Woke BACKFIRE! Star Wars Acolyte Lead Actor HATES White Male Fanbase + Woke Disney EXPOSED in Report

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what's up everyone it's IND demon and oh boy a lot of Disney information kind of leaked over the last 24 hours and I'm sure Disney is not happy about this at all from one of their own higher up spilling the beans to an undercover journalist that was posing as a hinge date to Amanda Stenberg the star of the acolyte making arguably one of the worst songs I've ever heard as he tries to dunk on the Star Wars fan base for not accepting her slop show and even a writer of this godforsaken television show trying to explain all the terrible decisions that were made in episode 4 also for footage if you don't mind I'm going to just put gameplay of stuff I've been playing alongside Star Wars footage to spice things up all right cool it's a lot to cover here I know but I figure we start with amen lenberg herself who in case you don't know that's the name of the actor who plays Mayan OSHA she's also an outspoken activist and Embraces woke ideology like it is a religion anyway this actor which I use that word loose released a music video that she apparently wrote and directed herself and once you see it I mean yeah you can tell it was not professionally made but she drops this song on juneth which is this big virtue signaling day she says her detractors have 72 hours to respond and wants us dancing in response and that's not going to happen to manla best I can do is roast you for a video and try to show you why your virtue signaling is hilariously out of touch with the majority of the world anyway here's a clip of the song I won't play the whole thing CU I don't want you guys to suffer brain damage but enjoy I guess also future and Dem on here while editing it turns out a manless Stenberg is copyright striking anyone uses footage or audio of her God forsaken song and since I don't want a penny of my earnings to go to her I will not be showing her song in this video which honestly might be a win for you cuz it's awful but if you want to see it you can see it on YouTube or Twitter for sure don't say I didn't warn you that you'll die of cringe since it is Manda spending almost four minutes of your life trying to convince you and we need to accept her because if we don't we're the Bad Guys apparently don't you love it when you have to run damage control for your work like this remember that aanda Stenberg is not even fully black herself I mean her last name it gives it away here's a picture of her and her father who looks like the whitest man to ever exist on Planet Earth like if I looked up in a history book what a white man is this this dude's face would be right there her father's side of the family by the way are Danish as in Denmark you know one of the places that's Origins date back to Vikings that's right a man L Stenberg who was just dancing autistically on Instagram is literally half white Viking people yet she claims she's a victim somehow aanda should have to pay reparations to other countries for all the loot and gold the Viking ancestors of hers stole during their conquests just shame on a Mana for not realizing what her own Heritage is from of course she conveniently ignores all of that and focuses in on the fact that she's black and seems to completely reject her white ancestry the entire music video if we even want to call it that just proves that these current Disney stars are completely out of touch with the general public in every conceivable way Amanda Stenberg has grown up in luxury her entire life the girl has been pampered by the bounds of Hollywood since she was a child this is not someone who knows what real conflict or suffering is remember when Ricky jvas at the Golden Globes told Hollywood to just shut up because they don't know anything about the real world and they need to stop telling regular people how to live their lives a manless should have to watch that in full and then take a quiz on Ricky's speech and if she fails the test she should have to retake the quiz and watch the whole clip again until she fully understands where Ricky dvas is coming from because she doesn't seem to realize that everything she's fighting against has been created and manufactured by companies like Disney which employs her currently like you can't be out here shaking your turkey leg ass with a black and white filter on attempting to act like you're saying something profound here you're literally dancing and Mumble rapping because people think your Star Wars show is garbage like be for real once aanda I also love how she purposely films the music video in a more urban environment with graffiti on apartment complexes to really give the video that Urban underdog feel when we all know aand that lives in luxury herself and doesn't even associate or live close to any of these people herself like be for real dude if you look at her Wikipedia it even states that aanda has been working for Disney since she was 4 years old she's 25 right now so this girl's been getting Disney paychecks since before she even knew what OnePlus One was you're really going to pull the victim card when your entire life has been nothing but silk sheets and opportunity at every turn really aadla comes across as a champagne socialist to me similar to Hassan you know the streamer guy who says we should tax the rich but then complains when he visits countries that end up taxing him and then he gets mad because he doesn't like paying taxes these sorts of individuals are people that were born into luxury and opportunity at every turn they have never faced any real hardships and have only been given everything they know without having to actually work for it themselves they've never known the concept of living paycheck to paycheck I remember when I was younger I really wanted a video game it was Castlevania order of Ecclesia by the way but my dad got laid off from his job that Christmas and he couldn't afford to buy me the game I felt confused and sad wondering if we were going to be okay in the future thankfully he did get another job and everything was okay but I've had moments like these where real life limitations have been things I'd have to face in order to understand what life is and how Society works I wasn't bored into luxury I was like many living in the middle class I got maybe two video games a year if I was lucky when I was younger I got some new clothes before a school year and I ate whatever my mom would make because money doesn't