GAME SINS | Everything Wrong With STAR WARS Jedi: Fallen Order

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[Music] [Music] Star Wars Jedi fallen order is yet another Star Wars game from EA said between the events of two trilogies with battlefront to set between Episode six and seven and this game falling between episodes three and four perhaps the execs at EA were grown in vats and never had to endure along car trips as children wedge between your big brother and that uncle who can never seem to find a job so let me point something out to them being stuck in the nebulous middle ground of two larger and more developed things is not a comfortable place to be how can I be bothered to care about a story when I know it's doomed by Canon do you suppose they pick Cameron Monaghan to play a Jedi from humble beginnings in this game because he also played the Joker in Gotham which coincidentally is the mirror opposite of Mark Hamill's career path who played a Jedi from humble beginnings and then went on to play the Joker I mean what are the odds there's something a bit unsettling about EA's handling of the Star Wars license essentially rather than craft a new and original experience their goal has been to see what other Star Wars games worked in the past and stant their own game using the mold hence we have two new battlefront games and now this which is either Jedi Outcast or the Force Unleashed to you depending on which generation of Star Wars you were born into picking the bones of the hero's journey clean are we start at lowest point supply a friend who suggests the protagonist has greater things waiting for them then killed that friend off by introducing the villain at this point it's as mind-numbing is reading the 10 paragraph essay on life and family every soccer mom writes in to their online recipe I just want to know how to make guacamole you tart not about how you spent five years working in real estate before quitting to make your children smile by making green smoothies I feel like someone would have made sure the ship that was being dismantled was nowhere near a large tentacle monster not because I believe that the Empire is any sort of concern for safety but because the industrial accident just cost the Empire a lot of good scrap [Music] while it's nice that cow was able to save prob with for stasis how did he save himself he fell from the same height as prof. and he didn't slow himself down trust in the force Cal has a dream of his former Jedi Master warning him in that Jedi is voiced by travis willingham once again playing a protector of the people the inquisition learned of kal using the force from a droid hovering around the ship when he saved prof which should mean they have video footage of that event they knew enough to know the person they were looking for was on this specific train car after all yet they don't know what Cal looks like either they know exactly who they were looking for or they don't and they would have to check a lot more people than this it seems the Disney era of Star Wars doesn't believe it can create a villain if it hasn't resembled Darth Vader in some way that's how we got kylo Ren and now the second sister who looks like Vader if he were gender swapped I just started getting warped I'm not sure what prof. was hoping to accomplish with his speech if he wanted to repay California he could have claimed he was a Jedi they were looking for this feels like he was trying to unionize which I'm also going to guess the Empire isn't too keen on this is the same person who will later lecture another character I'm not giving in to their anger did you know I thought it was the second sister who found him by killing prof thus making Cal attack with a lightsaber out of anger she just forced pushed him into you this game is like watching and eager to fit in teenager jump on fads as quick as he discovers them you end up with a game that features platforming and climbing sections from uncharted the map and exploration mechanics of Metroid Prime along with a combat at respawn systems of Dark Souls I suppose respawn did make a pretty okay game with his method but what you can't make is a memorable game doing one thing extremely well is preferable to doing three things at a passable level why are there so many stormtroopers stationed on a train that is just hauling scrap and why can't they order this train to stop like they did the one Cal was on before I see this game is following George Lucas's philosophy of every frame is sort dense Debra Wilson has been in just about every game I played this year and I honestly couldn't tell you the differences in each of her roles the only thing that stands out about this one is that her eyes look like they were about to pop out of her skull even when she closes them don't try and hurry or anything the Jedi you came all this way for is only escaping with your former master who you blame for everything bad that's happened to you that door it's probably not something you could expect to remain airtight once you fly into space it would also be welded shut and need to be pried open once they land track Imperial Communications we heard the inquisitors we're heading to Brock I imagine the inquisitors head to a lot of places do you follow them to every one of them and if you'd been doing that you would have run into your older print is a lot sooner this is about something bigger than just surviving like what like rebuilding the Jedi Order sara has a plan to rebuild the Jedi Order I mean we're only up to episode nine and that still hasn't been accomplished I'm sure that's going to pan out here in episode 3.5 you were talking in your sleep this is coming from someone that was staring at Cal as he slept Cal has a special force ability lets him experience memories imprinted on a certain object like Sarah's mandolin that power is not just useful to a Jedi but also to game developers looking for a gimmick for the trove of collectables they want to scatter around the maps but it requires someone strong in the force to pass its test Sarah wants Cal to investigate the Volta Morgana that she believes is the key to rebuilding the Jedi Order only a force user can do it Sarah's a former Jedi Master who severed her connection to the