Gary Owen & Wife Split

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("The Wendy Williams Show" theme plays) Live from New York City, it's "The Wendy Williams Show." ♪ How you doing Wendy, let's go ♪ Now, here's Wendy! Thank you for watching our show! Say hello to my cohost, staff, or studio audience. And of course, the virtuals at home. How you doing? How you doing? I'm ready to go! Let's get started. It's time for Hot Topics! Come on! (audience cheers) Well, I'm a woman of my word and I did watch part two of Aretha Franklin's mini series. (audience applauds) And I'm also a woman, I'm allowed to change my mind. Uh oh! Uh oh! It was dark, it's like, I try, like, I had to, see, and right after she swigs from her husband Ted's flask, she goes out on stage and falls all the way out. And there were implications in the movie that she and Martin Luther King, Dr. King, were very flirty, flirty. And look, Dr. King is smoking! (audience gasps) I know! The thing about Ms. Franklin is that, and he was smoking Kools by the way. See that right there? Uh huh, mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm. I didn't want to see. At this point, I really wanted to turn it off, between passing out and Dr. King. and Aretha was never happy except, you know, certain times. But Aretha, just, she was just never happy. Like I, you know, I kind of understand now and we're only two shows in. Now, tonight it plays again on Nat Geo and then tomorrow is the end, but I kind of understand what her family was feeling about this movie. I mean, the acting is superb and the story is deep, dark, and will give you nightmares. Like you've got to watch something really funny that'll take your mind off of it. For me, at 11 o'clock here in New York, it's always "Seinfeld," two back-to-back episodes. Yeah. (audience applauds) Norman, have you watched anything? Yeah, I watched a little bit of Aretha last night, and I do agree that it was like, a lot to take in about the queen of soul. A lot. She had a baby when she was played by the younger actress. She was that young. Yes! Yeah. Like it was a lot going on. Yes! Like, Aretha? Aretha. Yeah. I don't know that I'll be there tonight, honestly, I've been researching alternative programming and I know "The Oval" comes on and I know, like "Basketball Wives" comes on eight and I forgot what comes on at nine, oh, "Dallas Housewives," which is not my favorite. I tried, but I just, and I love Dallas, but I just, but you know what? I might be forced to watch that (audience laughs) just 'cause I can't. And then the 10 o'clock news, the news is never great. But the news is what it is, you know, it informs you locally of what's going on, and then "Seinfeld" and then go to sleep. Yeah. (audience applauds) So, last night though, on "American Idol," did you see? Clap if you saw. Not one tastemaker. Wow. (laughing) Which is totally contradictory to what I'm being told how it's doing. I mean, I thought it was doing well, but apparently, no. (laughs) Well, one of the contestants passed out on stage. Oh! Mm hmm! I know a pass out, Aretha knows a pass out, and now so does she. Now she is okay, but I'm gonna warn you, it's a hard fall on her face. Take a look. You got yourself to the end, and it, the problem is- (gasps) (ominous music) Are you okay? You okay? Flip her over, okay. Flip her over. I'm okay. All right, she busted her chin y'all. They didn't check her teeth. Check her teeth! Aw, wiggle her nose! Listen, she and her partner, apparently it was duet at night last night. So she was up there with her friend and they sang really well. And the "Idol" judges are gonna push her through to the next thing. But, the reason for her passing out, according to the paramedics who were there and everything is that she was very dehydrated. And I gotta tell you, I know like when Halloween happened here, like they could've edited this out, 'cause this is a taped show, but they didn't because Norman likes that kind of drama in his shows. (Norman laughs) I do. I'm sorry, I do. And when we were doing Halloween, it was a live show. But even if we we're doing a taped show, I would want them to include it in the show because I'm okay, so, sometimes, like falling, tripping, and passing out, there's a little humor in that, but then you want to know why. So she was severely dehydrated. When the paramedics came here to "Wendy," that was one of the things they were like, "You are severely dehydrated." And I drink so much water, I'm like, "How could that be?" They're like, "You're drinking too much water at one time." They gave me directions on how to drink water. Since when do you need directions on how to drink? And also I was lacking vitamin D. They said they never saw a worse case. So now I try to get to the sun, but it's dangerous in the streets. So I'd rather have my prescription and wait until I can go some place civilized. But she's okay and good for her. (audience applauds) What happened? Nothing. Exactly. What happened. What