Choose to Live a BEAUTIFUL Life! | Gaur Gopal Das | Top 50 Rules

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in the new year to come invest in taking care of your body invest in nurturing and nourishing your relationships you will have to make one choice you're not going to be spared by life you will always have to make one choice and if I think I don't change I don't keep up with the times well I'm outdated if you're not updated you are outdated leave motivation watch a top 10 with believe nation what's up believe nation it's Evan I believe in you and this channel is designed to be a part of your daily success routine so let's get your motivation to attend and get you believing in you grab a snack and join today's lessons from a man who went from being an electrical engineer for hewlett-packard to becoming a monk and a life coach teaching people the importance of conscious leadership happiness and coping with stress he's guru Gopal das and here's my take on his top 50 rules for success we knew something in the game of life you're playing a cricket match against an entity called the mind no one on planet earth can stop you from accomplishing in achieving what you want if you can bat against the googly z' that the mind pulls at you how many of you have experienced that the mild balls googlies [Music] good when it comes to exercising and jogging how many of you know that the mind bulls boobies much ah so ja how many of you have trouble in studying as students and you come here you hear all of these things don't get distracted by whatsapp don't get distracted by internet pornography don't get distracted by Twitter don't get distracted by Facebook study don't get distracted by birds to do bird-watching study all these distractions is the rocket which updates later gulosa do look up to people okay so one father was telling his son deck Dexter a classmate Lucy and a Lucy maybe they first by you or to Malik Beluga Oh Bella dig they came Hey look [Applause] I'll tell you something my god why because the mind doesn't want you to win the game of life how many of you wanted to wake up early in the morning reasons only one did I asked wanted to wake up early in the morning and how many of you have done something called as setting an alarm clock and then after setting the alarm clock that's an alarm you want it or not it rings and when it rings the mind puts its first googly what does the mind by putting the googly makes you clean bowled when you do the first snows you are out you are out if you snooze you are out I want to say one thing just one and probably this will change the direction of your life you know something when you snooze the Allah what happens you decide to give in to the mind spot and this is how your morning begins by giving into the mind sabira Quichua to PA his wall as a clean bold hoga kam and dipping it into the Misurata by giving him and it's no problem giving in sleeping five minutes extra is no problem the problem is you develop the attitude of giving in you tell yourself that what I decided last night is not as important what is important is what the mind says because we listen I'll tell you something my humble advice because it's not just about getting up in the morning it's about every aspect of life whether it's your work if you're working whether it's your study if you study whatever we do the problem is it's not about one thing Saverio gana it reflects in every area of life is limited Oh average Harbhajan animal uma hipness an iota Jarvis column la Vella can char be scooped or don't allow that smooth rule number two learn how to respond there is a concept called sledging in cricket where the opponent team comes and gives Godley to the frenchman Godley they try to distract them and take their focus away one thing that Sachin is are told for in the history of cricket is sledging hasn't bothered him this man is cool are you cool when people do sledging against you in the game of life are you cool or you lose your cool there will always be people who are out of control can you stop a guy from criticizing you can you start an opponent team from sledging puts on a curse acting it's called things which are out of our control people are out of our control sometimes our situations in your control many times no the guy who was batting was expecting an in swing ball and that's what the bowler bold and one gush of wind an in swing becomes an outswing and is caught out a lot of things situations people are just out of our control how many of you think question paper is in your control and when things go wild nah I'll tell you what happens with us this what happens with us you know we react stimulus off a person sledging against us criticizing pulling us down envious of us conspiring politicking makes us react and form out I throw ever be start reacting also and look at this this is also sealed [Music] the question is do you want to be a 7-up kin or oxy cool bottle of water and I'm sure a lot of us would say spur boozy he looks tiny hippo G and thus in our life we will always have a stimulus and we can choose to respond because between the stimulus and response is our choice a great personality is not born in the maternity ward a great personality is born by the choices that one makes and therefore when there are all kinds of stimuli we have to learn how to respond if we are not strong spiritually it is impossible if we are not strong culturally it is impossible all this sounds great and good and we know yes but I want to do it I can't be a can of soda I want to be a water bottle but is it so easy no that is why coming here is so important that is why this foundational ethics of spirituality are so crucial in this age as all of you are going to be successful in your own areas of life if not cricket per se and thus we have to learn how to respond rule number three don't lead the life of I what is the most selfish one lettered word i-isn't everything revolves around I I phone iPad iPod and the man says I paid everything revolves around the eye and what does I stand for i stands for expectations i should be treated like this i should be loved like this i should be dealt with like this i should be respected like this i should be given these mini marks i should not be given this at all leading a life of super high expectations everything revolves around my opinions my desires my likes my dislikes I love this I want this I don't want this ai ai ai ai ai you think life will be a very happy life when it revolves around AI from a childhood we have grown up like this you only learn to take and everyone has to fulfill my expectations everything has to be up to my expectations therefore when people come to God people come to Temple also they're only asking give me what I want no one comes to say I love you I won't I want to give you when the president of the United States John F Kennedy came up to stage for his first presidential speech his voice rumbled into the public addresses too many said ask not what the country can do for you ask what you can do for the country and so we are saying ask not what God can do for you ask what you can do forgot but no one asks that because the eye is so big my expectations my desires my things are so powerful that even when I come to a temple and ring a bell all I'm doing is asking the more we lead a life of I are I will always be frustrated because people don't exist in this world to just fulfill your expectations therefore ladies and gentlemen the most selfish one lettered word is AI which stands for expectations and therefore avoid this word how do you avoid this word be realistic in your expectations a big shocker anime problem knee but understand that not everyone will fulfill your expectation and secondly avoid this word I by trying to serve others you know why because when you want to be served you're dependent on people maybe not serve you when you want to serve who can stop it when you want respect people may not respect you but when you want to give a respect who can stop you when you want to be loved you will not be loved but when you want to give love who can stop you when you want and charity people may not give you in charity but when you want to give charity who can stop you and therefore learn to begin your journey from I the more you want for yourself you'll remain frustrated the more we want to give you will remain happy rule number four grow through life when you want to achieve success in your career in your academics in your business in your profession we will fame and that's the example of the giraffes when the baby giraffe is born falls from such a high distance straight on the ground the mothers positions herself right above the baby giraffe and guess what she does best gives it a hard kick butt check ajinomoto pear market arts a lot party so but just my study habit III didn't give me a lot come at love cable news sanika Milhouse Co so as it's just coming out of the impact Jessica the model gives a second harder kick now the guy understands where my couch kyani to its alpha Riga silsila oh this baby giraffe starts getting up on its wobbly legs you know on its wobbly legs and as the baby giraffe gets up on the bobbly like Thor Cara okay karana see Connor paddock or lot more Pima he gets up and starts running and then the mother giraffe goes hugs the baby and starts kissing the baby you know why because the baby giraffes flesh is very soft and supple and hyenas and lions love it the mother knows that I can't be with the baby giraffe all that I want to go and get food for the baby how would I protect it is lip la se la tomorrow he would not seek a or possess it or alter her wake or LA tomorrow automatically jinda giving my mother giraffe Jessie I were a lot to Marty a we fail we should get up and we'll fail again we should get up and like I always say don't just go through life grow through life rule number five focus on the good it's quite amazing isn't it that when something stuck in our to the tongue just keeps going to that tooth until endless that stuff is out of our - it just keeps going there now this 31 other teeth in our mouth when nothing stuck the tongue can go there and say hey wow look there's nothing stuck here and go to one or the other to Twitter there's nothing stuck in say hey look amazing there's nothing stuck here but just the nature of the term that it keeps going to where something is stuck and surely we have to deal with it whenever I travel in my handbag I always have dental floss and a box of toothpicks with me just in case something is stuck I have to take it up certainly we have to deal with it at the same time there's a lot of other good things that we can focus on ladies and gentlemen it's not just the nature of the tongue isn't it the nature of the mind as well when there is a problem an issue stuck in a certain area of our life the mind keeps going to that problem and just gets stuck into the negativity of trying to deal with it but this thirty one or shall I say many many more good things happening in so many different areas of our life but there's no problems no issues stuck yet the mind only keeps going to those areas where there are problems it is necessary therefore for all of us that we focus on the good that is happening in our life and deal with the bad or the problems that are happening in our life let us not consume our minds with negativity let us