Gang Member-Spooky

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- (Interviewer) All right, so, Spooky. Spooky what neighborhood did you grow up in? - (Spooky) I grew up in the city of LA born and raised. On the, on west side, on 8th and Union. - And you're involved, uh, with gangs (indistinct)? - Uh, I am a active gang member. At the age of 12 years old, a gang called Westside Orphans ninth street malotes. - So that's roughly what neighborhood? - West side crossing over Figueroa, in Westlake MacArthur Park. Crossing over Figueroa is gangs, on this side open wholesale stores. - Yeah, a lot of gangs there. Yeah, that's a, that's a- - 18th Street, Crazy Riders, Mara Salve Trucha, Witmer, Rockwood, Easy Riders, Orphans, I'm in there. - (laughing) Yeah, how much, uh, how much prison time do you got? - Uh, prison, I went in at the age of 21 and came out when I was 35. - What, what was, uh- - Uh, first one was attempted robbery. The witness came in and the judge told him, "Could you point at the one who tried to kill you?" "Yes your honor, he's right there." Son of a gun. 7 years with a strike. Let's go. Out of 7 years you figure, you know, you learn something, I mean there's John Doe writers and all this, you know, I'm not changing, I have a dream. Only out 4 days and got sudden re-robbery with a knife. The PD wanted to give me 21 years. 21 years for what? I didn't even, you know, I went to a dope house that sold crack cocaine to kids. I bought a ounce. He didn't want to sell it to me. They're counting dirty money on the table. "(indistinct) you know what? No, fuck that, g-g-gimme-gimme that," and there's a plate, right there, right by the door, but I mean, good business, "here's the money." Didn't want to sell it to me, got the knife, BOOM! Fuck that. Cops came in, "Everyone down on the ground!" He say, "He's a snitch." "Oh, is that right? I'll see you in county." He bailed out, "mother fucker." I went to court at CCB, He showed up in a purple uniform, "What the fuck?" Sweaty as a mother fucker, and he says, "Yes, Your Honor, he tried to kill me." Mm, find my PD, "nah, I'm going propurp. I'm going propurp, you know, you, you and (indistinct) gets me, but I'm, no. I know what's up, so, I opened the blue book of, uh, our rights, and our, well, we can get out of jail free, and, uh, read that blue book, and wrote my codes, and defend myself for a propurp. I had 21 years. I went before the judge and said, "Your Honor, I'm here before you again, in your same courtroom, when you offered me seven years, and I guess I didn't learn my mistake, I-I am not perfect. But Your Honor, I guess I didn't learn my lesson. I didn't kill the man, Your Honor." He just points a finger at me. "Your Honor, do the crime to the time. What can you give me right now, Your Honor?" "I'm gonna say, your a, (indistinct) okay? I'll give you 11 to strike, let's go." 11 to strike. Got done only seven years, out four days, and got 11 years. Paroled April 23, 2014, and I've been out ever since. That high life privo, to level three, to level four, the hole, the (indistinct), the 180. They put me at the last end. With the big boys, breakin' all the rules! You're gonna learn a life a yard, what respect is. And what they, wished they had one chance to be in your shoes, to get a frickin' release date. Would be more than anything for them. Because they shared their knowledge and wisdom to you. While they're in there facing life. You're gonna learn. And I learned. I got my GED in prison, I took fucking a course for Psychology for four and a half years. Read every page, four books, three times. Fuck. (indistinct) I better learn something! Out of four and a half years, got me a masters degree in Psychology. (kiss) I rest my case. It's not what you do, it's how you do it. How you speak and how you talk is amongst yourself. But in this dope game, I wanna grow feelings, "That's my boy! No this! No this!" And they rob you dry while you're asleep. I just do me. Only a handful of two, three, that I-I give my heart to. Nope, nope, nope, nope. Man or woman. I'm not trying to freak no funk. However my demeanor looks whenever I show in front of you guys, I guess I stand out I guess, I don't know why. Still trying to figure that out. Daniel when he's sober, Spooky when he's a gangster, and a question mark. Still working on him. Respect me and respect others. Do unto others, others will do unto you. Don't fuck with my money, don't fuck with my dope, I won't fuck with you. That's why my fam bam, my family, pay the price, you know what I mean? You know, common sense pays off, but if you don't have common sense then, this ain't no YMCA. I'm not here to take care of you. I'm here to just do me, and then, "Care if I sit with you?" Now we got a problem. - What's your grudge? - My father was a heroine addict, you know, when I was 12 years old. You