forest after she had an experience with the dark side but Cal is suffering from survivor's guilt after the Jedi died during order 66 and has lost most of his connection to the force apparently it's easier to work on someone else's problems than your own because of Sarah bothered getting over her own issue she could have done this a while ago share my plan after you reach the vault but until then there's someone here I think you should beat would it kill you to tell him beforehand what he's here to find and who he's going to meet having a robot claim to your back while climbing walls and fighting has to be a hindrance imagine a housecat clinging to your shoulder and I think you would see just how much of a problem it would become I'm not even sure how bt1 clings account it's not like it has claws in a game you're expected to ignore the Ludo narrative dissidents of the hero casually racking up a body count though it made Genghis Khan take a step back in her but basing a Jedi's leveling says someone how many people he's skewered with a lightsaber is a hard one to overlook Cal has a vision of his masters training whenever he recalls a skill he needs like wall running it is a respawn game after all but considering Cal was working in a ship cracking yard where there's no sure footing I'm quite certain the opportunity recall wall running would have come up back then at some point this game surprisingly returns to unlockables being found in game and not requiring a purchase well done but I get the feeling there's a bit of passive aggression in this decision since they all amount to which flavor a poncho you want to wear and what you want your lightsaber hill to look like basically the bottom tier unlockables in a loot box that exists only to keep you from getting the costumes you actually want I have placed inside this vault a Jedi holocron containing a list of the names and locations of young force sensitives throughout the galaxy maybe you should have considered worrying the Jedi of that impending doom or gathering up those children and teaching them the ways of the force regardless I don't see why Cordova was doomed to die he wasn't traveling with any of the clone troopers who would have killed him during order 66 let me just sit down in this pull of water rather than the dry Rock right behind me no my butt is uncomfortably wet like I wanted a holocron it stores information but only accessible to Jedi Gries doesn't know what a holocron is even though Sarah had one sitting on its kitchen counter a store brewing down there this might not be the best time to land something strange those winds are interfering with our comms hey Cordova mentioned something about peace in the eye of the storm I can just make out a settlement in the middle of it either that means this storm never fades or Cordova and some damn impressive foresight Brees mentions fo was his favorite place but seems surprised by the appearance of this storm like in Dark Souls whenever you use a bonfire or a meditation area in this case all of the enemies respond this works a bit better narrative Lee in Dark Soul since those games are all about cycles and the undead whereas in star wars Cal is cutting down living people when he fights a stormtrooper so am I to believe that while Cal is in a trance reinforcements showed up and resumed all the patrols or comrades died protecting this just goes to show that copying a good idea from one game takes a bit more than a straight copy-paste because now the rest and leveling up mechanic doesn't make much sense nor does it make any sense that you have to collect the experience you drop when you die if Cal dies how does he even come back and collect previous experience the tomb of Eliam illustrates the zepho ancient custom of rolling ball and wind puzzles truly a civilization ahead of its time a hallucination about being hit by rocks triggers Cal's training to use a force bush considering that later chaos to learn a separate ability to pull things toward him I have to wonder why force telekinesis is so mutually exclusive pulling and pushing shouldn't be that far away from each other on the spectrum normally in a Metroidvania style game you have one location that opens up gradually as you acquire new abilities but rather than take a world off one at a time before moving on to the next each world throws up a roadblock in the middle that stops Cal from progressing any further until he visits a different world and once he progresses enough there he encounters a new roadblock that has in return to the previous world meaning you have to visit every world twice to complete them if they were going to borrow the stasis puzzles from dead space why not borrow the decapitation mechanics from that game while they were at it Cal's lightsaber has no problem giving an alien or robot the business but storm troopers must beginning the blunt side since it only chars their armor like a campfire marshmallow a Padawan did she survive no there's no need for me to mockingly say gee I wonder who sayers Padawan was since it's so painfully obvious you're Finn Vader didn't also need to be the apprentice of an older Jenna who now mentors the protagonists I was stunned to learn this game was written by Chris Avalon the same man who wrote Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic to tell me we're not running that blockade Oh only as a last resort I've rigged the master transporter to transmit Imperial signals wouldn't they think it's highly suspicious that are broken down looking ship that is clearly not part of the Empire's fleet is landing on Kashyyyk where they are currently fighting an insurgency and considering them masking your signal to look like an imperial one works nineteen years later that's a pretty big hole in security that the Empire never plugs the helmets 8080 pilots where should keep them from being knocked out unless it's a Wookiee slamming them together Cal's physique makes even Luke look swell hey who are you Saul Guerrero from rogue one is here in a cameo representing Star Wars other pointless middle child where the two pilots Cal knocked out they should have been on the floor inside the cockpit be in touch with your ship you've done enough on this planet for now so stop looking for that