$115 BISON TOMAHAWK!! 🥩 New Jersey Food Tour - Anthony Bourdain (Day 1)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm on the banks of the hudson river in new jersey right across the river from new york city from manhattan and today well actually for the next three days we're gonna be going on the official anthony bourdain new jersey food trail bison tomahawk steak oh wow there are 10 places to go throughout new jersey some of anthony bourdain's favorite places that he included on his parts unknown new jersey episode and although anthony bourdain i believe he was born in new york city he grew up and lived most of his years within new jersey wow we're going to begin this three-day food tour right now oh some hot dogs are in my very near future [Music] anthony bourdain said that to know jersey is to love her and to be honest with you i do not know jersey at all i don't think i've ever even been to jersey other than i have flown into newark airport a couple of times but other than that i've never really explored new jersey so this is going to be totally different for me and a huge learning experience anthony bourdain he inspired so many of us to travel to get a little bit out of our comfort zone or a lot of out of our comfort zone even throughout his humor and sarcasm he had this incredible ability to connect with others and to show respect to their food to their culture to their ideas so for the next three days it's an actual official anthony bourdain new jersey food trail everywhere that's included was featured on the anthony bourdain parts unknown new jersey episode there's 10 places to go all the way from well we're starting in fort lee all the way down the coast of jersey to camden we're gonna eat everything on the anthony bourdain new jersey food trail so this is gonna be three days but three full videos so make sure you sit back make sure you relax grab some food grab some snacks and we're in for a lot of historical incredibly delicious diner culinary experiences legendary restaurants in new jersey [Music] we're beginning the tour in fort lee just across the hudson river from new york city and we're starting at hiram's which is anthony bourdain's favorite hot dog they specialize in deep fried hot dogs since 1932. my happy place sometimes i just need that old-time flavor you know hello good morning thank you [Music] okay got the hot dogs you just order at the front you get your hot dogs and then you they have some bar counter seats and then they have some some tables set up in here too but we got two different hot dogs um these are deep fried hot dogs in new jersey they often call them rippers deep fried hot dogs because they care once they deep fry they kind of explode down the center and rip that skin i'm going to try the chili dog add a little bit of mustard oh that looks like good mustard too and just feel you could just feel that hot dog i mean just look at that the casing oh the bun is so soft as soon as you pick that up and if you look at the casing on that hot dog because it's deep fried it's all crinkly it exploded with that ripper down the center ah the chili on there the bun is so incredibly soft anthony bourdain called these the finest hot dogs in the land [Music] now that is an amazing hot dog oh yeah when it's deep fried like that yeah it's so incredibly juicy the wrinkly crispy skin the juicy hot interior as soon as you bite down it just juices with that hot dog oil the chili which just gives it a little bit of a an extra flavor and i love mustard oh with that mustard it's amazing so the bun feels like it's steamed but then toasted on the inside so you got that crispy edge but the outside is so incredibly pillowy and soft i'm going to add some relish which i think the relish is only on the bar counter [Music] but you only have relish on the communal bar counter table not on the seating tables with the mustard with that chili with the sweet relish i'll show the fries fries served with toothpicks really good fries served unsalted so i can oh yeah you can add salt actually i like i like unsalted fries you really taste the flavor of the potato and that crunch i like that mustard a lot [Music] yeah that is a seriously quality hot dog one of the best hot dogs i've ever had [Music] that last bite is the best when all the toppings are oozing out the back and that back skin of the hot dog which is the crispiest and which just snaps with juiciness thank you very much all right have a great day thank you have a great day uh mark wiens yes thank you thank you very much wow that was an extraordinary hot dog to say the least so good so comforting so warming and that that yeah the ripper style where it's deep fried that casing was delicious from here we're driving down the jersey coast to a place called long beach island to eat some seafood and i think it's going to be about a two-hour drive [Music] passing by you can see skyscrapers in the distance in manhattan then this like just huge network of rivers and waterways and bridges and buildings just the expanse and then highways turnpikes we're just going to be wrapping our way going paralleling manhattan [Music] a little bit of traffic right now but we are about to cross the bridge over to long beach island [Music] [Music] oh welcome to long beach island and actually it's a beautiful drive to get here especially once you cross the bridge over to the island if you look at the map this is a really long and skinny island that parallels the coast of jersey i think a lot of people come here during summer for vacation there's a lot of summer homes there's some huge mansions there's marinas there's boat harbors there's beaches and there's kubels since 1927. all right welcome to kubells and we're here definitely to try their clam chowder as well as their flag fried clam strips and steamed clams as well [Music] yeah sure sure thank you very much thank you