Ancient MONK Secrets to Remove NEGATIVITY From Your MIND! ! | Gaur Gopal Das | Top 10 Rules

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what's up believe nation it's Evan my one word is believe and I believe in you I believe in your potential and I want to see that thing that you've got inside you explode out into the world to have a big impact for you your family and the world so to help you on your journey today we're gonna learn from a personal coach and monk Doerr Gopal das and my take on his top 10 rules for success rule number one is my personal favorite and I'd love to know which one you guys like the best and as always guys as you're watching if you hear something that really really resonates with you please leave it down the comments below and put quotes around it so other people can be inspired and when you write it down it's much more likely to stick for yourself as well enjoy we know something in the game of life you're playing a cricket match against an entity called the mind no one on planet earth can stop you from accomplishing in achieving what you want if you can bat against the goog lease that the mind pulls at you how many of you have experienced that the mild bolds googlies [Music] good when it comes to exercising and jogging how many of you know that the mind balls boogies much ahh so job how many of you have trouble in studying relax as students and you come here you hear all of these things don't get distracted by whatsapp don't get distracted by internet pornography don't get distracted by Twitter don't get distracted by Facebook study don't get distracted by birds to do bird-watching study all these distractions erotic witch publish later gulosa do look up to speed with Hilliker so on father was telling his son take the Xterra class me Lucy and Lucy baby they first by you or to not like hey loca Oh Bella dig they came hey look [Applause] I'll tell you something my god why because the mind doesn't want you to win the game of life how many of you wanted to wake up early in the morning reasons only one did I asked wanted to wake up early in the bunny and how many of you have done something called as setting an alarm clock and then after setting the alarm clock that's an alarm well you want it or not it rings and when it rings the mind puts its first GUI what does the mind do by putting the googly makes you clean bold when you do the first sluice you are out you are out if you snooze you are out I want to say one thing just one and probably this will change the direction of your life you know something when you snooze the Allah what happens you decide to give into the minds ball and this is how your morning begins by giving into the mind sabirah kisser wa to PA his Wohlers a clean bold o'ciock am a dipping it into the english rata by giving him and it's no problem giving in sleeping five minutes extra is no problem the problem is you develop the attitude of giving him you tell yourself that what i decided last night is not as important what is important is what the mind sets because we listen I'll tell you something my humble advice because it's not just about getting up in the morning it's about every aspect of life whether it's your work if you're working whether it's just study if you study whatever we do the problem is it's not about one thing Saverio gana it reflects in every area of life is limited o avatar by jana novotná alumina penis and iota Jarvis Kalam lavalla can char be scooped or don't allow that smooth there is a concept called sledging in cricket where the opponent team comes and gives gali to the Frenchman Godley they try to distract them and take their focus away one thing that Sachin is are told for in the history of cricket is sledging hasn't bothered him this man is cool are you cool when people do sledging against you in the game of life are you cool or you lose your cool there will always be people who are out of control can you stop a guy from criticizing you can you start an opponent team from sledging puts in a curse acting it's called things which are out of our control people are out of our control sometimes are situations in your control many times no the guy who was batting was expecting an in swing ball and that's what the bowler bold and one gush of wind an in swing becomes an outswing and is caught out a lot of things situations people are just out of her control how many of you think question paper is in your control and when things go wild nah I'll tell you what happens with us this is what happens with us you know we react the stimulus of a person sledging against us criticizing pulling us down envious of us conspiring politicking makes us react and form out I throw ever be start reacting also and look at this this is also see [Music] the question is do you want to be a 7-up kin or oxy cool bottle of water and I'm sure a lot of us would say it's property here property and thus in our life we will always have a stimulus and we can choose to respond because between the stimulus and responses our choice a great personality is not born in the maternity ward a great personality is born by the choices that one makes and therefore when there are all kinds of stimuli we have to learn how to respond if we are not strong spiritually it is impossible if we are not strong culturally it is impossible all this sounds great and good and we know yes but I want to do it I cannot be a can of soda I want to be a water bottle but is it so easy no that is why coming here is so important that is