REVENGE! Black Myth Wukong Sales Go NUCLEAR as IGN Sweet Baby Boycott Fails + Woke Journo's RAGE

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what's up it's emion and The Saga surrounding black myth Wukong has reached new heights of both popularity as well as depravity as you'll soon see the game has been getting attacked by Outlets like IGN and now others have joined in on attacking wukong's developer game science as well beyond this the extortion controversy of Sweet Baby Inc has also been exposed further and I want to talk about why this is all happening Wukong recently got a preview demo that a bunch of news websites got access to it was a 2hour demo featuring an early stage of the game story and generally speaking based on what I was reading none of these Outlets even IGN who has been the biggest critic and hater of ukong can find anything wrong to say about the game's actual gameplay itself they say that the game runs well plays great and feels like a Chinese mythological version of seiro Shadows die twice which I think I speak for many when I say take my money game science I want to play the game where I beat people up as The Monkey King right now PC game also got to preview the game and generally speaking their article was also very positive about the experience of course they had to sneak in a little gotcha because game journalists are one big massive cabal of liberal weirdos amidst the PC Gamer article praising the game they snuck this part in which reads you play as The Monkey King himself son wuk Kong taking on the world with his magic staff it's only the second game by Indie outfit game science founded in 2014 by X tensen Dev you might remember game science as a subject of a 2023 IGN report detailing a history of sexism from one of its Founders as well as a wider company culture of misogyny the article then continues on as if nothing was even said and just goes back to talking about the actual game again the inclusion of this sexist misogynistic claim is just there so PC Gamer can virtue signal to their colleagues to let them know that they're one of the good ones this also happened with IGN who like I said praised the game although the actual preview article was not written by the same journalist who wrote the hitpiece against game science in 2023 that hit piece was written by Rebecca Valentine and kiun Chan and according to many readers what IGN wrote in that hit piece about Wukong was actually mistranslated by those journalists which I use that word lightly in this regard clearly kiun Chan was likely contracted by IGN to help with translations and based on what was compiled Rebecca Valentine used this writer HIIT pieced against game science who allegedly hates women even though yet again there's absolutely no evidence of this claim showing this what's hilarious is that kiun Chan who helped with that Wukong article was recently complaining on Twitter that IGN has yet to actually pay them for their work on that article they've since deleted their tweets but some other users can be found replying to Chance's tweet with stuff like I'm so sorry this pathetic weirdo zered in on you I hope it dies down and that you at least got paid for that piece hilarious that this user here who's adequately called mentally chill both virtue signals calling anyone who pushes back against IGN to be weirdos but also admits that IGN hasn't paid the person for their work very nice playing both sides there mentally chill but it gets funnier with other replies like this I am so sorry that guy is an effing loser and frankly at this point you should be paid at least double for that article I support you in any way just shoot me a message always here for you yet another person virtue signaling while also admitting that hey maybe IGN isn't the savior of games journalism which by the way they aren't remember that their parent company Z Davis bought up like half of gaming journalism websites recently so IGN's parent company can basically control The Narrative of video games journalism pretty much across the board so when I say you don't hate game journalists enough I mean it then there was this tweet which was the delicious cherry on top that reads while they have all this energy screaming ethics but can't direct any of that at an executive or moneymen to demand fairpay better conditions that makes stuff better for everyone doing the work plus those engaging with the results I can't believe you're still waiting it's messed up and Andrea is right here this is IGN ladies and gentlemen the website that consistently pushes for better working conditions in video games and advocating for game developers to Union I to avoid layoffs and constantly promoting and pushing things like identity politics whenever they can as often as they can as well yet they also don't pay people that work for them and even go as far as to ignore them for upwards of an entire year after an article was made if IGN actually practiced what they preach they would pay the person the money that they owe them after all we know they have plenty if their parent company can just buy up other websites on a whim this is who IGN is they are liers and have become full of political activists who hate the general gaming public circling back to that 2hour preview article Roundup like I said IGN also did one too although the preview was not done by Rebecca Valentine but another journalist named Mitchell and honestly if you read ig's preview it's basically what gaming journalism should be they just talk about the game and what's in it and then that's it of course not allowing it to end there Rebecca Valentine the original writer of that article claiming w Kong's developers are sexist misogynists decided to add their own column in the preview article here's what it said and I quote last year we published a comprehensive report on IGN detailing a number of sexist and inappropriate remarks made by multiple developers of black myth Wukong including those in leadership roles at game science as of the publication of this preview game science has yet to provide any response or statement addressing our report or their past remarks like Mitchell I had the opportunity to see black myth huk Kong at Summer Games Fest though my appointment was admittedly a little strange I was told as a part of my invitation that game science would have a statement related to the reports of sexism I arrived at the appointment and saw the game as planned but when I asked for the promised statement