Best Way to Become Successful Person 2021 Gyanvatsal Swami Speech @Life 2.0 Best Motivational Video

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these are the times of broader highways but narrower viewpoints this other times where man has gone all the way to the moon and has come back but he finds it difficult to cross the road and meet the new neighbor these are the times where man has broken the atom and he has for his tremendous amount of energy but he finds it difficult to break a prejudice the list is very long describing the state of affairs of the 21st century man and society but in short you can say that these are the times where we owe much to show in the show window and nothing in the stock room we live in this century and as the theme of your conference we are into the fourth Industrial Revolution I myself am an engineer I finished my engineering way back in 1991 I could see from the faces of many that when you were just in your shorts and as toddlers I finished measuring and thereafter I took my diksha I'm a same since 26 years so I know both the parts of the world and both the parts of life I come from one of the largest organizations in the world the b.a.p s swami neurons and star how many of you are being to occur them at Delhi or Akshardham at Gandhi Nagar almost all of you I come from that organization such small and big we have 1300 campuses in 60 countries of the world we have a permanent seat in the United Nations as an NGO we do hundred and fifty two different kinds of social cultural educational medical environmental activities across the globe and when I want to talk something to you today about rethinking your goals I personally met and said at least for half an hour with more than 25 thousand families go visiting their homes in more than 20 countries and 100 cities around the world so let us talk something about goals as a smart professional and goals as a great human being we all sitting here I think all of us are very clear in our minds that we all want to be smart professionals and great human beings this combination isn't it give me a yes or no you want to live a good business life you want to live a good personal life you want to live a good social life you want to live a good family life yes or no so we need to rethink our goals redesign our goals and rebuild our lives not just for the betterment of our own kind but for the betterment of the society at large from my experience of personally meeting and sitting at least for half an hour with more than 25 thousand families across cars creed color religion nationality backgrounds let me share with you something first important aspect that everybody needs to us accept and really accept from within is that no man is perfect and that no man includes me and I also put your eye to a little lower level and you will be in a position to accept the best of thoughts from all directions to rethink your goals Bill Gates perhaps the second richest person upon this earth he has looting his book is autobiography business at the speed of light how many of you read it just two or three of you you need to read it it's as good as attending this conference he writes in this book how an high school dropout he himself Bill Gates it becomes the richest person upon this earth and a self-made richest person he writes that the secret of my success is the culmination of three things first determination second intense hard walk and third acceptance of the ideas of others you have to keep your mind open you have to keep your ears open you to keep your eyes open to accept good ideas from surroundings that can constantly and really constantly keep on shaping up your goals for the betterment of yourself for the society and humanity at large acceptance of the ideas of others is a big aspect second important aspect to rethink your goal says the biggest to worry of the society today and rather the biggest disease of the 21st century manners that we have given too much power to money than it actually deserves we all sitting here we have given too much power to money that it decides our relationships it decides our status it decides everything in a life lesser the love for money more clarity of goal will be in your minds first tell yourself that definitely I will earn big money definitely I will use for a better purpose but I will not have over attachment towards that because it is the root cause of all miseries in life from physical ailments to mental disorders to emotional instabilities the principal cause is over love for money it is not helping you in any way at least to redesign your goal of life just sit back at home to them evening and make two lists list number one things that money can buy and make you happy and list number two things that money cannot buy and you still need it to be happy raise your hands if you can do mini answer things that money can buy to make you happy I started a luxurious car now give me answers a couple of you a house just raise your hands if you want to things that money can buy to make you happy family traveling okay nobody else from that corner comfort others watch an iroquois cobalamin robbed in escape each other order things that money cannot buy to make you happy I started happiness just raise your hands peace love health sorry good time with loved ones I tell you with confidence and my experience of 26 years of speaking at national international seminars and meeting a number of national international personalities and reading more than 500 autobiographies and biographies in my life let me tell you if there are hundred things that money can buy and make you happy there are thousand things that money cannot buy and you still need to be happy so don't overemphasize the factor called money in your life that over law for it that power given to given by you to it is not allowing you to redesign the actual and real goals of life money can buy you the best houses that does not have the power to convert into a home money can buy you branded cloths and jewelry does not have the power to give you beauty and handsomeness if money can buy you the best of health care it does not have the power to give you good health otherwise otherwise why would aditya birla the chairman of the Aditya Birla Group pass away because of cancer at the age of 51 money can buy you a good health care not health money can buy you good food every day does not have the power to give you digestion money can buy you good beds Michael Jackson was sleeping on a bed of 94 thousand USD and still after taking ten sleeping pills he could not sleep for two hours so money can buy you good beds it cannot buy you sleep so again I put forward emphatically the statement that if money can buy you hundred things to make you happy it does not have the power to buy you other thousand things which actually make you more happier decrease the power and influence of money on you and your life only then you will leave a perfect human life again I repeat it is needed on it well so that you can help the society well but don't have over love and infatuation for it otherwise it will so much overpower your mind it will consume so much of your time that you won't be able to think