why this foundational ethics of spirituality are so crucial in this age as all of you are going to be successful in your own areas of life if not cricket per se and thus we have to learn how to respond what is the most selfish one lettered word i-isn't it everything revolves around I I phone iPad iPod and the man says I paid everything revolves around the eye and what does I stand for i stands for expectations i should be treated like this i should be loved like this i should be dealt with like this i should be respected like this i should be given these mini marks i should not be given this you're all leading a life of super high expectations everything revolves around my opinions my desires my likes my dislikes I love this I want this I don't want this aye aye aye aye aye you think life will be a very happy life when it revolves around I from a childhood we have grown up like this you only learn to take and everyone has to fulfil my expectations everything has to be up to my expectations therefore when people come to God people come to a temple also they're only asking give me what I want no one comes to say I love you I want I want to give for you when the President of the United States John F Kennedy came up to stage for his first presidential speech his voice rumbled into the public addresses too many said ask not what the country can do for you ask what you can do for the country and so we are saying ask not what God can do for you ask what you can do for God but no one asks that because the eye is so big my expectations my desires my things are so powerful that even when I come to a temple and ring the bell all I'm doing is asking the more we lead a life of I are I will always be frustrated because people don't exist in this world to just fulfill your expectations therefore ladies and gentlemen the most selfish one lettered word is AI which stands for expectations and therefore avoid this word how do you avoid this word be realistic in your expectations apeksha acronym a problem me but understand that not everyone will fulfill your expectation and secondly avoid this word I by trying to serve others you know why because when you want to be served you're dependent on people they may not serve you when you want to serve who can stop it when you want respect people may not respect you but when you want to give a respect who can stop you when you want to be loved you will not be loved but when you want to give love who can stop you when you want and charity people may not give you in charity but when you want to give charity who can stop you and therefore learn to begin your journey from I the more you want for yourself you'll remain frustrated the more we want to give you will remain happy when you want to achieve success in your career in your academics in your pro business in your profession we will fail and that's the example of the giraffe when the baby giraffe is born falls from such a high distant straight on the ground the mother's positions herself right above the baby giraffe and guess what she does first gives it a hard kick butt check ajinomoto market arts a lot party so but just my study habit I didn't think you may love cable news channel enjoyed camel toe so as it's just coming out of the impact Jessica the mother gives a second harder kick know the guy understands where my couch journey to its alpha Riga silsila baby giraffe starts getting up on its wobbly legs you know on its wobbly legs and as the baby giraffe gets up on the Bob Elector kataoka karana see Connor paddock or lot more Pima he gets up and starts running and then the mother giraffe goes hugs the baby and starts kissing the baby you know why because the baby giraffes flesh is very soft and supple and hyenas and lions love it the mother knows that I can't be with the baby giraffe all that I want to go and get food for the baby how would I protect it is lip la se la tomorrow he would not seek a or progesterone Hara wake or LA tomorrow whoo-yah dryer Hilton a secret jinda giving my mother giraffe Jessi Kyle at Marty a we fail we should get up and we'll fail again we should get up and like I always say don't just go through life grow through life it's quite amazing isn't it but when something stuck in our tooth the tongue just keeps going to that tooth until unless that stuff is out of our - it just keeps going there now this 31 other teeth in our mouth when nothing stuck the tongue can go there and say hey wow look there's nothing stuck here and go to one of the other tooth where there's nothing sticking say hey look amazing there's nothing stuck here but is the nature of the term that it keeps going to where something is stuck and surely we have to deal with it whenever I travel in my handbag I always have dental floss and a box of toothpicks with me just in case something is stuck I have to take it up certainly we have to deal with it at the same time there's a lot of other good things that we can focus on ladies and gentlemen it's not just the nature of the tongue isn't it the nature of the mind as well when there is a problem an issue stuck in a certain area of our life the mind keeps going to that problem and just gets stuck into the negativity of trying to deal with it but this thirty one or shall I say many many more good things happening in so many different areas of our life but there's no problems no issues stopped yet the mind only keeps going to those areas there are problems it is necessary therefore for all of us that we focus on the good that is