very much thank you food has all arrived we decided to get everything all together starting with the clam chowder and then also we got some other steamed clams you got the grilled tuna salad and then i got the fried clam strips okay but let's start with the clam chowder wow that is extremely thick potatoes in there small pieces of potato you smell the aroma of the clams [Music] wow that is full cream extremely thick a little bit almost sticky i like how the potatoes just kind of melt into the it's almost gravy texture but i love how the potatoes just melt into it the flavor of the clams the butteriness i'm gonna add a little pepper to this [Music] okay now for the clams i'll pick up one of those clams on the on the half shell and the best thing about it is you can scoop up all of that sauce which is i think a combination of clam juice butter lemon and maybe parsley [Music] oh yeah that is buttery fresh clams so good with just a little bit of parsley chopped up in there to give it that aroma could add some more lemon to this for sure and it would be even better it's almost like butter and cream sauce and finally for the fried clam strips you can see they're breaded and extra deep fried those look so crispy and then there's fries all on the bottom they're mixed within there's three different sauces to choose from there's a tartar sauce there's a cocktail sauce there's some kind of a like looks like a mayonnaise thousand island kind of sauce i really love the cocktail sauce [Music] oh yeah the clam strips like that are almost like squid it has a kind of a little bit of a chewy texture the flavor of the clam is a little bit mellowed out a little bit neutral but really crispy really good especially with that cocktail sauce i love it oh the fries are amazing i love how they keep the skin on the fries they're thick cut they're crispy they're starchy and gooey on the inside try that tartar sauce this way that's good too but yeah i'm more of a cocktail sauce kind of guy how's your grilled tuna salad good [Music] there's walnuts there's already a dressing on there but there's also some dressing on the side but that looks good our dressing is a little bit sweet but the fish the tuna is nicely charred nicely smoky very fresh i think that breadstick is just made for sopping up that juice at the bottom and it's not it's not as lemony as i or maybe not lemony at all like i thought it was going to be it's more of like a broth clam broth with butter and parsley [Music] it's the best thing on the table without a doubt that garlic that parsley [Music] definitely a great family restaurant the type of restaurant you would for sure come here annually traditionally with your family if you're here for the summer hanging out great food especially loved those steamed clams from here we're just gonna quickly stop by at the lighthouse which you can actually see right there in the distance we'll go get a closer look at the lighthouse [Music] the barnegat lighthouse which is also sometimes referred to known as old barney built in 1857 to 1858 by federal lighthouse board the plane of the light is 172 feet above sea level we're at the very tip at the very north end of long beach island here [Music] definitely a beautiful area and it's actually a state park on the new jersey historic route so beautiful area just to walk around and just to enjoy the history of old barney and we are on our way continuing on the anthony bourdain food trail next stop atlantic city [Music] welcome to atlantic city and we're going to be here all of tomorrow so we're going to explore more and i'll take you to see more things around atlantic city tomorrow but today we've arrived here in the evening we are going straight to one of the most iconic historical restaurants in atlantic city it's called the knife and fork inn talk about a restaurant with character now that is a unique building there's knives and forks on the walls and so i have a reservation at 5 00 pm we're gonna go inside and i'm not totally sure what we're gonna order but this is the meal i am most looking forward to today thank you very much all right thank you thank you very good thank you what a classic restaurant since 1912. hi how are we doing tonight very good thank you very much i'll be taking care of you thank you what an iconic a landmark of a restaurant since 1912 and the bar was just completely full packed uh we're here just in the late afternoon it's 4 30 almost five now love the dining room open window to the kitchen everything classic about it you can imagine menu there's everything from a variety of local seafood to steaks and lamb and short ribs and prime rib and then our waitress mentioned that the special for tonight is a bison tomahawk i've never had a bison tomahawk it's a little bit on the pricey side the bison please temperature on your bison medium rare and then also could we get the pan roasted halibut a multi-grain please thank you very much [Music] now when you think about a restaurant that's been around since 1912 that's been continuously operating for 110 years think about what this restaurant has been through the ups and downs of atlantic city through the world wars the people that have sat in this dining room and the stories that could come out of this restaurant that's when the history and since 1912 starts to really be meaningful oh he puts that stake up there okay here this is here okay i think i forgot about this this is something you want to watch and just watch him do how okay now they're going to finish this this is the palm souffle okay this is uh this is a signature edition french cuisine done for hundreds of years and uh yeah we're still doing it okay actually i got to try this i better order it yeah we'll send you something thank you thank you okay so it's thinly sliced potatoes which are then deep fried and continuously he shakes them the key is to deep fry