grow on trees the point here is that me like many of you watching we understand and have lived through actual real world things and understand the importance of money and security because we know that these things can fall apart at any moment and it's also why to this day I never take take what I have for granted ever yet in amandla's eyes I am the oppressor I am somehow the evil villain here when I wasn't collecting Disney paycheck since I was four years old like she was I was bullied in junior high for having white skin because where I was born in Bramton Ontario Canada the majority of people were black or brown skinned I was literally the minority growing up but if aanda were to look at me I would have the face of an oppressor because for Amandla and her woke lunatic coven they have been brainwashed and conditioned to believe that despite them having millions of dollars in the bank living in Los Angeles California of all places and getting to act in franchises like Star Wars that she is oppressed and people like me are somehow the oppressor if aanda actually took a second to step down from her Soap Box to look around she'd understand that she has been living off of the coattails of a company that is arguably one of the most racist corporations in the world today I genuinely hate champagne socialists with all of my being I can't stand people who've never known adversity acting like they even know the concept of struggling I wish as a young kid or adult I had the means and opportunities that a manless Stenberg had so I too could dance unironically in impoverished neighborhoods I don't live in in order to Virtue signal using my platform that has been signal boosted by Disney assistance I wish I had been born into a rich luxurious lifestyle where all my opportunities were given to me instead of having to climb over others just to score a minimum age job when I was a young teen I doubt Amanda knows the feeling that like many of you know where you worked a dead-end job making pennies in order to support your family I remember working for a local grocery store making $8 Canadian an hour pushing carts and loading groceries into bags as a young 18-year-old and making almost nothing once the government took taxes from my already meager paycheck but I am the oppressor Apparently instead of the rich half white half black girl who literally has corporated standing behind her and encouraging her to Virtue signal I guarantee you she has Hollywood types in her DMS congratulating her on her virtue signaling video and aanda will smile and say thank you as other outof touch celebrities praise her for standing up against the common individuals who make less than 1% of what she does in an entire year these sorts of people these Hollywood types they don't understand struggle they don't need to worry when a recession happens because they already have enough money in their bank account to survive surve any sort of economic crisis regardless they are so out of touch they believe that it's their Birthright to punch down and tell ordinary people that they are the ones who are wrong and racist not realizing that they themselves are actually the oppressors and instead of using their platforms to unify people they instead use it to call entire groups of people racist or intolerant what's funny to me is that the majority of the problems people have with the acolyte has nothing to do with the Mana being a half black woman it has everything to do with the writing and breaking of lore as if we care if there is a black person who can use the force since everyone and their grandmother loved Samuel Jackson as ma Wu who by the way I'm still convinced is Alive and Kicking somewhere in the Galaxy we don't care about a manless skin tone but we do have a problem with how these shows keep ruining lore redc conning things and just delivering complete slop while expecting us to lap it up that Parkplace had this article titled the acolyte writer explains why may abandoned her quest for re venge why the show included pronouns why kead Mundy was included and why the wooki Jedi was killed off screen in case you haven't watched episode 4 of the wokal light well I guess that article just spoiled a lot of it don't worry you didn't miss much I covered the entire episode of my previous video If you really want to know what happens anyways one of the writers of the show is Claire K who all just call CK for the rest of this video to keep it simple CK went to Twitter to discuss episode 4 and it turned out pretty much how you expected it would she spent the entire thread running damage control trying to explain all the garbage that was included and let me just say I find it always a bad sign if a Creator needs to spend time explaining all of their decisions when it comes to something like this because it proves to me that the product they made clearly doesn't speak for itself properly and whatever they were trying to do didn't resonate or work as intended it's sort of like when a show or something says well if you want to understand who these people are in the show you have to read this side comp Pion book or something if I have to do homework in order to understand who or what anything is within the show you are creating you have failed it your job as a creative in my opinion I shouldn't have to read a novel to understand who someone is in a show because I am watching the show I am not reading a book it's such a dumb argument but anyways one user asked why we didn't get to see the wooki Jedi Kaka fight to which CK said unfortunately not everything gets to be included for budget and story reasons we had an early draft that showed his fight and death scene but It ultimately broke the POV of the episode in a way that I think wouldn't have worked as well already we're running excuses but if for anyone out there who watched episode 4 like I did you know that the episode was the epitome of budget cutting to a te because literally nothing happens outside of a single CGI Beetle getting cut in half with a lightsaber for the entire episode I'm not kidding what episode 4 of aolly needed was something visually interesting to happen and weirdly enough outside of the opening scene of the show where May fight fight Trinity from The Matrix which I would argue is the best sequence in the entire show so far there has never been anything remotely as engaging or cool as that one scene and I think when you're halfway through your series and there's barely any actual action happening I mean think about it just besides the opening