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- I want to tell you a little something about a time I had a real bad problem and I didn't know how to fix it right. The only time me and my friends, we was hanging out and stuff and we came up on some drugs, you know, like three kilos of cocaine. And so, we knew that we couldn't really profit from it, serving it in our neighborhood, so what we did is we shipped it a little bit further out of town. And while we was out here, we'd get out there, we got little change in our pockets, so we buy weed. Cause we, you know we get high a little bit on the pot. So we bought like a thousand dollars worth of weed and we got three spots going on, one in the front, one in the middle and one in the back. And so we made sure to always had weed and stuff while we serving and stuff, you know, and things going good, you know. So my boy was like, man we've been spending money with all these dudes, right here with the other apartment, and, you know, they say they'll look out for us, you know. We still got some money but we ain't got enough to where we won't get a little issue. So we figured that while we been spending money with them, you know, they will look out, so we went over there, we hollered, dude said, "Come back". My brother-in-law, he was like "Man, I think them niggas is bullshitting man. Them niggers ain't gonna give us nothing." You know, so my brother-in-law asked me he say, he say, "Dawg when we get, when we go on the spot, grab the gun and we gonna go back over there, and next time them niggas die, like they ain't gonna chip us off, we gon' rob they asses." And I got a real bad feeling about this one, man. I just said, man, I really don't. I was trying to tell him my brother-in-law did not even thinking about even going back, man. I couldn't come up with nothing right, to where I can figure out how to get some weed to the spot. I started going over there and I couldn't. And then having so, you know we on our way back over here, man, dude let us in and like, hold down right here. I don't know how many people's upstairs or nothing, man. You know? And I draw down on it, the living room the one that, that left in I draw down on and I told him, man, you know, just chill. You know, I won't do nothing or shoot you and nothing dawg with you. I had to do what I had to do. I had to shoot you dawg. And I don't, you know, I don't know why they couldn't talk my people's out of this shit. But man, once it's in motion, man you just gotta go with the flow, you know. As bad as I didn't want to man, you know, dudes start crying and shit and you know, told how many people's was upstairs, man. You know, he said a couple more peoples upstairs and do nothing with his brother or whatever. So I'm getting ready to go upstairs, cause I got the gun, I roll upstairs. Dude upstairs, he got a gun. I don't know he got a gun cause when I go on the room, I'm seeing him laying by the bro. But all the time we got the gun up under him and man you talking about have a need ever studied how to shoot a weapon. I did not know how to shoot a weapon, man. That nigger aimed that gun at me man, I started busting, man. I couldn't do nothing, but shoot back. I'm running shooting, I'm running away from him shooting. And I hit the dude man and knocked him to the floor. You know, the girl in the room hollering. But now like I say, everything is in motion now. So you know, we go in the room, scoot dude off the bed. That's a gang of money on under the bed under the mattress and stuff. And in the closet it got like a big old trash bag full of weed right here. You know, I mean we got pot, we got lot of weed. I mean, I ain't never seen this much weed, just personally with my own eyes, unless I saw it on TV, you know? So we get the weed, asked me how much money we got on. I dunno how much money we got, we got a lot of money too, man. You know, I think that, you know, when we came out here, out there, we was going to try and sell these two birds of cocaine and buy some Cadillac's. Shit, this enough money under the bed, right here for a few Cadillac's. We ain't got to think about doing that no more. So we just grabbed the money and we got the weed. Go downstairs we got dude downstairs and I told homie, "What you want me to do?" You know, cause dude upstairs is shot man. And we gotta leave. He like he crying and shit. So my dumb ass, I told dude just going to leave, get out of here. I let him leave and we left. So I go back, now we scared now, I just shot somebody. I ain't, nobody else did no wrong, but me really, you know they accessory to the crime, but I'm the one, the main my main piece to the puzzle right now. So we in a spot, we serving a dope. They come in the spot with a shotgun, but you don't know that he got a shot gun because out here where I'm at a lot of them dress, you know, certain way when it's cold he got a long trench coat on like this. And I told homie that when these motherfuckers be coming in here like that dawg, I wanna pat him down. You know, man, you don't wanna do that. Man, these motherfuckers be carrying guns