Gang Bullets (1938)

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hey mom yes you why fuss and fret about dinner why not have it right here yes this drive-in offers everyone in the family a real picnic treat for dinner we've got delicious sandwiches with all the trimmings and your other dinner favorites plus whatever you want to drink hot or cold come early before the show starts or eat while you're being entertained or at intermission time so why fuss give your family a tasty dinner at this drive-in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] all right unload let's take a walk wait a minute you got me all wrong honest you have red I didn't squeal come on fellas give me a break will ya let me run for it just for old times or listen fellas give me the same chance I give you I'm Trent I wouldn't shoot you with us but you've been in the same spot wherein we got on to some big bill and if we don't follow bring us out here now get going wait a minute I got a wife and kids you know what you can do you can tell big bill I got away you're sorry shut up and quit your blubbering you and use paper guys give me a pain certainly I know big Bill Anderson is back of this I can't arrest a person just because I think he's a murderer you fellows can put rumors I have to preach are just picked up big Bill Anderson and had him look at Trent's dead body hoping he'd lose his nerve and cracked nothing doing you'll have to catch it that in the egg that's not so easy so long as he has others do his killings meantime what'll I do with him you mean you're still holding him on what charges none I knew that tricky lawyer of his corpus to release him so I've got him outside talk plain yes maybe you hit on an idea this town's gonna be a lot better off without you Anderson that gag won't work you can't run me out of town not for the lawyer I've got took him too much boy in 20 minutes Craig take them down to the midnight train and put them aboard just so you don't run into that very special legal advisory his go out the back way I'm getting in touch with every Chief of Police for the next thousand miles to see that you don't get off that train come on I hope you got me a drawing room chief Reardon brought big Bill Anderson to see to see me while he was told not to let him get off the train that's what started the trouble big bill had other ideas so the chief loaded him into a police car there outside no sure that's one way for Reardon to get rid of his own load them on my shoulders I can't chase Anderson out of town not until Reardon get something on him all right send him in tell him to bring Anderson in hi Wayne hello chief without introduction I'm guessing either District Attorney sit down Thanks oh well I've heard a lot about you Anderson if any details the missing of the glad to furnish them we've got enough to hold you you wouldn't try that I know a thing or two about law specialized on habeas corpus I know my legal onions maybe you overlooked some of the small stuff ah an assistant part I could jail you as a vagrant not employ no visible means of support I've had a bank account in this town for some time and other business interests people like you don't stay around here very long yep I noticed your towns dead no wonder they have to advertise and plead with people to come here you don't cooperate we'll cooperate how by breaking your own laws you stretched one when your chief tossed me into that car without a warrant kidnapping a federal offense maybe the pro minute to know you're here I'd like to take a look into your income tax paid in full certified by the collector how about locking them up for investigation I've retained one of your very highly respected lawyers did you try that mr. Horace meat you know what yeah but I'm wondering if he knows who you are from the size of his fee I imagine things I'm Captain Kidd oh yes there's another thing I've always been interested in our Constitution they must have been thinking of me when they added that bill of Human Rights article for the right of people to be secure in that person article five no person should be held for a crime unless on indictment of a grand jury article six in all criminal prosecution the accused shall enjoy the right to be informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation to be confronted with the witnesses against him and to have counsel for his defense there you are gentlemen that's a bill of Human Rights it never meant to protect human Rex and to think some of our best citizens use it to hide their skullduggery Anderson it won't be healthy for you to operate here I think I'm gonna like your city well if you threw gentlemen I'll move on to an important conference the nice meeting you alright Eddie I've pinned something on him if you can you'll get a medal pinned on you when I get the evidence it's up to you fellas to make it stick that'll be a pleasure so long I want some of the boys stay close to him [Music] [Applause] [Music] circa Turney Wayne is not enforcing the laws sir he cannot or will not which that'll make people think we haven't even tried to get big bill instead of falling it's not why don't they fit why we fail why don't they put the blame where it belongs can't expect us to fight crime and the kind of laws we have to work with that's like hunting Tigers with bean shooters you think criminals made these laws