Water Line Install for Mobile Home | Rural Water Hookup

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welcome back to the show this is marsha remodel  for those of you don't know my name is paul   and today we're going to go over installing a  water line to your home out in the country so   the last video i did was on a septic at  the same place i'm running a water line   to their temporary mobile home and future post  frame home so one thing i didn't do here at the   mad county build is go over how i ran my water  line my show has never been about telling people   how they should do something and if they don't  do it that way then that's uh not right i like to   explain to you the way i do something and why i do  it that way and that's what i'm going to do today   i'm sure some of you are going to watch this and  and wonder why i trenched this line in the way i   did but i will explain that to you so let's go  ahead and jump into the show today we're going   to be digging in a water line and we're going  to be using a two foot bucket on the backhoe   it's got to be over a little over four feet deep  here so i'm just going to show you guys what   water pit looks like out here this is what the  water supplier will put in for you if you're on a water system so you can see down there that's the water  meter and this is tapped into the main line   it comes in goes through this meter and then there   is how you turn the water on and off it is  off right now obviously when they put this in   they leave here they leave a one inch tail  sticking out so you have to dig down and find that   and how i did that is i used a little mini axe  and dug on both sides and then used the shovel   to dig down so that's the depth that we want  to be all the way to the house we have to go   this line is going to run 700 feet we got to run  some pretty big pipe we're going to run two inch   500 feet and where that 500 feet ends it's like  450 feet but where that ends we're going to put   a t in because where their post frame home is  going to eventually go i want to put a tail on   plug it and mark it so i don't have to like dig  this up and then try to splice it when it's time   to build their home right now it's going to  go straight to their mobile home that they're   going to stay in until they build all right so  let's address why i'm using a backhoe to dig   this water line in instead of a trencher  and there's a few reasons the first reason   is i'm primarily doing this install by myself i  may or may not have help from time to time and   so by digging a two foot wide trench it allows me  the capability to drop the whole roll of poly pipe   into the trench and then the sides of the trench  hold it up whereas if i had this out on the ground   it would be next to impossible impossible for me  to hold it up and then unroll it another reason   that i like to have a two foot trench is i'm  going to have a tee and a union in this line   it's go the total length is a little over 700  feet and i like to get it all put together in   the bottom of the trench where it's gonna lie  and i typically will pressurize it with water   and look for leaks and if you have a leak if it  was just in a trench that was dug with a trencher   it would be very difficult to pull that water  line out and fix it whereas with the two foot   wide i am able to get down into the hole  with the pipe and fix what needs fixing   right there is the main electrical back there is  the temporary mobile home right here is the future   site of the post frame home that's going  to go in we're going to run two inch poly   to here and then there's going to be a t and  i'm going to put a plug in that t and then run   inch and a quarter the rest of the way to the  mobile home so these rolls of pipe are huge and they are not light it's gonna be two inch to the t and that's   gonna break off to two places  that should be enough volume we're gonna try to get that roll  down in here and then unfortunately   it's uphill for me to push so i  don't know if i can do it or not can be pretty tough but we'll see   to get these fittings in you have to use a  torch you heat up the end of the pipe that   softens it and then you're able to push the barb  fitting in and then you apply two stainless steel   clamps in opposite directions when you get  a leak in the pipe it's usually because   there is undue pressure on the  fitting for example where the fitting   goes from the two inch pipe into the one  inch pipe that two inch pipe is going to   because it's been rolled up it's going to  put pressure on that one inch pipe and if   you don't hold it in place until that one inch  pipe's able to cool off and become solid again   that barbed fitting can leak so just make sure  that your connections are nice and square and   you let them cool properly before  any pressure is put on that pipe hey okay all right guys i got this right where i need it   the problem is is getting this fitting to go  in once i get heated up so i'm gonna go get a strap so you got this lined up just the  way i need it when i heat this up and i   get that in there i can lift these up and get  them to go in but then i got to pull this in   so what i'm going to do is i'm going  to get a tow strap put it around there   and then i can wrap it around my arm and then  once i get this lined up i can pull it in   i mean this is just massive pipe and i dug  this out a little bit just to give us a   little bend so i can get them get them started  there i'm gonna go get that strap come back   and then we'll get this put in i hope i  can wrap my hand around this and pull it in what do you guys think it's gonna work or not all right guys we have that on there it's  cooled off and i need as hard as a rock again   so i'll pack some dirt around that  i'm to put some big dirt clods on this   it's time to see if i can unroll that so  i'm going to cut the rest of the tape off all right well i got it and let me tell  you that will make a man out of you you guys this is almost this  is like 450 feet i got to run   and i only could get this in a 300 foot roll in a  200 foot roll so we have to have a coupler and uh we got this coupler on here seems to be on there nice and tight so i got to run this another i don't know  100 150 guys i got this fitting made up   this is our t so we got two inch coming here   inch and a quarter going to the mobile home and  then right here will be the other future home so we got a plug in here and then when i dig this  up i'll mark it and all i have to do is take this   plug out put it inch and a quarter fitting in and  i'm ready to go once you get all of your pipe laid   out all your connections made i put a shut off on  the end of the line where it's going to hook up   to the house and then it's time to pressurize the  line and i like to just turn the water on that way   if there's any leaks i can see that the dirt is  getting wet and then i can fix them if necessary uh we're out here i pressurized this line last  night and got out here checked everything   and we're good to go there's no leaks so we  are good to cover this up the only thing is   is this is this the t that i put in so i need  to mark this location i know it's five feet down   but i need to put something here  to mark this i wrapped that t   where i'm going to splice into with  a plastic bag just to keep it clean   and then this is a inch and a quarter left  over inch and a quarter poly line and i'm gonna   leave that in the ground right to there and  leave it stick out a couple feet i'll cut it off   but that way when i go to do this and hook in this  post frame home i'll know exactly where the t is now that i know we have no leaks it's time  to cover this whole line back up which is   goes much faster than digging it out one thing  to keep in mind as you can see there's piles of   rock so i had to intersect a driveway so what  i did is i dug prior to digging the trench   i dug all of the rock out of the way to make  sure that when i backfilled this i didn't   get any rocks down in around that line where  over time they could wear a hole in that pipe all right guys here's where the pipe  comes up underneath the mobile home   and you can take some drain pipe  cut it so you can get it around   your poly and then what i do is i fill it  with spray foam all the way up from four   foot down up to where it pops up and then  heat tape starts they are all hooked up   to the house all right that's going to be a wrap  on the water line installation hope you guys   enjoyed it hopefully it was helpful hopefully  maybe gave you an idea if you're going to try   to tackle something like this on your own but  as always we appreciate you watching if you   haven't already hit that subscribe button  and we will catch you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 21,099
Rating: 4.991591 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: 82CzGTLL0p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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