of any other aspects of life which are very beautiful remember this is a 70 or 80 er game human life is 70 or 80 years game yes or no many of you sitting have gone many of you sitting 3-4 gone and I'll give you one calculation that will open your eyes it's a jerk eight hours of the day you sleep yes or no on an average it will come to eight hours when you were a child you were sleeping 1012 hours and you'll be all you least sleeping 1012 hours so average will come down to eight hours a day one third of the day you are sleeping isn't it aft of 24 hours eight hours so one thought the day you sleep straight equation directly proportional one-third of the life you will sleep so of the 70 years that you live upon this earth you're 23 years are going to be in sleep you don't know whether you exist or not startling isn't it so need to give a proper thinking to life money power status fame I don't say that you don't go for it I only say reduce the power of influence of it on your life and you personally because all this combined doesn't give you the richness of human life that actually you are here to discover I'm not just talking spiritual I can give you n number of examples and incidence from your professional field from your corporate field from times in memoral napoleon bonaparte was the emperor of france and only one of the seven people whose name Napoleon Bonaparte's after his name it's written the great Napoleon Bonaparte the great people in England used to Shiva by his name 90% of Europe was under him and he rides in his autobiography that I can have the world at my feet I can buy any luxuries Under the Sun and upon this earth but I haven't seen six happy days in my life now what is that you need to think Elvis Presley the king of rock and roll the greatest entertainer upon this earth ever when he was just 21 there were 78 Elvis endorsed products in the market he was cavalcade was seven limousines and each limousine was painted with crushed diamonds on it so seven limousines in the cavalcade and crushed diamonds stuck on it shining cars he was the first entertainer to travel by private jets to 737 Boeing's one is private and second is staff and system when he used to do his famous swivel and throw his leather jackets in the audience within minutes it would be in two pieces people who take an Elvis selenium at home during his lifetime when he was just 32 he had self on 1,000 million dollars during his lifetime its 500 million records were sold off his now listen one day when he was playing his famous composition How Great Thou art and his secretary she just stepped in and asked him so how are you feeling at the peak of your career he dropped his hand from the piano he dropped his head down and said very alone every evening you are getting an audience of thousand plus every morning when you wake up and come in together you have 200 people to come to see you and you say you are feeling very alone and yes it was true on 16th August 1977 at the age of 33 Elvis Presley took 40 sleeping pills and at night and never woke up he committed suicide at the age of 33 why with everything that all of us crave for he had to commit suicide not such one example why did Dharam him do the others kind of the Hinduja family at the age of 20 to commit suicide did he have one Mercedes less was he asked not to have one more travel plan you have to rethink to redesign your life rebuild your life money fame status is not everything in life again I say you definitely go for it because it's a human endeavor it's a human dignity but keep a physical mental bar keep a time bar somewhere keep a satisfaction bar somewhere so that other good thoughts from all directions enter your mind to make a fascinating and reaching human life the most important need for the 21st century is to reinvent himself of the 21st century man to reinvent himself is the most important need this is the second aspect to be understood before we start rethinking our goals recently a book is published and the title of the book is what they don't teach you at Harvard I'll give you the gist of it the book contains that for the full development of yourself and to be very clear in your aims and goals in life you need the complete development of three-edged in your life first is your hand but when only the hand works it is Libra second edge is your head when the hand and the head they work together it becomes skill and the third edge is your heart when the hand head and the heart all three work together it becomes art make every act of your life and art put your heart fully into it this is the essence and your is the start of redefining the goals of human life again the base statement that I put forward the start of the talk you need to be a smart professional and a great human being combined that gives you a balanced satisfied life Ratan Tata he was at a convocation day of a b-school just about a couple of years back and he told the fresh management graduates after all his experience in the corporate world of more than 60 years he said that don't count your successes and don't count your luxuries by the amount of money that you have in your bank accounts by the number of properties that you have accumulated by the number of relationships that you have in your life by your social networking skills this is all not your wealth he said count your successes and luxuries of life by the number of lives that you have enriched of people with you during the course of your journey of life how many your lives you have enriched by yourself this is the start of the real thinking of the meaning of the topic that is rethinking your goals you worked in the corporate world for 3540 years you are a fat bank balance you had good properties good family good social relationships everything fine all credits to you for your good earnings in all aspects of life but how many lives did you enrich how many lives did you better of people around you that is the aim of human living I'll come to you today as I'm giving this topic to share something I don't charge anything for my talks I mean talking since 26 years that national international seminars I don't charge a single peso for my talks and we write the organizers somewhere this is my selfless social service giving and caring for the society and it gives me immense pleasure it gives me immense pleasure to share and care for the society so rethinking goals first important positive aspect is ask yourself every day in the evening at the end of your day did I do something to enrich a life of someone around me from a small smile to a big hell did you enrich something did you enrich a life did you enrich an environment otherwise up nearly at the possibly even detail for their own self impress even the animals they leave upon this earth if you live only for your growth for your betterment for your luxuries entertainment in life it is nothing more than a dog life donkey life and cat life it is not a human life if we all you are nesting and we are and we are fortunate we are specially blessed all of us the thing that we have things many things much more extra than an ordinary human being isn't it in all ways of life then then you have that is you must spare