Increase the Standard of Your Life Today! | Gaur Gopal Das' Top 10 Rules

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and if I think I don't change I don't keep up with the times well I'm outdated if you're not updated you are outdated when you sweat a lot in times of peace you bleed less in times of war there's nothing wrong in possessing money the problem is when money possesses you need motivation watch top 10 with believe nation what's that belief nation it's Evan this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine and help you believe in your Michael Jordan level talent so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and join today's lessons from a man who went from being an electrical engineer at hewlett-packard to leaving all of that behind to become a monk and teach people how to live consciously and be happy he's gonna go Paul DAWs and here's my take on his top 10 success vol 4 okay let's kick it off with rule number one follow the change I believe that the seven greatest I would say the seven words which are the greatest enemy of growth and progress in any field including what I'm doing a are we have always done it this way Nokia thought we've always done it this way they are out you know blockbuster thought they've always done it this way Netflix threw them out if I as a monk thought that IV have always done it this way the monks in the past have always spoken this way they've always been this way well I would be out as well my mind not wanting to be out was not because I wanted to be the center my not wanting to be out was so that I can I'll reach out to people and help make a difference in their lives so obviously I had to change with times obviously I had to change my job then obviously I had to bring in a bunch of you have a bit of humor in there obviously I would have to speak lines which will resonate with people the it's like I hate using our but it's like playing old wine in a new bottle right principles never change values never change knowledge and wisdom doesn't change but how you bring it to people that certainly can change and I believe that's what's resonated with people it's not that I'm saying anything new is the same wisdom the same knowledge many people are speaking it but just the way you package it so Nokia failed in packaging themselves rightly coming on into digital photography blockbuster denied when Netflix of Netflix approached them they're out and if I think I don't change I don't keep up with the times well I'm outdated if you're not updated you are outdated whether it's spirituality or the industry out there it doesn't matter whatever to live in I think when we talk about being in the present we don't have to start getting into the present when the pressure is high we need to start practicing being in the present when the as low as a very nice quote that I read once in one of the barracks of the Indian Army which said when you sweat a lot in times of peace you be less in times of war IPL for instance cricket now when the match is on the world tournaments on the the competition stuff is you right there and under the spot which means the pressure is high and you need to be focused you need to be present you can only do it effectively when you learn to be present in the smaller things of life I often tell people that when we talk about being present one thing that we should start practicing is start being physically present like I give the example I have a glass of juice here you know when I'm sipping this mango juice why do I need to watch television why do I have to keep checking messages on my phone what I'm doing by looking at the television while looking at the phone is being distracted from drinking the juice so I'm drinking the juice let me just drink the juice what's happening is I'm being present physically present now it's not so much about just being drinking the juice but about cultivating the attitude behind drinking the juice of being present and what I'm doing I also tell people beyond being physically present we need to also be emotionally present very often you see people today are talking to each other chatting with each other they're looking around here and there the scrolling on their phones they're looking at their messages descending whatsapp messages what they're doing is they're completely getting distracted and not learning to live in the now being emotionally present means when I'm talking to you for instance I am with you I'm not looking at this plant behind me I'm not looking at the camera here I'm not looking at the cup of juice I am looking at you I'm soaking in every single word as you speak but it's not just about speaking it's about cultivating the attitude of being present rule number three increase the standard of your life whether you drive a fox wagon or you drive a Bentley the road remains the same isn't it whether you speak on a Samsung or you speak on an iPhone X whoever you're calling remains the same whether you're flying economy or you're flying business the destination area heading remains the same isn't it whether you're wearing a simple fast track all you wear an Omega or a Rolex the time remains it's quite amazing how we work ourselves up so much with increasing the standard of living that we forget to increase the standard of our life and which is why wherever I travel I make an appeal to people there's nothing wrong with an Omega is nothing wrong with a Bentley god bless you with that anyway habit drive at no problem but it's trying to enhance and increase and improvise a standard of your living please please do not compromise with the standard of your life it's not the standard of your living that makes you happy it's a standard of your life that makes you happy and very often we forget to give our attention to those things that can truly make us [Music] which is why I always say things that I'm talking about they have utility value right not happiness value travel business rather first-class travel no problem drive apparently no problem but in doing so never ever compromise on those principles that also improve the standard of your life and therefore I always say some people are so poor so poor so absolutely for that all they have is money that's all that's all I consider that life of poverty stricken life if all you have is money you're the poorest person because there's more to life than money and there's way more to life than what money can buy and therefore a many times say if you want to truly know how rich you are drop it here and see how many hands come forth to wipe that deal ladies and gentlemen a happiness a happiness and I increased and of