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[Applause] [Applause] for [Applause] [Applause] [Music] ch [Music] [Music] [Music] ch [Music] do what's going on I think it's the George Jackson thing that black con they blew away at San Quinton some kind of Memorial they're all doing it whites too I've never seen anything like it it's creepy and these men are revolutionaries they got the whole place organized troublemakers ought to be transferred not pampered transferred we we got problems all over the state e is no different well then don't make my job harder I don't see that I am these inmates know you're here their man is coming in the commissioner of Correction for the state of New York is going to listen to him that'll give the militants standing and credibility most of the requests are reasonable the governor's given me the green light to make the changes anyway so why not let the inmates know that not completely without rights they're not requests or demands you give an itch not going to take a mile I've got guards asking for wall Duty because they're afraid to mix with a man yes superintendent manuzzi he's here s man commissioner this is Frank green Frank the commissioner's G all the way from Auburn and his wife's in a hospital so make it quick I've been considering your requests Frank yeah ain't nothing so complicated we talking about simple things we're talking about one lousy shower a week we're talking about food Trad so dirty a man can eat off of them and the food on them cost 65 cents a day which ain't enough to feed a dog we're talking about the hack reading and censoring our mail we're talking about a man getting 35 cents for a day work in the m shop that's enough Frank I'm making it as quick as I can we are talking about 60% black prisoners and 0% black guards we're talking about being dragged off to detention for our religious and political beliefs and then getting our butts kicked when we get there we're talking about harassment and brutalization and being treated like animals it's all here commissioner in black and white and Puerto Rican I said that's enough just a minute now we've tried to get these changes done in a democratic fashion but than things ain't got better they ain't got worse I mean the hacks are bearing down on us and my brothers are getting hot is that a threat it's a description will it cool things down if I go down to the yard and talk to the men I can't permit that what it depends on what you going to say and when you going to say it now in the yard I'll say I've considered your requests found most of them valid and that I intend to implement all those changes that are in my power hey we'll be waiting and we'll be listening you're making it impossible for me to run this prison if the prisoners don't Riot the guards on Mutiny Vince I've spent my life trying to make prisons into places civilized people don't have to be ashamed of now the governor appointed me to make changes and I intend to make them you insist on going into the yard against regulations I'll need time to get extra security yes tell him commissioner of the hospital called your wife's getting worse you won't have time to go into the yarn this is commissioner Russell Oswald I wanted to talk to you personally about the request for change submitted by the ATA Liberation faction what about guards liberation I have discussed this matter with Governor Rockefeller and superintendent manuzzi you said that Su was coming put into effect such changes as are reasonable and within my power to correct for example it is not in my power to Simply guarantee you minimum wage scales for prison that matter must be referred to the proper assembly commit but I can assure you that you have my support and I will Lobby strongly for some improvement in this area you asked for law I I am in favor of that hey Frank thought you went I'm talk to the man what's it been huh a week hey I don't believe you went up there I don't even believe you saw him and I don't care what you don't believe I just told you I went and talked to the man Frank you're [Music] lying I said you're lying what let me talk I just all right Lou that's it you've been warned about fighting your keep locked till come on hold your arms good hell simmer down Eddie it's no big [Music] deal come on Old [Music] Man any needs [Music] help we got to go get forget it Let It Drop we can't forget it that pushed you no he didn't I didn't feel a thing okay it's over go on enough standing around it's over he won he beat him all he did was play a game of lose goon squad was will come and get him tonight you beat him by being cool DJ with rits judgments the law that right jail housee lawyer and how come your black ass still here sir I think we're going to need more men it's bad they're ready to blow I can feel it there are no more men because there's no more money commissioner Oswald wants to spend it on clean trays and a more nourishing diet instead of on the people who are on the line running this Zoo that's what I've been trying to explain to your union sorry John yes sir open it up let's go hey I [Music] [Applause] ain't TJ do your own time man that's what I've been trying to teach you do your own time friend with you did that's it you're dead and you don't even know it you've been in here so long man you dead you don't even know [Applause] [Applause] it oh no yard this morning back to the gallery what for orders you going to keep lock all of us right hey what's going on so uh what happened to LS it's in detention nobody touched it oh yeah who said I say now let's go move back to the gallery you don't lie what the [Music] [Applause] G what the that we going to need you come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on [Applause] they've got de block a block just blew up get the civilians out quick I'll call [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Albany [Music] [Applause] [Music] come come on the B look get out [Applause] of yeah [Applause] I I see you've been taking some Flack on the letters page for your pieces on George Jackson well I've been called worse Black militant KH gets gunned down in an escape attempt you think they set him up no I didn't say that I said there was some holes in the official story and it was going to be hard for black people to believe what is it with you reconstructed Southerners every time there's a story about blacks you feel you got to prove that you're more radical than Bobby seal when I was writing that story a bunch of college students asked me to sign an open letter condemning Nixon for bombing Cambodia and when I refuse they call me a fascist now you calling me the house radical and what do you call yourself just a wret of a reporter trying to hold on to his credibility excuse me Mr wicker telephone thank you excuse me hello Tom the most exciting thing they want you to go to Atta where the prison near Buffalo where the riot started two days ago from Washington haven't they got somebody in the New York office Tom is the prisoners they asked for you specifically okay uh get me on a plane and uh call my wife until I won't be home for supper well sir this isn't like any prison riot I ever heard about they've had us bring a new gentleman from Buffalo since this morning reporters no sir observers men the K's asked for do you know what we're supposed to observe no sir the con still have the yard we took the rest of it back it was up to me we have taken it all back but they got hostages in there Mr wicker that's a Maximum Security Prison those are mean dudes in there murderers rapists armed robbers what do you think they're going to do to those hostages there must be a way to get him out yes sir reason with him I guess that's what you're supposed to do reason with 1200 rioting cons lots of luck sir amnesty commissioner criminal amnesty for the ACT took place during the riot I can't give amnesty who can the district attorney of this County rockefeller's had a man here since Wednesday but the governor's office doesn't consider amnesty a viable issues I'd still like to hear what the DA has to say I've already talked to him and he said it's out of the question now I'm sorry gentlemen but that's it there isn't going to be any amnesty and there shouldn't be how is the superintendent supposed to run this place when convicted felons know they can rot commit God knows how many criminal Acts including the possible murder of a guard and get off scott fre senator is they've got 40 hostages if they can't get amnesty there isn't going to be a negotiated settlement and people are going to get killed please let's not jump to conclusions they're all going into the yard now we want to know the mood of the inmates How firm their demands are and whether the hostages are safe commission Tom wicker the New York Times we appreciate you're coming Mr wicker you know AR silver American lawyers guil Mr Sil can f you with he his amnesty the main issue no but it's the killer a god named Tanner got hit in the head when the riot first started if he dies every man out there is facing a possible murder R what else do they want lots of things most of them pretty reasonable better food better medical care less sell time no censorship of mail grievance committees and sensitivity training for guards have you been down there this morning with oswal what's it right sort of a cross between marra the French Revolution and Watson the summer 65 it's a mess thanks Barbara counselor's coming but I still can't find that Muslim ministery joh with it Raymond Franklin Herman do you know what we're supposed to be doing here no but then most of the time I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing in Washington oh is that for the record Congressman M count to think of it that's probably what you're doing here making sure everything's on the record huh will they ask for me well of course you Leon R here Bill CER the rest of you badass dudes well then Rocky figured the committee be a bit too radical so his office calls me B The Establishment Puerto Rico from the Bronx look I just got never mind him we got everything here from uh prisoners rights lawyers like uh silver to uh gold water Republicans like Connor's over here well how in the world we have expose agree on anything who says we have to agree remember we're just observers hey don't you believe it buddy now Oswell is not going back into that yard again no he thinks the ks tried to take him this morning that makes us it the negotiators well who we supposed to represent I were all of the inmates I guess you'll just have to pick aide gentlemen time to go I wish you more luck than I have hope they don't decide to add a congressman and a reporter to the list of hostages at least that would solve the problem by taking size wouldn't it watches wallets weapons weapons and way they'll get guns is if the road him from the outside making sure we all come out huh that's right wouldn't want to lose any of you VIPs look as scared as I feel you ever been in danger I mean real danger a jog in Central Park this is as far as we go from here on you're on your own just keep going they'll meet you [Music] [Music] who's the guy with the camera TV news came in this morning with oswal and stay they asked for the media want everything on the record L up L up move up move up you one better go out there with my accent yours [Applause] Brothers brother brother brothers the world is hearing us world of see our struggle TR is right here before your very eyes look at these men important men here at our call to witness fir hand the struggle against RAC depression and brutalization they can go back and tell the world what goes on Behind These Walls now I want you to dig where I'm coming from and I want you to dig what I'm saying what's happening to us here ain't