Film Theory: The Tragic Secret of The Walten Files

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portion of this episode is sponsored by google [Music] [Music] um [Music] hello internet welcome to film theory where i wish i had a shadow man feed me when lights go off what is this thing oh you're a horrific monster on second thought maybe not ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the walton files for those of you don't remember the walton files is the analog horror series from chilean creator martin walls with a story that's gonna melt your brain and a sound design that's gonna melt your ears apologies headphone users it's a story about the now defunct bonds burgers an animatronic themed restaurant chain founded by business partners jack walton and felix crankin through the first two installments of the series we learned that these two men had a falling out and that bonds had been forced to close shortly after its opening due to some mysterious event called the incident of 1974. honestly though it feels more accurate to call this the incidents of 1974 considering that this is the year of jack's disappearance his wife rosemary's untimely death and stuffing into shaw the sheep and another woman named susan woodings winding up inside banny the bunny i mean it was a busy year for the franchise after the closure due to the incidents of 1974 the animatronics were relocated out into the woods where they proceeded to take the lives of a few more victims as they lay and wait for the return of the mysterious character named sophie a former caretaker of the bonds burgers facility that we briefly saw in the very first episode of the series a person that the animatronics are particularly keen on getting their hands on as evidenced by them killing brian stells because he quote looked like her and as of last episode that's where we left things off almost there was one final video i hinted at towards the end of that last episode by piecing together flashes of a url left at the beginning and end of the relocate project upload we're brought to an unlisted video titled lucky u where we see wait what is this what is this it's a clearly laid out timeline of events i'm crying because i'm so happy also watch the endoskeleton boogie down if there was any lingering confusion about the order of this story lucky you is basically the teacher's answer key and it confirms everything that we talked about last upload however there's still one major reveal here the return of sophie you must be so confused about what you saw don't be scared my little bunny for i'm going to tell you a story of broken people beautiful people safety and pills sophie this now pretty much marks sophie as our main character remember the first thing that we hear in episode 1 of the series is backwards text that gives us this message you finally start to remember that old day they will look out for you soon this whole story from its opening moments has been an attempt to wake up long dormant memories inside sophie's mind and now we have a fuller picture of what's going on sophie was once a caretaker of bond's burgers she survives a tragic accident or a bond attack something that would cause her memories to be locked away behind a gate of trauma and medication so the question now is what exactly are those memories that need to be unlocked for that we finally turn to episode three bunny farm the last canonical installment in the series and the one where we watch as sophie's memories come flooding back the premise for this hour-long upload is that sophie now aged 22 is playing through the old bunny smiles incorporated arcade game bunny farm along the way she's presented with her family's tragic backstory forced to face literal corpses to which she responds but that was very confusing understatement of the year there soph as she plays through the game she taps into glitches and hidden files that provide us with massive lore dumps these reveals ultimately break down into three major chunks the first is susan wooding's audio log audio log number three it's worth noting we've yet to hear numbers one and two through this file we learned that susan was the engineer for the animatronics the one that essentially built them when they're found malfunctioning on opening day well this happens this tells us a few things first that they begin to malfunction after jack's disappearance but before anyone actually gets stuffed two it confirms what we suspected that she is in fact the one inside of the banny suit and that she doesn't appear to have any family connection to the waltons themselves interestingly based on this teeny tiny text right here that's really tough to read we see that she's still alive inside of the suit somehow and that her stomach feels weird which probably connects back to the shadow man feeding her when lights go off that we saw happen in the relocate project and finally susan's tape here brings up an interesting loose thread susan says this chris left some hours ago and felix didn't even show up she mentions someone named chris now earlier in bunny farm we see that chris is the name for one of the saved game files on the arcade cabinet but the name actually comes up even earlier than that the first time we actually hear about chris is way back in the first uploaded series where chris is the one that ultimately sends brian stells to the animatronic storage facility and ultimately to his death it's hard to hear exactly but chris's name is definitely mentioned here anyway so chris told me this place hasn't been working since about 78 79. so could chris be the identity of our shadow man the one person who has a connection to the franchise since its earliest days and has survived to tell the tale feeding the animatronics at night it remains to be seen but chris is definitely suspect number one the second major chunk of this upload gives us the identity of yet another animatronic this time bouzou the ringmaster bunny farm is very explicit in showing us that a man named charles has been stuffed inside of the suit and that he's been missing since 7 14 missing five days before the restaurants shut down some scary breathing and jump scares later we get this line a line that's only visible via the closed captions i don't remember my face chris and now charles are two major loose threads that we have coming out of this upload we know that they're important to the story but we don't quite know their role in any of this last is the most tragic chunk of the three which you know is saying a lot considering that we just went through two horrific murders through a series of redacted diary entries we learned how felix's marriage to his wife linda falls apart and how felix has increasingly turned towards alcohol for some reason his problems actually date back to 1964 10 years before any of the bonds burgers drama started to kick up in fact they don't start pitching the restaurant idea until a year later in 1965 to a company called cyber fun tech so it seems