the last four episodes pretty much has just been a lot of talking and not much else really the show needed another major action sequence and having Kel Naka face off against the master would have been a really good sequence to show us as to why the master is so deadly and scary cuz we could see the threat of this villain against a Jedi master that could have actually been great to see but instead this was cut and having kalaka slumped in a chair with a lightsaber slash across his chest was somehow the better move again need I remind you this show has a $180 million budget which is 12 times the budget of Godzilla minus one where did all this money go probably into a manless stenberg's pocket so she could feel more oppressed I guess yes anyway CK keeps running damage control further another user asked why was the episode so short and according to CK they made the episode short cuz it's a companion episode to The Following episode which doesn't really help anything because the show is released episodically if episode four and five are released together since they're companions to each other apparently then this wouldn't be a problem but instead you're giving an appetizer where not much happens at all and now you just have to wait a week good job Disney to everyone involved just brilliant pacing ideas all around no wonder you're all overpaid for the slop you make good Lord then another user named glorp which honestly sounds like a Star Wars character asks why did May suddenly just give up on her revenge all of a sudden to which CK said she's not good in that moment she's just super tired of this pointless what she considers pointless missions and Ain for master is making her do and I think the Revenge that really fueled her just isn't quite the same once she knows OSHA is live so the reason why may randomly just abandons the entire driving force of her character from episodes 1 through three which by the way episode 3 was a flashback that spent the entire episode telling us why May's rage and Mission was so important to her is then dropped like a sack of potatoes in episode 4 immediately because she's tired is May supposed to be a Jedi Assassin cuz she seems to make life decisions like she's an outof touch freshman in college who randomly lost interest in their major to me CK isn't making any good claims here man none of this is going over well CK also defends the pronouns bit saying it was more of a joke but then another user asks why the hell is kiad Mundy in the show in case you don't know kiot Mundy was one of the Jedi that were alive during the height of the Jedi power you know prior to order 66 and all of that but it's obviously weird because kiotti Mundy is alive during things like episode 1 which takes place like 90 to 100 years after the acolyte yet add race is notoriously known to live maybe 50 years at best before they croak so obviously fans were confused to see kotti just vibing amongst the Jedi and the acolyte since obviously he would be long dead and gone by then but the writers here don't know Star Wars lore because if they did this wouldn't have happened plus kiotti says in Phantom that the Sith have not been seen for A Thousand Years yet if he was there and accolate somehow where a Sith is spotted and this is all going down then obviously his statements in Phantom contradict the existence of the show CK tries to defend the show by saying he doesn't know anything about the Sith why would he and we offered the part to Yoda but he wasn't technically available so a young kiad Mundy stepped in for the part so Kiti doesn't know the Sith are back despite being in the room full of Jedi And chusan discussing how there's a Sith that's threatening their Council these people get paid to make these shows by the way they actually think like this it's incredible so nothing is going over well when it comes to Star Wars whether it's your own writers having to run damage control to explain moronic lore-breaking decisions or your actors running their mouths while never knowing any sort of hardships in their lives it's all so tiresome also can I just say that aanda attacking people like this is totally fine but Gina corano gets fired for a tweet talk about selective privilege and speaking of privilege this next story is crazy but I'm going to have a hard time showing it to you the reason being is because James O'Keefe who's a journalist is currently exposing Disney for their racist hring practices through body cam footage and reports anyway so James O'Keefe sent in some undercover female journalist who specifically targeted a Disney executive who was looking for a relationship using the dating app hinge the person in question is Michael jordano who is the senior vice president and team lead for television at Disney Michael here clearly is infatuated by the attractive undercover female journalist and starts loosening his lips and goes about telling the journalist how Disney deliber goes out of their way to not hire white males for any role at the company Michael explains in the video that Disney does this on purpose to deliberately hire almost exclusively people of color when it comes to leadership roles or any other position at the company he even States at one point that they rejected a man for a ro that he was perfect for because he was half white and half black but according to Michael during that hiring process with that unnamed individual the man was not black enough as an appearance or how he presented himself which I don't even know what that means like he was what exactly wasn't stereotypical enough or something I guess the guy didn't have an afro or a durag on or was speaking in slang terms because his liberal weirdos think that all black people are underdeveloped or something which isn't that more racist to claim also what the hell does the guy's race have to do with his job it's clearly that they have an agenda here and if I could guess Michael probably got notified of this report showing him spilling the beans and he likely went to the bathroom to spill his own beams if you know what I mean in panic knowing that the Disney company will likely fire him now for saying what he said even though what he revealed is literally what Disney has been doing for years now Michael says Disney hires specifically people of color who check boxes because they believe it will allow them to reach a broader audience by having such individuals Within These roles Michael straight up says at one point that Disney will say publicly to others during the hiring process