life is not in things it's in people it's relationships it's meaningful heartfelt deep bondings of love that bring fulfillment to the heart it was meaningful exchanges of love that we share with each other and relationships that brings true joy to the heart and isn't it the greatest irony it's something that brings in the greatest fulfillment be very conveniently neglect in just running after increasing and enhancing a standard of living rule number four fine balance the pencil maker tool the pencil that you know what is truly important is what lies within you so as externally we have our work certainly we have our personality but internally as a person we have to also develop so pencil is about finding the balance between the external and the internal the external is the casing the internal is the lead lead that makes an impact so while we lead a life of valuables externally we must also prioritize the values internally while we lead a life of personality externally we also need to prioritize being a good person internally while we live a life of charisma externally we also need to live a life of character internally so the balance between the external and the internal is the balance of the lead in the pencil and the casing yeah rule number five have hope I think this this one aspect that we all need to accept and come to terms with in life there's going to be things that are beyond our control let's not fight this back and let's not come into the mode of controller ship thinking that everything's in my hands that thinking that everything's in my hands can disappoint us for a straight us when things don't go our way so I think that's one aspect that I talked about is up to terms with it that there's going to be things that don't don't go my way and everything doesn't go by my watch life has its watch higher powers have their watch and things will come to us also you know this this bulbs right up here you know they're lighting up the whole studio of every shooting it's quite amazing this bulbs giving their light but there's many bulbs in the storeroom who are waiting there to come in the studio and give their light so that the shooting can happen when will that bulb in the studio ever get a chance to come up here now the beauty of life is that the bulb up here doesn't last forever no bulbous lasted forever and no bulb will last forever no speaker has lasted for him no speaker will last forever no actor has lasted forever in terms of their fame no actor will last forever no athlete no sports person has lasted forever and no sports person will last forever just like this bulb everyone has their time everyone has their day and that day doesn't last for ever so which basically means the bulb here won't be there one day and the bulb in the storeroom is going to get its chance to come to this lampshade one day to light up the studio you know what the question in the mind of that little bulb bear is I agree sir all this philosophy understood sounds good all this gone yes sounds great but I think the parameter the principle be the value the epoch that actually helps us continue with perseverance and patience is hope hope is that one element that can keep us going the worst thing to happen in life is to lose hope and be hopeless so if you're sitting there waiting for our turn to come up against hope one day I will also have my time and my place when how we do not know because these are factors that are completely beyond our control rule number six choose greatness so his question is how does love or destiny what role does it play in victory or success right is it all hard work is it all destiny what is it now in my humble opinion destiny is the situations that come to you which are beyond your country for example you didn't choose your parents within your future you were this time that was destined you are born as an evil a Mary Bob premium are made out are behind sir have you ever thought like that never did you ever choose your looks it's a novel you choose no one looks as good as your facebook profile picture and no one looks as obvious there are other our pitch of Nova no one looks like right so situations situations are destiny you didn't choose them they came to you if someone comes and insults me I didn't choose it it came to me that situation is this time but my response to the situation is my choice the response is not destiny what I choose is my choice and when I choose it that decides my future destiny this is why they say man is the maker of this destiny not situations situations will remain what they are but how you responded to those situations is completely and entirely your choice you have that situation which is the style now you have a choice to a heart to cultivate that attitude that attitude is not destiny that attitude is a choice and when you choose that attitude hopefully victory will come to you right away even if it doesn't come to you right away we have sown the seed that we may back the seed that a soul will certainly rectify now Aeneas down the line 20 years down the line or later this is why persistence sticking it out is so much essential rule number seven prioritize mindfulness the word mindfulness is a big thing in the world today mm-hmm I was in San Francisco and I was invited to speak at Salesforce okay and Marc Benioff what are the things he's done at st. horses is prioritized mindfulness for every single employee every single floor of their headquarters in Salesforce has a mindfulness zone people can go there practice mindfulness in fact every year they have this conference called Dreamforce in the month of November or two hundred thousand American top-notch professionals come for the conference and in that four to five days conference the last days of mindfulness day where they invite people who can speak to their to these professionals so that they can learn the art of internally connecting stabilizing their minds because even Marc Benioff realized when people are together the output is much greater then when they are just distracted and lost you know so the paycheck is never an issue but if you cut corners the organization never grow so I think he's even in terms of profitability and organizational growth spirituality does make a difference because it gives a person good character integrity a certain values where the person contributes the most well number eight be the best version of yourself when I talk about self-confidence I talked about trying to be the best version of yourself you know we are constantly updating our apps we're constantly updating our operating systems whether it's an iOS or an Android yeah and the updation of