SUPER Insulated Garage Door + More In My Garage!

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on the build show today we're talking about my garage door that's right i got a super quiet garage door it's black it's super insulated it's got double pane glass i got specialty hinges i got all kinds of cool stuff let's get going [Music] all right guys we're at my house under construction and we just installed this beautiful overhead door and i've got a bunch of specs that i want to tell you about but let's get nerdy on the door itself first off this is an overhead door company 5760 thermacore steel model this is considered like a medium price door this is not a super expensive door but it's also not the least cost store what i liked about it and what i was searching for was the door that i could find that had the highest r value and in fact this was an r17.5 it's a steel door that has polyurethane insulation on the center but it's got steel on the front side and steel on the back side now you're going to notice that this is a flush panel meaning that there's no kind of fake raised panels on this and then on the top of the door i've also got double paned satin etched glass and those panels run long ways so i've got light in my garage but i didn't want people to see in but i also wanted to maintain that r value so these aren't quite as high r value as the door my guess is it would be the same as any interior window in your house probably r3 but the fact that it's double pane compared to single pane means i'm gonna have a lot better insulation value out of that glass now let's talk openers next you'll notice when the door opened there's no opener visible in the center and in fact you can see my gorgeous wood ceiling i had my guys install most of that wood ceiling or at least part of that before the garage door guys came so that i could mount the track system on top of the wood now the wood you're seeing here this is a specialty product i got it from delta millworks it's a hemlock vertical grain hemlock it comes in a tongue and groove one by six which is basically what you've got right here so the guys are actually able to nail through the tongues and that way when it's all put together no visible fasteners on the whole ceiling i was really excited about that you're also going to notice that my walls are going to be this right here this is a pre-finished maple plywood and then my base on the garage is a pvc base that's a versatech five quarter by eight base mold that's that's laid first so that if i'm power washing if i'm scrubbing or the cars are wet i'm not worried about the bottom of the plywood getting wet it's just going to be that pvc that's going to get wet i'm excited about that look in the garage but the next thing you'll notice about the opener is that i matched the slope of the ceiling to the garage door opening track so what i did was i told my dealer hey i've got a 312 pitch on this roof and i wanted to match the opener to that and that's how i was able to get that sloped ceiling so when the door's up it's kind of tucked up in there and i've got my nice flat ceiling in this portion of house that has living space above visible and all that wood is visible through there i was excited about that now i was able to achieve that also because i've got a side mount opening this is a lift master side mount opening garage door and what's nice about that unit is it's not very expensive it's you know probably two or maybe 300 more than a standard opener but what you get is you're missing all that center hardware everything's tucked away in the corner and i really like that clean install you also can get a couple of other cool options this one has the myq app on it which allows you to control your garage door opener from your phone and even set some parameters like if the garage door is open at 10 pm it'll automatically close the garage door and you can even integrate to amazon's in-home garage delivery system which i've got on my other house and i've really liked but the last feature that i want to mention which is probably one of the best features is there's a big battery backup in there which means that anytime the power is out i can actually open and close this garage i think up to 20 times is what they say now i've not actually tested 20 but i've certainly done it probably as many as 10 times before strictly on battery backup and no problem it opens and closes it's maybe a little bit slower than when it's plugged into electricity but you'd never know if you came home and the power was out because the door would actually open for you and that's huge you're not trapped in the garage now check out my other video about these cross bars this is actually a wind load rated door it meets the fortified home specs for wind load rating for my area that's something you should definitely think about but you can add that and you can make just about any door wind load rated so that's something to think about here one other addition i made on this garage door at the last minute was i got turned on to this product it's called the elide fire is the name of the company and i think this is called a fireball i'm not totally sure uh but this basically is a static system it doesn't require power or pressure or anything and this ball sits in a little metal cage and you're gonna put it above anything that could be a potential fire source in the future so in my case i've got a garage door opener that has a battery backup uh this liftmaster has a battery mounted