to protect themselves when these laws were made they fitted the occasion they draped justice in shining armor and gave her a sharp sword to defend the oppressed and innocent against the abuse of power trouble is times have changed and criminals have changed a sword is pretty weak against modern weapons the Magna Carta was something to shout about in those days when a tyrant could kill a man just because he didn't like the way his hair was parted but the boys who wrote that code is that the modern criminal would twist it to get a lot of protection for himself just remember the accused is innocent until we prove him guilty yeah try telling that to the fellow the princess stuff where does he have to pick on a time like this to start blasting just what I'm getting married if it isn't one thing to stop us is half dozen others well let's take we are getting married not when a thing like this is going on I can smell more headlines coming our way district attorney and assistant in cahoots with racketeers and in the society column assistant district attorney to married daughter of district attorney now to my daughter citizens my start throwing eggs at the wedding from Collins here a bow on a little gambling machine yeah and a lot of good those one-armed bandits is doing me I had to go to work myself so I could pay storage on him all right I'm up yeah back in business hmm those machines will be glad to be back working again but I hope they don't forget themselves and start dropping the jackpot how you got unregulated we keep 70% change it give the sucker 70% the first week let him know you're back in business we'll take it away from him later you fellas must remember one thing it pays to advertise you think put over every successful business advertise but he can't get people talking about us when 50 their bragging is 100 the next one sends a thousand everyone that hears about us and you sucker they'll be mortgaging their homes for us to make easy money the same thing goes for the bookings Hank sweepstakes another rackets pick your suckers cutting the right people yeah but don't figure on cutting in our local district attorney politician has one weak spot load your gun with votes and shoot him to the ballot box you leave things to me when I get through with this half-baked Hamlet it'll be a live City not familiar to me I remember her she's the girl I said goodbye to this morning she must be my daughter what a fine day this has been for me do you realize I've been waiting at the jeweler's shop for two hours for you to show up and this is the day we were selecting my wedding ring but darling darling I warned you not to marry a man in public office or you go through the same things your mother did and if you don't want to face that now's the time to make up your mind whether you want him certainly I've wanted what are the newspapers print trash like that why don't they jump on the police for not getting the evidence newspapers don't bother with those details they won't be satisfied till we put anderson in jail then they'll take the boughs well hell if the police to get some real evidence instead of those half-baked ones i wouldn't care who took the vows anderson shrewd he won't come out in front unless isn't it out but everybody knows big Bill's behind all the rackets we've got plenty of evidence but we can't tie it up to him fellas smart all it takes is a man just a little smarter there's a couple of beauties in the federal men just got in from Washington I told you I'd pin something on big bill just take a look at those mugs a couple of daisies two of the town's best racketeers Hank Noland Joe Armstrong Hank and Joe are just small fry fellow ever afters big Bill Anderson this trail oughta lead us right up to Anderson's door pick them up and bring them into my office tonight okay and I'm telling the truth when I spill that all the clip joints and gamblin dives run by me on Randall Street are owned by big Bill Anderson I turn all the money over to big bill he pays me is splitting the profits for being his front and getting arrested when police raid his places now sign it you'll kill me for this you solemnly swear that all effects contained in this confession of the truth that were made voluntarily by you without any coercion on the part of the police our district attorney yeah that confession will keep big bill from harming anybody you don't know Anderson putting him in jail ain't doing me any good all he's got to do is pass the word a guy like that go to Jamie's through given orders without a leader his crown will fall to pieces until we get out it's an indicted the safest place for him is in jail book him as a material witness and lock him up we've talked to that other fella now Annie bring in your other prisoner hope we can get the same out of Armstrong wait outside Haley so now I'm strong say what's gonna pick me up on the street and rest me up here I done nothing we're going to give you a chance to do something come clean turn state's evidence against big Bill Anderson I'll see you get protection protection protects you never helped the gang he's full of bullets Anderson's washed up in this town he's through oh yeah it's okay if you want to kid yourself but I'm not talking now there's a lawyer I'm strong there's a lot of locked doors between you and Horace Meade he's not coming up here get ready to take