and stuff dawg. You know, nigger ain't gonna let no motherfuckers come in this motherfucking spot dawg and pull out no strap on you and stuff. I'm patting you down, if you don't want to be pat down, don't hit the dope man. Don't come knock on the door. And that's how I found out they had the shotgun. You know, I patted him down at the door. I said, dawg, you come in here looking to smooth with this trench coat on man. So you gotta presume the position, man. He say, what? Nigger, you gotta hit the wall, nigger. So I can pat you down, make sure you ain't carrying nothing. Sure enough, he had a shotgun on him. And that's how I found out they was coming in with these, with these long coats they got, they got dirty guns with them. You can't let them in to trust them. But anyway, as I did what I did, so we serve it. We out here doing good right now, got a lot of weed we like feel like we, the man. Next minute, I know here come the police, raiding all the spots. So he did, I told green-eyed that, I said dawg, they hitting the spots, dawg, we gotta go. We gotta get now because I think dude, that got shot. The brother told the police that, people who did it it's still in, it's still in these apartments. So they went door by door looking. And we had to leave. So me and my boy, we left, you know we went out the back way and got the train, no, we got on the plane. And came back here and so far, like I say it's been going good, man. You know, he's just thinking about some of the shit you did and you got away with it. Man, can I tell you the dude lived or not? I don't know, but if it was up to him, he was trying to kill me. Just like I just was just I'm just busting the gun just to get up out the room. Cause I, when I came in the room I thought he was in here with just in and with his bro and then a nigger pulled out the gun and started. He didn't even say nothing to me. He just started busting. And then I got scared and I shot by fear, you know? But when your life is on the line, you got to do something that that you wouldn't even think you would do in order to live. And that's what happened on my behalf. I just was trying to live, man. I get scared because police had me stabbed. No, I mean the police is real crooked cops, man you got some real crooked motherfucking cops dawg. That's when I tell you that you don't talk you don't talk, if you think it's cool enough for you to slide through them and do what you do. They got people that have walked right out of prison and blow your door right to the next side of the street. So if you know what you saying and you can handle it then you do what you do. Don't tell me about it. Cause I don't need the toughness to talk to me. Share with the nigger that you going to meet down there on the dirt. That's who you talk to about it. I know because I seen people that I know on the street. That's been good dude. And they walk right over there and all the time they being set up to be eliminated. Say man, you know shit like that? You'd be surprised to know that inside the prison walls there's certain games that you got like Angola, BGF, UVN CC riders, these all things that's up on the paper. And when they read the certain papers that you read there's codes that you follow and you don't break them for nothing. I don't give a shit how you talk, how you said. Cause when you break them, you fall. I ain't no come back to talk about it straight up it's over. So if that's what you want to play at, play it then. I'm telling you some life shit that I normally wouldn't share with nobody. But there are certain things that they do in prison. Same way with the Mexican Mafia. When you got certain dudes inside the prison they'll sit back here. The big shots for sit back here and all the pawns will be up here and the pawns will do whatever needs to be done. If they find out you are head, head, top dog, man they'll put you in lock up and you will sit there. And all the little pawns that you have on this yard he may go to lock up just to bring you a clovo, which is drugs and stuff like that. Clovo is a drug. You know, things that we have on the yard or a wheeler, a wheeler is a kite. You bring that to the head man. He passed on and they let him know what's going on. Who's doing what and so on and so on. If they think that you're doing too much on the yard they send a motherfucker to come get you and they get you up off that yard. So it's a lot of things that I can share with you that you'd be surprised to know that it actually happened. And it goes down. If they think that you need to be really eliminated they tell the police, look, man, check this out, man. We kinda have some business man, where we need you kind of like step out. You know like you didn't see nothing. And the police will turn their back and walk to the walk through a Sally port to look outside while you in there stabbing this motherfucker to death. So when it's time to get rid of you, you going I don't give a fuck what you say. You ain't going to get away from the train. You going, now if the heart don't stop. I don't know, that's probably God, I ain't