nothing but what happens to oppressed people all over the world now we've been cheated we've been lied to we've been kept down we've been treated like dirt and when we rise up and try to take what is rightfully ours they lock us away in places like this but we here at black brown and white Brothers we have decided that we ain't going to take it no more we are going to show the world the way because we know the [Applause] [Music] [Applause] way can you give me that last part again I got the crow but I'm going to get closer for him and give him a big yell huh we stand for the oppressed people of the world we're not going to give up we know the [Music] way now I want you to meet these brothers from the outside I want you to let them know how we feel about I'm coming in here to [Applause] help my name darl Mr wicker you're from the South Florence South Carolina my God we used to drive through the the way to Myrtle Beach I'm from Ham I know well both a Long Way from Home aren't we yeah I just wanted you to know way we treated black folks down home well here us and the black guys sticking together helping each other out and if we don't get what we want we're going to die together I just want you to know that man what you do to get yourself in here cut up a [Music] cop soon as this is over we're going to take a look at the hostages in Split hey wait a minute whoa what's that all about supposed to stay here and negotiate o wants to be sure that the hostages are all right who you with us or them okay okay they're okay you'll see them but we got to know what's going on out there I well as willing to go along with uh most of your demands that's not all of them we got a committee working on some more listen they got an army out well we got our own Army in here cracker GJ be cool we got no crackers in here no either they're all just men that's the point the army men tries to come in here the hostage men are me hostages are the only thing you got to negotiate we got it under control we got food distribution security medical even had elections brothers are holding steady for now here where's Bill cust that's one hunky I can really get down with where's Bobby seal militants like that a't going to help you we decide who's going to help us and it don't sound like you or him has got the right Spirit C's coming we're getting your people here as fast as we can El all right Brothers our friends from the outside want to see the hostages follow all right stand aside that's right give them room step aside right they want to see the hostages what they're going to see is that the hostages are fine they got mates to sleep on they got food T cigarettes whatever it is that we got they got never had it so good and I tell you one other thing our Muslim brothers treat impact a lot better than they ever treated us and that's [Applause] two well try to get you out as soon as we [Music] can look Mr wicker don't mind TJ he's young he's got it in his head that all white folks are devils until proved otherwise what do you all want I don't know any more now and when I went in there well brother green wants liberty and justice for all TJ wants the same thing but only for black folks brother Lenny wants to get back at the hacks we have what you call an uneasy Coalition yeah us two what about you you seem different to me you seem like a man who's willing to compromise no no I'm with them 100% don't get the idea that I think you and means Al light cuz there's one big difference between us I thought you said no no I'm not talking about black and white I'm in and you're out I I get the feeling that like this's better out there than in here yeah all these damn guns we [Music] shall we'll walk hand in hand we walk in refuse to allow me inside the facility I am a minister on the faith of Islam and I here at the request of my brother well I'm flattered you think me sufficient to represent the Wildey radical block but if the men requested representative from the black Muslims and the young Lords I think they should have them I need clout with the governor you need clout with the men commissioner they're the ones with the hostages you know the MS out there right now giving interviews to the press the men find out you're trying to keep them away all right all all right Walter good now when can I get down to the yard soon Mr counselor soon the hostages are okay got them tied up blindfolded they made them put on prisoners clothes yeah it's hard to tell a c from a God except that all the guards are white look I started a program to recruit black guards but it's not easy well where you doing the recruiting from commissioner isn't the black family within 30 miles of here the only black faces those guys see are behind bars right what's it like that it's a mar yelling about class struggle and oppressed masses I wouldn't take that too seriously most of that's just play action for the TV news camera some of the leaders are reasonable don't kid yourself that Mob Could Turn on the hostages at any moment no I don't think so they're organized they're protecting those hostages look what do you think it'll take to get them out of there I'll give anything in my power sure and when they're safely locked in their cages it's back to square one that's not why they came out commissioner this isn't about a bunch of cons banging their spoons for next ration of milk it's about human beings fighting for their rights with decent treatment you don't want to find a way out of this you want a revolution if that's what it takes to get these hell holes torn down you're damn right I do there we are typical left-wing tactics that's exactly the kind of talk we heard out in the yard no no no no no Senator Connors we have to talk like that to get through the thickheaded reactionaries like you if we didn't convicts in this country would still be dragging leg irons gentlemen please glad to see everybody's got such