down on Armstrong's confession say you can throw that thing away I ain't go to sign see give me that record on Armstrong Joe Armstrong alias Roger strong aegis Roger Clayton he just bought Clemens Aegis Joe Callaham pickpocket Pete confidence man served time at Joliette Huntsville Lansing paroled from Canyon city after serving five years of a 10-year sentence conditions of parole not to leave a state not to engage having liquor or gambling and here's a pretty good picture of you if you want to deny your identity I'll show you something a prince from Washington came in today I've got a pretty complete record of your life from the cradle up Canyon City is just one of several prisons that'll take you back you violated your parole by adding those liquor and gambling joints I only work here I don't have to read them you'll have to prove that you don't own them I'll go back in circuit time want to do that or swear that big Bill Anderson owns the records okay I squawk big bill owns all the joints I only work for all right just tell it to the stenographer take a good look there's your $20,000 squealers bailing out material witnesses comes hi they cost $10,000 a piece of your money I'll get my money's worth out of them the same time I'll teach the rest of my outfit what happens to guys who shoot off their mouths I'd like to be there tomorrow morning when that district attorney finds the bodies of his two prized witnesses on his lawn let it be Hanny in just the chance he's looking for to charge you murder double murder and he could make it stick this time you're forgetting these two monkeys signed confessions that tie you in a knot and those confessions are in the hands of the DA all right then you tell me what to do I've got to prove the DA forced these fellows to sign you know third degree police brutality yeah look at him not a mark on and this is as good a place as any boys make it look like the cops did a bang-up job I wasn't doing a thing the cops grabbed me and run me up the DA's office and when I wouldn't sign the paper they handed me you started slugging me and beating me up and treat me to death put it inside they broke three of my ribs that's all mr. Noah mr. Armstrong what's your story well I'd assign anything and you would too the way they beat me up booth Leon there's an x-ray and a statement from the doctor took turns of slugging me and all the time that District Attorney kept egging them on gentlemen that's what cops do to a respectable citizen who won't help them frame an innocent man then you deny the truth of your signed confession against big Bill Anderson I sign to keep him from killing me mr. Armstrong you're dismissed from further service before this jury and you mr. Newell as long as I am Foreman of this grand jury I will not consider any evidence which might have been obtained by such brutality gentlemen I move that no one Dyckman revolted against intent Anderson this makes a monkey out of the district attorney you would try to watch smart and have a brain I wanted to hang wherever and see it give the suckers confidence in me show him was running his tongue just one more little job for you can turn in you know I promised Hank and Joe if testified right they'd never have another thing to worry him now you always see that they don't ever worry again have you seen this who hasn't mr. Tarek turbulence after your scout I think it also mentions yours the publisher of the Star Tribune has received an open letter from this modern Junius demanding the district attorney and the Chief of Police resigned and right here the writer says he has definite proof connecting you with the activities of Big Bob Anderson if Jr's has any real proof of connivance green public office in private crime the star tribune will gladly print it for the betterment of the law-abiding element of this community who is this Julius why don't he sign his own name obviously he's imitating that mysterious English juniors for more than a century ago drove a corrupt government from office oh what's that got to do with us he thinks we're corrupt all right talk of the devil there's the man the Prince for juniors better stick around you can't hide from a newspaperman hello Mike hello Jim plain sound Jen no take a minute sorry I had to feed you're a bitter pill I swallowed it but Mike here gagged on it you keep on printing that kind of stuff we'd both be out of office that's my purpose right out on your ear two can play at that game you know but you won't land on your ear and I ought to sue you for saying I'm tied up in a mess of crooks that juniors letter is a libel I don't know anything about law sure it's libel you can't drum up a jury you won't think you are conniving with big bill I might accept that challenge and haul you into court okay there's only two reasons why he's not in jail either you're in cahoots with him or you're unfit to hold office take your choice pretty good psychology Jim know that it is and listen to me young fella I run a newspaper to keep this town in form what's going on libel laws are no libel laws and if you think juniors first letter gives a young pup like you the right to sue an old warhorse Reid jr. second letter it came this afternoon you'll find it on the front page of the night edition sorry if I kept you waiting that's alright I took advantage of the time to read this latest attack Junius yes