take up our Lord's broken body and drink of his shed blood deer panteth and the water so my soul running stir thee you alone [Music] my heart's desire and to oh yes [Music] so my sole running down [Music] Oh design [Music] see deacons if your step forward just a little bit then ministers just one step alright oh yes [Music] No design to I don't really know this song that way it says you are my strength and the shield and two you are logged of my spear [Music] my heart's desire to everybody's standing and now God our loving Heavenly Father demonstrated your love toward us and that while we were yet sinners you send Jesus to die upon the cross for our sins we pray now that as we celebrate the body of our Lord that was broken broken by the lashes on his back broken by the nail prints in his hand and in his feet broken by the thorny crown that was placed upon his head broken by the spear that went into his side we ask o God that you would change this unleavened bread from its natural use to serve its spiritual purpose as the body of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and then Lord take the fruit of the vine from the grapes that have been crushed reminding us that as his heart was crushed broken by being betrayed by one of his own hallelujah and out of that bleeding heart blood came from his side blood and water water Frost sanctification and blood for our justification he let the fruit of the vine serve as an apt emblem of your shed blood let us look inwardly for the Apostle Paul said examine yourselves whether you be in the faith Lord we do not judge anybody today but we asked all of God's people to look inwardly but you said he that eateth and drinketh unworthily hallelujah and not discerning the Lord's body receiveth damnation unto himself so now God as we look inwardly forgive the sin forgive the sin blot out the transgression in the name of Jesus and we thank you hallelujah [Music] terney you [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] terney [Music] [Music] come on and give God praise hallelujah go over to Jesus [Applause] [Music] gee [Music] [Music] [Music] and he took the bread and he did break it gave it to his disciples and said this is my body which is broken for you shall we [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] thank you Jesus [Music] I love you [Music] because of [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sweetie [Music] and it took the cuff and he gave thanks gave it to his disciples and said divide this among yourselves drinkie all of it this cup is the New Testament in my blood so as often as we eat of this bread and drink of this cup we do show the Lord's death until he comes because hallelujah [Music] is [Music] all right officers if you all would take your places just as soon as okay woods should need to collect from the Deacons [Music] yes no one [Music] everybody on the main level if you would stand now kind of face to your right and every area you're gonna come out on your right once your serve you'll go back to your seat by way up the aisle on your left you who in the rises stand only when the table is in front of your section so wherever the table is at that point that's where you should stand hallelujah being hoisters No [Applause] you win yay ug UG [Applause] [Music] you were [Music] you were [Music] my brother you want you to stand him down that's right oh yes [Music] [Music] because yours I hallelujah if you love him give him praise hallelujah glory to Jesus and even as you come to share Lord's body and blood be mindful of the fact that not only did he suffer for the salvation of our souls but for the healing of our bodies surely it's borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of God and afflicted it was wounded fire transgression proves foul iniquity chaste iseman of our peace was upon him and with His stripes we are healed so as you even as you drink receive healing for your body that's the name of Jesus hallelujah glory to God praise him for salvation praise him for your healing [Applause] [Music] [Music] Peder Oh [Music] what now [Applause] hallelujah oh yes I know it was the blood yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're not guessing about it you know that it was the blood of Jesus what can wash away my scene what can wash away my sin nothing if you know the answer you just answer back what can wash away my sin nothing nothing but the blood of Jesus hallelujah come on and thank God for the blood glory glory glory [Music] we still have maybe about two two more sections in the rises to go and then we will have completed the communion service hallelujah evangelist Josh Rogers managed to do something that is almost impossible she slipped in here today and surprised me she was our speaker for the youth department and there's the national chair lady glad to see you sister Joyce stand up like that so they'll see where you are god bless you man [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] found [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] Oh hallelujah glory to Jesus [Music] think about think about think about it hey hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Edward palmer
Views: 24,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IhNjp903xqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 36sec (5976 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 25 2018
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