happening in our life and deal with the bad or the problems that are happening in our life where does not consume our minds with negativity let us consume our minds with positivity focus on the positive and deal with the negative most often if not always a life seem to be out of balance and when lives are out of balance it makes us very irritable you know when we drive a car we always drive a car and the car has four wheels a rhetorical thing to say isn't it you drive a car on these four wheels and these four wheels in the car of life represent first we your personal life your health your mind yourself the things that you love to do the things that you would want to do not have to do most times we live a life of have to do I have to study I have to work I have to pay my bills I have to pay the taxes I have to do this and I have to do that I have to go for the social function I don't have a choice I have to have to have to have to where did the love to go we just end up living a life of half to's and I forgot about our own cells by subscribing to the pressures that come from all fronts in our lives we've forgotten to live our own lives we don't have time to unwind we don't have time to spend with our own selves we don't have time to be with nature and take a deep breath and just relish the crispness of the air we don't have the time to do all of that especially in the metropolitan city like this when the pressures are so high and the pace is so fast we just don't have time for ourselves ladies and gentleman and that's one car one we love our car isn't it personal life or health for instance such an important thing but at the cost of just running if you forget to pay attention to our own health the second wheel of the car is family life demands attention isn't it your personal life demands attention your family life demands attention isn't a before marriage when you are in love they call it a crush isn't it but after marriage all that is left is candy crush all the crushes are ain't gone and all that you're left with is a candy crush and all the headaches coming from all the pressures one lady went to a doctor and the doctor said how's your headache madam she said he's out of town gosh I must tell you demands a lot of attention your personal life the first tire do you have one do you have a personal life is my question do you have time for your health even in my hectic schedule I have made five days of exercise yet still in all the lectures and all the talks and everywhere I go because that's what's going to keep me going I have to give time to myself because I don't get more than three and a half to four hours of sleep so if I don't look at my physical fitness I'm gone ladies and gentlemen do you give time for yourself do you have time for yourself your personal time or is that wheel out of balance is that a flat tire the third we tire of the car of life is your professional life your personal life needs attention your family life needs attention your professional life needs attention and the fourth is your social life your friends people around you your colleagues those relationships that matter a lot to you those people who would support you in time of name because to your spouses to your family you could speak a little sometimes certain things are not always confided with just blood relationships you need that social side people do we we can speak open up your heart how often do we just carry this baggage of stress and load anxiety and worry in our heads lugging it all around us baggage this is social side to our life a friend's you know I have had those moments where I've snapped even as a monk because I'm a human being just because I put this robes of a monk doesn't mean I become you know a celestial angel I'm still a human being when one of those tires is out of order if I haven't slept well if my health is out of place I'm going to snap out you know you carry work pressures at home you carry home pressures at work ladies in German irritability is a symptom of an out of balance life stability in our responses is a symptom of a life and balance we are irritable we snap we react at the drop of a hat for trivia just because we are out of balance people who have a balanced life know how to handle pressure people whose lives are not balanced sink under pressure and get so irritable at little things they just kind of snap off I am actually a camera shy person believe it or not you know when people shoot me and they just post some clips that's fine with me but talking to a camera it's a machine it's just some electronic machine the camera doesn't love the camera doesn't cry the camera doesn't have any interpersonal reciprocation then dealings and I must tell you I felt very nervous thankfully fearful as well to speak into a camera was more fear of failure I would say because you know when you speak into a camera and if it's really and it's put online how do people see it otherwise when I'm with people people have seen me speak and inside it when they motive is to serve and contribute we have to face our fears we have to deal with our fears face them and rise above them at some point of time I had to decide to come and speak so one day I decided that's it I have to come speak in front of the camera the first time I did it believe me we will post that video once you must see me speaking there stiff expressionless motionless stoic nonchalant face you know and I guess I'm kind of slowly getting better because in order to deal with these fears you have