consume our minds with positivity focus on the positive and deal with the negative rule number six live a balanced life most often if not always a life seemed to be out of balance and when lives are out of balance it makes us very irritable you know when we drive a car we always drive a car and a car has four wheels a rhetorical thing to say isn't it you drive a car on these four wheels and these four wheels in the car of life represent first we your personal life your health your mind yourself the things that you love to do the things that you would want to do not have to do most times we live a life of have to do I have to study I have to work I have to pay my bills I have to pay the taxes I have to do this and I have to do that I have to go for the social function I don't have a choice I have to have to have to have to where did the love to go which is end up living a life of half to's and I forgot about our own cells by subscribing to the pressures that come from all fronts in our lives before to live our own lives we don't have time to unwind we don't have time to spend with our own selves we don't have time to be with nature and take a deep breath and just relish the crispness of the air we don't have the time to do all of that especially in the metropolitan city like this when the pressures are so high and the pace is so fast we just don't have time for ourselves ladies and gentleman and that's one car one we love our car isn't it personal life or health for instance such an important thing but at the cost of destroying if you forget to pay attention to our own health the second wheel of the car is family life demands attention isn't it your personal life demands attention your family life demands attention isn't it before marriage when you are in love they call it a crush isn't it but after marriage all that is left is candy crush all the crushes are in gone and all that you're left with is a candy crush and all the headaches coming from all the pressures one lady went to a doctor and the doctor said how's your headache madam she said he's out of town gosh I must tell you demands a lot of attention your personal life the first tire do you have one do you have a personal life is my question do you have time for your health even in my hectic schedule I have made five days of exercise yes still in all the lectures and all the talks and everywhere I go because that's what's going to keep me going I have to give time to myself because I don't get more than three and a half to four hours of sleep so if I don't look at my physical fitness I'm gone ladies and gentlemen do you give time for yourself do you have time for yourself your personal time or is a wheel out of balance is that a flat tire the third wheel tire of the car of life is your professional life your personal life needs attention your family life needs attention your professional life needs attention and the fourth is your social life your friends people around you your colleagues those relationships that matter a lot to you those people who would support you in time of need because to your spouses to your family you could speak a little sometimes certain things are not always confided with just blood relationships you need that social side people do me we can speak open up your heart how often do we just carry this baggage of stress and load anxiety and worry in our heads lugging it all around us baggage this is social side to our life a friends you know I have had those moments where I've snapped even as a monk because I am a human being this is because I put this robes of a monk doesn't mean I become you know a celestial angel I'm still a human being when one of those tires is out of order if I haven't slept well if my health is out of place I'm going to snap out you know you carry work pressures at home you carry home pressures at work ladies in German irritability is a symptom of an out of balance life stability in our responses is a symptom of a life in balance we are irritable we snap we react at the drop of a hat for trivia just because we are out of balance people who have a balanced life know how to handle pressure people whose lives are not balanced sink under pressure and get so irritable little things they just kind of snap off rule number seven face your fears I'm actually a camera shy person believe it or not you know when people shoot me and they just post some clips that's fine with me but talking to a camera it's a machine it's just some electronic machine the camera doesn't laugh the camera doesn't cry the camera doesn't have any interpersonal reciprocation the dealings and I must tell you I felt very nervous thankfully fearful as well to speak into a camera there's more fear of failure I would say because you know when you speak into a camera and if it's relayed and it's put online how do people see it otherwise when I'm with people people have seen me speak and I decided when the motive is to serve and contribute we have to face our fears we have to deal with our fears face them and rise above them at some point of time I had to decide to come and speak so one day I decided that's it I have to come speak in front of the camera the first time I did it believe me we will post that video once you must see me speaking there stiff expressionless motionless stoic nonchalant face you know and I guess I'm kind of slowly getting better because in order to deal with these fears you have to face them it will start somewhere rule number eight don't worry it's a beautiful slide when followed in life I guarantee you life will be different I guarantee you if this is applied in life we can have peaceful night's sleep here it is do you have a problem in life no then why worry do you have a problem in life yes can you do something about it yes then why worry do you have a problem in life yes can you do something about it no then why worry rule number nine choose how to live your life in the journey of life as well the take-off which is our birth is completely beyond our control we didn't choose our parents we didn't choose which nation we vimana we didn't choose which city paper bonnet we didn't choose a socio-economic class beaver bonnet we didn't choose our looks we didn't choose the religion Bhuvana our take off of the journey of life was completely beyond us and the landing death even that could be completely beyond us I've heard many times people telling me that they would just love to die by getting a massive heart attack and dropping dead no trouble for them no hospitalization no tubes no needles no trouble cause two others in one shot go now no matter how much we might wish that it's just beyond us how we go and how the landing happens is completely beyond us and what about the turbulence the disturbances the problems during the journey of our life some of them are within our control which we can solve for many problems and issues and the turbulence caused is completely beyond our control because it's caused by situations which are beyond us it's caused by people who are beyond us yes ladies and gentlemen in this journey of life the take-off the planning and the turbulence is not in our control what is in our control however is the choices we can make and therefore spirituality is about learning how to make those right choices when we learn to make those right choices we learn to live a transformed happy fulfilled life despite all the turbulence and problems that are going on around us it is said when we are beautiful it's God's gift to us when we live our life beautiful it is our gift to God therefore being a meal is a matter of birth being a man is a matter of age being a gentleman is a matter of choice and as a corollary to that being a female is a matter of birth being a woman is a matter of age being a gentlewoman is a matter of choice let us all take the spiritual wisdom learn to make the right choices which have the dinner control as our gift to God and thus live our lives as thorough and perfect ladies and gentlemen rule number 10 tell great stories I was telling the story the other day this is my favorite story I just keep sharing it all the time this is what really happened you can't believe this but this happened i came to london heathrow once and at London Heathrow I came to the immigration officer and this immigration officer elderly man he said so what are you here for I said to give talks he said then are you living at your Woodforde Center I said yeah he said how long will you stay here for I said about two weeks he said and can I ask you a personal question I said please sir he said I'm married I [Music] said you were an Indian aren't you I'm a monk he said no I was just cross-checking just in case and then he said can I ask you another one place I said yes he said are you not missing anything in life he thought he caught me at the wrong foot are you not missing anything in life I said of things I am he said what I said problems he loved my answer believe me hand on my heart he stamped my passport and as I'm walking out of the gate he put his hand on my head blessing me said son remain like this son remained like this you will never have to go through any issues and your problems in life dad you know what I mean it's nice to laugh at but as I walked through the gate I turned to him and told him look gentlemen I must tell you something don't think that me as a monk is free from problems anyone who lives in this dog-eat-dog world as they might say or anyone who lives in this world full of rat race and pressures whether it's you who are a student study or one a few culprits or business people who's working or married man or lady who's kind of dealing with family life or myself is a monk they're all subject to our own pressures we are all subject to our own stresses we our own subject to our own individual worries and anxieties this to flee was different rule number 11 utilize your time well there are four things that we can never recover in our life a stone after it has been thrown into the valley words after they have been spoken an opportunity once it is missed and time once it has gone considering the average lifespan of a human being today to be about 70 years 17 multiplied by 12 is 840 now that's how many months we have in our life to live in this world and if life is represented by a jar and those 840 months by the marbles in the jar every year 12 marbles are being thrown out of the charm last year 12 marbles have gone as well gone forever never to come back again look at how many marbles you now have in the jar to make a difference to leave a mark to stand apart utilize your time well and your time will treat you well leading you into an overall sense of well-being in the new year to come invest in taking care of your body invest in nurturing and nourishing your relationships invest in finding and discovering your purpose your passion your calling in order to enhance your professional growth invest in pursuing and cultivating a meaningful deep spiritually connect and for some reason if you found yourself stuck in any of these some of these or all of these areas in the last year the new year brings a fresh opportunity to press the refresh button refresh the page of your life and live well because at the end of the day remember we are all just stories and make sure is inspiring rule number 12 focus that one looks at the cream standing on one leg completely