Games Workshop Panics as Fans DEMAND Henry Cavill Take Control of Warhammer 40K + Valorant HATES You

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what's up it's IND demion and there's some pressing information from certain places that I want to go over from Insider information claiming that Warhammer 4k's liveaction show at Amazon is in turmoil as we speak and valerin setting a really scary precedent going forward when it comes to your autonomy as a player within video game ecosystems let's just get into this Warhammer story first this news comes from another YouTuber named the arch cast who has his own sources within game's Workshop who feeds him information and according to his sources Warhammer 4k's liveaction series is currently in a lot of trouble back when the female custodia stuff dropped I spoke about how Amazon has a specific AI system that's designed to filter through the complaints from their various feeds which then allows the higher ups at Amazon to find out what the most pressing matters are according to Consumer feedback this is obviously smart of them to do but when the female custodes thing happened the AI was running in overtime because of the Deluge of emails and comments Amazon was getting telling them to stop what they were doing well now that same AI allegedly according to Arch cast source is being swarmed with people telling Amazon to let Henry caval personally run the Warhammer franchise for them pretty much customers have so little faith in Amazon as a company to do this right they would rather anyone but them do it obviously we know Amazon has had blunders in the past take rings of power which bombed and they obviously learned nothing but instead doubled down with season 2 did you know that rings of power has 22 producers attached to the show and that every director of season 2's episodes will be a woman as if that means anything what I just said does that instill confidence within you no well me either but that's what they're doing they seem to be a company that doubles down on the things they do poorly simply because they refuse to admit when they're wrong and we need to also realize that way back when the female custodia thing was happening originally we learned from Arch cast Source within Games Workshop that it was wasn't actually game's Workshop that pushed for female custodes it was actually Amazon instead the logic behind it was that they wanted to have female representation within the more popular factions which means when the show would inevitably happen this version of Warhammer would very likely have not only female custodes but Space Marines too and I would guess most people in positions of power within Warhammer will be women too which again if you know anything about Warhammer it's pretty much a sausage fest of a franchise both in fandom and lore there are women factions yes like the sisters of Silence but we already know Amazon will hate the entire idea of that faction already cuz the sisters never speak because of the whole silence and their name and an entire faction of women who don't speak that's like a new 911 crisis for woke feminist morons so naturally whenever those ladies join the show they will be the sisters of shrieking if anything I can already see it they make one of the main characters a Butch lesbian sister of Silence who refuses to stay quiet and she advocates for women's rights to speak and voice their opinions and then they all rise up and start talking and then the Emperor of mankind just drops a nuke on them and they all get obliterated in an instant at least that would be something the emperor would actually do anyways the point here is that according to Arch's sources as he further explained Amazon is worried as hell about everything that comes with Warhammer they're essentially in a tough spot of Their Own where on one hand they want to make the Warhammer show a thing but they are wrestling with the fact that they don't want to make it male focused essentially they're trying to Disney Star Wars a franchise that is the antithesis of everything these activists stand for so to say the show is currently in a chaotic mess of a spot would be an understatement the obvious answer here would be to just make a show that is authentic to the franchise but we know Amazon can't do that even in Fallout they did stuff like erase Shady Sands and give a middle finger to New Vegas fans and they made their main character a girl who is the bestest ever at everything even in the Halo show they tried to push some weird non-cannon girl side main character on fans too honestly this whole mess sounds like Warhammer live action will be somewhere between Halo and rings of power where it doesn't invigorate the franchise in any way and kind of just uses it as a vehicle to bring political ideology and modern day whataboutism into the homes of of people who like the franchise in its original state but it's wild that the AI that filters Amazon's mess is struggling to even deal with the nuclear level push back that they've been receiving as for the tsunami of emails flooding Amazon servers from fans saying they want Henry Cav in charger they walk I really doubt Amazon will listen of course yes the fans are right Henry should be akin to the highest level filter for something like this any decision that goes against the lore from Amazon should have to be okayed by Henry and the other executive producers if they were smart but we know Henry caval is obviously busy and likely he gave them his wants and needs and then left the show in the hands of other writers in such hoping that he doesn't get a repeat of The Witcher but I think if Henry is serious about the show he needs to grab the Reigns before this horse ghost hits up because we know Henry is capable of giving fans what they want remember that in The Witcher Netflix when roach geralt's horse dies it was supposed to be comedic but Henry felt it was an insult to geralt and roach's relationship and he managed to change the showrunners and writers minds and he instead use direct quotes from the actual books to create a very soothing and sad scene where geralt says goodbye to his friend and it worked in my opinion to this day it's one of the best scenes in that Series so what I'm trying to say here is that when Netflix allowed Henry to have more