wookie chieftain and go do something on a different planet we'll call you when you can progress further life can be full of annoyances like forgetting the one thing you went to the store to buy and only realize that once you return home meaning you have to go all the way back for it having what amounts to the same thing happen in a stories plot not once but multiple times is an intentional failure of the game design now that the ship has made it through the storm of zepho once it will never have to worry about it again Oh was it really that predictable you only met him the one time knew nothing of what he was doing or his objective and there's no reason to predict he would return to zepho since most would assume he left zepho after finding what he came here for the first time repeated repeated boss fights boss fights you fight Trillo four times in this game actually convenient how these energy walls always interrupt lightsaber duels I still wonder what purpose they serve besides that taking your helmet off for the big reveal doesn't really matter at the person you were talking to has never seen your face before it's not like this is gonna prove to him that you're trilha I always assumed that the dark side of the force tended to make one look more like their and herself twisted and warped hotness is the one thing that trumps the force of all I you manipulate me he says right before stopping in his tracks to allow Trillo to push all his buttons your new master harbors great darkness the look on her face when she saw what they had done to me as I am now she turned exposing her true nature she used the dark side of all the moments of weakness where one might give in to the dark side this one is the most justifiable I wouldn't think badly of someone who went into a rage over the mistreatment of someone they cared about but this sin is more of a generalized one for Star Wars as a whole over the concepts of light and dark as if justifiable anger doesn't exist since you're aware Sarah's on this planet why don't you attack the ship at the landing area it's not hard to find master djaro might want to step back a bit rather than stand in for the business end of a lightsaber while his Padawan trains to grab it with a force if a shock disk is that effective why doesn't everyone use them there's no one that those can't subdue and their only weaknesses character is never thinking to use them again Cal is captured by a bounty hunter who takes him off world to a combat arena they lock Cal in a Cell separate him from bt1 and his lightsaber but still expected him to free himself and find his way down to the arena for the battle there was an audience waiting for this fight what if he never left his cell where he remained unconscious for a few more hours and who are you why do blood sport arenas always attract the most annoying ring announcer possible well that little detour was pointless thanks for the memories I can accept that they use Imperial codes to get past the blockade the first time but by the time they returned to give Sheikh the Empire should have been on to them the Empire overran our position at the refinery he saw retreated offworld some of us have joined the Wookiee fighters in the forests I guess sauce cameo is over they would have been better off creating their own character who didn't have to disappear midway through the game with bounce pads and downhill slopes I'm assuming sonic also calls Kashyyyk home might as well be Green Hill Zone those are the same stems Kallen uses to Hill there's no way the dose for a human would have much effect on our bird of that size and if it did would mean the drug is so strong it would kill Kell not every animal you do a good deed for will they you write it and even fewer will know exactly where you want to go why is there so much blue food in Star Wars if witch's teleporting and reanimating the dead or kosher in Star Wars now then I think people are angry over the wrong reasons with current Star Wars media this is far more egregious to me than anything in the last gen I was right about you what Jedi are thieves and selfish liars who bring nothing but death I assume you mean the completely trustworthy man in a cloak Calmette earlier what about Cal's actions prove that claim true he's stolen nothing lied about nothing and only defended himself if I were you I'd be questioning the man who walks around in a cape right as Cal nears his reason for coming to Dathomir he recalls a day his master was killed during order 66 I don't think he ever forgot this moment but for some reason it affects him so strongly this time that he breaks his lightsaber I guess Cal wasn't sad enough yet for proper character development though it's hard to convince me of Cal Sun dilemma when he just brought down a giant bat while being tossed in the air not exactly the kind of thing a person with crippling survivor's guilt could pull off we need to get off this ship quickly get to the escape pods well what about you I won't create a distraction I need you since your goal is to escape together that seems like a terrible idea losing one weapon in a cutscene means you forget all knowledge of the force because earlier in the game Cal in this exact same situation had to remember for scrap training when he was a child the Clone Trooper who followed Jarrah went to the door doesn't bother taking a shot until the other clones are dead and this one doesn't even try to shoot him aiming at the door beside him despite how close they are it's amazing these clones managed to kill him later practice hallucinations will always tell you how much you suck leash a cow it's time I told you everything that happened to me when I escaped the Empire I would think the time to tell him was shortly after your old padawan showed up and started messing with his head instead you remained silent and allowed mistrust to grow but sure now is the time because Cal is in a slump I'm sure the story of how you were tortured and briefly gave in to the dark side to free yourself then cut yourself off from the force because you couldn't deal with it will greatly inspire him maybe give him some winter clothes instead of your old lightsaber that doesn't work anymore Cal should die quickly from hypothermia after a plunge