Gary Vaynerchuk Tests His Mental Toughness While Eating Spicy Wings | Hot Ones

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mmm-hmm but the next door will be [ __ ] bad hey what's going on everybody for first we feast I'm Sean Evans and you're watching hot ones it's the show of hot questions and even hotter wings and today I'm joined by digital media mogul Gary Vaynerchuk he's the CEO of vaynermedia a New York Times bestselling author four times over venture capitalist TV show host a motivational speaker but how does the man handle his hot wings we'll find out today Gary Vee welcome to the show thanks for having me how are you with hot food I think I'm solid amongst my small group of friends I'm dominant but that's only about eight people so we're about to put it into context right now [Music] oh this is like on here already mm-hmm this is the one all the way over here mm-hmm so this is gonna blow my face off yep okay do you know how I eat chicken wings how do you eat chicken wings literally every single piece and like break the bone and eat the marrow like I leave nothing I think that's easy to say I'm Valentina Gary we'll see if you still have that life philosophy when we get to Blair's Megadeth sauce well I know that you're a huge sports fan so much so in fact you've described owning the New York Jets as an ultimate life goal yes why that dream specifically why is that the top of the mountain for you so I was born in Belarus in the former Soviet Union I came here as a kid and at first not speaking the language when I moved to Edison New Jersey I went outside Erik Godfrey and a couple other guys are playing with that whole school nerf football green and white and they kind of accepted me in and they're like you play football I'm like dah you know like and I got in there and then right away I watched the first Jets game in that 82 season and it became my thing it was my break into American culture your Americanized through the Jets I was Americanized through the Jets and then you know if that's a fairy tale that's playing in your head I imagine that you sometimes fantasize about the ways that you'd put the garyvee fingerprints onto the franchise yes what are some things that you would do differently I would draft a quarterback in the first round of every draft until I found the guy I think I would rip off people on trades I just think I'm shrewd like that I would talk [ __ ] back to my own New York jet bands because any time they complain about stuff I mean listen to me dick I'm a bigger fan than you so that would be funny and different I fasted yesterday some hungry [ __ ] so is delicious empty stomach hot sauce situation some real chemistry going on there huh so is someone who's been in the room with tech Titans and these investments and Facebook snapchat Twitter and the like yep do you think Silicon Valley gets a bad rap from the media or their real cultural problems that undermine the upside in your opinion yeah I think there's some but I'll be very honest with you there's a lot on Madison Avenue too there's a lot in all sorts of sectors I just think that Silicon Valley is so cultural right now a bad rap of like it needs more diversity everybody needs more diversity and then you know I think that Mark Zuckerberg probably has the most disproportionate how much power he has to what we know about him ratio in the country okay as someone who's actually spent time with the sucks what do people get wrong about him I think this notion of he's a tech nerd and he built it cuz of a girl all that [ __ ] I just think he's a genuinely good guy smartest [ __ ] and disproportionately understands human behavior besides Jeff Bezos I think he's probably the most understanding of consumer behavior which makes him extremely dangerous as an entrepreneur his Facebook a force of good a force of evil doesn't matter Facebook is a mirror everybody's super pumped about blaming other people for their own [ __ ] technology's exposing who you are not changing you Facebook's a mirror [Music] it's funny I was a little bit worried because the first one likes a little spice here that's the first one but the fact that Khalid bounced after this one that's lame I'm in good shape stuff so I know that you're a fan of hip-hop and I've heard you say that you've listened to Bone Thugs first of the month over 8,000 times in your life and you seem to be especially drawn to this new breed of superstars who made a wave on YouTube and through the power of the internet yeah besides raw talent what do you think separates someone who has a little bit of internet buzz and a mixtape on soundcloud from someone who say at the top of the industry like chance the rapper if you [ __ ] Brian because you love it so much I believe work ethic is a huge variable and this is why if you seems like you've done your homework a boogie Kyle rust there one song away your one song away not every business is like that musics incredible hip-hop especially like just put out more stuff to give you more chance as someone who spends time with artists like a boogie kyle young pinch who do you see as the next Forbes list big power player in hip-hop that's a good question so I think russ has a ridiculous chip on his shoulder that may be enough for him to pull it off like he's just competitive and like [ __ ] you I'm gonna show you and