I read it too I was wondering whether I should wear my new gown tonight people might say Anderson's graft paid for very nice it is - it's a good thing my suit isn't new where they'd be cracking out with Taylor by big Bill Anderson we're taking a taxi tonight I didn't have the courage did I my new car I've been months saving for the down payment you know these Junius letters may not have big bill and make a Wallflower out of me well that's swell and I'll have all the dances with you Oh seriously John maybe we'd better not go okay I'm not gonna let a lot of silly gossip spoil em pleasant even for us she would like to get my hands on the fella that's writing all these juniors letters haven't you been able to get any idea who it is no but he knows what he's writing about are you inferring that there's a truth in them about father I know we should discuss that this evening that means you do think it I'm worried about the whole cutter doesn't seem to want my advice well he did get along pretty well without you before his assistant it's my opinion father knows what he's doing yeah I suppose he does but I think he gets better and quicker results of you were more ruthless uh-huh I suppose you tried to tell him that and then he told you something that's the trouble he just ignored me well I think father used very good judgment and I'll do the same thing before this evening ends up in a quarrel hey it's my lawyer I gotta see him alone I'll talk to you later what's the idea that you must see me tonight mate I've got some important papers for you to sign they're all ready for your signature it's for your own protection so no one else have a claim ownership I never sign anything the boys running the joints know who owns them they know who to pay the dough to but if ever you want to turn them into quick cash the way things stand you couldn't prove ownership that's the way I want it nobody can ever tie me up of these rackets but unless I put them in your name I could claim I own them but you wouldn't try that me no no of course not you know I wouldn't try that no nor anybody else when they're dealing with me now roll along don't come here bother me I'll tell you what I want you but I am your lawyer you're paying me to give you advice that's where you're wrong I'm paying you to do what I tell you alright but I'm warning you anything can happen to your business you've seen those letters in the newspaper those juniors letters one of these days he's gonna throw a monkey wrench into your game say where he's tossing his monkey wrench suits me fine when he said I'm too smart for the district attorney he's tutoring my arm monitor this genius guy isn't send him in I'll put him on my payroll stop worrying all right it's your human alright boys you can come in now now let's get down to business I sent for you fellas because this town's right you've worked for me in other towns you know how I operate somebody must lay in on the gambit no I've got that under control but there's some shops here that need protection I see how bad do they need it with me protecting him they can raise their prices and still make as much profit as they do now when do we start signing them up right away Collins has a list of the ones we've picked maybe you better make an example out of the first few that'll convince the others they need my protection we understand all right boys that'll work sign this what is it it's a membership and a new Protective Association hurry up you don't have to read it but I don't want it I don't need protection not that kind I won't sign it you would be surprised to know how high this could blow one of these joints put your name on that how do you like your new press list why making a good profit now from now on you're charging more and the extra dough goes to us for protecting you oh I heard about you fellas well I don't need your protection and I won't pay it no maybe you better spray those clothes back there in the shop now wait a minute look it up there's a cop nosing around over there I'm gonna see if he's got his eye on us Lancey talking they're the fellas who after all right they still waiting in the car in two in the shop rush the squad to take them in I'm going to them right now shovel let's get out of here house hit step on us like they plug me a license number to God 3 3 7 3 as 14 16 18 go to 7th Avenue and Holly Street a man shot fugitives escaped in dark sedan license plates to Audrey all cuz be on the lookout for these men these bandits are desperate and dangerous they armed to resist arrest one man is believed wounded and may seek medical attention all doctors and hospitals have been warned to be on the lookout fugitive Karl seen turning off 48th Street International Avenue that's all that's our street I want to file a police car Billy come better your lessons oh gee mom can I go just a minute there's been a man shot you stay here with me those police reports make me nervous when I'm here alone no mom there's to be nervous about I'm here I wouldn't let anybody hurt you come on this isn't a perfect hideout I like to see how the cops catch him you wait till your father comes home and he'll tell you all about it there's your father now he's forgotten his key again let him in Billy who are you what do you want shut up bring them in keep quiet and you won't be hurt put them over there Tom anybody else in