I was told by a PR representative game science is focused on the demo during play days and will only answer questions related to gameplay Mitchell's preview doesn't need my validation but for what it's worth I fully back everything he's written here black myth Wukong looks like it'll be a great game it's gorgeous with Snappy combat fantastic monster design and some really interesting boss fights it is also true that several of the people who are making it have made disparaging remarks about women and don't seem to be interested either in retracting their past statements or in supporting the numerous women who are being harassed in online conversations about black myth Wukong purely for expressing their discomfort with those statements both of these ideas can exist simultaneously what audien is want to do about this conflict is ultimately their choice one last note I didn't see any women or fem coded characters in the demo and I was able to confirm from game science that there were none present in the section of the game presented to the Press there will be women in the final game but for now it is impossible to really comment on whether or not game science developers expressed beliefs permeate black myth Wukong in a meaningful way and quote so what could have just been a normal here's what the games about article ended up being turned into a a virtue signaling sling Fest of crap by Rebecca Valentine yet again not allowing her ego to take the blow she decided to double down on everything she said so let's dissect this all now firstly game science doesn't owe you anything Rebecca or IGN for that matter at this point websites like yours and others simply exist to regurgitate the same talking points and news articles it's hardly considered journalism anymore either and mostly all of these websites feel like Bizarro versions of Tumblr these days secondly claiming that game science said they would give you an answer with no actual evidence of them saying that they would is also disingenuous especially since you say yourself that the pr Representatives at this event told you that game science would only answer questions regarding the game itself it seems more like to me anyways that you made up this claim in your head to push a narrative like you did with your previous IGN article and likely none of this actually happened and instead you were simply invited to a press event for wuk Kong you saw the game likely asked your moronic questions and the pr people looked at you like you're crazy and said listen lady we're just here to talk about the game thanks we already know your previous article with that other person who you still haven't paid for their work by the way was clearly mistranslated and was made in poor Faith the truth is that we know Western gaming journalism has for well over a decade now been very hostile and disingenuous when it comes to Easter made games this would go back even into the early 2000s with stuff like xplay where they would make fun of asian-made games or make statements like it's pretty good for a Japanese made game or Chinese or any other the truth is that the West is some capacity not all of them of course but there's a club of Western joural and devs and so on that feel intimidated by the East and I mean who wouldn't be when they're making far superior games in the West for years now not to mention 2024 alone has primarily been kept afloat by largely asian-made games this year already Final Fantasy 7 rebirth Tekken 8 like a dragon infinite wealth Persona 3 reload Shin Mami tense 5 Vengeance Dragons Dogma 2 black myth Wukong soon Elden ring shadow of the earth tree DLC which also drops soon and later on this year too we have stuff like East nordics and the next Trails game to name just a few more to come we also had palor and Stellar blade which have all come out this year alone and this just proves my point greatly that the gaming industry and the success it has been receiving in 2024 has has almost primarily been achieved by Eastern developers and not Western ones of course there are Western hits this year too although when you compare them in quantity or quality to the asian-made ones it's really no contest not to mention when games like Seido and Elden ring have both won game of the year at the game awards beating out stuff like God of War Ragnarok for example and yeah I would be salty too I guess but this just proves my point further this is all a deliberate attack because the East will not fully accept the I onic demands of the West we already know that sweet baby Inc attempted to extort game science for Consulting work by demanding $7 million up front to fix their game but we already know that if were to happen Wukong would be ruined completely if sweet baby got their disgusting hands on the game a game made by Chinese devs about Chinese mythology does not need to be consulted on by a bunch of woke outof touch insane morons who've done nothing but ruined games and closed Studios sweet baby Inc is the cancer of this industry and I will not stop saying that because we all know it's true we also know sweet baby's own employees have come after others trying to ruin their livelihoods and personal lives from that Park Place we have this titled sweet baby Inc employee Chris Kindred allegedly contacts smash JT's former employer to get him fired smash made a whole video about this and detailed with Chris Kindred who by the way is the same person who originally tried to get kruta's Rambo sweet baby detected steam curator tool taken down originally too so this Kindred guy is the person who basically started gamergate 2 I want you to know that here's what smash JT had to say about Chris Kindred attempting to get him fired and I quote he reached out to a company where I had worked for and said that I am harassing and have started a website collecting a non-white audience I don't know Chris I think this is easily disprovable if you go to my website and see that there's nothing illegal even though you tried to get my website taken down and did for like 36 hours there's nothing that's not public public information this is all readly apparent a place of work of mine that I was at for like 3 years ago okay and these people they're very busy people they have professional jobs they're working hard do some research before you start doing stuff like this but you leave these messages and you think it's not going to get back to me maybe you thought it would be anonymous even though you left your name and