an open mind what if the mmat decide to take them what then what are you gaining by this information we're trying to get a complete list of Demands out there they're making speeches and here they're yelling at each other I don't know what we've got I know what we got I got cons running half my prison and a bunch of loudmouth radicals running the other half I got one corrections officer in the hospital and 300 others asking me why I'm not doing anything about it we're not there yet Vince I'll let you know when we are I tell you Bill I wish I was as sure about things as you are still the dispatching repor Tom when are you going to stop analyzing and start doing something analyzing is my job that's doing something what's it going to take another Vietnam Kent States a message from the the burning bush I don't put much faith in revolutions Bill human nature being what it is I'm not sure the new boys do any better than the old oh you'll do nothing while the Nixon the Agnus and Mitchells and the oswal oswal is a decent man he's looking for a way out he's a bureaucrat when the pressure gets too great he's going to give the order those goons are going to go in there and kick ass then what are you doing here I'm not going to let him do it in the dark are you I'm a black man I a Muslim and I demand the right to be with my brothers in their hour of struggle he's not Joshua lumba he's Clarence Howard he just got out of SE block last year now what's going on the KH asked for a guy named Shabani lumba this one says he's Joshua lumba he not even the same one the KH asked oh what he's a Muslim isn't he he doesn't go in we don't go in now wait a minute the hell as far as I'm concerned you can go in and stay [Applause] [Music] in the people people you have already won a great battle here we are your brothers and together we will win the final battle have want anything they're not going to unless oswal and Rocky let him not exactly the voice of moderation is it brother you have to remember one thing you have to decide what you want we can't decide for you the man can't decide for you you have the power you tell us and we will be your voice brother CER will you be our lawyer will you represent us as only you can I [Applause] will here's what we want and we got to be down and you tell the man we want it all we want it [Music] [Applause] all we ever going to sit down and actually negotiate and we're trying we're trying [Applause] what do you think about all [Applause] this all the shocking and driving of the oppressed classes and all I mean I guess I'm one of them you know but see I got me a wife and kid a release date 16th of so what I want me I just want to get out of here why don't you get up there and say something they're all up there being TV stars I stand up and they Tear Me Apart what do you think's going to happen and this is a great big fish tank the man up there on the Ws with the gun letting us swim around and blow bubbles at each other but when he gets f he's going to pull the plug and all the suckers be flopping around suffocating to death man New York St he over weand the superintending go this is turning into a different ball game we demand and complete [Applause] we've got two kinds of Demands here the conditions that's one kind but this manuzzi stuff well that's another thing don't you think manuzzi is the condition he's the main condition the man's a racist he keeps all the black brown and white brothers fighting against each other so they don't see who the real enemy is all right but what about this transportation to a non-imperialist country business some of the brothers wanted it myself I'm not all that hot for Algeria but some of the brothers hey it stays listen I can understand why you need amnesty need it we got to have it we ain't got amnesty we ain't got nothing if that guard dies Mr yeah I understand that but we've got to sell it now where's the logic I mean crimes have been committed yet I committed a crime they caught me they give me a trial and they put me in here pay my debt to society fine all fair and square no complaints about that but while I'm here the man's committing crimes against me he's beating me robbing me putting me in the hole with no chance to argue or appeal feeding me swill paying me 35 cents a day slave wages and then cheating me out of that those are crimes nobody's charging the man he's got complete amnesty alert they coming in get the light the hostages cover the hostages they cross they double cross come here they double cross they got to so they can come in get out we got to get out of here let me go they going to kill us all right all right ain't nothing but some Chum back and crazy everybody stay cool nobody going to get hurt false along see I'm sorry things are get touch you we're trying to help but there's got to be some compromise on both sides well somebody better do something cuz I don't know how long we can hold this [Applause] together off power to the people what in the hell are you trying to do inite another Riot and you C for God s promising them truth justice telling them that they had the power to get it who in the hell are you talking to the TV cameras you walked out of there they can't amnesty a transportation to a non-imperialist country manusi you encourag that how in the hell are we ever supposed to get them to come together on anything gentlemen we just got word from the hospital the guard Tanner has been and put on the critical list that's exactly why we need that's exactly why we need negotiate we need [Music] [Applause] [Music] to would would you would you guys hold it down a minute would you get me the number of district attorney Harold Turner please what are you doing I'm going to go to see the da what's with the unilateral action aren't we going to discuss it all we've been doing is discuss Tom you already said no amnesty thank you well that was to oswal I want