Game Theory: The SECRET Game You Didn't Find...(Inscryption)

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finally after many battles you've won you defeated the game within a game within a game your reward a mysterious file called old data but something doesn't feel right opening it unleashes a flood of top secret files and redacted documents but what does it mean clearly whatever was hidden here was not meant to be seen in the brief flashes we get we see that it's led to war espionage it's tied to massive government conspiracies what began as just a game suddenly transcends beyond suddenly the game becomes real should we accept this challenge should we try to solve the mystery probably not but curiosity gets the better of us and the clues are there inscription this game within a game has one more challenge in store for us so let me explain to you all the game that you didn't know was there the game that goes beyond mere digital cards and cabins today we reveal the deepest secret hidden in inscription that way if when they come for me others will know the truth hello internet welcome to game theory the show that feels like a yu-gi-oh fan stuck inside of a creepypasta cause today we're continuing down the rabbit hole that is inscription the roguelike card game that begins as funny animal goes and ends with homicidal game devs on your doorstep i suppose you could say that this game is more than meets the eye get it cause you have to shove a knife into your own eye in order to win if you don't get that well chances are you haven't watched our previous theory so to kick things off today you should probably make a blood sacrifice over on the subscribe button so you don't miss anything in the future and then go and watch our previous video recapping the main story of the game that is linked right yeah to briefly summarize what you need to know inscription begins like a typical card game but slowly reveals itself to be a video captured by aspiring youtuber luke carter while opening a pack of retro cards he discovers coordinates that lead him to a game disc buried out in the woods inscription left there by one of the game's creators casey hobbs a woman who is now dead from a tragic fire luke's videos start to uncover conspiracy around something hidden on the disk a mysterious file titled old data by looking closely at details from the game we learned that inscription was made to seal away the old data because unleashing it would be too dangerous for the world and it does appear to have powerful abilities one piece of the old data something called the karnaufl code is able to grant sentience to the game's main characters the scribes but how what exactly is this ancient power and where does it come from luke starts to get close to the answers but his arg is unfortunately cut short by the game's developer game funa who neither liked nor commented but instead subscribed luke to a date with the business end of a gun and that's it that's the game in a nutshell every story beat followed and deciphered with more cliffhanger questions left for daniel mullins's next game to explore i suppose but what if i told you that wasn't the end of the game that in this three-act game there's actually an act four what if i told you that his next game was right in front of us all along that's right the entire game of inscription is itself a cover for a much bigger game that daniel mullins has crafted for us one that leads no joke to a real disc hidden out in the woods for us gamers to dig up so grab your shovels friends it's time to dig both literally and figuratively into the real game that's hidden inside of inscription the first major act of inscription ends with you finding a new game icon which allows you to go figure begin a new game only this time it's in a completely different art style from everything up to that point when you start this new game though the keynote among you may have noticed that what we get looks like an old windows command line and this prompt can actually become responsive if you hit control c while it's on screen by using some basic coding language which you can figure out by using the help tool or you just know because you're a pre-internet boomer you can navigate into a new file directory specifically the one at the heart of the mystery old data there we find a log.text file but when attempting to decode it the command line prompts us for a cipher after throwing valorem characters that guy from the matrix and famous twitch streamers at it got nowhere so it's back to the game for some clues specifically back to the guy who's been doing a lot of the leg work for us luke carter last time when we talked about luke's story we were mainly focused on the videos that moved the plot forward but there are a few others that have been broken or corrupted these error videos are a bit of a mess but you know that they have to be here for some reason right and indeed they are if you freeze frame that zoom in and enhance it looks like luke was onto something by covering everything with post-it notes kind of reminds me of my office every time a new fnaf game comes out but here we see a close-up of one of the post-it notes which says mycologist12 perhaps bloodletter box could this possibly be the cipher that we need going back to the command prompt we try it and uh that is a big ol nope however it is a clue that'll help us find the ciphers that we need so we start with the first section mycologist 12. the mycologist is actually one of the bosses from the main game during that fight we encounter a card that has this really odd name just a random