your phone number which is the same number you listed on the website which is how I know it's you I don't know what you were thinking and why you thought this was a good idea but this is going to come back full force on you you are the bad guy in this situation you don't do stuff like this I don't know how else to tell you this you are trying to get people fired you are proactively calling people asking for them to call back verifying employment status verifying why they did things asking about the website talking about harassment and potential racism and how it's made for a non-white audience you're trying to get people fired because you're trying to justify your position that does not need to exist in the video game industry end quote so you you see these are the people we're dealing with when it comes to Sweet Baby which has plenty of Defenders across the board in the games industry and they are now attempting to get people who have families fired because they don't agree with them what smash JT did with his website collecting games journalist names and such is not illegal because as a journalist you are legally obligated to give your full name when you write an article also you can't exactly hide where you work if the article posted with your name on it is on the website which you obviously work at so to say Chris Kindred works for sweet baby Inc is not illegal because they literally do work for them it's like Alyssa maranti of Kotaku she works there she also tried this whole I want to fight everyone I disagree with narrative then a bunch of people came out and said they would fight Alyssa and she of course backed down when private and claimed everyone who attempted to accept her offer was somehow racist or sexist Alyssa maranti is a living embodiment of that one meme where the girl is riding a bike and falls over and blames it on someone else that's literally her to what's also funny is that in the clip which I'll show you where Alysa maranti vows that all of us are evil because we don't support sweet baby Inc and all of this nonsense Rebecca Valentine yes the same one who wrote and attacked black myth Wukong can be seen sitting in the very room here watch what you really really want I want people in the industry to be a little bit louder about people being mean to other people and maybe say it's not a good thing yeah yeah maybe say we don't want you around if you're going to be a yeah and hateful and that the games industry is diverse naturally not because anyone's making them be diverse because the world is diverse you stupid motherucker and if you have a problem with that come fight me physically has anyone taken you up on that yet no they're all what's also funny is that Alysa taged Giant bombb another website to this rant and they hilariously enough untag themselves from the post which is just too funny and proves how pathetic these people really are also funny that Alyssa says that our side of the aisle are weak and pathetic yet she retracted everything she said and refuses to own up to anything because that's what these people are in the end they are all talk these are the people who Champion diversity regardless of how shoehorned or bad it is and believe the more sweet babies the more suicide squads and more woke misfires that get made the better and they are angry that there are games out there refusing to bend the knee or give in to their insane moranic claims black myth Wukong doesn't need to give into IGN or Kotaku because what happens always ends up happening what I mean by this is that since IGN attempted to say Wukong is sexist and all of this the game has since exploded in popularity and reach it has now reached the top of steam's best sellers although if you go check now Wukong did get knocked down by Elden Ring's newest expansion but I mean come on it's Elden ring the fact Wukong is being pre ordered at even remotely a similar level is damn impressive the Sten effect is in full swing when it comes to Wukong and this is yet again resulted in IGN failing to suppress and make another developer Bend to their whims and I think the most important lesson any game developer publisher and so on needs to realize when looking at this entire situation is if you reject these companies and instead just focus on delivering a fun game that is completely devoid of di crap you will be set up for the rest of your life I guarantee you that Stellar blades Creator probably made so much money because of that game and rejecting the weirdos the same will happen with Wukong too although I have a feeling that Wukong will be a much bigger release in Stell blade but this is also because the game is available at launch on PC whereas Stellar blade was PS5 only for now anyways I'm sure it'll come to PC in a year or two but the point remains what we're seeing in every major success story of 2024 is quite literally just games telling journalists to go screw themselves also in case you miss this part in that Rebecca Valentine column in IGN's 2hour Wukong demo she said another problem with the game was that it lacked female characters or fem coded which is just journalist talk for Trans characters and I just got to say Rebecca you must have brain damage if you're trying to pull the woke identity politics angle on black myth Wukong of all games I mean firstly it starts The Monkey King secondly this is a game made in China by Chinese people largely for Chinese players in case you don't know China's government has already passed laws where things like feminine men are banned from being depicted in their media this has been in effect for a few years already but basically China's government said they are Banning the depictions of a feminite men in order to tighten the control over the nation society and enforce morality the government there said it was to enforce a national Rejuvenation so the government can control the public image of what a man or woman are in China they've also made it to discourage Ordinary People from being too attached to celebrities because China doesn't want their Nation to become like the West pretty much as the article says broadcasters must resly put an end to man and other abnormal Aesthetics the TV regulator said using an insulting slang term for a feminine men neong po are literally girly guns according to the report China wants to dissuade the male populace from adopting the more effeminate look of other nations like South Korea they've also made it so online influencers and celebrities do not promote