some part of it of your resources and time for the betterment of people and reaching people in environment around you in terms of values in terms of services in terms of health in terms of growth because when I talk to corporate sense professionals I tell them that the amount of money that you have in your bank account when you die is the extra work you did you shouldn't have done you should have spent that time doing some good activity for the upliftment of society this is the first aspect again the big disease of the 21st century is that we give over emphasis to mine and lesser emphasis to heart we talk of iTunes now it is an old dated talk in the 90s it was talked about the IQs at the turn of the millennium they started a new caution that is called the emotional quotient from IQ it shifted to EQ paradigm shift emotional quotient your IQ is you think rationally you talk purposefully you act meaningfully and you deal very effectively with the situation that is your IQ they say good IQs make good team heads you can lead a good team more than IQ is your EQ emotional quotient it's all about having empathy for others where you know and you consider before taking a decision your own emotions and the emotions of the person before you jump to a conclusion it is like knowing the whole picture before you jump to a conclusion that is called your emotional quotient and they say the top management gurus you read them Jim Collins Stephen Covey Anthony Robbins Ken Blanchard Robin Smith they all have come to recognize accept and propagate that those with higher IQs they become leaders not just team heads because when you learn to deal with people more than machines when you keep on having increased trusts and people more than machines not only you grow people grow the environment and riches around you so those without you they become team has those with IQ plus EQ they become leaders and now in the last decade they all come to know that there is a very big important quotient and that is called the spiritual quotient a very good book I would suggest for all you professionals I have read it three times it's from the bottom of my heart for you today if you're a piece of paper and pen you can definitely write it down the title of the book is spiritual intelligence why it matters more than IQ and EQ the actual actual title is spiritual intelligence the ultimate intelligence goeth heard by dr. Ian Marshall and dr. Donna Zohar in this book they have surveyed more than about 3,000 successful people upon this earth successful not just in business successful as a businessman as a father as a husband or as a wife as a mother as a brother as a sister as a neighbor as a relative as a friend successful in all walks of life in all roles that a human being normally plays in his life log interviews with them their past present studied well and they have listed out that a person who has spiritual intelligence how he stands out from people who have just IQs high or even IQs plus EQ high listed out eight important aspects I don't go into the details of it I just list you out people with high ask you or if you want to develop an good sq the other way round you need to work upon this eight areas the first is flexibility to change the new Harvard definition of intelligence is the new Harvard definition of intelligences the more quicker you can adapt yourself to a change you are intelligent many of us via mathematical intelligence we are good at numbers engineering software's many of them we have concrete intelligence we can deal with machines there many of us have social intelligence we can interact with people there but the best intelligence is flexibility to change he survives second spiritual intelligence aspect is self-awareness what am i where am I what I'm supposed to do what I'm talking what I'm looking at what I need to talk who are the people around me absolute self-aware person he never makes a private or public mistake that is spiritual intelligence third an ability to face and use suffering of life any suffering in your life personal life professional life social or family life that is part and parcel of life isn't it because life is a package deal as you give packages to your employees life is a package deal from God as your employees they're like 70% of your package deal and 30% is a compulsion even for you people your higher-ups giving you a good deal 70% you like it and 30% is a compulsion you don't like it still you are supposed and forced to do it if you want to enjoy that 70% in the same way life is a packet deal it is it has its pluses and minuses so if you have or you develop a capacity to face your suffering with a smiling face and then use your suffering for your elevation now this is something very important that I'm telling you you should develop a neck some people have that neck to use their suffering for their own elevation the top guy in the country the top gentleman in the country has this neck anything thrown at him he can you use it and convert it into a giant word Bank that is a neck anything thrown at him he can convert it into a in your corporate language a big business in his language a big word bank that is a neck an ability to face and use suffering fourth an ability to be inspired by vision you see something actually we always see we don't absorb much hear the word seize observe you see something and you are inspired by it the aspect of spiritual intelligence is to seek connection between diverse things diagonally opposite happenings and you see a connection between them that is very crucial to you solving problems at your workplace the sixth aspect of spiritual intelligence is an ability to cause as little harm as possible to people and surroundings how can I be more helpful the seventh aspect is to ask and prove fundamental questions why then what why how before you give in and the last and the eighth aspect of spiritual intelligence is an ability to think and work against the convention so these are the eight aspects of spiritual intelligence and rethinking your goals is to do more thinking and emphasis to this eight aspects of life you develop your sq beyond your IQ and EQ for a great human life so when you are deciding the goals of your life take your IQ into consideration take your EQ into consideration and take your SQ into consideration intelligent quotient emotional quotient and spiritual quotient now this is taught by the top class management gurus top class social relationship gurus and top class health gurus upon this earth for this teaching the charge ooo $500 a day you are getting FOC now rethinking your goals in the intelligence act sector let me pin you a bit you all will get a chance you already got a chance many times and you will get in future for a short cast cut to rise for an unethical path to rise if you go for it you will have easy and quick buck at the end of the day but one day you can be a big loser never ever adopt unethical practices to grow this is the most urgent need for a working man today in the world you remain inverted to ethical principles at your workplace in your personal life the growth may initially you may find it slow but it would be concrete with deep foundation