focused into the waters the crane with one pointed attention is looking at the waters as the fishes are swimming inside the water the crane will allow the tiny the small fish to swim around and not be satisfied with them it will allow the fishes the small fishes to go around and swim around the crane will focus and wait for the big fish to come if the cranes seconds with the small fish it loses the big fish and if the crane wants the big fish it has to allow the small fish to pass by and go around similarly in life when you want to focus on what is important we should allow the small things to pass why we shouldn't be distracted by the little things sometimes they'll be interpersonal issues and conflicts sometimes there will be some health crises sometimes there might be a financial crisis so many things keep happening in life let the small things pass by and focus on what's important rule number 13 act with a vision Thomas Alva Edison once made a very nice statement he said genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration we may have an inspiration in our heart but 1% strong burning Inferno of an inspiration but unless that inspiration is put into action dedicated committed hard work that 99% perspiration we are not going to be able to achieve what we want to achieve and so also when we talk about dealing with our bad habits success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration we need that inspiration but based on the foundation of that inspiration we have to put an dedicated committed hard work that 99% perspiration what's amazing is that 99% perspiration is based on the foundation of that 1% inspiration if the foundation of a building is in place the very first thing that we make when it comes to building a structure a house a beautiful edifice or a mansion is they put the foundation in place if the foundation is in place if it's strong and robust then all the building block is the bricks the cement the mortar the Stiggy can go on and form a beautiful structure for us to live in for us to dwell in and so also that 1% inspiration is the foundation of that 99% perspiration imagine if you're very inspired to change if you're very inspired to give up some of your bad habits but you don't put that hard work that 99% perspiration what good is that inspiration or imagine if you keep putting 99% of perspiration that hard work that effort the dedicated commitment but if you don't have that inspiration to do it in the right direction and sustain it and get it a higher shelf life what good is that hard work and perspiration therefore success comes by a balance of the term inspiration which acts as the foundation and perspiration which acts as the building blocks to build upon that foundation I once read a very interesting Japanese proverb it said action without vision is a nightmare if you simply keep acting without having the right vision the result is a nightmare and it said vision without action is a daydream if you simply have a vision and you don't act upon it all you have as a result is a daydream I have rephrased it for our discussion here today perspiration without inspiration is a nightmare but inspiration without perspiration is a daydream rule number 14 get consumed by positivity it consumed by the positive energy focus not on your bad habits get consumed not by the negative energy of your bad habit sometimes we just get so consumed by that all that's playing on our mind is that no that's meant to be dealt with focus on the good things that are happening in your life and to focus on the good things and be grateful doesn't happen automatically it's not our default setting our default setting is to go towards the negative our default setting is it to focus on the negative we have to customize our lives by being consciously aware we have to become more mindful and conscious of the wonderful gifts the wonderful opportunities the wonderful blessings that we've been showered with and with that positive energy but bad positive emotion of gratitude feel tremendously empowered to deal with our bad habits to deal with our challenges and therefore do not be hateful about what you're going through in life be grateful for all those wonderful gifts that have been given in your life remember 15 take on challenges I feel challenges are such an integral part of growth in our life for example a teacher will always pose higher and higher challenges to the students why because the teacher wants the student to grow in his or her understanding of the subject mathematics for instance watch mathematics in kindergarten and primary school in secondary school in university is different why because the challenge level goes on increasing and the higher the challenge and in a better way we are able to crack it we simply grow deeper in our understanding of the subject there is no meaning to life without a challenge and the symptom of greatness is to accept that challenge in a very sportive spirit and learn how to grow deeper in whatever we are doing rule number 16 rewrite your mistakes when you write you will most certainly end up making mistakes what's truly great is that right behind you is attached an eraser and you can actually correct that mistake and once again write the right thing ladies and gentlemen even in our lives we make so many mistakes and what's amazing is God has given us the opportunity the chance to erase them to correct them and to rewrite our stories we all make mistakes I remember I once went for a program and a gentleman came to me and said Prabhu gee I'm your fan I said why he said your talks are really inspiring especially the jokes I said what about the points man he said the points are good but the jokes are great I said to him come on all the jokes are only meant to really pass on the message and drive home the point and just as we were talking and little boy came running and I said your son right he said yeah and just following the boy came a lady I said your daughter right and the man turned blue and the lady was like all smiles a year-to-year smile because she was not as daughter she was actually his wife the guy turned to his wife and said Prabhu chakuza they seriously Neal Innoko one good joke smart both other day oh my god I realized God had made a big mistake there by asking if it was his daughter when she was actually as wife we all make mistakes now anyone who comes to me with people around I never asked whether this is your son or daughter or wife of father or mother I just asked can you kindly introduce me to everyone please simple isn't it yes we make mistakes we should learn from those mistakes erase them correct them and never repeat them rule number 17 win the war now the nature of success is that it gets into our heads and makes us complacent so the first guys if you've been successful in keeping up with your commitment don't let it get into your head don't get proud don't get complacent because complacency will stop your growth and the nature of failure is whenever we are not able to keep up with our commitments whenever we are not able to do what we want to do is that it gets into a heart and makes us depressed ladies and gentlemen if in the last week you haven't been able to keep up with your commitments don't worry don't get depressed don't feel guilty that guilt if it helps you to improve is good but that guilt if it just sends you into into sends you into a mental trap that guilt is no good in fact I always say this it's not about using a particular battle it's about winning the war ladies and gentlemen every war is made of many small and tiny battles and it's only utopia of fantasy and imagination to think that those who are fighting in the war will win every that is impossible even during the Kurukshetra war when the five brothers the pandavas the noble ones were fighting with the hundred cousins the vicious ones the Kauravas the whole idea was bought winning the war and the Pandavas kept losing many battles during the war Abhimanyu Arjun son was killed her toe touch Bhima son was killed the five sons of draupadi were killed so many losses during that war it's not that the Pandavas won every battle but they were certainly victorious in the war and during those battles when they lost those battles it's natural that we feel the press it's natural that we kind of have the tendency to give up this is when Lord Krishna came to their rescue by always bringing their attention to the final goal to keep their eyes focused on the final goal of winning the war rule number 18 enhance your good habits I really want all of you to truly truly introspect if you've decided something in the last year 2017 and did you truly work on it through the year and where do you stand today throughout the day today till we meet the next morning tomorrow at eight o'clock I want all of you to introspect this one word introspection to see if you've actually worked on what you've decided or were you a victim of resolution dissolution and no solution ladies and gentlemen I often say with habits are of three kinds the first is our good habits and when we talk about good habits for example saying a thank you this is an example or saying a sorry being hospitable courteous kind is a good habit and very often it's just a habit though very often we could say a thank you or even say us and not even mean it we go into the autopilot mode and that's why we call it a habit it's just in the autopilot mode we say thank you we don't mean it we may say oh sorry we may not mean it and therefore when it comes to good habits in the year 2018 let us consciously enhance them not just sustain and enhance those habits but consciously enhance those habits which is basically for example we see say a thank you we mean thank you Excel for example we say oh sorry we mean as sorry as well they're good habits and you could identify your own good habits and make sure that we do not continue them in an autopilot mode in the year 2018 so with the good habits we don't want to be in the autopilot mode but you want to consciously enhance the quality of those good habits as we enter the year 2018 rule number 19 go through the pain unless you go through sharpening what is within you will not come out the pencil has to go through painful sharpening before the sharp LED comes out and makes an impact ladies and gentlemen similarly in life unless we go to painful sharpening the best things within will never come out as they say no pains no gains rule number 20 do the right things many of you have many of you some of you have commented and asked me this question that all this sounds easier than done it's easy to say these things easy to listen to these things when it comes to practical implementation application and dealing with these things in real life it seems very difficult it seems very hard but that's very true what you've said is perfectly true because only the wrong things come very easy the right things that we need to do in our life don't come that easily you know when we do the wrong things they give us that momentary pleasure and they're extremely easy to do although they give us that momentary pleasure and they're easy to do in the long run however we have to pay a very high price in terms of our physical emotional mental and spiritual well-being although they give us pleasure and they are easy God they really caused a lot of trouble later on the other hand