How To Replace A Garage Door Seal

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hi I'm Shannon from host improvements comm and in our video today I just want to show you how to replace the bottom weather strip on a metal overhead garage door so we've already gone out and purchased the new weather strip so basically it just looks like a piece of flat rubber but what actually happens is it gets basically bent like that and then slid into a track that's already on the bottom of the door there are other kinds but just have a look at your door before you go out and purchase what you need but this is one of the more common ones are out here so what what happens is basically as you can see here the rubber just deteriorates over time and and this one's I mean it's not far from being completely destroyed on this end so we're gonna pull it out and change it it's really a pretty pretty simple job what you might find is that there could be a skewer or two maybe one on each end holding the rubber in place or the track in place so you just have to remove any of those screws that you find it shouldn't be really long so you'll pull that that screw out and then this rubber piece should slide along there it looks like the whole track wants to slide here because the rubber was kind of pinched in that screw you see if I can get it started here well looks like this one is just gonna pull out of the track so that's just as easy as anything a lot of times you have to slide it out of the end but this one's just pulling right out then we get down to this end where there was a screw again and it was kind of pinched in this in this plastic track so there's our old one we don't need that anymore so we'll just kind of reposition the camera here so you can see what what we're gonna do to slide the new one in and also give you a better idea what this channel looks like okay so we've brought the door down just at a nice height to work out what we have to do is basically feed this rubber this new rubber seal the weatherstrip into this track and you could see it here before where it's got two grooves that these t-shaped pieces slide into and it just slips in all the way along the bottom of the door now one issue you might have is if you had a screw through your rubber you may have to just kind of pry the track out a little bit there because it'll be crushed and the rubber won't go through there I've done that already just used a bar or a knife or whatever and kind of picked away at that till I got it to where it would slide also if it gets real tight or whatever you may want a little bit of silicone spray in there just to help it glide through this one seems like it might not be too bad and believe it or not it's actually a lot easier with two people to do this because this this tends if it binds it all it'll stretch and it once you can't reach both ends it's kind of a pain so I'll get it on here so far by myself and then we're gonna reposition and camryn man's gonna help feed this and just basically all he's gonna do is at this end keep pinching the track or keep pinching the weatherstrip so that's folded right lined up nice there and it feeds in nice and smooth so otherwise what happens is it goes in like this this wants to Sag down and you can't get this to feed into the track very good because it's hanging limp so okay so to get it started you just want to get it around behind there how can you can you see pretty good okay and you just want to get those little t-shaped pieces started in the end of that track and I'm just holding with the one hand pulling this way and my other hand I'm just holding it up kind of level so that it'll feed in nice like I talked about into the track and just simply pulls along like that I'm getting a little bit of resistance now I'll get a probably another foot out of it but you can see it's it's really a pretty easy thing to do and it doesn't cost a ton of money either but it gets your seal better on the garage and you don't have snow and cold and rain blowing in all the time so or rodents okay so we'll move the camera around get it pulled right through and then trim it off and it's not much more to it okay so if you have some assistance you can just have them either feed it in or pull it down just like we're doing here you can kind of I don't know if you notice there as I'm pulling it stretching a bit so when I let go it it goes back oh and I've gotten to where the screw was here so I'm just gonna just gonna fix this track up here so I can pull it the rest of the way and then I'll come back and just show you trimming it off and then we're finished okay so we pulled the rubber new rubber seal all the way through there one thing that I didn't mention is at the far end like the end where we finished out I had to put that screw back in just to keep this rubber track here from sliding off the door while we're pulling and tugging so I had to take it out once we got down so far and finished pulling a seal through and then we put those screws back in just to pinch the rubber and the track in place just so it's not sliding around now different people do this different ways some people will trim this right off just flush with the end of the door I like to leave it about an inch long or so I've really in most cases it doesn't hurt anything it just folds down against the floor and it's out of the way anyway so it's just rubber so it's just taking your Tildy knife and sharp one helps and basically just cut it off okay so we can get rid of that so we've got that in there I put the screws in like I said and basically it's it's done there's nothing more to do one little hint if you've got a if you've got a garage floor that's a little uneven or maybe there's a chunk missing out of it right where the door closes with these bulbs one thing that you can do is buy and I don't have a sample to show you but you can buy like a foam rope it's called and there's a few different sizes you can slide it I like to use like the 3/4 the one-inch you can slide it into inside of this bubble here or this weatherstrip and that foam rope will just help give it a little bit of rigid e rigidity so it'll kind of fill in some of those gaps if you have any so just a little hint there to try before you go to any extreme measures so that's the end of this video and hopefully it'll help you with a little bit of insight to what there takes to change your grad store seal and really as you seen you know once you buy the piece it takes you about ten minutes to do that so it's not a big big deal that's it for today's video but please like comment and subscribe below and if you want to help me make more of these awesome videos please use the link for our patreon below thanks for watching so that's the wrap up on this video and I hope that it helped you out if your happen to change you having that bit dip
Channel: HouseImprovements
Views: 650,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy, how to, home, house, improvements, garage, door, seal, bottom, groove, rubber, air, leak, water, ice, rip, replace, new, old, wind, efficiency, winter, weatherstrip, weather, sealed, efficient
Id: Cp4f5WvKlww
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 04 2017
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