challenging him. I'm just telling you some real shit. When it's time, when you up against the big man and you up against these dudes, that's going to eliminate your ass. Cause when you on the street, you come the street, when you come to jail dawg and they show these mothers they advertise these motherfuckers that's faggots or homosexuals, child molesters, rapist and shit, soon as you hit that line in there, your ass is going to be broke off. I promise you that, you can laugh your ass home way from there. What the police will do though, to give you a way out. They have a bail or something sitting right here until you tap on this motherfucking bail. If you don't want to hit this motherfucker in the yard man and they'll tap on it. You'd be surprised to see motherfuckers that you thought was some big tough dude walked through here and you say, God damn, did you see him hit that bail. Damn look how big he is. Motherfuckers don't, you can't go in this motherfucker trying to challenge these motherfuckers. They take they man, they take your booty man. Don't tell me what you, what you want, what won't happen. They put a few motherfuckers on your ass and strip your motherfucking ass and take that ass. And you can't do a motherfucking thing about it. Don't tell me how tough you is nigger. You get a motherfucking knife. Motherfuckers ain't worried about you getting a motherfucking knife nigger. That shit is nothing in the penitentiary. They all got knives and you, the tough guy bring your ass to the yard. Come on out here, check it out. That's when it really get funky, you know, all that talky talk shit, that shit is bullshit. That's that's the back door yo talk right there. The tough talk is when you come out this front door, come out sick. He had faced these motherfucking dudes. That's waiting on you, man. You know? So I been there man, and I learned how to stop running my mouth when it's time to not run it. And when it's time to get down, don't ask questions about it, just get down. You know. So I may, I had mother used me one time, more in the penitentiary he told me, he say, man, I got the weed. I got 300 from your peoples. And I'm gonna take care of the money. I'm gonna take care of the dope. So the youngster come tell me, he say hey SB this motherfucker told me you was doing the 300. When I found out this motherfucker did me like, like I completely robbed him dawg. And I swear to God, I pulled a knife on that man. Dawg, if you ever disrespect me on this yard, man. And when you get that motherfucking dope here, dawg you bring that shit. You check that shit in to me now. And everything that comes up under this motherfucker dude right here dawg, come to me, nigger. And I mean that if I get you side slipping on anything or taking something niger out of pot nigger, I'm going to break your bitch ass off nigger, on this yard nigger and you and your home boys can bring it right now nigger. I'll fuck you up first nigger. And that's how I go, man. When you tell a motherfucker something, nigger you mean what you say. And you say what you mean. Cause if you ain't ready to bag of words on me, don't express it. Don't spray it on a motherfucker. That's that coward shit if you don't nigger. And then you get your ass off the line nigger. I mean I made this nigger give me everything that he had dawg. And when this homie came up with what's up SB, Nigger, what's up nigger? He said, "I wasn't, I was, I was just trying to say, you know can I just kick it with you and join in with y'all?". No, nigger ain't no kicking it, joining in nigger. But we cool though, I ain't got nothing against you dawg. It's your homeboy nigger, you, you don't side slick nothing with none of these old fake ass niggers. When you walk in the yard, you walk that motherfucker strong dawg, and ain't nobody going to give you no bullshit and you'll make it out of there. You walk in that motherfucking weak though and start accepting so many rude ass motherfuckers around you, then your punk ass liable to be a bitch when you walk out of there. And I'm telling you some real shit, fags walk together. I don't mean anything against no fags but I ain't into that circle. We don't fuck with it like that. If you cross the bridge, they going to break you off for even fucking up because you were part of a gang and he's supposed to stand strong. That's me. I like to be strong. And I like to stand on the front line, not behind it, not on the side of it, in the front of it because I like to lead the right way. I ain't going to mislead you, but I'm gonna make god damn sure that we make it outta here. If you want to do them, go out the other way, go fuck with dude over there. You won't make it out of the legit way and keep your name good, walk with me. I'm old gang member dawg, that actually still think I have a lot of activities inside me. A lot of functioning that should have passed on, but by me being in jail for so long and I'll come out here and I'm dealing with a lot of these little young niggers around that's hard for me to even smile at a little youngster. You know, cause I'll never want a