Gary Owen Talks Split from Wife

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Fuck Wendy Williams.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/cannotbefaded 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Posting Wendy Williams is almost cheating lmao

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/TehSeksyManz 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Didn't he just cheat on his wife? She clearly has low standards.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/iajzz 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jesus Wendy ugh!!

By the way Cincinnati is amazing❤️

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/lirio2u 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Jeez is this real or was this scripted? I honestly hope it was scripted.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mrnegatttiveee 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2021 🗫︎ replies

Idk who the fuck he is but I just sat and watched that for 6 minutes idk why

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/SanduskySleepover 📅︎︎ Jun 12 2021 🗫︎ replies
Please welcome Gary Owen. (upbeat music) (audience cheers) Hello. How you doing, Wendy? (audience cheers) Just saying. I didn't know if I was allowed to touch with COVID, so. No, I mean, I'd get up to hug you, except I got my seat warmers back here. Oh really? Yeah, you know, I don't wanna (mimics squeaking) over to you. Shoe cam, please. (audience cheers) Basic. They're pretty basic. Basic is good. Yeah. Basic black. Are you from New York? No, no, I'm from Ohio, Cincinnati. Really? Where do you live? Like, where do you live? Ohio. Cincinnati. No, right now. Oh, really? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cincinnati. Okay. So how much time do you spend here in New York? Well, I think this is my second time here since COVID. Right. Finished shooting another movie out here in April. Other than that it's when needed, stand up or talk show appearances or movies, things like that. (audience cheers) A lot of fluff But you're doing, well I know you know. Know what? Oh please. The first time we met, "Think Like A Man," but I was married, you were married. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. But you never looked at me that way, but I was looking like, "Okay, who is that?" Oh, really? I, married at that time, I'm not dead. Oh, wow. That's pretty, (audience cheers) that's shocking with all the, you know, attractive men on "Think Like A Man," that's kind of shocking. No, you stuck out to me. Really? Oh! Wow. Wow! Oh gosh. He's nervous. (audience applauds) I don't know why, I don't know what to do with my legs. I'm doing this, I'm doing this. My therapist tells me I intimidate all men. Like there's a real situation with me. Oh really? I'm divorced and single and I live in the city and I date, but there's a problem, always. Like how you're acting right now? Don't be scared. I'm just Wendy. I'm not, (audience cheers) slow down, I'm not officially divorced. Well, I read the internet. Okay, 23 years of marriage. No, no, we were together 23 years. Okay, married for? Married for a little over 17. Okay, and you've got children. We have adults. Yeah. Yeah, we have adults. I just want to make sure there's no child support in the. (audience laughs) Oh. No for real, 'cause it got out there that I'm a deadbeat dad. She put that on. Yeah. But our kids are adults. Yeah. So, I don't. What happened with the marriage, if you don't mind me asking? I can't. Okay, I can't. Did you cheat? I've been silent, I've been silent the whole time because social media is like a soap opera Right. And I was a guest. Right. With the divorce and I don't plan on being a regular cast member. Right, but we can talk now, go. What happened? But my lawyer doesn't want me to say anything. Right? Okay. All right, because, you know, we got a lot of legal stuff we got to go through. But I'll just say there's a big twist to my divorce that a lot of people don't know about. It's, I mean, it's a doozy. But I can't speak on it yet, but it's big, it's big. It changed the whole dynamic of the divorce. Did you have a baby with another woman? No, nothing like that! It's not scandalous. No, but 23 years, sometimes people fall out of love. I mean, you gave it a good run. Did you fall out of love? This is one of those, it's not a tragic ending. You're with somebody 23 years and, you know, the marriage ended, and it happens, and it's okay. It's okay that it happened. But, you know, I wanted to keep it private but I guess she. We're not a private show. She didn't, so. So you keep talking Kenya accused you of cheating. Again, did you cheat? With, what was that? The Claudia Jordan thing? Yes, Claudia Jordan. No, the Claudia Jordan and her friend, I don't know where that came from, but that's false. She's very attractive. But Claudia's, I mean, she's been so good to me and Kenya, our whole relationship. Uh huh, uh huh. When we had a movie premiere and Kenya couldn't get her hair done, I called Claudia and said, "You got a hairdresser?" And then Claudia hooked Kenya up with her hairdresser. So I don't know where that came from at all, so. So, do you have a girlfriend now or have you moved on with your life? Do you know girls here in New York? I don't, (laughs) I see where this is going. Like I said, I belong to the, no, no, no. I belong to the streets now, you know? So do I! (audience cheers) So do I. (both laughing) And you got a really- It's about to get wild. You got a really nice body. Really? All things