this house no no but my father's coming home you better not be here you get me some water and some iodine and lots of towels Tom hang on to them just in case where is that upstairs well come on let's get it sit down don't look at me lady keep your eyes on the floor we are ready I know who you fellas are you killed a man keep your mouth shut get over there with you old lady and keep quiet that's all I can do for him he won't live long anyway he just about done for lady looks like he's gonna have a funeral in your house why don't you men go away and leave us alone we'd like nothing better lady but it just so happens that there's a million cops outside and if we did leave you'd start hollering police right away attention all calls something the Bandit area the police net is now a complete chain around the National Avenue district it is certain the fugitives are inside the net all police will leave their cars and begin closing in remember these men are fully armed take no chances that is all we gotta get out of here red what about ow oh he won't live long anyway we can't take him with us yeah hmm he was always one jump ahead of the cops he must have cloaked when I heard those police reports attention all police in the Bandit area the bandits are holed up at 1/4 to 3 national Avenue they are in the home of William Jones holding his wife and boy prisoners close in on that house that is all get out and start the car I'll put in the old lady so they won't shoot at us come on hurry up her eyes the community in a series of raids on merchants work on the police round up tonight which resulted in killing two of the bandits as they were desperately trying to escape from the home of William Jones the third bandit was found dead inside the house where they had held mrs. Jones and her 12 year-old boy William prisoners the boy narrowly escaped death while protecting his mother read further details in the latest edition of the star tribune you were pretty smart Collins they didn't use their heads run down get my copy the star tribune okay that kills off red Tommen al serves him right if they're dumb enough to get caught no I have to line up three more boys to handle their work there was a mistake holding up in that house oh who cares you and I didn't do it I know they'll get the public up in arms and that isn't gonna be so sure it is that makes the public criticize the district attorney the more they jump on him the Sicari and the quicker he lead out on my hand you seen the Star Tribune is that you know certainly raking us over they even say we're responsible for this reign of terror yeah as Jim Wallace warned me he said the public temple was so hot I oughta resign well it wasn't so long ago he was just as anxious to have you run for re-election well when rats won't sail with a ship good sailors should have sense enough to desert not me not with you on the bridge giving orders I'm not quitting I didn't think you would but we've got to work fast with Jim Wallace withdrawing his newspaper support I won't be an office at the next election will you wanna vote uh Sanderson in his outfit I'll milk this town dry say you'll give me an idea if he's going to do it then line up now with big bill Anderson's support I might be reelected you don't mean it well why not I can't lick him he's got a staff of crooked lawyers to show him holes in the law for his rats to jump through if you let me go out in my way I'll get it now that's just the fire of youthful confidence you haven't been kicked around much by a lot of ungrateful citizens well you know what's kicking up all over oh it's those juniors letters your friend Wallace prisoner I even said you have secret meetings with it as a matter of fact I have an appointment with big bill Anderson tonight that's swell get him up here I'll fill this office with dicta graphs and making records of every word he says you've been really cheap detective magazines you know he won't come here he won't talk to me anywhere except in his own place well you shouldn't be seen entering Anderson's place and the public would believe the newspapers they believe it now can't be worse besides I'm anxious to hear his proposition have these cigars made special for me they cost $4 apiece if I didn't keep them out of sight these monkeys of mine a starch on them yep take a handful fill up your pockets no thanks they're too rich for my blood I give up smoking some time ago oh that's still bad hitting it up again I'll have a flock of them made up for you put your monogram on them too how do you like that smells like good tobacco but what else can they put in them to cost $4 nothing I just like an arm smoking a four dollar cigar that's like a woman breathing a ten dollar orchid yeah that's right I never thought about that before I got a hurry expecting me to visit some of my places tonight so let's cut off the gab and get on the cases wayne's me what's on your mind well you won't be just a cat Ernie very long you can't be reelected so what do you want to do about it what can I do about it be silly for you to leave off is a poor limb that's something I can't help well maybe I can what's your sir wasting words I'll come right out with it you could be worth $10,000 a month to me for the rest of your term in office that won't be long then what about me all the rest of my life I'll make you chief of my staff of lawyers