to go see him for myself anybody else want to go Ray yeah yeah I'll see if I can get us some passes and get us a car I'll meet you outside how' you ever get so optimistic working in Washington Mr Turner this is Tom wi over at ATA I hate to wake you up but I've got to come and see you yeah I I realize it's very early Tom wicker of the New York Times say uh you run that radio station in New York that's right well now I guess we're going to hear how this Riot happened how old we'd read the guards have been brutalizing the conss you people make me sick you don't want them on the streets raping your wives turning your kids into junkies oh no now put them away keep them out of sight because you don't want to deal with them I understand you don't understand anything somebody has got to deal with them how would you like to spend every day in here with these animals and every time you walk through the yard you wonder is this the time one of them's going to stick a shank in your gut I'd like to get you and your buddies in here for a week just a week without your money and your big names then we'll see whose side you're on I think you better go don't order me around I work here boy Raymond what was that all about nothing Raymond oh nothing oh I wish it I had a toothbrush and a clean shirt they've been here two days it feels like a week huh gentlemen of course they need amnesty but they're threatening to kill the hostages I'm sworn to uphold the law how can I go along with that kind of blackmail Mr Turner so far you've told us what you feel you can't do and we appreciate that but but turn it around would you give us a statement of what you will do not sure I understand well you promised fair and impartial trials now that's a start see some of these men were in the riots at the tombs or or Auburn and afterwards they were charged with little nitpicking things anything so the state could pile up more time on them well I certainly don't intend to do anything like that then there's the big thing a guard may die they're afraid they all could be charged with murder just for being there if you could promise that there'll be no Mass indiscriminate prosecutions that goes without saying not to these men Mr Turner you and me and Mr Franklin here I think we decent reasonable men trying to find a solution but those men in the yard they have been treated for so long as something other than men as as cons animals criminals a different species not like us that they've begun to see themselves that way now if we want them to act like us we're going to have to give them their Humanity back we got to convince them that the system works for them as as well as for us now you can do that you can turn it around well you think it'll do any good I'll type something out you did it damn it he went further than he had to listen to this no Mass prosecutions charges only when evidence links a specific individual with a specific crime no prosecutions brought for the sake of vindictive reprisals a promise to prosecute crimes committed against the men as well as by them a promise to safeguard the rights of the defendants now how about that garbage doesn't mean a thing it's better than nothing it is nothing I agree with Bill he promised to do his duty as a prosecutor God Mom an apple pie Wait a Minute Tom here had to squeeze that out of them now I'm not saying that it's it's total amnesty or anything like it the point is would you rather go back in that yard with it or without it oh come on R idiots out there they know a sh when they see one those men trust me I'm not recommending a sellout we're trying to save lives here you're worried about losing the trust of your clients whose lives are you trying to save sen the hostages my clients have lives too senator they are men just because they committed crimes doesn't exclude them from the human race what about the lives of the people your clients crippled raped and murdered huh let's keep them in mind before we start feeling too sorry sorry about your revolutionary Heroes they're not all murderers and rapists wait a minute everybody's talking and no one's listening no one's saying this is the whole package we've got their demand somebody call Oswell and let's go to work what about Bobby seal now he's supposed to be here the men really want him where is he he promised to come Leon there too many of us why don't you appoint an executive committee and the rest of us to ratify what you come up with okay councelor Franklin wicker and a deal Leon leave me out Le I'm going to go try and write my story [Music] now man how can you sleep I'm on the holiday I'll think of it as a picnic long as this lasts I do what I want sleep when I want wake up when I want wear what I want you can't go where you want where you going to go TJ back to bed sty filthy Apartments rats freezing in the winter sweating in the summer we got all that here we ain't got nothing here and nothing's happening you're young Bloods always wanting action just can't wait I'm dog sick of waiting waiting on the corner for something to jump waiting for the welfare check waiting for the doctor while was my mama dying I remember once when I got out of Elmyra I was trying to get a job working with kids you know but there I was waiting for 4 hours till a man told me I couldn't have it cuz I've been in the Reformatory I'm done waiting color folks wait black men don't yeah well I may be colored folks to you but I'm old enough to be your daddy you the new black man going to help your people going to stand tall but who you going to help in here what you going to change we going to get action here and when we do you better get under something or behind something I don't want all the work I put in on you wasted on no dead man the inmates had 31 demands I've agreed to 28 if they're truly interested in prison reform they'll accept this the demands the Muslim Brothers agree to