Garment Construction: Padding Jumper(EN)

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hello and welcome everyone to this tutorial about creating a padded bomber jacket first we will import the dxf pattern then we will arrange it around the avatar and sew it together and then start the simulation after this we can apply the padded effect to create a more realistic visualization first i will go to the library and locate the folder where my pattern is after i see it i can either double click or drag and drop it into the 2d window after i double click on my pattern the import dxf dialog appears i will check my options swap cutting line and sewing line include notches and auto distribute and confirm with ok now once the pattern is loaded you will see that we also will need an avatar once again i will go to my library navigate to female version 2 that's the type of avatar i would like to use double click on the desired avatar and load it into the scene so let's start by arranging the pattern pieces in the 2d window first i make sure that no pattern pieces are overlapping i have an image of the avatar shadow and now i move what i think is the front panel to the center front of the avatar or the gray line that goes through the avatar and then i line up the back panel in this case it is absolutely okay to have them next to each other as you wanna have this padded line match up and then i see there's a cutout i arrange this hem part directly below afterwards i find the sleeve i place it below the pattern pieces then i place the cuff close to the sleeve hem that i have a small sewing distance later on i put the collar pattern piece on top of my back pattern piece and place the pocket with the pocket flap closely to the also above the patterns once everything is arranged we would be ready to do the next step it is just important that you always remember to arrange the patterns in 2d first you do it for one half because then you can make use of the symmetry you will notice that the collar part is not a symmetrical pattern piece it is currently in one piece and in order to access the symmetry we would like to cut this piece in half and in order to do so we locate the baseline at the center back and we will need to use the trace tool in order to cut at this line and make use of the symmetry now when you go to your toolbar select the trace tool shortcut i click on the baseline in the center back right click and choose the cut command to split the piece at this location now as the next step with the transform pattern tool you can select one half of the color and press delete on your keyboard to erase it from your scene let's now move over to arranging the patterns in the 3d window so right now you can see that the patterns are not organized in the 3d window and in order to organize them you can make use of the reset 2d arrangement all button on top of your 3d window once you click on this icon it will copy the exact same arrangement of your pattern pieces from the 2d window to the 3d window as a next step to enlarge your screen it would be a good idea to close the library simply by clicking on the error icon on the top left and you should also notice that the baselines are currently not displayed on your pattern pieces in 3d and in order to show them you can move to the vertical toggle menu the second icon from the top it will open a menu where you find the command show internal lines and show baselines check both icons and the lines will be visible this will help you to not confuse front and back piece and the second part is that you can switch to textured surface which will display the surface of the front in white and the back in gray to help you separate the front and the side now as the next step i will move all my pattern pieces to the side i press ctrl and a to select them and with the gizmo move them to the side i recommend this to make sure that the pattern pieces are not blocking the arrangement points as the next step we go to the avatar tab and show the arrangement points once you have shown the arrangement points you can now select the front pattern piece and place it around waist height on the front of the avatar you can see we have this placket in the front where they overlap so we will need to adjust the position of the pattern piece a bit more and for this we can go to the property editor there you will find the tab with a arrangement and with on the x position we can now adjust the pattern piece so that it nicely overlaps at the center front when you press 8 on your keyboard you can switch to the back view and place the pattern piece on the back it's the same situation as before move the slider on the x position to arrange the pattern pieces a bit more precisely now for the hem part we can choose the point on the outer thigh and at the moment the pattern piece is still a bit interfering with the leg of the avatar so it is possible to also change the offset and make the curve a bit bigger so that there's no interference between the two so now as next step we can use the color pattern piece place it at the side of the neck and once again it's a bit cutting into the skin of the avatar so we can use the y position to move it slightly upwards and right now we only have the pockets and the sleeve left and the pockets i will attach them later on after the shell is sewn together so for the moment my goal is to uh prevent them from falling to the floor when i start the simulation so after right clicking onto your pattern pieces you can either freeze them or deactivate them when you freeze them they have collision and they remain in place when you deactivate them they will not be calculated when the simulation is running so it makes it faster in this case let's choose the deactivate option once you deactivate and the color will change and lastly let's