the right things they caused pain in the beginning they're painful to do a lot of hard work they don't come easy and if you just are willing to bear that initial pain that initial hard work the initial discomfort and that initial could be a long time actually in the long run these right things these right habits pay back a massive premium to us in terms of sustained pleasure safe pleasure which has a very high shelf value and it is not at all destructive to our overall sense of well-being this kind of pleasure coming from the right things Lord Krishna calls these pleasures in the bhagavad-gita as sattvic pleasures of pleasures in the mode of goodness they cause pain in the beginning discomfort in the beginning but they pay back a huge premium in terms of sustained high shelf pleasures on the other hand Lord Krishna calls this short-term pleasures come that come by doing wrong as pleasures in the mode of ignorance or Tomczyk pleasures these pleasures are momentarily very exciting thrilling exhilarating and they easy to go but in the long run we have to pay a huge price therefore ladies and gentlemen do not worry so much about what is easy or hard worry about what is right and wrong the right things may be hard but we should be doing it in a long term interest the wrong things may come easy but we should be avoiding them in our long term interest therefore even if being polite sensitives we're sportive kind to others may be hard even if putting all these things that we've spoken in the last couple of days into practice base sounds very hard and difficult but that's the right thing to do ladies and gentleman in our transformative journey we have to worry about the right thing to do not the easy thing to do and right things require a lot of hard work but bit by bit as we work hard we can get there remember 21 get up and start running a grab given me Yas munakata a UROP jeevan may success prop carnage a taeho to me [Music] Drita's Aegina person ahead determination Seguin apart a peerage rakhna papa patient banana papaya or even sub capelin Hikaru table pick a barge even Meno TRPA challenges appear on fellow Japan a hunger jockey hey Ernie Raja jab a success Kokoschka subsea shatru hain near asha Rubini Raja jaja to sab kuch colberto bikini rosh hashanah topaz Madeira for our Carolina yo Madeira a pop Nebojsa cogent APA formatted Arab ryouichi oto robots are you chase a Georgia German pergi repair Oh Jesse bechara semana Capretta Karthik Makaha area takuma Pacheco Pavarotti Rosco Oh Georgia not mawr PA ultimate chachaka or Georgia or bass a place food would do Barakat a car mega predator / / Moscow Baraka career appear tomorrow Georgia not my PA but some agita Jeremy Poochyena Karuna to la cartera in a paragraph of Ligny but it conjure pero el jardín anacapri at IOD Roberta [Music] veromarcos column our PA dr. gira got a savage attack ad Macaulay rector Haruna tomislav appear an apple a giraffe kabocha tgzip-- organic a Fresno pepper or Tajima apne Bachchan Pierre Alexandre a Madeira believe at Ajanta a cage angle may break our pursue a shell nombre de jour now jad pranayamas berapa sanlúcar pain or Madeira to be cheeky sod she shook Assad a missionary a verb ah heartily giotto's particular japan-korea a silly sub sapele Jessica Jennifer Roscoe lot Marty a Takeo uttanasan hey dobe are a lot mawr PA pakusa us Nicki de cría who yarder ahead devar a lot Marty a rocky cable attorney Dorna param McRae Jeevan whatever channel here I challenges angry or I'm giving in I feel only liquid Margera my job be challenges I chickeny Barbie are view which massacre which but it's not sequel woodcutter ni saku kara naked are messy cook cooking color yogig varanasi cooking yes success coochie-coochie shaker / vanessa kirby rule number 22 find the right balance in the world out there today people have a wrong idea of success people think success means achievement and people think success means having all what the world is promoting to you so the more you have the more successful you are and the more happier you are that's a completely wrong idea of success that people have now when you are wanting to achieve and you wanting to get the best and you wanting to get there all the time obviously have to work hard loads of people are putting in 14 16 18 hours of work not prioritizing their health not prioritizing their hobbies not prioritizing their family not prioritizing their spirituality not prioritizing their unwinding them saying how much do you prioritize there's so many things seeking your attention is there a risk of people spreading themselves too thin and how do you figure that out how do you how do you fly i don't think so it's a question of spreading yourself out i think it's a question of finding the right balance irritability and lack of satisfaction is is is an outcome often life out of balance you know a life out of balance now it's like it's like when you an artist is wanting to make a painting or a pencil sketch and if he's sharpening the pencil someone comes in says hey man you're wasting your time sharpening a pencil but unless i sharpen the pencil whatever you do is going to be extremely blunt so if you even want to be effective at work and achieve it's better that you be internally focused if you're not focused and if you're not internally mentally stable your output at the workplace is low as well i'm saying that if you prioritize those things that mean to you you work on yourself you work on your internal self the consequence of that would be will be super productive and less number of hours people are taking much longer to do something that they could have done a much shorter amount of time because they're distracted they're not focused they're not together what you're saying is very simple but it's not easy absolutely so let's cut to the chase sure give it all to our viewers a few practical solutions to continue to focus on oneself and not be distracted by the noise that there are subtle tactical strategies number one start taking in Inventor irregularly okay don't just go with the flow if you're not even paying attention to you if you're not even cognizant if you're not even identifying those areas you're not going to work on them so first identify that I need to work on this understand that this is a priority step two is regularly take time out if you don't take a break you're simply leading to a breakdown a break is going to help you get to break through but a lack of break is going to get you to a breakdown if you have ever read the book the monk who sold his Ferrari it's a guy who's just working achieving putting his 200% and gets a cardiac arrest at a young age in the courtroom what is it on the part you've achieved everything and you know massive failure because you couldn't work on your life so - let's take a break now you might say oh man I'm really busy how am I going to take a break which basically means you don't got it right if you can't take a break you're leading to a breakdown prioritize that break so you can achieve a breakthrough yeah I do break so not easy even me my life is 150 to 200 sometimes 250 flights a year exactly that's how much I travel how do you take a break I have learned the art of unwinding on the go how do you do that you have to do it on the go prioritize it I listen to your favorite music read your favorite book eat your favorite food you know meditate while or you're on the go sit there I don't want this then learn the art of cutting off from the surroundings while you're on you sitting in the car driving back home you're sitting on a 17 hours flight to New York you know what are you going to do all those 17 hours learn the art of cutting off surroundings and going within I do that remember 23c challenges as opportunities assembled in 1914 there was a massive explosion in West Orange New Jersey United States of America 10 buildings in a factory owned by the legendary inventor Thomas Edison were engulfed by flames six to eight fire departments rushed to the scene but could not curb the chemical fueled inferno after having dried all that he could as Thomas Edison calmly stood there watching the fire destroy his entire life's hard work his 24 year old son Charles came over and stood next to him and a childlike voice Edison said to his son Charlie go and get your mother and her friends they'd never be able to see a spectacular fire like this in their entire life astonished and shocked by father's response Charles asked Thomas Edison our entire Factory is being burnt down to ashes bed Thomas Edison replied in complete composure yes our factory is being burnt down to ashes but all the mistakes we've made so far in the factory have also been burnt down to ashes we will start all over again tomorrow that evening Thomas Edison told a New York Times reporter although I'm 67 years old and I'm completely exhausted from running around and trying to control the file tomorrow I'll start all over again afresh and so he did the next day was a fresh beginning for Thomas Edison and his son Charles in trying to rebuild what had been destroyed by the fire often this is what life does unto us our dreams are shattered hopes broken efforts baffled great people they don't cry they try to rebuild their dreams great people don't give up live up to the challenges that life throws at them great people don't go through they grow through the difficulties that come on their path they start all over again with great hope with great determination with great grit and that is why we reach the highest peaks of success that most people only aspire for that is why I say no challenges no success no challenges no success rule number 24 go beyond the obvious a teacher teaching math to a class of six-year-olds asked a boy called Erna in class Erna if I give you two mangoes and two mangoes how many will you have I've no said five the teacher said uh now if I give you one too - mine was and one two two mangoes how many will you have five replied I now the teacher was upset but remember that I knows mom had said that my mom doesn't like mangoes he liked strawberries so she changed her example if I give you two strawberries and two strawberries how many do you have so replied Allah or the teacher was pleased by the change of strategy just to confirm that our now had understood his math right she asked her now again if I give you two mangoes and two mangoes how many will you have are no replied five the teacher was now annoyed how can two and two strawberries before and two and two mangoes be five or no replied I already have one mango in my bag madam who was right was the teacher wrong no because two plus two is four was I'll never know because 2+2 this fall and one man when my rag makes it why isn't it a fact that all kinds of conflicts come because of the gap between technical ripeness and practical rightness the teacher was technically right technical rightness means to see the obvious technical rightness means to see what is visible Poorna was practically right practical rightness means to see beyond the obvious practical rightness means to see beyond what is visibly see practical rightness means to see the hidden Mangal ladies and gentlemen very often all our conflicts come because the gap between the technical and practical rightness the next time you see someone not fit into your definition of what is technically right please do not be judgmental go beyond