like trouble was brewing in felix's life much earlier than most walton file theorists suspect but it all wouldn't fall apart until a fateful phone call when jack asks felix to take his two kids ed and molly to their school dance [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jack would soon find out that felix would not in fact be a lifesaver but before we get to how you know what is a lifesaver our sponsor for this portion of today's episode google specifically their password manager because sometimes the scariest thing after you isn't a possessed bunny animatronic looking to stuff you into a robot suit sometimes it's just people looking to get access to your information online did you know that october is cyber security awareness month yeah i didn't either but apparently it is and i call that out just because online security is one of those things that we all don't tend to prioritize sure we lock our cars we lock our houses maybe get security devices and hide our keys to protect our physical stuff but what are we really doing to protect our digital stuff you know the really important things like access to our bank accounts billing information the keys to our online identities well the first two steps in that process are one having strong passwords for your accounts and two not reusing those passwords statistically an average person has over 27 separate accounts to keep track of that is a lot of information and if you reuse passwords and one of those sites has a data leak then all your information is vulnerable as one website dominoes into the next but if you use a different password for each one boom the vulnerability stops right there and look i get it it's just easier if you have one or two passwords that you rotate between 75 percent of people get frustrated trying to remember their passwords and so 66 percent of people tend to reuse them but that's an issue the loyalists of theorists out there will remember a few years ago when we partnered with real life penetration testers to get a sense of what being a hacker is like in real life and through those conversations we learned that cyber security tends to boil down to one thing the problem that we run into in real world scenarios is that people depend on convenience over security people reuse passwords because it's convenient even if it's not all that safe but with google's password manager you get both security and convenience as google creates unique highly complex passwords for each of your accounts protects them using their advanced security and then automatically fills them back in when you need access and because it's built into your google account it has the added convenience of making those passwords accessible across any device anyway the reason i bring all this up is that i trust google products to keep me secure i mean my entire life and the lives of all our employees this entire business really just depends on the security of these channels which are literally accessed by a handful of passwords and with google i feel protected because not only are my passwords kept under their strict lock and key but google also notifies me each and every time someone tries to access my account or anytime they find one of my passwords has become vulnerable it allows me to stay secure without having to constantly worry about staying secure so if you're interested in learning more about how google helps protect your information online visit safer passwords easier option link is in the top line of the description thank you again to google for keeping me safe for the last decade and for sponsoring this part of the episode now back to the fictional scary stuff as you might have predicted felix with his alcohol issue is not fit to drive that night via the diary entries we learned that linda had officially left him earlier that day may 2nd and after drinking more at the school dance which guess things were different at school dances back in the 70s he gets lost on the drive back home and ultimately winds up in a horrific car crash that kills both of jack's children ed and molly terrified of what he's done and what he could possibly tell jack he buries the two kids as a cover-up for his actions this in turn is the memory that sophie needed to unlock you must find sophie this is this just got so much deeper than i thought and now i think i i know what's happening in the end we clearly see ed and molly depicted as two red children rise out of the ground and possess their gray stuffed animal rocket rabbits two children sharing one character wait is is rocket just the walton files equivalent of golden freddy did everyone realize that golden freddy actually had two spirits inside of one suit before i did what are the dates of this one walton files okay golden freddy spirit theory uh-huh okay i i was ahead of it by a little bit and then bunny farm ends on that uplifting note from here we get one final check in with our happy little animatronic family a final sequence of jump scares and uh that's it a somber ending to an intense three video ride of horror and tragedy and honestly it's a pretty tightly written episode in this one extended upload we get a lot of the answers that we were looking for last time who is sophie why is she important what she's supposed to remember check check and check we know all those things now but for everything that it explicitly answers bunny farm still leaves one of our biggest questions open-ended the biggest being where's jack his frantic phone calls to felix the night of the crash asking about his children are to date the last time we actually see or hear from him sometime in the next month after those calls he disappears the robots start acting funny the restaurant opens rosemary gets stuffed into shaw and things quickly close but whether that's jack getting stuffed into bond jack stuffing himself into bond william afton style or him just literally disappearing out of grief and despair in a quest to find some way to bring his kids back it's unclear after all someone caused the animatronics to go haywire before opening day of the restaurant could it have been jack and his grief maybe the evidence we have right now points to jack being dead or stuffed into the bond suit like you might expect in video one we get a brief glimpse of jack's missing poster which comes accompanied with a message of let me out of here and considering that susan in bunny farms says that she's alive inside the bany suit stuffed people in this universe appear to be conscious inside of their animatronic prisons for more proof of jack's fate though look no further than the actual farm in bunny farm you'll notice that even though the game in question is called bunny farm the farm actually belongs to a character named pete the hippo guess hippo farm doesn't have the same ring to it anyway during sophie's playthrough there's a lingered on shot of a plaque describing the whole area as being founded by a hippo named bobby with two children johnny and pete bobby