arrange the sleeve i will start with the cuff part and after the cuff has been placed i will place the sleeve on the arrangement point around the elbow that's facing upwards now we finish placing all pattern pieces of the half garment let's hide the arrangement points again after we finished arranging and then we can move over to the sewing as there are no additional segment points on the lines i will start with the segment sewing tool once you select it you can start by connecting the side seams together as a next step i will go on with the shoulder seams simply by clicking on both lines just always make sure that the notches are placed in the same direction now when i want to connect the sleeve i can see that for the front part of the sleeve it is one segment that i can connect to the front but for the back part i have one segment point here at the top that splits this line into two so it is of course possible to switch to the m to n function but you can also use a shortcut click on the long segment that will be the armhole on the back piece press shift the light will the sewing line will turn into a light green then move downwards to your sleeve and collect both of the segments after you've done this release shift and you have sewn these two small segments to the one long segment of the sleeve then you can continue connecting the segments for the hem part also here on the cuff we can use a similar method again so we start by selecting the segment on the cuff then you press shift and collect both segments as the next step we will go to the color part where we see that the color that is attached to the center back can be done with the segment sewing but here in the front we face a situation where there's multiple points and we will switch to the free sewing tool with the free sewing tool i can now move to the collar and i start where i ended the sewing line for the back part and go all the way to the tip and if i now go to the front neckline i will see that i get this blue point that indicates where the seam lines are of exact same length and by clicking i place my seam line now i will save the pockets to put them on later so the sewing of this half is completed for now now let's move to some more work on the patterns you can see at the hem part and also the cuff we will later on want to fold the pattern piece upwards so in order to be able to fold it on this location we need to transform the baseline into an internal line and this can be done with the help of the trace tool so the trace tool and you can find it in your 2d window with shift press down select both baselines and then press enter on your keyboard to transform them from baseline to internal line now once they are in an internal line they get this brown red shadow now we will switch to the 3d window and choose the fold arrangement tool which allows you to fold pattern pieces upwards click on the internal line you get this gizmo and with draw the arrows upwards so that the bottom part is folded inwards now when it comes to the sleeve and the cuff you will see that the sleeve covers the cuff or at least the internal line so we will move it out a bit first with the select move tool you click on the cuff part and then in the property editor we can arrange it or we can move it around the y position just drag it out a bit so we can see the internal line and then switch back to the fold arrangement tool you once again click and select the internal line rotate your view that you see almost a full circle and draw it inwards here it's very important to be aware that the gray sides of the fabric should not come through so that would cause issues make sure that you don't do not see the gray size through your cuff and then we will see that the collar part does not have the fold line drawn onto the pattern piece so we need to draw it ourself in order to do so we can choose the internal polygon line tool and then start at the tip by simply clicking on the pattern piece to start the line hold down shift which shows you the helper lines and double click at the end in the center back to conclude the line now you will also see the line in 3d as a next step we will choose the fold arrangement tool once again click on the line and fold the error down inwards so now as we have prepared and folded the pattern pieces we now can deal with sewing the remaining hem parts and cuff parts up so to start with the hem i select the segment sewing tool and now we will have to zoom in a bit closer because we want to decide how the sewing line should be placed when you click on a pattern piece you get this blue dot that indicates where on the pattern piece you click and as they are folded up you will notice that the notches of your sewing line will be facing each other this time so you just have to remember that it's turned this time you can also visualize this with your sewing tool and then you also see that the lines are directly visualized in 3d and if this is a bit too complicated then you can simply click on your lines in 3d and connect them directly in 3d and if you have an visualization like this you will see the sewing lines do not overlap and are correct now i also would like to attach the bottom of the hem part to the top of the hem the top line is divided by a segment point so i start at the bottom i press down shift and i collect the two segments on top i click again and my sewing relationship has been established now when we have sewn together a folded piece like this hem rib we must pay special attention to the sewing line type and i will switch to my edit sewing tool shortcut b to select both of the sewing lines that i have just placed and now when you go to the property editor you will see the line that says sewing line type in the image that's appearing in the screen you can see the difference between the