know, uh, heroine was my first drug of choice at 12 years old. 12, 13, 14, 15, and 17, ODed, in the hotel. Ask Stewart, never once went to the hospital, my homies were on parole, woke up in the tub, because I thought I was chingon, primos, coco puffs, drawing, look at the window, on his phone. Spooky had the coke can and everything, trying to do the little thing. Like, "you ain't stupid." "Don't worry about me, worry about you." But I'm trying to be something I'm not, because I'm trying to grow up in the fast lane. I guess as a kid, doing heroine was some good shit back then, and you did too much. And your other homies, had to throw you in the fucking tub, to frickin' save, save your ass, and they don't get busted. Five ODs. You look at them, it gets worse. Teenagers, nineteen in high school. "Lemondrop." "Lemondrop? Can't even see it?" "Bomb. Mix it with heroine." "The fuck is wrong with you?" "Don't mind me." It only gets worse, it never gets better. - Tell me about your childhood. - Childhood? My father was a drug addict, he slammed in front of me. Transactions in and out of the house like it was a fun thing to do. "Come here bro, come here gimme your arm-gimme your arm." "No dad!" "Come here gimme your arm!" "No!" "Good, I hope, you know, I mean, I love my son, love my son." I was an only child. Parents divorced at six years old. New step-father became involved, had no kids. My mom, been working in the banking business for almost 24 years. Right here on Hope and Flower, City national bank. My mom raised me as a gentleman. Always saying, "yes please," always saying, "no, thank you," always say, "bless you," always say, "excuse me." Never say, "Yeah. Okay." No, never say that. Always be polite. I thank my mom for that. My dad, over the years, encountered that, you know what, what he did was wrong, and he always try to make amends. Was never mad at him, just how he treated my mom. Step-father came in, abused me, slapped me. Wow. Hold it in, huh? Hold it in. Okay, cool. Whatever. He bought me a bike, a Dino crisis. "Oh, cool!" Same day he fuckin' bought it for me, I went to the fuckin' store to get me a soda, and there's some chips, and they fuckin' stole the bike when I went in and out! How fucking crazy is that, I just got this fucking bike, and you stole it from me. My mom came home from work, "Hi mijo." "Hi mom I have a problem with John's bike that he bought for me, they stoled it." "What do you mean?" "Mom, I went to the store!" "Oh my God." "Yeah, yeah." When he comes home, you know, I'm scared shitless man. I didn't, you know, do it on purpose. He came home, I was so scared, I went in the back yard, played basketball. First thing he said, "Where's your bike?" I said, "John, I went to the store." "You know what? I made you something today." We went in the room, he made a fuckin' wooden paddle. "What's that?" "Put your ass on the bed." "No!" I fought him for about two, three, minutes. Damn, fuckin' 12, 13 years old fighting, him trying to pin me down. He finally pinned me down, and smacked me, and smacked me, and smacked me, and smacked me, and smacked me, so many times I lost count. My ass was numb. My mom took me to my dad's for the weekend. My dad was busy, as I was getting ready to take a shower, "You have a towel? What the fuck is that on your ass? What is that on your ass?" I was scared shitless. "My dad's, my dad's yelling at me now? Oh, no." My dad wanted to kill his ass. I've been abused by my step-father, until he had a kid of his own, my step-brother, whatever. He's just like his dad. I learned fast lane, how to run away at twelve years old, and I've been living, since twelve years old, I'm forty now, a decade and a half, of prison life, and six years of my freedom. I'm still blooming, I'm still developing, but I ain't going back. It's not what it is how you do it. I do heroine, smoke crack, I stamp crystal, smoke crystal, smoke weed, (indistinct) pineapple, "Ay, cool." I'm the most coolest person, I come by, I get waves. "Hi, Spooky! Hey what's up, Spooky?" That's me. That's me. Get respect, and I know I'll never change. I help out those that need help, but I know this game is just foretold. You cannot make excuses and bullshit, when I already know your shit. Just be real about it. If they can't, I'm not working with feelings, I don't give a fuck how (indistinct), how desperate you are, I don't give a fuck. I don't. If you don't care for me, shouldn't have to care for you. Just being real. It's a dirty game, but somebody's gotta do it. You know? I have eight kids, four girls and four boys. - (Interviewer) You have eight kids? - (Spooky) Yes. My oldest daughter's 19 years old. Her name's Danielle Rita Michelle Morales. That was the first one I wanted was a girl. We had a baby boy in the beginning, but she had 18 chromosomes. She was getting high on methamphetamine. Baby