to face them it will start somewhere that's a beautiful slide when followed in life I guarantee you life will be different I guarantee you if this is applied in life we can have peaceful night's sleep here it is do you have a problem in life No then why worry do you have a problem in life yes can you do something about it yes then why worry do you have a problem in life yes can you do something about it no then why worry in the journey of life as well the takeoff which is a berth is completely beyond our control we didn't choose our parents we didn't choose which nation we vimana we didn't choose which city paper bonnet we didn't choose a socio-economic class paper bonnet we didn't choose our looks we didn't choose the religion via Varna our takeoff of the journey of life was completely beyond us and the landing death even that will be completely beyond us I've heard many times people telling me that they would just love to die by getting a massive heart attack and dropping dead no trouble for them no hospitalization no tubes no needles no trouble cause two others in one shot go now no matter how much we might wish that it's just beyond us how we go and how the landing happens is completely beyond us and what about the turbulence the disturbances the problems during the journey of our life some of them are within our control which we can solve for many problems and issues and the turbulence caused is completely beyond our control because it's caused by situations which are beyond us it's caused by people who are beyond us yes ladies and gentleman in this journey of life the take-off the planning and the turbulence is not in our control what is in our control however is the choices we can make and therefore spirituality is about learning how to make those right choices when we learn to make those right choices we learn to live a transformed happy fulfilled life despite all the turbulence and problems that are going on around us it is said when we are beautiful is God's gift to us when we live our life beautiful it is our gift to God therefore being a meal is a matter of birth being a man is a matter of age being a gentleman is a matter of choice and as a corollary to that being a female is a matter of birth being a woman is a matter of age being a gentlewoman is a matter of choice let us all take to spiritual wisdom learn to make the right choices which have the dinner control as our gift to God and thus live our lives as thorough and perfect ladies and gentleman I was telling the story the other day this is my favorite story I just keep sharing it all the time this is what really happened you can't believe this but this happened i came to london heathrow once and at London Heathrow I came to the immigration officer and this immigration officer elderly man he said so what are you here for I said to give talks he said then are you living in - Woodford Center I said yeah he said how long will you stay here for I said about two weeks he said and can I ask you a personal question I said please sir he said I'm married I [Music] said you were an Indian aren't you I'm a monk he said no I was just cross-checking just in case and then he said can I ask you another one place I said yes he said are you not missing anything in life he thought he caught me at the wrong foot are you not missing anything in life I said of things I am he said what I said problems he loved my answer believe me hand on my heart he stamped my passport and as I'm walking out of the gate he put his hand on my head blessing me said son remain like this son remain like this you will never have to go through any issues and your problems in life dad you know what I mean it's nice to laugh at but as I walked through the gate I turned to him and told him look gentlemen I must tell you something don't think that me as a monk is free from problems anyone who lives in this dog-eat-dog world as they might say or anyone who lives in this world full of rat race and pressures whether it's you who are a student study or one a few culprits or business people who's working or married nano lady who's kind of dealing with family life or myself is a monk we are all subject to our own pressures we are all subject to our own stresses we our own subject to our own individual worries and anxieties this the flea was different thank you guys so much for watching I made this video because you'll guess this I asked me to if there's someone you like me to cover in a future top 10 check out the link in the description and go and cast your vote I'd also love to know what did you learn from this video what lesson really hit home the hardest what are you going to immediately apply somehow to your life or to your business leave it down the comments below I'm really curious to find out I also want to give a quick shout out to prom add Kumar thank you so much for picking up a copy of my book your one word and taking that picture and posting it I really really appreciate this apartment and I hope you enjoyed the read thank you guys again for watching I believe in you I hope you continue to believe in yourself and whatever your one word is much love I'll see you soon a lady asked me after the session in the Q&A session sir you said that you were an electrical engineer why did you give up your career as an electrical engineer I said madam I didn't give up my career as an electrical engineer I upgraded my career from being an electrical engineer to a lifestyle engineer and I said to her each of us based on our