control The Witcher felt authentic it felt real and respectful that's all we want want I think I speak for everyone in that regard we just want what we love to be respected and not Twisted by weirdos I fear the same problems that plagued Witcher will be here for Warhammer as well and since this is Hollywood we know that these people are full of themselves and their egos are so big they'd rather drive the ship into hell itself before they admit that they were ever wrong Arch also explains that there are only two viable options forward realistically that could happen with this show and neither really seems preferable the first is Amazon rejects all the fans ideas and pleas and they simply take Warhammer and just turn it into rings of power 2.0 which honestly I could easily see them doing this that's what I personally think we're going to see there is no objective way that Amazon allows the show to be its true authentic self because that would mean they have to admit that they're wrong and the agenda pushing is a dying concept the other scenario which Arch believes is more likely is that Amazon just flat out cancels the entire thing and they sheld the series for good why would they do that you may be asking well realistically a Warhammer liveaction series would understandably be insanely expensive to do rings of power was also expensive as hell but in their benefit that series is strictly fantasy rings of power was also expensive as hell but in their benefit that series is strictly fantasy so you can use Real World locations of Plenty and while there is tons of CGI in rings still they can still use practical stuff in war Hammer's case it's science fiction which is universally considered one of the most risky and expensive genres to properly convey in liveaction content look at the upcoming Star Wars the acolyte that show is Eight Episodes long at 30 minutes a piece and its budget is a $180 million even slop like She-Hulk cost around $200 million somehow don't ask me how she- hul cost almost the same as Captain America Civil War I don't know either the point here is that Warhammer if made into a show is going to be insanely expensive if they make it right the suits alone are going to be ridiculous and if Amazon skimps out and makes the space marine armor for example smaller than it is in the games or books fans will Riot same goes for the enemies they need to look great to not like slop just the scale of the 40K universe is crazy especially considering Space Marines and such are genetically altered too so they're huge compared to normal humans so if Amazon wanted to convey their side appropriately they'd have to basically do what Peter Jackson did when Aragorn speaks to froto and the other Hobbits and make them look smaller when they're beside each other what I'm saying is maybe Amazon is realizing now in retrospect that what they bid off here is way more than they can swallow and they likely looked at Warhammer originally and probably went oh it's like a darker version of Halo or Star Wars and they figured that they could just do that but what they didn't realize is that 40K fans are some of the most loyal and rabid fans in the world and for good reason they thought they could modern audience a franchise where the fan base hates that sort of thing and it's not working out for them in my mind if Warhammer were to be made it will cost way more than rings of power has would an authentic Warhammer liveaction Universe be amazing absolutely do I think Amazon or really any big company in the world could do it right not at all if Amazon's complaint database is already overfilling to the brim and they have all of this bad will due to their push for female adep this custodians already what chance do they realistically have to turn this around they probably can't the only hope really is that Henry caval takes the Reigns and makes it authentic but I don't personally believe that he has the time or support he needs from actual people tied to this project to make it happen at best you get a Warhammer show that takes many Liberties of the IP due to the massive scale of it all in order for it to work and at worst you're going to get rings of power 40K with women leading roles all over and you'll absolutely see things like the sisters of Silence immediately breaking their vows cuz a woman's voice is powerful or whatever these woke institutions keep saying but that's what we know for now when it comes to Warhammer 40K show it will either be horrible or Amazon will burn everything and cancel it because they know it'll be dead on arrival and maybe that'll be enough of a mercy because I think a decades long liveaction universe that destroys everything that would honestly be horrible too great for Content mind you but terrible for the actual fans but let me know what you think about the story now let's move on to this other pressing matter that is so egregious it's honestly annoying me already the more I think about it from the we have this article titled toxic valerant players will get Hardware bands told to play something else so this all started when valerin Community team came together and released this video where one of their management spoke about player toxicity and keeping the community free of that kind of behavior I'll play a little bit on it but if you want to see the whole thing you can go watch it yourself on their YouTube channel but here's some of it hey everyone I'm Anna and I'm the studio head for valerent and I'm here to chat a bit about player behavior in the game since launching Val especially with the addition of voice coms we've known that fighting in-game harassment was going to be both something we needed to prioritize and also would be one of the most challenging issues that we would face we've been working on systems and Technologies and we actually have been making a lot of progress but having large Global player communities presents unique challenges evolving challenges so we have to be ready and willing to reexamine things and hold ourselves accountable when things are not meeting our community's expectations and that's exactly what we've been doing I've spent the last couple of weeks reviewing player logs looking at penalty escalation paths discussing player Behavior philosophies seeing where they're working and where we absolutely