turned option and the custom angle so for example on a side seam you have a custom angle because the back part will go to the back and the front to the front and the angle between the sewing lines is 180 degrees whereas for the turn pattern piece you want the sides to stick to each other and be close to each other so in this case on the end of the hem part and also on the top and bottom of this hem part we would like to switch the sewing line type to turned and then we just need to repeat this process on the cuff of the sleeve so once again i change to the segment sewing tool place the seams on both edges and one from top to bottom now one seam that we are not allowed to forget is that we can have to connect the sides of your cuff and after you have placed our seam lines make sure to switch to the edit sewing tool and change the sewing line type to turn now we've completed the sewing for this half of the pattern it is time to duplicate for this select the transform pattern tool a and select the pattern piece that you would like to duplicate we leave the pockets out for the moment because we haven't worked on them yet after this right click on one of the pattern pieces and you find the command clone pattern with linked editing a symmetric pattern and sewing shortcut ctrl d then you get this yellow ghost as a preview if you press shift you once again get the guidelines and they will help you to align it horizontally place it in close proximity to the center front of the avatar and press two on your keyboard to get a full picture from the front of your avatar as an except click on one of the selected pattern pieces and the gizmo will appear and now you can sort of say fine tune the positioning and the key criteria here would be the cuff so that the cuff nicely aligns around the sleeve just rotate around your avatar to check if everything is placed correctly and not too many patterns are overlapping then i will just quickly rearrange the pattern pieces in 2d and match up the back panels or the back pieces and also the colors on the top once they are aligned nicely i will switch to the segment sewing tool and connect all the seams down the center back as well as also the hem parts and now you can see all of that is close let's now add some patterns to the center front before we start the simulations as it is a female jacket pattern we have to pay attention to which side should be on top in this case it will be the side that i now mark will be on the outside and this will be where i place the button holes the other front part will be where i have the buttons i press 2 on the keyboard and now with the help of the gizmo i simply move it out slightly on the blue axis to make sure the layers don't intersect and the correct piece is further out then i will now select the button tool from the 3d toolbar and with this tool i can place my buttons i place the first button by zooming in in the 2d window on the marking where the button is and simply by clicking on the position i can create my first button now i see that i have still four more buttons to create and i will use a method where i can copy paste multiple at once so i will switch the tool to the select move button tool select the button and then right click to copy it can also be done with a shortcut ctrl c as a next step i will right click again and paste or control v then i will move into the position of the second button i'm assuming closely to like hit it precisely and then i right click once i right click a dialog window will open and it will give me the interval it precisely with the distance from the first button to where i clicked for the second button now as i mentioned before when i go in the 3d window i can see that i still need four more buttons additional to the one that i already placed on top so i can simply type in number of buttons and buttonholes four and confirm with enter and you will see that now all buttons have been created in the same distance from each other after having placed all the buttons we now would like to place the button hose but in this case we can use an easier method and don't have to place them one by one so with the select move button tool select all buttons in your 2d window by simply drawing open a box then right click on one of the buttons to access the right-click menu and in the middle of the right-click menu you will find a command that says duplicate as buttonhole to symmetric pattern when you click on this command it will automatically mirror your buttons as buttonholes to the symmetric pattern and of course this only works if you have symmetric patterns now once you have button and buttonhole as the next step let's fasten the buttons and for this you will need to choose the fasten button tool you can simply click on a button and drag an arrow to a buttonhole and it will move the button will come out in the 3d window and has this lock icon now for the remaining buttons you can also fast multiple at once simply drag a box over all the buttons and direct the error to the buttonhole let's switch back to our select move tool and press the simulation icon to start the simulation and simulate our garment now as next step we can see our simulated garment and all pattern pieces that are connected but we can also see that here there is still a issue with the button as it has also collision in order to fix it you can click on the button with a right click and choose the command reset 3d position then it will reposition itself on top of the fabric if you start the simulation now again you will see that the button has exactly decided to go on the other side of the pattern piece so here i would recommend to simply repeat this action once the plackets are nicely aligned on top of each other now you see it's like coming out nicely move it a bit further away and re-simulate now