nobody with unethical practices if at all he has grown he has stayed there okay because I am vertically put forward a statement when talking to the corporate world I tell them that your intelligence your academics your talents your experience your backgrounds your platforms your support systems can open any gate for you but only your character can keep that gate open you lose out on that and you are anybody whoever you are whatever you are wherever you are you can become zero from hero within seconds even if the name of your company is Satyam and you go for us at your practices a guy of 8,000 crores seven years rigorous imprisonment even if you are the King of the skies then you go for unethical practices you have to live India without an Indian passport the guy is being brought back already ordered by the UK Court when he comes and opens his mouth he will put many people in trouble things will come times will come even if you're the Sahara of thousands of families you can still like me Sahara in Tihar for four years don't go for unethical practices even if you are a spear head paste attack of India Indian cricket team if you go for spot-fixing you can avoid a life ban on yourself you're getting me right yes or no so don't tell yourself 20 years of corporate experience CEO of a 500 crore company I'm untouchable never think that okay never tell yourself holding your handset in your hand and all 500 big contacts 15 ministers 10 mla's 20 MPs 50 corporate honkers nothing can happen to me I can call at midnight anybody in these people at my health situations will come in your life and you go for unethical practices and caught none of this less your phone will go through it can land you in jail so remain wedded to ethical practices reaching your goals don't tell yourself who I be per se team a anyhow anyway I want to be hundred crore company not anyhow anyway okay that words keep URI for yourself for your for generating energy from you anyhow anyway I will do it that is for your self inspiration in motivation not for your behaviors got it otherwise you can be in trouble so even if the best IQ whatever intelligence you possess in short even if you are the chairman of the Madhya Pradesh Electric City Board because we are sitting here in Indore even if you are the chairman or even if you are the power minister I can tell you one line on a fine Sunday morning when you were Cubs sitting with a cup of tea and ruining your Sunday newspaper you can't look at the electric plug raise your shoulders your you know collars raise it and tell it ok I'm the Electric City Board Chairman your distribution is in my hands and this is my finger I'm putting in the plug ok take care of it being in the electrical distribution field for 35 years and being the chairman of the Electric Company you don't have your right to put your finger inside the plug what happens even if you are the chairman chika dengue Maria [Applause] because electric city doesn't know your power your position your status your wealth nothing it it knows only human flesh and blood in the same way unethical practices done by you doesn't know your power your position your status your wealth unethical practices like electric city don't play with it this is your I'm talking of behaviors at your workplace now let me tell you of the latest burning issue ethical behavior in your personal life the me to moment very less speakers would talk on this the day it came out I decided to talk in public as well I mean talking since last about six months on this remain very ethically wedded to your personal character as well this is more powerful than unethical practices at workplace it can ruin you it can ruin your career it can ruin your family all your goals taught in your teenage young age and the start of your professional career will go all in vain within seconds because the earth is round it doesn't have any corner so it doesn't have any place to keep your wrongs we all study science isn't it in our high school I think in physics we had a force called the muon force when a hard solid object you tried to put inside a bucket filled with water the water gushes it up and it is called the beyond force but it pushes it up isn't it all your wrongs possess a tremendous beyond force it has the power to come up in the open and shout yes this guy did this even a central government minister had to put in his papers because of the meta moment from there to a giant a platform CEO in Bangalore oh you have to put in their papers because of this and thereafter I say that today it is the media moment this generation of ours will see a c2 moment you know what is this c2 moment now we are standing in to India 4.0 am i right the theme of the conference the new industrial revolution you are talking of nanotechnology you are talking of artificial intelligence this people will design software's because in future all the cities will come under CCTV every square inch today London is the only city in the world that every square each of its public space is under CCTV it will happen to all the cities in future in the near future if somebody complains that this guy or this person looked at me in my like it was like not comfortable to me and it is caught on CCTV then it's difficult to prove that okay I just looked at it it was not nothing Melling us in it but then this AI people nanotechnology people's IT people will develop 2025 types of software's that if they are put on your vision in the eyes it will prove that that was something wrong in it this is the next step of AI that your conference is on I was sent the email by the organizers where I read it I just read the mail rethink redesign and rebuild and they are wearing today devilish and Industrial Revolution technological revolution 4.0 this nanotechnology artificial intelligence 3d printing everything is recognizing the wall this will reach to that level where your blood will made in the laboratories this generation will see that our blood will be made in the laboratories this generation will see that software's can prove everything this generation of us will see I am giving you bigger visions our generation today be sitting will see that if there is a murder somewhere even after one hour of or one day after that they'll be able to click pictures going there figures will be there and they can produce a positive picture that you see today that yes this is a lie that you kill pictures will be clicked of people after they left the venue one hour after that one day after that this will all come into practice to stand yourself from in the midst of this revolution definitely you enter to the revolution that is the need of the times but the same time take more care of your thoughts your behaviors your ethical values in life only then you'll be able to withstand this new revolution only then you will be able to flow with the tide of the new revolution only then you'll be able to manage yourself otherwise you will be a loser this is much needed today in this 21st century this is the need of the arm so this is India 4.0 I don't value to it is what I'm talking to you add it enhancement to it this is what I'm talking to you if you decide to grow basically there