How to Insulate your Garage/Shop Door | FOR CHEAP!!

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how's it going guys today I'm going to show you how to insulate your garage door say you can stay cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter so the first thing you're gonna want to do to get started is figure out how much insulation you're gonna need for your garage door now each one of these kits that I have here is gonna cover a single car garage so since this is a three car garage you're gonna need three kits and then just a few other side tools you're gonna need a tape measure some type of knife or razor a sharpie for marking and then a straight edge to get those nice straight cuts now let's go ahead and take a look inside what comes in one of these insulation kits taking a look inside this insulation kit you're gonna get a total of eight pieces of insulation that are 54 inches long by 22 inches wide at about 200 quarters of an inch thick now the reason you see four rolls here is because two pieces come inside each one of these rolls for a total of eight now they also give you these clips and this is what's gonna hold the insulation onto the garage door so you definitely don't want to get rid of these and then they also hook you up with a pair of gloves that you can use while you're installing this stuff so that's what comes inside each kit let's go ahead and hand over the garage and I'll show you guys how to install this so the first thing you want to do is install two clips for each section of your garage door so each one of these squares is gonna receive a clip and for that they give you these little adhesive stickers so you just go ahead and take one off stick it right in the center now some people like to measure over and try to get the exact center on here but I think that's just kind of a waste of time when I can eyeball it and get it pretty darn close myself so I'm just going to go ahead stick these on and then from here I can just go ahead and peel off the cover on the front of these stickers and then it's just a matter of sticking my clip on the center of that now with both of my clips in salt I want to go ahead and measure the garage door panel so I can cut the insulation so my length looks like it's about 47 inches long and the height looks like it's about 21 and with the insulation cut the size I can go ahead and set it in place so now that I have it in place I just want to go ahead and feel around to see where that clip was and then I just want to make a small slice where it is so I can stick through so now my clip is coming through from the backside what I want to do is take another clip and stick it on from the front side and that's just gonna lock it in place and with that in place I want to go ahead and do the same thing for my other clip so now that I have this one in place it's just a matter of following the same process for the rest of the garage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can tell it's a pretty simple process to insulate your garage door now a lot of you may be wondering how much is this gonna cost each of those boxes costs it around $90 so mine was a total of 270 since I had a three-car garage but if you have a two-car garage it's gonna run you about a 180 and I think those are probably more common but hopefully you guys found this video useful I know it's not a woodworking project I'll pick those back up next week but I thought it was just something that I would share with you since I'm gonna be doing it I'm sure a lot of people are interested in how to do this themselves so if you like this video I found anything in it useful please give me a big thumbs up hit that subscribe button and I'll see you guys next week with more woodworking projects
Channel: Eric Lindberg
Views: 146,824
Rating: 4.8431373 out of 5
Keywords: Eric Lindberg Woodworking Nut Woodworker Woodworking How to DIY, Easy, Simple, Fun, Wood, Wooden, Homemade, Tutorial
Id: yJ1f1CZFnFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2017
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