when i hide the avatar then i will also see that there is one part that is not sewn yet and it's sort of say the inside of the collar it is still floating and not attached to the neckline me now stop the simulation and close the remaining parts of the collar as it also has segment points i will choose the free sewing tool for this sewing action once i choose it i will select the sewing line on the bottom first go from the center back to the tip and do the same for the top from the center back all the way to the tip as those parts should also be placed close together i will have to change the sewing line type to turned then i start the simulation again and you can see that the patterns now lay more flat now we're going to look at how to create the puffer jacket effect if you remember in the beginning the collar there was only one part and i split it in parts so now i would like to bring the two pieces back together again because they fulfill the purpose we had the symmetry for the sewing where this made things easier for us but in the final piece i would like them to be one pattern piece for that i'm gonna use the edit pattern function shortcut set and then right click on the center back of one of the sides and choose the merge command in the right click menu so they become one pattern piece again and the seam line also in the 3d window disappears i resimulate to allow the piece to reposition and in case here in the front i just need to pull a bit to have it flat in order to create the padding effect similar to the real life you would also need two layers of fabric that you attach to each other and then they will have the filling in between and i will first create an example to show you how the filling effect can be applied in clo for this i will switch to the polygon tool keep my left mouse click down and i will switch to the rectangle tool in order to create a square pattern piece in my scene so i simply draw open a square and the pattern piece is created now i have one layer as the next step i would like to duplicate this layer with the right click and the layer clone function in our case choose layer clone over on top of this created square you get the yellow preview and you can simply click to place the square in your scene now when you move over to your 3d window you will see that the square actually exists of two layers so the two layers are directly sewn to each other and they appear that they're nicely lined up in your 3d viewport and when you select the edit sewing tool you once again can see that the seam line is automatically placed around the pattern outlines of your square when you use the layer clone function so it's a very convenient way to create these doubled pieces before we actually apply the pressure to our squares let's fix them in the 3d space with the help of the pin box tool zoom in closely and double click on a pattern outline that will create a nice line of pins that will hold both of your pattern pieces in place if you rotate around you will see they are doubled and with the textured surface you still can see the white and the gray sides so as a next step we go to the property editor and you see a line that says pressure the default value is set to zero for the lower part set the pressure value now to minus 5. when i click on the other pattern piece i see it's highlighted in yellow and we set the value to 5. so it is just important to remember that the negative value will move the piece i will give it to the volume in the direction of the left side of the fabric in our case the gray and vice versa so this pattern piece we will expect it to move to the right the top and the bottom pattern piece we will expect it to move more towards the left when you apply the pressure to your pattern pieces just make sure that the value that you apply to one side is the same value that you apply to the other side doesn't have to be five but just they have to match with the one difference that one should be positive and one should be negative so once you have applied the values to your pattern pieces we can now start the simulation and see the changes applied you see that the pattern pieces puff up and create this filling effect or these air bubbles inside your pattern pieces and this will allow us to create this padded filling effect and you can see they are connected nicely on the outsides now as a next step i would like to look into quilting effect so in order to do so i will select the back part of the two pattern pieces and delete it from the scene once it is gone i will still have to set the pressure value back to 0 to the default value and start the simulation to go back to its original shape now in order to simulate a quilting effect we will now have to add lines to this pattern piece and we want to draw a circle on the pattern piece with the help of the ellipse tool so click on the internal polygon line tool hold it press down and access the drop down menu and select the internal ellipse tool once selected can go over to your pattern pieces and simply draw open an internal ellipse switch back to the transform pattern tool and this time we would like to create a layer clone under so the piece we create will be placed behind the pattern piece that we all have already so by choosing either over or under you decide where the piece that you create will be placed and once you have created your piece we will still need to delete one of the pin lines as we only have a need for one quickly simulate to make the pieces come nicely together and we still need to apply the pressure effect one more time so this is the front part this will have a positive pressure value so i go to plus five and the back part will have a negative pressure value of -5 and now i start the simulation and you can see that it will sort of say puff up and have this quilted