the obvious go beyond the same you try to look for the hidden mango which will truly help you understand the person and resolve the conflicting situation that you are in you number-25 break the mold when you're wanting to do something out of the box there's always going to be opposition from a society where parents want you to subscribe to a certain things a settled job a settled life in terms of family and your thinking completely out of the box as soon as you want to do something out of the box you're going to have to face challenges from the family side after a while however when my family saw where I was reaching how I was impacting people's lives however how I was really able to make a difference in the world they accepted it very well and I feel in terms of coping up with the challenges of how my friends have moved on the industry I think it's a question of self-discovery I hate I hate being a part of a mold that the world created for me I don't want to subscribe to the mold that the world creates for you I don't want to live a life in a paradigm that the world is created for me I want to discover my own mold I want to have a paradigm that I have invented you know only when you discover yourself only when you live a life for what you are created is when you feel happy satisfied not just happy and satisfied you're super effective even in the corporate world today loads of people are just living life which they are not created for because it pays the bucks and why do they need the box to pay the taxes to pay the pills bills to pay the mortgages but they're not living a life of what they are created for so it's basically kind of you know fitting in just because it pays you but I decided I didn't want to fit it so when I saw others moving on my friends my colleagues moving on high up I really did not feel insecure at all because I didn't want to fit in to be someone else I wanted to find myself discover myself there's as soon as you of successful in your self-discovery man you are effective and completely satisfied rule number 26 change your vision a little boy once came running to his mother and asked her what are you doing wrong she'll play I'm making a beautiful embroidered design on this nice glut the little boy looked up to the cloth securely and in the wooden ring the home and complained a design all I can see is just some colored threads yellow blue red black pink all tangled up all messed up into each other all complication and you call it a design [Music] picked up the little boy put him on her lap and said to him now look at it my son and the boy saw a beautiful design an incredible pattern a systematic plan and a layout a one wing on this plot the mother said to the boil when you look at the clot from your side all you see is a mess when you look at the clot from my side all you see is a beautiful design applaud ladies and gentlemen when we go to the helpless oh well Ming challenges in our life for no fault of ours or no fault of anybody else and we cannot do anything to sort it out if we see and look at it all we see is a mess all we see is situations and events tangled up and jumbled up to create that mess but when we look at the same situation from life's point of view from God's point of view we see a beautiful design a pattern a plan evolving in in fact for a beautiful design of embroidery to happen on one side you cannot avoid the mess on the other side and it's not just the nature of embroidery such as the nature of life as well this outlook actually gives us a very deep sense of inner strength and fortitude to face such helpless oval main challenges in our life thus I say change your vision and your vision will change you rule number 27 make informed and transformed choices we have put in many many complicated situations I want to offer all of you a very powerful tool a very simple one when you are talking about making a choice weigh the consequences and just decide which of the two consequences you are okay to bear moral dilemmas are easy to solve because moral dilemmas are between good and bad ethical dilemmas are hard to solve because ethical dilemmas are between bad and bad or good and good remember this always you will have to make one choice you're not going to be spared by life you will always have to make one choice choices means two things to remember informed choices and transformed choices we should make informed choices what is an informed choice is based on proper knowledge based on proper deliberation based on proper consideration based on proper analysis not half is hardly whimsically made choices and what is transform choices choice is based on a spiritual strength so when we have a combination of informed and transform then we make a choice because informed we know what to do but we can't do it unless we definitely need to make transform choices and therefore they say and an elegant person will open your mind a handsome person will open your eyes are cool Ratana recognize women but a gentle man will open your heart what to speak of an intelligent handsome gentle man this is what I appeal to all of you become intelligent handsome gentle man rule number 28 fix your life first what did you do to be who you are right now yeah I think if you if you are on an airline and then on a flight the cabin crew will come announce that if there be a lack of oxygen supply in the cabin masks will come from the panel above your head and secure them normally and breathe normally and make sure your mask is in place before you assist and help others exact so you truly cannot help others unless you owe yourself in place and when we talk about putting your life in place like my personal life in place I feel there is a great need to give that priority to fix your life so yes there were challenge it's moving from being a HP engineer to a lifestyle engineer moving from being a pampered son to a monk moving from living in comfort to living in meager facilities in the ashram in the monastery there were challenges but these were all external challenges the internal challenges were am I missing out you're out there if I put my fire out they would probably be really elevated to a very high position in the industry so initially when I just came in the challenge was am I missing out and that challenge was taken care of by seeing the kind kind of lives that were being impacted by what I was doing the satisfaction I felt and trying to bring the difference and making that impact was able to kind of deal with that challenge of failing did I miss out on something I don't think I must start on anything at any point because seeing people's life changed is what very brave brought me that great joy rule number 29 act as an instrument now when we see all of these pencils lying here on the table can any of this pencil make a pencil sketch by itself can any one of these write a poem by themselves can any of the Spencer's actually draw a plan a construction plan for a building no the pencil maker tool the pencil then you can actually truly serve your purpose and your in the hands of an expert in the hands of an expert artist a beautiful sketch is made Pablo Picasso the great artist was one time walking on the streets and a lady came up to him and said hey Picasso you're such a great artist can you make a pencil sketch of my place because who made that sketch in a jiffy in less than 30 seconds and handed it over to the lady and said 1 million dollars madam she said you've made it less in less than 30 seconds what do you need the 1 million dollars for Picasso said the 1 million dollars is not for making it in less than 30 seconds the 1 million dollars is for the 30 years of hard work which makes me do it in less than 30 seconds in the hands of an expert architect the pencil can make a plan the hands of an expert poet writer the pencil can write a poem or a story yes ladies and gentlemen when we act as instruments like Spencer and the hands of God in the hands of our teachers our gurus our mentors our experienced trustworthy guides truly we will be able to make an incredible impact on the world regardless of who we are and what color we are off rule number 30 let your choices define you pigma achma open a vertical severe severe school genetically jaggery or baton a school Janus a Safin car can be up to Jinping ketchup Bahama limit a pizza home couscous uniquely jaga delta t don t scenic a supercar cabana lady agatha t to be paid made our data to compete meters copies are made art to kibou Harrogate aa table job is beta code jaga area the money beat izakaya key to MU J doe car and o2 school konasana chatty Botanica paella carrot to be sorry teachers months in Africa P or disregard sorry with their artist Irish students women's in Africa play Monica school - Jeru Jana pre-debate a moussaka - Musa Dagh car and ok my school kyu-jong Monica Bella car junkie - Bhavan sulky or district are you ok - squeaky headmaster chime go school Jana ecology Jana Heilig a absurd quad Okeechobee school cappella Dino Tata Tom number out sahaja Tata nage attained a uniform a school bag negative a Brittany notebook it may copy Bianca Mills atrophy Jeevan maybe her wash her Sol hum quick copy ignored book multi a team soup acid but normally notebook her Siham Khadija tea business Aldo Hadassah Treme of which Arkady king pages per in Panama / APNIC aleca hispano package oppress rain who chopped gay relationships someone danke chapter who chopped professional life Kate chapters couch obtain eg say heard healthy Kate chapters our coach up cadet McGee even spiritual life K chapters Allah garlic broccoli chapters how many pets LaSalle K Doha Joss at Rockies ten teen soap a sequela Pinocchio McNeil Akane good chapters Berea Chi handwriting militia gay or could chapters gen John Bonavia hominem ska kuch din hamari sambandham a which can lease a couch karna said general manager yeah come on a professional like me how many code chapter general Binaca beg me push cover - hey kiddo huzzah axe Rocky Joey no become familiar is Qahhar panna her pressed her page Holly hey Rob the hamari Choi's head he hung inferno / up in age with someone monkey chapter say hearth k chapter professional life gate chapter openly at we have means even gay chapter opening monastic Sun to Lanka chapter Cassie handwriting Millican a chi and writing me back ginger l've an actor like me or a silly jia CVM choice ke you see prokhorovka a mirage evanka under power over rule number 31 follow the change I believe that the seven greatest I would say the seven words which are the greatest enemy of growth and progress in any field including what I'm doing a are we have always done it this way Nokia thought we've always done it this way they are out you know blockbuster thought they've always done it this way Netflix threw them out if I as a monk thought that IV have always done it this way the monks in the past have always spoken this way they've always been this way well I would be out as well my mind not wanting to be out was not because I wanted to be the center my not wanting to be out was so that I can I'll reach out to people and help make a difference in their lives so obviously I had to change with times obviously I had to change my job then obviously I had to bring in a bunch of you have a bit of humor in there obviously I would have to speak lines which will resonate with people it's like I hate using our but it's like