youngster to get the wrong impression. There's one little nigger up, down the street hollering at me. He's like "What's up, OG?" I'm like "What's up?" He like, "What's up, OG?" What's up? I was like, check this out nigger. You know who the fuck you talking to home boy? Cause you keep asking me the same motherfucking things home boy. And you really don't even know who the fuck your talking to. I'm only asking you that because you really need to take a time out nigger. And actually you're other homie's who I am nigger, for your mess, mess your day off nigger. Cause I ain't gonna play with you. He said, "Man, I ain't like that OG". I said, "Nigger, stop calling me OG nigger, I don't even know who the fuck you are". "Nigger my name is SB nigger and I'm one of a motherfucking kind home boy, so stop getting at me nigger before I break you off nigger and I'll beat your ass out here nigger". "I will beat the fuck out of you nigger". "I will make god damn sure that you don't wander these streets no more, you better know who the fuck you talking to then" Man, I didn't mean to piss off OG like that. But nigger you didn't piss me off, you should've took your punk over there and exercise your words before you bring your back up, before you came over here to talk to me. I don't even know the you fuck you is home boy. You know, so some of them take it the wrong way but you got to be tough on these niggers out here, dawg. You gotta be tough on these youngsters too. If you allow these motherfuckers to slide with with any type of slick word up on you I guarantee you gonna keep on doing it. But if you don't let him slide one time you ain't got to worry about the second time. I don't fuck around with it. My tolerance is no tolerance at all. If I didn't invite you over, then don't bring your ass over here. I don't know you, don't want to know you and I ain't asking to get to know you. So we both gonna have a good understanding nigger. If you come to shop, then let me know you shop. Other than that, keep your ass pushing nigger. Don't choke up on nothing you say with these dudes, man. I promise you, you'll survive out here. I god damn know, I for sure do know that. I would fall a few people down and most of the niggers out of fall of beat their motherfucking ass. This one dude that kind of got a lucky little blow over it because I thought he was allowing me to shake me shake his hand, he stole on me. We got to fight, but I didn't get, I didn't get the better end because the nigger took off on me. You know, I'm 100% man, man. And I guarantee you anybody that fuck with me, I ain't never crossed 'em, I never back stabbed them or nothing man, I'm a strong motherfucker all the way. 100%, man. And this is by nature, not by choice. I don't choose to do violence like that. It came to me, it was already birthed in me. So this guy has some dog food, some dog food stolen. I say, well, first of all, "Dawg, I'm not into that". But at the same time he said, "But no, you know you have some sen, you have a lot of seniority, a lot of say so with some of these niggers". I say, "Well, check it out dawg". "I'm gonna say it to you like this homie". "I really don't give a fuck about no dog food homie". "I don't, I swear to God dawg, you addressing something to me, that's way beyond my league dawg". "Now I have a homeboy that's under me, homie that you can take that shit too". "And if he can't handle a nig, nigger, I'll come in then". "But right now dawg, don't address none of that shit to me". "Cause I'm not taking no dog food, nigger I kidnapped the nigger a few days ago nigger and he begged me to let his punk out the car nigger, so don't tell me nothing". "I don't play games, dawg". "I don't fuck with the the kids shit out here homie". "I'm telling you straight up, you take it to my home boy dawg and let him hear what you got to say". " And if he don't resolve it and then nigger then you come to me nigger?" "But don't come to me first home boy". "Cause I don't fuck with dogs or food like that". "That ain't my, that ain't my spiel homie". Now at the same time he said, "Yo homie, I don't mean no disrespect to you". I didn't take it out of the disrespect, nigger. I just told you to don't call at me about somebody else's dog food nigger. I don't walk down the street nigger watching if a nigger boosts some damn dog food nigger. So, he like, "All right SB man, I apologize". "Don't apologize to me because we have no bad understanding, I just want you to know you take it to the guys up under me before you bring it to me". I'm older, I'm the top dog nigger and I'm the real, I'm the real McCoy homie. Down there there's the dudes that still developing. So check them out first and they'll let me know if they can handle it and I'll come to you. Till then dawg, we ain't got nothing else to say. I'd get a moving.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 136,084
Rating: 4.8973322 out of 5
Id: ABOsyOtI4bU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 48sec (1368 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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