is a misconception among us you increase the turnover of your company and people also tell you you also start filling that I have started becoming successful isn't it yes or no no there is a big difference between growth progress and success if you increase the turnover of your company from 50 corals 200 from hundred to five hundred crores it is called growth it is not success let me redefine you the definition of success increasing your materialistic possessions in all ways is your growth that grows if it is aided by ethics ethic means discipline means honesty means norms it is called progress so growth plus ethics is progress and that progress plus humanity morality and spirituality is called success so again I tell you your turnover increase from hundred to hundred crores you are not successful you have just grown and it by ethics you are progressed edit by moralities and spirituality in life it's called success because even after having hundred million dollars in your bank account and you and you are not happy from within you have just grown you have not been successful successful word itself includes stability happiness and peace along with all types of your growth and progress now rethink your goals you just want to grow or be progressive or want to be successful so now according to this definition just raise your hands how many of you want to be successful that's fine all of you be clear in your thinking there is this difference between growth progress and success be very clear about it only thing only then you'll be able to rethink your goals and redesign your path to rebuild your self let me talk to you about a person whom I have seen so closely for 30 years observed every act of his life very closely saw every bit of his life Pramukh Swami Maharaj the creator of Akshardham which are all been to in his life during his lifetime the intense hard work that he did selflessly for the upliftment of people in all walks of life he traveled to 18,000 villages and 60 countries of the world selflessly to uplift people to D adding them to culture them to tell them that you can you must send your kids to school to deep adivasi sc/st areas of the country and elsewhere people used to write him for their personal family issues such more than seven point five lakh letters he read and answered in his lifetime at an unbelievable average of reading and answering more than 470 letters a day without a Sunday for 45 years not just blessings a clear-cut do this or not if you go back Monday morning to your office anywhere there it will come from from all over the country and you find you open your mailbox and you find like about 15 males 20 males to answer before lunchtime what would you feel my goodness first have gone pramukh swami maharaja answered 7-0 letters a day without a Sunday for 45 years he met more than founded people at a personal audience to them listening to their issues and guiding them bellow he has been to Oxford on such 1,400 campuses his single-handedly build and administered in 60 countries of the world you all sitting here you are handling one house one family one office that is a manufacturing unit one manufacturing unit may be a trustee or a patent somewhere in a couple of institutes and by that end of the day by the evening you go mad isn't it he single-handedly erected and administered will more than hundred hospitals schools hostels and colleges you go on number eight national highway from Abu to Mumbai every 50 kilometers you will find our Institute he personally visited more point three point five lakh homes offices shops and factories imagine and I tell you when it comes to NGO working corporate working is easier than NGO working if you are going in an NGO to this class because in your corporate world the system of working and relationship is pay and smile your pay is liked by your employee and so there is a smile on his face and your employees work you like it so there is a smile on your face so you are paying him in money he is paying you in work so it is called up pains my relationship what we in NGOs and we are full-time in an NGO the relationship and the working model is solve and smile relationship you have to solve and smile for 26 years for example I'm doing this I don't have a bank account I don't touch money I don't keep money I don't wear ornaments I only need two pieces of cloth and this Footwear I'm wearing is yourself the third in 26 years but can you see in little lesser ounce of happiness on my face than yours southern smile relationship you enjoy much better but when you are guiding a huge Institute of the class of the be APS organization that I come from where you have to take care of people's emotions of their wishes of their likings in your corporate world you have to take care of this but on a very little lesser way if you don't like you can hire and fire here it is not that so guiding a huge NGO is more difficult than guiding a huge corporate there pramook sami Maharaja was extremely successful he initiated more than 1100 sayings like me how many of you have five people in your office let me ask you a very blank question on your face how many of you sitting here at least five people in your office who have been working with you since more than 20 years not more than 10 hands raised so here comes the importance of servants my relationship of the 1100 sayings that we are in the organization more than 750 of them are graduates post graduates started around as doctors and engineers out of them more than hundred 50 of them are born American and British citizens out of them more than about 50 of our sayings are graduates post graduates from Carnegie Mellon Yale Keylong Harvard Oxford Stanford many of us Saints have left aside $100,000 $200,000 of job so promotion me Mahajan was successful in initiating young cultured man into mainstream social service mainstream spirituality there's a huge success he worked with all his intelligence he worked all with his emotions he worked already spiritual spirituality in life how I tell you once he was asked which thought remains with you 24/7 in your mind constantly and he said that thought that has never entered my mind shall I tell it first and that was more interesting promotion Amara said the thought of hurting anybody physically mentally or emotionally has never entered my mind this is your richness from the dinner the office Minaya i shouid've Abbas about Naz big Jarrah is Kabir another pariah Shia de grado gay licking up big dinger yeah okay the system is round and it comes back rotated the frisbee Kalka Donna you throw the frisbee in the air and comes back in the same route the law of karma applies leave me this passion let me grow let everybody grow this is rethinking your goals let me and reach myself let my surrounding and people and reach themselves let me be well be let him be wealthy let me work let him work let me grow let him grow let me be prosperous let he be prosperous let me be happy let me be happy if you are driving a Hyundai of 25lakhs and he's are driving a mark of two car or two chords don't envy it is his destiny it is his hard work it is his lock you are driving your luck your destiny your hard work simple