died inside. Early labor. Up in the A. My baby boy was from his head, to my hand. His light, it was designed like this. Wow. My first son. My dad's name is Daniel Morales, I'm Daniel Michael Morales Jr., That'd been Daniel the Third. But I got me a girl. My mom's name is Rita. My mom always wanted a girl, she had two boys. My middle name is Michael, I flipped it to Michelle. To my mom's first grand-daughter, "This is for you mom. Danielle Rita Michelle Morales. "Aw, thank you mijo." Yeah, I don't have my kids with me. They're all, you know, with their loved ones, my aunties and uncles, my grandpas, but they know about their father. They know. - Do you see them? Do you raise them? - I been, in the beginning, when I was working at the time, diapers, clothing, rent, yes. At the same time, as, you know, me doing what I did, when you do that time, it pauses everything. Who's gonna help out now? Do you care then? Do you care how we live? I guess not. I lived and learned to tell, that I cannot hold my past, for my mistakes, as I live today in the future. What I've done in the past is my past. I clean it. You know what I mean? No more, no more. I mean, I live today, I live the past, I live the present, apart from my future. Ask me a question, I tell my lies, the truth will set me free. I'm not going back to prison. On that yard walls at, where they kill people on a daily basis, I'm not getting killed. Eating breakfast with your apples on the table, you get killed. Bumping into someone, you get killed. Interrupting someones conversation, you get killed. - In prison? - It's about respect. How to speak when spoken too. How, when you speak, you speak correctly. "Hey dude! Hey bro!" You'll see. You'll see. Wow. High level respect. I'd rather live like a soldier, than die like a coward. I was raised by the best, and I thank God I survived. 'Cause here I am before you, telling me my lifestyle was the big "O". The "O," orifice! Yeah. Yeah. There's beginners, there's advanced, there's expert. "Where's your stuff at?" "Man, I'm over here on this expert shit, man shit, (indistinct). Where's your stuff at?" Me? Mastermind all this shit, nigga. Mastermind all this shit. For every little mistake you cry for, I can just say, I'm not feeling sorry for you at all. Poor thing. Clean your shit up. So sad. And my- all of the elders, I thought I was the one with the problems. I'm only 40, I feel like I'm 21, shit. I don't let this misery make me feel like I'm in the mix with you guys. (Indistinct) Bullshit. You sit there, I'll be over here. Finding Nemo? Find me, I'm over here finding Dory. No, no. Your gonna make me look bad. Make yourself look bad. Don't judge a book by it's cover. I'm telling you. I'm very well experienced, I'm very well intelligent, just because what I do , does not make me a fuckin' dumb fuck. Don't do- don't do that. Don't do that. You won't like it- you don't like it when I'm angry. I've been a boxer four years as a kid, from six to nine. Couldn't pass a fuckin' drug test. Methamphetamine. - How old were you? - Uh, from 10 to 13. 10 to 13. Four years of boxing. Got kicked out 'cause of drug test. Gladiator school, went to prison, show you the fuckin' pressure points, show you how to fuckin' survive, show you how to fuckin' hit people, take people out faster. As I hit 21, before I went to prison, I went to Arizona for fuckin' Navy Seals, passed the fuckin' test, and was on the go for fuckin' to be a Navy Seals. Four months of boot camp, and can't fuckin' pass a drug test 'cause you got high on the fuckin' boot camp. You a stupid fuckhead. The simplest fuckin' thing in life and you couldn't pass it, but yet, the bars, the mud, the fuckin'- the conditioning, the workout. I was front in line. Everyone else crying. I loved it. "Yeah! C'mon! Let's do this shit." I loved it. I live for the thrill of the moment. I live on the edge. Full force. I couldn't pass the drug test. I got kicked off doing what- I fuckin' gave my name and my signature, I hereby give my whole- right hand, so tell the truth, all the truth, help me God. And I- Navy Seals, honor and respect means a lot to them. Be real. They mold you to be a soldier, not to be fake. If I would have made it, without passing that fucking drug test, if I would have passed? (kiss) I honestly believe I would have been Navy Seal team six. - Would that make you different? - It's not- I'm just, I speak from experience, I know what I'm doing, I know- I just, I know. - What's your biggest regret? - I have Leticia and I have Jackie, two from one lady, two from one lady. Leticia's with, a young age. When I went in, to prison, she (indistinct), she went to her neighborhood with a friend, and a drive-by went by at her friends, got killed in the car, and a six year old boy got shot. My mother made the best decision of her life, and not tell me while I was