I'm like that and I like that and I think that's a really interesting insight ASAP Berg really is creative and really understands culture and really understands how to like hack attention even though he's a little further along is interesting to me from afar I'm not gonna like anoint because I don't know but I know that they have a huge advantage because I do think hip-hop is the disproportionate seed in our culture and that a lot of these kids have big opportunities especially if they put in the work I assume the amount of hot sauces that are sent here like you like raise hot sauce all your [ __ ] at home I mean I I'm a little bit more into it I think when I'm not shooting because I have other food shows and stuff so when I'm off the clock I'm really into like cereal and juice maybe super light corn crops to me are like the best frosted flakes pretty unfuck with a bowl like in their position yes I go to Whole Foods now so I'm always just ripping off their ripoff versions some with the Panda puffs and is that because it's a little bit healthier it's just because there's a Whole Foods halfway between my gym and my apartment I know that you're a connoisseur of wine and the wine business and it set the foundation for everything that you've built since I do want to talk some wine to do it for the viewers out there yes if you walk into a wine shop 15 bucks Portugal Portugal is the big steel in the market right now you can get what I would call $40 equivalent in California France and Italy for 15 and under call it 12 to 15 the difference between a $9.99 and a $13 is significant huge so don't be cheap there that's not the place like if you're at 10 cuz you know these are all round numbers if you're at 10 like like like just go up to 13 oh your own private label mm-hmm respect I love the Entrepreneurship I knew you'd like that theory I'm excited you guys sell this uh-huh let's order some I want to support gangster entrepreneurship I Curie's every current segment on our show called explain that Graham we do a deep dive and I guess Instagram and pull interesting pictures that need more context so I'll show you the picture and then you can just tell me the bigger story does that sound good that is [ __ ] incredible that is that needs to be shown itself you guys need to think about that we need to bucket that out mm-hmm why don't we think of that do you rock that's very smart you and the rock yes people were excited about this one so I see the rocks follow me so I DM em I'm like yo like I don't know if this is your social media team or you but cool like thanks for the love they're not like an hour later like DMZ he's like no but speed brother and I'm like holy [ __ ] like get out I've gotten owned a little bit like winners win man winners win winners are on time winners are humble winners grind winners never get too caught up and who they are winners look at everybody and say what's up winners win he [ __ ] wins he's gonna win the whole [ __ ] thing this young entrepreneurs yes Benny over here talk to me about Benjamin kicks oh this is me like just so everybody knows like if I was born in a different genre you'd be Benjamin I'd be selling so many [ __ ] sneak I'd be destroying Benjamin Kings if I was going through the system right now zero point zero chance that I would have graduated high school zero uh and you know it's funny I was about to say easy didn't become a straight douchebag or a winner I don't think he will become a straight douchebag I think he's been trying to be thoughtful he's asking the right questions it's hard right right it's hard to be around all that money and all those girls and all these real celebrities he's so young I don't know what would have happened to me I got put on that early so I root for him and I stay close to him cuz I want him to win you'll put up these shorts all the time on Instagram and sometimes you'll take semi unpopular positions like when you dre old against Friday's your example yeah at its basic form if you genuinely celebrate Friday you need to rethink your entire [ __ ] game to live your life where you love Friday night Saturday and Sunday and despise Monday through Thursday or Friday morning is devastating to me because you're wasting too much of your life and I'm trying to put pressure on the conversation to say if you love Friday that much then you need to really look at Monday through Thursday and see if you can do something about it please do not waste the next 5 10 15 20 30 years of your life and allocate 30 40 50 60 percent of your time to something that you hear to end each and every week I like it it's got a little bit of a sweetness undertone mm-hmm so one of my favorite things about you is your willingness to dole out free advice so right now I just need a little Gary Vee brand consulting so let me set the table for you here all right we have about 2 million YouTube subscribers decent little wave big reddit support audience yes and then on top of that we have a to such an incredible part of our culture it's a really it's a great part of the internet yeah I very grateful we're very fortunate to have any of that because to be real with you Gary we have no idea what the [ __ ] we're doing around here yes I understand so if we handed you the reins it would be much bigger what's the top line game plan for how one's so what I do well