what do you say that's a tempting offer to a poor man I expect you to accept so here's your first payment on account now that we're partners what have I got to do to end this nothing absolutely nothing just sit tight and don't interfere in anything I do what if the police department should present me with evidence which might force my hand that won't happen if it does you'll call me I'll arrange a meeting for you with my lawyers you fellas can figure a way to kill it good night Wayne good night I'll give you a ring every now and then what's all the excitement about where have you been all evening you'll find out soon enough father coming yes I caught him you'd be right down the way you called me I thought the house was on fire better than that this will set the town on fire this afternoon you accused me of reading too many chief detective magazines there did me a lot of good I've got a record here to prove it it features our eminent district attorney Wayne and tough mug big bill Anderson you mean you took Victor Graff records of my visit to Anderson I sure did well didn't you hear it no no yeah hope it worked oh so do I and father maybe this is the end of your troubles with Anderson in this game I don't know how much I got but here she goes I got high expect me to visit all my places tonight so let's cut off the gab and get on the cases Wayne's me what's on your mind well you want the district attorney long you can't be reelected so what do you want to know about it what can I do about it me still way to leave the office a poor man that's something I can't help well maybe I can what you're wasting words I'll come right out with it you could be worth $10,000 a month to me for the rest of your term in office be long then what about me oh that's my life I'll make a chief of my staff the lawyers what do you say that's a tempting offer to a poor man I expect you to accept so here's your first payment on account absolutely nothing just sit tight and don't interfere in anything I do I think you'd better shut that off should present me with evidence you knew what was on that record Patricia I swear I didn't hear it I'm as surprised as you are well I didn't know your father was taking money but now that you know what your next scheme oh I'm not scheming here I wish I hadn't heard it but now that you haven't heard it there's only one thing I can do advise you to resign and turn state's evidence that way we may be able to save you from prison I see I've taught you too well goodnight Patricia what you're trying to see it my way try to understand I mean there's something I can't pretend not to know I heard it you heard it his own voice why the evidence is right there miss Wayne Patricia Wayne what a surprise I'm glad you know who I am I've known who you are for some time fact I've always wanted to meet you you may change your mind when you hear the reason for my visit you name anything you want miss yours you have a cocktail first thank you no it's late I've been waiting for you more than an hour hey but not anybody like you were here I wouldn't waste a time where I was by the way how'd you manage to get in here without me I took advantage of a very good lesson in bribery so I thought I might try it myself to get into your room that's the one on me I never thought about working on my outfit would you sit down thank you I'd rather stand I want you to take back this money you gave my father he asked you to do this no I got it without him knowing this would cause I know that record was made of everything yeah who did that father's assistant John Carter well and that's no trouble didn't either boy you gonna marry yes but that wouldn't stop him you should have seen him after I destroyed the record after you destroyed the record that's perfect then there is no record you're a smart gal but you don't know John Carter and I have to let your father handle him that's the deal I made the father refuses to interfere even if it sends both of you to prison is that so but you tell your father wouldn't be so bad for me in jail I have a lot of old friends up there they'd be glad to see me but when he goes he'll only meet all his old enemies all the boys he convicted I'll be waiting for him that wouldn't be so good for him oh won't you please listen to me mr. Anderson you have enough money why don't you go away and leave this town let my father alone go attempt it that's a very pretty speech I didn't make any mistake when I put your old man on my payroll I should have put you on it too I'm in a great spot now it's up to you to use that same pretty speech on John Carter he's the right fella - Garret he won't refuse you now do we understand each other yes I think we do hello John I've been trying to reach you everywhere I can't go to sleep until we settle this why must you act in such a hurry don't you wait a few days or a week and give father a chance to do something about it oh please don't do anything now darling I'd give my right arm to delay this I've been walking the streets for hours wondering what I could do this Junior's letter tells everything I'm forced to take action listen to this was recorded on a dictograph record last night by John Carter after obtaining the records trader took the proof to the home of the district attorney that sounds as if I was never out of the fellows sight and that's what this it will be