remain satisfied this should be your goal in life otherwise your 25 lakh Hyundai cars joy will vanish within one week if you see a mark park besides you and especially of your brother-in-law's rethinking your goals is this materialistic possessions are not everything in life life is much beyond that if you haven't read good 200 books in your life you will never grow as a human being but you don't want to read it because if you let everything is on the screen on my mobile on my iPad I am NOT against it I also use a mobile I use an hour I log I use a laptop I have an iPad I have a full-time office you need to get to the people you need to get to work but don't become a slave of it today in this India 4.0 when you have your team rethink redesign rebuild let me tell you be tech savvy but don't be tax lady you got this beat that's heavy I am also tech savvy to make your work better but don't be taxed levy don't open your Mobile's and keep it on till 11 p.m. and 12:00 midnight which you normally do tell me a good yes or no you do it why because I think you owe all the responsibilities of your profession isn't it do you think that you know too much about 2g 3G 4G calls came called the coal scam and everything that summed at 11:30 p.m. you may get a call from the PMO to make you a member of the Joint Parliamentary Committee and you don't accept that phone because you have gone to sleep and then it's a big non service to the country are you expecting a call from Narendra Modi at 11:30 p.m. so you are keeping your phone on this gadgets are made to serve you the reverse has happened via become the slaves of these gadgets for no reason consciously or unconsciously every third minute your hand touches the mobile if it doesn't touch you become discharged knowingly or unknowingly you have to touch something and every third minute you get your mobile out from your pocket is there something is there then are you a celebrity they've every thought minute here to check your social media your Instagram how many followers your FB somebody asked me Swamy are you are you on Facebook I said no I face the book you need to give a good thinking to life otherwise your life will end eight years will go and at the end of your lives you will feel my god gone read a good book I again give you a good book to read the title of the book is the five regrets of the dying written by an Australian nurse her name brownie where this book remained the bestseller the New York Times list for sixty four weeks in itself it's a world record she was a nurse taking care of critically ill patients and secretly because the patients knew that they were going to die in another two three to five weeks the family members do the paramedical staff taking care of the patient knew so it was obvious but this nurse when she and the patient were alone in the room she would ask the patient to fill up this form that sir or the lady that when you are living this world when you know that in the next two five weeks you will leave this world what do you cherish and what do you regret from an ordinary carpenter to a CEO to a family business owner whole range of people have responded she started a blog that become famous she was advised to write a book she wrote a book which became famous the book made her a milliner the title of the book is fire regrets of the dying in which she writes that all this more than one thousand range of people who responded to me they had this five regrets in common at the end of their life again I repeat from an ordinary carpenter to a CEO to a family business owner the first regret they had why upon earth did I work so much like a donkey the first regret and you all say no to poop 10 hours of work 12 hours over 14 hours on till I become a hundred cover company I will put fifteen hours a day foolishness you are not understood life you don't know what is the goal of life Mukesh Ambani's not drinking curry in the evening made up of liquid gold okay you got it he is also drinking curry made up of buttermilk that you and me eat and what you will eat in the evening dinner he is not chewing gold biscuits okay glucose like you and me as simple as that and the amount of joy that he is getting watching a Rising Sun is not more than you the amount of joy that is getting seeing the tide and the ebb of the sea is not more than you when you get it watching it the natural resources of happiness are same for everybody man-made happiness sources can differ but they don't law last lifelong rethinking your goals is being more dependent upon natural happiness that is within you then artificial happiness this is the need of the arm i am not against technology I am just into the last minutes of my talk for the organizer I'm not against technology everything must grow from nanotechnology to AI but we need to put a line of demarkation somewhere more of Technology at the same time it has one cruel thing that it carries with it more of crime when Wernher von Braun he invented the rockets that could send satellites into space at the end of his life he writes in his autobiography I'm putting him in not just word to word but letter to letter he writes that for only with God reinstated in the hearts and minds of people that he would advise us he would inspire us to work more on the technical technological sides and much more on the ethical sides to save us from the dangers of technological revolution I'm not against artificial intelligence but we will have to put a bar somewhere otherwise it will snatch away many level 3 level 4 jobs and this level 3 level 4 job people they don't have alternates to earn they're only one skill or one type of thinking or they know only one works fear and then that job is taken away by artificial intelligence he will have no option but to commit a crime to fill his stomach and the stomach of his family members again I repeat I'm not against it but we'll have to put a bar somewhere technology should be helpful in your growth progress and success it should absolutely mind in taking away the jobs of small people more jobs gone of small people and you will invite more problems in society more kidnappings more murders more shootouts more terrorism so you will have to put a bar of demarkation a bar of discrimination a line of control to what extent we can go in this fear if machines will start doing everything what will you and me do from the morning and from early childhood we have heard and learned a proverb an idle mind an idle mind is the devil's workshop so your and my mind will be devil's workshop after full development of AI then what will we do commit crimes no other no other business so this is also a small but a very important aspect that we must consider which is very much necessary rather absolutely coming towards the end of my talk when you decide the goal of your life many of us have decided but rethinking to it being a smart professional and a great human being that is the combination keep faith in God keep faith in his doership to work when you go to work tell yourself that nobody is going to help me I have to work my name and at the end of the work don't think much about success or failures give it to God let him give me the result my