who's now deceased year unknown had promised to build the greatest barn ever later this plaque changes to instead reference the deaths of ed and molly walton which by proxy would mean that bobby our dead hippo is then the stand-in for jack walton our dead or stuffed protagonist connected to that who or what is bon the animatronic money it's easy to assume that bonn and jack are one in the same if the bunny shaped animatronic rabbit foot fits wear it you know but i'm i'm just not convinced on one hand the springtrap connection of a morning father losing his mind and trying to put the pieces of a broken family back together is hard to deny on the other though i just don't see jack a loving father actively luring his loving wife rosemary to her death in the guise of bonn plus we get a few additional visual clues as to what might really be going on here throughout bunny farm we get the merging and separating of ed and molly as these two red child spirits we of course see them preparing for their school dance on the front steps of their house and we see both of their faces multiple times around rocket rabbit making it crystal clear that they're inside of that beloved toy but in a weird couple of creative decisions we also see them split out of bond multiple times during the night of the dance we see the bond player character wander around the school before passing behind a wall and suddenly on the other side we see ed and molly appear to hunt for their uncle and during the final jump scares of the bunny farm video we see bond glitching with overlays of two child spirits one boy and one girl so is bond responding to the presence of these two lost children are they inside of him his murderous intentions born out of their collective rage again just like we see with gold and freddy over in snaplan was rocket just a glorified vessel to carry him from one body to the next it's really unclear right now lastly though i want to talk about the identity of charles is he a walton a crankin at this point we have a clear idea of pretty much everyone else in the story jack rosemary sophie ed and molly are all one family felix was a friend and partner who ultimately separates from his wife linda susan woodings was an animatronic designer who just seems to be an employee kind of hanging out but everything about charles outside of his name is still a big question mark despite him being one of the main focuses of bunny farm that said i think i have an idea about his role in all this and the solution doesn't come in the form of secret unlisted videos or backwards text it comes instead in the form of martin walls other non-canon animated specials mixed into the release of the walton files as a pair of animated holiday specials the christmas special called boozooz ghost and the halloween special entitled the mysterious house both feature alternate versions of our beloved mascot characters both also start off as seemingly normal old-time holiday specials before becoming the corrupted nightmare fuel that you'd associate with this series to quickly summarize mysterious house is about a pair of trick-or-treaters who fall victim to a group of serial killers disguised as versions of bon sha philly and a bizarre new character called tva buzu's ghosts meanwhile is a surreal remix of a christmas carol that puts buzu or ring master in the role of the rich miser ebenezer scrooge and features a death scene where the censored face looks very similar to the contortions on charles that we see throughout bunny farm now i'm not suggesting that martin walls is lying about these being non-canon videos or anything what i am saying though is that they might be testing out ideas or inspired by things that are canon to the actual story and if that's the case bouzou being both a ringmaster i.e the head of a circus performance as well as the stand-in for ebenezer scrooge literature's most famous money-grubbing boss seems to be an intentional choice it implies that charles was in some way a higher up a boss maybe even the man supervising it all consider this as it's common with a series there's one final hidden url inside of bunny farm with a piece at the top of the video and a second at the end following that link leads you to a video called guilty where we watch the tragic downfall of felix from an enthusiastic young boss with a dream to a substance abuser lamenting his actions and it's in this video that we start to track the history of their company jack and felix found bunny smiles incorporated back in 1967 just two guys with a strange shared dream of bringing animatronic fun to the masses but in 1972 they sell to a new company cyber fun tech notice the logos and disclaimers on the title cards for all these videos felix even calls it out it's crazy how far we've made it just everything really the cyber fun tech deal the bonds burgers project it's incredible and this is a part of the franchise's lore that's really yet to be explored the need for jack and felix to actively involve a third partner possibly in the form of whoever actually ran cyber fun technologies a third partner who has monetary leverage to demand favors from one or both men to keep the business going in the direction that he wanted this i suspect is charles the mystery face that lives inside of buzu hence that character being depicted as both ringmaster among the robots and as scrooge in his animated special it's my belief that we're going to learn that charles is ultimately responsible for felix's mental collapse anyway with a new teaser out for installment for we may learn these answers sooner than later but at the end of the day what i love about the series is that it's a story about human characters in a world full of animatronics not a story about animatronic characters in a world full of humans what makes the walton file such an intensely disturbing story is that it's a family tragedy sure there's certainly terrifying imagery and sound design but it's just set dressing for real people going through intensely horrific situations life a lot of times is scary enough that's all you need the killer bunny robot that's just the cherry on top but hey that's just a theory a film theory and cuts [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh
Channel: The Film Theorists
Views: 7,651,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the walten files, the walten files 3, walten files 3, the walten files explained, walten files all tapes, walten files ending, walten files ending explained, fnaf, five nights at freddy's, security breach, fnaf security breach, fnaf security breach trailer, walten files, martin walls, walten files theory, film theory, film theorists, matpat, creepypasta, Online Security, Password Management, Password Manager, Cybersecurity, Google, the walten files reaction
Id: iwWGegRJhmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 29sec (1169 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 16 2021
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