in prison, that she got shot, that she passed away. When I came out- doing my time, "Ay mom, where's Leticia.?" "I'm sorry mijo, she passed away." "What?" Started crying. "Is this serious?" I don't know what to say. Buried in Rose Hills. Two years later, my homeboys show me a girl named Jackie. Don't do drugs, workaholic. Has a nine year old son, had a, had a baby boy through me. Family fuckin' reunion, she wanted me to go with her I said, "No, no! Been out four fuckin' days, I'm tired. I'm all oily, no! Your fuckin' auntie, your uncle, your cousins, and all- no! I lookin'- dead man walking! What the fu- no!" "Please, if you love me-" "I don't wanna go! I said no. Leave me the fuck alone." And she went. Something fuckin' told you to go, dick. You should have went. A DUI hit her at a red light. On her side. Impact killed her first. Son survived. As I go to the hospital, (speaking Spanish), in English, "that's the guy that I wanted to give us a ride, that's why my mom's dead." "I don't want to see you. At the funeral? (speaking Spanish) I don't want to see you at the wake." Had to turn around, walk away. I don't know what love is, but love is not to be like that. Listen, true love was in your life, how 'bout now? Free! Been doing fuckin' time, what are you talking about? I'm not in a hurry to get into a relationship, 'cause all this shit's getting dirty out here. I'm not stupid. I'm not a dog in heat, like I'm gonna get my- no, no. I got more for myself. I got to be spare for myself. Seems to me that everyone loves me. "Who's that? Who's that?" No, no. Fake the foam, be real, knock it off. I ain't got time for this Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil shit. You ain't playin' me. Playing yourself. This dope game ain't getting any better. It's getting worse by the minute. And people think it's getting, "Oh, good!" That's the sad thing about it. It's not getting good, it's getting worse. Whew. Wow, Six Flags, Magic Mountain, it's gonna be a bumpy ride, but hold on. Hold on to me, it's going to be a bumpy ride. In 2002, before I went to prison, I had a little production- a introduction about me, to tell people who I am. To get my hustle, and to make a fuckin' one poem for one suit. One poem for one suit? Just gimme, you know, your, what your statement is, and how many kids you got, or this is a dating game or your girlfriend or whatever, your auntie, your uncle whatever. And I will just, like nothing. I wrote a fuckin' introduction for myself. To let people know who I am. And the title is, "Just say no, and action shows the show. One day turns to one night, pick up the pencil start to write. What's one mess, behind your closed door. Let me see a thing, say no more. Ay, time to open up my mind for what I know, put money words on paper and watch the show. Time for those that have to pray, good things come to those who wait. I think back on all my mistakes, fuck, how much more am I gonna take. Evil sits back and watches the show, 'C'mon Daniel, do some more!' If all these drugs come my way, pick 'em up and do some more. Lost in a world which no one knows, one last man without a soul. It's time for me to put this away, Man stop saying it, and show some action today. It's a long walk to the end of the road, there might be many mistakes you have to take. Take it from me, take this with you, just say no, and watch the show. Yo, I see pain, people walk in the rain, so that everyone's going insane? It's like a place of evil or hell, people rarely be hanged. Tell me, when's the time? When are you ready? I raise my hand to say, these drugs are not for me. Walk with me to a place you'd like to see. Is that my family lookin' at me and not know who I be? Is this death that falls down upon me? Look down at your feet, many people yawning and crying, 'cause this disease is so sick. Many people lost their brain, nothing left to line the pain. You tell me when is the time? When are you ready? Heavenly Father God, I pray to you on hands and knees, asking for forgiveness, please. Walk me to my family please. That's a place where I need to be. My son, open your eyes. Just remember, this walking journey's a line of hell. I'm here today to share with you, by my edition, live and tell, just for today, I thank God I'm okay." That was my introduction to show people, you know, what I'm about. My experience, and my-my life is beyond fuckin' painful. - Thank you so much for sharing. - Thank you, I appreciate you for your time. - Sure was amazing.
Channel: Soft White Underbelly
Views: 1,057,959
Rating: 4.8804784 out of 5
Keywords: soft white underbelly, gangster interview, LA gangs, street gangs, crips, bloods, human interest documentary, life story, gang member interview, orphans gang
Id: aM23yPwZzPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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