playing old wine in a new bottle right principles never change values never change knowledge and wisdom doesn't change but how you bring it to people that certainly can change and I believe that's what's resonated with people it's not that I'm saying anything new is the same visit am the same knowledge many people are speaking it but just the way you package it so Nokia failing and packaging themselves rightly coming into digital photography blockbuster denied when Netflix up Netflix approached them they're out and if I think I don't change I don't keep up with the times well I'm outdated if you're not updated you are outdated whether its spirituality or the industry out there it doesn't matter rule number 32 live in the now I think when we talk about being in the present we don't have to start getting into the present when the pressure is high we need to start practicing being in the present when the pressure is low there's a very nice quote that I read once in one of the Barack's of the indian army which said when you sweat a lot in times of peace you be less in times of war IPL for instance cricket now when the match is on the world tournaments on the the competition stuff is you right there and under the spot which means the pressure is high and you need to be focused you need to be present you can only do it effectively when you learn to be present in the smaller things of life I often tell people that when we talk about being present one thing that we should start practicing is start being physically present like I give the example I have a glass of juice here you know when I'm sipping this mango juice why do I need to watch television why do I have to keep checking messages on my phone what I'm doing by looking at the television while looking at the phone is being distracted from drinking the juice so I'm drinking the juice let me just drink the juice what's happening is I'm being present physically present now it's not so much about just being drinking the juice but about cultivating the attitude behind drinking the juice or being present and what I'm doing I also tell people beyond being physically present we need to also be emotionally present very often you see people today are talking to each other chatting with each other they're looking around here and there they're scrolling on their phones they're looking at their messages they're sending whatsapp messages what they're doing is they're completely getting distracted and not learning to live in the now being emotionally present means when I'm talking to you for instance I am with you I'm not looking at this plant behind me I'm not looking at the camera here I'm not looking at the cup of juice I am looking at you I'm soaking in every single word as you speak that's not just about speaking it's about cultivating the attitude of being present rule number 33 increase the standard of your life whether you drive a fox wagon or you drive a Bentley the road remains the same doesn't it whether you speak on a Samsung or you speak on an iPhone X whoever you're calling remains the same whether you're flying economy or you're flying business the destination area heading remains the same isn't it whether you're wearing a simple fast track all you wear an Omega or a Rolex the time remains it's quite amazing how we work ourselves up so much with increasing the standard of living that we forget to increase the standard of our life and which is why wherever I travel I make an appeal to people there's nothing wrong with an Omega and nothing wrong with a Bentley god bless you with that and if you have it drive at no problem but it is trying to enhance and increase and improvise the standard of your living please please do not compromise with the standard of your life it's not the standard of your living that makes you happy it is a standard of your life that makes it happy and very often we forget to give attention to those things that can truly make us [Music] which is why I like I always say things that I'm talking about they have utility value right not happiness value travel business rather first-class travel no problem drive apparently no problem but in doing so never ever compromise on those principles that also improve the standard of your life and therefore I always say some people are so poor so poor so absolutely for that all they have is money that's all that's all I consider that life a power district in life if all you have is money you're the poorest person in the world because there's more to life than money and there's way more to life than what money can buy and therefore are many times say if you want to truly know how rich you are drop it here and see how many hands come forth to wipe that deal ladies actually a happiness a happiness and I increased and of life is not in things it's in people it's relationships it's meaningful heartfelt deep bondings of love that bring fulfillment to the heart it was meaningful exchanges of love that we share with each other and relationships that brings true joy to the heart and isn't it the greatest irony it's something that brings in the greatest fulfillment be very conveniently neglect in just running after increasing and enhancing a standard of living rule number 34 fine balance the pencil maker tool the pencil that you know what is truly important is what lies within you so as externally we have our work certainly we have our personality but internally as a person we have to also develop so pencil is about finding the balance between the external and the internal the external is the casing the internal is the lead lead that makes an impact so while we lead a life of valuables externally we must also prioritize the values internally while we lead a life of personality externally we also need to prioritize being a good person internally while we live a life of charisma externally we also need to live a life of character internally so the balance between the external and the internal is the balance of the lead in the pencil in the case of a pencil yeah rule number 35 have hope I think there's this one aspect that we all need to accept and come to terms with in life this is going to be things that are beyond a control let's not fight this back and let's not come into the mode of controller ship thinking that everything's in my hands that thinking that everything's in my hands can disappoint us for a straight us when things don't go our way so I think that's one aspect that I talked about this come to terms with it that there's going to be things that don't don't go my way and everything doesn't go by my watch life has its watch higher powers have their watch and things will come to us also you know this this bulbs right up here yeah you know the lighting of the whole studio of every shooting it's quite amazing this bulbs giving their light but there's many bulbs in the storeroom who are waiting there to come in the studio and give their light so that the shooting can happen when will that bulb in the studio ever get a chance to come up here not the beauty of life is at the bulb up here doesn't last forever no bulb is lasted forever and no bulb will last forever no speaker has lasted for him no speaker will last forever no actor has lasted forever in terms of their fame no actor will last forever no athlete no sports person has lasted forever and no sports person will last forever just like this bulb everyone has their time everyone has their day and that day doesn't last for ever so which basically means the bulb here won't be there one day and the bulb in the storeroom is going to get its chance to come to this lampshade one day to light up the studio you know what the question in the mind of that little bulb bear is I agree sir all this philosophy understood sounds good all this gone yes sounds great all this sounds great but how do I continue so I think the parameter the principle be the value the epoch that actually helps us continue with perseverance and patience is hope hope is that one element that can keep us going the worst thing to happen in life is to lose hope and be hopeless so if you're sitting there waiting for our turn to come up against hope one day I will also have my time and my place when how we do not know because these are factors that are completely beyond our control Wilma 36 choose greatness so his question is how does luck or destiny what role does it play in victory or success right is it all hard work is it all destiny what is it now in my humble opinion destiny is the situations that come to you which are beyond your country for example you didn't choose your parents didn't you choose if you were this time that was destined you born as animal you marry Bob premium about organizing have you ever thought like that never did you ever choose your looks it's a knock over you choose no one looks as good as your facebook profile picture and no one looks as obvious there are other garbage of Noah [Music] so situations situations are destiny you didn't choose them they came to you if someone comes in and serves me I didn't choose it it came to me that situation is this time but my response to the situation is my choice the response is not destiny what I choose is my choice and when I choose it that decides my future destiny this is why they say man is the maker of this destiny not situations situations will remain what they are but how you responded to those situations is completely and entirely your choice you have that situation which is the style now you have a choice to work hard to cultivate that attitude that attitude is not destiny that attitude is a choice and when you choose that attitude hopefully victory will come to you right away even if it doesn't come to you right away we have sown the seed that we pay back the seed that a soul will certainly rectify now Enya's down the line 20 years down the line or later this is why persistence sticking it out it's so much essential rule number 37 prioritize mindfulness the word mindfulness is a big thing in the world today mm-hmm I was in San Francisco and I was invited to speak at Salesforce okay and Marc Benioff what are the things he's done at sales forces is prioritized mindfulness for every single employee every single floor of their headquarters in Salesforce has a mindfulness zone people can go there practice mindfulness in fact every year they have this conference called Dreamforce in the month of November or two hundred thousand American top-notch professionals come for the conference and in that four to five days conference the last day is the mindfulness day where they invite people who can speak to their to these professionals so that they can learn the art of internally connecting stabilizing their minds because even Marc Benioff realized when people are together the output is much greater then when we are just distracted and lost you know so the paycheck is never an issue but if you cut corners the organisation never grow so I think yes even in terms of profitability and organizational growth spirituality does make a difference because it gives a person good character integrity a certain values where the person contributes the must rule number 38 be the best version of yourself when I talk about self-confidence I talk about trying to be the best version of yourself you know we are constantly updating our apps we're constantly updating our operating systems whether