interesting to watch what action the Assistant District Attorney will take with such damaging proof against his chief patter is engaged to Mary Wayne's daughter Patricia this may influence them to withhold the information improving corruption and the District Attorney's Office Patricia Patricia he saw me swear tell the truth the whole truth nothing but the truth I do state your name Patricia Wayne how does it look this preliminary hearing or washing up Elevens to a jury are you the daughter of the defendant Dexter Wayne yes were you present with your father and myself in your home the night I played a certain dictograph record I was did you recognize your father's voice on that record I had never heard his voice on the record but it sounded like his voice didn't well I I don't know it sounded like two men talking did you recognize the other man's voice well it was all so confusing I couldn't tell did you ever have occasion to hear the voice of the defendant Anderson before that night no but you have heard it since haven't you yes we're here in this courtroom anywhere else please answer my question where else have you heard Anderson's voice in his home when after you played the record that same night why did you go to his home I asked him to leave this tone why I was afraid it cause trouble for my father what kind of trouble I don't know just trouble there were rumors that Anderson was paying my father not to prosecute him prosecute him for what I don't know but you knew that your father had been bribed by Anderson I objected on the ground calls for a conclusion by the witness objection sustained what did Anderson say to you the night you visited his home he felt certain that you would not file charges against my father why did he seem so certain because at that time you and I are engaged and he thought you might be considerate of me I must ask you to answer some questions about that dictograph record where did it come from I don't know you brought it to my home please tell the court what you heard on that record I can't remember I guess I was too excited perhaps I can refresh your memory didn't you hear one man refer to the other as District Attorney Wayne and agreed to pay him ten thousand dollars each month well it's also but didn't you stop that record because you recognize your father's voice and didn't you destroy it for the same reason I won't answer that I just couldn't you have no right to ask me such questions it's just you do answer mr. Warren you miss Wayne you are testifying under oath do that means don't you yes I know I'm waiting for your answer please don't ask me that again I'm sorry but I can't answer it young woman your refusal to answer a question from the witness stand constitutes contempt of court unless you do answer without further hesitation Your Honor I do refuse to answer that question the bailiff will remove the witness from the courtroom and placed her in the custody of the sheriff to be held in the county jail for further orders if your honor please I crave the indulgence of the court I am a lawyer still licensed to practice in the courts of this state this is most unusual for a defendant to interrupt the courts proceedings when he's already adequately represented by counsel but I am forced to serve notice on my counsel he is discharged forthwith Your Honor you can understand my feelings toward the witness I beg the court to let me put the question to my daughter the court has no objections it's a prosecution concurred proceed Patricia you and I have been more than just two father and daughter ever since we lost your mother we've been pals we've always gone to each oblems I've always encouraged you to tell the truth and you never lied to me about anything I wouldn't want you to speak an untruth or be evasive even though you thought it would help me I know father now dear I want you to answer the question put to you by the acting District Attorney didn't you stop the record because you recognize your father's voice and didn't you destroy it for the same reason yes I knew it would be used as evidence against you when I talked to Anderson in his home he told me that if John sent you to prison he would be putting you at the mercy of every criminal you had ever convicted and sent there he said that they would murder you Thank You Patricia witness excused and is all your honor on the testimony of the acting district attorney John Carter Patricia Wayne I ordered the defendants william anderson and dexter wayne held for the fall term of the grand jury bail is set at $10,000 for each defendant SIB type don't move away from here I'll be back and I'll need you and you'd better put up that bail in a hurry and don't forget to cover me you're forgetting I no longer your attorney that was a dumb stunt forcing your daughter to test I know I thought that was too clever for you the prosecuting attorney had already put the hooks into us you didn't want her as a further witness against us did you since when are you telling me how to spend my money why waste time but well bomb to cover him doe and before you receipt his bail they might sing another tune here a certified checks to cover bail for both defendants give me a receipt sniper Ronnie alone don't be in such a hurry it may be wasting those checks no this little case today was just the start you might run out of money before I get through