happened is Bethenny Frankel is finally divorced. (audience cheers) Yeah. So, you know, they broke up nine years ago. She and Jason Hoppy were only married for a couple of years. It took nine years for this divorce. Apparently the divorce ended up being finalized in January, but it was in the newspaper today that she had gotten, you know, it's finalized. Good for her, you know. (audience applauds) She used to not be a favorite person around here. Not that she is yet, but we always believed that Jason Hoppy was such a nice guy, you remember? But we're allowed to change our mind, I like Bethenny, and I love her hustle. I miss her on "New York Housewives." I do, I do, I do. (audience applauds) So yesterday she was spotted with a huge diamond ring on the finger. Wow. Mm. It's not too soon. She's been dating this guy, okay. She's engaged, the rumor is, to her boyfriend. His name is Paul Bernon. He's 43, Bethenny's 50, but a youthful 50 can definitely take down a 43 year old, so, you know what I mean? Yeah! (audience applauds) And the word is is that Jason has fled New York, allegedly he lives in Boston, and these two have been together for a couple of years. So we were just talking about this yesterday. I was like, once you get to a particular age or station in you don't have to date around or wait to date when you get divorced. So if they've been together and now they're engaged, I'm happy for her. And you know what? I know she had a prenuptial with Jason, but there was a whole lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes. He just became super weird, super creepy, and slightly, in my mind, dangerous. Yeah. Yep. He was like allegedly sending her nasty emails and showing up at the kids' school and- Turning up "The Wendy Show" and hiding the remote? Yep, (laughs) yep. Feel it, feel it, feel it. At that time, I guess she didn't particularly care for me either, so. Right, exactly. He thought that would drive her crazy. Right! (laughs) Well, Bethenny, I am really happy for you and I hope that you guys go on and have a wonderful life and I know both of you will have prenups. He's super rich, but she's richer. Yes. Yeah. And yeah. Good for you. (audience applauds) And as far as Bryn, Bryn the daughter, is now 10 years old. By the way, I don't know whether her fiance has children or has ever been married. We tried to look. We tried to, huh? I think he has two kids with his ex-wife, according to like some old notes, but I think that- Old notes. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Well, so then they've both been there and they'll know how to do the prenups and why not be married if you don't want to date anybody else? Why not be married? Yeah. (audience applauds) I hope it works out very well. Bryn has only known fighting adults. That's all she knows. In her household. That's horrible. Poor Bryn. So update on Gary Owen. Oh! So, his wife, his soon to be ex-wife Kenya, has broken her silence on why they're divorcing. And it was, allegedly, a mystery woman named Dallas, Texas. What? Wow! I know, doesn't that sound like a stripper name? No! I like it though, but. Gary, not Dallas, Texas. Uh huh. And so, allegedly this Dallas, Texas is a friend of Claudia Jordan, friend to the show. And she said all her info on social media, which is way too much, you know what I mean? She says her therapy, she bought five therapy cards though and it doesn't start until next week. So I guess she's therapizing by, you know, typing in, you know, after midnight, when it really gets down and dirty, when you don't care what you say. So Kenya tells Dallas, Texas, excuse me, yeah, Dallas, Texas, "She'll deal with her soon." Whoa! Uh oh! And said, "Expect a storm. And you can have him." Oh! "But you will not disrespect me or my kids." (audience applauds) I don't want her to fight. I don't want to know any more about this. I mean, I kind of do, but, but I don't want Kenya to fight. You know, she's got the kids to take care of, and if he's with Dallas, Texas, or you know, well he's on tour now, so he might have one in every stop, if you know what I'm saying. Oh. You know, Carol, Chicago. (audience laughs) But, yup, Brooke in Boston. (Norman and Wendy laugh) But look, she broke it down, Kenya did. She said, look, I met Gary 23 years ago when he was driving a pickup truck, a raggedy one she called it, and had no place to live and had good credit. (audience laughing and murmuring) All of a sudden I'm scared of Kenya. Dallas, Texas you better be ready. And Claudia Jordan is like, leave me all the way out of this. And so she got on social media and I'm glad she did this, because I believe every word she says, take a look. Girl, I came on here to tell y'all, is that I have absolutely nothing to do with it. I do not have a friend in Dallas or anywhere else that is this man's mistress. I don't know of any woman that's his mistress. I do not know what the hell y'all talking about. Kenya, I will, Tosh has given you my number. You can call me and we