it's an iOS or an Android yeah and the updation of the apps or the operating systems means to bring the best versions of what exists and whenever you're updating to a higher version of yourself you have to be able to give the best of yourself to it if you stick to the older version you reach the plateau and you don't have to work harder when you update yourself to a higher version you have to give the best of yourself in two hundred percent of your energy there yeah hard work coming out of the comfort zone which is where many times I say you are your own competition actually that's true nobody is your competition that's true we have to compete with ourselves every single moment every single day to get better than ourselves to get better versions of ourselves to get the best version of ourselves so when I talk about self-confidence I talk about being the best version of yourself and having that full confidence that I can crack it I can get there real number 39 transform currency to happiness it's amazing how money can be known by so many different ways in a temple church or charity it's called a donation in a school it's called a fee in a marriage dowry and in a divorce alimony when you owe money to someone it's called a debt when you pay it to the government it's called a tax in a court it's a fine when you receive it regularly after retirement it's called a pension when an employer gives it to a worker it's called a salary when a master gives it to a servant it's called a wage when children receive it it's an allowance and when you borrow it from a bank it's called a loan when you offer it after a good service it's called a tip when paid to a kidnapper it's called a ransom when only really received in the name of a service is called a bribe and when used to share and to serve others it's called happiness there's nothing wrong in possessing money the problem is when money possesses you earn more money fulfill your needs utilize your money to share and serve others and transform the value of your money from currency to happiness rule number 40 find your drive a simple small purse and sanskrit the reverse which is muqam guru devo cello even a dumb man can speak upon whom long Hayate aguirre me even a lame man can cross the mountain yatra pitamaha one day she guru Dena param it's by the grace of sri guru and that one can do what we are doing and therefore if you ask me what is my motivation to keep going I don't even think I am inspiring millions or crores as you said people are watching and people are hearing it's not my knowledge it's the knowledge coming from God it's the knowledge coming from my guru and so many other monks in the monastery from whom Allah I simply act as a microphone a microphone simply amplifies the voice of the speaker so if there's something that's motivating people it's not me it's the knowledge and the power of that grace that is behind me which is unseen to your eyes you can't see that but that's the life that I live when you don't see me on screens I am in a monastery in a small little room every morning practicing my spiritual sadhana every morning connecting to God through the chanting of the holy names every morning I sit and listen to the other monks I am not only speaking I sit there I hear others you know I learn from them and I'm tremendously inspired by the picture that I showed you in the Prabhupada his life and tremendously inspired by the example and of course my guru rather not my eyes tirelessly keeps on going and serving if there's anything that motivates me it's my chanting it's my hearing it's a company of my guru and other like-minded monks that's what keeps rule number 41 get out of your comfort zone we are all created to fly to live by the incredible potential that we have all been invested with but often we sit on our branches clinging to the things that are familiar to us remaining stuck in our comfort zones not willing to venture out not willing to take risks the possibilities are endless but for most of us they remain undiscovered because we continue to conform to the familiar to the comfortable to the mundane so for the most part our lives are mediocre instead of exciting thrilling and fulfilling what is the branch that's holding you back from flying high what's the fear that's stopping you from taking a risk what is the weakness that's inhibiting your growth unless we cut off the branches we are clinging to and free ourselves we can never take off and reach new heights in our life what are you waiting for cut the branch and take your flight rule number 42 ignore the noise a vegetable vendor used a white board with the words fresh vegetables sold here to attract people to buy his vegetables a man came up to him and said simply by seeing we can tell that your vegetables are so fresh why do you need to advertise them as fresh crop off the word fresh the vendor did so leaving behind the words vegetables sold here on the board another man came up and said we know you're selling vegetables not fruits why don't you wipe out the word vegetables the vendor complied left on the board now with two words sold here after a while an elderly lady approached him and said if you're sitting in the market you're not giving your veggies for free I'll take off that soul the vendor removed the sold and the white board had only one word left here a school boy passing by teased the vegetable seller saying everyone in the world knows you're sitting here not there why the here the vegetable seller I raised the last word making the white board clean and empty another person came up and said only a stupid man would keep such a nice whiteboard empty why don't you write something on it to advertise your vegetables everybody around us has an opinion to make everybody around us has a suggestion to offer and most often with the best intentions but if we end up listening to what everybody else has to say we may forget to do or - we are inspired what are we are meant to do in the noise of others suggestions and opinions don't lose your voice take good advice could also learn the art of navigating through that advice to follow your own journey rule number 43 don't evaluate life based on face value anything that you evaluate by face value saying this is bad could actually turn out to be good give me an example an example is how I came to the world and social media there was a particular clip on whatsapp that started circulating someone had played mischief had taken a joke out of context and it started circulating it in fact my inbox whatsapp was filled with the same video 3.8 megabytes the day I got it three years back and I was worried God what I'm saying could get me in trouble and I thought God this is this is a difficult situation in fact I even called a lawyer to see what the repercussions could be because what I had said could bring me in controversy and it's quite amazing it was that clip that actually brought me to the world so what you see as a curse could turn into a blessing what you see as bad could turn into good so never ever evaluate any situation based on its face value something you think is good could be absolutely destructive for you and something which you think is absolutely bad and destructive could turn out to be something constructive something that in Steve Jobs say therefore connect the dots backwards yeah rule number 44 untie your mental blocks a farmer had three donkeys and was taking them for sale to the market on the way he saw a river and desired to take a dip there was an issue though he only had two ropes and thus would be able to tie only two of his three donkeys to a tree how to tie the third one he wondered around there he saw a wise man and approached him for a rope to tie his third donkey the man did not have a rope but had a brilliant suggestion it told the farmer tie the two donkeys up to a tree with the ropes you have and make sure that the third donkey is watching then simply pretend to tie the third one the farmer followed the man's advice and went for a depth in the river when he came back he saw that the donkeys stood exactly at the same spot where he left them he thanked the wise man untied the donkeys and patted the third one so it starts moving as well after going a little distance he turned around and was surprised to see the third donkey still standing at the very same spot he tried cajoling and talking to the donkey it did not help he tried to push the donkey from behind but it refused to move from the spot helpless the farmer came back to the man who asked him did you untie the third donkey untie but I never tied him up replied the farmer the man said you know that the donkey doesn't it still thinks it is tied up the farmer then went through the imaginary motions of untying the donkey and guess what sure enough the donkey moved immediately as do released and walked over to join its two friends what's holding us back from moving ahead and reaching our dreams is it a lack of resources is it a lack of opportunities is it a lack of support or are we tied up by the imaginary ropes of doubt fear hesitation yes we certainly need to work on the external parameters needed for our success what is even more important is that we untie our mental blocks and expedite our journey towards our goal rule number 45 be consistent Healthcare is shifting from treatment to prevention going to the dentist regularly is important not just when you were in pain brushing his teeth twice a day every day and visiting the dentist twice a year could have prevented the pain he is experiencing now why wait for problems to occur in our life if we can proactively address them and save ourselves so much pain and going to the gym regularly is important not just when you want a summer body small acts of love and kindness done regularly are important not just the big kills given on birthdays and anniversaries it is the small things done brightly and consistently that make a huge difference in our lives success is less about intensity and more about consistency rule number 46 change your outlook a tourist who was walking around the city came upon a construction site he saw three men busy with their task of laying bricks wanting to check the inspiration the motivation with which they were engaged in the exact same job he asked the first man what he was doing and the man said he was laying bricks when he asked the second man the exact same question the man said he was building a wall when he turned to the third man and asked what he was doing he said he was building a cathedral three men doing the exact same but their outlook to their work is so different the first man an ordinary outlook get your job done the second man a normal outlook make something big that can make you big money and the third man an extraordinary outlook seeing the bigger picture not the brick not the wall but the Cathedral and doing his bit playing his small part in making something spectacular such inspired individuals are happy to be a part of a larger purpose happy to work together as a team giving their 200% to what they do not only do they feel fully satisfied with their work not only do they grow professionally but they become heroes often unsung heroes in creating something incredibly amazing during one of his visits to NASA jf Kennedy asked a janitor mopping up the floor waters job at NASA was and the gentleman instantly replied I'm helping send a