into the water in an ice cave somehow bt1 recorded himself in third person in this Hollow bed Cordova wide media ones memory when they parted for hell if I know since he wanted these children trained as a safeguard against the destruction of the Jedi Order why didn't he do it himself instead of leaving it as someone else he was the only one who ever saw the end of the Jedi so he couldn't be certain there would be anyone left to find and trained the children and there's a bit of a time limit on this since kids grow up also since their specialty is decryption what couldn't she have just accessed all the information and media ones memory and skipped all the searching you're still Jensen it's good that you're motivated but you should still be freezing to death wrong to return well I'm glad we had that journey to another planet just so Cal could come back to Dathomir and prove he's no longer holding on a survivor's guilt this level was halted at the 99 percent completion mark just so you could do that Marin has taken off her hood that means she's more reasonable now as a reminder the last time Cal saw her she summoned a horde of undead sisters to attack him and Malik host nothing has changed since then to make her so much more reasonable not only does Marin look like a mortal kombat character she performs fatalities too good friend of mine told me to go out find my place in the galaxy did you listen Oh No but life has this funny way of forcing you're on the path forward anyway that funny way was my good friend being murdered because of me notice all Cal hasn't suffered any grief over profs death while djaro centum on a Vision Quest that's cool could you turn off all the zombies that you summon so Cal can get back to his ship safely No are you sure it's something you should find what do you mean the children on that list she'd taken from their homes to train as Jedi won't it be hunted like you it's a good question one they should've been asking themselves since the beginning along with how they would ever convince parents to give up their children for Jedi training when that would be painting a target on their back I need the rent hoping that we will finally find peace if you're going to create an ancient alien race that disappeared and then force the player to find the ruins of that race maybe have some payoff for it there was clearly some calamity the zepho suffered they left a warning which doesn't really warn of anything specific just to be wary of the dark side which is an exactly unknown information not even an explanation for our trilithon bargain Oh after all this place was on no galactic Maps also if trill is here why didn't she destroy the Mantis she couldn't have missed it it's right next to this place she even dropped stormtroopers here with seemingly no way for them to leave guess he made a mistake not killing me i'm brock event ask and mercy i waited one meaningless padawan again surprise that will we need the Emperor's favor you did nothing of the sort you tried your best to stop him on Branca you didn't even know Sarah was going to come after Keller that she was looking for the holocron when Cal grants trelles lightsaber he sees her pass through a force echo however he's never been left defenseless by these visions before also why didn't he see this vision of the past when Sarah gave him her old lightsaber on Ilum after all she was tortured just like trilha was present for this I know where she's taking it there's a fortress where they take Jedi with the inquisitors come from that's an assumption at best what if she took it straight to the Emperor on Khorasan or just transmitted the information in the holocron to the Empire already do you ever feel it's unfair how quickly non-player characters can get over the same thing that took the main character an entire game worth of growth and inner discovery to heal from by the right of the council by the will of the force calc Estes Rize night Congrats on your GED Jedi certification this isn't good with the defense's they got our usual tricks just aren't gonna cut it I think the Star Destroyers would have already detected you and how is this any worse than Equis Sheikh there were only two imperial star destroyers in orbit above that planet as well then why weren't you better prepared Kallen Sarah had an easy time sneaking into this fortress even when Darth Vader is shoehorned into a plot it's still worth removing a sin did she really though she recovered the holocron and it's still inside this room with you since Kallen Sayre haven't escaped yet meaning she's learned two Jedi who survived order 66 right to you Darth Vader has turned into Jason Voorhees in the way he can just inexplicably appear somewhere even when it makes no sense like here even though he destroyed the walkway leading to the elevator and then again at this door even though there was no way you can arrive here faster than Cal did this is an underwater hallway with no clear secondary path that could circle around yeah stop doing the thing that is keeping Vader from killing you since it's the dark side sometimes the light side of the force just seems really dumb how did Marin get down to the surface and how did she get Cal and Sarah back to the Mantis Kallen Sarah landed on the planet and drop pods in the ocean if Marin could just teleport herself and them back to the Mantis then she could have done the same to get them onto the surface or right into the room with a holocron their destiny should be trusted to the force maybe you should have just left the damn thing hidden then both the holocron clawed in the zepho plot amounted to nothing but then again we all knew that was going to be the case roll with the dockside
Channel: Dartigan
Views: 364,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: star wars jedi fallen order, everything wrong with star wars jedi fallen order, game sins, gaming sins, cinema sins, star wars, disney, dark souls, uncharted, star souls, cutscenes, movie, episode 9, trailer, dartigan, episode 8, episode 7, prequels, order 66, explained, lore, boss fight, ending, dar, darth vader, darth vader scene, cal, inquisition
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 09 2019
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