wealth or luxurious lifestyles on social media either so as you can see within a culture like this which is way different than the West in every conceivable way the fact Rebecca Valentine is angry and upset that Wukong doesn't have fem coded characters or whatever is because in a way by law Wukong can't have those things anyways plus it's clear that game science wouldn't have these sorts of ideas in their games even if they wanted to cuz the game is again about a monkey King fighting Gods and Monsters why would they spend development time adding something like a trans character it would only be done to make people like Rebecca happy so they go and write an article about it and that's it and even if Wukong did this we know those audiences wouldn't even buy the games anyways so ultimately wukong's devs clearly understand that they just need to cater to the actual paying customers which whether people want to admit it or not is straight male players for example Capcom recently revealed the demographics of male versus female players and the company was surprised to find that an overwhelming amount of their consumer base were actually men and not women and in the same report players confirmed that that they value attractive characters and good gameplay over nonsense like identity politics which to a normal human being all of this is common sense but to the activists of the world this is like a gunshot to their chest cuz it goes against everything they believe somebody should tell Alyssa maranti and Rebecca Valentine that the majority of gamers are still men they will cry sexism and probably go cry in their Apartments they share with six other roommates when they find out about this information and it turns out IGN has been doing this for a little while now for example look back here in December 20 23 where they reported on Wukong finally getting a release date and look who wrote the article of course it was Rebecca Valentine she even put the sexism angle in the title of the article too and here's what she says below game science's unveiling of this trailer at the game awards however comes just weeks after our own reports compiling numerous sexist comments made by the studios's founders and other developers spanning the last decade as we reported these comments have sparked a growing backlash among Chinese gamers particularly women and their allies who find them demeaning and alienating though a large contingent of other Gamers have leaped to game science's defense and response as a result many of the videos discussions and communities growing around black myth Wukong have become spaces of ferocious debate between women demanding apology and accountability and their detractors replying with sexism and cruelty we reached out to game science for comment for our article at the time but the studio has not addressed any of these remarks marks to us or anywhere else at this time we also reached out to the game awards host Jeff Keeley for comment on the game's appearance at the game awards today but did not hear back Rebecca Valentine really tried to get the game or its devs cancelled by Jeff Keeley and the game awards because they didn't want to answer her moronic questions she says women in gaming in China sure Rebecca we totally believe you in that regard IGN did the same thing again earlier this month as you can see here this was made on June 8th where they talk on how the Xbox versions of Wukong have been cancelled likely cuz game science knows Xbox users don't really buy their games these days they just wait for stuff to come to Game Pass and that's it this article wasn't written by Rebecca Valentine but even then near the bottom IGN brings up the claims of sexism anyway again so it's clear that Rebecca Valentine has an agenda against Wukong and is not stopping it anytime soon let's hope she even reviews the game for IGN because I'm sure that review won't be unbiased at all right ultimately what this is all proving is that when the gamergate 2 thing started and sweet baby Inc got targeted by the gaming fan base and these journalists attempted to tell you that they weren't ruining your games and then it turned out that they were all friends and in bed with one another I want you to know it was all a lie the game's journalists they find a game they write hit pieces targeting that game in hopes of causing the developer or publisher to become fearful of loss of Investments or review scores if they don't cave in then they sent their Consulting friends to infiltrate completely changing the game from the inside out and getting paid millions in the process the game comes out it fails and the studio goes under only for the process to begin a new these game journalists and these consulting firms are ruining games to extort money fellas it's really that simple they hate each and every one of us for the simple reason that we're calling them out and how many more Studios and franchises need to die before the industry realizes that they're being taken for fools by crazy people who are selling their futures for personal gain in the end we all need to reject sweet baby and these activist journalists always call them out and uproot this cancer before it kills everything black myth Wukong will do Gang Busters and good for them but this won't be the last time this happens dear viewer already they're planning and getting their nasty tendrils on the next franchis or Studio hoping to bully them into submission too so reject these projects denounce sweet baby and others like them and support the actual Studios who don't hate you we can win this no matter how many heads this Hydra has trust me I will keep swinging as always thank you for watching subscribe share and like the video and thanks to my patrons as well have a wonderful day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: ENDYMIONtv
Views: 274,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: critical drinker, rant, woke, endymion, woke media, nerdrotic, woke disney, culture war, marvel, endymiontv, woke tiktok, open bar, South Park, woke bad, exposed, Henry Cavill, reacher, yellow flash, woke character, baldurs gate 3, Asmongold, suicide squad, model, Sony marvel, mcu, Spiderman, disney, elden ring, sweet baby inc, sweet baby, Warhammer 40k, the acolyte, Star Wars, leslye headland, Kathleen Kennedy, acolyte episode 3 review, lawsuit, Black Myth Wukong, game science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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