particular faculties of knowledge she'll be contributing to the world solutions typically engineering is all about offering solutions to project all engineers are offering solutions to trouble all bodies knowledge of provisions to come in and I thought - one offering solutions the problems will get to lies and therefore life is all about breathing red the mink breathing I was mentioning this in the mantra lounge last night you can't just breathe in and keep the breath there can you you can't just breathe out and keep the breath there can you the smooth rhythm of breathing in Sanskrit is called he again the fourth chapter of the bhagavad-gita calls the smooth rhythm of breathing as he again where you take to give you take you give it's taking in giving out taking in giving out yes we must take because if you don't take how will you give if you don't feel hope how will you bring hope to someone you don't feel loved how will you bring love to someone if you don't feel uplifted how will you uplift someone if you don't have resources how will you share so have egg be successful earn a lot get bear and serve give your time give your resources give your mind give hope give love give something money is not where money is just a part of it and obviously you must obviously have it but it's just the part of well 2nd of February 2005 I was lying in a monastery in Alaska on the wooden floor exhausted tired from the anxiety last night and suddenly a cyber month all my friends came up to me and woke me up say he's leaving he's leaving I gotta get rid myself together rushing to go to the room when my dear friend stoker krishna das was leaving his body memories were flashing from my mind as I was rushing towards this room he was amongst with me had stayed to be a little bit stayed together at a certain point he decided to move on and get married he went up he'd taken a job in the hospital we love the feeling on trust me as the library he just gotten married his wife was pregnant and while the wife's pregnant she was diagnosed with melanoma casques he decided that he wanted to leave the body in the monastery where he spent most of his time get brought into our master as this memories flashed in my mind and I was rushing there I remembered every day are interesting God's name student of the harmonium my tearful eyes as I cry seeing a dear friend struck in melanoma cancer every single time I looked at him my vision was blurred because it was someone yet this gentleman was amazing he had a beaming face all the excruciating pain that he went through hadn't affected us when resolved you know headspace remittance mine no Martin was working on them unless this stuff works his wife I didn't but - baby girl we brought the baby girl - right next to her it was the last time she would see him it was the last time his wife would ever be with her ladies and gentlemen as I walk to the room my guru rather not Swami the author of the popular book - Jenny no was right next to him giving him proof I was astounded inside the little room there were so many people I was standing right next to him with my guru Swami I would say about 450 members of her community I want to either chanting the names of God what I saw here was a man wouldn't have a Lamborghini what I saw here was support or a severe wish people people who were there to financially support people who are then natively supported people who were there to spiritually supported people who went to emotionally supportive I was amazed and the time to support this manager in happening when you are born people love you and when you die people in between yoga match and this method managed to evil he invested so much in relationships with his people that the news and I need people had come to them ladies and gentleman yes it is important for us to have support wealth doesn't just mean money wealth means money plus people and support one gentleman said the boobage the difference between complete and finished he said if you find the right partner you complete so you find the long earlier finish put it find the icon catching you the homeowner the openness the definitely need friends with that really need professional therapists we definitely need people who get support us and then when I say if you want to talk truly how rich you are drop a tear and see how many hands come forth to wipe a tear that's how much you actually are the most important work ever if you had to think of one word that's most important to you that sums you Apple so it would be like a little beacon pay believe nation if you want to know what the most important one word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey and Howard Schultz I have a very special secret video for you check the description for details [Music]
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 6,157,882
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, we have to face our fears - gaur gopal das - top 10 rules, gaur gopal gas top 10 rules, gaur gopal gas, motivational speaker, personal coach, famous monk, society of krishna consciousness, gaur gopal gas interview, gaur gopal das speech, gaur gopal das motivation, gaur gopal das advice, india, life, happiness, entrepreneur motivation 2019, gaur gopal das, gaur gopal das interview, entrepreneur advice for beginners, inspirational quotes about life
Id: w1V3gZv0ebY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 8sec (2228 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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