job was to put my all resources that I have into my project rest he decides I accept it that will give you a wonderful peaceful life because if there are 10 factors affecting the success of your project which are in your hands there are hundred factors that affect the failure of your project which are not in your hands here is where Lord Krishna tells Arjuna shrimad bhagwad gita karma Nevada Cara's Tama fellatio Kedah sana Krishna tells today top corporate honkers are you are trying to accept this what did krishna tell he tells arjuna remember or listen very carefully Arjun your job is to perform your duty well put all your resources to bring success to you but final result I will decide whether to give you not to give you how much to give you this is very clear I can prove this to you practically today right in front of you logically I can get a yes from you when I ask you all of you have an experience all of us have an experience that sometimes we planned very well we executed very well and yet we did not reach the peak of success that we wanted lesser success or sometimes we failed yes or no the other way again I yes from you sometimes you planned less it was all in a hurry you were not satisfied by the execution of it and yet you got results beyond your imagination yes or no tell me a big yes it has to be yes that means sometimes the best of planning you got lesser things sometimes the worst of it you got more things that means some factors invisible to you are getting applied on earth which are beyond your control to bring successes to you that is decided by God so I'm of the opinion and you should be of the opinion do your duty to the best of resources that you have put all your brains talents experience no house connections everything into your project but by the end of the day when you retire pray to God and tell I have performed my duty well to the best of my knowledge I will accept the results and you will be an absolutely tensionless peaceful at mind person with a good sleep without a sleeping pill this is how Pramukh Swami Maharaj worked when to buy Patel the general manager of the Ellicott engineering company he asked pramook saw me I've seen you in all the activities of the day because to lead such a huge organization he was the president for 65 years I've never seen a wrinkle of tension of depression of tiredness of agony ever on your face how pramook Swami said in the morning we pray to God and accept all the work of the day that I have to do make a list of it I do it till the end of the day to the best of my knowledge and resources in the evening I give it back to God that I did in the best of my capacities now whatever results you decide I will accept it tension comes and your goals break and you're not able to give a good thinking to life because this goal I have set up with all my thinking all my meetings all my planning all my executions why did it not happen this is the problem with you all but accept it just ask yourself did I put all my resources into it yes then don't worry things that you can change change it and be happy things that you cannot change accept it but be happy this is the thinking of goal of your life things that you can change well within your control change it but things which are not in your control you can't change it then accept it there are only two things either change or either accept but you are of the mindset see I am an MBA from London School of Economics I am being told by my professors that you can do anything you think you can carry out any project successfully that you design why is this not happening that professors are teaching you at LSE is all theory and this is practical you can't learn horse riding in library and go on the horse on the first day without a trainer but our mindset is such our mindset is such that when I have all the capabilities it must happen am i touching the point exactly in your mind our mindset today in the corporate world is when something is in my mind when I'm deciding to do when I have resources when I'm working hard it must happen this is wrong absolutely wrong go for a big try but except at the end of the day to remain stable to maintain the emotional equilibrium but then we want to poke our nose everywhere we want we are so intelligent that we have knowledge of all the fields if viraat collie goes out cheaply in five lands you have a comment on him the ball was pitched outside the ask them it was an out swing away from the stands why did we radically go away from his body to slash it definitely it gets an outrage he gets caught in the sleep till any at our school ah I don't say you are wrong in this comment but you are not at all eligible for this comment because you don't know what is facing 95 miles-per-hour deliveries unlock some cricket children but fun may we all play cricket but it was gully cricket drawing stumps on somebody's walls with a coal and your comment haven't come out or commenting about him you know what is 95 98 miles per hour deliveries and the cut on both the sides two feet after pitching Marat Kohli or anybody any batsman he has fortieth part of a second to judge what to do with this you don't have they don't have big times like you to sit in offices for two hours of meetings that you decide a project what to do with this [Applause] happy mindset may hope although hundreds of stuck early absolute taro gave two nights a year he doesn't have that he doesn't have everything on paper every delivery is a new one he has fortieth part of a second to judge what to do with this delivery and a small mistake and is gone and the whole country's up and we sitting here we don't have an experienced slightest experience not even an ounce of experience of what is emotional pressure to perform when fifty thousand people are staring at you none of us have this experience and millions watching you live on TV we're not coleus to forget millions of his fans millions of live Watchers millions of TV watchers his companies that and products that is endorsing not paying the line and length of the delivery when I talk to students I tell them the amount of energy that v-rod Kali uses in one day if he plays the whole day in his concentration is the amount of energy that a 12 standard student uses in last three months of his preparation of exam tremendous energy and concentration and you start commenting about him really thinking of your goals remain restricted to yourself go deep in your field have superficial information about things so that you may be in the society go deep in your field and enjoy your life you are all here and me too are least concerned why Trump then won over Hillary in Philadelphia in Florida in California we must only know that he warned against Hillary and he is now the president of us Philadelphia he shoot her for it I may yet FRU concern sitting here in door you open up page 3 in the morning you are a fool why are you opening it why you do want to go deep into people's lives I tell you you people sitting here more about Hollywood Bollywood stars than your children if I ask you fine names of your children's friends 90% of you will not know and if I has to give me fine names of bollywood hollywood