Garage Door, Greatest Insulation, Best Ever, How To, Part-1 of 3 +1 year Review

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[Music] here's what I want to show you guys this is a little thermal spot camera so my door is reading 30 degrees about four feet off the ground and foot back here's a the outer wall the barn at one foot it's pretty chilly out here this morning now we're inside the building this is my pole barn door it's ten feet high and 12 feet wide and this is the problem okay we're going to measure about the same height same distance this is the insulated panel 54 degrees here's the steel style 49 degrees where your another panel 53 degrees now for kicks and giggles this is an interior wall you see the mechanical thermometer there and we're going to give it a spa tree right there sixty degrees about four degrees difference I can live with that this is an interior wall so both sides are exposed to the temperature in the building this is my workshop and I keep it about sixty degrees when I'm out here it's a pretty good temperature to work so you can see the problem is we're dealing with a lot of energy levels there you go and that's what it's about two hundred and fifty dollars worth of supplies I have eleven cans of this expanding foam I have a piece of aluminum strip I have four sheets of two inch foam and not quite enough of this two and a quarter inch square the door itself has got inch and a half foam panels which work reasonably well but their marginal as far as I'm concerned so assuming that they're rated at maybe five to seven our value I think once I get all the Stiles and rails steel Stiles and rails with the store insulated and get the edges better sealed so we get less air intrusion we're going to bump this door up to at least about our 15 so here's what we have all the rollers have been checked all the hinges have been checked everything's been lubricated with a nice quality lithium grease they should serve very well I should not have any issues with it I will add lished some dimensional lines I have 144 inch wide door I have 24 inches per panel overall dimension an inside dimension of 23 and a half give or take a quarter inch center line established I've confirmed that the door is square in place and they did a good job installing it so I'm no issues whatsoever the next step is I'm going to be installing some vertical Stiles the purpose of the Stiles because I want to mark mount a marker board to the door once it's assembled so the the door will function not just as a door but also a place to write notes such as the stuff I was working on with one of my kids they're handy to have I try to get them as many places I can so that's the plan okay here's what we got done I have got the vertical strapping that are designed to mount a marker board or a chalk board or something like that to the door they're 2 foot long and they're exactly spaced so that once the foam was installed I'm ready to install the marker board or chalkboard or whatever it is I'm going to do I have my datum lines established they're exactly 24 inch on centered their quarter inch aluminum strap and they are inch and a half wide they're held in place right now with the construction adjust to stabilize them once the foam boards are installed and the foams injected they'll be well established and stable more than adequate to carry the load that I'll be carrying on this which is a marker board or something anyway they're in there ready to go and I'm pretty happy with the progress so far [Applause] [Applause] what we have here is we're using the urethane the expanding polyurethane foam is a bonding agent but also a filling agent I've got a bead run along the bottom up the first style and across and I'm putting a lot more on but this is all I need right now for this first panel it's already been cut and fit now if the function of getting it right yeah it goes that I did a relief cut that coincides with that roller right down there so this is the basic thing where I've set it up with an foam it up now we're going to plant [Applause] [Music] there we go well there it is we have 12 feet of 2 inch foam and it's bonding to the styles and the bottom rail of the door and there's a gap right here then I anticipated and I have some foam in there I don't you can see it if it is in there and I'm going to add a little bit more I want to put too much because I don't want to blow out these are more like a just to stand off so that as it expands it'll stabilize that void so later on I can come back and add some more to it without worrying about it blowing out on me just a little bit there's plenty room for expansion in there so it's not going to be so much it's going to try to push that candle out I hope now once it's set I'm going to come back in here and fill that void up let her flare out and fill that gap between those two panels right there and then I'll slice it down with a really really sharp knife you'll get a coat of paint and we'll go on to the next panel after we evaluate how well it's working but that's pretty much going the way I expected it to these are wooden clamps or clamped to the floor they press in here I'm going to put a couple little spacers in here cuz that's playing out a little bit but they're held up tight against the style right here as you can see and then of course they're anchored to the the hinge so there you go that's the first panel should work pretty well the next clamping operation is going to be just an extension of what you're seeing here I'll clamp here and here as I build up this next panel but you'll see now once the panels are solidly in place I'm going to finish them and put several coats of a good quality while I'll use probably latex kills that's a pretty good paint it should stick to the styrofoam pretty well I've tested it on some and don't see any issues the only thing I worry about is if we get flare out and this foam expands causes this this urethane this styrene lets us set overnight though to make sure that that urethane is fully cured want anything to disturb this ba1 and uh well that's three-quarters of a sheet of urethane per panel so if everything goes that's expected I'll have enough to do the whole door without any issues long as I don't make some dumb mistake and very shortly I will have a fully insulated garage door that will look just absolutely stunning and I still have to address how I'm going to get this the seal up here in the the corner because of the curve of that track I have no idea what I'm going to do yet but it'll come to me as I guess anyway there it is guys it's a start my first project my first youtube video tips suggestions ideas comments good bad or otherwise I'm always open for it and if you like what I've done here subscribe because I got a lot of interesting projects now that I'm finishing up this barn everything from machine tools to automobiles and maybe an airplane you we videotaping stuff for good no don't put your fingers inside behind our hip stop our hit stop
Channel: Southern Engineering
Views: 170,698
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Engineering, Home Workshop, Garage door, insulation
Id: op7ybj3HunY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2017
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