include amnesty and throwing out manzi and transportation to non-imperialist countries those items are non-negotiable on the governor's orders he's backing me on the rest you also got the da statement that should help are you going to try to sell this or not Mr counselor I'll tell him I think it's the best I can get without amnesty they ain't got spit I'll tell you one thing the people in there with the most cloud of the Panthers and the panther with the most cloud is Bobby heal you get him in here to sell it he should have been here by now he was Troopers turned him away got you get him back down damn it Russ I said now and politely the leader of the Black Panthers is going to get chased by a cop car and asked politely to go to prison slow [Music] down good to see you commissioner Oswald and superintendent manzi wish to apologize for the misunderstanding they asked me to give you an escort back to ATA well the black pan is always happy to oblige the law there's something you should know gentlemen the guard Tanner he just died [Applause] on Brothers I just got here been briefed as they say but it definitely looks like to me like we're going to get some kind of change some revolutionary change oh [Music] [Applause] but um the 28 concessions the man is willing to give I read them you're going to hear them and we're going to leave them here for you to study but the fact is you the political people here you got to decide what's right and how far you willing to go wa he said he wasn't going to tell them what to do wouldn't be right for black panthers to tell you what to do but our hearts are with you I was speak [Applause] they believed to him he could have end tell him to give up he's the head of the Black Panther Party he's too busy worrying about his image Bob's between a rock and a hard place he says take the deal he a sellout he says shove it they get him for inciting a riot well I talked to Black in here yesterday who just wants to get out of this thing a lot but who's woring about [Applause] him somebody better do [Applause] [Applause] something we have 28 concessions for you one provide adequate food and shelter two allow true religious freedom I know it's not complete amnesty but but this [Applause] is [Applause] you know me I am not the enemy this man is not the enemy none of us are we want what you want but this is the best you can [Applause] get we are not we are not recommending it you have to decide that that's your lawyer I stand behind it and I stand behind my fellow Observer I just forgave him for everything now you read it discuss it vote on it do whatever you want and let us know I realize the lack of amesty is acceptable to you now that the guard is [Applause] Di [Applause] brother counselor here's what we think of your 208 points [Applause] he w boy that TV dudes follow me every place hell man you're big time celebrity star the 6:00 news yeah not bad for a black boy from Harlem huh man last time anybody took my picture other than the pigs I was standing on the deck of the USS Halifax in North Folk Virginia and imma dress whites looking right tight and bright well you ain't looking any too bright n [Laughter] d what you right man your last willing testim no I figure since we gave them our answer to the 28 points they might come back with a little something sweeten the pot now if the suckers do we going to need some words to make the brothers take the deal yeah make it look like we won instead of like we rolled over there was some good stuff in that paper you tow up Frank who you figure on saying them words you the celebrity I don't know why we're still here I don't know why I'm still awake I get the feeling that if I try to get some sleep wake up in the morning and have to start counting bodies I'll tell you one thing I'm not going back in that y again it's over it can't be we've got to keep talking oh come on Tom to who ourselves I'm with our I don't look good in a blindfold well if not to them to oswal to anybody as long as we're talking looking for a way out trying to find a compromise but he's getting killed Tom it's useless the people who make the decisions they're not listening if we cash in they'll take over with their damn guns they've got the solution go in there and shoot the place up we can't let them do that there please let [Music] [Music] him The Observer team has been in the yard we have seen the hostages they're in as good shape as the expect we don't [Music] [Music] want [Music] [Music] can't let it go on like this what am I supposed to do you gave me the demands I made concessions they tore them up and we've all tried we're still trying we want to talk to rock Governor Zago but his representative is available we want the governor here at attic well now that's a different matter he won't have to negotiate with the man he'll talk with us yeah we an impair and Rockefeller is the only one who can break it why ain't he here he's the main man ain't he he's responsible what's he doing up in some matching while his place is bleeding look we're not just talking about the hundred who could be killed here if he goes in it could start rioting and killing that could affect every black and Puerto Rican community in the state that's nonsense we're using minimal Force how many minimal Force the only thing I haven't seen out there is a tank but the issue is still amnesty and that's not negotiable so what are you buying time we're buying time now what's not negotiable today may be negotiable tomorrow it's beginning to stink out there they're running out of food now there's going to be pressure for compromise just a minute time works against us too one corrections officer has already died what happens if hostages are killed while we're waiting now hold I have been getting hundreds of telegrams and phone calls the switchboard is jammed from policemen Corrections Officers and the unions from all over the state