effect for the circle so it looks like they are exactly attached on the circle and all the way around where there is more space they will move away from each other and create the filling effect and when you switch to the edit sewing tool you will notice that the layer clone function not only shows the pattern outlines together but it also connects the internal shapes directly so that's of course always something to keep in mind when we now create the padded effect for our jacket let me now delete the square pattern pieces that i used for demonstration and let's now focus on the actual jacket you have just seen that the seam lines with the layer clone function were created for internal lines and pattern outlines currently we still have base lines on our pattern pieces so we will need to transform the space lines into internal lines and we can do this with the help of the trace tool so by pressing down shift we now select all the base lines that we want to transform to internal lines and that will later on be sewn to the layer clone in order to create this quilting effect so let me just select the sleeve parts as well and once i have selected all of them i can now press enter on the keyboard and they will be created not only for the ones half that i have selected but for both pattern pieces just be mindful about the center front and the placket if you would use the layer clone oboe function it can be that the created layer would interfere with the other layer and the buttons as they are already tightly on top of each other so here the recommendation is to use the layer clone under function for only this specific pattern piece so i switch to the transform pattern tool select all pieces that i would like to layer clone over and i leave this one out for now right click on one of the pattern pieces and choose the layer clone over command then the yellow preview appears again and i can simply place the pattern pieces above the other pattern pieces in 2d now i select this pattern piece and select layer clone under and place this pattern piece under let me just start the simulation so that the buttons have the chance to rearrange themselves and the layers are attached when you now switch to the edit sewing tool you will see that all the internal lines have been sewn to the internal lines of the clones as well as the pattern outlines as the next step we now want to apply the pressure and depending on the if we use the layer clone over or under we have to pay attention to select the correct pieces i will start by selecting the pieces that should all get the positive pressure value that are on top simply click on your 3d garment then you'll know which one is outside and remember to add the front left to your selection afterwards go to the property editor locate the line where you can insert the pressure and this time i will go for 10 to give the check it a bit more volume then i confirm with enter and now i simply have to select all the pattern pieces that are laying on the inside and assign a negative pressure value of -10 to those pattern pieces then i will start the simulation and i directly can see the effect visualized by the chambers puffing up now i will turn off the simulation to examine the result a bit more closely i will also hide my internal lines and my baselines to see the jacket visualized without them and now i just rotate around to see the result then now as a next step we would like to add the pocket to the pattern pieces so that is the pattern piece that's on top and the same is true for this one up here and we will start with the pocket on the left front piece you can see that we have a pocket flap that should be attached on top and we have a pocket markings on our front piece where we first need to convert the base lines into internal lines because we wanna sew the pocket onto the front so with shift press down i once again select all the lines it will say open on top and then press enter once they have been converted the next step now would be to use the sewing tool to connect the pocket to the front i will use the free sewing tool and always go from corner to corner to make sure they match up precisely and then i would like to position it in 3d you remember i have deactivated my packet so first i will need to right click and activate the pattern piece and now with the gizmo i could just freely move it in the 3d space closer and bring it closer to the jacket but the shortest way is to use the superimpose over function that you can use when a sewing piece has already been sewn and you see it positions the pocket directly in the location where it's attached as a next step we want to look into the pocket flap which is still deactivated before we can attach the pocket flap we still need to create the padded effect for the pocket back and in order to do so we want to first of all duplicate it to the other side so we clone the pattern with linked editing and sewing let's quickly start the simulation you can also start the simulation by pressing the space bar and also stop the simulation again by pressing the space bar now in order to make it possible to attach the layer clone and have the quilting simulated we need to transform the baselines into internal lines with the trace tool and shift selected mark all of them and hit enter as a next step select both of them right click and choose the layer clone over command and once you have chosen the layer clone over command to quickly simulate before we will apply the pressure to the pattern pieces so the select both pattern pieces on top go to the pressured line in your property editor and type in 10 and do the same for the pattern pieces closer to the body just with -10 now once you start the simulation you will see the puffiness applied to your pattern pieces and now you would like to attach the