considered. You described me perfectly when you said I look like I work out but I enjoy a good steak. Yeah! I'm trying to figure out what my body was like, and that's perfect. (audience applauds) I don't know. How are your kids handling everything? We're fine, like I saw the post where she, she said I haven't seen them in four months, in six months, which is true. She didn't lie about that, but they are- You're always on the road. I'm on the road. They're adults. And my daughter was at college when the news broke and then she's staying with Kenya, you know, summertime, college. And she has a job, and I'm always on the road. So we're talking, we're texting, but it's not uncommon when you have adult kids. I understand. Not to see them for a couple of months. It's not uncommon, we're always talking. Gary, I understand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So it's not like, the deadbeat dad, you know, it's kind of stung a little bit. 'Cause I was like, whoa, weren't they in private school? Didn't I have a show, fly back to go to my son's like seventh grade basketball game, then fly back to make my show? So I was like, you know, nothing to brag about but I'm not deadbeat dad, come on. (audience applauds) Yeah. I don't see that in you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But the one thing that you did, which I'd be pissed if I were Kenya too, is you wore that t-shirt. Oh, yeah, okay, that, you're not getting the full view. Where's the shoes since you like shoe cam. Okay. But that, okay, that was a little irresponsible on my part. I will say that, but, the guy, it's a clothing line called Rich & Rotten. And he's got a ton of shirts with slogans like that. So the only thing I did, I literally went to LA. I went to his shop, picked up like 10 t-shirts. Were they expensive by the way? No, he hooks me up. Oh, I want a hook up too! No, it was Rich & Rotten. He's got great shirts. Hey Rich & Rotten. Yeah, but he, but what happened was, literally the t-shirts are in plastic bags. Mm hmm, mm hmm. I just went. Yeah, and I saw white, then black, and my shoes are white and black. I was just coordinating. And then I went in, when I got there, I told my, the guy that was on the show with me, I said, "Hey man, take a picture of me in the green room." I literally put "Pointless greenroom pic." So I wasn't digging on her at all. I wouldn't do that. You're not, listen, what you're not gonna do. Okay. I'm not gonna ever quote unquote, pinch the bear. And I'm not gonna say anything, anything bad about Kenya. That's not gonna happen on social media or on your show, because we had a good run, and, I think- A good run. We had a good run. I think emotionally, I think I'm just probably a little ahead of her as far as like. Uh oh. You know, disconnecting from the marriage. Yeah. Well I think she's handling it, I mean, the way she's handling it. Well, she has a right to. I'm not, listen, I'm not saying she's wrong. She's watching right now as I flutter my eyes at you and I'm about to ask you, do you have plans for dinner? Huh? Whoa. (audience cheers) Tell me yes or no. No, I don't have plans for dinner. Would you like to have dinner? (audience cheers) 'Cause here's what I'm thinking, right? We go to Fresco by Scotto, where I was last night. Let me tell you something, you're gonna melt at the food. Really? All right, just say no. No. Tell me about your movie. Just, no he's not saying yes. I'm not saying, listen, what I'm not gonna do, I'm not saying yes or no on the air. Okay. Because that's how more rumors get started and I'm in enough rumors as it is. Yeah, but I can clear this up. I got the purple chair every day. Oh, that's right. So it's like, yeah. You saw me ask him out. We went to Scotto. We had a good time. Then he took his Uber back to his hotel and I took my car back to my apartment. Right. Separate. Yeah, yeah! Okay. That's fine. Yeah, yeah. (audience applauds) I mean that's fine. That's just two friends having dinner. Yes. Two friends having . . . Dinner. Tell me about the movie. Well, I can't wait. I can't wait till this hits the streets. Thanks Wendy. What's up, Bree. The movie, the movie? Movie is Friday. "The House Next Door." It's Mike Epps, Katt Williams. Oh, Katt's in there too. Oh, and Katt's locked in. Like when Katt's locked in to something. Yeah, yeah. Force of nature. So he is locked in in this movie. And I haven't seen Mike this funny since the "Friday" franchise. Yeah, yeah. We love Epps here. Yeah, it's. (audience cheers) No, no, I saw it Monday at the premiere. What's it about though? Sell it. Okay, Mike is- Oh God. Katt's Dracula, and he lives across the street from Mike in the neighborhood and they're starting to figure out why he's only movement at night, what's going on. And who, what is your role? I live across the street. I'm that one like neighbor that never left. And I'm like a war veteran that's paraplegic. So I see everything. I do nothing else but sit on the porch and I see everything. So your whole- But nobody takes me serious, but you find out I do know everything going on in the neighborhood. Right, right, right. You know? And I'm married in the movie. Weird. Thank you for being here, Gary Owen. Thanks. (audience cheers) "The House Next Door: Meet the Blacks 2" hits theaters tomorrow. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 243,917
Rating: 4.7882161 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, gary owen
Id: _RhVmBpH1z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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