sure is I reverse engineer okay I start at what we need to have happen and I go backwards until I get there like a Plinko you know the [ __ ] plane goes but right right right that's how I think so go ahead so I'd say this I'm obsessed with the show and it kind of started as a goof and then when you see it's snowball you just become obsessed that's right with the growth that's right and then I think also what drives me is sort of this chip on my shoulder thing where I see other things that are bigger and more popular some almost motivate now you take a chance better because like everybody thinks their kid is cute but a bunch of them are ugly yeah it's probably at some level like I own a house and sit on the market and I overprice it because I'm obsessed yes in love with this do you want growth right now right is there an audio version of this show no it's just the straight I'm so [ __ ] pissed right now like this needs to be a podcast you literally need to transcribe this entire thing right now dom get busy I'm sure you're not writing a blog post or a medium article or LinkedIn post or something on reddit that is a recap six paragraphs of this interview either right we just upload and leave right but it's about creating the other forms of media podcast yesterday podcast yesterday on the popularity this you're gonna be a top 300 podcast in two seconds that's gonna create a viral loop then people gonna watch the video you got to be in every format that's a hundred percent now there thing you need to do this live at cultural events we're there thank God [ __ ] but like everything else too got it Dom oh we were taking notes yes this is cranking it up a little bit mm-hmm mm-hmm but I'm super unfazed well get you Gary I have the time proud of myself right now because what I don't think most people understand is how much life is mental I'm a big believer in that and it hot ones is very mental I think so basically decided that I will not lose to the sauces I mean I'm a little scared cuz that was pretty hot there's three more to go so as we just discussed you're very content is king you have a videographer today it seems like almost everything you do is being documented what are the things that don't make it to the internet 90% of my life nothing about my family and kids and private life and 80% of my business world I can't share because I'm in meetings with Chase and Budweiser and I'm firing people hiring people or they're talking [ __ ] about people almost everything do you think that it's strange at all that everything is being captured and recorded or is this the new normal is in new normal I think it's strange for people that are not capturing like my great-great-great-great grandson Jeremiah is watching this right now hey Jeremiah like you know it's like that's [ __ ] amazing I'm a little worried about this one this one looks let's go [ __ ] death you know like hey just keeps looking at me like [Music] you know it's interesting I'm very observant watching the faces of the camera people because they have insights they've seen this dance before so I went into that pretty confident and then dude with the wine shirt I'm like [ __ ] I'm walking into a buzzsaw slow but I feel okay so far so the spiciest [ __ ] but I'm too mentally strong to waver so you seem to relish turning these viral sensations into viable floating stars so what I want to do is have a little bit of a mock draft what we've done is pulled some of the most influential people in the space we've bucketed them out so that's some of them are $5 some of them are $4 3 2 1 I'm gonna give you 15 bucks to build the roster does that sound good yeah this is interesting by the way the next two [ __ ] wings would be real trouble [ __ ] fire I'm so pissed okay how much do I have to spend you have fifteen dollars to spend our friends over at everyday struggle did this with rappers this time around we're doing it with viral sensation so the most firepower is what you're looking for look this is tough $15 right 15 bucks I love Cameron Dallas 14 we have a dollar I really need 16 I woulda been set okay it looks like then this is interesting you've pulled one person from each category then of $1 a $2 $3 $4 $5 which is interesting to me can you talk your choices out for me in West damn Daniel is $1 I still think there's a lot of legs there I feel like it's out nobody gives a [ __ ] anymore right but I think as soon as I just said the M Daniel everybody had a reaction which means there's still something there and that's super important a backpack kid mm-hmm three bucks I just met with him recently I think he's got an interesting chip which I you know he's like I know two bucks it just seemed like a good deal I'm also into backpack culture I think it's just starting I don't think this goes away so quickly I think Cameron Dallas really knows what the [ __ ] he's doing he could have easily been in the four and five dollar category he's an entrepreneur and a model and a big audience because he's the most obvious of this bunch that could have been five and he's smart he's not just a pretty face I think he's gonna be around $4 Jake Paul I struggled this one cuz cardi B is amazing King badge I think is super talented cuz I want to get bash as well but that made it 16 that's what I get about that but Jake I think is going through an interesting