right there behind the door so i'm gonna mount this right above the door so that if this ever caught fire or the opener ever had a problem i've got an extinguisher right there and won't catch fire on the rest of my garage let me show you what to do all right so it's out of the package you can see the ball is separate from the cage and we're just going to pop a couple screws on there let's look at mounting location though i want to be able to pop this out there is an expiration on this ball so i want to be able to replace it in the future i could put it right above or i could put it on the ceiling right here the ceiling mount would make a lot of sense because that the fire came either direction but i think i'm gonna mount it back here you know if that if that battery is right here and caught fire this would drop right against the wall and i think that'd be my best bet for fire safety so i'm gonna mount it right above here where i can get the new ball on good thing i got my bit extension on here [Music] sure is nice when you got real plywood on the ceiling or on the wall here plus real wood in the ceiling there you go not even sure i need a second screw it's right in the plywood and the whopping difficult install is complete look at that that's pretty cool all right and there's the final install you can see my battery is right there the motor is right below us so if anything ever caught fire this thing would melt and kind of cascade down and put it out pretty cool little device gotta say hopefully i'll never need it hopefully it'll sit up here for the next 50 or 100 years and never be touched although i think uh you might want to double check but there is an expiration date i saw written on the package it looks like this one does need to be changed in a few years 2025 uh so you get you know five six years technically before you need to replace it so that'd be easy to do though with this metal cage just pop it right out and pop a new ball in in five years and you're good to go another cool feature of the liftmaster opening system is this right here it's got an auto deadbolt so when the door actually goes all the way down this actually throws right into the door now you've got a true dead bolt on the door it's kind of a cool little setup and then i did a couple beauty things too on this garage door i put in uh gosh i don't know who told me about these but these are a fairly inexpensive uh system that i found on amazon called wire high these are like you know 15 bucks something like that or 10 bucks for the wire hide and maybe 25 or so for the sensor shield and man look how nice these look here's the wire hide right here it's it's basically hiding that cat5 cable that low voltage cable that's sending a signal here to the uh sensor which is basically making sure that a kid isn't in the way or a car is not pulled in there that's just hiding that and then this is actually protecting that sensor it's called a sensor shield and it's just a piece of rigid powder coated metal you can get it a bunch of different colors i think white and black are an option but what it's doing is it's hiding that sensor in there so if you knock this with your golf clubs or your bike getting in or your kids you know normally your your garage door is not going to go down until someone comes back here and jiggles this and gets it lined up with the other sensor so they're actually pointed to each other but in this case man these are never going to go away they're in really good shape they're nice and hard and you'll also notice just like the ceiling i had my finished carpenter put this front wall plywood in before we hung the door so this track is now through the plywood the wire height is through the plywood and again that's just some three-quarter maple plywood i just did that as a finished wall so that now i can attach things to my wall and it's also allowing me then to keep this garage fully insulated because and that's a big reason why i wanted this insulated door i've got a mini split head in the corner there where those wires are sticking out of the wall right there or that freon line is i'll have a mitsubishi mini split head on the wall there and in the summertime i'll set it to probably 80 degrees so my garage will never be hotter than 80. in the winter i'll probably set it to 60 degrees so it'll never get very cold in the garage my garage frigid freezer will operate really well because they won't be in the extreme heat that you often have in garages and i can use this space as a workshop or do whatever i need to out here it's going to end up being a little bit of my man cave that's why it'll be really nice out here but that's really it guys hopefully you learned something today a lot of cool specs i'll put a link to everything that i talked about today in the description so if you forgot what size the door was or the brand or any of that kind of stuff or these wire sensors i'll put a link to all those so you can see that in the description guys if you're not currently a subscriber hit that subscribe button below we've got new content here every tuesday and every friday follow me on twitter instagram otherwise we'll see you next time on the build show [Music] you
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 104,627
Rating: 4.9454546 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Risinger, Build Show Network, The Build Show, Build
Id: 1V8H47yK9sk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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