can talk about it. And I'm really aggravated with you that you chose to go messy on a blog when you could have reached out to me. Whoa. Wow. Yeah. I'm mad that we have to know all this. And the paparazzi were out today, again. Again. And people seem to feel I call paparazzi. Oh, that was yesterday. See, they're one day behind. That's yesterday, struggling to the car to come here and make with the happy and the yuck yuck. Why would I, huh? I like the hair though. Yeah! Thank you. (audience applauds) That's me in the streets. But look, I do believe that they're waiting for me to be leaving with the gentlemen, I do. And this one today or, yeah, the one today, was hiding, I was wearing a white coat and he was hiding behind a school bus. And so the doorman says, "They're to the left." I said, "Okay." See they're onto the game now, too. So as soon as they say that while I'm inside, I know, okay, look down. Just keep walking, mask up, let's go. Anyway. What else is on the agenda? I can't wait to see Don Lemon. (audience applauds) I can't wait. He, is that Don? Yeah. Yeah. Now wait a minute. Oh, Donnie. Very handsome. (audience applauds) Very handsome. (Wendy laughs) So, okay. NBA YoungBoy was arrested after trying to escape from the police. Now here's the story. So first of all, YoungBoy stands for, wait, NBA, "Never broke again." Okay. He had outstanding federal warrant, one as we know of. And he was in California and just driving around with his friends. I don't know whether he was driving or the passenger, but he was with friends and the cops noticed the car. It was probably a loud rapper car. They attempted to pull the car over, the car sped up and gave a short pursuit. Then NBA YoungBoy, I guess he tucked and rolled and ran away down the sidewalk or wherever. (laughs) So the cops set up a perimeter and TMZ got the video of all the action. And then the cops brought in a tracking dog, and, mm hmm, mm hmm, mm hmm, and now the FBI has him in custody, not the regular cops, not the Sheriff's department, the FBI. And I was like, well, how the dogs know if, you know, how do the dogs know what he smells like if the cops didn't catch him, you know, to sniff his clothes and stuff? I guess maybe they open the door and whoosh! Oh by the way, there was a gun found in the car. No word on whether it was NBA YoungBoy's, but I do have my suspicions about it all. He's got to go to jail. How do you do a hot pursuit? There are innocent people out here. You could've hurt innocent people in your hot pursuit and running through people's backyards. Nobody wants that! Bringing down the property values. And how was it that you do what you do with seven kids at only 21 years old? And I wonder what Yaya Mayweather's father, Floyd, is saying about this. Well, she did speak out. She did a short post that said her day has been ruined. (audience laughs) You know, Floyd, if she just goes to jail, then Yaya will move on. I know she has a baby with him and everything, one of his seven children. (audience laughing and murmuring) So Mike Tyson, he's 54, and he backed out of a fight with Evander Holyfield, who's 58. Mike Tyson turned down $25 million for three rounds. Wow. Wow. Scheduled in Miami for May 29th. Look at Papa Smurf though, mm mm. And I was the only one in our Hot Topics morning meeting that said good for him, I'm glad he did that. That means, and a couple of people said, well, he's got money problems. And I said, you know what? If he's at peace with himself based on where he came from, how he grew up, you know, money is not everything. And $25 million is a lot, but when you're 54 years old and you've been through so much, one punch in the head, you know, can send you off the deep end. And why wouldn't he want to go out on top as opposed to getting his behind beat? You know, the last fight that he had, the last fight that he had was with Roy Jones Jr., and that was a draw, so nobody won. I think that he should go on with his life and be a ringside announcer. I know he has a high voice and a slight lisp and sometimes he stutters, but that's Tyson. Don't you want to hear him commentate a fight? (audience applauds) And I wonder if all this is gonna be played out when Jamie Foxx plays him in a limited series. Yeah, Jamie Foxx has been working out his body, his Tyson-esque, Tyson approved of this. Martin Scorsese is the executive producer. Wow. Wow. I don't know the network yet, but I'd watch that. Yeah. (audience applauds) We don't have time for him? That's it? I think that's it. It's 20 minutes in. Can't this be a 23 minute day? (Norman laughs) Well, we got to get to Don Lemon! Right, right! (audience applauds) We got more great show for you everybody! (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 542,794
Rating: 4.7426085 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, gary owen, claudia jordan, bethenny frankel
Id: EFjCUlD5y38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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