man to the moon so are you laying a break building a wall or creating a towering cathedral change your outlook and you will be out spending rule number 47 focus on what you have it was a lazy Sunday afternoon to school going friends in a small town had a crazy idea they rounded up three goats from a farm close by and painted the numbers one two and four on their sides that night they let the goats loose inside the school building the next morning when the teachers star children entered the school they could literally smell something was wrong they saw goats droppings all over the place and concluded that goats had entered the building now it was a mission to locate the goat a team was assigned to look for the goats and very soon the three goats with the numbers one two and four painted on them without the school authorities were relieved but simultaneously worried we found one two and four where was the goat number three the search team spent the rest of the day looking for the goat number three there was panic frustration the school declared a holiday for the students only unto their joy the teachers helpers and team boys everybody will is he looking for goat number three which of course was never found you know why because it's simply did not exist aren't we all like the search team in the school we have our goats were right in front of us we all have a unique ability that no one in the world can replicate but instead of making the most of what we have instead of focusing on our gifts our strengths our potential we often continue to look for the elusive missing non-existent goat number three we keep worrying about and cheesy the missing piece what we lack what we have tried hard for and never formed what doesn't exist in us and I'm not even saying we shouldn't try we have to try our best before knowing something is not meant for us but after trying hard for long and still not being able to reach even the basic success in doing something I guess it's time to ask ourself this question wouldn't it be better to focus on goats 1 2 & 4 that I have and do something with them rather than chasing goat number 3 which simply doesn't exist in me rule number 48 make the right choices the man got lost in a desert and had exhausted all the water he had carried a couple of days ago he knew for sure that if he didn't get some water he would certainly die although completely exhausted the didn't give up hope he kept walking looking for some sign of good fortune suddenly he saw a small heart at some distance could it be a mirage he thought or maybe just a hallucination but having no other option left he edged closer only to realize that the heart was real gathering the last bits of energy left he dragged his tired body inside the heart hoping he could find some water the heart was empty and seemed like it had been abandoned for quite some time his heart skipped a beat when he saw what was in the heart a hand pump water finally he was overjoyed he began working the hand pump but no water came out he tried harder and yet harder flow water finally after putting in every bit of energy he gave up out of exhaustion and frustration and sat down thinking maybe understand to die out of thirst today a second ray of hope he noticed a bottle in one corner of the hut it was filled with water and cocked up to prevent evaporation he uncorked the bottle and as he was just about to devour the life-giving water he noticed a piece of paper attached to it the handwritten message read used this water to start the pump don't forget to fill the bottle when you're done he was now in a dilemma to follow the instruction and pour the water into the pump or ignore it and just drink the water what if he put the water into the pump and it didn't work but then maybe the instruction was correct should he risk it if it turned out to be false he would be throwing away the last water he would ever see have you ever been in a situation like this where there are only two options and uncertainty about which one will work what will you do which one will you choose well you have to choose one and be willing to bear the consequences that it brings many people don't decide because they're fearful of the consequences and they continue to remain confused in their life the man decided to take a leap of faith hands trembling he poured the water into the pump closed his eyes said a prayer and started working to the pump he heard a gurgling sound and water came down gushing out could possibly use he dragged the cool refreshing water to his heart's content and quenched his thirst he was going to live feeling much better he looked around the hut and found a pencil and a map of the region the map showed that he was still far away from civilization but at least now he knew where he was and in which direction to go next he filled up his flask for the journey ahead and as per the instruction on the note also filled up the body and puts the cork back in and before leaving the hut he added his own lines below the instruction believe me it works most of us may not be confronted with a situation like this where the choice made decides whether we live or die yet we have our own journeys to take and our own choices to make if the choice we make goes away fantastic we can inspire people by telling them believe me it works and if it doesn't go our way we can share our mistakes our experiences our realizations and empower people to make choices renumber 49 find real peace there was a king who had a great fascination and love for paintings one time he decided to offer a very valuable prize to the artists who would paint a beautiful picture depicting peace on the final day of the judgement many artists brought their paintings with the hope of winning that valuable prize the King looked at all the paintings and selected two in particular and now he had to choose one out of the two paintings for the valuable prize the first painting a beautiful calm lake with clear transparent waters the lake was a perfect mirror to the towering mountains surrounding it a bow it was the blue sky with white fluffy clouds like cotton balls floating in space anybody who saw this painting thought it was the perfect masterpiece representing peace the second painting had mountains two rugged dry bear about these mountains an angry sky with clouds lightning streaks here and there a massive downpour of rain Rochas waterfall cascading down on one side of his bear mountain peace thought the people who saw this painting as the King looked closer he saw behind the surrounding waterfall a branch of a bush growing out of a crack in a rock on the branch was a mother bird who had made a nest and within the nest is very peacefully with great affection feeding its little ones which one do you think did the king choose for his valuable prize the second one the King explained peace does not mean to be in a place where there's no noise there is no trouble but there's no hard work but there's no trials where there's no tribulations where there's no difficulties peace to be in the middle of all mayhem and chaos and yet to stay calm yet to stay focused yet to make that inward journey and isn't that the story of real life as well spirituality is the art of bringing us to that inner calm to that inner peace in our real life with all kinds of difficulties troubles and problems surrounding us that is the meaning and definition of real peace and rule number 50 the last one before a very special bonus clip is have fun yes absolutely yeah I have seen quite a few videos yes I have I read some of his posts on Facebook they're quite inspirational and knowledge giving and it also creates self awareness about lot of things which we don't realize in day to day so it creates a consciousness I think it's very soothing and he gets got information about life and all other things logical thinking deep thoughts the vision for a new generation I think they're very relevant to life today and I think he speaks for the young and for the modern world and makes a lot of sense he's doing a great job so I would thank him for his contribution to society and ask him to continue whatever he's doing it would be great if he could come here and you know have some more live talks and more interaction with people like us he was kind of seated with his MacBook opened and he's talking about [Music] [Laughter] [Music] taking ahead this culture what is that we have and properly I will try to gain as much knowledge from him as possible [Music] now I've got a really special bonus clip from guru Gopal das and how to go with the flow that I think you're gonna really enjoy but before that it's time for the three point landing questions time to move from just watching another video to taking action in your life or business and if you're feeling bold leave your answers in the comments below here we go question number one what does real peace look like for you number two how will you prioritize mindfulness and number three what do you need to fix in your life first ladies and gentlemen isn't amazing how many plans we make and isn't it a reality not everything goes according to our plots even in the game of chess we may come completely prepared with our strategy to win the game we may even make our moves thinking that everything will go according to what we had decided and planned the reality however is once we have made a move we have no control over the moves that the opponent will make we have no idea that the opponent has also made his or her plan whether it's the game of chess or the game of life not everything goes according to what we had envisioned in our lives this is exactly why there's a great need to go with the flow to not be rigid about what we had decided to learn the change our strategy as per the need of the moment ladies and gentlemen and just the applause to the challenges that life throws at you adopt new strategies to match those of your opponent to life apply the greatest virtue of flexibility don't be rigid let's learn a very important lesson from the river Ganga as she emanates from the Himalayan mountains with her plan to move and reach her destination she is not rigid she is extremely flexible as sometimes mountains through challenges in the form of rocks on her path she does not stop she will either go above them or under them around them but she keeps moving until she reaches her destination whatever challenge comes on your pathway just keep moving if you want to know what your gap all das has to say about dealing with difficulties and problems in your life check out the video right there next to me I think you'll enjoy it continue to believe and I'll see you there problems will come issues will come difficulties will come whoever you are [Music]
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 427,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: entrepreneur, gaur gopal gas top 10 rules, gaur gopal gas, motivational speaker, personal coach, famous monk, society of krishna consciousness, gaur gopal gas interview, gaur gopal das speech, gaur gopal das motivation, gaur gopal das advice, india, life, happiness, entrepreneur motivation, entrepreneur advice, entrepreneurship, gaur gopal das top 50 rules for success
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 47sec (7727 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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