the apps or the operating systems means to bring the best versions of what exists and whenever you're updating to a higher version of yourself you have to be able to give the best of yourself to it if you stick to the older version you reach the plateau and you don't have to work harder when you update yourself to a higher version you have to give the best of yourself in two hundred percent of your energy there yeah hard work coming out of the comfort zone which is where many times I say you are your own competition actually that's true nobody is your competition that's true we have to compete with ourselves every single moment every single day to get better than ourselves to get the better versions of ourselves to get the best version of ourselves so when I talk about self confidence I talk about being the best version of yourself and having that full confidence that I can crack it I can get there rule number nine transform currency to happiness it's amazing how money can be known by so many different ways in a temple church or charity it's called a donation in a school it's called a fee in a marriage dowry and in a divorce alimony when you owe money to someone it's called a debt when you pay to the government it's called a tax in a court it's a fine when you receive it regularly after retirement it's called a pension when an employer gives it to a worker it's called a salary when a master gives it to a servant it's called a wage when children receive it it's an allowance and when you borrow it from a bank it's called a loan when you offer it after a good service it's called a tip when paid to a kidnapper it's called ransom when illegally received in the name of a service is called a bribe and when used to share and to serve others it's called happiness there's nothing wrong in possessing money the problem is when money possesses you earn more money fulfill your needs utilize your money to share and serve others and transform the value of your money from currency to happiness and rule number 10 the last one before a very special bonus clip is find your drive a simple small purse and sanskrit the words which is mu comparative a cello even a dumb man can speak fun whom belong higher pay get him even a lame man can cross the mountain yet pitamaha one day she guru Dina param it's by the grace of sri guru and God that one can do what we are doing and therefore if you ask me what is my motivation to keep going I don't even think I am inspiring millions or crores as you said people are watching and people are hearing it's not my knowledge it's the knowledge coming from God it's the knowledge coming from my guru and so many other monks in the monastery from whom I learned I simply act as a microphone a microphone simply amplifies the voice of the speaker so if there's something that's motivating people it's not me it's the knowledge and the power of that grace that is behind me which is unseen to your eyes you can't see that but that's the life that I live when you don't see me on screens I am in a monastery in a small little room every morning practicing my spiritual sadhana every morning connecting to God through the chanting of the holy names every morning I sit and listen to the other monks I am not only speaking I sit there I hear others you know I learn from them and I'm tremendously inspired by the picture that I showed you cheela Prabhu path his life I'm tremendously inspired by his example and of course my guru rather not much tirelessly keeps on going and serving if there's anything that motivates me it's my chanting it's my hearing it's the company of my guru and other like-minded monks that's what keeps me now I've got a really special bonus gift from Goa on how to go with the flow that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that is some of the three-point landing questions time to move from just watching another video to actually taking action so here we go question number one what does balance look like for you number two how can you prioritize mindfulness in the very next task that you are doing and number three how will you maintain the hope that things will work out ladies and gentlemen isn't amazing how many plans we make and isn't it a reality not everything goes according to our plots even in the game of chess we may come completely prepared with our strategy to win the game we may even make our moves thinking that everything will go according to what we had decided and planned the reality however is once we have made a move we have no control over the moves that the opponent will make we have no idea that the opponent has also made his or her plan whether it's the game of chess or the game of life not everything goes according to what we had envisioned in our lives this is exactly why there's a great need to go with the flow to not be rigid about what we had decided to learn the change our strategy as per the need of the moment ladies and gentlemen and just your plants adapt to the challenges that life throws at you adopt new strategies to match those of your opponent to life apply the greatest virtue of flexibility don't be rigid let's learn a very important lesson from the river Ganga as she emanates from the Himalayan mountains with her blood to move and reach her destination she is not rigid she is extremely flexible as sometimes mountains through challenges in the form of rocks on her path she does not stop she will either go above them or under them around them but she keeps moving until she reaches her destination whatever challenge comes on your pathway just keep moving raise your standard Apple at the core its core value is that that people need passion and now one drop of my self-worth depends on your acceptance of an if you want to learn more from gora I highly recommend checking out the video it made on him on how to deal with problems and difficulties in your life the link is right next to me continue to believe and I'll see you there read people don't go through they grow to the difficulties
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 428,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, gaur gopal gas top 10 rules, gaur gopal gas, motivational speaker, personal coach, famous monk, society of krishna consciousness, gaur gopal gas interview, gaur gopal das speech, gaur gopal das motivation, gaur gopal das advice, india, life, happiness, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneurship, be the best version of yourself
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 12sec (1512 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 20 2018
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