assortment of numbers but loyal theorists will know that nothing in an arg is ever truly random these numbers are the first part of our cipher but how many of them do we use well it's right there in the clue 12. the second clue perhaps is a lot trickier to find in fact it's such a generic word that you could probably link it to anything within the game itself but that's where it gets ya because it's not actually in this game it's really a reference to pony island a previous daniel mullins game in it there was a mysterious soundbite that when reversed sounded like the words a beeper perhaps can that one word really be the thing that's connecting these two games yep it is if you watch the credits of inscription closely already a monumental task the game credits someone for the design of beeper now to be fair i don't know much about game development but uh i don't think beeper is a real job there that someone is named louis nathis which is weirdly similar to the name of a character from another daniel mullins title hex lunatis a man who if you play that game is revealed to be the ceo of game funa the same company that killed off luke in inscription yep it appears that we are fully immersed in the daniel mullins connected universe if we look at the credit for lewis nathus we see what appears to be an asset link but that url doesn't lead to anywhere it does however provide us with the next part of our cipher after the word beeper where perhaps would be in the phrase we find eight three three nine three four four question mark question mark that's solution number two now for the third and final clue blood letter box and here things hit a bit of a roadblock you see in the weeks after the game's release the daniel mullins games discord was leading the charge and ripping through all these secrets with jek zero underscore zero 7272 consolidating it all down into a single running document but at this point even dedicated members of the community weren't really able to follow the clue instead they had to brute force their way to find a solution the best train of thought that i could muster up for this one is that in act 1 there's the bone lord pedestal and it requires a blood sacrifice so we then have to interact with the bone lord in act 2 and act 3 as well anyway during that act 3 encounter a hint becomes visible if and only if you set your screen to a letterbox format bonelord 666 or at least i think that's what it's supposed to say in leadspeak i'm not the most proficient hacksaw anyway that provides us our third and final code for the cipher so going back to the command prompt we tried to decode old data we're asked for a cipher we put in our three pieces of code and nothing well almost nothing we get part of a chat log from a person c who appears to be talking about a smuggled disc but that's about it clearly there are parts of this conversation missing and as we can plainly see there are parts of the chat that are glitched or encoded in some way so it looks like we're back to the solving board friends the first se167bp true requires us to know some basic game design principles so a huge shout out to the daniel mullen subreddit for this one basically sc in gaming code typically stands for story events how the game keeps track of progress within the save file and fun fact save files can be manipulated without playing so by opening that file up in a text editor like notepad we can add 167 to our story events chain the bp is definitely the more obscure one here this one is shorthand for another variable within the save file bonelord puzzle active basically a variable that keeps track of whether this skull's eyes in the cabin are glowing or not our hint ends with bp true so let's set bonelord puzzle active to true now we load the game and immediately get a glitchy screen where the bonelord skull pops up and for a brief second we see the on-screen text i am learned too much before the game crashes 23 k2 floor is simultaneously really easy and also really complicated instead of having to alter game files this one actually just has us going back to luke's videos in the video labeled october 16th we see that luke has four post-it notes under his monitor pig 3k pig which kind of matches that 2 3k2 hints and looking at what's actually being displayed on luke's monitor during this moment we see that he's on the real-life wikipedia page for the card game karnaufl a german game so how do these things connect well you know how people sometimes refer to the number two as a deuce in the context of like a dice or card game well that's actually a german thing where the two card is often depicted as having a hog or sow on it that's why luke's post-its replace the twos with pig faces and wouldn't you know it but deuce or daos in german is also the name of a rare creature card in inscription a pig with a bell hmm so if the pig is a card reference could the other ones be as well what about the 3 and the k well 3 would probably be mantis god it's the only card that we find in act one with that triple strike ability and k well this is a card game so could it be possibly referring to a king say the rat king maybe by creating a deck with these cards and playing them all in this order during a card game against leshi suddenly the card names change each to a different letter s-t-o-p stop oh leshi we've come this far you know that telling a theorist to stop is like telling a train to stop you can try but it's just gonna mow you down on its way to the answers but that's just the two 3k2 stuff still leaves us with the second half of the code floor since the first part of it was