that they refuse to hire white men for rules on purpose which is crazy but confirms what me and many others have been saying for years now he also conf confirms that Disney will twist how they W these requirements to their casting agents but they'll use coded language to tell their workers to go out of their way to reject anyone who is white a male or white presenting like that one guy Michael spoke about who was black but not black enough yeah it's messed up dude Michael even says at a different dinner with this journalist or another female journalist that even he faces the same discrimination others do when it comes to being white he states that when it comes to job promotions he will be overlooked for any other possible individual simply because he is a white male himself and confirms that he has lost out on job promotions and opportunities simply because he's not a person of color and he was told by management and others around him like those who work in human resources that he needs to keep his head down and not pursue job promotions if a person of color is seeking the same role it's literal gender and skin discrimination across the board considering you can take everything Michael has faced here and then multiply it tenfold across the rest of Disney or other companies like them and it's all the same it's deliberate racism that's being pushed by these individuals in order to appear more woke and diverse on purpose he also States at one point that he thinks lawsuits will be coming for Disney and claims it's a matter of when and not if because these racist hiring practices are overflowing across Disney Michael also confirms that CEO Bob Iger has the say on who gets hired in whichever position too and he confirms that Bob Iger has sent out a directive to everyone under him to ensure Disney only hires based on Ray and identity and Michael confirms that based on all the shows he's worked on Disney goes out of their way to push anything that enforces LGBT content especially transl stories Michael also States about halfway through the leaks that Disney truly believes it's better to hire based on diversity than actual talent because it will appease shareholders and put them on the right side of History this pretty much all confirms what I've been saying for well over a year now that these hiring practices and ideologies are not just coincidences they are the new norm and they will gasl like into believing that you're crazy when you're clearly not at all and everything Michael jordino says here just keeps circling back to that amand L Stenberg music video because what she was doing in that video that's what Disney wants to aeve not an actor of talent but someone who will push social issues and stir up conversation an activist first an actor second pretty much this is the new gold standard for Hollywood it doesn't matter if you're great at acting which so far a manless Stenberg has not made the case otherwise considering people have criticized her acting an acolyte already but it's clear that Disney loves Amandla because she is what they want if Amanda was a white only person like Gina corano and made that same music video she would be fired likely by Disney and blacklisted like Gina because it would be seen as her being toned deaf because she's white but it's very clear that in this new society that we're living in white people have largely started to be treated like second class citizens almost deliberately by their own decisions through virtue signal and it's insane the fact that Michael confirms that many white creators writers and actors and so on are being overlooked because of their skin color at Disney it's insane I remember a certain actor reaching out to me last year who told me how they couldn't get a role because they were white passing so they're not fully white but they look white basically and it directly damaged their career and future prospects because of it and that's not right if we are such an inclusive society and everyone is apparently equal then equal opportunity must become the standard for all by what Disney is pushing here it goes against all of their tenants and believes and proves that ultimately Disney is about as racist as a company as it comes and if Disney could they would likely love to have a 100 more Amanda stenberg's on the ready to plug into every show they make across the board remember friends it's no secret as to why Star Wars and Marvel have all suddenly become girl Brands featuring almost exclusively female main characters it's all being done deliberately to push an agenda and while yes it's failing across the board Disney is confident if they keep doing it people will eventually accept it and it's up to us as the audience to never become accepting of these things whether it's Games Movies TV or or whatever else discrimination is not okay these companies who Champion themselves on being Defenders of social justice always seem to end up being the very destroyers of that same virtue a manless Stenberg will definitely stay employed and will be fine under Disney's Wings cuz these days making a product that resonates with fans is no longer really the mission or goal anymore but instead dancing like an idiot to horrible music claiming the very people who pay to keep your lights on are the problem instead just reject all of this don't watch their programs or anything I will watch it for you you because my one view is not going to be enough to satiate them but if the thousands of you out there do it will so don't I'll watch Acolyte and then we can all make fun of it and laugh together never give in never apologize for who you are and keep sticking the middle finger to all of these weirdos they think that they can but they really can't keep this up forever as always thank you for watching subscribe share and like the video and thanks to my patrons as well don't let anyone say you're less cuz of the color of your skin and don't back down to these freaks ever they need you more than you need them have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 134,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, model, the last of us, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, sweet baby inc, sweet baby, Warhammer 40k, the acolyte, Star Wars, leslye headland, Kathleen Kennedy, acolyte episode 3 review, Amandla Stenberg music video
Id: yjWKmnbOhRI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 37sec (1417 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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