How to Insulate a Garage Door and… Is It WORTH IT?

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hey guys welcome back to the channel my name is chris and this week's video well we're gonna do a follow-up to last week's we put blown in cellulose insulation up there if you haven't seen it i'll link it down below right here is an uninsulated garage door this is kind of the last piece to the puzzle and then we'll have this space completely insulated so i'm going to take you along this journey again never done it before pretty simple it seems like anyway and let's go ahead and get started so i headed to my local big box store to pick up one of these garage door insulation kits this is not sponsored by this company i just want to let you guys know that these kits come for a single garage door typically you're gonna have to buy two of these if you're gonna insulate a double door inside each kit you're gonna find four rolls of two sheets each insulation a pair of gloves and some plastic mounting brackets before i unroll these and cut it up i'm going to explain how these mounting brackets work all right so as you see in the parts that they give you there are these air locking mechanisms right here those go in basically what you do is you attach this side to the door okay and then when the insulation is installed this side then clips through it and it gives you the barrier there to hold the insulation in place some garage doors have these long metal pieces that go right where exactly you're gonna put these so in that instance you don't need these okay because basically the garage door creates itself a nesting area here and a nesting area here and once you slide the insulation in it's not going anywhere and you don't need these now there are panels in this garage door that do need them and you'll see those later in the video so it's time to measure these you're going to measure your horizontal links but you really don't need to measure your vertical links because the sheets are cut because standard garage doors are each a certain height per panel so once you've got your measurements all laid out now it's time to take a straight edge i like these extendable razor blades and i'm using a level as my straight guide here and then i just make one simple cut keeping even pressure down and honestly that was actually a nice cut i was actually surprised at how easy that went and those little razor blades that extend out that's quickly becoming a part of my everyday carry i find that this is a little more handy than a pocket knife so as i go to install it you're going to notice a little color change it kind of gets nasty right there i'll explain more about that just in a second but with these insulation panels they fit and they nestle in the garage door just right like i said the vertical distance between these is cut perfectly for you for a standard garage door all you have to do is cut it from side to side and you're good to go and so that's it right there guys with this piece of metal in place you don't need these and this is what i was talking about earlier in the video i actually installed this panel off camera to kind of get my bearings and i installed these pieces realizing one up here and one up here realizing that this cross member is completely doing its job so that's how i know and now you know one more quick little tip here i have a lot of 23 inch pieces i have to cut and you might for your garage depending on the size and shape of everything you got going on so i'm using my level as a quick story stick of 23 inches that way i can just continue without getting the tape measure out continue to make marks where i need to make the cuts where i need to and having the story stick be the straight edge that i'm using to cut hey really handy tip so if you're doing this check that out so a quick overview of how many pieces i need i need a total of six pieces to go along each panel of the garage door i need a 49 inch panel on the left and then followed by four 23 inch panels and then oh before i get into that let me show you this look at that filth that's actually sawdust that's up under there because when my shop was here this garage door was up primarily all the time and dust used to settle on that little bracket for five years sawdust just kept accumulating and i didn't even realize it until installing these panels so a quick wipe down definitely will save you some headaches and plus it won't mar up the white vinyl of course okay back to the overview that piece on the left is 49 inches followed by four 23 inch pieces and then the piece on the far right is just a standard piece that came with the kit i didn't need to trim it whatsoever okay now since this bar here is much further down than the middle like it is on this one i'm going to use these sticky pads basically placing them around 12 inches from the sides maybe a little bit further and those are going to be the mounting points for these so anytime i'm using double-sided sticky tape i like to use a pair of tweezers to rip it off it's tough to do this with what little fingernails i have and that's a quick little diy tip as well so once the stickiness is exposed you're going to install these pieces here and then when the piece goes up this insulation vinyl you can feel it where it is pretty easily just make a small slit where each one is and kind of poke the insulation through put the other locking mechanism on top and then you're good to go now of course if you don't have these cross member braces in your garage you're going to need to put those white discs in the very middle and have the support be completely in the middle but i am doing it this way because i've got the extra support due to those braces [Music] so let's talk about time frame and cost each kit was around 90 and which put the entire door to be insulated around 180 and the time it took me to do this from start to finish was about three hours now granted i don't think this is probably the best r value for a garage door however for in terms of one of the four walls in this room the r value is about an eight as opposed to the installation in the walls which is around a 21 to 25 i think this is going to be just fine the fact that these kits were readily available at the big box store and i had an afternoon to do this i figured why not and honestly it turned out pretty nice it's a little pillowy if you will but i think the function over it is much better than the form for sure so doing a project in my old shop you know my kids couldn't be with me on this one and my little boy was missing me so i had to go visit him in the shop so check this out can you say hi hi whoa hey hey buddy what you doing who's that who's that kid right there always good to have shop down with this guy okay so with the cellulose up in the attic and now the door insulated i think that's the last piece of the puzzle absolutely i know it's the last piece except well we've got a portable air conditioner right now it's doing pretty well i mean it gets down to right around that 76 degree mark which is pretty nice however i think it can do better if we put maybe a small window unit in there or maybe even a p-tac we've got a couple of p-tacks in the house this house has been added on to quite a bit it was originally 1300 square feet and now it's around 2500 square feet so instead of doing um you know duct work in the attic to vent the whole place we put some different little units in there they seem to work out pretty well anyway guys i hope you learned something i know i did for sure and again thanks for joining me it really does mean a lot that you guys get to this point in the video you guys are my true fans and i appreciate each and every one of you and i'll see you on that next build until then take care you guys watching all the way to the end true fans appreciate you the glimpse insiders the glimpse insiders it's probably not a good name for that it's really going to be a nice dedicated space for her to do her thing and i really am really really i'm really gonna say really a lot i hope you guys learned just as much as i did in that process and if not at least you're entertained guys thanks so much i fear was that what was good sound effects [Music] you
Channel: A Glimpse Inside
Views: 21,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to insulate a garage door, Is it worth it, My second channel, The answer, best garage door insulation, diy projects, do it yourself, garage door, garage door insulation, garage door insulation kit owens corning, garage door insulation kit r value, garage doors, home improvement, how to build, how to insulate garage door, how to make, insulation kit, owens corning, wood shop
Id: XcJEuNGDw1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon May 31 2021
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