moment right now he's taking some heat it's been a little rogue little like MTV jackass kind of stuff and 11 years we'll be watching this he'll be in the world doing something another child star right now Kylie Jenner is top 10 most culturally impactful people and I noticed that it was the first name that you circled Gary that was a great observation by you and that's because she's worth 10 but the next soon we [ __ ] bad [ __ ] [Music] tap it ahead up decent shape it's kicking in late god damn it you need alright I'll take my El so you seem to have a really unique insight on the way that the tides are changing particularly in media and it seems to me so odd because these bedroom vlogs and all these do-it-yourself videos with basically zero budget seem to be attracting eyeballs in a way that big TV shows with big budgets aren't anymore cuz this is the television and that's the radio it's not odd it's just that people aren't accepting what the [ __ ] is actually happening I don't feel like the industry is totally caught up like I think that there are a lot of marketers and sales people that still are caught in like 2010 or so they're either financially restricted meaning it's in their financial interest to not accept the new world normally or be they suck everyone's so risk-averse because they have these like corner office jobs or whatever those executives and then they always just do some sort of like cost-benefit analysis that isn't about growing or making it bigger or making it the best thing in the world but just about keeping their jobs or some [ __ ] that's exactly right it's pure defense when or how do you see the tide changing like in other words I feel like this show has more eyeballs on it than most TV shows that like what point do you think I don't have to show explain that Graham off my laptop anymore when [ __ ] start going at a business you know when Toys R Us goes out of business the toy manufacturers are like wait a minute I just gotta wait for the media apocalypse and then it's good times for Shawn I'm correct a hundred thousand percent when people are like jumping out of windows and the world's collapse you're like yeah alright Gary Vee [Music] this is the last dab we call it the last dab because it's tradition around here like it's a little extra on the last wing okay you don't have to if you don't want to but I'm not gonna stop Gary Vee but believable garyvee do I have the cleanest bones in the history of the show yes yes bonus bones [ __ ] alright Gary now that you have ten wings yes the last dab coursing through your veins it's time to hit the people with some truth okay you know you're a man who's all about the small-scale hustle of flipping a buck lemonade stand [ __ ] I wonder from your perspective yes what do you think is the difference between a hustler someone who actually grabs the bull by the horns and then all these phonies who talk about it entitlement we think they deserve it without it putting in the work nobody owes you [ __ ] everybody wants a complain nobody's listening the plates you would be stunned how many of the winners lack that entitlement some people have it it happens some people get fancy and they feel the stars that you know they're not around anymore they don't [ __ ] matter because they sold the [ __ ] out and they thought they were something I wake up every morning thinking that everything I've done is what I've done I don't deserve [ __ ] today may be the day it all falls apart I'm only as good as my last at-bat I'm not [ __ ] I think those are people that are winning we're just a bunch of animals on this space rock trying to figure it all out and Gary you have more insight than most I think whole room not a dry eye in the house and now there's nothing left to do but roll out the red carpet for you Gary thank you this camera this camera or this camera let the people know what you have going on in your life honestly I know that this is the plug time I actually have nothing to plug here's what I want I want you to [ __ ] suffocate your [ __ ] excuses and go do something forget about what I'm doing go do something it's time [Music] on a very serious note what do you think like rank me all-time on this show top three who are the other two uh TJ Miller I really liked okay and I don't know there's no top to top to [ __ ] TJ hey what's going on hot ones fans a quick heads up the second annual complex con is coming to Long Beach California November 4th and 5th and you know first we feast and hot ones are gonna be in the building there's gonna be a live hot ones taping we're gonna be doing a panel with my buddies Andy Milonakis and Matty Matheson the last dab will be for sale it's a whole thing total circus hope to see you there
Channel: First We Feast
Views: 6,095,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Vaynerchuk, gary vaynerchuck, First we feast, fwf, firstwefeast, food, food porn, cook, cooking, chef, kitchen, recipe, cocktail, bartender, craft beer, complex, complex media, Cook (Profession), hot ones, sean evans, gary v, instagram, inspiration, 10 questions, 10 wings, interview, hot sauce, spicy wings, hot wing challenge, food challenge, motivational speaker, the last dab, peppers, gary vee
Id: zl-X3dhooPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2017
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