and they want to know how much longer I'm going to let this go on commissioner got nothing to apologize for the Press will support you go are the Press I broke every rule put my career on the line I got nothing back I'm sorry it's out of my hands now the committee of observers in attic of prison is now convinced the massacre of prisoners and guards may take place in this institution for the sake of our common Humanity we call on every person who hears these words to implore the governor of this state to come to Adda to consult with the Observer committee so we can spend time and not lives in an attempt to resolve the issues before us send the following telegram to Governor Nelson Rockefeller Albany New York please go to Attica prison to meet with The Observers committee now does that reflect everybody's ideas can we all agree on this statement that's great Hallelujah we finally agree on something it won't work it's not going to come this is the law order year and there are more votes out there than in here there's a principal involved here I don't think he's going to decide an issue like this on the basis of partisan politics who's going to read it to the Press Leon you read it you start this whole thing who's going to read it in the yard nobody's going back in the yard I think we ought to agree on that somebody's got to go we got to tell a man what's coming down I'll go I ain't afraid of my brothers tell tell him in the carer no f look where the hell is oswal he's up there counting boats with Rocky I'm telling you we have only one chance we've got to get Rocky to come here to give us some more time some credit with those guys if I had his number I'd call him I've got it he usually spends the Sunday at pan here call him Governor's resence uh this is Tom wicker associate editor of the New York Times I'd like to speak to the governor please just a moment please hello Tom uh Governor we're up here at ATT and I I know you are and I appreciate it I really do it's great just great uh We've Got A desperate situation here Governor there's an awful lot of Firepower and a bunch of angry frustrated emotionally involved Men Behind the guns now our last card is for you to come up here and talk to us forgive me Tom but I think that's a little unrealistic I want to emphasize Governor talk to us not the men but they'll demand to talk to me and Tom if I can't give them what they want what's to stop them from asking for the president but Governor i i i Herman R Governor the issue is time how are you Herman I'm not feeling too good Governor but then none of us are going to feel too good especially those of us who hold elective office when we have to go to our constituents and explain why a massacre happen sir Herman I think we must look at these things not only in terms of the immediate but in terms of the longer implications of what we're doing in our society I'm just thinking of lives Governor we need time to save lives I can give you that a little you can tell the men I strongly support the 28 points they are real gains there if they'll accept them but if they won't I'll have no choice but to tell commissioner oswal to reopen the institution thank you come that's it I think we're got today after that the hostages are expendable what they say what happened when you ready station they're hot they think we Jobing on making statements but not coming in they want to make sure the man understands the situation what is the situation they want four of us in the yard right away they say the hostage has got a message and there's got to be a white reporter with credibility on the outside to take it all down before you go in I have to tell you I've issued a statement what kind of statement I urgently request you to release the hostage as unharmed now and to accept the recommendations of the committee of outside observers that's not a statement that's an ultimatum now what is that we didn't recommend that they accept your package we negotiated these concessions we told them that we thought that that was the best that they could get but that they would have to decide only after these steps are taken will I meet with you that makes it sound like we're telling them to surrender if we don't have their trust we don't have anything nobody's crazy about going back in there anyway you don't have to go in fact I strongly recommend you don't go we have to go gentlemen what is this waivers you'll have to sign them say you are aware of the dangers involved and you release the state from any and all liability is for how come none of you can look me in the eye brother Frank we both Muslims and I come to you in the faith we didn't know nothing about this new oswal thing the man double crossed us these men are just as hot about it as you are why should I believe you because it's the truth these men would love to kill you well I guess you can if you want to if we off these man it's all over let them talk to the hostages Brothers our friends from the outside say that this isn't theirs and I believe them now they want to see the hostages we'll let the hostages deliver a message to the governor Ezra this here is Captain Cohen now he'll tell you the Rous truth how you feeling Captain well I feel pretty good I guess considering we've been with these boys for 4 days now we've had nothing but good treatment from them you got anything to say to the governor yeah yeah I got two kids and seven grandchildren so anything he can do I'm hardly in favor of we've got 39 men here all living in the same conditions 39 men with the best understanding of the problem be ashamed to waste an educated group of men like that ask him about anesty would you cut that thing off just a minute TJ don't prompt me like that right on camera I'm supposed to be interviewing these men honestly not playing a part for you hey y'all come on down here come on ask him how he feels how you feel about that