found in the game it would make sense that it's referring to something else in the game like the various floor textures that are found throughout so we just need to head on over to leshi's cabin look down and uh yeah yeah you can't do that in the game there is no looking up or down fortunately youtuber fleminade figured this out and did an entire video where he opened up the game's asset files to find hidden numbers in various floor assets by assembling all of them together we get 27341 which is now added to our new cipher now on to the third and final clue which is the second time that i've said that in this video maybe this time it'll be true anyway archive new game we know that there's a boss character in the game called the archivist so maybe he's the one who's going to help us solve it as soon as our encounter with him begins we hear a bunch of beeps and boops yep that is definitely one that we're more than familiar with doing on our own that's morse code transcribing it all and translating it gives us big ear that's not the only morse code that we can find in the game either the next part new game is referring specifically to the new game card in act 3 it's actually sealed inside of a case but we can still see that it's glowing pulsating flickering in a pattern that resembles morse code transcribing those flashes actually gives us the word no chance so once again armed with three parts of the cipher key that we got from these new clues we go back to the command line and try to use these keys to decode log.txt and boom we've got ourselves text in polish luckily my family does speak a little bit of polish and it is useless in this context yeah my my mom taught me the phrase for if the old lady isn't peeing she's pooping when i was a kid yep that is the extent of my family's knowledge of polish so time to hit the forums friends thanks to bilingual daniel mullins community members we have an english translation giving us another part of our chat log character b which reveals a conversation between two co-workers at gamefuna character b or mr kaminsky is not particularly happy about working on this particular assignment you know if the amount of f-bombs that he drops were in a dead giveaway mr kaminsky makes this whole old data stuff feel way bigger than just a company secret referring to things like the fate of the world and kissing the boots of the russians which sounds like some sort of cold war era propaganda on top of that we also have character c mentioning the name barry wilkinson which if you'll recall is the name on the id card that flashes up briefly when you open up the redacted files within old data at the end of the game but who he is and what he has to do with the old data it's still not clear he went to prison and got back to the us eventually but still feels like we're missing something in fact we're missing a third person from the chat person a i mean after all it would be kind of strange to start a conversation with person b but of course when i was scratching my head trying to figure this one out i noticed another set of clues within the text setting us up for yet another three-part search which hopefully will give us the context that we are so desperately lacking and it's here at this point in the script looking back at like seven different puzzles that we've solved already that i wonder should i go on do you want me to go on are you guys actually interested in all this puzzle solving because to me i am i think these puzzles are a lot of fun this isn't just your typical swap letters out for other letters code or turn up the brightness of an image thing this stuff is hidden deep using everything that it can to hide our answers like game code save files assets unique scenarios within the game it is wild how involved this thing is and i gotta admit i've already started looking into this third batch and it's probably the most fun batch of all digging deep into daniel mullins's other video games to find codes that have been hiding in weight for years but for the sake of time and honestly for the sake of the editors to get this video out i need to stop it here so i got to hear from you guys are you interested in hearing more do you like this level of detail should we keep going this in depth with each of these clues or should i just cut to the chase and give you the answers let me know i don't want to give you an episode that you're not going to be interested in and honestly it saves me a lot of work if i don't have to write it all out but at the same time i find it interesting i hope you find it interesting so let me know down in the comments below and also while you're down there why don't you subscribe that way you don't miss how this whole story ends when it comes out whatever form that episode ends up looking like but anyway as always remember don't open up your door to any mysterious game designers and also it's all just a theory a game theory thanks for watching you
Channel: The Game Theorists
Views: 4,342,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inscryption, inscryption game, inscryption gameplay, inscryption lore, inscryption ending, inscryption ending explained, inscryption explained, markiplier inscryption, scary games, card games, escape, creepy, creepypasta, inscription, inscription game, inscription gameplay, lore, deep lore, secrets, easter eggs, game theory, game theorists, matpat, gtlive inscryption, game theory inscryption, game theory inscription, inscryption walkthrough
Id: dT6odjCnKqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 09 2022
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