them in two different temperatures a lower temperature to get them going and outside the sear and the higher temperature which will cause that sear to have some steam on the inside and catch all that steam and inflate it like a balloon that's amazing so that's something you also have to order when you come to the knife and pork in so then they're finished off in the deep fryer or that's a hotter temperature that's what causes them to inflate to these like puffy crispy potatoes oh they're going to be so good and you can just continue to bathe them in oil that you're lucky to find in a bag that's inflated yes yes but here you get a whole platter of hit they're not right [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so much [Music] [Music] thank you very much wow thank you chef oh amazing palm souffle thank you chef oh there they are those are spectacular palms palm souffle the puffed up ballooned potatoes this might be the first time ever i'm more excited to eat potatoes than the steak well actually okay i'm excited to eat them both but we gotta start with that pump souffle right now as it's hot out of the oil they're hollow they're transparent they're beautiful so incredibly thin transparent puffy crispy air filled hollow it's just an entire bouquet wow that's a little bit salty it's puffy oh that's incredible it's like a giant hollow french fry oh that's all things good in a single potato that you could possibly want oh it's just i'm speechless that's one of the most delicious uses of a potato that i've ever had and then moving on to a bison tomahawk steak this is probably not the right place to pick it up and take a bite but just had to pick it up just to show you how beautiful it is in the juices look at that but i will set it down and definitely use the knife it is so incredibly juicy and they finish it off on a 1200 degree plancha a hot plate should we just cut into this oh you can feel the crispiness of the exterior i ordered it medium rare oh wow that is cooked perfectly look at the juices the mix of fat and meat it's amazing it's so tender it's so juicy that mix of fat that caramelized crust you can taste the naturalness of it the grass-fed roaming flavor oh it's just so natural it's so good tasting oh and they cooked it perfectly for me i love it and so bison i believe it has a little stronger of a meatier taste but just just slightly it's still very neutral it's very natural tasting ah just so so incredibly flavorful [Music] i think it's a happy birthday okay let's try the halibut next which was pan seared and i think that's a variety of corn and pesto on the bottom which looks delicious wow that's a thick cut oh that's amazing too oh wow the size of that piece of fish the thickness of it the beautiful crunchy crust on the top that aroma of sweet corn the basil in there from that pesto the refreshing tomatoes it's delicious and back to this beautiful bouquet [Music] those are spectacular that's the very end of the steak look at the juicy fatty yeah this is one of the better steaks i've had in a very long time i mean i don't eat that i don't eat steak that often i guess but wow that's so flavorful it's so natural maybe add a little bit of pepper to this bite i like it with a little bit of pepper too perfect [Music] that is insanely juicy insanely flavorful the steak also came with these i think they're like corn fritters yeah you can see the corn in them [Music] really taste the sweet corn the i think the chives or the green onions in there and they're kind of doughy those are really good with those i think they have some caramelized onions on the side as well [Music] it's like a sweet caramelized onion puree it just melts in your mouth oh you taste some bacon in those onions i can tell you right here that this is the highlight of the day hands down the food is spectacular service outstanding the history here the quality i love everything about this place the halibut is also incredible [Music] and our total bill came to 174. so the tomahawk steak was quite pricey 115 but oh man it was worth it the bison tomahawk 28 ounce tomahawk [Music] oh what a meal to finish off day one of this anthony bourdain new jersey food trail the knife and fork inn that was spectacular today has definitely been an interesting day like i also mentioned i have zero experience in new jersey this is my first day to ever spend in new jersey and it definitely has its own attitude its own culture people are proud to be from new jersey it's been a very fun day it's been a learning experience and it's just been absolutely awesome to go to some of anthony bourdain's favorite restaurants and we still have more to come so like i said there's going to be 10 places that we go to on this new jersey food trail we've done three and then there'll be two more days so two more videos so again make sure you relax make sure you sit back now would be a great time to go grab a snack and then let's go on to day number two where we have a lot more food to eat we have some diners to eat at and then we're gonna explore atlantic city more i want to say a big thank you to you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click the little bell icon so you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish goodbye from atlantic city new jersey and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,238,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Anthony Bourdain, New Jersey, bison, steak, bison steak, Mark Wiens, New Jersey food tour, things to do in New Jersey, Mark Wiens food, American food, Anthony Bourdain food tour, Atlantic City, Knife and Fork Inn, USA food, USA food blog, American food vlog, American food blog, things to do in USA
Id: JoR-qjBRgaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 49sec (1729 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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