Indian cricket team you will give me 10 you don't know the goals of your life you and your family are top priority and I'll give you in one sentence all the stories of page 3 right from the day it started to the day it will go shall I tell you so you don't have to open page 3 every day in the morning every morning two people come together and every evening two people who had come together yesterday departed this is p3 story every morning two people come together an actor and an actress and every evening those two who came together yesterday departed these are stories of page three why are you putting the yourself into that gossip and then you pick up the phone and tell yoga you are a fool you disgust people you are a cheap mind you discuss events you are an average mind and you discuss ideas you are a great mind now check your category now check your category which type of mine you are by the type of the discussions and activity that you do faith in God is stabilizing yourself by your thought processes faith in God now experimentally it is proved you distantly by the University of Pennsylvania University of Philadelphia I can give you the names dr. Andrew Newberg dr. Reggie Cohen they did a vendor full survey four thousand people call from all over the United States across caste creed religion nationality backgrounds they were made to sit in Indian postures and do 12 minutes of chanting the holy name of God in whichever form of God that they believed in before that their MRIs and mind mappings were done by special psychoneurosis oft wears after the experiments for eight weeks again they are mind mapping and MRIs were done by psychoneurosis version 2.0 and the secretion of hormones in their body when they have certain thought processes when they have certain emotions was checked and you know the final outcome you can read this on the website of University of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia and with them there was an NGO called the child transit they are CEO is Philip Fletcher I'm giving you the names you can read it they found out it was an absolute scientific experiment that 12 minutes of chanting the holy name of God in the first age group from four to twelve aged children they found that they had 23% increase in their memory power isn't this good for your growth for your progress and your success in the age group of 12 to 22 teenagers and youngsters 12 minute of chanting the whole name Holy Name they found at the University these two scientists by their psychoneurosis fares that they had 15 to 18 percent increase in their willpower and confidence isn't this a big gain in life the throat is grooved 22 to 60 most of us that we are sitting here today walking a group they had about 15 to 20 percent increase in their buffer capacity that is capacity to absorb shocks of life yoga jitna be shocked certain a huge group Miyata 22 to 60 personal life family life professional career everything professional career so we may seem at it and the last age group was 60 to 80 that is retired in old age people chanting the holy name of God that they believed in for 12 minutes a day this psycho neuro softwares at the University of Philadelphia prude that this age group had an amazing 20% plus increase in their strength of immune system this qualm broke protocol Shakti Bolton so they're proving the report that chanting the holy name of God can give you a better memory power increase your willpower and confidence better your buffer capacities increase the strength of your immune system isn't this a very big advantage you people are businessmen anything FOC you like it this is the air forcing chanting the holy name for 12 minutes you don't have to give anything even when you are bad thing even when you are doing your morning calls you can have it seriously but sitting at one person doing is more advantage but such big advantages at University of Columbia they surveyed one lakh families over eight years in 110 countries of the world in five continents across cars creed religion nationality and they came to a conclusion that a small religious activity every day like chanting the name of prayers and everything it gives you better health it increases the academics of your children and more importantly they finally said that it has the capacity to increase your tolerance level and increase your acceptance level for a better family life the ointment is so rethinking your goals principle in one line of all that I talk today is don't just go for your materialistic pursuits your wealth your status your fame at the same time try to be a great human being where you have all the good values and virtues you distinguish yourself from an ordinary animal I you remain satisfied with your life and at the age of 80 or 90 you can put your hand on your chest and tell yourself yes I lived my life if you can do this it is believed so finally understand the difference between fun joy happiness and bliss we all take fun as ultimate happiness I just exemplify by one line then I will end my talk you want to drive a car at 100 miles per hour and you got to drive and what you experience is fun you wanted that car in your possession to own that car and you got it that is called joy you can keep that term life long is your happiness and if you lose that car by an accident or to a theft or you have to compulsory sell it to meet other finances you don't feel the sense of it going away from your life because you tell yourself when I was born I was not born with this car and when I will die I will not carry this car along with me so it was somewhere in the middle that I got it somewhere in the middle I lost it and you can remain stable that is your bliss reaching that level of bliss is the human goal so don't enroll yourself it just fun and joy activities go a step further to happiness and bliss activities that is rethinking your goal my all prayers for all of you thank you for patiently listening to me and I definitely pray at the feet of my guru Pramukh Swami Maharaj and present guru man Samaras to bless us all with this wonderful thinking may we all better our own lives may be all sitting here become one small factor in developing enriching the lives of people around you thus enriching the environment and we just not want to leave a better world for our next generation we want to live a much much better enriched environment for our next generation my all preyas full of you thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: Life 2.0
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Keywords: Gyanvatsal swami, gyanvatsal swami speech, gyanvatsal swami pravachan, latest motivation speech, Gyanvatsal swami motivational speech, gynavatsal swami baps pravachan, baps swaminarayan, gyanvatsal swami latest speech, gyanvatsal swami latest speech 2021, gyanvatsal swami video, gyanvatsal swami latest pravachan, swaminarayan motivational speech, gyanvatsal swami 2021, Motivational Seminar, Successful People, Success, Life 2.0, Apurva Gyan, Successful Person
Id: hSQOfS4I7Hc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 28sec (4888 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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