with you someone big Bill's other crimes are nicely illustrated in these warrants warrants yeah here's one that should demand another ten thousand bail there's one that's good for at least 20,000 and here's one for murder and one would you gentlemen like to begin matching your bail money against my warrants at plenty more coming up those things are not worth the paper they're written on no evidence to support them core to throw them out faster they came to trial yeah but then a man bail until they do come to trial this is just a crazy scheme to try and keep my client in jail certainly it is and it's watertight this time big Bill Anderson goes to jail come on there isn't enough money in the mint to match those warrants are you suggesting I go to jail you'll have to to like them lastest scheme of his is that so well they'll never catch the big bill where that can happen hang on to that bail money don't put up any for him either I wish I could change places with you I wouldn't be as proud of you then as I am now I've been waiting for just such a thing as this go on tell him he wins the first round this is a very important letter for John give it to him the moment I leave this room but remember not until they take me out of here I don't lose your nerve well where is it yeah right this way I don't expect forgiveness for something and I had to do and I want you to know I'll help all I can John father was very interested Andrew this the minute he left the room yes wave just playing in with Anderson the trapping calling all cars attention all cars for big Bill Anderson and former disc attorney Wayne who escaped from the police the prisoner separated in two different automobiles and headed north making for open country patrol all highway up all suspicious collars take no chances with these men they're heavily armed and dangerous report to police headquarters that is all I didn't expect to be separated from Anderson why don't you keep us together say I'm an expert at this getaway business are you stop asking for questions but suppose something happened to him suppose he doesn't get here suppose you stop supposing nothing ever goes wrong with Pinklon big bill plans him he'll be here right on the dot he made it he's here now any trouble boss no your little pal here was nervous he's scared stiff you wouldn't make it the pilot has the plane ready you bet me itching to take off not just a moment Anderson I thought you and I agreed we'd stay here overnight until the taste die down it's too dangerous to leave now we're leaving without you but what about our plan for me to go abroad with you that is always the time to get you this far you're too much trouble to carry around I'm not dragging any anchors with me that's something all worked out for you wouldn't be good for my health to let you stick around give me that bag these little bombs have been very handy in our business to help convince people they should see things our way we won't need them anymore or we're going as afraid to have to use the last time this afternoon the cops that wouldn't have left any for you I never did like prosecuting attorneys they were always getting in my way but an ex prosecuting attorney who knows too much is something I just couldn't stand having around when you pull a firing pin back you hold a type of your finger cause the moment it's released it snaps back and explodes in two seconds now I'm turning this over to my expert to handle after we've left you knows just how to use it without leaving a piece of you big enough for the police to identify you are done walk sure it will that's what I'm banking on any of you take a shot at me and we all be blown up isn't it right Anderson are you fellas pile your guns on that table you you to ante I don't have any understand over there with Ellis this gives me an airtight case against you Anderson you and all your outfit all right suggest when you fellas walk out you keep your hands up in plain sight and you can start now all right come on get come on hurry up move along I'll take charge em I've been waiting for this for a long time come on say you were great I never guessed it was you let go of me or you'll kill us both what is that thing it's a live bomb I used on them I can't let go of it or it'll explode what do I do with it over here throw it out this window it keeps me looking at all of them you bet everyone thanks to you we grab that lawyer me too that's swell this time you have the man conspiracy to commit murder kidnapping obstructing justice and oh you add up all the other charges how did petitioner take it no no it's all too fast you come home with me I'll try to square things for both of us [Music]
Channel: Broken Trout
Views: 171,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: film, movie, crime, drama, film noir, crime drama, old gangster movies full movies, gang bullets 1938, 1930s gangster movies, 1930s film noir, 1930s film noir movies, film noir full movies, 1930s gangster movies youtube, film noir movies full length, broken trout, film noir detective full movies, old black and white movies, 1930s crime films, film noir crime movies, full film noir movies, crime noir full movies
Id: adMqhfIBMWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 33sec (3513 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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