need to do better it's not the first time I've had to do this it will not be the last it's important work but it's not always easy work I'm a human and a parent and a caregiver and a team lead and in almost every aspect of my life I feel this deep responsibility to protect people and this is no different the responsibility of protecting our community of valerant players is one I take very personally and I can tell you that very often it can feel like we've like I've failed in that responsibility player behavior is a complex problem space our systems cannot catch everything they require constant attention and tweaking and Improvement sometimes it has to be painfully manual or dependent on our players reporting things and on our processes staying well tuned and sometimes Tech that has the potential to be a GameChanger takes longer than you want to work all the things we say at Riot on the topic of player Behavior are true I want to assure you that Riot has always taken this seriously that's been true ever since we launched League of Legends but at theend end of the day there are still some people in this world who want to take out their insecurity or their bad day or their hate or their whatever on some stranger through their computer screen so we work harder we take steps forward but here's the part I can't shake in almost all cases someone gets hurt in the process of making these systems better too often it takes someone experiencing the worst behaviors something egregious something painful something threatening for us to better understand where the gap s in our systems and processes are and that's exactly what we're experiencing and addressing right now so there's a team lead on valerant explaining why they're so hellbent on combating toxicity and look I get it toxicity is never a good thing within a multiplayer game I've done plenty of raids and stuff like Destiny 1 and 2 to witness a few real life examples where a player has brought down everyone due to their moronic toxic Behavior nine times out of 10 that person gets kicked the other one out of 10 it can happen cuz a toxic weirdo is the guy whose party leader which usually just results in everyone else leaving if you've played Destiny before and been on random teams you know exactly what I'm talking about this also coincides with a streamer who went viral after they posted the harassment they endured while playing valerant on screen well here's that so let's watch it you are literally just I'll be honest with me my ready do you know what like no I don't actually well do you want to know are you saying you're going to cuz you're heading on the right path right now are you saying you're going to me you're going on the right path for is that what you're saying tox going up it's not I like it is it now NOS away hectic go and see in this instance I would say what the other guy said to this streamer is Bound for being banned from valerent he obviously tried to make her really uncomfortable and threaten her with physical assault even though yes I know people will say well how can you do that when it's a video game the point here is that this level of toxicity for obvious reasons shouldn't be tolerated it would be like calling someone a racial slur in a video game those things should not be allowed for obvious reasons although the line blurs when people can get reported for simply just being angry but not actually saying anything problematic anyway why am I against what the valerin team is saying here it has nothing to do with Banning people for what is very clearly things that are obvious harassments like wishing grape on someone while playing but that in the article and the video valerin posted they confirm that they have successfully worked with the platform their game is available on and when valerant comes to Future platforms to ensure that if you get banned in valerent for whatever reason it can lead to a hardware Ban too for those of you unaware what that means let's put it this way you're playing valerant on PC let's say you get banned cuz you're angry and you say Something In the Heat of the Moment within the confines of valerent they now have the ability to ban your PC from accessing something like the epic game store entirely so you're not only banned from playing valerant you're banned period from playing any game wherever you were playing valerant from all the digital games you bought with your money the hours spent your entire account is locked forever and you can never access it again so let's say in the future when valerent is available on Playstation which as of the making this video it isn't but I'm sure it will be eventually if you mess up for even a second or someone accuses you of some sort of harassment you could very well have your entire PlayStation Library taken from you and your console bricked by Sony and Riot games now this is obviously a delicate conversation cuz some might say so what should we allow harassment to re free well no but if you've watched my videos before you know I have a tendency to look at all sides of an issue to try to come to some sort of understanding and the reality is that this sets a terrifying precedent against free speech and your access to the games you bought on whatever platform you are on people get falsely flagged all the time within these games I know there's plenty of you who have played something like Destiny or Call of Duty and at some point you received a notification or a message from other players saying that they're filing a complaint against you saying that you're cheating when you were just better than they are I remember plenty of times playing Trials of Osiris and Destiny 2 with friends and we would be winning and then suddenly all of our games would crash and our internet would turn off and it was cuz whoever we were fighting would launch dos attacks on our IP addresses in order to force our game clients into crashing so that they wouldn't lose I wish people weren't this Petty but it's a real thing especially if you stream or something what says that thousands of people can't just falsely report you in a game and if that were to happen you could get banned for doing nothing wrong at all I'm not saying valerent shouldn't ban people for being toxic or racist I think that if you did what that one user did in the clip I