pocket flap onto your pattern so there are no segment points on this line so you can use the segment sewing tool and simply connect the three lines from the pocket flap to the pocket bag remember that the pocket flap should lay flat on top of the pocket back therefore we want to change the sewing line type to turned now switch to a transform pattern tool and you will see the flap is still deactivated so we have to activate it and now move it closer to your jacket once it's closed start the simulation to make it possible that it nicely falls into place and create the layer clone with linked editing for your pocket flap reposition it quickly here's just one thing to notice that you need to re-sew it again because the layer clone that we have created is not a symmetric pattern piece so it doesn't have the symmetry therefore the pocket flap needs to be attached again so three more seam lines similar to the ones we did before also here remember to switch the sewing line type to turned and quickly simulate to have both your pockets with pocket flaps in place when you now look at the pocket and pocket flaps you see the positions marked for the buttons so we will have to add a button and a buttonhole on pocketback and flap so first the button simply choose the button tool and place the button on both pocket bags as a next step choose the buttonhole tool and do the same on the pocket flap now you will see that the buttonhole does not align with the direction of the marking so we have to choose the select move button tool and in the property editor you can adjust the angle of your buttonhole so by simply rotating the slider you can match it to the position now by right clicking on the buttonhole you can choose the command duplicate to symmetric pattern and it will create the buttonhole on the second flap and you will not even have to adjust the tilt as it's already been copied lastly use the fasten button tool to lock the button with the buttonhole start the simulation and you will see that both your pocket are closed i will switch back to the select move tool and now i would like to add to the completeness of the garment for this let's change the pose of the avatar so i will open the library and locate the avatar folder in the avatar folder you have a folder with poses and you can choose from those in our case we have a lot of fabric under the armpit so it is not recommended to have a position where the arms are close to the body for example the attention pose but we can use the a for size pose so you load the pose by double clicking and then confirm with ok and you see that the avatar changes the position you can quickly simulate just to let the mesh re-drape and yeah as a next step we now would like to also add fabric to this garment so we have a fabric library in khloe it's also located in the library find the fabric tab and then you can choose from the up to 70 different fabrics that come with clo by default they are in from all different categories and if you have a certain type you would like to use you can make use of the search bar and type in for example nylon once you type it in and press enter the different nylon options will be displayed and now you can choose by the preview icon and the details which design or which fabric will fit your design if you want to apply a fabric to a pattern piece you can simply drag and drop this fabric onto a pattern piece but it will only change the fabric for one pattern piece if you want to go one step back press ctrl and set to reverse this step and what you can do instead is drag it onto the object browser onto fabric one then all of the pattern pieces will change press the simulation button to start the simulation and simulate your garment in this physical properties you can of course simulate your garment in different fabrics always apply the fabric and then start the simulation to see the changes in drape activated and you see depending on the fabric physical properties the the drape will change accordingly now i will go with the nylon canvas as an option and now we can see that we still need a different fabric for the rib parts so i will type in my search bar rip press enter and then i have the options available shown now i can choose from them and i will select all pattern pieces that should have a rip by pressing down shift then as next step i will hit the assign button at the top right and the new fabric will be assigned to these pattern pieces now as a next step you have to make a choice which rip you wanna assign and simply drag and drop it into the object browser directly afterwards the changes will be shown in 3d and if you simulate now the outline of the rib will be simulated a little bit softer now as the first step what we want to do is to find a more matching button type for this jacket so if you go up to the object browser and choose the button tab you have the default button selected that we have applied for the moment and then in the property editor uh you can select the shape drop down menu and there by change the visual appearance of your button you can choose from different presets if you're not satisfied with the one you chose first just open the menu again and change to another option if you also want to apply some metalness effect go to material and under type you can switch to a metal surface that will have more reflection and if you go to the center front now you can also see that the size indicated on the pattern piece is still bigger than the button we have applied currently so let's change the size to half an inch and now the button at least is correct in its size what we need to do is next step we now need to change the buttonhole so a similar procedure go to the object browser go to the buttonhole tab and select your default buttonhole change the width to half an inch and as a next step