amnesty well the these men got certain demands and these demands got to be met like amnesty I mean Governor you say no to amnesty I'm dead would you give them amnesty hell yes anything they want I've got two years to retirement I've been doing this rotten job for almost 30 years you know why I took it in the first place the security brother Frank the host made this statement Brothers want to know what to do next it's getting late Frank we got to decide now you're the leader you can lead them any way you want right now they'll die for you and Bobby seal and the folks in the ghetto will think you're a righteous man there's Brothers here that just want to live you got to decide for them too all right Brothers here it is we got to decide whether we going to accept the man's 28 points without amnesty whether we going to release the hostages if we're going to surrender if we're going to live like dogs or die like men how do you vote on such a proposal of this I can't hear you [Applause] I still can't hear [Applause] you hear you but that man in Al who won't come down and talk to us he can't hear [Applause] you oh we going to win have won they've lost you tell them that don't they know this is suicide no they listen no they men have a right to their own decision they don't understand they don't surrender they'll be wiped out somebody's got to tell them and you tell them but your nose out of your book and [Applause] tell oh Motel I'm going to have a bath good meal what do you mean I can't get back in orders who's orders commissioner oswal sir no one in or out the phone's dead what are they doing to us know the phone is in this is too much I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die I don't want to die yes sir you want to know what's going on you want to know what your friends out there are doing they've got hostages with knives at that wa's wait a minute where's they ain't going to hurt him they just sh the pig they could what' you expect anything they do is okay with you isn't it you're one of them they brother you're stum like [Music] them they've cut the power that means they're going in ATA correctional officers will not participate in this operation I repeat commissioner Oswald and Governor Rockefeller have forbidden ATA correctional officers from participating this operation will be conducted by state troopers only ly you are not to fire indiscriminately you will discharge your weapon only when an avert hostile Act is threatened there is to be no hand toand combat you are not to be taken your weapon is not to be taken that's all not right double [Applause] time I no want to die I don't want to die this the kind of action you were talking about I [Music] know got to form a committee for prison reform uh come back here regularly we got to let the guys know that there are people outside who K yeah after they're all dead unit four in position I don't want to die I don't want die I don't want it die unit two in position unit five in position that's it all right let's [Applause] go surrender peacefully do not harm the hostages put your hands above your head you will not be harmed surrender peacefully do not harm the hostages you will not see harm get down they're killing the hostages they're SL their throat not one has made the drop move in move in surrender peacefully do not harm the hostages put your hands on your [Applause] [Music] head will not be put your hands above your head put your hands on your [Music] head what your hand above your head get down everybody on the floor your ass come on it's better it down low you will not do not hargen do not the please don't don't please don't don't don't there's always time to die I don't know what the rush was here here use this it's not the gas man I wish you washed keep your head down and you will not be hurt keep moving stay [Music] down you will not be hurt stay down and you will not be hurt keep moving keep your head down stay down and you will not be hurt keep your head down will not be hurt keep moving stay down down Nott youring will Nott St down and you will not be hurt keep your head down you will not be hurt down your down anding you will Nott down not the firing in the yard went on for 6 minutes when it was over 39 people were dead 10 hostages and 29 inmates three hostages and 85 inmates were seriously wounded it was the largest number of casualties in a single engagement between Americans since the Civil War that afternoon authorities reported that the hostages had been killed by inmates who slit their throats and that one hostage had been castrated the next day autopsies revealed that all 10 hostages who died were killed by gunfire from state troopers or Attica Corrections Officers the Rebellion at Atta was begun by powerless men protesting the condition of their Liv lives but in seizing hostages the inmates themselves adopted the violence and inhumanity they were protesting the rebellion was ended by a powerful state troopers sprayed the yard with Buckshot which killed unintended victims Marksman used big game rifles loaded with dumdum bullets outlawed by the US Army as causing excessive pain at Attica the sanctity of human life was forgotten reason failed violence triumphed but I believe there was another choice if we had been able to strip away the labels that separate us and recognize our common Humanity we could have chosen life with all its uncertainty its frustration its fear and its hope over the sure awful final solution of the guns [Music] [Music]
Channel: DDF: Film Magazine
Views: 456,045
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FullFreeMovies, DramaMovie, FreeYouTubeMovies, Attica, Drama, Marvin J. Chomsky, Henry Darrow, Charles Durning, Joel Fabiani
Id: 8gxNHOlDBXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 32sec (5672 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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