showed yeah you should be banned from playing valerant but to go as far as to say that the person in question should have their entire account that is separate from valerant as a game be banned and have their hundreds if not thousands of dollars spent on other games taken from them is insane because this sets a worryingly scary precedent going forward it's all Al why nine out of 10 times when I play multiplayer games I just mute my mic so nobody hears me not cuz I will say something problematic but I don't even want to chance the idea of someone saying that I said something that I didn't these companies are now using AI by the way to listen to your in-game chat for problematic stuff no hell no I'm just going to mute my mic or talk on Discord or something instead I don't even want to gamble with some random AI in some game thinking that I did something I didn't and then suddenly my entire PSN account is blocked forever screw that I think that we're reaching a point here where the good intentions of these companies is quickly being transformed into a very obvious power grab that will permeate throughout not only valerent but many other games too like I can already see me and my friends beating people in Destiny 2 and then they get salty and they Mass report US constantly until eventually I get hit with a ban or suspension simply because people are jealous that they got bodied in a game in l C and that can also get misinterpreted by Ai and now my entire console is bricked cuz some guy in Wyoming is salty that I beat him in a video game this level of Big Brother like control it just makes me never want to play multiplayer games at all period ever again the fact these games are not only pushing to be jury and executioner without any oversight and how they listen to you like how dude that's so creepy all of it just makes me never want to play anything that these people make I will likely never play valerant when it comes to PS5 now just because of the ethics behind it by playing and buying microtransactions I would be supporting a game that believes that it's within their rights I should have all of my games and abilities taken from me as a consumer of that platform and that's insane to me like the fact you could be playing valerant or OverWatch and then you mistakenly misgender someone or a character even and someone on the other end just screeches and then boom your steam account or your PSN is now gone forever that is just beyond the comfortable limits of what I believe these companies should have when it comes to power none of us are above the law I get that but this sets a very scary status quo going forward eventually it'll go beyond the platform itself and then seep into other things oh you had wrong think on Twitter well say goodbye to your steam library now you probably think that I'm being hyperbolic and I would normally agree with you but these days I'm just waiting for these companies to announce it for sure going forward you end up making an edgy joke on Facebook well now you're PE PS5 is bricked and useless no thanks I'm out even before I start playing your game the massive oversight of these companies when it comes to their ability to control your access to your goods you paid for is really scary to me even on YouTube here which I live off of I need to watch what I say or how I convey stuff cuz any wrong move could result in deplatforming there's enough Hoops to jump through as it is for me but I think allowing companies the ability to gain more power like this is a really bad idea I have no problem with someone getting banned within the confines of that One Singular game on their account if what they did is validated for being hate speech but to Breck your PC or eventual console is where I think this is all crossing a line for me of course some will say well just don't be an online which is fair but again these bands are often wrongfully pushed and things like AI can and will make mistakes we see it all the time on places like twitch where streamers are getting banned for a week or months for almost no reason at all how many times has Kai sonat or others been banned from twitch randomly at this point with no explanation at all you really want to leave your entire games library account your trophies achievements friend list all of this in the hands of some AI that might make a mistake or some overzealous moderator who thinks they have power over you or something look at Discord alone you ever ran into a mod there where they act like they have the power of Thor or something and they just start Banning people now imagine those people being able to ban your steam or PSN accounts cuz they disagree with you this is beyond slippery and I need people to realize that what valerent is doing here is well past good intentions and has fully entered the realm of dystopian nonsense absolute power corrupts absolutely and if people just accept this they will keep moving the needle and this will just keep getting worse any interest I had in valerant is officially gone now I will never play this game even if it comes to PS5 there's no way I'm supporting a game where the developers believe that they have the right to Brick my console and steal my hundreds of games from me and the fact all it would take for that to happen is for some kid to say I said something or I did something that I didn't is insane if you play valerant yourself strongly reconsider because you're playing with fire and whether it's companies overreaching their power or ruining your favorite properties like Warhammer as per usual the pleas of the fans and players often fall on deaf ears but what do you think about all of this let me know in the comments below thank you for being here subscribe share and like the video thanks to my patrons and take care of yourselves and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 142,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, kill the justice league, rocksteady, stellar blade, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, final fantasy 7 rebirth, sweet baby inc, sweet baby, Warhammer 40k, Warhammer female custode, Valorant
Id: -21UE3yvs0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 49sec (1429 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 03 2024
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