you can also change the shape of your buttonhole so select the shape tab choose one of the shirt buttonholes that are more fitting for a garment like this as a next step i will now make the 3d window a bit bigger and i would like to change my garment to high res garment so i will have some properties to select so the particle distance will be lowered to five for all pattern pieces the additional thickness collision will be lowered to one the skin offset with the of the avatar will be set to zero and the simulation quality will be fitting accurate i press ok and you see on the top left that i now have this overlaying errors as a symbol and that my garment has like some some more wrinkles i now need to start the simulation to apply the changes that we made to this elimination properties and yeah we do have a lot of internal lines so the simulation is a bit slower and you see that the garment adjusts in steps so i stopped the simulation again and now i can observe that some of the buttons have moved to the inside so i can select the select move button tool and then in the 2d window select the buttons that i that i cannot see anymore and with the help of the gizmo pull them out so that they are once again nicely placed on top of the garment quickly re-simulate to make sure the buttons are in place and we can see that there is no more collision with the buttons now another situation that i want to improve is for the folded parts for example on the hemline you can see that the curve is still very sharp and this is because we have set the fold angle for this line to close to zero the same is true for the collar where we also still have these very sharp edges and now we can select this lines in the 2d window and in the property editor we see the line for the fold angle and now we can adjust this value and make sure that it's not as sharp so you can have a value that's maybe closer to 180 degrees to make it puff up like quite a lot or you can go with 120 so that's always depending on the sharpness or softness that you want to achieve at this line where it's folded another option that you can check is the fold rendering so you have a box that decides if the edge is sharp or more rounded if you uncheck the box you will see that the edge of the line will be a bit smoother and in combination with the fold angle of around 180 it will create a smoother fold for your rib parts and then i stop the simulation again and rotate around my jacket to see how the fold improved in order to add to the realism once more when you check your lines you normally would have some small wrinkles along your quilting lines and there is a way how to express this in claw in order to do so we will need to select the internal lines and to do so one by one is quite cumbersome so there is a shorter way when you simply right click in the empty space in the 2d window you can select lock all pattern outlines as a command so when you now as a next step draw open a box only the internal lines can be selected with the transform pattern tool so you start to draw open a box for the back piece by pressing shift you add to your selection the front piece and the sleeve as they are symmetric they always take the symmetry part with it remember to uncheck the line for the pocket and select one of the parts for the pocket pack then in your property editor you find the line elastic check the box for elastic and you will have some options available for you when you set the ratio for elastic to 100 it means the line is exactly at the original length but now we want to shrink it to 98 so that it shrinks it a bit together and thereby we can create this wrinkly effect start the simulation to apply the change and simply observe how the drape of your garment changes and you can see that the small wrinkles are added to your garment stop the simulation you can also go back and forth if you want to compare the details by pressing ctrl set to go one step back and ctrl y to undo the changes you made and then we can add one last layer of to these wrinkles to do so we will use the puckering function which makes small wrinkles visual along the internal lines so expand your 2d window to have full access to the 2d toolbar and find the line for segment puckering once you found it click on the icon and choose it in the object browser you will get a preview of what puckering you are applying and if you hover over your internal lines you get this turquoise preview and by clicking on one of your internal lines you apply puckering to this internal line you will see that in your 3d viewport small shadows are added to your internal line this is only a visual effect created by this normal map so in addition to the elastic function you can add wrinkles with the puckering function now when you click on your puckering in the object browser you can choose a normal map that corresponds to your fabric so we have material nylon now we want to have finer wrinkles and then you have also some options below you can change the opacity of your wrinkles if you have a lighter fabric you can go less lower if you have a stronger fabric you can maybe have a bit more of the opacity you can also change the width that means how long are the wrinkles in regards to your internal line they start from the internal line and then how far they should go out and once you have applied this you have used elastic function and the puckering this is the last step for this video thank you very much for watching the video and don't forget to subscribe to our youtube channel you
Channel: CLO
Views: 8,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CLO3D, CLO, 3D, Virtual, Fashion
Id: skPV5UyAFW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 17sec (3917 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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